Do Labradors have them? Description of the Labrador Retriever dog breed. There are two not obvious disadvantages

For several decades, the Labrador has been one of the most popular pet breeds. Cheerful, playful, smart, ideal friends and companions - all these are Labradors. Reviews from owners about dogs of this breed are the most flattering.

Work qualities and character

A Labrador is a wonderful companion for an elderly person, attentive, caring, and devoted. This dog will be a full-fledged participant in all the games and antics of his young owner, and the dynamic nature of the Labrador is ideal for people leading an active lifestyle. Reviews from those who love jogging, cycling, and hiking note the dog’s joyful readiness to enthusiastically follow its owner.

Indeed, due to their character and working characteristics, representatives of this breed are extremely people-oriented. The Labrador is completely devoid of aggression towards people, loves children, and gets along well with other pets. It is difficult to imagine such a wide range of magnificent qualities within one breed line as the Labrador has. The owners' reviews about the dog are most enthusiastic.

The Labrador is also a hunting dog of the pointing class, which has an excellent sense of smell and a unique quality - “soft mouth”. This means that the animal carefully takes the game and does not crush the prey when delivering it to its owner. Given the passionate love for water, the Labrador is used for hunting water bird. However, Labradors also perform well in field, undergrowth and forest conditions. Reviews from avid hunters about this can be found on specialized hunting forums.

Description of the breed

The Labrador is a strong, short-haired dog with a strong build, with a massive head, a large movable nose, and strong paws. A Labrador's ears are small and drooping. Expressive eyes range in color from dark brown to golden hazel in light-colored individuals. Dogs grow on average from 54 to 57 cm, weigh from 25 to 40 kg.

The Labrador Retriever is well built - rounded wide chest, straight back, strong lower back, neck-shoulder girdle and well-developed limbs. The Labrador's tail is quite long, cone-shaped, without dewlap. The coat is moderately short, with a thick, water-repellent undercoat.

Black, dark brown, light (sand, fawn, reddish) are the colors characteristic of the Labrador dog. The description and reviews from owners about the dog’s appearance are extremely positive and note the animal’s harmonious build, positive energy and charming smile inherent in these dogs.

From the history of the origin of the breed

The Labrador Retriever breed, first described at the end of the 19th century, was exclusively black in color according to the standard of the English Kennel Club. Almost a century later, fawn and dark brown (chocolate) colors were recorded in breeding standards.

The origin of the breed is considered to be the island of Newfoundland, part of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Small Newfoundland specimens were presumably crossed with a retriever, an English setter and a foxhound. The dog obtained through the selection process became known as the Labrador. Other versions about the origin of the name of the breed:

  • the similarity of the color with the color of the rock - “labradorite”;
  • "labrador" (Portuguese) - hard worker, hard worker, which fully corresponds to the character of the Labrador.

During the formation of the breed, the functions performed by this dog were extensive. A carrier of small cargo, a companion to sailors, fishermen and hunters - all this is a Labrador Retriever, reviews of which to this day say that this is a dog of amazing ability to work.

Like all lop-eared dogs, Labradors need increased attention to the ears. Weekly ear cleaning - prevention of otitis and others ear problems. You should also wipe your dog’s eyes daily with a damp cloth soaked in water or sleeping tea, or a special lotion for caring for the eyes of pets.

If the Labrador is not fed properly, it is prone to skin allergies and obesity. Balanced food, a clear nutrition plan, sufficient walking for such an energetic breed - and the problem of excess weight will not arise.

A dog of the Labrador Retriever breed needs physical, above average, and intellectual stress, otherwise the animal, out of boredom and unrealized potential, can cause significant damage to the apartment. This will not happen if the dog is kept in a private house with its own plot, where it can walk independently and to its heart’s content.

If you can let your dog swim, let him do it. Nobody loves water more than Labradors. Reviews from owners say that the dog tries to swim even in the smallest puddle.

How to choose a puppy

When all the pros and cons have been weighed and the decision has been made, the question of purchasing a Labrador puppy arises. It is correct to purchase a kitten from trusted breeders, directly at your place of residence. In this way, you can visually assess the conditions of keeping dogs, their natural behavior among the masses of their own kind. And at the same time look at their mother, whose character and behavior will be passed on to the offspring to one degree or another.

Try to attract the attention of the kids, call them and observe their reaction. A puppy with a stable psyche will be the first to rush to the call. The strongest puppy is by default the healthiest. The weakest baby stays behind its brothers and can hide in a nest or sleep.

A healthy baby is playful, not cowardly, well-fed, with a confident gait. The absence of signs of abdominal upset, dystrophy, or rickets means that the food for Labrador puppies has been selected correctly. Reviews and advice from the breeder on feeding babies are something that you should definitely listen to in order to avoid stomach problems in the adopted puppy.

Eyes, nose, ears should be clean, without crusts and mucus; build, gait - without external defects. Coat healthy puppy- fluffy, not dull, without dandruff, the “pants” are clean, not stained with feces, which indicates proper feeding and close attention from the owner-breeder.

What to feed a Labrador

The dog's nutrition should not be haphazard. The Labrador has an excellent appetite and a tendency to gluttony. To avoid obesity, dietary control is advisable. Adult dog upon reaching 12 months of age, feed twice a day. If preference is given natural food, the diet should contain:

  • raw or boiled meat (beef, horse meat, poultry, offal), sea ​​fish, eggs;
  • calcium-containing products (cottage cheese, fermented milk products);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, rolled oats, egg, wheat);
  • vegetables and fruits.

Industrial, dry and canned food for Labradors has positive reviews due to ease of use - this diet is balanced, the portions are calculated by the manufacturer.

Initially, puppies are fed at least four times a day, gradually reducing the number of feedings as they grow older. The natural diet of babies should consist of the above products. And any industrial branded food for Labrador puppies, reviews of the composition and manufacturer of which are recommended to be carefully studied before purchasing, must be selected wisely, based on the needs of the growing organism.

When eating industrial feed, adding vegetables and fruits to the diet is encouraged; rewards in the form of bones and cartilage are not prohibited.

