Blessing for the journey prayer. Prayer for the road. Orthodox prayer before dear St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

In accordance with Christian canons, prayer helps the believer in any endeavor. A sincere request for help and protection from the Lord or the saints will never go unanswered.

Traveling has always been considered a risky and serious undertaking that requires certain preparation. Not long ago, people gained the opportunity to travel by air, and although the plane is the safest form of transport, it is very difficult to overcome the fear of flying. Prayer for the plane ride will help with this.

Prayer for air travelers

When going on a long journey, it is best to choose a time and visit the temple. After confession and communion, the following prayer should be said before the images:

During the repetition of sacred texts, a person’s faith is strengthened, calmness and confidence in successful outcome trips. You can also pray for loved ones who are facing a long flight, for friends and relatives.

If you were unable to visit the temple, you can say the prayer immediately before boarding the plane or while already in the air. A prayer said in the air will help:

  • get rid of the fear of disaster;
  • cope with fear of heights;
  • strengthen faith in the positive outcome of the journey.

Deep and sincere faith when reading the sacred text will not only calm the mind, but also protect against any troubles during the flight.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

When setting off on a journey, you should definitely seek help from St. Nicholas, the patron saint of travelers and sailors. Nikolai's biography includes several cases of rescue of sailors in the most hopeless situations. Prayer for the journey by plane to Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the strongest amulet. Before traveling, you should visit the temple, light a candle in front of the face of St. Nicholas and read the following prayer:

The sacred text can also be pronounced directly in the air, turning to the saint with a request for a safe flight, and after a successful landing, be sure to thank him for his help.

A prayer for traveling by plane to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can also be said for close and dear people going on a trip. By reading it with sincere faith, you can protect them on difficult air travel.

I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers for the road, intended for the driver of the car.
If you drive a vehicle, you must understand that driving is directly associated with increased danger.
The roads are a mess these days, and avoiding a traffic accident is becoming increasingly difficult.
When going on a long journey or just driving out by car, do not be lazy and read at least several times the special prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
And make sure to bless your dashing car as soon as possible.

Prayer for the road to Nikolai Ugodnik

Before you get behind the wheel, say these prayer lines to yourself:

1. Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from reckless driving. On the road and on the way, at stops and stages, let Guardian angel protects me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. Thy will be done. Amen.

Another prayer, also addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, will protect you from meager people on the high road.
Consider it before a responsible route and long distance.

2. I turn to you, Nikolai Ugodnik, and pray for miraculous help. Save me from deep holes and ditches, from accidents and collisions. Turn drunk drivers and overzealous pedestrians away from me. Thy will be done. Amen.

The third prayer for the driver will help him avoid car breakdowns and inspectors stopping him.
It must be said when getting ready to travel and fearing being punished.

3. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Pleasant and Savior. Help me overcome a long distance and don’t bother me with an accidental breakdown. Don't let the inspector stop me, don't let the tire burst, don't let the car get damaged. Protect me from swift persecution and from the lumpy stone. Let it be so. Amen.

Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers that a driver should read before a dangerous road.
And then nothing will happen to you.
Take care of yourself on the roads!

Before a challenging trip, visit Orthodox church and submit a simple note indicating the names of everyone involved in the trip.
Place 3 candles each at the icon of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
While standing at the sacred image of the Pleasant, say these prayer lines to yourself:

4. Wonderworker Nicholas, protect travelers from evil incidents. Amen.
Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

Additionally, buy 12 more candles for your home and the icons listed above.
Collect some holy water for good.
The ideal option would be for each of the travelers to pray heartily in secluded silence.
Otherwise, pray for yourself and others.

5.Nicholas the Wonderworker, Defender and Savior. Before the long journey, let me turn to you. Traveling by land and water, by car and everywhere, by air and on an airplane, take care of the pilot. Help me not to go astray, protect me from terrible things. We have enough resources to keep the engine from burning out. Let our dashing fellow travelers not cause us any harm. Reject the evil misfortunes that are promised to us on the road. Thy will be done. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and drink holy water.
Put out the candles. Take away the cinders. You take icons with you on the road.
Be sure to give holy water to the rest of the travel participants to drink.

Prayer for airplane travelers

The morning of every Christian believer begins with prayer to the Almighty. Any work, any undertaking is preceded by a request to God; they call on Him both in joy and in grief.

Without the Will of the Lord, nothing happens in a person’s life, he is not accompanied by luck and happiness, there are no achievements, there is no well-being either in life or on the road.

Therefore, from the lips of every Orthodox Christian, when leaving home, and even more so when setting off on a long journey by air, a prayer should sound before air travel.

Why are prayers read?

Although the plane is considered the safest mode of transport, it is still a little difficult and uncomfortable to feel safe while being at an altitude of several thousand meters from the surface of the earth.

Before a flight, many passengers experience fear of heights, fear of a possible plane crash, and claustrophobia.

The upcoming flight causes stress for many people, so before the departure of the aircraft, a prayer should be constantly heard for those traveling on the plane.

