The kitten has a hot nose and paws. Hot ears in a cat: causes and their elimination. If the cat has hot ears and a wet nose

The normal body temperature of a cat is 38-39.5°C. For a person, this temperature indicator is on the verge of critical. Therefore, touching the cat and feeling that cat is hot, the owners begin to panic. Don’t get nervous right away, first measure your pet’s temperature - this is relative to your body temperature hot cat, and for him the temperature is within normal limits.

Just as easy cat's hot nose, in the absence of any other symptoms, is by no means an indicator of ill health. The cat has just woken up; in a few minutes the temperature balance will be restored. The animal is scared or nervous; stress is a common reason why why is the cat hot? The heat caused by these causes, after a short time the cat has a hot nose will be restored to normal temperature.

Symptoms of fever in cats and kittens

But if the thermometer shows over 39.5°C, then the cat has hot ears and a dry nose, There are reasons for concern, especially if you have symptoms such as:

  • the cat refuses food and water;
  • general lethargy, drowsiness;
  • the cat has hot ears, red, swollen, with an unpleasant odor;
  • hides from the light, from hands, behaves inappropriately;
  • The cat's nose is hot and dry, with dried purulent crusts;
  • signs of a cold (sneezing, coughing, runny nose, eyes).

Explanation, why is the cat hot, in this case, there can be one thing - there is an inflammatory process in the body.

The cat has hot ears There are also other reasons:

  • head and ear trauma,
  • infectious or viral disease;

What to do if the cat or kitten is hot?!

All of the above applies to kittens, but due to the development of the body, all sores are much more severe. The baby's immunity is fragile due to hormonal changes. Therefore if the kitten is hot, the kitten has a hot nose, and when measuring the temperature you see frightening numbers on the thermometer, you can’t hesitate, the baby needs to be shown to the doctor. Excessively kitten's hot paws also talk about elevated temperature.

So you've discovered that the cat is hot nose, stated elevated temperature -what to do further?

The animal should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible.

In order not to drag a sick cat to the clinic, the best option- call a veterinarian at home. The veterinarian comes to your home with all the necessary tools and medications to provide the necessary veterinary care.

A caring owner carefully monitors the condition of the pet. Noticing increased temperature in the ears, nose or paws, cat breeders often worry whether these symptoms are a harbinger of some disease.

A cat may have hot ears various reasons. The most common of them:

  • Pet stress. When a cat is very excited, his heart rate increases, so his temperature may rise. The animal needs to be calmed down, and the body temperature itself will normalize.
  • Overheating of the body. When the weather is hot outside, similar symptoms happen often. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal, provide for it drinking water. If he drinks often and looks for a cool place in the apartment, there is no doubt that the pet is overcome by heat.
  • Injuries. In addition to changes in temperature, injuries lead to hematomas, wounds, swelling, possibly severe pain, then the cat does not allow itself to be examined.
  • If the ears are hot and red, and your pet constantly scratches them, these are signs ear mite . When the ears become swollen and discharge is visible, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.
  • Intestinal disorders, viral infection.

It happens that due to overheating, not only the cat’s ears become hot, but also the pads of his paws. And, conversely, when it freezes and warms up, the temperature in the paws also increases noticeably. Temperature imbalance is main reason, why does the cat have hot ears and paws. The normal temperature of an adult cat is considered to be 38-39℃, for a kitten – 40℃.

In felines, body temperature can fluctuate within one degree during the day. If the cat slept near a radiator or was covered with a blanket, it will be hot. And if you lay on your side for a long time, then one ear will also be hotter. This is considered the norm.

When owners change food, it happens that the cat develops food allergy. Whenever allergic reaction The cat's ears and paws become hot. The animal's skin reacts in the same way as a person's: certain areas turn red, rashes occur, and itching is felt. In this case, you need to carefully examine your pet and take action.

If a cat is stung by a bee or wasp, the temperature may also rise. Usually the paws suffer, they become hot and swell. A kitten's paws often become hot if he has worms. In these cases, it is better to seek examination and advice from veterinary clinic.

Is it dangerous

Hot ears in themselves are not a dangerous symptom. Hairless species have naturally hot ears; this is completely normal for them. Or rather, we feel that they are hotter because they have no fur. If the ears are hot, but the cat behaves as usual: eats, sleeps, goes to the litter box, plays, then there is no need to worry.

But if the behavior changes, the cat becomes lethargic, does not eat anything, goes to bed, or vice versa - runs around, meows restlessly, while her nose is dry and her ears are hot - this is alarming symptom. She needs to be taken to the vet.

Hot ears really tell owners when a cat's temperature rises. Normal ears cat - pale pink or white. If they turn red, it means blood pressure increased. The temperature must be measured with a thermometer. First, lubricate the tip with vegetable oil or Vaseline, and then carefully insert it 1 cm into the anus, measurement duration – 3 minutes.