Breed Features

This dog constantly needs exercise. Whether it's work, a walk, playing with a ball or a stick, swimming - the dog will be happy with everything. The only negative is that the Labrador is not a guard dog. He is so loyal to a person that he will let a stranger into his house in hopes of having a fun time.

The Labrador is so sociable, friendly, intelligent and affectionate that it is easily suitable for a novice dog breeder. A wonderful nanny and cheerful friend for children is also a Labrador dog, the reviews of which in this context are the most positive.

Given these qualities, dogs are used as guides for the blind, companions for the elderly and disabled. Labradors work as rescuers and participate in special operations of law enforcement agencies. Thanks to their naturally powerful sense of smell, they easily find prohibited substances and explosives.

Who is this dog not suitable for?

It is strictly not recommended for inert people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or spend days at work to have a Labrador. A dog, out of boredom, will be forced to occupy itself, and this will have a detrimental effect on home environment. Chewed furniture, shoes, torn sofas and clothes - this is a moping Labrador that does not have proper exercise and walking.

A Labrador dog is not recommended for keeping at home for people who have a more than lenient attitude towards animals. Labrador is smart and intelligent. Without proper understanding and treatment, the dog withers, degrades, and becomes asocial. It is also unacceptable to keep a Labrador Retriever on a chain.

When you decide to become the owner of a Labrador, it is important to understand that your lifestyle will change dramatically from this moment on. A dog requires attention no less than a child. Communication, games, long active walks are essential conditions for keeping Labrador dogs. However, the positivity, love, devotion they give is reconciled with the dynamics it brings into the home. A happy smiling face, eyes looking lovingly at the owner, a tirelessly wagging tail and always good mood- this will melt any heart.

According to the official version, Labradors are descended from North American Indian dogs. But there are many gaps in the story, and their origin is certainly unknown.

The ancestors were similar to working dogs from the island of Newfoundland, but were smaller and lighter. They were characterized by short, thick fur, suitable for swimming in any weather. In winter, the short hairs did not freeze into icicles, unlike the shaggy fur coat of the Newfs.

In the British Isles, Labradors first worked in coastal areas, helping fishermen and sailors. The love of water, friendly disposition and soft grip (not damaging the prey) determined the future of the breed as one of the best gundogs.

One of the earliest surviving photos of a Labrador retriever (1900s)

The name indicates the geography of origin - the peninsula of the same name in eastern Canada. Labradors were officially recognized in 1903; at first, the breed standard included a description only of black color. Fawn was allowed in 1924, chocolate even later.

They first came to the USSR in 1960. As throughout the world, their characteristics were appreciated, but they became popular only in the early 90s.

Scope of application

Interest around the world is consistently high. Thanks to their friendly disposition and natural desire to please their owners, Labradors have become one of the most popular family dogs.

They are widely used in search and rescue, coastal and other services. Their work is often described in psychological support sick, as guides. Based on the results of three years international research, The Labrador Retriever is recognized as the best for working in customs.

They still remain widely in demand for game bird hunting. Almost everywhere where poise and perseverance in the absence of any malice are required from a dog, labs have won the palm. But according to all owners, they are absolutely not suitable for protective guard duty.

Ordinary everyday life of the retriever service at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.


The Labrador is described as a strong, fairly powerful, but not overloaded dog - a deep, wide chest with rounded ribs, a straight topline, a short, wide loin. The ideal height is 56-57 cm for males, and 54-56 cm for females.

The limbs are placed straight and parallel. The rounded paws are collected in a ball, the pads are well developed. It is very important that the movements are correct - free, light, slightly springy.

A stilted gait, short stride, wobbling rear end indicate anatomical defects. Such a Labrador does not meet the main requirement - the ability to work for long hours on rough terrain.

The broad skull and muzzle should be neither fleshy nor dry. The transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced. Medium-sized eyes, according to the official description of the breed, should express intelligence and good character, color from walnut to brown.

Triangular ears hang close to the head - not too wide, not heavy. The tail is of medium length, straight "otter", very thick at the base. It hangs freely or is gaily raised, but never curls over the back.

The coat is two-layered - a hard short awn and a softer undercoat. The correct coat should be straight, very thick, water-repellent - after swimming in wet top layer almost dry undercoat is noticeable.

Colors allowed by the standard

  • black, pigmentation of nose, eyelids and lips black
  • chocolate – from light liver to dark chocolate color. The pigment is brown;
  • fawn (cream, golden) - from almost white with a barely noticeable “patina” on the ears, back and upper part of the tail to rich red. The pigment is black.

Regardless of color, the nose may become lighter with age or only in winter - this is normal. In adults, pigment saturation is assessed by the color of the eyelids and lips.

"Unique" colors

There are unofficial descriptions of Labradors with non-standard colors.

The photo shows a typical Dudley, with a red nose and eyelids.

Character traits

A well-mannered Labrador with a normal psyche fully corresponds to numerous descriptions. These are very friendly creatures, ready to communicate with literally everyone. They love family, but always approach strangers with a wagging tail and a big smile.

Children, especially teenagers, are seen as their best playmates. They get along easily with non-vicious animals (cats, dogs, small things - it doesn’t matter). They are unhappy when alone, require a lot of attention, and out of boredom they act out - they spoil things and howl.

Even inexperienced owners can train. However, they do not turn out to be an obedient robot due to their active, inquisitive disposition. Read more about character and training in a separate article.

This type of domestic terminator appears when the dog is unfulfilled and bored.

A young dog, not to mention a puppy, is a real hurricane! He is interested in trying everything out, sticking his nose in everywhere, and, if possible, sticking his nose in entirely. And the tail lives its own life, knocking off everything that is not nailed down from the tables.

It's fun, but comes with a number of dangers - injuries, electric shocks, obstruction, poisoning household chemicals. At first, you need to maintain perfect order at home. Various toys and joint active games partially save people from attacks on furniture.

Provided sufficient walking, by the age of two the pet will become less noisy. But when growing up, you shouldn’t hope for a calm, measured life.

