Places where the cat sleeps. Why do cats choose unusual places to sleep? Physiology of sleep and wakefulness of cats

Cats are famous sleepyheads. They can sleep the whole day with breaks for food.

When we talk about cats, we often imagine these unusual, unique and beautiful pets nestled in their favorite corner, purring or sleeping. For centuries, humans and cats have lived side by side in the same house, but no fewer questions are raised about these animals; cats remain mysterious earthly inhabitants. One of these questions is the desire to know: Why do cats love? Why do cats love to sleep with their owners? How does a cat choose a place to sleep?

Like any living creature, cats love to sleep. Animal sleep takes 14 - 16 hours of life, and kittens can devote up to 18 - 20 hours to sleep, the main thing is that the animals sleep peacefully. It is during their sleep that they actively produce growth hormone. City cats living in apartments have a lot of free time to sleep, but yard cats have no time to sleep, they need to protect the territory, look for food, and hunt. For any cat, the waking time should not exceed 7 - 8 hours, but if the regime is disrupted, and she for a long time does not sleep, it is very difficult and painful for the animal to bear.

Physiology of sleep and wakefulness of cats

Cats often sleep in a wide variety of positions, which often makes them the subject of funny pictures or videos on the Internet.

After many studies by scientists, it has been proven that even in sleep, a cat’s brain continues to work actively, and sleep itself for a cat is an active part of life and consists of two phases. The phases differ from each other in the level of brain activity. The first phase is superficial sleep (drowsiness), during which cats are aware of everything that happens to them, feel sounds and smells, lasts about half an hour, and then is replaced by deeper sleep (second phase of sleep). The second phase allows the cat to gain strength, energy and rest well. Such a dream lasts no more than 5 minutes. The phases constantly alternate one after another.
By observing an animal, you can see how one phase replaces another. During deep sleep The pet’s muscles are not completely relaxed, breathing is not as frequent as during wakefulness. During deep sleep, the body is completely relaxed, the paws and tail are spread out in an involuntary position.
If the animal sits with its head hanging down and its eyes slightly open, then it is dozing. During the deep sleep phase, the cat is completely relaxed, lying on its back or curling up into a ball.

Where does a cat like to sleep?

Your cat's sleeping area should be safe and comfortable.

After observing cats, you will notice that they choose comfortable and comfortable places to sleep. safe places. Usually these are warm corners where there are no drafts. Depending on the time of year and air temperature, a cat has several favorite places to sleep: a washing machine, a blanket, a sunlit window sill, etc.

You can even determine the temperature by the way your cat sleeps. At low temperatures it will curl into a ball. If he sleeps with his nose buried in his paws, the room is warm and comfortable. When it's hot, she sleeps on her back, spread out different sides paws.

The place where it sleeps depends on the character of the cat. Shy and nervous animals rest in a quiet place where no one will disturb. For safety reasons, you can choose higher places, for example a closet. If they want to hide, they will lie down in a box or basket. Self-confident people will rest in the sun or the radiator. In addition, cats never sleep in a bare place, they will always choose where there is bed, this could be clothes, a bag, a newspaper, etc.

Why do cats like to sleep with people?

Many cats love to sleep with people.

Many cats love to sleep with or even on people. No one can reliably answer why this attracts them, because we have not yet learned to understand cat language. However, there is an assumption that if a cat sleeps with a person, then in this way it heals him, and also helps relieve pain or fatigue. Scientists have proven that cats have “magical” abilities. These animals have a very strong biofield that absorbs negative energy and transforms it into positive. Such energy flow does not have any negative effect on the animal, and even, on the contrary, strengthens its biofield.
Sometimes a cat's favorite place is their feet. As already mentioned, the cat feels that it is bothering the owner or mistress and tries to help them. Sometimes you don’t feel pain yet, but your pet understands on an energetic level that you need her help.

When a cat sleeps on its head

Cats often try to sit on their heads.

