Organization of transport services. Transport tariffs and rules for their construction

Transport service, according to GOST R 51006-96 “Transport Services,” is the result of the activities of the transport service provider to meet the transportation needs of the passenger, consignor and consignee.

Transport ensures the development of international economic relations, facilitating mutually beneficial exchanges between different countries.

By type, transport services can be divided into:

· road transport

· air transportation

· rail transportation

· sea and river transportation

By type of transportation to:

· Passenger transportation: transport services for the movement of passengers related to the safety, timeliness and comfort of passenger transportation, as well as the safety of luggage.

· Freight transportation: transport services for moving material assets related to their safety and timely delivery.

Let's consider the features of types of transportation on the main modes of transport.

Road transport is a type of transport that transports goods and passengers by vehicles (trucks, cars, buses, tractor-trailers and trailers). Plays an unjustifiably modest role in both cargo and passenger transportation modern Russia.

Harsh climatic conditions, which cause higher costs for road construction, operation of roads and vehicles than in other developed countries, are only a partial explanation for this. After all, even in populated, economically developed regions of Russia, motor transport is poorly developed, and until now the main “stumbling block” to the development of domestic motor transport is off-road conditions.

Taking first place in the world in terms of its territory, Russia is inferior not only to highly developed countries, but also to most developing countries in terms of average road density. The total length of paved roads in Russia at the end of 1996 was only 745 thousand km, and in the overwhelming majority, even these roads did not meet generally accepted world standards.

Despite the high unit costs of transporting goods, motor transport is more mobile than other types of transport and allows for door-to-door delivery of goods, which is its undeniable advantage. Passenger vehicles, in addition to high mobility and speed of communication, also provide greater comfort for passengers. The most effective area of ​​using road transport is short-haul transportation. The average transportation distance for 1 ton of cargo is 20-24 km. In this regard, the share of road transport in the total freight turnover is about 6%.

Greater mobility, ease of movement and the ability to quickly respond to changes in passenger demand allow vehicles to often be unrivaled in passenger transportation on local lines. The average travel distance for one passenger is 9 km. Buses carry more than 60% of passengers in many Russian cities, and in some of them in rural areas - 100 %.

The disadvantages of road transport include: the high cost of transportation (tens of times higher than by rail); high level environmental pollution; high labor intensity (vehicles employ 3/4 of all transport workers), low level labor productivity due to the low average carrying capacity of vehicles; high metal and energy consumption.

Road transport provides mainly intra-district transportation of goods and passengers, carries out centralized transportation from railway stations and ports and vice versa. The current network of highways according to technical and quality characteristics (according to SNiP 2.05.02-85) is divided into five categories or classes (Appendix 1.). According to the national economic and administrative significance, roads of the 1st and partially 2nd categories are called federal, or highways of national importance, 2nd and partially 1st categories - republican, regional or regional, 3rd and 4th categories - local and 5th category - rural.

For the effective use of road transport in Russia, it is necessary to significantly increase roads of the 1st and 2nd categories, the so-called autobahns with the appropriate equipment: car refueling and maintenance stations, dumping stations, road hotels, special parking lots, intersections in different levels, lighting, road signs, car washes, medical centers and other necessary institutions.

Air transport is the fastest and at the same time the most expensive mode of transport, which predetermined its very limited use for cargo transportation. This type of transport mainly transports expensive, perishable goods. And the forecasts that were made in the 60s. that the transportation of goods by air will become of primary importance has not yet been justified. Air travel plays a much larger role in long-distance passenger transportation.

IN modern world, at a time when people’s travel around the planet has become large-scale, the role of air transport has increased significantly as the most quick remedy moving over long distances. The importance of air transportation is especially great in the implementation of mass tourism. Its rapid development in the middle of the last century required the creation of aircraft that meet for various purposes travel and having a high level of comfort. On board aircraft and at airports, passengers are offered a varied and sophisticated service that makes travel enjoyable and accessible to a wide range of people.

Railway transport is a type of transport that transports goods and passengers along rail tracks using mechanical traction (diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, steam locomotives) and is the main one in modern Russia.

It should be recalled that tourism began to develop precisely on the railway, when on July 5, 1841, the English entrepreneur Thomas Cook organized a trip for 570 people by rail in a train. The implementation of structural reform in railway transport involves the introduction of new additional activities related to passenger services.

The main performance indicators of railway transport can be divided into common for all modes of transport and specific. TO general indicators include: volume of transportation (dispatch) of cargo and passengers, cargo turnover and passenger turnover, average transportation distance of 1 ton of cargo and 1 passenger, reduced ton-kilometers.

Specific quantitative and qualitative indicators of the operation of railways include, in particular, indicators of the volume of cargo transportation by railway by type of communication: import, export, transit and local traffic. Import is the volume of cargo arriving from other roads for unloading on a given road. Export is the volume of shipment of goods loaded on a given road for destination on other roads. Transit refers to the transportation of goods whose departure and destination stations are located outside the road in question and which proceed through the stations of this road. Local traffic includes the volume of freight transport loaded and sent to destinations at stations on the same road.

In addition to these volumetric indicators, the railways also determine general indicators for the reception, delivery, departure and arrival of cargo. Reception of goods from other roads is equal to the sum of import and transit, and delivery of goods to other roads is equal to the sum of export and transit. The departure of goods by road is equal to the sum of export and local traffic, and the arrival (unloading) is the sum of import and local traffic.

Baggage is transported in baggage cars. The unit of observation is the baggage shipment; the primary document is the counterfoil of the luggage receipt, which records the date of receipt, the station and route of departure and destination, the weight of the shipment, and the carriage charge.