Request before departure

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, command the elements and contain the whole handful, whose deeps tremble and whose stars are present. All creation serves You, all listen to You, all obey You. You can do everything: for this sake, you are all merciful, Most Blessed Lord. So even now, Master, accepting the warm prayers of these Thy servants (names), bless their path and air procession, forbidding storms and contrary winds, and keeping the air flown safe and sound. Giving them a life-saving and gentle passage through the air, good intentions Those who have done it happily will return in health and peace. For You are the Savior and Deliverer and the Giver of all good things, heavenly and earthly, and we send glory to You with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling on your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice: strive, servant of God, do not leave us in sinful captivity to be, so that we may not joyfully be our enemy and we will not die in our evil deeds: pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with your disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts , but in His goodness He will reward us: we trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and the troubles that rise upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mire of our passions: pray to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, may He grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation for our souls and great mercy, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living way, you willed to travel with your imaginary father Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mother to Egypt, and Luca and Cleopas to Emmaus! And now we humbly pray to You, Most Holy Master, and let this servant (name) travel with Your grace. And, like Thy servant Tobiah, send a Guardian Angel and mentor, preserving and delivering them from every evil situation of visible and invisible enemies, and instructing them in the fulfillment of Thy commandments, peacefully and safely, and healthily, and returning them safely and serenely; and grant them all their good intentions to please You safely and for Your glory. It is Yours to have mercy and save us, and we send up glory to You with Your Beginning Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O my Most Holy Lady, Virgin Theotokos, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the journey that lies before me, I now want to leave and for the time being I entrust to You, my most merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my mental and material powers, entrusting everything to Your strong gaze and Your all-powerful help. O my good Companion and Protector! I earnestly pray to Thee, that this path may not creep; guide me on it, and direct it, O All-Holy Hodegetria, as She herself did, to the glory of Thy Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be my helper in everything, especially in this distant and on a difficult journey, protect me under Your sovereign protection from all the troubles and sorrows that come our way, from enemies visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Your Son Christ our God, that He may send His Angel to help me, a peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian, yes just as in ancient times he gave food to His servant Tobias Raphael, in every place and at all times, keeping him on the road from all evil: so, having successfully managed my path and preserving me with heavenly power, may he return me to health, peace and completeness to my home for the glory of the name My Holy One, glorifying and blessing Him all the days of my life and magnifying You now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O passion-bearers of Christ, who courageously suffered in the city of Sebaste, we earnestly resort to you, as our prayer books, and ask: ask the All-Bountiful God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our lives, so that in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, having lived together, we will boldly stand before the terrible judgment We will stand before Christ and your intercession at the right hand of the Righteous Judge. To her, pleasers of God, awaken us, the servants of God (names), protectors from all enemies visible and invisible, so that under the roof of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until last day our life, and thus let us glorify the Great and Worshipful name of the All-Effective Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Children are especially vulnerable when traveling and need increased attention on the road, so you definitely need to pray for them. Thanks to mother's prayer Small child It will handle a long-distance flight without any problems.

Important! A child baptized in Orthodoxy must have a cross hanging around his neck. It is advisable to take holy water and a couple of prosphoras on the road.

A prayer for a safe air flight should be read at home before departure or while sitting in the aircraft cabin.

In a quiet and calm atmosphere, you can close your eyes and imagine that now you and the Lord are nearby, tell Him, even mentally, about your emotional experiences, ask for protection and tranquility during the flight, for a successful ending.

Preparing for the flight

  • it is advisable to visit the temple, pray, confess, take Communion;
  • give notes to the church shop for the health of yours and your family, friends, for the repose of your departed loved ones;
  • ask the priest for prayers for a successful journey and blessings before a long journey;
  • You can take with you on your journey an icon of the saint whose name you bear; it is also advisable to have with you the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra - it will travel with you and protect you from troubles;
  • take some holy water on your flight - during times of strong excitement, take a sip, and before taking your seat in the aircraft cabin, sprinkle it on the seat.

Flight behavior

  • during the flight, remain completely calm - everything will be fine;
  • do not create panic around yourself and do not convey your panic mood to other passengers;
  • during times of strong emotional excitement and anxiety, urgently read the prayer (aloud or silently);
  • remember that an Orthodox Christian is always under the protection of the Almighty and nothing will ever happen to him unless it is the Will of God;
  • After completing the flight, make the sign of the Cross and offer gratitude to Christ with the words: Glory to God for everything!

Do not neglect the above rules and prayer. After all, no one knows what awaits each of us around the turn of fate.

Advice! Believe in a miracle, believe that the Lord will hear and help! Don't panic, and if emergency situation on board the aircraft, try to calm the passengers and invite them to pray with you!

The Lord is always with us in happy, difficult and even the most terrible moments of life. Believe in God, love Him as the Holy Saints loved Him - then your life will go peacefully and calmly, and no one and nothing will be able to harm you.

Prayer for the road

What prayers are read on the way to yourself and your family?

Reading a prayer before traveling was previously considered a prerequisite for a safe journey. But even today such a ritual should hardly be neglected. After all, reading a prayer, you begin to understand that God is protecting you. There are many different prayers, so choosing the one that is closest in meaning for each specific case is not difficult.

