Game - attraction "Who is the fastest". Outdoor game "Who is faster"



The balls are scattered scattered around the hall. Children - “hares” jump on two legs around the hall, while the teacher says the following words: Hares jump: hop, skip, skip On to the green meadow, They pinch the grass, eat, They listen carefully: Is a wolf coming?

The teacher shouts: “Wolf!” All the hares must quickly hide behind their ball house.


The villain Barmaley wants to catch many dolls for his theater. All children - “dolls” live in their own houses (they sit on their balls). Barmaley walks between the houses. The dolls tease Barmaley and run from house to house saying:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch us.

Barmaley's task is to catch the mischievous dolls.


Children stand one after another and hold tightly to the child in front. In the hands of the first child the ball is the “head of the dragon”, the last child is the “tail”. The “head” must catch its “tail” by touching it with the ball. It is important that the “dragon’s body” does not burst. The game is much more interesting if two teams participate in it, that is, “two dragons.”


Two teams play: one sits on the balls, the other stands behind her. At a signal, sitting children stand up, eyes closed take 6-8 steps from the ball, turn 3 times around its axis. At this time, the standing children pass the balls from hand to hand among themselves. At the signal “Stop!” the children of the first team open their eyes and try to find their ball and sit on it as quickly as possible.


Penguin children run freely around the hall. Ice balls are scattered in random order on the floor. A driving child “hunter” is trying to catch the “penguins” and stain them. If the “penguin” has climbed onto the “ice floe”, that is, sits on the ball without touching the floor with its feet, it is not allowed to catch it.


Children stand in a circle, holding their shoulders with their hands, forming a blank wall. In the center of this circle is the driver with the ball. The driver's task is to knock the ball out of the circle.

At these words, all the “mosquitoes” should sit on their balls. Another “frog” child jumps out from behind his mound and tries to catch the “mosquitoes.”


The game is played as the previous one. Children, imitating ducks, approach the “dog”, which is lying in its kennel. The teacher says with the children: You, little dog, don’t bark, don’t scare our ducks. Our white ducks are already timid.

At the same time, the naughty “dog” jumps out and catches up with the ducks, who run away to their balls and sit on them.


The teacher chooses a “sun” ball, and all the others choose “cloud” balls. A game medium mobility, passes at a calm pace. All the children calmly walk around the hall and roll balls in front of them. The teacher says the following words: “Clouds walked across the sky, catching the red sun.” The children answer in chorus: “And we will catch the sun, and we will catch the red one.”

“Sunny” stops and says: “I’m not afraid of clouds!” I’ll dodge the gray ones!” After these words, the “sun” tries to “roll over the horizon” with his ball; the “clouds” must knock down the “sun” with their balls and not allow him to hide.


Two stripes on the floor indicate “lake” on one side and “reeds” on the other. A hunter is sitting in the reeds. Children-"ducks" in a position on all fours push the ball with their heads to the "reeds". The teacher says the following words:

Come on, ducks,

Who's faster

Will it swim to the reeds?

The most dexterous

For victory

Sweets will be given for lunch.

After the presenter says all the words, the “hunter” can shoot down the “ducks” with his ball. The “duck” that safely reached the “reeds” is awarded.


One “fox” child is selected, whose task is to catch all the other “jerboa” children. The teacher announces: “Day!”, and then all the “jerboas” jump on their balls throughout the hall, wherever they want. As soon as the command “Night!” sounds - all the “jerboas” freeze, taking the position in which the team found them. The "fox" can eat anyone who moves.


Children sit on their balls and sway to the rhythm of the words. The first two lines, the leader walks in a circle, and at the word “leg” he touches the nearest child, who will be the “donkey”. In response to the remaining words, the “donkey” jumps behind the children’s backs, holding a “horseshoe” ball above its head. WITH the last word The “donkey” stops between two players who run behind the backs of the children to see who grabs the horseshoe faster.

With a ringing horseshoe

Shoed the leg.

Ran out with new clothes

Donkey on the path.

New horseshoe

struck loudly

And your horseshoe

Lost it somewhere.


A long rope in the middle of the hall marks a swamp. A “heron” lives in it. Other children in the group - “frogs” - jump on balls in the swamp and say:

We are funny frogs

We are green frogs

We croak loudly in the morning:


Yes qua, qua, qua!

The “frogs” stop, freeze and listen carefully to the words of the heron, who walks around the swamp, raising her legs high, and says: After these words, the “heron” must call on the frogs.

I'm walking through the swamp

And I grab frogs.

I swallow them whole.

Here they are, frogs,

Green frogs.

Watch out, I'm coming

I'll catch you all.


Children stand in a circle. The leader with his eyes closed is in the center of the circle. The players roll the ball behind their backs, while counting to ten. The child who received the ball on the count of ten quickly sits on it. The host tries to guess by the shape of his hands and voice who is sitting on the ball. Leading. Come on, show me your hands, tell me, do you have the ball?


Children stand in a circle and, on command, begin to pass the ball from hand to hand. On the command “Stop!” the ball stops on any two players. The rest of the children shout in unison: “One, two, three - run!” One child runs to the right behind the circle of players, the other to the left; The winner is the one who returns to the ball faster.


Two teams of children play. Each team is a “caterpillar”, where all participants are connected to each other using balls, which they hold together with their torsos. On the command of who gets to the finish line faster, the children begin to move the caterpillar. The most wins quick command, without breaking the “caterpillar” and without dropping the ball.


The balls are scattered around the hall, one less than the number of players in the hall. All the children: “hares” are running around the hall. At the teacher’s command “Everyone go home!” - children sit on any of the balls. A “homeless hare” is the child who did not take the ball. He is out of the game. In each subsequent game the number of goals is reduced by one.


Exercise for concentration. A) Children stand in two lines opposite each other at the same time to the music at the beginning of each measure and perform two opposite movements. One line does a squat for the ball and straightening up on your toes, and the other, on the contrary, does a straightening, raising up on your toes and squatting for the ball.

B) The same thing in advance, performed while sitting on the balls. One line does a clap over the head and a clap on the thighs, and the other, on the contrary, does a clap over the hips and above the head.


It's also a game for concentration. Children walk in a circle one after another, bouncing the ball off the floor. At the “Stop” signal, they stop and stand for 3 seconds, then 5, 10 seconds. At the “Hop” signal, they move in a jump, holding the ball in front of them, and when “One” sounds, they turn around their ball and continue moving in the original direction. The one who makes a mistake and who moves at the “Stop” signal leaves the game.

"Ball Traps"

A catch is selected according to the counting, which sits on the ball at the opposite end of the hall.

Children begin the game with the words:

“One-two-three – start the game!”, and they try to dodge the trap by jumping on the balls. The one who is hit by the trap leaves the game.

"Trap, take the tape"

The game is played in a similar way, only the children have colored ribbons inserted into their shorts; the one from whom the catcher snatched the ribbon leaves the game.