Transportation of passengers is carried out using passenger tickets, and with the level of comfort and provided that suits a particular consumer.

Water transport, river and sea transport in themselves already evoke the image of a tourist - cruise service and are used quite actively in tourism. Water travel has a number of both advantages and disadvantages compared to other modes of transport. The most significant advantages are a high level of comfort, a large volume of one-time load, the ability to implement various types and purposes of tourism (educational, business tourism, educational, shopping tourism, etc.), good rest, a full range of life support. The main disadvantages include the low speed of movement of vehicles, high tariffs, limited mobility, and often the susceptibility of some people to “sea sickness” on sea cruises, dependence on geographical features and weather conditions (currents, winds, duration of the navigation period); significant investments in port facilities and transport fleet. In the context of Russia's loss of many major seaports and the economic crisis, the latter circumstance makes it difficult to expand the industry's coastal facilities, as well as replace the decommissioned fleet.

Maritime transport is one of the oldest modes of transport, using the advantages of cheap natural waterways (oceans, seas and sea canals) for mass transportation of goods and passengers. This type of transport performs the following three functions. Firstly, it ensures the country's maritime international connections. Cargo work on overseas voyages consists of the transportation of Russian exports and imports, the delivery of which, under the terms of foreign trade transactions, is the responsibility of the Russian side.

Despite all the importance of maritime transport for the country's economy, its share in the volume of cargo transportation in 2001 was only 0.6%, and in cargo turnover - 7.9%.

The largest share in the volume of transportation (two thirds) and cargo turnover of sea transport (more than 90%) falls on international communications.

River transport is a type of transport that transports goods and passengers along internal natural (rivers, lakes) and artificial (canals, reservoirs and locked sections of rivers) waterways. River transport historically occupies one of the leading places in servicing large industrial centers of riverine areas. River transport is especially important for northern and eastern regions countries where the railway network is insufficient and the density of the internal waterways 2 times higher than the same indicator on average Russian Federation. Therefore, the share of river transport in the total freight turnover of these areas ranges from 65 to 90%, while in Russia as a whole this figure in 2001 was only 3.3%.

In addition to transport services to the regions of Siberia and Far East, including the Arctic, river transport also carries out complex, expensive transportation along small rivers in hard-to-reach areas, as well as highly profitable transportation of foreign trade cargo by mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels. The river fleet of the Russian Federation serves 68 republics, territories, regions and national districts. The length of inland waterways was in 2001. 85.4 thousand km, while at 50% of their length a certain depth is guaranteed during navigation. The length of inland waterways in the Tyumen region amounted to 9.8 thousand km in 2002. Thus, in the European part of Russia, as a result of the construction of connecting canals (White Sea-Baltic, Volga-Baltic, Volga-Don), the territorial disunity of inland waterways and a unified deep-sea transport system was created, connecting the Beloye, Baltic, Caspian, Azov and Black Sea. The length of the unified deep-water system (UDS) is 6.5 thousand km, the guaranteed depth along almost its entire length is 4 m. The UGS accounts for more than half of the cargo turnover of inland water transport.

Federal Agency for Education

Bryansk State Technical University

Department of Economics, Production Organization, Management


discipline: Statistics

on the topic of: Analysis of transport services in the Russian Federation


Student, group 10-FK2

Petukhova V.Yu.

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Novikova A.V.

Bryansk 2012


In this course work A statistical study of the transport services market in the Russian Federation was carried out. The main goal of the work is to consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge, practical skills, their use for calculating and analyzing the main indicators of the transport services market obtained in the process of studying statistics, as well as developing the ability to generalize the results that will be obtained from available statistical data.

The course work consists of two parts:

· the first part is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of transport services: types and functions, indicators (freight turnover, passenger turnover, etc.) of activity, prospects for its development.

· in the second part, the calculation and analysis of the main indicators of transport services is carried out based on the studied statistical techniques and methods, such as summary and grouping, calculation of absolute, relative and average values, calculation of dynamics indicators, alignment of time series, etc.


1 Formation of the transport services market

2 Structure and features of the transport services market

3 Classification, functions of the transport services market

4 Problems and prospects for the development of the transport services market

Chapter 2. Calculation and analysis of indicators of the transport services market in the Russian Federation

2.1 Grouping

2.2 Calculation of average values

3 Relative values

2.4 Variation indicators

5 Dynamics rows

2.6 Sample observation

2.8 Correlation and regression analysis





To effectively manage the transport services market and make decisions on its further organization, data is needed that comprehensively reflects the development of this industry under the influence of various external factors. In a market economy, it is important to achieve an optimal ratio of costs to quality of service for the consumer of services. The latter is attracted by minimum delivery times, maximum safety of cargo, convenience in receiving and delivering cargo and the ability to obtain reliable information about tariffs, conditions of transportation and location of cargo, and then he is ready to bear the corresponding costs. Transport activities should be based on customer needs. The consumer is not interested in the costs of the transport company for providing services. With the tightening of consumer requirements for the quality of goods, the needs of manufacturers for timely and reliable delivery are increasingly increasing.

The relevance of this study lies in the quantitative indicators corresponding to the disclosure of the structure of the transport services market. Since transport is not just one of the sectors of the country’s economy, but also one of the most essential conditions for the successful functioning of the entire economy, which has an active impact on the formation of territorial proportions of the development of production in the country and regions, its study is an important task for statistics.