Prayer to the Saints for well-being on the journey

Prayer to the Saints for well-being along the way, first of all, is needed in order to find inner peace that the trip will end safely and no extreme situations will arise throughout the journey.

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the most powerful, since he is considered the patron saint of all travelers. This is due to the fact that this Saint traveled a lot during his lifetime and often found himself in unpleasant situations. Therefore, before a long journey, you should order a prayer service in the temple.

You need to pray on your own before the road in front of the icon of the Saint, but the remarkable thing is that you can do this anywhere.

The text of the prayer should be said like this:

A short daily prayer for good luck when work involves travel

For people whose activities involve travel, you can use a short daily prayer for good luck. It allows drivers to protect themselves from a variety of unforeseen situations that may occur on the road. In addition, such a prayer calms and appropriately sets one on the road, sharpening the necessary natural reactions.

The text of the short daily prayer to be read in the morning is as follows:

Muslim prayers

Muslims believe that everything that happens in the world around us happens according to the will of God. Therefore, they turn to Allah in a variety of everyday situations. Of course, prayer before the road is obligatory according to the Muslim faith. Such a prayer calls for good luck on the journey and gives hope for a successful completion of the trip.

Most often, before boarding a vehicle or before leaving the house, the following prayer words are said:

A prayer before a trip should be said at Arabic, but it should be understood that when translated it means the following:

Driver's Prayer

The driver's prayer is powerful protective equipment. Therefore, you must read it before setting off.

Prayer for novice drivers

With the help of prayer, a novice driver will create a positive aura around himself and gain confidence, which is very necessary for driving a vehicle.

The words of the prayer appeal are as follows:

Prayer for those setting off on a road trip by car (for truck drivers)

A driver who sets off on a journey must recite a prayer. The following prayer must first be written on paper and kept near your body on the way. And before setting off on a journey, you need to read it, but so that no one hears.

The protective prayer appeal sounds like this:

Prayer for a car driver from Vanga

The famous healer Vanga offered her prayer for good luck, which can be used by the driver before setting off.

Charms for cars - the driver’s prayer on the icon and keychains

Keychains on which special prayers are written are considered strong amulets for the driver. Such items can be purchased, but in order for them to acquire magical protective powers, they must be charged with special words.

So, you should pick up an icon or keychain with a prayer and say:

Orthodox prayers for travelers

There are powerful prayers to certain Saints who will become reliable protection on the road.

A strong prayer to the Mother of God preparing for a long journey

The man who is going to long journey can use the following strong prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey by land and sea

Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors, so when going on a tour, be sure to read this prayer.

It sounds like this:

Prayer for safe movement on the waters to Barlaam of Keret

Sounds strong prayer of protection in the following way:

Prayer before departure on an air trip by plane

Flying on an airplane is stressful for many people. Therefore, before setting off on a plane trip, it is necessary to read a strong Orthodox prayer, which will allow you to calm down.

The text of the prayer appeal is as follows:

Prayer to protect relatives on the road

Prayers are often read with the goal of making the journey of one’s loved ones safe. These are very effective prayers, but they must be read sincerely.

Mother's prayer for children (for son, for daughter)

Due to their effectiveness, prayers for mothers on the road for their children are very popular.

A powerful prayer goes like this:

Prayer-amulet for a beloved husband from his wife

When a wife sends her husband on the road, as a rule, she experiences emotional distress. But if she prays for her husband’s successful journey, she will not only protect him from all unpredictable situations, but will also reassure herself.

Protective words before a long journey

There are events in our lives that break out of the usual and seem something new and, at times, a little dangerous. This category of events often includes various trips, travel and long journeys. For some people, such an event will be ordinary, for others it will be stressful, for some it will be an exciting adventure.

But there is something that won't stop any of them. This is additional protection. Prayer for the road can be used in the most different situations and a variety of people.

Who can resort to magical help

A distinctive feature of magical events on the road is that they can be performed not only by the person they are aimed at.

We will talk more about who can perform such rituals below:

Naturally, if a person wants to protect himself from various kinds of problems on the road, then he can read a special prayer aimed at protection. This will be an excellent solution for those who are not used to relying on luck, but like to do everything for sure.

  • To a loved one.
  • Both the first and second options are considered effective, helping the person to whom the prayer is directed to pass all the tests on the road with dignity and complete the journey safely.

    Ritual on the road

    If you are planning a short trip, long road or moving, then a prayer that should be read every day while you are on the road is perfect. It is necessary to read magic words early in the morning. By early morning we mean before eight in the morning.

    Please note that the words are read by the traveler himself.

    “Lord Almighty, Our God, I turn to you for support!

    I ask You for help, I pray for Your condescension!

    My journey is difficult, there are many obstacles on my way:

    People are bad, thoughts are crappy, problems are urgent!

    Save me, save me, guide me on the right path

    And help me not to leave it. Make it so that my dear

    It was smooth and even, problems and misfortunes were bypassed.