The trapper is hiding in ambush, in front of him is a basket with small foam balls. At the signal: “One - two - three - start the game!” kangaroos jump around the hall on balls, and the trapper shoots sleeping pills (foam balls) at them; the one he hits leaves the game, sits on the ball, and falls asleep. The trap is selected from the winners - the most dexterous kangaroos.

"Brown bear."

The bear sits in a den (on a ball), children jump towards him on balls, saying:

Brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

I didn’t treat myself to honey,

That's why I got angry with you...

After this, the bear catches the children, as in the game of trap.

"Snowballs on the ball."

Two teams line up opposite each other at a distance of 10m. There is a large ball in the middle between them. At the leader’s signal, the teams throw snowballs at the ball. In which direction the ball rolls the most, that team wins.

"Stop, hop, one"

Children walk in a circle, one after another, hitting the ball off the floor. At the “Stop!” signal stop and stand for 3 seconds. At the “Hop” signal, they move in a leap, holding the ball in front of them, and when “One!” sounds. - turn around their ball and move in the opposite direction. The one who makes a mistake and who moves at the “Stop” signal leaves the game.

“Play, play, don’t lose the ball!”

Children are located randomly around the hall. Everyone performs any actions with the ball of their choice: throws, rolls, hits, jumps. After the signal, everyone must quickly raise the ball up and freeze. The one who did not manage to pick up the ball is eliminated from the game.

"Snow Fortress"

Children use large hop balls to build two fortresses - one opposite the other, a distance of 7-10 meters. On signal

"Once- two three,

Start the game."

Children begin to throw balls into the opponents' fortress, trying to hit the players. The one who is hit by the snowball leaves the game. The team with the most players left wins.

"Ocean is shaking "

The driver turns away from the children. Children walk around the hall, performing arbitrary swings of the ball, and say the words:

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is agitated three times

Marine figure

Freeze in place!

At the end of the words, children should turn into a sea figure and freeze. The driver chooses the most interesting figure.

"Mosquitoes and a sparrow."

A game for the little ones. All the “mosquito” children squatted down and hid behind their balls.

The teacher - the “sparrow” - flies and asks: “Alive, alive, alive! Where should I sit?”

Mosquitoes, sticking their heads out from behind the balls, answer: “Z-z-z-z.”

Sparrow: “What should I eat?” Mosquitoes: "Z-z-z-z."

All the “mosquitoes” have scattered and are running all over the hall. "Sparrow" catches "mosquitoes". If a “mosquito” sits down behind its house, then the “sparrow” cannot catch it.

Game - attraction "Who is the fastest".

To the music, children run around balls arranged in a circle. When the music stops, everyone must sit on the ball. Whoever does not have time to take the ball leaves the game. each time there are 1 -2 fewer balls. The game continues until the last ball.

Game "Freeze".

The game is played by analogy with the game “The Sea Is Troubled.” Children perform free dance movements with a ball to the music. At the signal “Freeze!”, they must take any figure from those named by the driver: a sports figure, a domestic animal, a wild animal, dishes, furniture, transport...

Creative improvisation.

(Musical and creative game.)

The leader gives the children various music: waltz, march, polka. To the music of the waltz, children come up with light, smooth movements. They depict butterflies, birds, dragonflies, etc. To the music of the march, children come up with various general developmental exercises: squats, bends. They depict soldiers, gymnasts, etc. To polka music, children jump, run, squat, pretending to be bunnies, foxes, squirrels, etc. The leader notes the best creative improvisation and shows it to everyone.

Play occupies the most important place in the life of a preschooler and is therefore considered as one of the main means of education. Among the many children's games Special attention devoted to outdoor games, which are varied in their content and organization. Some games have a plot, roles, rules that are closely related to the plot; game actions in them are carried out in accordance with the requirements. In other games there is no plot and roles; only motor tasks are offered, regulated by rules that determine the sequence, speed and dexterity of their implementation. In the third, the plot and the actions of the players are determined by the text, which determines the nature of the movements and their sequence.

During the games, favorable conditions are created for the development and improvement of children’s motor skills, the formation of moral qualities, as well as habits and skills for living in a team. Outdoor games are mostly collective, so children develop basic skills to coordinate their actions with the movements of other players and navigate in space. The game helps the child overcome timidity and shyness. Submission to the rules of the game instills in children organization, attention, the ability to control their movements, and promotes the manifestation of volitional efforts.

All games preschool age can be divided into two large groups: outdoor games with rules (can be plot-based or plotless) and sports games.

Due to the variety of content, plot-based outdoor games help children consolidate their knowledge and ideas about objects and phenomena of the world around them. The use of fitballs (balls) in these games makes the games more creative and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Children of older groups willingly play various plotless games with a competitive element, relay races, games with various objects, and only by the age of six or seven are children ready to participate in sports games. Plotless games are very close to plot ones - they just don’t have the images that they imitate. These games are based on performing certain motor tasks with simple rules. The main goal of plotless games with fitballs is motor adjustment of the development of pupils. The teacher is tasked with teaching children to act in accordance with instructions, which teaches them to navigate in space, develops dexterity, resourcefulness, and speed of reaction.

Games and fun are also used when working with preschool children. Motor tasks in these games are performed under unusual conditions and often include an element of competition. Fitballs allow you to diversify these games; they give children joy and health.

Games with fitballs can be used not only in physical education classes, but also in everyday work (classes, walks, independent games for children, entertainment and as individual work). Many of these games are aimed at correcting and developing all properties of attention: concentration, switchability, stability and distribution (Appendix 1).

It should be noted that the effectiveness of games is determined not only by the content, but also to a greater extent by the organization and methodology of their implementation, which takes into account age characteristics, change of periods motor activity, intervals for rest and differentiated assessment of children’s activities.

Tasks. Teach children to correctly perform basic movements when running and jumping. Develop agility and reaction speed.

Observing the work of adults: preparing vegetables, storing potatoes.

Tasks. Teach children to establish cause-and-effect relationships: season - vegetation - human labor. Introduce methods for storing vegetables during the cold season. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Tasks. Teach children to ask questions based on drawings. Develop coherent speech auditory perception, attention.

Tasks. Exercise children in dribbling the ball alternately with their right and left hands, teach them to stop and pass to a friend.

Tasks. Have a conversation about the work of sellers, cashiers, contact personal experience children. Organize a game in a self-service store, teach how to use substitute items.




Observing the work of adults: cleaning the site.

Tasks. Discuss with the children the purpose of this work, explain why fallen leaves should not be burned, why it is necessary to take them out

city ​​limits.

Sport game basketball (held in the gazebo).

Tasks. Teach children to dribble the ball, changing the direction, speed of movement, and the height of the ball’s rebound. Practice dribbling the ball with your right and left hands.

