The influence of water on the adult body. The importance of water in human life, its types and properties. What types of water exist and how does silver water affect health?

Water is part of tissues, without it it is impossible normal functioning the body, carrying out the metabolic process, maintaining thermal balance, removing metabolic products, etc. Dehydration of the body by just a few percent leads to disruption of its vital functions. The lack of water during the day (especially in hot areas) already has a negative impact on a person’s morale, reduces his combat effectiveness, volitional qualities, and causes rapid fatigue.

Loss of large amounts of water by the body is dangerous to human life. In hot areas without water a person can die in 5-7 days, but without food a person can live if there is water long time. Even in cold zones, a person needs about 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day to maintain normal performance.

The amount of water required to maintain normal water balance in the body

Average air temperature, °C Minimum water requirement, liters
32 - 3
26 - 1,9
21 - 1,5
15 - 1,4
10 - 1,3
4 - 1,2

If the amount of water that a person loses reaches 10% of body weight per day, a significant decrease in performance occurs, and if it increases to 25%, this usually leads to death. However, even with a large loss of water, all disrupted processes in the body are quickly restored if the body is replenished with water to normal levels. Knowing the signs indicating a lack of water in the human body, you can approximately determine the percentage of dehydration relative to body weight. Signs indicating a lack of water in the human body: 1-5% - thirst, bad feeling, slower movements, drowsiness, redness in some places of the skin, fever, nausea, upset stomach; 6-10% - shortness of breath, headache, tingling in the legs and arms, lack of salivation, loss of ability to move and impaired speech logic; 11-20% - delirium, muscle spasms, swelling of the tongue, dullness of hearing and vision, cooling of the body.

At a temperature environment air +30°C even 20-25% dehydration is easier to tolerate than dehydration of 10^-15%, but with more high temperature air. You can live without food for almost a whole month, without water - 3 days.

Erratic, excessive drinking impairs digestion, creates additional stress on the cardiovascular system and kidneys, and leads to an increase in the release of a number of substances valuable to the body through the kidneys and sweat glands (for example, table salt). Even a temporary overload of water disrupts the working conditions of the muscles, leads to rapid fatigue, and sometimes causes cramps. Insufficient water intake also impairs normal functioning body: body weight falls, blood viscosity increases, body temperature rises, pulse and breathing increase, thirst and nausea occur, and performance decreases. The feeling of thirst is determined by the fact that the amount of fluid in the body decreases, the concentration of salts in the blood increases, and the thirst center signals the need to consume water. The minimum amount of water required to maintain water-salt balance during the day (drinking norm) depends on climatic conditions, as well as the nature and severity of the work performed. For climatic conditions middle zone Russia with minimal physical activity it is necessary to consume 3.5 liters of liquid with food and drink; at physical work moderate severity- up to 5 l; for heavy work outdoors - up to 6.5 liters. It is necessary to take into account that apples and fruits are equivalent in weight to water. A pound of apples eaten equals 1/2 liter of liquid.

Proper drinking regime is especially important to observe in conditions in which it is lost a large number of liquids. This often happens in hot climates, when working in hot shops, during prolonged and significant physical activity (for example, during training and competitions, mountain climbing, marching, etc.). Residents of areas with hot climates can completely quench their thirst only after eating and strictly limit fluid intake between meals. It is best to use tea, which increases salivation and eliminates dry mouth, and also add fruit and vegetable juices or their extracts to the water. In hot shops, it is healthier to drink sparkling water or dried fruit infusions. Athletes are advised to quench their thirst only after finishing exercise. While doing the exercises, you should rinse your mouth and throat with water. It is more useful to quench your thirst during mountain ascents only during large rest stops. To avoid indiscriminate drinking and the introduction of excess liquid during hikes or on the march, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of liquid before the performance, refrain from drinking at the 1st and 2nd small rests, then drink no more than 1-2 glasses of water at 3 -m and 4th. You can drink to your heart's content at a big rest stop.

If you follow the drinking regime correctly, your performance will remain intact and your body will not be dehydrated or overloaded with fluid.