Keeping a Labrador does not require any special features - its own place (preferably an orthopedic mattress), non-slip bowls or a stand, mental stress before bed (especially in youth, so that it does not make noise at night).

Bathing as needed.


Despite the modest length of the hairs, they shed abundantly and constantly, especially if the dog is not walked much in winter. If the puppy is accustomed to using a vacuum cleaner, dying hairs can be collected with a brush or pipe without an attachment - many reviews describe this “massage” as a Labrador’s favorite pastime.

According to owner reviews, the following tools help speed up shedding:

    • metal scraper with loop. If the undercoat is not very thick, for the paws and lower body. Do not press too hard, otherwise scratches will remain on the skin (pruritus, dermatitis);

Double-sided loop scraper for grooming Labrador retrievers.

  • Wide stripping is designed to prepare wire-haired dogs for trimming, but it perfectly combs out thick undercoat.
  • The rubber scraper collects the spine well - the teeth are “fenced” by triangles or “crowns”. A regular mitten with "fingers" is ineffective.

During the molting period, the furminator works great (pictured on the left), but using it before exhibitions is risky (it cuts off the spine). Although if you take a couple of lessons from the breeder, it will be suitable for brushing the body.

Puppies are combed rather for training purposes, so a single-row brush and a massage brush with rounded teeth are sufficient. To add shine, use a brush with boar bristles.

If an adult dog does not shed very much, you can get by with the same tools or buy a slicker brush.

It is advisable to comb the coat with clean, dry hair. Bathing shortens the shedding period, but “special” nutritional supplements prolong the process, causing damage to the liver.

In summer, black and chocolate colors turn brown or “rust,” so show dogs should not be exposed to the sun for long periods of time. A haircut will not save you from the heat; on the contrary, without an air barrier, the surface of the body heats up faster.

In the fight against shedding fur, haircuts are also not helpful. the best option– shortened hairs are more difficult to remove (shouldn’t you shave to zero?).

Walking and activity

Walking with an eccentric clown full of energy is still a pleasure. The owners describe the most common disadvantages of the Labrador breed as follows:

  • pestering all passers-by with a silent request to play, jumping into a crowd of children. Stained or torn clothes, at least an angry rebuke, or even a blow with a shocker or boot;
  • eating everything - small gravel, leaves and other rubbish, not to mention edible waste;
  • tendency to escape, sudden “deafness” at the sight of something interesting. Retrievers often get lost, even well-mannered adults, so an address tag on the collar is required;
  • increased interest in dogs, cats, birds and all living things with whom you can play. When you see a non-aggressive dog, the lab “stalls” and pulls so hard that you are driving on the asphalt. An angry dog ​​can run away and get lost.

Until the pet is perfectly trained, a leash is required in open areas. Experienced owners recommend a regular fastening with 3-5 welded rings along the length.

Tape measures are not very suitable for young Labras - they learn to pull without feeling the jerks that control the movement. A harness is only allowed from 2 years of age. A strict collar and choke are not suitable for this breed, except for uncontrollable aggressors (and then only as a temporary measure).

Walking with an adult retriever will be fun for children.

In summer, active training should be moved to the morning or evening. Labradors, especially overweight ones, get tired quickly in the open sun. By nature, forests and water elements suit them better.

Almost all Labradors absolutely love water, swimming from early spring to late autumn. This is very beneficial for joints, strengthens the immune system and allows you to stay in good shape.

The reservoir should be relatively clean. In cool weather, you should either wear a neoprene vest or dry your dog and keep him moving a lot.

Puppies, chronically ill and elderly Labradors can only swim in the summer. After a long swim in stagnant water, a warm shower is required, otherwise your pet will smell unpleasant.

Labradors are by no means clean, quite the contrary. For example, a dog may fall out in the mud or “dive” into a deep puddle. A raincoat will save you from dirt. During training, a blanket is required so that the dog does not catch a cold after warming up.

They tolerate frosts well, love snow and are generally more “alive” than in the hot summer. But for a long walk from -15, it is better to wear insulated overalls, especially if we are talking about an elderly or unseasoned dog.

In the description of the Labrador breed, their toes are gathered together, pressed against each other, resulting in debris collecting between the pads. And because of the thick fur, he gets stuck there. When a dog chews out a speck, it irritates the skin, which can lead to the formation of cracks or infection (fungi, bacteria). After each walk, the paws need to be examined, and in winter, stuck lumps of snow should be removed.

In the city, before a winter walk, the pads are lubricated with special wax (or simple Vaseline) to protect the skin from reagents. Afterwards it is washed off with warm water.


You can learn more about the character and habits of a Labrador by watching a video from our channel. A selection of funny moments will certainly amuse you:


The Labrador Retriever is a tireless marathon runner and must be capable of long periods of work on land. And the need to swim is not always warm water suggests the presence of a developed subcutaneous fat layer. Keeping warm also takes energy.

Therefore, by nature they are characterized by an excellent appetite. They eat as if they had enough left over for a week! Moreover, anything without being picky and sometimes deciding whether it can be eaten at all after the piece has fallen into the mouth.

A zucchini with legs is not a Labrador, but an unfortunate creature with shortness of breath and a bunch of chronic diseases. If you have a genetic tendency towards obesity, it is criminal to feed your dog!

The diet must be balanced: either natural food after consultation with a veterinarian, or good super-premium dry food. Plus active workouts to keep fit.

Since the breed's characteristics are omnivorous, hard vegetables and/or diced fruits work well as rewards. Reward is a small piece for flawless execution of a command, and not a kilo of carrots for beautiful eyes.

WITH early age Don’t spoil your baby with gastronomic delights!

If the Labrador is on dry food, one of the feedings can be moved outside. First, the hungry dog ​​has a good run, and then he works on the skills of obedience, endurance, and sampling. Without barriers, fetch and other fuss - a calm workout, so that there is not the slightest risk from the gastrointestinal tract. You can’t eat or run, because we’re not talking about a treat, but about a full portion.

