Minimum Unified State Exam scores in TSU. Faculties and specialties of TSU, passing scores. University with the same name

The university trains doctors, pharmacists, and medical and preventive specialists.

VSMU is one of the leading educational and research institutions countries with a contingent of students. This is one of the oldest universities in Russia. Its history dates back to 1802 - the date of foundation of the University of Dorpat, which in 1918 moved to the city of Voronezh. In 1930, its medical faculty became an independent medical institute.

Today the university is included in the top ten medical universities Russia. Since its founding, it has trained over 40 thousand specialists, including foreign specialists from 56 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.

The university actively conducts research activities. A department for scientific and innovative activities (UNID) was created at VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko to carry out effective scientific and innovative work, ensuring the fullest use and development of scientific potential and material and technical base scientific research university.

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The success of every person is determined by timely and the right choice professions. All modern applicants understand this. They, dreaming of an interesting and well-paid job, often have difficulty making a choice. Which specialty and which educational institution should you focus on? People who are thinking about this can choose the Voronezh Medical Academy (University), because from ancient times to this day professions medical workers continue to be noble, in demand and competitive in the labor market.

The first pages of history

Voronezh State medical Academy is one of the oldest educational institutions in our country. Its history began in 1801, when in the northwestern region Russian Empire Dorpat University was opened. In 1893 this educational institution was renamed. It was named Yuryev University, and in 1918 the history of this university was completed due to the occupation of the Baltic territory by German troops.

Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko studied at Yuryev University during its existence. It is his name that the modern Voronezh Medical Academy (University) bears. This man graduated from the educational institution in 1906. Burdenko studied brilliantly. He received his medical degree with honors. After completing his studies, Nikolai Nilovich began practical work. In 1917, he returned to his native university and received the position of head of the department of surgery.

Work after 1918 as part of VSU

In 1918, the Russian teaching staff of Yuryev University arrived in Voronezh. Among the visiting professors was Burdenko. Also, part of the educational institution’s property was evacuated to Voronezh. All this served as the basis for the creation of a new university. In November 1918, Voronezh State University (VSU) opened its doors to students.

The university included 4 faculties. Among them was medical structural subdivision, which once existed at Yuryev University. One of the most active organizers of this faculty was Burdenko. When the university started operating, he became the head of the department of the faculty clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of VSU, and opened special courses for students and doctors in military field surgery.

Work after 1930

Faculty of Medicine as part of Voronezh state university existed until 1930. In December, it left the university and became an independent educational institution - a medical institute. It is this date that is considered the founding date of the Voronezh Medical Academy.

The medical institute at that time had only 2 faculties - medical and sanitary-hygienic. On the first of them, development curriculum was provided for 5 years, and in the second - for 4 years. In 1933 organizational structure The university was replenished with another department - the Faculty of Maternal and Child Health.

War and post-war years

Until 1941, the medical institute gradually developed and strengthened its position in the educational sphere. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War there was a threat to the continued existence of the university. In connection with this, the educational institution was evacuated. In 1941 he was sent to Krasnoyarsk, and in 1942 - to Ulyanovsk. In 1944, the medical institute returned to its hometown of Voronezh and began to restore educational activities. The training of students began at the medical and pediatric faculties.

The organizational structure of the university was not replenished with new divisions for a long time. Only in 1957 did the educational institution have Faculty of Dentistry, and in 1961 medical institute has its own Dental clinic. Other important events took place in the following years:

  1. In 1977. The university was named after N. N. Burdenko, the person who made a significant contribution to the development of the institute.
  2. In 1994. The educational institution has increased its status. The institute was transformed into an academy.
  3. In 2006 year. The educational organization received the Order of M. Lomonosov for its significant contribution to the development of healthcare and domestic medicine.

Medical Academy today

Voronezh State Medical Academy named after Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko is currently a university. It represents a large and significant educational institution. The university has 9 buildings. There are 73 classrooms in the main building, 40 in the educational and laboratory building, and at the bases medical institutions Voronezh - 300. 28 lecture rooms are equipped for conducting lectures in the main building and at the bases of city medical institutions.