Outdoor game “Quickly take it, quickly put it down.”

Tasks. Invite the children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players should act, and appoint a referee who will monitor compliance with the rules. Strengthen the child's body.

Role-playing game "Bus".

Tasks. Teach children to independently assign roles and act according to plan. Invite the children to play various situations arising in public transport.

Working with children in a group


No. 1. Conversation on the topic “Don’t play with fire!”

Tasks. Explain to children the dangers of playing with fire, talk about the rules of conduct in case of a fire.

No. 2. Preliminary work for the role-playing game “Kindergarten”: conversation about the importance of the work of the cook, laundress, and other kindergarten workers; application on the theme “We are in kindergarten"; didactic game “Let’s feed our dolls.”

Tasks. Encourage children to be independent in choosing a game, teach them to develop a plot based on knowledge gained from perceiving the world around them, from literary works and television programs, excursions, exhibitions, travel, hikes.

Work in the sensory education corner.

Tasks. Improve skills research activities, teach to use vision and touch to identify the properties of paper, present the results of the study.

Playing with singing the song “Peas and Beans” (words by J. Lingis, music by J. Svyadas).

Tasks. Improve children's ability to perform polka steps, teach them to stage a round dance, and develop artistry.

Individual work according to FEMP.

Tasks. Strengthen the ability to correctly name geometric shapes and indicate their spatial location. Develop memory and logical thinking.

Day 5



Role-playing game "Shop".

Vognikova Elena Valerievna
Card index of outdoor games

Outdoor game "Sly Fox"

Goal: To develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running quickly with dodging, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Description: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The fox's house is outlined outside the circle. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind the children and says, “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and carefully look to see which of them is the sly fox, and whether she will give herself away in some way. The players ask in chorus 3 times, first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other. The sly fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, and says “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The caught fox takes him home to his hole.

Rules: The fox begins to catch children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says “I’m here!”

If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.

A player who runs out of bounds of the court is considered caught.

Options: 2 foxes are selected.

Outdoor game "Find the ball"

Goal: To develop children's observation and dexterity.

Description: All players stand in a circle close together, facing the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball in his hands. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying “hands.” The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who has the ball or who dropped it stands in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Rules: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to the neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands.

Options: Put two balls into play. Increase the number of drivers. Give the person who has the ball a task: jump, dance, etc.

Outdoor game “Pass - stand up”

Goal: To foster a sense of camaraderie in children, develop dexterity and attention. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back.

Description: The players line up in two columns, two steps apart from each other. In each they stand at arm's length from each other. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Two balls are placed on it. At the “sit down” signal, everyone sits down with their legs crossed. At the signal “pass,” the first in the columns take the balls and pass them over their heads to those sitting behind them, then they stand up and turn to face the column. The person who received the ball passes it back over his head, then stands up and also turns to face the column, etc. The column that passed the ball correctly and did not drop the ball wins.

Rules: Pass the ball only over your head and while sitting. Stand up only after passing the ball to the person sitting behind you. The one who fails to receive the ball runs after it, sits down and continues the game.

Options: Pass the ball to the right or left, turning the body.

Outdoor game “Guess who got caught”

Goal: To develop observation, activity, initiative. Practice running and jumping.

Description: Children sit on chairs, the teacher suggests going for a walk in the forest or clearing. There you can see birds, bugs, bees, frogs, grasshoppers, a bunny, and a hedgehog. They can be caught and brought to the living area. The players follow the teacher, and then run away different sides and pretend to catch it in the air or crouching on the ground. “It’s time to go home,” says the teacher, and all the children, holding the living creatures in their hands, run home and take each of their chairs. The teacher names one of the children and offers to show whom he caught in the forest. The child imitates the movements of a captured animal. Children guess who was caught. Afterwards they go for a walk in the forest again.

Rules: Return at the signal “It’s time to go home.”

Options: Train ride (sit on chairs, imitate the movements and sound of wheels with their hands and feet).

Outdoor game “Two Frosts”

Goal: To develop inhibition in children, the ability to act on a signal (by a word). Practice running while dodging while catching. Promote speech development.

Description: On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. The teacher selects two drivers, who stand in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. At the teacher’s signal “Begin,” both Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are daring. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which one of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and Frosts try to freeze them, that is, touch them with their hands. The frozen ones stop where they were caught in the frost and stand like that until everyone else has finished running. The frozen ones are counted, and then they join the players.

Rules: Players can run out of the house only after the word “frost”. Whoever runs out first and whoever stays in the house is considered frozen. The one touched by Frost immediately stops.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

Goal: To develop children’s self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Practice running and squatting, lining up in a circle and walking in a circle. Promote speech development.

Description: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a “mouse trap”, the rest of the “mice” - they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Beware, you cheaters, we will get to you. We’ll set mousetraps for you and catch everyone now.” Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. According to the teacher: “clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles. Rules: Lower your clasped hands at the word “clap.” After the mousetrap has slammed shut, you must not crawl under your arms.

Options: If there are many children in the group, then you can organize two mousetraps and the children will run around in two.

Outdoor game “We are funny guys”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a verbal signal. Practice running in a certain direction while dodging. Promote speech development.

Description: Children stand on one side of the playground. A line is drawn in front of them. A line is also drawn on the opposite side. On the side of the children, in the middle, between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher. The children say in unison: “We are cheerful guys, we love to run and jump, well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three, catch!” After the word “catch,” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the catch catches up with those running. The one who is touched by the trap before the player crosses the line is considered caught and sits down near the trap. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are recounted and a new trap is selected. Rules: You can only cross to the other side after the word “catch”. The one touched by the trap moves aside. The one who crossed to the other side, beyond the line, cannot be caught. Options: Introduce a second trap. On the way of those escaping there is an obstacle - running between objects.

Outdoor game “The Herd and the Wolf”

Goal: To develop the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice walking and running quickly.

Description: Circles and squares are outlined on one side of the site. These are buildings: a calf barn, a stable. The rest is occupied by “meadow”. In one of the corners on the opposite side there is a “wolf’s lair” (in a circle). The teacher appoints one of the players as a “shepherd”, the other as a “wolf”, who is in the den. The rest of the children depict horses and calves, which are in the barnyard, in the appropriate rooms. At a sign from the teacher, the “shepherd” takes turns approaching the “doors” of the calf barn and stables and, as it were, opens them. Playing the pipe, he leads the whole herd out into the meadow. He himself walks behind. The players, imitating domestic animals, nibble grass, run, move from one place to another, approaching the wolf’s lair. “Wolf,” says the teacher, everyone runs to the shepherd and stands behind him. Those who did not manage to reach the shepherd are caught by the wolf and taken to the lair. The shepherd takes the flock to the barnyard, where everyone is placed in their places.

Rules: The wolf runs out of the lair only after the word “wolf”. At the same time as the wolf runs out, all players must run to the shepherd. Those who do not have time to stand behind the shepherd are taken away by the wolf.