    So that this is how I set out on the road, and this is how I returned!

    I trust in Your help, I call for your support!

    I glorify Your name!

    Before the trip

    When someone in your household has a long journey ahead, you can perform a ritual for that person’s well-being. It is done the night before the journey. The loved one to whom the prayer is directed should already be asleep.

    You need, while in the room with him, to read the magic words:

    “I direct my prayer to the Lord God!

    I ask for help and support for my loved one!

    He has a long road ahead, I ask for his peace and well-being.

    Lord, do not leave him in trouble, take people with unclean thoughts away from him,

    Worry about his health and peace of mind,

    So that the road is easy, so that time passes unnoticed!

    I’m not asking for myself, but for God’s servant (name),

    Don't leave him, don't turn away, support him!

    This prayer is only suitable for baptized people. You need to read it seven times, after which the ritual is considered completed and you can go to bed. Believe in the help of magic - and yours close person will be under her protection.

    Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Among all the helpers, there is one who always helps travelers and wanderers - Nicholas the Wonderworker, by sending prayers to whom you find a patron and helper.

    “Oh, Saint Nicholas, hear us (names of travelers),

    And pray to the Lord God for us, that He may be merciful to us,

    He did not repay our deeds, but was lenient.

    Deliver us from misfortunes and sorrows along the way,

    Let me not get bogged down in the abyss of sin.

    Pray for us, Nicholas, for a peaceful life, for salvation, for our souls!

    The magic words are repeated only once, but you need to read the prayer from time to time if you are on the road for quite a long time.

    Also an excellent option would be the image of Nicholas, which should always be kept with you. You need to take out the icon when the prayer is being read. In addition, you need to treat her carefully and respectfully, since this attitude may determine whether he will help you or not.

    In any case, on the road, in order for everything to be fine, you should behave the same as in ordinary life. Our whole life is a road, so try to walk it with dignity, and God will help you with this.

    In addition to the image of St. Nicholas, it is recommended to take your own amulet on the road. Because it is during travel that the power of amulets and talismans intensifies, and the effect is much more intense.

    If you don’t have a personal magical item, then before your trip it’s time to get one. You can choose something according to your horoscope, depending on your year of birth, or you can use the experience of our ancestors by making a traveling bag of earth from your yard.

    The road ritual is an excellent option for a person who is about to travel, travel, or move. Such a ritual protects him from various kinds of troubles, problems, bad people And magical influence. Read the prayers exactly according to the instructions and believe in their effectiveness. Only in this case will the rituals help you and your loved ones.

    Complete collection and description: prayer for travelers on the road for the spiritual life of a believer.

    What prayers are read on the way to yourself and your family?

    Reading a prayer before traveling was previously considered a prerequisite for a safe journey. But even today such a ritual should hardly be neglected. After all, reading a prayer, you begin to understand that God is protecting you. There are many different prayers, so choosing the one that is closest in meaning for each specific case is not difficult.

    Prayer to the Saints for well-being on the journey

    Prayer to the Saints for well-being along the way, first of all, is needed in order to find inner peace that the trip will end safely and no extreme situations will arise throughout the journey.

    The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the most powerful, since he is considered the patron saint of all travelers. This is due to the fact that this Saint traveled a lot during his lifetime and often found himself in unpleasant situations. Therefore, before a long journey, you should order a prayer service in the temple.

    You need to pray on your own before the road in front of the icon of the Saint, but the remarkable thing is that you can do this anywhere.

    The text of the prayer should be said like this:

    A short daily prayer for good luck when work involves travel

    For people whose activities involve travel, you can use a short daily prayer for good luck. It allows drivers to protect themselves from a variety of unforeseen situations that may occur on the road. In addition, such a prayer calms and appropriately sets one on the road, sharpening the necessary natural reactions.

    The text of the short daily prayer to be read in the morning is as follows:

    Muslim prayers

    Muslims believe that everything that happens in the world around us happens according to the will of God. Therefore, they turn to Allah in a variety of everyday situations. Of course, prayer before the road is obligatory according to the Muslim faith. Such a prayer calls for good luck on the journey and gives hope for a successful completion of the trip.

    Most often, before boarding a vehicle or before leaving the house, the following prayer words are said:

    The pre-trip prayer should be said in Arabic, but it should be understood that when translated it means the following:

    Driver's Prayer

    The driver's prayer is a powerful protective tool. Therefore, you must read it before setting off.

    Prayer for novice drivers

    With the help of prayer, a novice driver will create a positive aura around himself and gain confidence, which is very necessary for driving a vehicle.

    The words of the prayer appeal are as follows:

    Prayer for those setting off on a road trip by car (for truck drivers)

    A driver who sets off on a journey must recite a prayer. The following prayer must first be written on paper and kept near your body on the way. And before setting off on a journey, you need to read it, but so that no one hears.

    The protective prayer appeal sounds like this:

    Prayer for a car driver from Vanga

    The famous healer Vanga offered her prayer for good luck, which can be used by the driver before setting off.