The purpose of this work is to conduct a statistical analysis of the transport services market in the Russian Federation, taking into account the peculiarities of its formation and functioning. To achieve the set goal of the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: study the theoretical essence and system of indicators corresponding to this topic; analyze relevant development indicators; - The objects of accounting in transport services market statistics are the transportation of passengers and cargo by various modes of transport.

Based on this, the subject of research in this work is such indicators of transport activity as passenger and freight turnover, and the density of communication routes.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for studying the transport services market

.1 Formation of the transport services market

From the perspective systematic approach transport is a complex adaptive economic system consisting of regional material and human flows interconnected in a single process of transport services. It can be argued that since the 1970s, there has been an organic fusion of freight transport with the production and distribution process, its transformation into a link in a single system “production - transport-distribution - sales”. Russia is at a new stage of its development - the stage of formation of its new social structure. The further development of the Russian Federation at this stage largely depends on the magnitude of its economic potential.

As the planning principles weakened, the need arose for the country's economy to transition to market relations. The Russian economy, as the material base for the ongoing social reconstruction, is a complex set of industries.

One of the most important sectors of the Russian economy, where it is necessary to use innovative management methods, is transport.

The structure of internal and external cargo flows, which has radically changed over the last decade, the gradual overcoming of the consequences of the systemic crisis of the 90s and the entry into a trajectory of sustainable economic growth, required clarification of the priorities for the development of the Russian transport system and a new strategy for increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of the transport industry.

For many years, the transport infrastructure developed without proper coordination between individual modes of transport and the development of productive forces, which led to direct losses from the implementation of untimely or ineffective projects and did not allow achieving a systemic effect in the operation of transport.

First of all, road transport receives priority development, because It is he who is the connecting element between all other types of transport and consumers of transport services. In addition, the construction of transport arteries of other types of transport is impossible without the participation of automobiles. But road transport consists of at least two technical elements: the road and the car, the development of which is in constant dialectical unity and interdependence. In this case, the primary road is the road.

Road facilities are also included in the transport complex.

The peculiarity is that highways are used by transport, industrial, construction, agricultural and other organizations, as well as by the population, free of charge. Their wear and tear is not included in the cost of transportation, but is reimbursed by directly financing the costs of repair work on roads at established tax rates through road funds.

Therefore, in the road sector there is no direct relationship between the amount of funds allocated for the maintenance, repair and construction of roads and the rate of consumption of roads by road transport, as is the case in reproduction processes in other sectors of the national economy.

One of the first measures of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation to form a system for regulating transport activities on the territory of the republics in the context of the transition to a market economy was the creation of the Russian Transport Inspectorate (RTI) - a body designed to license transport and service enterprises included in the transport and road complex of the republic, to control compliance with transport legislation and the requirements imposed by issued licenses, as well as carry out a number of other functions related to ensuring the normal functioning of the transport services market.

The initial task of RTI units was licensing of transport activities. At the same time, the licensing process was not, and could not be, observed, the main functions of the RTI bodies:

limiting or stimulating the influx of transport into certain sectors of the regional transport services market;

determination of additional benefits and formation of special conditions for enterprises and entrepreneurs engaged in socially significant transportation;

application of sanctions to transport enterprises for violation of licensing requirements, etc.

The transport complex consists of a large number of interconnected industries and is a special transport branch of production, which has common laws of development, homogeneity of production processes and the purpose of the products created.

And the functioning of the economy of the Russian Federation in market conditions poses a number of problems for road transport to adapt to a market economy. The characteristic features of the functioning of motor transport in a market economy are such objective circumstances as:

    new economic conditions for the operation of road transport and consumers of its services,

    formation of the transport services market,

    increased competition between transport enterprises and various modes of transport.

Without taking into account market requirements, no enterprise can develop normally. The ultimate goal of any transport enterprise operating in a market environment is to make a profit based on the production of a service needed by the consumer.

Until the 90s, the concept of transport service was not used in the practice of planning and organizing the work of road transport. The exception was such a field of activity as transport and forwarding services, where this concept is generally accepted.

This approach was due to the traditional consideration of road transport on a par with manufacturing industries. Transport services refer to services that complete and (or) precede the process of material production. Transport services are defined as a subtype of transport activity aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and characterized by the presence of the necessary technological, financial, information, legal and resource support. The service, therefore, means not only the actual transportation of goods, but also any operation that is not part of the transportation process, but is associated with its preparation and implementation.

Road transport services include:

    transportation of goods, mail;

    loading and unloading services (loading, unloading, reloading, internal warehouse operations);

    cargo storage services;

    services for preparing vehicles for transportation;

    provision of transportation vehicles on lease or rental terms;

    forwarding and additional services performed during the transportation of goods, luggage, etc. for servicing enterprises, organizations, and the population;

    transportation of new and repaired vehicles, etc.

The share of transport services as the economy develops, as a rule, increases or stabilizes. A similar situation can be observed in almost all countries. Thus, in market conditions, quality is defined as the level of consumer properties and reliability of a service that the market (consumer) needs and that manufacturers are able to provide at an affordable price. In a market economy, it is important to achieve an optimal ratio of costs to quality of service for the consumer of services. Transport activities should be based on customer needs. The consumer is not interested in the costs of the transport company for providing services.

Over the last two decades of the last century and the beginning of this century, the share of transport costs in developed countries has not changed significantly. In absolute terms, transport costs continued to increase. Consequently, there are currently no qualitative changes in consumer preferences for transport - the need for services of this type recipients have developed at an optimal level, corresponding to a high degree of satisfaction.