Prohibit households from feeding the puppy from the table. Explain that he is not a trash can or a starving refugee from Africa. This is true for any breed, but Labras are perhaps one of the most gluttonous. And it’s almost impossible to stop them from eating everything.


Problems with excess weight come first when describing the problems of the Labrador breed. Obesity leads to a variety of chronic diseases that shorten the life expectancy of an already not the healthiest breed.

Common genetic diseases

  • elbow/hip dysplasia;
  • osteochondrosis – improper formation of a joint, most often affecting the shoulders, elbows, knees;
  • retinal detachment, cataracts and other eye diseases;
  • hypothyroidism – lack of thyroid hormones;
  • allergic reactions, mainly skin (dermatitis, eczema);
  • Ichthyosis in Labradors, as a rule, occurs without damage to the immune system - profuse dandruff, crusts. Symptomatic support only, carriers do not get sick;
  • nasal parakeratosis - crusts, painful cracks on the nose. Treatment is only symptomatic and ineffective.

An excessively thick labrum is an unhappy animal!

Apart from toy dog ​​breeds, the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular companion dogs. This means there are a lot of greedy divorcees. Therefore, you should buy a puppy only from a reputable nursery.

Reputable breeders value their reputation; they don’t knit an outright mental and/or health nightmare. Yes, a puppy from a kennel is more expensive. But treating a dog for years is also not cheap.

Share with the breeder your idea of ​​an ideal pet, tell him your description. The main characteristics of the Labrador are visible already at one month of age. Of course, you can choose with your heart - the sweetest one, the first one to run up. But it’s wiser to trust someone who already knows how each baby will grow up. Read more about selection.

Otherwise, everything is standard - strong, well-fed babies, a pleasant smell, playful and sociable, clean and shiny. Puppy card, brand, purchase and sale agreement and transfer of the baby into new, caring, loving hands.

The affectionate, sociable and calm Labrador is gaining increasing popularity among dog breeders. The description of the breed is simply an ideal companion dog that knows a lot about true friendship, has a good-natured and calm character, and gets along easily with people and other animals.

Human-oriented, these dogs have saved people's lives more than once. In a variety of countries, smart and patient Labradors are one of the most popular breeds.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Labrador are considered to be North American Indian dogs. Europeans traveling across Canada were delighted to see how these animals deftly swim, pull fishing nets ashore, and catch fish. Only in 1830, the British brought several representatives of these dogs to their homeland, where they quickly gained popularity as hunting dogs. Forty years later, the animals were crossed with other individuals (curly-haired retriever, setter and English foxhound), as a result of which a new breed of dog appeared - the Labrador. A description of its standards appeared only thirty years later. These wonderful dogs were brought to Russia only in the middle of the last century.

Currently, Labradors are bred in the UK, Holland, France, the USA and other countries, but everyone still focuses on English nurseries.

Labrador Retriever: description of the breed

Photos of these dogs with a description of their characteristics and requirements for the standard are presented in the article. All the photographs clearly show that the Labrador is a strong, muscular dog with a wide development chest and a strong lower back. A wide, massive head with hanging ears is located on a powerful, firmly set neck. The paws are compact, with wide pads and webbed toes. A distinctive feature of a Labrador is its tail. Wider at the base, it tapers towards the end, reminiscent of an otter's tail. The coat is short, dense, with a thick undercoat. According to the standard, its color can be fawn, chocolate or black.

Initially, only black Labradorite was recognized. The description of the breed and its standards allows for a white spot in the chest area. The maximum height at the withers is 61 cm, weight - up to 36 kg. The lifespan of a Labrador is on average 10 to 14 years.

Breed Features

Thanks to such features as endurance, speed, passion for swimming, the Labrador is attracting more and more attention from hunters. Description of the breed The character of these dogs is very soft, with extraordinary charm, so they are becoming increasingly in demand as pets. They absolutely do not have a feeling of aggression; they get along well with children, dogs of any other breeds, as well as with any animals in the house - from a cat to a parrot.

Labradors are very sociable, so they simply need a companion for active games and activities. In a family with a child, this is the most suitable dog. But her energy is too much, so it is necessary to give the animal a general load, conducting daily exercises in the fresh air. Labradors love to swim.

Water is their element, and they are ready to swim all day long. In order not to deprive your pet of this pleasure, you should provide him with such a pastime at least sometimes.


Labrador has a stable psyche. This is a very calm and balanced dog with an easy-going character, easily making contact with people. Can remain calm even in noisy and hectic environments, in places where a large number of strangers and other irritating factors. Labrador possesses high degree insight, recognizing the owner’s emotions and adapting to them. This feature helps the person around him to cope with depression and helps improve mood, providing a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, for a family of any composition (single person or many children), a Labrador Retriever will be an excellent option.

Description of the breed includes consideration of not only intellectual, but also physical development. These cheerful active dogs need regular loads, directing energy in the right direction.

Basic content requirements

The ideal option for keeping a Labrador would be a country house, where there is a spacious enclosure that allows you to run around to your heart's content. But even in apartment conditions, dogs of this breed are kept quite often. True, in this case, long walks (at least 2 times a day) with active activities that make up for the lack of physical activity become a necessary condition. If there are not enough of them, the dog may develop joint diseases, loss of strength and depression.

Labradors are excellent swimmers who are willing to spend any amount of time in the water. Therefore, it is good if there is a body of water nearby that you can visit periodically, giving the dog the opportunity to relieve his soul. If it is not available, you can use at least an inflatable children's pool for swimming. If a small puppy should be protected from excessive stress, because... Since his joints and ligaments are still too weak, there are no restrictions in the matter of swimming. There is nothing more joyful for a baby Labrador than splashing around in the water.

The ears of dogs such as Labradors should be examined very carefully periodically. The description of the breed indicates their anatomical features, which allow dirt to accumulate in the ear canal, leading to the appearance of fungus.

Rules of care

In order for the dog to develop properly and grow up healthy, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. First of all, there should be a comfortable place to rest and sleep. A small mattress that needs to be shaken out daily is best suited for this purpose.