    Charms for cars - the driver’s prayer on the icon and keychains

    Keychains on which special prayers are written are considered strong amulets for the driver. Such items can be purchased, but in order for them to acquire magical protective powers, they must be charged with special words.

    So, you should pick up an icon or keychain with a prayer and say:

    Orthodox prayers for travelers

    There are strong prayers to certain Saints that will become reliable protection on the road.

    A strong prayer to the Mother of God preparing for a long journey

    A person who is going on a long journey can use the following powerful prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

    Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey by land and sea

    Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors, so when going on a tour, be sure to read this prayer.

    It sounds like this:

    Prayer for safe movement on the waters to Barlaam of Keret

    A strong protective prayer sounds like this:

    Prayer before departure on an air trip by plane

    Flying on an airplane is stressful for many people. Therefore, before setting off on a plane trip, it is necessary to read a strong Orthodox prayer, which will allow you to calm down.

    The text of the prayer appeal is as follows:

    Prayer to protect relatives on the road

    Prayers are often read with the goal of making the journey of one’s loved ones safe. These are very effective prayers, but they must be read sincerely.

    Mother's prayer for children (for son, for daughter)

    Due to their effectiveness, prayers for mothers on the road for their children are very popular.

    A powerful prayer goes like this:

    Prayer-amulet for a beloved husband from his wife

    When a wife sends her husband on the road, as a rule, she experiences emotional distress. But if she prays for her husband’s successful journey, she will not only protect him from all unpredictable situations, but will also reassure herself.

    Prayer for the road trip by car to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Good day everyone! We will be glad to see you on our video channel on YouTube Video Channel. Subscribe to the channel, watch the video.

    Any trip, regardless of the purpose, by car, train, plane, ship is associated with a risk to people’s lives. Orthodox people read a prayer for their well-being before starting any business. A motorist’s prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps relieve stress and lift the spirit. After all, the road can become a source of danger.

    Why do people pray to the Holy Saint

    The most popular Saint to whom people turn in prayer before going on a long trip is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Very often, in a minibus, in a taxi, or just in a car, you can see the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, and even if the driver does not believe in God, he believes that the Holy Pleasant prevents serious accidents.

    One driver's brakes failed and last minute he remembered St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and began to ask for help. The car stopped a few meters in front of the obstacle. Drivers are sociable people; they tell stories of miracles of salvation from death at the mention of the Saint.

    Despite traffic police rules and fines, the number of accidents on the road is not decreasing. If a serious and careful driver is driving a car, the culprit of the traffic accident may be another dashing driver. Therefore, any vehicle is a source increased danger and is subject to compulsory insurance. It became popular for the new machine to illuminate and place the image of the Saint.

    The life of Nicholas the Wonderworker was shrouded in many miracles, and after his death he was elevated to the rank of Saint and close to the Lord. Therefore, asking Saint Nicholas for help is tantamount to turning to God.

    How to read a prayer correctly

    Preference is given to requests made at the divine temple. You should buy three candles and light them for the three saints Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant and the Mother of God. Read the text of the motorist's prayer:

    “Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from a reckless ride. On the road and on the way, at stops and stages, may the Guardian Angel protect me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. Thy will be done. Amen"

    While reading, you should follow a few simple rules:

    • Prayer words should be read three times a day home environment in front of the images of the Saints with lit church candles.
    • It is important not just to read, but also to understand the meaning of the words read.
    • Prayer words are said alone, so that no one disturbs.
    • At the end of the request, you should thank the Saint for listening.

    Prayer words for travelers

    Usually they prepare for a long trip in advance, but there are situations when you need to quickly pack up and leave, and there is no time. It is very good when relatives or close people pray for those who are driving or traveling as a traveler. Such a prayer for those traveling by car to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has powerful power, because it is a manifestation of the highest faith and love that the Holy Saint was endowed with. Faith must be sincere and real without doubt in the soul and heart.

    If a driver prays while driving, then he pronounces the words to himself and does not get baptized. On any trip, it is advisable to take with you an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or a strong akathist amulet to St. Nicholas. This is a collection of prayers and all texts must be read in a row. An icon is, first of all, the protection of a person, but not a car.

    If there is no text of the prayers, then you can ask for help in any words, you can copy the text of the prayer onto a piece of paper and carry it with you.

    The road is always difficult both physically and mentally. If a person is a fellow traveler, he should not distract the driver or interfere with his concentration. The driver's work is always difficult; he must brake and change lanes in time, and the slightest mistake can cost him and his passengers their lives. You should not slander and gossip; this refers to sinfulness.

    When facing an unfamiliar road, you should ask for support in an unfamiliar place. To avoid death on the way, sacred ministers recommend reading troparia to Nicholas of Lycia and a prayer for health. The troparion is read at the time of a sudden threat and unforeseen situations with the car, a punctured tire, a noisy radiator, bad weather conditions, fog and ice. Drivers who give way should be thanked for their mercy, aggressive drivers should be allowed ahead and not come into contact with them.

    Prayers for the road trip by car to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    For a long time in Rus' it was believed that the road is not just a period of time for a person, but also a test. On a long journey Orthodox people prepared and turned to the sacred minister so that he would give a blessing. Prayers on the road help you find the right mood and blessing.