Various parts human body contain a significant amount of water: vitreous The eyes consist of 99% water, the blood contains 83%, adipose tissue - 29%, the skeleton - 22%, and even tooth enamel -0.2%.

Water with organic compounds dissolved in it inorganic substances necessary for cell life. It makes up 80% of a child's weight and 70% of an adult's weight. Part of it is inside the cells and is called intracellular fluid. About 30% of the body's water is contained in the intercellular substance. This is intercellular, or interstitial, fluid. Blood plasma makes up 5% of body weight (about 3 liters) and ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, which reach individual cells through the intercellular fluid.

The share of intercellular, or interstitial, fluid accounts for about 12 liters. She happens to be external environment for cells that extract salts from it, nutrients, oxygen and into which they release metabolic products.

Intracellular fluid makes up about 50% of body weight. It is located inside cells, contains electrolytes (potassium, phosphates), nutrients (glucose, amino acids) and, thanks to constant enzymatic activity, ensures metabolic processes.

The exchange of tissue fluid occurs as follows: on the one hand, the hydrostatic, or mechanical, pressure of the plasma is higher compared to the intercellular fluid, and therefore it tends to go beyond the blood capillaries. On the other hand, proteins in the plasma that cannot penetrate the intercellular fluid create high osmotic pressure, due to which fluid from the tissues rushes back into the bloodstream. At the arterial end of the capillaries, the hydrostatic pressure is higher than the osmotic pressure, causing fluid to pass into the tissues. At the venous end, hydrostatic pressure decreases and osmotic pressure increases, so fluid flows back into the capillaries. Normally, the volume of fluid leaving the capillaries is greater than that entering them back. Excess intercellular fluid is released from tissues through the lymphatic system.

The exchange between intercellular and intracellular fluids depends not only on osmotic pressure, but also on the selective permeability of the cell. a membrane that is freely permeable to substances such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and urea. Other substances have different concentrations inside and outside the cell, which is associated with their active transport across the cell membrane. For example, potassium accumulates predominantly in the intracellular fluid, and sodium accumulates on the opposite side:<леточной мембраны. (Калий и натрий - электролиты.) Человек за день теряет примерно 2600 мл воды: 1500 мл - с мочой, 600 мл - через кожу, 400 мл - через легкие, 100 мл - с калом. Таким образом, за день необходимо выпить примерно 2,6 л воды, из них для образования мочи - 1,5 л. Образование меньшего количества мочи может привести к повреждению мочевых путей и к образованию камней в почках. Без воды человек не может злтть более трех недель. И если физиологическим сигналом голода служит снижение количества глюкозы в кро-зи. то чувство жажды возникает из-за увеличения в крови концентрации соли и глюкозы, которое быстро нормализуется при питье воды.

Water cleanses the body of toxins and is necessary for the processes of digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion. It promotes the transfer of nutrients throughout the body, helps restore cells and tissues.

For all acute diseases, diarrhea, febrile conditions causing high temperature; with increased heart rate, since the body uses a significant amount of water during these periods (through the lungs, skin, urine, etc.);

With a rush of blood to the internal organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen, stomach) and with inflammation in them; with a rush of blood to the abdominal organs and generally to the lower part of the body, for example, with hemorrhoids, poisoning of the liver, kidneys, etc.;

With delayed blood circulation and improper distribution of blood, with stagnation in the glands, with internal and external neoplasms, cysts, polyps, abscesses, growths, deposits;

To remove bile for jaundice and uric acid for joint diseases;

With the accumulation of breakdown and metabolic products in the body.

With the help of liquid - sweat - various toxins and all sorts of waste products of metabolism are released from the body. The body cleanses itself through the pores just as effectively as through other excretory systems. Perspiration and sweat are also necessary in order to rid the body of excess heat and maintain a normal temperature in the body. Water plays an extremely important role in all life processes, not only as an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body, but also as a medium in which various physiological transformations associated with the life of the body take place. People who do not drink enough fluid often suffer from anemia and indigestion. In this case, their rectum is contaminated and the body is forced to absorb spoiled foods.