If you work hard, most If you spend time in tension, work with mental labor, then don’t be surprised that your pet will try to sit on your head all the time. This is how he “heals” you.
However, as practice shows, cat biocurrents are not always suitable for everyone. Sometimes a person’s pain and discomfort worsens after an animal is on their head. In this case, it is better to let your pet sleep away from his head.

When a cat sleeps on its chest or stomach

A very common picture is when a cat sleeps on a person’s chest or stomach. There is no need to look for any abstruse explanations, it’s just comfortable, soft and comfortable for your pet.

It's warmer together

Livestock breeders and zoologists are sure that the cat sleeps with its owner because they are very heat-loving creatures. The animal will prefer the owner's warm bed than a cozy radiator or a warm heating pad.

Eternal love

Cats love those who take care of them.

According to this theory, cats love their owners very much and do not agree to sleep separately. In this way, animals show all their sympathy and love.

You can give more than a dozen examples and explanations, but there is one indisputable fact, verified by many people, which cannot be explained - a cat is the most best antidepressant and if she sleeps with you, there is a good reason for this, a cat never does anything for nothing.

Cats love areas with bad energy.

Geopathogenic stress is natural radiation that rises up through the earth and is manifested by electromagnetic fields. Electropathogenic energies created modern technologies(cell phone towers, power transmission towers, transformers, radars and radio towers) can also contribute to the development of geopathogenic stress.

Potential health problems arising from geopathic zones include:

Cardiovascular problems,

Neurological disorders,

Immune system disorders

Chronic fatigue and irritability,

Whole body pain and headaches

Restless sleep.

Sleeping in “bad” zones is especially harmful to your body, since during sleep your brain needs to both rest and recover. And if you're exposed to geopathic stress while you sleep, your brain doesn't receive good rest, he is busy only with restoration and regeneration.

This is why it is so important to avoid areas where your cat sleeps. If your home is located near geopathic stress zones, your cat will find the zone and will likely sleep nearby.

If you don't have a cat, look for places in your apartment where plants grow poorly or ants appear. These are also signs of a geopathogenic stress zone.

Many cats love to sleep with their owner in his bed. If you have allowed your pet to sleep with you since childhood, then there is nothing unnatural in the fact that an adult animal continues to sleep with its owner. But it also happens that the cat suddenly changes its place to sleep. Why did the pet suddenly change its owner to the warm bed? Let's figure it all out.

Why does a cat sleep in your bed, according to scientists?

The reason why a cat wants to sleep in your bed is unknown to this day. There are only hypotheses.

Kittens love to sleep next to their owner. This is how they make up for the care they lack when the mother cat leaves.

Scientists have put forward several versions of this cat behavior, but it’s up to you to believe it or not.

  1. The most popular version of scientists is that cats heal and relieve fatigue of their owners . Many attribute this to magical abilities our pets, but in fact, there is another explanation for this version. Each cat has its own biofield, it is capable of absorbing negative human energy and turn it into a positive one. During this process, the cat itself does not suffer in any way, but rather strengthens its biofield.
  2. Another version of scientists is that the cat wants to control its owner . When your pet sleeps with you, he can keep you in his field of vision. From all this the animal feels completely safe.
  3. The most logical version sounds very simple. Our cats sleep with us because they love us , and thus show their devotion.
  4. AND latest version says that cats sleep with their owners because human body temperature is higher than the temperature of other objects in the house . Don’t forget that pets can easily exchange our bed for a place near the radiator.

Cats heal and relieve fatigue of their owners.

Folk signs about where cats sleep

With the help of some signs, you can easily determine why the cat suddenly chose this or that place to sleep in your bed.

  • A cat sleeps at a man's feet . After a hard working day a person's legs hurt. The cat senses negative energy in the lower part of the owner’s body and, during its sleep, tries to remove it. If a person sits at home, then a cat sleeping at his feet may be a harbinger various diseases legs
  • A cat sleeps near a man's head . This is how your pet shows you his care and love. There is also the possibility that your pet might like the smell of your shampoo. Or the cat senses your headache, and thereby tries to calm her down.
  • Cat sleeps on man's stomach . Either the cat feels the beginning of a disease in your stomach, or it sensed the woman’s pregnancy. In the second case, the pet acts as a harbinger of the life that has arisen in you.