The development of a competitive market for transport services will require creating conditions for the supply of high-quality transport services to exceed demand, as well as ensuring publicity and information openness of the market regarding prices and quality of services. This will provide consumers with the opportunity to freely choose transport services, make the price-quality mechanism work, and make price and quality the subject of competition. Such a mechanism will ensure a constant increase in the productivity of transport companies, which will contribute to their self-sufficiency. The price-quality mechanism will stimulate market participants to study demand for various categories of services and analyze the level of competitors, improve the quality of transport services provided, and find the optimal balance between their price and quality. All this creates conditions for further increasing operational efficiency and increasing the competitiveness of national transport companies and the Russian transport system as a whole.

The state policy of forming a competitive market for transport services provides for administrative and economic methods.

Administrative methods should ensure regulation of the activities of natural monopolies, access of vehicle owners, as well as forwarders and carriers to professional activities using licensing or declaration mechanisms (notification of market participant obligations).

Economic methods for creating a competitive market for transport services include the implementation of tax, tariff and investment policy mechanisms.

Economic methods should stimulate the creation of forwarding and transport companies of all types and levels in the field of freight and passenger transportation, which could provide competitive transport services in the field of freight and passenger transportation. In particular, it is advisable to consider a mechanism for stimulating the creation of sufficiently large transport companies capable of investing in the development of highly efficient transport technologies and modern vehicles. It is necessary to provide government support for increasing the competitiveness of national transport companies.

In the context of rapidly increasing inter-country trade flows and movement of people, the importance of all types of transport is sharply increasing. Trade in transport services covers almost all countries and is one of the catalysts for ongoing globalization. Improving transport infrastructure and reducing transportation costs under the influence of scientific and technical progress makes it possible to intensify trade and economic cooperation between geographically distant regions and leads to a reduction in the costs of spatial organization of international economic systems. In the process of deepening Russia's integration into the world economy, the role of domestic transport cannot be underestimated.

The transport industry is extremely important for the development of the economy and foreign economic relations of our country. On the one hand, transport is a key infrastructural component of foreign trade in goods, and on the other hand, it is a large and growing item in trade in services, providing about a quarter of all Russian foreign trade turnover in the services sector. Russia has favorable natural and geographical conditions for increasing international transport operations, which is an important prerequisite for obtaining significant economic benefits from these operations. But they do not fully ensure the international competitiveness of Russian transport. To strengthen Russia's position in the world market, it is necessary to create a modern transport infrastructure and radical organizational restructuring of the entire transport system of our country.

Occupying the central part of the Eurasian continent, Russia objectively plays the role of a geopolitical bridge in relations between the countries of the West and the East. Its simultaneous presence in Europe and Asia affects the content of economic, political, and cultural processes in these parts of the world. Occupying a huge space, having access to the seas, using a large territory for international transit, and also possessing a system of space, air, and sea navigation, Russia thanks to this has unique opportunities to participate in international integration and influence global processes.

Transit makes it possible to effectively use the reserves of carrying capacity of national transport systems and stimulates their reproduction and improvement. As a consequence of this, transport engineering and its supporting industries are actively developing.

In general, the use of national pipeline transport and power transmission systems for transporting gas, oil products and electricity from one country to another through the territory of the Russian Federation is also an essential element of the country’s transit potential. Transit should be considered not only as a part of business contributing to GDP, but an important element of the country’s international positioning. Russia has its own niche in the global transit business.

.2 Structure, features of the transport services market

New economic conditions have expanded the concept of “transport service”. Today, a transport service means not only the actual transportation of goods or passengers, but any operation that is not part of the transportation process, but is associated with its preparation and implementation.

Transport services include:

· transportation of goods and passengers;

· loading and unloading operations;

· cargo storage;

· preparation of transportation means;

· provision of transportation means on a lease or rental basis;

· transportation (delivery) of new and repaired vehicles;

· forwarding services;

· other services.

In the general relationships of transport with other subsystems of the national economy, it is especially important to identify shifts in the type structure of transport and the type structure of transportation. When studying structural changes in transport itself in the species aspect, the socio-spatial role of its automobile component is most noticeable; It is road transport that is closest to the everyday needs and actions of people.

The fact is that means of transport, focused mainly on long-distance trunk communications and transportation, provide mainly the resource and production sphere of the functioning of society. Under the influence of motor transport, forms of settlement and daily movements of the population are changing. Motor transport is increasingly becoming a socio-technical means of self-organization of the population and economy.

In conditions of transition to market relations and the ongoing decline in production, it is important to understand what structure-forming processes occur in transport in general, what is the relationship between the motor transport component and the national economy.

The structure of transport is understood as the composition, quantitative relationships and forms of interconnection of individual industries and productions. Indicators of industry structure are: the number of independent industries; ratio of all modes of transport in the total volume of cargo transportation transport complex; share of transport sectors; share of passenger and freight transport.

In the practice of planning and accounting, the sectoral structure of transport is determined by finding the share of industries in the total volume of transport production. The structure of the country's transport complex is formed under the influence of many factors, the most important of which are:

    scientific and technical progress;

    planned rates of development of all transport and its individual sectors;

    concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination of production;

    growth in the material well-being and cultural level of workers;

    socio-historical conditions in which transport develops;

    international division of labor;

    strengthening Russia's position in the world market.

Transport specialization is expressed in the splitting of existing industries and the creation of new industries with homogeneous products or services, as well as in the division of labor between enterprises in a given industry.