    There are three prayers for the driver. The first is pronounced when he gets behind the wheel:

    “Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from a reckless ride. On the road and on the way, at stops and stages, may my guardian angel protect me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. Thy will be done. Amen".

    The second one before a responsible and long journey:

    “I turn to you, Nikolai Ugodnik, and pray for miraculous help. Save me from deep holes and ditches, from accidents and collisions. Turn drunk drivers and overzealous pedestrians away from me. Thy will be done. Amen".

    Third, to avoid breakdowns and traffic police officers:

    “Nicholas the Wonderworker, Pleasant and Savior. Help me overcome a long distance and don’t bother me with an accidental breakdown. Don't let the inspector stop me, don't let the tire burst, don't let the car get damaged. Protect me from swift persecution and from the lumpy stone. Let it be so. Amen".


    Prayers for the road

    Lord, you are the judge of the whole Earth

    And you don't like lies.

    Accept my prayer

    Give me your strength

    So that my enemies visible and invisible

    They have become like pillars where your strength will meet.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

    And now and ever and unto ages of ages.

    I'll go out of the house and out the gate

    In the direction where the hunt is.

    I won’t go astray from the path,

    And I will find goodness everywhere.

    I won’t stumble, I won’t hurt myself,

    I will return to the house with luck.

    “Where to hunt” is the purpose of the trip.

    “I won’t go astray” - knowing the route.

    “And I won’t face trouble” - understand in literally collision.

    Such prayers have been around for several centuries. If they were passed down from generation to generation, it means they helped our ancestors. Let's hope they will help us.

    Ahead is Jesus Christ,

    Behind, the Mother of God begs,

    To all bosses, judges,

    He begs and leaves without consequences.

    Amen, Amen, Amen.

    Lord Jesus Christ, appear to me at this moment, give me patience so that I can endure it to the end. (pain, loss, betrayal, etc.)

    Hallowed be Thy Name, yes kingdom come Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen.

    Let my amulet protect him on the way, so as not to drink bitter water, so as not to get lost in a strange forest, so as not to break on sharp cliffs.

    Let the red sun help him, so that the path is clear, let the gentle moon help him and be kind to him like a mother, let the violent winds help him, let them not rage, just whistle, so that his wings are fast, so that the long journey is shortened and they turned towards their native nest.

    So that the nest does not stand empty, so that the orphaned family does not suffer.

    Great Archangel Michael, help me, your sinful servant (name).

    Deliver me from coward, flood, fire, sword, from vain death, from all evil and evil.

    Spare me Great Michael Archangel of the Lord and Governor heavenly powers and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

    and the Elders of Optina:

    Lord, give me s peace of mind to meet everything that this day will give me. Lord, let me completely surrender to Your will. Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Lord, let me act wisely with each of my neighbors, without upsetting anyone or embarrassing anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of this day and all the events during it. Guide my will and teach me to pray and love everyone unfeignedly. Amen.

    Prayer for the car driver, 3 prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers for the road, intended for the driver of the car.

    If you drive a vehicle, you must understand that driving is directly associated with increased danger.

    The roads are a mess these days, and avoiding a traffic accident is becoming increasingly difficult.

    When going on a long journey or just driving out by car, do not be lazy and read at least several times the special prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    And make sure to bless your dashing car as soon as possible.

    Prayer for the road to Nikolai Ugodnik

    Before you get behind the wheel, say these prayer lines to yourself:

    Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from a reckless ride. On the road and on the way, at stops and stages, may my guardian angel protect me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. Thy will be done. Amen.

    Another prayer, also addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, will protect you from meager people on the high road.

    Consider it before a responsible route and long distance.

    I turn to you, Nikolai Ugodnik, and pray for miraculous help. Save me from deep holes and ditches, from accidents and collisions. Turn drunk drivers and overzealous pedestrians away from me. Thy will be done. Amen.

    The third prayer for the driver will help him avoid car breakdowns and inspectors stopping him.

    It must be said when getting ready to travel and fearing being punished.

    Nicholas the Wonderworker, Pleasant and Savior. Help me overcome a long distance and don’t bother me with an accidental breakdown. Don't let the inspector stop me, don't let the tire burst, don't let the car get damaged. Protect me from swift persecution and from the lumpy stone. Let it be so. Amen.

    Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers that a driver should read before a dangerous road.

    Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant on the road

    Every trip, regardless of the means of transportation, is associated, in addition to pleasant impressions, with risks and worries along the way about its successful completion. Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for travelers helps Christians overcome fears and protects travelers on the road.

    Unfortunately, a method of teleportation has not yet been invented - moving to Right place by the power of thought. So a person constantly has to face difficulties on the road. The least trouble is a minor breakdown of the vehicle in which he travels. And even then, it is the smallest if the wanderer does not fly on an airplane or sail on a ship in the middle of the endless ocean.