Outdoor game “Fast to places”

Goal: To develop orientation in space, the ability to perform movements according to a signal. Practice fast running, walking, jumping.

Description: Children stand in a circle at arm's length, each person's place is marked with an object. At the word “run”, children leave the circle, walk, run or jump across the entire playground. The teacher removes one item. After the words “take your seats,” all children run in a circle and take empty seats. To the one who remained, the children said in unison, “Vanya, Vanya, don’t yawn, quickly take your place!”

Rules: A place in the circle can only be taken after the words “Take your places.” You can’t stay still after the word “run.”

Options: At the beginning of the game, do not hide the cube so that no one is left without a place. Remove 2 or 3 cubes. In winter, flags are stuck in the snow.

Outdoor game “Hunters and Hares”

Goal: Improve the skills of jumping and throwing at a target on both legs. Develop agility, speed and spatial orientation.

Equipment: ball.

Separation of roles: Choose one or two “hunters” who stand on one side of the site, the rest of the children are “hares”.

Progress of the game.

The hares sit in their “burrows” located on the opposite side of the site. The “hunters” walk around the area and pretend to be looking for “hares”, then go to their places and hide behind the “trees” (chairs, bench).

In the words of the teacher:

Bunny jump and jump. jumping gallop

Into the green forest

The “hares” go out onto the platform and jump. To the word “Hunter!” The “hares” run to their “minks”, one of the “hunters” aims the ball at their feet and whoever it hits takes with them. The “hares” go out into the forest again and the “hunter” hunts them again, but throws the ball with his second hand. When the game is repeated, new “hunters” are chosen.

Instructions for the game. Make sure that the “hunter” throws the ball with both his right and left hands. "Hunters" throw the ball only at the feet of the "hares". The one who threw the ball picks it up.

Outdoor game "Bear and Bees"

Goal: To teach children to climb down and onto the gymnastics wall. develop agility and speed.

The beehive (gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side there is a meadow. To the side is a bear's den. No more than 12-15 people participate in the game at the same time. The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in a hive. The bears are in the den. At a conditioned signal, the bees fly out of the hive (they get off the gymnastic wall, fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. As soon as they fly away, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb onto the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the “bears” signal, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away into the den. Those who do not have time to hide are stung by the bees (touched with their hands). Then the game resumes. The stung bears do not participate in the next game.

Directions. After two repetitions, the children change roles. The teacher makes sure that the children do not jump, but climb down the stairs; if necessary, provide assistance.

Outdoor game “Free space”

Goal: Develop agility, speed; the ability not to collide.

The players sit on the floor in a circle, legs crossed. The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They get up and stand around the circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, reach their place and sit down. The players mark who was the first to take an empty seat. The teacher calls two other children. Game continues.

Directions. You can call for running and children sitting in different places circle.

Target: teach children to walk, run in circles, act on a signal, develop dexterity and speed.

Progress of the game:

Children form a circle and, at the teacher’s signal, walk or run around objects (cubes, cones, pebbles), of which there should be one less. At the next signal6 “Take it quickly!” - each player must take an object and lift it above his head. The one who did not manage to pick up the object is considered a loser. The game repeats itself

Option 2:

Children perform dance movements, different types of running and walking. There may be 3-4 fewer items.

Outdoor game “Whose column will be most likely to form?”

Target: teach children to move around the playground in different directions; when given a signal, they form three columns in accordance with the objects in their hands. Develop attention, the ability to act on a signal, spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into three groups with the same number of players. Each subgroup chooses a specific object, for example a pine cone or a pebble, etc. all children in one group have the same subject. At different ends of the site, places are chosen for these subgroups - a stump, a bush, a plank, which are designated by the same object. Everyone walks or runs in different directions to the beat of the tambourine. At the signal “To your places” they run and form a column near the corresponding object.

Option 2:

The teacher gives the signal: “Stop!” The children stop, close their eyes, and the teacher at this time changes the places of the objects, then gives the signal “In place!” Children open their eyes, run to their objects and line up.

Mobile group "Sovushka"

Target: teach children to act on a signal, run, scatteredly imitating birds, and maintain a motionless posture. Develop balance.

Progress of the game:

All the birds are playing, one child is an owl, which is located on the side of the playground. At the signal “day,” the birds fly away, flap their wings, and peck grains. At the signal “night” everyone stops and stands motionless. An owl flies out, looks out for those who move and takes them into the nest. in 15-20 seconds. The “day” signal is given again, the owl flies to the nest, and the children - birds fly around the playground.

Option 2:

Two owls are selected. Take interesting poses.

Mobile group "Tag"

Target: teach children to run around the playground in all directions, with acceleration, to consolidate the ability to act on a signal. Develop agility and speed.

Progress of the game:

A driver is selected, who receives a colored bandage and stands in the center of the site. After the signal: “Catch!” - all the children scatter around the playground, and the driver tries to catch up with one of the players and make fun of them. The one who is insulted by the driver moves aside. After 2-3 repetitions, the Trap changes.

Option 2:

You can’t stain someone who managed to stand on one leg.

Outdoor game “Running in lines”

Target: teach children to walk in a line with different positions of their hands: on their shoulders, clasped in front, to run away in all directions without bumping into each other. Develop the ability to act on a signal, in coordination, dexterity, and speed of movements.

Progress of the game:

Teams line up in lines (at a distance of 15-20 steps), you can give them the names “Rocket” and “Sputnik”. At the signal, the children of one of the teams, holding hands, walk forward, trying to maintain alignment. When there are 2-3 steps left to the other line, the participants of which are sitting on the ground, the teacher gives the command: “Run!” The children of the first rank unclasp their hands and run to their house, and the children of the second rank try to insult them. When repeating, the teams switch roles

Option 2:

Each time, the children of both teams must take a certain starting position, for example: those who advance can take each other under each other, put their hands on their shoulders, clasp them in front; those who are waiting for rivals to approach may stand with their backs or sides to them.

Outdoor game “Catch up with your opponent”

Target: teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other quickly so as not to upset other children. Develop the ability to act on a signal, speed of movement, dexterity.

Progress of the game:

Two lines of children are located in front of the starting lines at a distance of 5 steps from one another; a house is outlined 15-20 steps from the starting line. At the signal, everyone starts running at the same time: the children behind them try to make fun of those running in front. After counting the dirty ones, the children change roles. When repeating, the ranks change places.

Option 2:

Children run away different types running.

On chairs arranged in several rows, as in the army, there is a tunic, overalls, cape, budenovka, and cap. On command, children must dress or dress dolls as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who performs all the actions faster than others and correctly. The winner is appointed commander. He opens the envelope and announces which military unit the children will visit next.

“Who is faster is the commander?”

Target: Encouraging children to perform actions when given a signal, developing organization, independence, speed, and dexterity.