Excess water entering the body leads to swelling. On the contrary, increased excretion of water, for example, during diarrhea and (or) vomiting, causes pathological dehydration. The oxygen contained in water is essential for the oxidation of food. Moreover, it is necessary for almost all metabolic processes occurring in the body and ensuring their vital functions.

It is harmful to drink a lot of water on an empty stomach, immediately after exercise, and especially after a bath on an empty stomach. You should drink water slowly, in small sips. When swallowing water, try to hold it in your mouth for a while. This method of drinking is very useful. Drinking very cold water is harmful, and if there is no other choice, then you should drink such water after eating a sufficient amount of food.

Water plays a huge role in nature. After all, it was the sea that became the cradle of life on Earth. Ammonia and carbohydrates dissolved in sea water in contact with certain minerals at a sufficiently high pressure and exposure to powerful electrical discharges could provide the formation of protein substances, on the basis of which the simplest organisms subsequently arose. According to K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the aquatic environment helped protect fragile and initially imperfect organisms from mechanical damage. The land and atmosphere subsequently became the second place of life for living beings.

In the primary water shell of the Earth there was much less water than now (no more than 10% of the total amount of water in reservoirs and rivers at present). An additional amount of water appeared subsequently as a result of the release of water that was part of the earth's interior. According to experts, the Earth's mantle contains 10-12 times more water than the World Ocean. With an average depth of 4 km, the oceans cover about 71% of the planet's surface and contain 97.6% of the world's known free water reserves. Rivers and lakes contain 0.3% of the world's free water.

Glaciers are also large reservoirs of moisture; they contain up to 2.1% of the world's water reserves. If we imagine for a moment that all the glaciers suddenly melted, the water level on Earth would rise by 64 m and about 1/8 of the land surface would be flooded with water. During the era of glaciation in Europe, Canada and Siberia, the thickness of the ice cover in mountainous areas reached 2 km. Currently, due to the warming of the Earth's climate, the boundaries of glaciers are gradually retreating. This causes water levels in the oceans to slowly rise.

0.0005% of the total supply of free water is concentrated in the atmosphere. Its supply occurs mainly due to evaporation from the surface of the seas and oceans - about 86%, and only 14% due to evaporation from the land surface. The amount of water vapor in the surface air is not constant. Under particularly favorable conditions, evaporation from the underlying surface can reach 2%. Despite this, the energy of water movement in the seas is no more than 2% of the energy of air currents. This happens because more than 1/3 of the solar heat absorbed by the Earth is wasted to evaporation and goes into the atmosphere. In addition, a significant amount of energy enters the atmosphere due to the absorption of solar radiation passing through it and the reflection of this radiation from the earth's surface. The radiant energy of the Sun and the vault of heaven passing through the water surface reduces its intensity by half already in the upper half of water due to strong absorption in the infrared part of the spectrum.

A person can live without nutrients for several weeks, but without water he can live no more than 3 days. To ensure normal existence, a person must introduce into the body approximately 2 times more water by weight than nutrients.

On average, the body of animals and plants contains more than 50% water. In the body of a jellyfish it is up to 96%, in water bodies 95-99%, in spores and seeds from 7 to 15%. The soil contains at least 20% water, while in the human body ash is about 65% (in the body of a newborn up to 75%, in an adult 60%). A loss of body water of more than 10% can lead to death.

How much water should a person drink?

Each person, depending on age, consists of 60%-80% water. Every living organism on the planet contains this universal liquid. In order for a person to be in good shape and, as a result, feel healthy, he needs to consume a certain amount of food every day. amount of water. Again, depending on the age of the body, it is necessary to consume different amounts of this liquid. In resolving this issue, the opinions of scientists from different countries differ. Russian scientists claim that in order for a person to be healthy it is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of water daily, their Japanese colleagues claim that the required amount is 3 liters.

Water in the body performs various functions; we will discuss them in detail below.

  • removes toxins from the body, toxins - harmful substances for the body, a large amount of which affects a person’s well-being.
  • delivers essential nutrients to cells.
  • dissolves necessary substances in the body that take part in the digestion process.

The conclusion is this: the more food a person consumes in his diet, the more he needs to drink. quantitywater. Fans of alcoholic beverages know that in order to avoid headaches in the morning, it is necessary to drink a large amount of water before going to bed.