The dog's coat requires special care, which must be thoroughly combed at least once a week with a rubber brush. This will not only remove small hairs, but also improve blood circulation. The Labrador sheds fur all year round, so a vacuum cleaner is essential.

It is not recommended to wash an animal using various shampoos more than 2 times a year. Frequent bathing can lead to the loss of the exceptional water-repellent properties that the coat of a dog like the Labrador Retriever has. The description of the breed (photos of these animals allow you to see that after swimming the fur remains almost dry) confirms this feature.

Labrador's claws require timely trimming. The dog must be taught this from puppyhood.


You can feed your Labrador with industrially produced dry food or natural food. Under no circumstances should these two types of food be mixed. A balanced diet will help raise a healthy dog, avoiding many problems associated with its health and mood. Food must contain a certain amount of animal protein, which is rich in fish and meat. These products must be boiled, but raw meat should also be present in the diet of a dog such as a Labrador. Description of the breed nutrition is presented as one of the most important components for proper development, because the animals in question are highly susceptible to obesity.

Dry food is already balanced, so you just need to decide on the brand. It would be better if it were super premium food. With this type of nutrition, water must be constantly present.

Possible diseases

It is impossible not to note the most characteristic ailments of such a dog as the Labrador Retriever. The description of the breed includes a list of diseases to which it is most often exposed. This is bloating, epilepsy, cancer mast cells, allergies, lipoma, interdigital dermatitis, lymphosarcoma, joint dysplasia, cataracts. To prevent such diseases, it is necessary to do preventive vaccinations, as well as provide the necessary amount of vitamins in the dog’s diet.


This process begins from the first days the puppy appears in the house. He should immediately be made clear what can be done and what is prohibited. You will have to be persistent, explaining to the small pet where its toilet is, that you cannot touch the owner’s things, bite hands, pick up food from the floor, etc. Education also consists of accustoming the child to various loud sounds and noise, so that in the future neither the hum of cars nor holiday fireworks will cause any unpredictable reactions in him.


These dogs are very easy to train and train. No wonder it's on the list smartest breeds Labrador is in seventh place. The description of the breed and its main characteristics highlights such a trait in the character of these dogs as cunning. They can direct their natural intelligence to receive rewards from the owner without doing anything. Therefore, you should insist on your own when teaching your dog basic commands. It is enough for a growing Labrador to complete a general training course. The most favorite and suitable type of training for this breed is retrieving.

Professional employment

An impressive list of advantages, including the desire to obey a person, an excellent sense of smell and a passion for retrieving, allows Labradors to be used as service dogs. Moreover, their professions are very diverse. The Labrador Retriever is most often used as a guide dog for the blind. The description of the breed especially notes its docile nature, so in the world up to 80% of total number All guide dogs are made up of these dogs. They make excellent nannies, with whom it is not scary to leave a small child for a while.

Labradors can be found at customs, helping with luggage inspection, during rescue work on the water or in the mountains, in the police. Abroad, these dogs even play the role of therapists, because... communication with them brings a lot of positivity and health benefits.

But these dogs are unlikely to be suitable for security work, the reason is their amazing friendliness even towards strangers. Unless a Labrador can scare away uninvited guests only with a threatening bark. The description of the breed and reviews of the owners necessarily note this characteristic feature.


The descendant of the retriever, the Labrador, is an excellent gun dog. The craving for retrieving, love of water and resistance to cold make it an indispensable assistant when hunting ducks, as well as field and forest game. Working with a Labrador is especially effective when hunting black grouse and pheasant in autumn period, when birds hide in such impassable places that it is very difficult for other hunting dogs to lift them onto the wing.

Those who want to enjoy hunting cannot find a more suitable partner than a Labrador. Photos, descriptions of the breed and behavioral characteristics of these dogs are presented above. Labrador is gaining more and more popularity among hunters not only because of its working qualities, but also due to the possibility of keeping it in an apartment.

Such diverse abilities of a Labrador do not appear on their own. A large role in their formation is played by the hereditary factor and quality training, which depends on the professionalism of the instructor. The energy of these dogs simply needs to be channeled in the right direction from the very beginning, otherwise even the most elite puppy can eventually turn into a disobedient bully. A wise owner will have a true loyal friend, great companion and a favorite of the whole family. Therefore, you should definitely study the main points of training and education if you decide to get a dog like a Labrador. A description of the breed, character, photos and advice on maintenance and care can be found in specialized literature.

The Labrador Retriever dog, the breed description of which you will find in this article, will surprise you not only with its character traits and unusual intelligence. We will reveal to you the secret of the origin of this passionate hunter, rescuer, guide, cheerful companion and, of course, reliable friend. And know that the most important distinctive features Thanks to which they conquered almost the whole world - friendliness and easy-going disposition.

Dog lovers believe that a pet in a family does not have to meet exact standards; everyone in the family will love it anyway. However, it will not be superfluous to know the basic characteristics of the Labrador Retriever breed.

  • height: male – 57-62 cm, female – 50-55 cm;
  • weight: male – 30-36 kg, female – 25-32 kg;
  • build: harmonious;
  • color: fawn, black, chocolate (liver);
  • activity: may not feel tired for a long time even in bad weather;
  • working qualities: fine sense of smell, developed muscles;
  • character: balanced, clearly expressed desire to be useful to a person, loves to swim and splash in the water;
  • obedience: thanks to love for the owner, he is always ready to obey any command;
  • attitude towards children: friendly, happy to play with children;
  • attitude towards strangers: easily makes contact with a stranger, shows goodwill;
  • life expectancy: 12-13 years.

History of the breed: different versions

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus about the origin of this breed. One of the most common versions says that its ancestors are dogs that served the Eskimos of the island of Newfoundland.

Small animals with fur that could repel water helped people search for lost gear and collect catch washed ashore. The settlers of the island used a flat-bottomed boat for fishing. The four-legged helpers who lived with them could climb into such a vessel completely freely, and they jumped out of it just as easily. With a strong grip, they could hold the rope tightly when it was necessary to moor to the shore.