Progress of the game:

On chairs arranged in several rows, like in the army, there are items of clothing. On command, children must get dressed as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who performs all the actions faster than others and correctly. The winner is appointed commander.


Target: Development of children's activity in games with objects, the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.

Progress of the game:

The children of both teams are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a gymnastic stick. Members of one team stand on one side of the designated line. At the leader’s signal, team members try to pull the enemy to their side.



Progress of the game:

Children “neutralize” (collect) “mines” (disks) by stepping on bumps.


Target: Development of speed, endurance, agility, and the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Progress of the game:

The first signalman (participant) pulls the cable (cord), overcoming the obstacle course.

The second signalman, overcoming the obstacle, installs the telephone, making contact with the call sign: “First, first, I’m second, as you hear, reception.”


Target: Development of dexterity, speed, activity of children in games with objects.

Progress of the game:

Children hit the tank (target) with grenades (bags).

"Grenades in a box"

Target: Development of dexterity, speed, attention, activity of children in games with objects.

Number of players: 1 - 6 people.

Equipment: balls for a dry pool.

Progress of the game:

An adult pours colored plastic balls (grenades) onto the floor and asks the children to collect them, bring them and put them in a box.

You can complicate the game by placing several obstacles in front of the scattered balls, which the child must overcome in order to collect the balls (for example, by climbing over a log, bench, etc.).

You can use balls different colors and sizes and ask the children to collect the balls selectively: either only small ones, or one-color ones.

"Scouts" (blind man's buff with a bell)

Target: Development of dexterity, speed, activity of children in games with objects.

Progress of the game:

Scouts of 2-3 people (blind man's buff) with their eyes closed catch the "tongues". The enemies (the rest of the children) run around the hall and ring bells.

"Run quietly past the patrol"

Target: Developing the ability to run easily, rhythmically, energetically pushing off with the toe, nurturing independence and initiative in organizing familiar games. Cultivating team spirit.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They stand behind the line at one end of the playground. A driver (sentinel) is selected. He stands in the middle of the site. At the teacher’s signal, children of one group silently run to the other side of the playground. If the watchman hears the sound of footsteps, he says: “Stop” and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the watchman shows where he hears the noise from. If he indicated correctly, the children move aside; if he made a mistake, the children return to their places and run again. All groups of children run through this one by one.

The group that was not heard by the driver (lookout) wins. When the game is repeated, the sentinel changes.

"On the border"

Target: Development of dexterity, speed, endurance, flexibility, the ability to play with objects, perform actions on a signal.

Progress of the game:

The children portray border guards; two children are appointed sentries with a dog. The “border guards” are resting, warming themselves by the fires, etc. At the other end of the site there are machine guns.

The “sentinel” keeps the “dog” on a leash and walks with it along the line (border). Suddenly the “dog” pulls the cord. The “sentinel” shouts “Alarm!” Hearing this signal, all “border guards” must quickly take their machine guns and line up along the imaginary border. The two children who reach the border first will be the “sentinel” and the “dog” in the next game.

Rules of the game:“Border guards” should be as far as possible from the machine guns. It is not allowed to take weapons in advance.

Appendix No. 2

Conversations with children about the war.

Topic: “Letters from the front”

Educator: There was a war, but life went on. Mothers, wives, and children were waiting for the soldiers at home. They wrote letters to the front and eagerly awaited an answer - news from the front. In rare moments of silence, the soldiers rested, looked at photographs of family and friends and wrote letters home: S. Glushko-Kamensky. 01/22/1944

Don't be sad, my dear,

don't be sad, my dear,

I haven't forgotten you

in the stormy roar of days.

I just see you

through a snowstorm,

And the desire to see you

getting stronger and stronger.

We're going west

driving out invaders

them on our land

There's not even an inch of room!

The volleys of our guns,

machine gunners' fire

Getting closer every day

victory dawn!

I fight and take revenge

for killed comrades,

Our strike on the enemy

getting stronger and stronger!

Don't be sad, my dear,

don't be sad, my dear,

I haven't forgotten you

in the stormy roar of days.


Educator: For whom is this letter written?

The children answer.

Educator: What does the fighter who wrote this letter call the Nazis?

The children answer.

Educator: Why did the soldiers take revenge on their damned enemies?

Children make guesses.

Educator: What did all the defenders of our Motherland believe in?

Children express their thoughts.

Educator: The Nazis brought a lot of grief to our land: they burned villages, destroyed cities, killed civilians - women, old people and children. The people had only one hope - for our army, fortitude, courage, heroism of our soldiers and officers. And they lived up to the hopes of their wives, mothers and children - everyone who waited for them, believed them and wrote letters. Guys, on this poster you see photographs of the war years and triangular envelopes - letters from one of the defenders of our Motherland from the front. The soldier who wrote these letters died, like many fighters for our Motherland. They remained forever young in photographs and in people's memories.

Everyone who died defending the Fatherland will forever remain in our hearts!

Conversation “The Motherland is Calling”

Educator: Russia is a beautiful, rich country, and many foreigners would like to own its treasures. Our country has had to repel enemy attacks more than once. This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.

Before attacking our country in 1941, Nazi Germany captured many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Austria, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia. All the plants and factories in Europe worked for her. The head of Germany was Adolf Hitler, who dreamed of conquering and enslaving the whole world.

In the summer of 1941, on June 22, at dawn, Hitler’s troops attacked our Motherland without warning. The Nazis tried to deprive us of freedom, to seize our lands and cities. Thus began the Great Patriotic War. The fascist army was very strong, it had a lot of military equipment: tanks, planes, warships and well-trained soldiers, so our troops initially retreated. But the Nazis miscalculated. They did not know that our people had very strong willpower and spirit.

Look at this poster. It was drawn by Irakli Moiseevich Toidze and called “The Motherland is Calling!”

Educator: Where is the Motherland calling our people?

Children. To defend the Fatherland.

Educator: What mood does the Motherland convey to the people?

Children's statements.

Educator: What else do you see on the poster?

Children's statements.

Educator: Why are there so many weapons behind the woman?

Children express their guesses.

Educator: This woman-mother calls all her sons and daughters to join the army, to be honest, brave, disciplined fighters, and to be devoted to their people until their last breath. She calls on everyone to defend the Motherland from enemies - courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing their blood and life. And all the inhabitants of our huge country, as one, rose up to defend the Motherland and freedom.

Appendix No. 3

Celebration script for Victory Day

"No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!".

Purpose of the event: Formation of patriotic feelings through the historical and heroic past of our Motherland.
Objectives of the event: 1. To introduce the history of our country during the Second World War.
2. Promote the formation of targeted knowledge about
the feat of the Russian people in the victory over fascism.
3. Foster love for the Motherland and pride in your country.

Children perform in costumes of soldiers, sailors and pilots.