The academy, which has become a university, pays great attention to practical training, because every student must acquire all the necessary skills while still at the university. The educational institution has created a simulation and training center and is currently investing heavily in it to purchase modern equipment. This department of the university has:

  • showrooms;
  • classroom for interactive lectures, equipped with a projector;
  • computer lab with information panel;
  • various phantoms, mannequins, simulators.

Scientific activities of the educational institution

Voronezh State Medical Academy named after Burdenko is developing 11 scientific schools on laser therapy for diseases internal organs, clinical immunology, cardiac surgery, pediatric nephrology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, etc. The university has a Research Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine. It has a center for collective use, which provides employees of the educational institution with various relevant and popular biomedical research.

results scientific activity educational institutions are quite good. In 2016, the university took part in an all-Russian competition called “University Science Relay.” According to its results, VSMU became the winner and entered the top five medical educational organizations in our country. In total, the university presented 30 scientific and innovative projects at the competition. All of them received the highest marks from federal experts. One project earned a special award - the award of the Council of Rectors of Pharmaceutical and Medical Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation in the category “Best 10 scientific projects in the field of preventive medicine."

International activity

Voronezh Medical Academy Burdenko actively cooperates with foreign organizations. One of the university’s partners is the Hamburg Institute of Hematology, Charité ( university clinic Humboldt University of Berlin and Free University of Berlin). VSMU interacts with foreign organizations on the problems of studying molecular morphology, conducting research in the field of endocrinology, periodontology and orthodontics.

Work in the field of international activities is also being carried out to attract foreign applicants to the university, because here you can get high-quality higher education. In 2015, the share of students who were citizens of other countries was 7.36%. In 2016, this figure increased to 8.32%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the university

The characteristics of the Voronezh Medical Academy named after Burdenko indicate that the educational institution is good, effective, and has sufficient material and technical resources. VSMU has developed personnel, innovation and scientific potential, and has reputable scientific schools. Modern educational technologies are actively used and international connections are established.

At the same time, the university also has disadvantages. Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. Burdenko are following weak sides:

  • wear and gradual aging of the material and technical base;
  • aging of highly qualified teaching staff;
  • discrepancy between the level of material support for university employees and working conditions with European standards and the status of a leading university.

Demand for VSMU among applicants

Employees of the Voronezh State Medical University note one trend that is important for applicants: the number of applications submitted is growing every year, and the passing score is increasing. All this indicates that the university is becoming more and more popular and interesting for young people. In 2017, the university recruited for 5 areas. 2,653 applications were submitted to them. The competition was more than 6 people per place.

After analysis admissions campaign In 2017, university staff came to the conclusion that the passing grade at the Voronezh Medical Academy was:

  • 249 and 144 points for " medicine»;
  • 249 and 143 points in “dentistry”;
  • 241 and 130 points in “pediatrics”;
  • 206 and 138 points in “pharmacy”;
  • 214 and 125 points in “medical and preventive work.”*

* The first number is the passing score on a budget, and the second is the passing score on commercial places.

Student evaluation of the university

Voronezh State medical University Over the years of its existence, it has earned both positive and negative reviews. Good opinion expressed by students who are satisfied educational process, availability budget places at the university. At the same time, students note that studying at the university is difficult. There is a great demand from students, because their future work will be very responsible. A minor mistake can cost a patient his life.

IN negative reviews Most often they write about corruption. Some students claim that there are teachers at the university who demand money for retakes. At the same time, management asks all people to complain about corruption. When extorting money, senior employees advise contacting the dean’s office or the vice-rector for educational work.

Voronezh Medical Academy (University) is a university where students not only study, but also develop in personal and creatively. Volunteer movements, teams to help the disabled and children are organized here, artistic and creative groups work, and there are sports sections.