At the dawn of the existence of railways, the track development of stations and hauls, the locomotive fleet, and, to a large extent, service personnel were not specialized by type of activity. However, the beginnings of specialization in some parts of transport were already present in that period. The further railway transport developed, the more clearly the specialization of its main elements became apparent, the longer their operational and technical differentiation took. Over time, railway transport in its organization, technology and technical equipment moves further and further away from its original state, specialization is increasingly spreading to areas of transport that have not yet been covered by it. If you go beyond the boundaries of railway transport and look at the transport system as a whole, then within it the specialization of individual modes of transport also becomes increasingly clear, and the areas of the most effective use of railway, road, water, air and pipeline transport are more clearly delineated.

Since the transportation process in very rare cases begins and ends within any one mode of transport, in the transport system, along with specialization, cooperation between the activities of different modes of transport occurs.

Due to specialization, the transport system gains greater productivity, and through cooperation, greater flexibility, stability in changing conditions and, therefore, greater efficiency.

Alternation is fundamental different phases in the development of the transport system - specialization and cooperation - in the absence of a sufficiently definite pattern in the duration of individual phases in time and the depth of the changes occurring, it is extremely difficult to formalize the processes of development of transport as a whole and its individual parts.

To use one or a combination of several modes of transport in transportation, it is necessary to carefully study various factors that reveal both the advantages of any transport service option and limit the area of ​​interchangeability of modes of transport, where the choice of option is based on technical and economic calculations.

Thus, the features of the transport services market are:

· intangible nature of transport products, like any service (impossibility of accumulating “in reserve”, coincidence of production and sales processes, etc.);

· spatial separation of transport service delivery areas, their non-interchangeability, which limits intra-industry (on one type of transport) competition;

universality and mass character transport market in society, its monopoly;

· the role of railway transport in the transport market largely depends on its versatility, productivity, placement of communications, level of technical equipment, carrying capacity, cost, convenience and safety of transportation. These indicators characterize the volume and quality of transport service offerings;

· the demand for them for freight transportation is formed by socially necessary needs for material exchange. The ratio of supply and demand for transport services by mode of transport determines the level of participation of each of them in the operation of the transport system and at the same time is an incentive for their development .

.3 Classification, functions of the transport services market

There are different classifications of transport services. Based on the relationship with the main activities of enterprises, services can be transportation (i.e., including in one form or another an element of transportation) and non-transportation services. Based on the type of consumer to whom the service is provided, a distinction is made between external (provided by a non-transport enterprise) and internal (provided by another transport enterprise). Based on the nature of the activities related to the provision of a particular service, technological, commercial, informational, etc. are distinguished.

A scientifically based classification of transport sectors is important for proper planning of production and ensuring a certain proportionality in its development. The classification of transport sectors is based on the following principles:

    economic purpose of the service provided;

    the nature of the functioning of transport products in the production process;

    the nature of the impact on the subject of work, etc.

The most important principle for classifying industries is the economic purpose of the service provided. In accordance with this, all transport is divided into external and internal.

Since transport is used not only for external transport, but also for internal transport, i.e. transportation within production, then in addition to public transport, the national economy has intra-production or departmental transport . The transport complex of the Russian Federation includes: road, sea, inland waterway, railway, aviation and other types of transport. Each type of transport has its own specifics regarding its use for transporting goods.

In the process of material production, transport satisfies the needs of sectors of the national economy for transportation of various types: intra-production, inter-industry within the region, inter-regional, transportation of workers, etc.

Types of transport are divided into water(sea and river), land (rail, road, pipeline) and air. All types of transport, except pipelines, are used to transport goods and passengers. These types of transport are traditional. Non-traditional types of transport include slurry pipelines (Bulk cargo is crushed and pumped through pipes together with water), pneumatic transport, and magnetic levitation transport.

Interdistrict and intradistrict transportation of goods and passengers determine the division of regional transport into mainline and intradistrict.

Transport functions:

One of the main functions is stimulating . Stimulation of economic growth is realized through investments in the transport complex.

· Distributive - ensuring the physical movement of commodity flows in the global economic system.

· The integration function of transport is implemented through the formation of a unified network of transport routes.

· Also performs a structure-forming function - participates in the formation of the sectoral structure of world production and inter-sectoral proportions.

· The social function of transport is providing equal access to social and economic infrastructure to all members of society through increasing the degree of transport accessibility.

The so-called “unified transport system” of Russia is characterized by such features as:

) uneven development of various types of transport;

) extremely uneven distribution of the transport network across individual regions;

) weak interdependence and interaction of individual modes of transport when carrying out transportation (freight and passengers);

) a high level of monopolization of the transport services market combined with administrative pressure on economic agents, which dismembers the unified transport system.

Payments for services provided by transport organizations are carried out using transport tariffs, which include:

– payment for the transportation of goods;

– fees for additional operations related to the transportation of goods.

The amount of payment for the transportation of goods and the amount of fees for the provision of services related to the transportation of goods are determined by agreement of the parties. The quality of services significantly influences tariffs.

Transport services are a special type of transport activity that requires appropriate technological, financial, information, legal and resource support. The concept of transport services also includes related operations related to the preparation and implementation of the transportation process, loading and unloading operations, packaging of goods, Information Support(service monitoring), etc. Transport services have a number of features that must be taken into account when applying logistics principles in the process of managing enterprises of the transport complex, namely:

– a service exists only in the process of its production, which means it cannot accumulate;

– the quality of a service is determined by the quality of the process of providing the service, since the sale of a service represents the sale of the process of its provision itself;

– the service has a use value at a certain time in a certain direction, which limits the possibility of its replacement;

– there is unevenness in demand for services, both temporal and spatial;

– supply, as a rule, does not have sufficient flexibility in adapting to rapidly changing demand;

– the ability of transport to smooth out fluctuations in demand is limited.