Child: We celebrate many holidays,
We all dance, play, sing.
And we meet the beautiful autumn,
And we are waiting for a beautiful Christmas tree.
But there is one holiday - the most important
And spring brings it to us.
Victory Day - solemn, glorious
The whole country celebrates it.

Child: Today is a holiday - Victory Day
Happy, bright spring day!
All the streets are dressed in flowers.
And sonorous songs are heard.

Presenter 1: Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Victory Day! On May 9, 1945, our country won a victory over Nazi Germany.
There is no family in Russia that was spared by the war. On this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields, those who established a peaceful life.
On June 22, 1941, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without declaring war, German troops attacked our Motherland. The peaceful life of the people was stopped. The Great Patriotic War began.
(slide - Motherland - Mother Calls)

The recording “Holy War” by M. A. Alexandrov is playing, lyrics. V. Lebedeva-Kumacha

Excerpt from S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Fairy tale for children”

Summer night, at dawn,
Hitler gave the troops an order
And he sent German soldiers
Against all Soviet people -
This means - against everyone.

Presenter: The entire people of the country stood up to defend their native land.

Presenter: Every day, trains carried soldiers to the front. Relatives saw off their loved ones with tears and faith in victory.
Child: Don't cry, little sister,
Mom don't cry
I will return victorious
To our beloved land.
We have tanks, we have machine guns!
We have guns and planes!
We will fearlessly destroy our enemies,
To liberate the Fatherland!

Presenter 2: Many cities and villages were captured by the Germans. Here is the story of a boy from the village of Popovki
Among the snowdrifts and funnels
In a village destroyed to the ground,
The child stands with his eyes closed -
The last citizen of the village.

Scared white kitten
Fragments of the stove and pipe -
And that's all that's left
From my former life and hut.

White-headed Petya is standing
And he cries like an old man, without tears,
He lived in the world for three years,
And what I learned and endured!

In his presence they burned down his hut,
They drove mom away from the yard,
And in a hastily dug grave
The murdered sister lies.

Don't let go of your rifle, soldier,
Until you take revenge on the enemy
For the blood shed in Popovka,
And for the child in the snow.

Not only men but also women fought in the war. Women worked as doctors; nurses in hospitals; sewed clothes for soldiers; worked in factories and factories; they made shells and military equipment, and worked in the fields.
They were orderlies (slide)
scouts (slide),
signalmen (slide).
Many soldiers were saved from death by kind female hands.

Child: Guns roar, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
My sister whispers: “Let me support you,
I will bandage your wound! »
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms.
There was so much love and warmth in her!
My sister saved many from death!

Presenter. Children fought against the Nazis along with adults.
The guys were scouts, liaison officers in partisan detachments. They did not spare their lives to defeat their hated enemies.
Presenter. But even in difficult times war time In short moments of calm, soldiers and sailors found the strength to have fun, sing and dance.

Child: Well, and this song
Everyone in Russia knows
And on her holidays
Often performed.
Her soldiers in the trenches sang,
And the gun was named after her.
Know this song
And Misha and Tanyusha.
Let's sing
My favorite Katyusha.

Song "Katyusha".

Child: The fighter just took the three-row,
It’s immediately obvious that he’s an accordion player.
Let's start in order
He threw his fingers from top to bottom,
And from that old accordion,
That I was left an orphan
Somehow it suddenly became warmer
On the front road.

song "Three Tankers"

Presenter: The sailors danced their favorite dance “Apple”.
Dance "Apple"

Presenter Often, in between battles, soldiers remembered their loved ones and wrote letters home.
The soldiers were marching to the West,
On the roads of war,
Fell out among the volleys,
Maybe an hour of silence
And then at a halt,
Down in the trench,
People wrote letters
To those who were so far away.

Read excerpts from letters from the front.

My dear family!
Night. The candle flame is trembling.
This is not the first time I remember
How do you sleep on a warm stove?
In our little old hut,
That in the wilderness was lost in the forests,
I remember a field, a river,
I remember us again and again.

My dear brothers and sisters!
Tomorrow I'm going into battle again
For your Fatherland, for Russia,
That I got into a lot of trouble.
I will gather my courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without mercy,
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can study and live!

Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello, my beloved son!
I'm writing from the front line,
Tomorrow morning - back into battle!
We will drive out the fascists.
Take care, son, mother,
Forget sadness and sadness -
I will return with Victory!
I will finally hug you.
Goodbye. Your father.

Presenter 2: The Great Patriotic War lasted for four and a half years. Finally the enemy was defeated! Russian soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland from the Nazis, but also other European countries. They reached the capital of Germany, Berlin, and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag.

Child: We hoisted it on the Reichstag
Our Soviet red flag.
It sparkles and turns red.
The flag says to all people:
“The cruel enemy has been defeated! »

Presenter May 9, Victory Day. Thousands of people took to the streets and squares of cities. Everyone had tears of joy in their eyes. People rejoiced at the Great Victory and were sad about the loss of loved ones.

PresenterEternal flame- a constantly burning fire that symbolizes eternal memory soldiers who did not return from the war.

Child: Your name is unknown, hero,
In a fierce battle you did not leave the ranks.
And people keep the memory of the feat,
You are in our hearts, Unknown Soldier!
Let the Eternal Flame illuminate the granite
“Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten! »

The song “Victory Day” is playing.

Presenter 1: On the morning of May 9, military parades are held in the main cities of Russia. Veterans put on medals. People give them flowers.
Veterans get together and remember how they fought, about their comrades, and sing songs of the war years.

On May 9, at exactly seven o'clock in the evening, a minute of silence begins. At this moment we are silent and think about those who saved the world from the Nazis, about those thanks to whom we now live in a beautiful, peaceful country. Let us also stand and honor the memory of the fallen heroes.

(Minute of silence. Clock strikes).

Child: One day the children went to bed -
The windows are all darkened
And we woke up at dawn -
There is light in the windows and there is no war!
You don't have to say goodbye anymore
And don’t accompany me to the front,
And don’t be afraid of raids,
And don’t wait for night worries….

Child: People celebrate Victory!
The news flies everywhere:
From the front they go, they go, they go
Our brothers and fathers!

Child: For everything that we have now,
For every happy hour we have,
Because the sun shines on us -
Thanks to the valiant soldiers
That they once defended the world.

Presenter 2: There is a lot in the world important words: Mom, Motherland, Russia. And there is also something very important, kind word-WORLD. The world is the planet, the world is the sun, the world is smiles, the world is children. No war - no tears, no grief. Everyone needs peace, always!
(slide - poster about PEACE)

Let the peaceful cities sleep.
Let the sirens howl piercingly
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let no shell explode,
Not a single one is making a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children's voices.
And may the years pass peacefully,
Let there never be war!

We will be brave like our grandfathers,
Native land we will protect
And the bright sun of victory
We won't give it to anyone!