If the animal is worried, shakes and twitches its head in different sides, often raises his paws, scratches his ears - it is necessary to urgently examine the ears. This is not easy to do because of pain and irritation; usually the cat is worried and does not allow his ears to be touched. If appeared brown coating, lumps of dirt, crusts from scratching - these are ear mites.

Experienced breeders know what to do at home. Hydrogen peroxide is dripped into the ears or vegetable oil, then remove the plaque. Veterinarians usually prescribe Bars drops for cats. Otodectosis is an unpleasant and dangerous disease With dire consequences: otitis and antibiotic treatment, in severe cases– partial and even total loss hearing

Sterilization, castration, difficult childbirth have a strong impact on the mental state of pets. During this period, they are lethargic, the temperature is elevated, the ears are hot and the nose is dry. Some days they need special care.

Experts believe that dangerous symptom if a cat is sick – cold ears. This indicates that the body is weak and exhausted. If the ears are hot, it means there is a fight against the disease, so there is every chance of overcoming the disease.

If the cat has hot ears and a wet nose

A healthy cat is active, playful, affectionate, and doesn’t mind a snack. A cat's ears and nose are normally cool, and his nose is also wet. If he suddenly becomes sad, goes limp and refuses his favorite food, all family members will notice this. The first thing the owners do is check the temperature - feel the ears and nose. If your pet has hot ears and wet nose- that means everything is in order. Maybe he's just worried.

For any cat owner, the health of their beloved pet always comes first. At any slight hint of malaise, the owner becomes worried and worried. After all, animals cannot tell what and where it hurts, even if they feel very bad. The first thing everyone without exception does when they suspect something is to touch the noses of their cats. Some people check the temperature of their ears along with their noses. A wet nose, as an indicator of excellent health, is a stamp, as is an elevated temperature. Although the second option is not always a mandatory indicator of an approaching illness.

Sensitive owners always closely monitor the behavior of animals. And this is correct, since behavior is a direct indication of well-being. And if the nose is hot, and the cat is lethargic, refuses to eat, does not want to play, lies down most time is already a reason to be seriously wary. If, with a hot nose, the fluffy is cheerful, cheerful, playful, and demonstrates an excellent appetite, you can relax. Why do cats have hot ears? In what cases is this the norm, and in what cases? dangerous signal. Any owner needs to clearly define this.

Elevated temperature is normal

Absolutely all owners are accustomed to touching the nose and ears to find out their temperature and determine the condition of the animal, even those who know that “dry and warm” is not an indicator.

Attention! The temperature of the ears and nose of cats may increase during different time days and in any situation.

Therefore, we should list the most common options when this is not a symptom of a disease, but only a consequence of something less dangerous. A hot nose and ears of a cat can be considered normal if he:

  • just woke up;
  • actively played;
  • experienced some mild stress or anxiety;
  • I was in a hot and stuffy room for a long time.

When looking for an answer to the question of why a cat has hot ears, their elevated temperature should not be considered a sign of disease. When the cat wakes up, his nose will always be dry and warm. Some animals are even hot. This is due to a resting situation, when the animal lies for a long time, and the glands on the nose practically do not produce secretions. But as soon as the fidget wakes up and makes a few active movements, the nose immediately returns to normal. After active games, the olfactory organ may also become somewhat warmer, but it will certainly remain moist. As soon as the games stop, the temperature returns to normal. This happens because the thermal regulation mechanisms in the body of animals work quickly and, in most cases, when the animal is not sick, properly.

Why does a cat have hot ears and nose? In search of an answer to this question, you should pay closer attention to the third and fourth points. Although not a sign of illness, elevated temperatures here are still a signal to correct the situation. If the cat changed its place of residence, got scared of something (someone), saw stranger, heard a sudden loud sharp sound, this may turn out to be easy or moderate severity stress, as a hot nose will indicate. In this case, the owner needs to do everything so that the animal calms down, stops worrying, worrying, and returns to a familiar, comfortable environment. Otherwise, stress can turn into frustration, and later into illness. You should also promptly correct the situation if the animal is in a stuffy room. In this case, his nose will also be hot and dry. It is necessary to ventilate the room, if possible, turn off the heating. Otherwise, the heat can turn into not just a hot nose, but dehydration, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, and difficulty breathing.

If you are afraid of a possible illness, you should not base your suspicions solely on the elevated temperature of the nose and ears. If the animal plays happily, sleeps well, eats, and goes to the toilet regularly, the owner should not worry at all. If, along with hot ears, you notice some other symptoms, it’s time to immediately contact a veterinarian. You should not diagnose an animal yourself, because you are very likely to make a mistake, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

When elevated temperature is a sign of illness

When understanding the problem of why a cat has hot ears or the tip of its nose, you should clearly know when this is a symptom of a disease. Here, measuring body temperature can provide clarity. The normal body temperature of cats is 38°C. In Sphynx cats, the normal temperature is 39°C. If the animal is lethargic, refuses food, sneezes, ignores the toilet, or tries but cannot relieve itself, the first thing to do is take its temperature. Any, even slight, excess of values ​​is a cause for serious concern.