    Rapidly increasing driving speeds have significantly increased the risk of accidents for road users. Daily reports are terrifying with the number of fatal accidents. Plane crashes and incidents involving passenger trains are common. Danger is always where you don't expect it.

    Even taking all precautions, a traveler cannot be protected from sudden problems while traveling.

    But with prayer on the way to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the heart calms down and anxiety for one’s life and the life of loved ones subsides.

    Nicholas, who once saved sailors from death among the raging elements of the sea, rightfully became the protector of sailors and travelers. St. Nicholas is especially revered by drivers - taxi drivers, truck drivers, racers - whose work involves constant travel, most of whose life is dedicated to the road. Every avid motorist always has a small icon with the image of the Saint attached to his car in a visible place.

    Rules for offering prayer to the Wonderworker

    Of course, it is always better to read prayers in church in front of the images, after going to confession and receiving communion. This can be done in advance before setting off on a long journey. It is also possible to perform the prayer sacrament at home: in front of the image of the Saint with lit wax candles, read the text of the prayer for travelers three times and christen yourself with a sign.

    A relative or spiritually close person can pray for travelers; you can ask your confessor to turn to the Saint in prayer.

    It won’t hurt to take St. Nicholas’ akathist on a long unknown journey - a small collection of prayer stories that will come in handy in a difficult, unpredictable situation. As soon as a complication appears, take the akathist and read all the texts in a row.

    But if fate found you on the road, and only a small icon of Nicholas is at hand, or maybe even that one is not there - what then? Don’t worry, it’s worth calling on the Miracle Worker for help in this situation too. The main thing is that your faith is real, sincere and strong. You may not even know the text of the prayer by heart (although Orthodox Christians who observe church canons are required to know them) and may not have a written prayer with you.

    Pray from the heart in your own words, ask for help from Nicholas, from the Almighty, from Mother Theotokos. Read the “Our Father” many times in addition to the prayer to St. Nicholas. Help from above will certainly come, no matter where you are.

    Types of prayers for travelers

    The number of dangers that lie in wait for one’s travels has given rise to prayers with different semantic meanings. They all rise to Saint Nicholas, but contain different goals.

    In order not to get lost on the upcoming path, especially if you are traveling to an unfamiliar area, where, perhaps, even mobile communications no, before the road, read the Prayer to the Wonderworker for well-being on the road.

    If prayer is needed to protect yourself from sudden death, you should read the troparion to Nicholas of Lycia and the prayer to the Wonderworker for health.

    The troparion to the patron saint of travelers is read at the moment of threat, when road complications suddenly arise: gasoline runs out, a tire is punctured, the radiator “boils,” the weather worsens.

    You have a unique opportunity to write an online letter-note to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with your request.

    There are sacred texts addressed to the Lord and the Mother of God: prayers before setting off on sea or air travel, prayer before leaving the house, the driver’s prayer, etc. All of them can be recited on the icon of the Saint, because the servants of the Lord are assigned to the Almighty to convey to him the prayers of those asking .

    Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Saint in historical churches, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. In Christianity he is revered as a miracle worker and considered the patron saint of sailors, merchants and children.

    Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the road: comments

    Comments - 12,

    Recently I traveled with friends to another country (we spent holidays together) and decided to pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the way. I even recommended it to friends and went to church together. Suddenly on the road we have a misfortune - the engine breaks down! The situation was hopeless, but the prayers were not in vain - a passing auto mechanic helped us. Our families are still amazed at this miracle.

    Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, help us on the road today, protect us from an accident, so that we are not detained at checkpoints, so that we have a successful trip, thank you, Nicholas the Wonderworker, may the angel protect us

    useful prayer...I really liked it...I want to take it with me on the road...

    Holy Miracle Worker Mikolayu...I’m getting old me so that everything goes well at the border with my documents..amen

    I ask you, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, help slave Andrei on the road, keep him on the right path.

    Please tell me what prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is necessary if we are going on a long journey by car

    I ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help on the long journey for my son Vladimir, save him on the road Nicholas the Wonderworker, pray for him and ask our Lord Jesus Christ to help my son on the long journey and a successful return home, thank you Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you to help us on the train journey, and on have a good holiday Artemia, Mikhail, Indira!! Save and preserve

    In the time of our grandmothers or great-grandmothers, each person had his own spiritual mentor who taught Right way. Before any decision, a believer went to his mentor for his advice, including before setting off on a journey. The spiritual mentor blessed the man for bon voyage, now the man was calm and confident that they would pray for and protect his soul. Prayer for the road, it is this prayer that your spiritual mentor reads, thereby protecting you from everything bad that can happen to you. And in past years, people took this very seriously and responsibly, and the connection between the mentor and the believer was very strong and strong.

    But in our fast, modern world there is, unfortunately, a very small percentage of people who have a spiritual mentor, not to mention the fact that someone will bless him and pray for his soul when he goes on a long journey. Maybe the reason is that people in the modern world travel around the world without problems, and without even thinking that something could happen to them, since the transport industry is now very well developed. Today a person is in Europe, and tomorrow in America, no, not one place where a person could not get. But people from the last century did not travel around the world like we did.