The stars fly up here and there -
There are fireworks in the city today,
Victory salute over the Neva –
A wonderful fire festival!
We remember at this hour
Those who saved their native country.
We will remember adults and children,
To the enemy who did not surrender Leningrad.
We will not forget the terrible years.
Let there be peace, let there be light!
The sun cannot hide in the smoky darkness,
Let there be peace throughout the entire Earth!

Victory! Victory! Great word
In it is the glory of the Fatherland and the glory of a fighter,
It makes anyone tremble
It lights up hearts like fire,
The black clouds have cleared,
The sun is rising over the Motherland.
And the voice of the people is powerful
Sings a victory song.

Victory! Victory! And volleys thunder over Moscow,
And the time has come for bright joy,
Long live the famous Russian warrior!
Let's shout "Hurray" to the great people!

Guys, let's spite the weather
Let's embrace the planet with our round dance,
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.

Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the entire universe.
All alone in the whole universe,
What will she do without us?

Song “Let there always be sunshine” m. A Ostrovsky lyrics. L. Oshanin

Over gray and beautiful Vienna
The waltz floated, full of dreams and fire.
He sounded either tenderly or passionately,
And everyone was intoxicated by spring.
And the guy with a happy smile
I pressed my accordion to my heart,
As if he saw the Volga floods,
It was as if he had embraced Russia.

Dance – Waltz to the song “Clouds in Blue”

Appendix No. 4

Stories about war.


L. Kassil

The war went on for a long time.

Our troops began to advance on enemy soil. The fascists have nowhere to run anymore. They settled in the main German city Berlin.

Our troops attacked Berlin. Has begun last Stand war. No matter how the Nazis fought back, they could not resist. The soldiers began to take Soviet army in Berlin, street by street, house by house. But the fascists still don’t give up.

And suddenly one of our soldiers saw kind soul, during a battle on the street, a little German girl. Apparently, she has fallen behind her own people. And they, out of fear, forgot about her... The poor thing was left alone in the middle of the street. And she has nowhere to go. There is a battle going on all around. Fire is blazing from all the windows, bombs are exploding, houses are collapsing, bullets are whistling from all sides. He’s about to crush you with a stone, or kill you with a shrapnel... Our soldier sees that a girl is disappearing... “Oh, you bastard, where has this taken you, you wicked thing!..”

The soldier rushed across the street right under the bullets, picked up the German girl in his arms, shielded her from the fire with his shoulder and carried her out of the battle.

And soon our soldiers had already raised the red flag over the most important house in the German capital.

The Nazis surrendered. And the war ended. We won. The world has begun.

And now they have built a huge monument in the city of Berlin. High above the houses, on a green hill, stands a hero made of stone - a soldier of the Soviet Army. In one hand he has a heavy sword, with which he defeated the fascist enemies, and in the other - a little girl. She pressed herself against the broad shoulder Soviet soldier. His soldiers saved her from death, saved all the children in the world from the Nazis, and today he looks menacingly from above to see if the evil enemies are going to start a war again and disrupt the peace.


S. Alekseev

(stories by Sergei Alekseev about Leningraders and the feat of Leningrad).

In 1941, the Nazis blockaded Leningrad. The city was cut off from the entire country. It was possible to get to Leningrad only by water, along Lake Ladoga.

In November there were frosts. The water road froze and stopped.

The road stopped - that means there will be no supply of food, that means there will be no supply of fuel, there will be no supply of ammunition. Leningrad needs a road like air, like oxygen.

There will be a road! - the people said.

Lake Ladoga will freeze and become covered strong ice Ladoga (this is the abbreviated name for Lake Ladoga). The road will go on the ice.

Not everyone believed in such a path. Ladoga is restless and capricious. Blizzards will rage, a piercing wind will blow over the lake, and cracks and gullies will appear on the ice of the lake. Ladoga breaks its ice armor. Even the most very coldy cannot completely bind Lake Ladoga.

Capricious, treacherous Lake Ladoga. And yet there is no other way out. There are fascists all around. Only here, along Lake Ladoga, can the road go to Leningrad.

The most difficult days in Leningrad. Communication with Leningrad stopped. People are waiting for the ice on Lake Ladoga to become strong enough. And this is not a day, not two. They look at the ice, at the lake. The thickness is measured by ice. Old-time fishermen also monitor the lake. How is the ice on Ladoga?

It's growing.

Takes strength.

People are worried and rushing for time.

Faster, faster,” they shout to Ladoga. - Hey, don't be lazy, frost!

Hydrologists (those who study water and ice) arrived at Lake Ladoga, builders and army commanders arrived. We were the first to decide to walk on the fragile ice.

Hydrologists passed through and the ice survived.

The builders passed by and withstood the ice.

Major Mozhaev, commander of the road maintenance regiment, rode on horseback and withstood the ice.

The horse train walked across the ice. The sleigh survived the journey.

General Lagunov, one of the commanders of the Leningrad Front, drove across the ice in a passenger car. The ice crackled, creaked, became angry, but let the car through.

On November 22, 1941, the first automobile convoy set off across the still-unhardened ice of Lake Ladoga. There were 60 trucks in the convoy. From here, from west bank, from the side of Leningrad, cars left for cargo on the eastern bank.

There is not a kilometer ahead, not two - twenty-seven kilometers of icy road. They are waiting on the western Leningrad coast for the return of people and convoys.

Will they come back? Will you get stuck? Will they come back? Will you get stuck?

A day has passed. And so:

That's right, the cars are coming, the convoy is returning. There are three or four bags of flour in the back of each car. Haven't taken any more yet. The ice is not strong. True, the cars were towed by sleighs. There were also sacks of flour in the sleigh, two and three at a time.

From that day on, constant movement on the ice of Lake Ladoga began. Soon severe frosts struck. The ice has strengthened. Now each truck took 20, 30 bags of flour. They also transported other heavy loads across the ice.

The road was not easy. There was not always luck here. The ice broke under the pressure of the wind. Sometimes cars sank. Fascist planes bombed the columns from the air. And again ours suffered losses. The engines froze along the way. The drivers froze on the ice. And yet, neither day nor night, nor in a snowstorm, nor in the most severe frost, the ice road across Lake Ladoga did not stop working.

There were the most hard days Leningrad. Stop the road - death to Leningrad.

The road did not stop. Leningraders called it “The Road of Life”.


S. Alekseev

Hunger is spreading deathly through the city. Leningrad cemeteries cannot accommodate the dead. People died at the machines. They died on the streets. They went to bed at night and didn’t wake up in the morning. More than 600 thousand people died of hunger in Leningrad.

This house also rose among the Leningrad houses. This is the Savichevs' house. A girl was bending over the pages of a notebook. Her name is Tanya. Tanya Savicheva keeps a diary.

Notebook with alphabet. Tanya opens a page with the letter “F”. Writes:

Zhenya is Tanya's sister.