The quality of transport services is defined as compliance of the level of consumer properties of the service with market requirements. The quality of services is assessed by the difference between two conditional values ​​– consumer expectations and actual parameters. This difference is called discrepancy, and it evaluates the degree of customer satisfaction with the quality of the service. Among the most important parameters The quality of services is as follows:

– tangibility, i.e. environment of the service provided (equipment, appearance personnel, office interior, providing monitoring of services, etc.);

– reliability – consistency of execution “just in time”;

– responsibility – guarantees of service performance;

– accessibility – simplicity of the procedure for establishing contacts with the company, providing the client with the choice of a convenient time for the provision of services;

– security – absence of risk and mistrust on the part of the client;

– politeness and communication skills of the staff, mutual understanding with the buyer.

Consumer expectations regarding service quality are based on factors such as:

– speech communications – information about services distributed among clients;

– personal needs, i.e. individual requests of the buyer, his ideas about the quality of services;

– past experience of the client;

To rationally apply the principles of logistics in managing service flows, it is necessary to develop a unified concept for assessing the quality of services, based on the criteria used by the buyer when choosing a service provider, and to adjust the management system in the direction of minimizing the discrepancy between the expected and actual levels of quality.

Transport logistics, being no exception, is a set of algorithms and technologies that make it possible to implement in practice a logistics approach to organizing transport operations. When modeling processes and solving problems of transport logistics, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of development indicators on such characteristics as state and functioning. The state of the system is characterized by the size and structure of the system, functioning - by the implementation of the goals of the system through the implementation of its functions, taking into account specific external conditions. The condition of a motor transport enterprise is characterized by the quantity and reliability of its rolling stock. The tasks of the functioning of a transport enterprise (TE) include the rational organization of the transportation process, joint planning of transport, production and other processes. Thus, when modeling processes in transport logistics systems, both methods for solving operational problems and methods for optimizing the state of technological processes are used.

When modeling the state and functioning of transport logistics systems, two approaches are used: deterministic-optimal and probabilistic-adaptive.

The use of a deterministic-optimal approach to optimal planning allows us to obtain the best options for plans, and the use of economic and mathematical modeling methods allows us to select variable indicators of the plan according to the conditions of the extremum of the adopted measure of its effectiveness (for example, maximizing profits, minimizing costs, etc.). Modeling based on a deterministic-optimal approach allows us to obtain options for the development of technological processes, taking into account changes in both the state of the system and its functioning.

The main condition for achieving high management efficiency is the interconnected optimization of the functioning and state of the system. However, it is not possible to solve this problem within the framework of one model. Therefore, a partition is necessary common task to several local ones included in common system tasks of transport logistics. The disadvantages of the deterministic-optimal approach are the impossibility of solving those decision-making problems that currently cannot be formalized mathematically, as well as the refusal to analyze and improve organizational structures.

The probabilistic-adaptive approach to modeling enterprise problems, in addition to possessing all the advantages of the deterministic-optimal approach, is characterized by the following features:

– allows you to create human-machine planning systems in order to more fully and effectively use the experience of specialists in the planning process;

– ensures the personification of the plan as a system of interrelated decisions;

– allows you to consider organizational problems;

– allows for random factors to be taken into account when choosing the most adaptive options plans.

The functioning of transport is predominantly adaptive in nature. However, processes that include an element of uncertainty in transport are not purely random processes, and the role of the organizational component in them is extremely high. At the same time, models developed only on the basis of a probabilistic or deterministic approach often do not correspond to the existing transport system. Therefore, modeling the development of transport enterprises should be carried out using an integrated approach, by combining the work of several models that will be able to make decisions regarding effective development enterprise, and describe the processes of its adaptation to changing environmental conditions in conditions of uncertainty and lack of information.

The amounts due to the transport company for the transportation of goods and related transport and forwarding operations and other services are paid by the client when accepting applications for transportation by payment orders or checks. The final settlement of payments for the transportation of goods, as well as for transport and forwarding operations and other services, is made by the client based on the account of the transport company. The basis for issuing an invoice for the transportation carried out is the waybills or acts of measuring or weighing the cargo, and for the use of cars paid at a time rate - the data on waybills certified by the client.

Freight charges for transporting goods by rail are charged for the distance in the shortest direction. The transportation fees themselves (for the transportation of goods, travel of the conductor, additional fees and other transportation costs) are calculated according to the tariffs in force in the area where the contract of carriage is concluded, namely:

- for transportation by railways of the country of departure and country of destination - at the internal tariffs of the railways of these countries or at a direct tariff, if one is established by these railways;

- for transportation in transit: on the railways of the country of departure and destination - according to the internal tariffs of these roads, and on transit roads - according to the transit tariff applied by the interested railways for this international transportation.

The fee for transporting goods is calculated according to the shortest distance in the direction through those border stations indicated by the senders in the consignment note.

The struggle for customers in a competitive environment cannot fail to introduce adjustments to transport tariffs. For example, the growth of road transport has a restraining effect on the growth of railway tariffs, especially when it comes to transporting goods in small quantities and over relatively short distances. Transport tariffs, as a form of chain for transport products, should provide for the transport enterprise reimbursement of operating costs and the opportunity to make a profit, and for the buyer of transport services - the opportunity to cover transport costs.

On various types transport tariff system has its own characteristics.

There are 4 types of tariffs used in railway transport: general, exclusive, preferential and local tariffs.

By using general tariffs the cost of transporting the bulk of cargo is determined.