    Prayer is the communication of the human soul with the highest creator of the world. And all the same, no matter how modern we are, it is necessary to devote a little time to prayer.

    Especially if you are going to travel, you need to prepare not only financially, but also spiritually. It is not necessary to have a spiritual mentor; you can read a prayer for the road yourself, the main thing is to believe in what you say. Ask God to protect and protect you along the way. And it doesn’t matter where you are going, and what you will do on your journey, and the main thing is that prayer will always be with you on the way. The best prayer, which is intended for a long journey, is a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, because it is Nicholas who is considered the patron saint of all wanderers.

    There is one prayer that applies to all saints, the main thing is to substitute the desired name:

    “Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (for example, Nicholas), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

    A few prayers that you need to at least write down and read before going out, and they will additionally protect you from all evil.

    Your work is directly related to a car, or with constant travel by car over long distances, you need to choose a prayer that will become near and dear to you. The prayer on the road by car should be with you and every time before leaving you should say it to yourself.

    The very first prayer should be addressed to your car:

    “There is an island on the sea, on the ocean. There is a damp oak tree on the island. In that iron oak there is an iron man. That iron man cannot be given a drink, he cannot be fed anything, he cannot be broken in two, he cannot be cut into three. He doesn’t beat, doesn’t crumple, doesn’t prick, the Mother of God prays for him, grieves for him, suffers, and reads the security certificate for him. Honor, Mother of God, also about me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever. Amen".

    Prayer “For preservation and help along the way”

    “God, the All-Good and All-Merciful, protect everyone with Your mercy and love for mankind, I humbly pray to You, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save me, a sinner, and the people entrusted to me from sudden death and all misfortunes, and help us to deliver unharmed to each one according to his needs. Dear God! Deliver me from evil spirit recklessness, evil spirits drunkenness causing misfortune and sudden death without repentance. Save me, Lord, with clear conscience live to see old age without the burden of people killed and maimed due to my negligence, and may he be glorified your name holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    Flying on an airplane is no different from flying a car, it's just a different type of transportation. Prayer for traveling by plane will calm you both psychologically, if you are afraid of flying, and spiritually. There is a special prayer for people going on air travel, which must be read before the flight.

    “Lord Jesus Christ, our God, command the elements and contain the whole handful, whose deeps tremble and whose stars are present. All creation serves You, all listen to You, all obey You. You can do everything: for this sake, you are all merciful, Most Blessed Lord.

    So even now, Master, accepting the warm prayers of these Thy servants (their names), bless their path and the air procession, forbidding storms and contrary winds, and keeping the air boat safe and sound. Giving them a saving and calm passage through the air and the good intention of those who accomplished it, they will return joyfully in health and in peace.

    For You are the Savior and Deliverer and the Giver of all good things, heavenly and earthly, and we send glory to You with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

    Any woman, whether she is a boss or a housewife, her main concern is family and home. And the first child that God gives to a woman is her husband. After all, literally all the husband’s health, work, rest and much more depend on the wife. A husband and wife are two dear people who feel each other while being at a great distance. A wife’s prayer to her husband can only be compared with a mother’s prayer to her child. A woman by nature is inclined to create panic, worry, if her husband does not answer the phone, the woman is ready to raise everyone's ears. Therefore, praying for your husband’s journey will help save him not only from troubles, but also directly gain peace and confidence that everything will be fine with your husband, since he is under God’s protection. Dear women, read a prayer for your husbands every morning for the journey.

    “My all-merciful Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God Mary, Mother of God, My Undoubted and Only Hope. Do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not retreat from me! Intercede, ask, hear, see, Lady, help, forgive, forgive, Most Pure One! Amen. Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    The most precious and precious thing in the life of any mother is her children. And it doesn’t matter daughter or son. A mother's desire is always that her children are always happy and healthy. After all, for God we are also his children, and he prays and suffers for us, so that you and I can live in peace and goodness.

    A prayer for the son’s journey will keep him safe and sound, since the mother’s faith is very strong and true, it cannot be bought.

    “Dear Lord God, I come to You in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, and I ask You for my son (name). Heal his wounds, anoint him with Your precious oil, and give Your Divine peace and Your love in the heart of my son (name), so that his heart does not harden, keep him in your hand and lead him along the roads of life, teaching and instructing how to behave in life. difficult situations, give Your Divine wisdom and fill your heart with love for the perishing world, protect it from every destructive ulcer, anoint it with Your precious blood. I believe with all my heart that You are always there and help you overcome difficulties. Thank you, Father, for Your love and mercy. Amen".

    No matter where you or your loved ones are going, remember that you need to behave on the road the same way as in life. Believers believe that the life of any person is a long road along which it is necessary to walk with dignity.

    Be correct, but at the same time you don’t need to teach someone or impose your point of view; you shouldn’t chat in vain on the way either. And always have a St. Nicholas icon with you. In this article I talked about some prayers that you don’t need to know by heart, but at least write them down and keep them with you.

    When you get behind the wheel, board a plane, or your loved ones are on the road. Read them a prayer for the journey, and send God’s protection to them.