In addition, they went hunting with people, and happily pulled sleds on hard snow. They always followed their master and came to the rescue if they felt that he was in any natural danger.

These unusual black dogs were inferior in height at the withers to the already well-known greyhounds. Descriptions of animals from Newfoundland given in 16th-century sources resemble today's Labradors. Main common features: devotion to the owner, desire to hunt, search and swim.

So the history of the Labrador breed goes back to ancient times.

Or maybe this is a Viking dog?

However, there is a theory that black dogs arrived on the northern island from Europe. Again, some researchers disagree. Some believe that the four-legged friends of the Vikings and Basques are involved. So this trace leads back to the times before our era.

Studying the documents, we can conclude that there were two directions of development: a large, long-haired Newfoundland dog and a small one with hard, short hair that can repel water. As a result, there was a branching into various types.

The assumption that smaller dogs evolved from larger ones also has a right to exist.

As for the name of the breed, there is no consensus here either. Labradorite is a natural black mineral. The word labrador is translated from Portuguese as “hard worker”, and this is quite suitable for hard-working animals. And finally, very close by is a peninsula with the same name.

From England to Russia

The first Labrador retrievers came to Russia from India in the second half of the 20th century. Only a few prominent Soviet figures could afford such a purchase, but gradually, thanks to new imports from Great Britain, they began to spread among the residents of Moscow and further throughout the country.

With a “soft” mouth and otter tail

The modern Labrador Retriever is a fairly large dog with an athletic build, which has elastic muscles and therefore looks very harmonious. The correct proportions of the body give him the opportunity not only to actively, but also to move beautifully.

Labradors should be divided into two lines. The first group includes those who are oriented towards hunting. The latter are considered a show line. Accordingly, the first ones have, as it were, a lighter bone structure and will be much more mobile, the latter, on the contrary, are somewhat massive. However, representatives of both lines retain grace, tolerance in character and unlimited trust in people.

As for the coat, it is the same for both lines - dense, short and able to repel water. It is the latter property that allows animals the ability to work in very cold climatic conditions.

And finally, the tail. Labradors have a very special tail, similar to the tail of the famous swimmer - the otter, that is, very thick at the base and narrow at the end. This structure helps to “steer” in the water during turns.

The Labrador dog breed also has a special grip. The “soft mouth”, with desire and appropriate training, allows him to carry even a raw egg in his mouth without breaking it. So you can be sure: when carrying game during a hunt, he will never damage it with his teeth.

Yellow color is not a marriage

Experts, having assessed the exterior, disposition, and ability to work, established the first breed standard. These were only . It took more than ten years for yellow dogs to appear. A UK breeder named Radcliffe gave birth to the future founders of fawn Labradors from parents with black hair.

The appearance of this color was received ambiguously by dog ​​breeders; the problem was solved only with the introduction of a new standard. And before that, there were often cases when such a suit was simply killed, as it was considered a marriage.

The chocolate (liver) color began to appear even later and was also officially approved only after the introduction of the corresponding color.

In the modern world there are almost equal numbers of black and fawn Labradors. The latter includes all shades of yellow - from light to dark red. If there is a white spot on the Labrador's chest, this is not considered a fault.

Let's do without shampoo!

As for the coat of the Labrador Retriever breed, it is short, thick and lies tightly to the skin. In addition, it does not have waves or frays, and seems quite hard to the touch. The dense undercoat has waterproof properties.

Due to the ability of the undercoat to repel moisture, Labradors can swim in water for quite a long time. cold water and don't freeze. This same feature allows them to work on the ground for a long time in any bad weather.

There is no equal in hunting

Labrador loves to move a lot, run, and dive. It swims at a speed of approximately five kilometers per hour. When running, it reaches speeds of up to twenty kilometers per hour.

It has all the qualities necessary for hunting. He is obedient and... He is considered one of the best gun dogs. He has no equal in duck hunting. A keen sense of smell, a quiet and unhurried search, and no fear of water allow you to find game even in the most inaccessible places.

This description of the Labrador Retriever breed deserves the attention of those lovers who do not set themselves the goal of purchasing a dog to guard their own home, since these true friends of man are almost completely free of any aggression. They can only bark to warn the owner about the approach of a stranger.

Guard duty goes against his nature, since he was never bred to bite anyone. Thanks to these qualities, the Labrador Retriever is a real family dog ​​by nature - a companion who will always play with children with pleasure and try to fulfill every desire of its owner.

Ready to work tirelessly

In Russia, the Labrador Retriever breed, thanks to its friendliness, stable psyche and high intelligence, is rapidly gaining popularity, including in large cities.

By nature, this dog is affectionate, mischievous, active, and playful. Labrador can live anywhere: in an apartment or outdoors, as it tolerates cold well. He is strongly attached to his owner and his family, and is ready to accompany his household everywhere.

But it happens that, by the owner’s decision, the dog suddenly becomes a lap dog. And yet we should not forget for what purpose it was brought out. It’s in his blood to want to look for something, to offer something, to help someone, and water is so attractive that he cannot pass by any puddle indifferently. So without his favorite job, his life will be incomplete.

Car lover

Labrador Retriever dogs are ideal travel partners. He especially enjoys long walks, hikes and travel, where he can run free for his own pleasure. During such outings, not only does he become acquainted with the outside world, but his attachment to his “pack”, that is, to the owner’s family, is also strengthened.

The Labrador is a modern dog, so it is calm about motorcycles and automobiles. If you love cycling, you can easily train your pet to accompany you on bike rides.

And if you prefer traveling by car, then know: he is an avid car enthusiast; with proper and timely training, such trips will not cause anyone any trouble - the dog will obediently sit and look out the window.

All-round athletes

Of course, the owner chooses the dog’s profession, but in any case, he must take into account the breed characteristics of his pet. As for the Labrador Retriever, he may well become a professional athlete, and in different types sports

For example, agility parkour involves overcoming an obstacle course within a certain time. Obstacles may include a balance beam, a pipe-tunnel, a scarp of two inclined walls, or car tires buried in the ground. This type of competition among dogs also came to Russia from England and is now gaining more and more popularity.