If a cat sleeps near a person’s head, it means it shows its care and love.

Can cats detect pregnancy?

In ancient times, when there were no tests yet, a cat was used to determine pregnancy.

In the past, it was believed that a cat could detect the presence of pregnancy in its owner.

A woman who wanted to find out if she was pregnant placed her pet on her stomach. If the cat ran away, it means the lady is not pregnant, but if the cat curled up into a ball, then we should expect a new addition to the family.

The cat sleeps under your bed

This may mean that there is a concentration under your bed negative energy, which your pet is trying to discharge.

If a cat sleeps under your bed, it means he is removing accumulated negativity.

If you have little faith in this version, then it is easy to check. Do you remember how you feel in the morning? If after sleep you get up tired, your back and legs hurt, then you should think about rearranging your sleeping place.

Whether you believe these signs or not depends only on you.

Should you let your cat sleep in your bed?

Is it possible to allow a cat to sleep with its owner?

Whether your cat will sleep with you is up to you to decide. However, don't forget a few things:

  • Cats don't sleep all night long . They may wake up at 5 am to eat, go to the toilet or play.
  • Even if your cat doesn't walk outside, it's still don't forget about hygiene . Cats lick their paws, scratch themselves and visit the litter box. If you want to sleep with a cat, then make sure its paws are clean before bed.

How to get your pet to sleep longer with you

If you want to extend your co-sleeping, and preferably until the morning, then do this:

  1. Buy thick curtains that don't let in much. sunlight . The darkness in the room, even in the morning, will create an atmosphere of night for the cat.
  2. You shouldn't feed your cat as soon as you get out of bed.. This regular feeding will show your cat that you are ready to feed her when called. This means that if your pet gets hungry at night, he will immediately start waking you up.
  3. If early in the morning the cat wakes you up, don't answer it. Your cat may get used to waking you up, and you'll get a great morning alarm clock in the form of your cat.
  4. If your cat wakes up frequently at night, try don't let her sleep during the day. Go for a walk, play active games. Exhausted during the day, she can sleep the whole night next to you.

Having thick curtains in the bedroom will extend your sleep with your cat until the morning.


Few people don't like to sleep with their pet. Cats like Stuffed Toys. It's nice to hug them at night, pet them, and just feel that they are nearby.

If your animal has been sleeping with you since childhood, you should not wean it off.

If your cat constantly sleeps in the same bed with you, there is no need to wean him.

If you have never slept together, and in the morning you find a cat in your bed, then try to find out the reason why this happened. I hope this article will help you with this.

Video about why cats sleep on humans

What kind of sleeping place does your cat choose? At your feet or on the wooden headboard of your bed? On a big soft pillow next to someone's head? On a chair near the sofa? Or is there a furry couch potato huddling under your bedroom door? Maybe your cat has his own room with a bed?

Modern scientists are interested in this serious question. It turned out that:

  • 96% of cat owners allow their pets to sleep in the same room as their owners
  • About 50% allow sleeping in the same bed
  • And 38% of owners share a pillow with their pet

It should be noted interesting feature: If young cats prefer to sleep next to the owner’s head, then older cats climb closer to the feet.

Although the amount of time spent sleeping depends on the cat's age and temperament, on average these animals spend 13-16 hours a day at rest, curled up. The cat will look for a warm and cozy place where it will feel safe and comfortable. When it's the height of the summer heat outside, the cat tries to climb higher and find shady corners where he can stretch out to rest. But in the cold winter months, the cat will not mind getting close to warm radiators or curling up tightly into a ball to better retain heat.

Some people like sleeping with cats in the same bed, but only some people do. If you or your pet do not want to share the sofa, then make a separate comfortable sleeping place for your cat with your own hands or buy a special bed at a pet store.