Exceptional Rates are established with a deviation from the general ones in the form of special discounts or surcharges. By lowering or increasing the cost of transportation in different periods of the year, we achieve a reduction in the level of unevenness of transportation on railways. The same exceptional tariffs can also be applied when transporting goods in stable directions of movement of empty cars and containers.

Apply preferential rates when transporting goods for certain purposes, as well as goods for the railways themselves.

Local rates are established by the heads of the railways themselves and act only within the given railway.

By road transport to determine the cost of transporting goods they use the following types tariffs: piecework, or temporary use of cars; for the transportation of goods on the basis of paid auto-hours or per kilometer basis; for hauling rolling stock or negotiated tariffs.

Each of the tariffs for transportation by road takes into account a certain set of factors that are most significant in the conditions of a particular transportation. For example, to calculate the cost of transportation at a piece rate, it is important to take into account the transportation distance, cargo weight, etc.

When calculating the tariff for the temporary use of trucks, the load capacity of the vehicle, its total mileage and the time of its use are taken into account.

Adjustments to the tariff cost are made using so-called correction factors.

By river transport Payment for the transportation of goods is carried out either at a tariff or at a freight rate.

If the cargo follows the direction of a stable cargo flow, then transportation is carried out by the liner shipping system. In this case, the cargo moves according to schedule and is paid according to the announced tariff.

If, during transportation, the operation of cargo ships is not associated with permanent navigation areas, with permanent loading and unloading ports, or is not limited to a certain type of cargo, then transportation is paid at the freight rate. The latter depends on the type and transport characteristics of the cargo, flight conditions and associated costs.


1. To tariffs used when transporting goods by rail, relate:

2. Freight pays:

a) carrier;

b) always the shipper;

c) always the consignee;

d) the person with whom the carrier entered into an agreement.

3. Tariffs applied when transporting goods for certain purposes, as well as when transporting goods for the railways themselves, are called:

b) exceptional;

c) preferential;

d) local.

4. The tariff rate is determined as the amount:

a) cost and profit;

b) cost and additional expenses;

c) cost and productivity;

d) profits and additional expenses.

5. The fee for additional services charged by the railway is called:

a) freight charge;

c) local tariffs;

d) exceptional tariffs.

6. The cost of transporting goods is determined as:

a) the ratio of cargo turnover for a certain period to the amount of operating costs incurred during the same period;

b) the ratio of current operating costs for the billing period to the completed cargo turnover for the same period;

c) the ratio of the volume of transportation in given ton-kilometers to the average number of employees;

d) attitude average number workers involved in transportation, to the volume of transportation in given ton-kilometers.

7. Tariffs, including the amounts of fees for the transportation of goods and the rates of various fees, operating within the boundaries of a given railway and established by its head, are called:

b) exceptional;

c) preferential;

d) local.

8. When developing tariffs, the following are taken as a basis:

a) profit;

b) additional expenses;

c) cost;

d) productivity.

9. The cost of transportation for tramp traffic is established:

a) only at linear conference rates;

b) only in accordance with the shipowner’s costs;

c) by agreement of the parties and are based on the formation of supply and demand;

d) based on tariffs for liner shipping using a correction
coefficient, depending on the area.

10. Tariffs used when transporting cargo by road include:

a) piecework, contractual, per-kilometer tariffs and tariffs for time-based use;

b) general, exclusive, preferential and local;

c) monotonous and differential;

d) tariffs for the hauling of rolling stock and tariffs for the transportation of goods on the terms of paid ton-hours.

High competition in the field of transport services has led to the fact that companies that do not use various relevant thematic services and innovations do not stay long in this market.

Modern transport services are not limited only to cargo transportation. This hard work, where everyone is responsible for their own part of the process. New modern technology, certified specialists, thoughtful and coordinated work, this is what distinguishes a high-quality carrier company from all others.

The 1st Transportnaya company has been in the cargo transportation market for more than 10 years. Our experience and professionalism allows us to confidently guarantee the quality of transport services of any complexity.

Cargo transportation with us is:

  • Freight forwarding support
  • Cargo location report
  • Adjustment of routes in the event of force majeure circumstances
  • Ensuring the safety of cargo during transportation
  • Cargo insurance

We value our clients and partners, and are ready to help with any issues related to cargo transportation, provide competent advice in this area, and suggest more favorable conditions for cargo transportation.

Transport services in modern conditions

The main task performed by transport companies is to study and satisfy all the client’s wishes in all types of cargo transportation.

Until recently, the majority of transport companies provided only transportation services, without thinking about providing other services. All this was due to the administrative-control model of management in our country, the absence of a civilized cargo transportation market and any competition.

At the moment, economic conditions have allowed transport companies to expand the concept of “freight transportation services”. Nowadays, transport service means not only the actual transportation of cargo, but also any other operation that is not part of the cargo transportation process, but also associated with its initial preparation and further with the implementation of the process itself.

Today, the word cargo transportation means not only the actual transportation of cargo or passengers, but any other operation that is not part of the transportation process, but is associated with its preparation and direct implementation.

Transport services include:

  • transportation of passengers and cargo;
  • loading and unloading operations;
  • warehousing of any cargo;
  • truck preparation;
  • provision of a truck on a rental or rental basis;
  • delivery of new or repaired trucks;
  • transport forwarding services.
  • The main transport service of companies is, of course, cargo transportation. As a rule, this service is accompanied by other services such as: loading, unloading, forwarding, etc. Additional transport services include information, commercial, marketing and insurance services.

    Classification of transport services

    Depending on the relationship with the main activities of transport enterprises, services can be transportation (when there is an element of transportation in one form or another) and non-transportation. Services are also distinguished by the type of consumer to whom the service is provided. Such services are divided into external (which are provided to non-transport enterprises) and internal (which are provided to other transport enterprises). Technological, commercial, information and other services are also distinguished. They are divided according to the nature of the activity associated with the provision of a particular service.