The disagreement between Russian and Japanese scientists is based on the fact that these two countries eat completely different foods. Proportion required amount of water in the body it’s approximately like this - the more food you eat, the more fluid you need to drink. If you are a person, then less water should be consumed.

Because of lack of water in the body There can be various serious consequences - creaking in the joints, dry skin, the appearance of kidney stones. You should drink only purified or thoroughly filtered water.

On lack of water in the body indicates many factors such as - in the morning the urine has a strong bad odor or an unbearable odor of sweat. These factors require serious attention. When the level of water in the body is sufficient, the sweat will be completely odorless and you can forget about deodorants. Since sweat removes various types of toxins from the body, it is because of this that it has a bad smell. When a person drinks the right amount of water, this liquid takes on the function of removing these harmful substances.

Each person personally chooses for himself how much water he needs to drink and feels lack of water in the body. But when the symptoms listed above appear, it is necessary to increase the amount of water consumed.

There are times when water can be harmful. A large amount of liquid causes harm, since it contains various enzymes; due to their large amount in the body, toxic intoxication occurs.

People ask nutritionists many questions related to water consumption, below we will answer some of them.

Is it necessary to drink water before eating food? Before eating, drinking a glass of water will fill the volume of the stomach, but there are no calories in water and it is not possible to get enough of it. However, drinking water will not give you the opportunity to sit down and, as a result, gain unnecessary kilograms. In the process of losing weight, water is indispensable - it removes excess waste and toxins from the body and, thanks to this, can significantly speed up the process of burning fat.

Is it required drink water while intoxicated? During the feast, nutritionists strongly advise drinking a glass of water between glasses. This procedure must be carried out in order to prevent dehydration of the body, especially in summer. Dehydration of the body is quite a dangerous phenomenon, in some cases it can lead to serious consequences and even death. As mentioned above, in order not to feel the consequences of yesterday's feast in the morning, you need to drink a large amount of water before going to bed.

How much water should you drink during the summer season? In the summer, the amount of water contained in the body begins to decrease through sweat secretions, and as a result, the amount of blood circulating through the vessels also decreases. This leads to thrombosis, which in turn leads to heart attack and stroke. To protect your body from such negative consequences, you need to carefully monitor the body’s water balance. The amount of water you drink must be increased in proportion to the temperature increase. If the ambient temperature is within 20-22 degrees Celsius you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, at 26-28 degrees - increase to two liters a day, and if 32-34 - then drink at least three liters a day! This is especially true for people who have high blood pressure.

Do I need to specifically drink liquid, even if I don’t feel like it? The human body itself communicates when water is needed, the feeling of thirst is responsible for this, if it exists then drink water It’s a must, if you’re not thirsty then it’s not necessary. But it should be remembered that after eating to improve digestion drink water necessary.

How is water removed from the human body? Water is removed in the following ways:

  • through the kidneys - the largest amount, about one and a half liters per day.
  • through the lungs - up to 400 milliliters.
  • through the intestines - up to 200 milliliters.
  • through the pores, especially in the summer - from 300 to 400 milliliters, in the summer this value increases, also if a person is engaged in heavy physical labor or sports, then he sweats more and the amount of water that leaves the body in the form of sweat also increases.

During the summer season, experts strongly recommend drinking herbal tinctures or warm green tea, they perfectly quench your thirst. It should also be remembered that in the heat a person loses not only a large amount of water, but also salt, so you need to drink slightly salted mineral water.

How much water should you drink to lose weight? As mentioned above, water deceives the body - you want to eat less and removes harmful substances from it. The ideal ratio of water consumed is 30 milliliters per kilogram of weight. Drinking more than normal is not recommended. Each person can easily calculate the required amount of liquid. Consumption throughout the day should be distributed as follows - drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, the remaining amount should be divided throughout the day - half an hour before eating and 1, 1.5 hours after it. To lose weight, you need to use only drinking water - tea, juices and other liquids do not count.