An experiment was carried out. In the middle football field put a small stack of paper and looked at where the cats would rest. All the animals preferred the paper to the vast green space. Cats love to sleep on something, on some kind of elevation. Therefore, we recommend placing a folded towel or a special rug made of specialty stores. The rug is a flat piece of fabric with a small amount of filling. These rugs are easy to carry and washable. Some rugs have static electricity, attracting dander and dead fur, and some are made of faux fur or sheepskin, which provides an additional source of warmth.

Cat beds vary in price and design, from round baskets to bunk beds. We would advise you to choose round baskets because their round shape follows the outline of a cat curled up in a ball. Some pet beds have removable fleece linings for comfort. However, some cats are not picky and will not refuse to rest in a cardboard box or on a mountain of blankets. Bunk beds, armchairs, sofas, and stools can also be suitable, but they are very bulky and not mobile.

Although some sofas and armchairs are comfortable and attractive and do not require the expense of special furniture for animals, it is still better not to resort to these extreme measures. Wild cats preferred to sleep in trees and when they wake up, they begin to scratch the tree slightly, which can damage your sofa. Some people try to please the cat and, in warm weather, arrange a sleeping place for her next to her. open window, however, be careful not to overuse. Provide your cat with a convenient exit to the windowsill; do not place foreign objects that could otherwise fly down.

Do not place beds next to doors, in drafts, or near the TV. Try to give your cat a quiet corner where he will not be disturbed by your family members, other animals, etc.

Eat Alternative option, provided that the owner and the animal agree to rest together. Many pets enjoy sleeping in the warmth and comfort of their owner, which is often mutual. Veterinarians say that this method of proximity will help strengthen the bond between a person and a cat and is simply pleasant for both and is anti-stress. You can call it an imitation teddy bear. However, take some factors into account.

  • Cats rarely sleep through the night and wake up at 4-5 am. At this time, they become hungry and want to play, so you won’t be able to sleep peacefully in the morning.
  • Cats can prepare unpleasant “surprises” for you that are not easy to clean off, so be prepared for this.
  • People who are allergic to cat fur are not recommended to sleep even with hypoallergenic cats.

Most of these behavior problems can be corrected, but will require a lot of patience and effort. You will have to repeat to the animal many times every morning that you cannot disturb you while you sleep, remove you from the bed, etc. Also check the paws for cleanliness so that there are no dirty marks left on the expensive blanket. So be smart about your cat's sleeping area.

August 15, 2009 American doctor medicine Joseph Mercola, who advocates the use of medicine in the treatment of various diseases chemicals, A natural remedies, dedicated an entire issue of his newsletter to civil engineer and biologist Vicki Warren. The fact is that Vicki specializes in home ecology and believes that a person can completely protect himself from electromagnetic smog.

Our body is able to repair itself while it sleeps. For this he has his own internal system, which operates on the basis of very weak electrical impulses. These impulses are produced by the brain and are used to communicate between cells. After all, what is our body? Mainly water with high content minerals, that is, an electrically conductive medium. The cells of the brain, bones, nerves - all vibrate at their own frequencies, and our body acts as a tuning fork tuning them to the desired frequency. This phenomenon has a scientific name - resonance. But if other, foreign vibrations (an external electric field) arise nearby, the body's cells will be confused about what they should do and how quickly. And in the place where we sleep, the impact of external sources (electrical wiring in ceilings, walls and floors) on the body becomes thousands of times stronger than the effect of the electrical system own body. Long-term exposure to these electric fields can disrupt the ability of our body's cells to communicate within themselves. In fact, a person spends approximately one third of his life sleeping, which is why it is important for us to make sure that our bedroom is protected from electromagnetic field disturbances.

A little educational program

The electromagnetic field is an invisible zone surrounding electrical devices. In fact, it consists of two types of fields - electric and magnetic.

Electric field - special shape matter that exists around bodies or particles that have an electrical charge. It is created by voltage due to the strength of the current that passes through the wires. Most electric fields can be neutralized by the design of the device itself or by some kind of barriers, such as walls.