    For such a term as “service” (including transport services) there are a number of characteristic features:

    • services do not exist separately from the process of their provision (that is, services do not accumulate);
    • the sale of the services themselves is the sale of the labor process itself, and accordingly, the quality of the services themselves will be determined by the quality of the labor process;
    • services have a specific use value only in a specific place or direction and at a specific time. This factor significantly reduces the possibility of replacing one service with another in the services market;
    • transport services are classified as those services that complete and/or precede the process of production of goods;
    • each transport service is unique for its consumer;
    • from the service provided, ultimately, nothing will remain except the fact of its provision;
    • people don’t remember a good service for a long time, taking it for granted, but a bad service will be remembered for a long time;
    • services cannot be touched;
    • consumers of services often themselves participate in the very process of their provision;
    • the consumer of services will not be their owner;
    • Providing a service is a process that cannot be tried before it is provided;

    The scope of such services must operate in such a way as to fully satisfy the customer's requirements at the lowest possible cost. An indicator of the quality of cargo transportation at motor transport enterprises is the characteristics of 1 or several consumer properties of a given service that combine its quality. That is, in other words, the quality of transportation is assessed by a collection of characteristics that determine their suitability for meeting the needs of the client (shipper or consignee) for the corresponding transportation.

    According to supplier enterprises, the quality indicators of transport services must meet the basic requirements:

    • the quality of cargo transportation must meet the needs of consumers (legal entities and individuals);
    • be established companies and have stable performance;
    • when assessing the level of quality of cargo transportation as a whole, some indicators should not replace others;
    • have transport characteristics that are suitable to meet specific needs real consumers and fit its purpose;

    According to the customer (consumer), the main requirements for carrier services will be the following:

    • environmentally friendly services, respect for the environment;
    • the carrier’s constant readiness to provide cargo transportation services;
    • readiness for special types of transportation;
    • suitability of the vehicle for certain types of transportation;
    • cargo transportation must be without intermediate overloads;
    • transshipment points must have reloading equipment;
    • presence of transport packaging of the required type;
    • providing reliable and accurate information about transportation conditions and tariffs, as well as operational information about the location of the cargo;
    • provision of customs clearance services;
    • the cost of services should not be inflated;
    • door-to-door cargo transportation;
    • professional cargo support;
    • correct documentation;
    • flexible terms of service, “hearing” customer requirements;
    • different levels of transport services;
    • a range of additional services;
    • convenient reception and delivery of cargo;
    • ensuring the safety of cargo during transportation;
    • agreed delivery times must be adhered to;
    • regularity of cargo transportation
    • optimal delivery time;
    • different transport depending on the volume of transportation;
    • To improve the quality of cargo transportation, carriers must arrange regular inspections of the quality of services provided to consumers. Most often, a questionnaire method of surveying consumers is used here, because objective analysis allows you to objectively compare the declared quality of services with the real one.

      The need for transport services often depends on the development of the types of motor transport available in a particular region, their integration into unified system, diverse range and quality of services potential clients. With the development of a market economy, the share of transport services is increasing, this situation characteristic of almost all countries.

      Road transport policies in market economies are being revised with the introduction of logistics. Motor transport has begun to play a key role in the transportation of goods

      And in the area of ​​organizing cargo transportation, two main directions are clearly visible:

    1. Flexibility of the range of transport services to different customer requirements. Services should be provided to different groups of clients in accordance with their real needs. Consumers must choose the services themselves, their quantity and method of implementation.
    2. Active promotion of transport services in order to generate additional profit.


    The concept of transport service includes any actions related to moving cargo in space. Moreover, we are talking not only about the program itself, but also about all other activities that are necessary for preparation of cargo and transport for transportation.

    Main types of transport services:


      unloading, loading, reloading and other loading and unloading operations;

      actions to prepare transport for the route;

      rent and rental of transport;

      forwarding services;

      transport repair;

      transportation of transport to the place of loading of goods;

      any additional operations necessary for the transportation of goods.

    In addition, all of the above transport services can be performed with high quality if all requirements for marketing, accounting support, insurance and other aspects are met.

    Basic definitions of transport services

    Transport services are also divided into: transportation and non-transportation. If the service is provided to other enterprises and organizations not related to transport, then it will be called external. In the case when an organization in the transport industry needs services, what services are internal. Based on the nature of the service, it can be: technological, commercial, information.

    Based mode of transport services can be divided into:

    Transportation is also divided into long-distance and local. Long-distance transportation is:

      international And domestic;

      linear and charter;

      unimodal and multimodal.

    It should be taken into account that when organizing, transport services, types and rules may differ significantly from domestic. Indeed, it is in this case that it is important to achieve a settlement of all international treaties and rules different countries. Here also great importance It has fast organization passing state border, within which all goods and cargo must pass border, customs, sanitary and others special types control.

    As is known, for efficient distribution of goods and high quality transport services it is necessary that all types of transport services, related to the transportation itself, were held quickly and efficiently. To achieve this, it is important that at each stage of transportation there is required level of service and material and technical equipment. All these requirements are fully met only at enterprises that have a developed warehouse system and modern loading and unloading equipment. In addition, the level of security is important enterprises with electronic media and management.

    But this is only possible within the framework, otherwise freight transportation costs will be incredibly large. That is why most enterprises resort to help for transporting goods experienced logisticians and use warehouse rentals provided by large transport companies.