If the body is not accustomed to consuming as much water as necessary for the formula, you do not need to force yourself, the amount of water you drink should be increased gradually. Soon the body will get used to drinking the right amount of fluid.

In order not to forget about the next adoption water, the container with it should be placed in a visible place. You should also remember that you won’t be able to lose weight with water alone; you need to remember to exercise and have a balanced diet.

Interesting facts about water.

  • The cleanest drinking water in Finland.
  • If a person does not drink water for a long time, his body begins to dehydrate, and as a result, death. Residents of desert regions are well aware of this fact.
  • People who drink 5-7 glasses of water daily reduce the risk of heart attack. Since water increases the ability of blood to circulate in the vessels and in turn prevents thrombosis.
  • Water is a carrier of serious diseases. 20 million people die from such diseases every year.
  • More than a billion people on the planet do not have access to quality drinking water. These are mainly residents of backward or compliant regions of the planet, where high-quality drinking water is worth its weight in gold. A greater number of diseases are recorded in these regions through the consumption of poor-quality drinking water.
  • Scientists still cannot answer the question of why warm water forms faster in ice. water, this experiment was carried out in a large number of laboratories around the planet.

Water- an essential liquid for the human body. Without it, a person cannot be healthy. It has a number of specific and unique functions. But you should also remember that you need to monitor the quality of drinking water, it needs to be settled or filtered - these days this is not a problem. This liquid is a source of vitality and energy for any organism on our planet.

Every day absolutely every person needs water. Scientists have proven that a person who drinks clean drinking water is healthier than a person who consumes other drinks.

It is important to note that no other drink contains as many necessary and beneficial components for human health as simple drinking water. Doctors advise that for the normal functioning of the human body, one must drink at least 1.5-2 liters of plain drinking water per day.

A person who consumes the required amount of drinking water per day is healthier and looks better than one who does not follow such a regime. At one time you need to drink approximately 300 ml of water at intervals of 2-3 hours. In hot weather or heavy physical activity, naturally, you need to drink a little more water than usual.

Natural drinking water

Water contains a large number of substances beneficial to the human body. In addition to the fact that water gives the body the necessary saturation with liquid, it also gives a person energy, vigor, corresponds to good digestion of food and has a good effect on brain function.

Dietitians advise those people who want to lose weight to drink plenty of water, as water helps speed up the body's metabolism for more efficient fat burning. Regular drinking of water helps get rid of swelling.

What are the dangers of not drinking enough water into the body?

1) In the body of any person who consumes an insufficient amount of drinking water, there is a decrease in the ratio of the mass of water in the cells of the human body with the mass of water in the intercellular space. This has a bad effect on the functioning of cells, as well as on the cells of the human brain, stomach, kidneys, liver and skin.

2) Dehydration of the body occurs (dehydration). This leads to metabolic failure. Dehydration causes swelling in the face, arms and legs.

3) With insufficient or no water, the kidneys begin to store water, which leads to poor urination. And also harmful substances remain in the body - waste products, which must be eliminated through urination.

4) There is a feeling of terrible thirst, which gives discomfort to the human body.

What kind of water should you consume?

To ensure that your body always remains healthy, pay a little more attention to the consumption of natural drinking water. And remember that caring for your body always leads to good health and positive results! If you want to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, then use water delivery like ours

Lately we hear more and more often the phrase: “You need to drink more water - at least 2 liters a day.” How true is this statement? I decided to figure it out and understand accordingly what the importance of water is in a person’s life and what the benefits of water are for the body, how much water you need to drink per day, what kind of water is better to drink and how to do it correctly. I hope this information will be useful to you too.

Personally, I drink little water and, frankly speaking, I can’t imagine how you can drink so much, because in addition to water you also drink other liquids (tea, coffee, juices). The only thing I've trained myself to do is

Water = Life = Health - can these words really be put next to the equal sign?

The importance of water in human life

It is a well-known truth that water is the source of life on Earth. Man is part of this life, and it is not surprising that our body also consists of water. There is no exact figure, as it depends on many factors. For example, depending on a person’s age, an embryo consists of 97% water, a middle-aged person - 65 - 70%, and the older a person is, the lower the percentage of water in his body. The amount of fluid depends on a person’s physique - the fuller he is, the less fluid.