Advice! If the cat's nose becomes hot and his behavior has changed, the owner needs to quickly take him to the veterinarian.

There are several diseases that can cause a hot nose:

  • viral infection;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • cold;
  • ear mite

By and large, wondering why a cat has hot ears and nose, this symptom can be considered as a signal of many diseases. If you find a hot nose, measure and establish an elevated temperature, and the cat behaves strangely, not as usual, immediately take him to the veterinary clinic. Give it to him accurate diagnosis Only a specialist can do this only after a certain number of tests and studies. They will 100% confirm the symptoms of many ailments. This may include diarrhea, vomiting, sneezing, weakening of the limbs, or the appearance of any skin manifestations.

Sometimes an increase in the temperature of the olfactory organ and ears indicates that the animal is overeating or, conversely, undereating. Such ailment may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, and changes in body weight. Only a doctor can accurately determine the problem by analyzing research data. Only he can appoint drug treatment, special diet, say what should be excluded from the diet, and what, on the contrary, should be added to it.

On a note! Hot ears or nose may indicate instability mental state animal.

The departure of a beloved owner or a change of place of residence can result in extreme melancholy, since cats are incredibly emotional and affectionate. Melancholy can develop into depression, and depression into illness. And it all starts with a hot nose and a change in mood. When trying to find the answer to the question of why a cat has hot ears, you need to approach the problem comprehensively and begin to seriously worry when the animal’s behavior changes along with the body temperature.

Why do cats have hot ears? was last modified: September 12th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

About health and feeling good cats demonstrate an excellent appetite and cheerful state. A hot nose in a cat often signals some kind of health problem, although not always. There are several conditions and situations when a healthy cat's nose becomes dry and warm. In order not to make a mistake and accurately determine whether everything is fine with the pet, you need to understand this issue more deeply.

A cat has a hot nose - reasons

If you find a hot nose on your cat, do not rush to panic. Probably the reason for this was something from this list:

  • the cat recently woke up– during sleep and immediately after, her nose remains warm and dry for some time;
  • the cat was stressed or was actively playinggeneral increase body temperature against this background also leads to warming of the nose;
  • dry air in the room– this problem is especially relevant in winter, when heating radiators are running, as well as in summer, when the air temperature is very high.

If the cat has no other signs of illness or illness, most likely the condition of its mucous membranes and outer surface a nose later a short time normalizes. What does it mean if a cat has a hot nose for a long period of time (2-3 hours): there is probably a pathogenic bacillus in its body. In this case, pay close attention to whether the cat has any of the following signs, and if there is, it’s time for you to go to the vet:

  • refusal to eat, loss of appetite, or vice versa – insatiable appetite and thirst;
  • high body temperature (above 40°C);
  • dyspnea;
  • runny nose, cough;
  • vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • change in fur color, hair loss;
  • drowsiness, apathy, anxiety, aggressiveness.

Hot nose in a cat after giving birth

Childbirth for a cat, as for a person - stressful situation. On the day the contractions begin, the cat becomes restless, walks around the room a lot, periodically trying on the prepared place - the “nest”. At the same time, the rectal temperature decreases by a couple of degrees. As the pain intensifies, her pulse and breathing rate increase. It is quite expected that at first it is cool or warm nose The cat gradually becomes hot. After labor is over, she will need some time to recover, after which the temperature of her body, nose and ears will return to normal.

If something went wrong during the birth of the kittens, there was an infection in the uterus or you see excessive bloody discharge, most likely her nose will be dry. In this case, a hot nose in a giving birth cat will indicate a general rise in temperature due to inflammatory or other disease processes in organism. To help her, you will need to contact a specialist.

The cat has a hot nose and is sneezing

Colds do not bypass our furry friends. Dry mucous membranes are not able to trap pathogens that penetrate the nasal passages, causing a response - sneezing. When a cat has a warm nose and is sneezing and snorting, he most likely has developed a cold. Additional symptoms– a decrease in activity and appetite, a general increase in body temperature. Although sometimes sneezing is a sign of getting into the nose foreign body. Or it could be a symptom of an allergy, such as to the chemicals you use when cleaning.

The cat is lethargic, the nose is dry and hot

Cats, like people, can freeze during a walk during the cold season or simply catch a cold in a draft. If you see that the cat has a hot and dry nose, he himself has become lethargic and apathetic, his appetite has decreased, this indicates the presence of a cold, viral or infectious disease. A competent veterinarian will be able to more accurately determine the disease and prescribe treatment.