There is also an all-around event, which includes several disciplines: slalom, steeplechase, hurdles and cross-country over a distance of 5000 meters.

However, there is one “but” in dog competitions - the owner himself takes part in them on an equal basis, who must also be in excellent athletic shape.

Profession: rescuer

Very often, dogs of this breed are used as rescuers. Their sense of smell, intelligence and average body size are simply irreplaceable here. This profession has several different directions: searching for missing people on a flat surface, under rubble or at night.

Many sniffer dogs, equipped special devices, work completely independently to search for victims in the rubble after earthquakes, gas explosions, and dam breaks. This work is very dangerous and requires maximum concentration, courage and attention from the dog.

Labradors are also quite capable of searching for drowned people, as they can determine the location of a person under water and are able to work by swimming or from a boat.

Guides for the blind and sled dogs

Labradors are indispensable for special services. Thanks to his keen sense of smell and calm behavior in crowds of people, strong nerves they can easily be trained to search for drugs or explosives.

There are a number of other professions that are very suitable for a Labrador Retriever, who is always ready to help a person.

Firstly, it is a guide for the blind. His peaceful disposition, friendliness and disposition towards people come in handy here.

Secondly, these are helper dogs for people with musculoskeletal disorders. Here Labradors help pull a wheelchair in a harness.

Thirdly, there are guide dogs for the deaf, who, having heard, for example, the doorbell ringing or the cry of an awakened baby, let the owner know about it with some kind of touch.

The characteristics of the breed in this article present only the basic data characteristic of all Labradors, but there is no doubt that each dog has its own individual character and abilities.

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Many families are thinking about having a Labrador at home. This breed of dog attracts with its friendliness, quick learning and cheerful disposition. Before choosing a puppy, it will be useful to learn about the history of the origin of the breed, the subtleties of character, principles of care, nutrition and training of these faithful animals.

The full name of the cute Labradors in the breed classification is Labrador Retriever. These animals belong to one of the subspecies of retrievers, of which there are six in total.

Labs have gained their popularity among breeders due to their special intelligence, which allows them to quickly grasp and carry out the owner’s commands.

It is not for nothing that this breed ranks high in seventh place on the list of the smartest dogs.

The dog is of average height, so it can easily live in an apartment with its owners. You just need to walk Labradors regularly and for a long time, because it’s worth looking for more restless and energetic animals.

Initially, the breed was bred as a working breed, to help people. This is evidenced by powerful paws, a large head and a large, wide torso. Today Labradors are the most devoted helpers and friends. They become attached to their owners and try to please them in everything.

History of the origin of the breed

The Canadian island of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic is considered the birthplace of modern labs. It was there that their ancestors lived - St. John's dogs, excellent assistants to fishermen, able to swim excellently, dragging fishing gear and collecting the catch.

At the end of the 19th century, representatives of the working breed were brought to Great Britain, where, as a result of crossing with curly-haired retrievers, the local “aristocrats”. They turned out great hunting dogs with an easy-going character.

Already in 1887, the breed received an approved standard. True, at that time only the black color of dogs was recognized, but later it expanded a little.

1903 was the year of official approval of a separate breed called Labrador Retriever.

The popularity of good-natured dogs among breeders increased every year. Since the middle of the last century, labiks began to appear more often on the American continent. And in 1991 in the USA this dog breed was named the most popular.

Regarding the origin of the name, there are three different versions, each of which has its own explanations:

  • named after the mainland peninsula of Labrador, located near Newfoundland;
  • from the Portuguese labrador - “hard worker”, which describes the character of dogs of this breed;
  • In honor of the stone breed, labradorite, the black color of which is very similar to the color of the first labs.

Breed standard

The Labrador dog has a distinct exterior that is difficult to confuse with other breeds.

  • Height at the withers - from 0.54 m (females) to 0.57 m (males).
  • Weight - from 27 to 40 kg (females up to 35 kg).
  • The head is a wide skull, a noticeable transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  • The muzzle is large, not fleshy, wide nostrils, powerful jaw, scissor bite.
  • The eyes are medium in size, brown or hazel in color.
  • The ears are triangular, hanging, small, set back, adjacent to the head.
  • Body - wide neck, level topline, large chest, barrel-shaped ribs.
  • The tail is small, thicker at the body and narrow at the end, without dewlap, straight, and does not curl over the back.
  • The limbs are straight, set parallel, the paws are compact.
  • The wool is water-repellent and consists of two layers: a hard outer coat and a soft undercoat.
  • Color - uniform black, brown or fawn (cream), pigmentation around the eyes.

Unusual colors of dogs of this breed also appear. You can find redfox, silver, dudley, white and spotted labies.

Puppy selection criteria

You should go to specialized nurseries to pick up your pet and family pet. After all, following an advertisement on the Internet you can run into unscrupulous breeders.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a Labrador:

  • puppy's fatness;
  • presence of a puppy card;
  • pleasant smell from the animal;
  • puppy's sociability;
  • conditions for keeping dogs in the kennel - cleanliness, absence of enclosures, chains;
  • tests for dysplasia and eye diseases from parents;
  • exhibition or sports successes of ancestors;
  • the seller's reaction to a potential buyer;

A good breeder does not care into which hands the puppy is given.

He will meticulously ask about the buyer’s living conditions, financial capabilities, experience and knowledge about the breed, etc.

You should definitely inspect the puppy before purchasing.

The following characteristics do not correspond to the breed standard:

  • thin or short neck;
  • sharp muzzle;
  • long toes;
  • crooked front legs;
  • undeveloped nostrils;
  • lack of pigmentation around the eyes;
  • increased aggression;
  • bite defects;
  • low-set ears;
  • long wool;
  • more than one spot (white, on the chest is allowed according to the standard);
  • constant barking.

Purpose and character of the dog

The breed was bred as a hunting breed; some hunters still use Labs as assistants today. But dogs are more suitable for the role of companions.