Literally every organ of ours contains water, some have more, some have less. For example, in the blood - 83%, in the bones - 15 - 20%, brain, heart, muscles - 76%.

This means that not a single process in the body can do without water:

  • water helps convert food into energy,
  • delivers nutrients to all cells of our body,
  • participates in cleansing blood vessels, joints,
  • dissolves mineral salts and removes toxins, waste,
  • regulates body temperature.

Scientists, studying blood, have proven that the cause of many modern diseases is dehydration.

We have figured out what is the best water to drink, now an important point is how to drink water correctly and what time of day is best.

How to drink water correctly throughout the day

Of course, you can drink water chaotically, but if we want water to bring benefits to our body, then it is advisable to adhere to some recommendations:

  • do not drink water quickly, it is better to take small sips;
  • The first glass of water should be immediately after sleep on an empty stomach;
  • If you exercise in the morning, drink a glass of water after your workout. If your training takes place at a different time of the day, then it is recommended to drink water before and after physical activity; it is not prohibited to drink during training;
  • do not drink water during meals, doctors recommend drinking at least half an hour before meals and no earlier than 40 minutes after meals;
  • It is advised to drink a glass of water after each trip to the toilet;
  • do not drink too cold or too hot water;
  • It is recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before bedtime.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water?

  1. It is believed that large amounts of water consumed impair the functioning of the kidneys. The question is how big? It turns out that healthy kidneys can pass up to 20 liters of fluid per day. I don’t think even water-drinkers can drink that much water. Restrictions are possible only for people with serious kidney and heart diseases. In this case, the water regime must be agreed with your doctor.
  2. There is an opinion that a large amount of water consumed washes out not only toxins from the body, but also useful microelements. Yes, this is indeed possible, but only if you drink at least 6 liters of water per day. It's not a small volume either.
  3. It is believed that frequent consumption of water causes hunger. There is some truth in this, but this is provided that you drink cold water. Water at room temperature acts as a “filler” for the stomach, and as we know, there are no calories in water, which means there is no harm to our figure from such a “filler.” Even nutritionists advise that if you feel hungry, drink water; thirst is often confused with hunger, and this feeling is often eaten rather than washed down.

I told you about the importance of water in human life and what are the benefits of water for the body, how much water should you drink per day, what kind of water is better to drink and how to drink water correctly throughout the day. And I think you are convinced that water is truly a life-giving benefit for our body. And this benefit is available to everyone, you just need to develop another good habit - drinking water, and we now know how much water to drink per day.

P.S. If you were inspired by this article and decided to start this useful habit, but in the bustle of the day you forgot to drink water, in no case in the evening do not turn on the “feeling of guilt” and do not make up for lost time. This will not bring any benefit, but swelling, both internal and external, will help. Let go of the day with gratitude, and the next day don’t forget that you now have a new healthy habit - drinking more water.

As Dr. Dindlar said:

There is no such thing in nature that would cure all diseases, but if there was one, it would be water when used correctly.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

1. First of all, you need to remember that the human body is 60-70% water. Therefore, the quality of your health directly depends on the quality of the water you consume.

2. Europeans drink 15-20 times more bottled water than Russians. It is not surprising that the average life expectancy in Europe is 82 years, and not 65 years, as in Russia. In addition to various drinks, drink at least 2 liters of plain water per day.

3. Be sure to drink a glass of water in the morning: during the night our body loses from 600 to 1000 ml of liquid, this supply must be replenished before you start eating. Do not replace water with tea, coffee, juice or milk!

4. Why do we drink little water? It turns out that the signals given by the brain about a lack of water are very similar to the signals about hunger. And of course, instead of drinking a glass of “tasteless” water, we put something tasty into our mouths to please our taste buds, washing it down with something sweet. The body never received water.

5. Losing weight without water is impossible! The body, without receiving adequate amounts of water, is not able to effectively process fats. Exercising on a treadmill or giving up sweets will not lead to the desired result if you do not drink water in large quantities.