Soon Tanya sits down again to her diary. Opens a page with the letter “B”. Writes:

“Grandmother died on January 25th. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon 1942." New page from Tanya's diary. Page starting with the letter "L". We read:

Another page from Tanya's diary. Page starting with the letter "B". We read:

“Uncle Vasya died on April 13. at 2 am. 1942." One more page. Also with the letter "L". But it is written on the back of the sheet: “Uncle Lyosha. May 10 at 4 p.m. 1942.” Here is the page with the letter "M". We read: “Mom May 13 at 7:30 am. morning 1942." Tanya sits for a long time over the diary. Then he opens the page with the letter “C”. He writes: “The Savichevs have died.”

Opens a page starting with the letter “U”. He clarifies: “Everyone died.”

I sat. I looked at the diary. I opened the page to the letter “O”. She wrote: “Tanya is the only one left.”

Tanya was saved from starvation. They took the girl out of Leningrad.

But Tanya did not live long. Her health was undermined by hunger, cold, and the loss of loved ones. Tanya Savicheva also passed away. Tanya died. The diary remains. "Death to the Nazis!" - the diary shouts.


A.V. Mityaev

That autumn there were long, cold rains. The ground was saturated with water, the roads were muddy. On the country roads, stuck up to their axles in mud, stood military trucks. The supply of food became very bad. In the soldier's kitchen, the cook cooked only soup from crackers every day: in hot water sprinkled breadcrumbs and seasoned with salt.

On such and such hungry days, soldier Lukashuk found a bag of oatmeal. He wasn't looking for anything, he just leaned his shoulder against the wall of the trench. A block of damp sand collapsed, and everyone saw the edge of a green duffel bag in the hole.

What a find! the soldiers rejoiced. There will be a feast on the mountain. Let's cook porridge!

One ran with a bucket for water, others began to look for firewood, and still others had already prepared spoons.

But when they managed to fan the fire and it was already hitting the bottom of the bucket, an unfamiliar soldier jumped into the trench. He was thin and red-haired. Eyebrows over blue eyes also red. The overcoat is worn out and short. There are windings and trampled shoes on my feet.

Hey bro! - he shouted in a hoarse, cold voice. - Give me the bag here! Don't put it down, don't take it.

He simply stunned everyone with his appearance, and they gave him the bag right away.

And how could you not give it away? According to front-line law, it was necessary to give it up. Soldiers hid duffel bags in trenches when they went on the attack. To make it easier. Of course, there were bags left without an owner: either it was impossible to return for them (this is if the attack was successful and it was necessary to drive out the Nazis), or the soldier died. But since the owner has arrived, the conversation will be short.

The soldiers watched silently as the red-haired man carried away the precious bag on his shoulder. Only Lukashuk could not stand it and quipped:

Look how skinny he is! They gave him extra rations. Let him eat. If it doesn't burst, it might get fatter.

It's getting cold. Snow. The earth froze and became hard. Delivery has improved. The cook was cooking cabbage soup with meat in the kitchen on wheels, pea soup with ham. Everyone forgot about the red soldier and his porridge.

A big offensive was being prepared.

Long lines of infantry battalions walked along hidden forest roads and along ravines. At night, tractors dragged guns to the front line, and tanks moved.

Lukashuk and his comrades were also preparing for the offensive. It was still dark when the cannons opened fire. The planes began to hum in the sky.

They threw bombs at fascist dugouts and fired machine guns at enemy trenches.

The planes took off. Then the tanks began to rumble. The infantrymen rushed after them to attack. Lukashuk and his comrades also ran and fired from a machine gun. He threw a grenade into a German trench, wanted to throw more, but didn’t have time: the bullet hit him in the chest. And he fell. Lukashuk lay in the snow and did not feel that the snow was cold. Some time passed and he stopped hearing the roar of battle. Then he stopped seeing the light, it seemed to him that a dark, quiet night had come.

When Lukashuk regained consciousness, he saw an orderly. The orderly bandaged the wound and put Lukashuk in a small plywood sled. The sled slid and swayed in the snow. This quiet swaying made Lukashuk feel dizzy. But he didn’t want his head to spin, he wanted to remember where he saw this orderly, red-haired and thin, in a worn out overcoat.

Hold on, brother! Don’t live in timidity!.. he heard the orderly’s words.

It seemed to Lukashuk that he had known this voice for a long time. But where and when I heard it before, I could no longer remember.

Lukashuk regained consciousness when he was transferred from the boat onto a stretcher to be taken to a large tent under the pine trees: here, in the forest, a military doctor was pulling out bullets and shrapnel from the wounded.

Lying on a stretcher, Lukashuk saw a sled-boat on which he was being transported to the hospital. Three dogs were tied to the sled with straps. They were lying in the snow. Icicles froze on the fur. The muzzles were covered with frost, the dogs' eyes were half-closed.

The orderly approached the dogs. In his hands he had a helmet full of oatmeal. Steam was pouring out of her. The orderly stuck his helmet into the snow to tap the dogs because it was dangerously hot. The orderly was thin and red-haired. And then Lukashuk remembered where he had seen him. It was he who then jumped into the trench and took a bag of oatmeal from them.

Lukashuk smiled at the orderly with just his lips and, coughing and choking, said:

And you, redhead, still haven’t gained weight. One of them ate a bag of oatmeal, but he was still thin.

The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, answered:

They ate oatmeal. But they got you there on time. And I recognized you immediately. As soon as I saw it in the snow, I recognized it.


A. Tvardovsky

What’s his name, I forgot to ask him.

About ten or twelve years old. Bedovy,

Of those who are the leaders of children,

From those in the front-line towns

They greet us like dear guests.

The car is surrounded in parking lots,

Carrying water to them in buckets is not difficult,

Bring soap and towel to the tank

And unripe plums are put in...

There was a battle going on outside. The enemy fire was terrible,

We made our way forward to the square.

And he nails - you can’t look out of the towers, -

And the devil will understand where he’s hitting from.

Here, guess which house is behind

He settled down - there were so many holes,

And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:

Comrade commander, comrade commander!

I know where their gun is. I scouted...

I crawled up, they were over there in the garden...

But where, where?.. - Let me go

On the tank with you. I'll give it straight away.

Well, no fight awaits. - Get in here, buddy! -

And so the four of us roll to the place.

The boy is standing - mines, bullets are whistling,

And only the shirt has a bubble.

We've arrived. - Here. - And from a turn

We go to the rear and give full throttle.

And this gun, along with the crew,

We sank into loose, greasy black soil.

I wiped off the sweat. Smothered by fumes and soot:

There was a big fire going from house to house.

And I remember I said: “Thank you, lad!” -

And he shook hands like a comrade...

It was a difficult fight. Everything now is as if from sleep,

And I just can’t forgive myself:

From thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,

But what’s his name, I forgot to ask him.