Very often they become guides for blind or visually impaired people, as well as assistants for the disabled. Labradors are used in search operations and to rescue people in emergency situations.

The docile and calm nature of animals helps them become psychotherapists for sick children and old people. Some labs are full-time employees of orphanages and nursing homes.

These dogs are not suitable for the role of watchman. They love people very much and cannot show aggression towards them.

Cheerful and good-natured dogs are constantly active and require the same behavior from their owners. You will definitely never get bored with labs, because they will surround you with love, affection and positivity. At the same time, dogs do not get bored, they are smart and insightful, they understand that their owners also need personal space.

In addition, the Labrador senses the mood of its guardian and skillfully adapts to it. Full understanding on the part of the dog makes it an attentive and sensitive friend.

Families with children can safely have labs in the house; they get along well with children, and can even perform nanny duties, helping parents care for the child.

The main thing is to give the dogs the opportunity to get plenty of exercise, as well as regularly educate and train them. Otherwise the need for increased activity may result in unpleasant mischief.

This breed is not at all demanding to care for, which allows even inexperienced beginners to keep a Labrador Retriever.

  • You need to comb the coat once a week, during the molting period - every 2 - 3 days.
  • You should bathe your dog once every six months. If after a walk the wool gets dirty, it should be wiped with a damp towel.
  • You need to clean your ears regularly - weakness labika. Dirt should be removed using a special solution to prevent inflammation from developing. It is important to keep your ears dry at all times.
  • A Labrador should brush his teeth every 5 to 7 days.
  • Nails should be trimmed once every 10 days.
  • Be sure to walk your dog every day for half an hour to an hour. Walking is not just a walk near the house, but active games, running, jumping over obstacles. It is necessary for the labik to expend as much as possible the accumulated energy, of which he has plenty.

Feeding a Labrador

This breed is very famous good appetite. Labics not only love to eat, they simply cannot be pulled away from food and food supplies. This is why it is important to feed your dog in moderation to prevent it from gaining excess weight.

You can choose for your diet:

  • ready-made food (canned or dry);
  • natural products.

The first option significantly saves time for the owner, while the second will help reduce food costs, especially for residents rural areas having self-grown products.

The owners themselves make their own choice regarding feeding options. Just change it or mix it different variants it is forbidden.

If you buy food in a store, it is better to choose super premium products. These foods have a balanced composition necessary for the full development of the dog.

A natural food diet should include:

  • meat - 50% ( single dose- 20 g per 1 kg of dog weight);
  • porridge - 25% of the daily diet;
  • vegetables - 25%.

You can give dogs fermented milk products. Veterinarians advise adding to food vitamin complexes with lutein, taurine, calcium, tocopherol and ascorbic acid.

Never offer to pets:

  • grilled meat;
  • smoked products;
  • barley groats.

It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not feast on leftover food from garbage bins while walking. Labs are prone to obesity, so nutrition should be strictly controlled.

How to train and educate

As soon as Labrador puppies appear in the house, you must immediately begin training. Raising representatives of this breed is quite simple, because the dogs are very smart and quickly understand what their owner wants from them.

There is no need to allocate a lot of time for training, but classes must be conducted regularly in the first three years.

It is necessary to immediately explain to the puppy how to behave in the house. The lab must clearly understand the rules of conduct and be aware of the prohibitions. It is necessary to train the dog to use the toilet, make it clear that it is forbidden to chew things, pick up food from the floor, bite its owners, or lean on them with its paws. The more insistent the owner is in demanding that the rules be followed, the faster the labik will comply with them.

For walks, you need to purchase a reliable collar that will not allow your pet to escape from its owner. Labika commands are learned very quickly; to do this, you only need to repeat the exercises a few times.

Basic commands:

  • "Place!";
  • "To me!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Give!";
  • "Near!";
  • "Ugh!";
  • “Aport!”

Commands must be taught gradually. Until one is learned, you should not move on to the other.

Regular exercise, perseverance and friendliness of the owners will turn active puppies into excellent companions and helpers.

Pros and cons of the breed

Representatives of the breed have plenty of advantages:

  • friendliness and agreeableness;
  • fast learner;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • good behavior in communicating with children;
  • ease of care;
  • the ability to adapt to the owners.

There are also disadvantages:

  • bad watchman;
  • increased love for puddles;
  • passion for digging through trash cans or bags;
  • Loud snoring.

Dogs of this breed should not be owned by people who cannot find time to walk them. Active animals need walks the most, which is why they love to walk with their little owners.

Retriever and Labrador, what is the difference?

These two breeds belong to the same canine group. Many people confuse dogs due to some external similarity and coincidence in the name.

Golden retrievers are now most often called goldens, and labics are simply called retrievers. Both breeds owe their origin to Great Britain, but the purposes for which they were bred are different.

Labics are considered working dogs; they helped fish and hunt game. Goldens simply brought shot birds to their owners. They are considered a more aristocratic breed. Scottish breeder Tweedmouth sought a golden color for the breed so that the dogs would be visible on peat bogs.

Externally, representatives of the breeds are similar to each other, but there are differences between them.

  • The Labik has a squat, heavy body, while the Golden is more refined.
  • The coat of Labs is smooth, without waves, waterproof, not too long (maximum 5 cm), lying close to the body. The Golden Retriever's coat shimmers in waves, has fringes, and is longer.
  • The color standard for Labradors is black, fawn and chocolate. Goldens only have shades of golden color.
  • The labik has a straight tail that continues the line of the back, without bending upward. The tail of the Golden Retriever has a pendant in the form of half a feather.

The characters of the animals also differ from each other.

  • Labrador retrievers are very emotional, restless, active and trusting. Goldens are calmer, more balanced and cautious.
  • Both breeds lend themselves well to training. But Labradors are a little smarter and more savvy, and in their desire to please their owner, they do everything faster. Golden needs time to think and make a decision.

For a measured life in an apartment, a golden retriever is more suitable. And those families who love active pastime in nature should get a cheerful labik companion.