The magnetic field is also a component of the electromagnetic field. It appears in the presence of a time-varying electric field. In addition, a magnetic field can be created by a current of charged particles. Magnetic fields - main reason our health problems. They can penetrate long distances and through most barriers and are difficult to shield.

The BioInitiative Report, published a couple of years ago by an international group of scientists and doctors, documented serious problems related to our exposure to power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields. The Report concluded that existing standards security measures are completely inadequate and do not protect our health. Research has proven that electric magnetic fields can damage DNA, disrupt protein synthesis, reduce immunity, cause cancer even in childhood...

Metal in bed

Most beds and sofas have metal springs or parts. Unfortunately, this metal can enhance and distort the Earth's natural magnetic field, leading to restless sleep, nightmares, headaches, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, eyestrain, and muscle spasms.

To find out whether your bed contains residual magnetism and whether it can be magnetized, Vicky Warren advises using a compass - slowly moving it across the bed every 30-35 centimeters. The compass needle should point north. If this is not the case, you should be wary.

It is very important to protect pregnant women and young children from exposure to electromagnetic fields. It is harmful for a child to sleep in a metal bed, since the baby’s body is extremely susceptible to electromagnetic fields. A safer alternative is a wooden cradle or crib. Moreover, it turns out high level electromagnetic field in the bedroom of a pregnant woman can contribute to the birth of a child suffering from autism! If throughout pregnancy a woman sleeps in strong electromagnetic fields, her child may develop some deviations from the norm in mental development during the first years of life.

What does Murka have to do with it?

Cats, ants and termites have unusual feature: They are all attracted to geopathogenic zones. Natural radiation that rises from the depths of the Earth can be distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by underground running water, the concentration of certain minerals, and fault lines. earth's crust, underground voids. Pathogenic energy is created and modern technology- telecommunication towers, power lines, transformers, radars and radio masts. In number potential problems health problems that may arise due to geopathogenic effects environment, include: cardiovascular and neurological disorders, immunodeficiency, chronic fatigue and irritability, headaches, learning difficulties, signs of premature physical aging, infertility, miscarriages, restless sleep.

Sleeping in geopathogenic places is especially harmful, since during sleep the brain should rest only half the time, and the other half it is busy “repairing” our body. However, if we are exposed to pathogenic energies during sleep, the brain cannot ensure tissue regeneration.

“But what does the cat have to do with it?” - you ask. The fact is that usually your pet likes to sleep in the most pathogenic place. She is drawn there, like a stalker created by the imagination of the Strugatsky brothers. If you don't have a cat, take a closer look where houseplants they wither and do not bloom - there is probably a geopathogenic zone there. You can also use a geomagnetometer to measure the magnetic fields in your home, and this is worth doing, especially if you suffer from any of the geopathic stress symptoms mentioned above.


Remember that cell phones and wireless Internet are not the only sources energies that you need to be careful with. Essentially, almost all technology creates electromagnetic fields, including wiring in your home, electric alarm clocks, electric heating pads and many other appliances and devices.

Unplug all electrical appliances at night. In the bedroom, turn off everything electrical, including your cell phone, and never place it at the head of the room. Avoid using cell phone in a car when there is a child or a pregnant woman in the cabin.

Let it be in yours sleeping place there will be no metal. Try moving the bed to one side or the other, or even move it to the opposite wall to see if you feel different. At a minimum, position your bed so that your head is at least one to two meters away from all electrical outlets.

If you are building or renovating a home, use the walls to install a protective reflective barrier made of thick aluminum foil, which also very effectively shields electromagnetic fields. In a word, take a little care of your body, and it will thank you.

And here I am writing all this and sighing. I have two cats; I don’t sleep where they sleep, they sleep where I am: on a chair, on a couch, on my bed, on the floor at my feet, on my lap. I believe that for them I am a geopathogenic zone! Whether they sleep next to me or right on top of me, we all wake up wonderfully rested. Apparently, cats absorb everything harmful, so there is nothing left for the ants - they are not in the house! And my indoor flowers grow well.

Yana Kirichenko