"2. Europeans drink 15–20 times more bottled water than Russians."
And Caucasian centenarians drink much less bottled water than Russians. So what follows from this?
How the bottled water sellers strive to deceive everyone. After all, even a fool understands that in Russia the average life expectancy is low due to the fact that Russians drink a lot of alcohol and its substitutes.

"Be sure to drink a glass of water in the morning: our body loses from 600 to 1000 ml of liquid overnight, this supply must be replenished before you start eating. Do not replace water with tea, coffee, juice or milk!"
PUREEST LIES. At night and with low-calorie diets, glycogen is consumed in the body and WATER is FORMED.
“When switching to a low-calorie diet, the body begins to use glycogen reserves, and the water released in the process is excreted in the urine. Kilograms also “flow away” with water: in the first week of a low-calorie diet, a person can lose up to 4-4.5 kg. That is why low-calorie diets give immediate results, but this “success” does not last long."
“Glycogen is not stored in the body in its pure form, but bound with water, so burning glycogen is accompanied by rapid weight loss (the released water is removed from the body).” Both quotes from here
Quote from the textbook “Normal Human Physiology” by B.I. Tkachenko. ( page 635:
“Each gram of glycogen, for example, contains 1.5 ml of water, each gram of protein - 3 ml of water. With its participation, cell membranes, transport particles of blood, macromolecular and supramolecular formations are formed.
In the process of metabolism and oxidation of hydrogen separated from the substrate, endogenous “oxidation water” is formed, and its amount depends on the type of decomposing substrates and the level of metabolism. Thus, at rest, during the oxidation of 100 g of fat, more than 100 ml of water is formed, 100 g of protein - about 40 ml of water, 100 g of carbohydrates - 55 ml of water. An increase in catabolism and energy metabolism leads to an increase in the volume of endogenous water produced."
So there is no point in drinking water in the morning.

Juice and milk contain about 85-95% water, and tea and coffee contain about 100% of that same water, which is H2O, and which for the body is absolutely equal to water from any other source, even from food.

"4. Why do we drink little water? It turns out that the signals given by the brain about a lack of water are very similar to the signals about hunger."
If the human body confused thirst with hunger, then humanity would have died out long ago. Imagine that a man walking through the desert with a jug of water and a bag of crackers confused thirst with hunger and ate crackers instead of water. He will quickly die without leaving any offspring from such a fool.
Wow, throughout the history of evolution, humanity and its ancestors drank water according to their thirst, and yet humanity has not yet died out. And suddenly some American “gurus” appear (all the stupidity in dietetics usually comes from the USA) and tell naive suckers that until now humanity has been eating and drinking water incorrectly and that we need to eat and drink differently. Who do they take us for? For complete idiots, or what?

“The body, without receiving adequate amounts of water, is not able to effectively process fats.”
The Tuaregs and other tribes in the Sahara Desert often lack water, but no one has ever heard of the abundance of fat people among them.
The body processes fats not with water, but with hormones.
Lipolysis (fat consumption) is enhanced by certain substances produced in the body: catecholamines, glucagon, thyroxine (thyroid hormone), glucocorticoids, growth hormone, ACTH, as well as physical exercise, stress, fasting, and cooling. And lipogenesis (fat formation) is enhanced by prostaglandins, nicotinic acid and insulin, the production of which is stimulated by ANY carbohydrates. There is NO WATER on this list. More information about this can be found in textbooks of physiology and biochemistry for students.
Different people have different baseline levels of fat-forming and fat-destroying hormones and physiologically active substances, and these levels often differ greatly from person to person, so different people have different abilities to consume and produce fat.
That is why there are people in the world about whom people say: “Not good food for a horse.” These are those who eat to their heart's content, regardless of the time of day, do not engage in any sports, but remain as slim as a mountain goat.

Hmm, someone said correctly: “The recent sharply increased interest in health and the complete illiteracy of the population in this matter are the reason for the appearance of many errors related to health.” Your article is an excellent illustration of this.

George Bernard Shaw was right "Nature abhors a vacuum: where men do not know the truth, they fill in the blanks with conjecture."
“Never speculate about what you can know for sure.” (De Nevers Law)