What does it mean if a cat has a hot nose and diarrhea?

The cat is shaking with small tremors and a hot nose

When a cat has a warm nose (and even hot) and this is accompanied by trembling, the following conditions may be the cause:

Often, heavy breathing in cats, as in people, is associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose and narrowing of the nasal passages. This happens when colds. There are other cases when heavy breathing is accompanied by the fact that the cat has a hot and dry nose, what does this mean:

  • the animal probably has heart problems or pleurisy;
  • perhaps the cat is simply scared, he is stressed, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing;
  • changes in breathing may be associated with overheating or hypothermia of the cat;
  • in the presence of infections and viruses, diseases internal organs difficulty breathing becomes one of the indirect signs;
  • at various injuries, especially if damaged chest, the animal’s breathing causes pain, it becomes heavy and uneven.

The cat has a hot nose and paws

We have thoroughly dealt with the question of why a cat has a warm nose. However, sometimes owners notice that their pet has hot paw pads and begin to panic. If we remember that cats have the only uncovered part of their body are their paws, and that their body temperature is normally 1-2 degrees higher than that of a human, then we can assume that in most cases the fears and fears of the owners are not well founded. It’s another matter if it’s higher than normal general temperature animal body. Take a closer look at other symptoms of illness and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian.

Why does the cat have hot ears and nose?

When a cat has a warm, wet nose in combination with hot ears and this is not associated with banal overheating or stress, one of the following diseases can be suspected:

  • inflammation;
  • infection;
  • gastrointestinal disease;

Why does the kitten have a hot nose?

Kittens are very playful and active, they run, jump and play a lot. Because of this, it often happens that a kitten has a hot nose, and this is not at all a cause for concern. If you notice that his nose remains dry throughout the day, it’s time to start sounding the alarm. As a rule, in this case, on the second day, discharge appears from the nose - colorless or purulent. This is a sign of rhinitis - viral, allergic, bacterial or fungal. Sometimes the reason is a foreign body entering the nasal cavity or neoplasms in the sinuses and passages.

The cat has a hot nose - what to do?

If the cat has a hot nose and paw pads, and you do not have the opportunity to show your pet to a veterinarian, you can help him yourself all possible help. Without harm to health, you can give it to a cat for children. You can give a kitten 1/6 of the tablet, adult cat– 1/4 or 1/2. This drug is good immunostimulant and has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. If you urgently need to reduce the temperature, you need to give an injection into the withers by adding 0.2 ml of no-shpu, analgin and diphenhydramine to the spitz.

A hot nose in a cat can be a symptom not only of a cold, but also of a more serious illness, so at the first opportunity it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian for tests and clarification of the diagnosis. Remember that with a prolonged increase in temperature, the body experiences dehydration, which can lead to weakness and death.

The normal body temperature of a cat is 38-39.5°C. For a person, this temperature indicator is on the verge of critical. Therefore, touching the cat and feeling that cat is hot, the owners begin to panic. Don’t get nervous right away, first measure your pet’s temperature - this is relative to your body temperature hot cat, and for him the temperature is within normal limits.

Just as easy cat's hot nose, in the absence of any other symptoms, is by no means an indicator of ill health. The cat has just woken up; in a few minutes the temperature balance will be restored. The animal is scared or nervous; stress is a common reason why why is the cat hot? The heat caused by these causes, after a short time the cat has a hot nose will be restored to normal temperature.

Symptoms of fever in cats and kittens

But if the thermometer shows over 39.5°C, then the cat has hot ears and a dry nose, There are reasons for concern, especially if you have symptoms such as:

  • the cat refuses food and water;
  • general lethargy, drowsiness;
  • the cat has hot ears, red, swollen, with an unpleasant odor;
  • hides from the light, from hands, behaves inappropriately;
  • The cat's nose is hot and dry, with dried purulent crusts;
  • signs of a cold (sneezing, coughing, runny nose, eyes).

Explanation, why is the cat hot, in this case, there can be one thing - there is an inflammatory process in the body.

The cat has hot ears There are also other reasons:

  • head and ear trauma,
  • infectious or viral disease;

What to do if the cat or kitten is hot?!

All of the above applies to kittens, but due to the development of the body, all sores are much more severe. The baby's immunity is fragile due to hormonal changes. Therefore if the kitten is hot, the kitten has a hot nose, and when measuring the temperature you see frightening numbers on the thermometer, you can’t hesitate, the baby needs to be shown to the doctor. Excessively kitten's hot paws also talk about elevated temperature.

So you've discovered that the cat is hot nose, an elevated temperature was detected - what to do further?

The animal should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible.

In order not to drag a sick cat to the clinic, the best option is to call a veterinarian at home. The veterinarian comes to your home with all the necessary tools and medications to provide the necessary veterinary care.
