Calf. Flowers and indoor plants by zodiac sign. Flower horoscope Taurus: plants, flowers and trees of the Taurus sign

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign which flower is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Mascot: owl, golden calf.

Taurus element: Earth, which explains their stability and solidity. Taurus is one of those who need confidence in their rear, a clear understanding of goals and aspirations.

Symbols: bull (winged), cow (winged).

Colors: lemon, yellow, bright blue, deep orange, lemon green and all spring colors (red is unlucky).

Stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, esmerald, green marble, jade, carisol.

Aroma: Taurus is happy when peace and harmony reign in his family. He is not inclined to any changes or innovations. He loves nature and is no stranger to romance. A spring branch of lilac could turn his head. The most suitable perfumes for Taurus have floral-sweet notes, as well as the fresh aroma of bergamot (a type of pear). This perfume stimulates their aesthetics and tendency to laziness. A whiff of the aroma of forest moss helps them more easily adapt to any changes and novelties, making them more adventurous and active. Taurus will be delighted with a large bottle in bright red or bright green packaging. Women Amarige, Champagne, Organza, XS. For men Egoist, Fahrenheit, Hugo, Yatagan.

Essential oils: mint, lemon, sage, bay, rosemary, cypress, thuja, jasmine, fennel.

Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.

Plants: Taurus is the first earth sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the beautiful Venus. Therefore, Taurus owns low-growing, strong, decorative flowering plants: Cyclamen, beautiful gloxinia (Sinningia), Uzumbar violet (Saintpaulia), decorative flowering begonias, primrose (primrose), Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangina, peperomia.

Days and numbers

Favorable numbers: 2, 4, 16 (and all numbers divisible by 6).

Happy Days: Monday Friday.

Unlucky day: Tuesday.

Those born from April 21 to May 1 – under the influence of Mercury have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57.

Those born from May 2 to May 11 - under the influence of the Moon - are dreamy, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

Those born from May 12 to May 20 - under the influence of Saturn - are unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

Taurus flower according to horoscope | Taurus is the flower of the zodiac sign

Improve general health, health and mental state, as well as the atmosphere in the house, Taurus will benefit from low-growing, strong, beautifully flowering plants. The flowers of Taurus according to the horoscope are low-growing and blooming violets and begonias. The short stature that each of them has is associated with the nature of this sign.

Which flower suits Taurus according to the horoscope?

As you know, Taurus is the second earth sign in the Zodiac circle and it is the sign that is closest to the material sphere and to the Earth. In addition, some explain the low growth of plants and the thriftiness of representatives of this sign.

The flower of Taurus according to the horoscope is Saintpaulia (Uzumbar violet), Kalanchoe Mangina and Blossfeld, decorative flowering begonias (multiflorous, tuberous and winter-flowered), Sinningia (gloxinia) beautiful, ampelous peperomia and primrose. These plants exhibit many of the properties of Taurus, but they all have two common properties.

First of all, it is worth noting that any of the above plants can be grown in the house as a talisman to attract wealth. Taurus is a sign characterized by stability of financial situation, and it is plants that will help strengthen it. In addition, Taurus is considered physically strong and resilient, so plants of this sign can also be grown to maintain the strength of their body.

It is about the violet that we can say that it is the most typical flower of Taurus according to the horoscope. After all, just as this zodiac sign is characterized by calmness and unhurriedness, violets have a calming effect on the atmosphere in the house and bring comfort to it. And in order for this plant to become exactly the note that is missing for harmony, it is worth choosing the right palette of its colors.

A universal option is violets with white flowers, especially if there are children in the house. Plants with such flowers cleanse the atmosphere in the house, get rid of negative thoughts and feelings, and prevent nervous breakdowns and reduce the load on the nervous system.

Violets, whose flowers are pink or red, clear the space of thoughts and feelings that are associated with instincts, carnal needs, and the thirst for hoarding. They instill a sense of satisfaction in a person while reducing physical needs. In addition, such violets lighten the atmosphere in the house and improve health.

Blue violets fill the home with an atmosphere of creative inspiration and beauty and promote the development of creative potential. While violets with purple flowers elevate feelings and thoughts, improve relationships between family members, and help them achieve mutual understanding.

What is the flower of Taurus according to the horoscope? Lily of the valley for Taurus has been known since ancient times as a valuable medicinal plant. It is also used for medical and perfume purposes. Cosmetical tools, prepared on the basis of lily of the valley essential oils, never cause allergies.

Many peoples revered the lily of the valley as a symbol of spring. Thus, the ancient Germans decorated their clothes with it on the spring holiday of Ostern. At the end of the holiday, withered flowers were solemnly burned, as if sacrificed to Ostara - the goddess of the dawn, the messenger of warmth. In French villages to this day, the first Sunday in May is celebrated as the holiday of lilies of the valley.

Lilies of the valley decorate windows, fireplaces and, of course, tables. The feast is not complete without songs dedicated to the messenger of spring. When the dancing begins, the girls pin bouquets of lilies of the valley to their dresses, and the guys put them in the buttonholes of their jackets. If a dancing couple exchanged bouquets, the young people liked each other.

And in ancient times they would have already been considered engaged. Refusing a bouquet is a refusal of friendship; throwing a lily of the valley at your feet is nothing other than showing extreme contempt. The Latin name translated sounds like “lily of the valleys.” Russian nicknames for lily of the valley are as follows. Yaroslavl and Voronezh residents call it lily of the valley, Kostroma residents call it mytnaya grass, Kaluga residents call it hare salt, Tambov residents call it the culprit.

It is also known as vannik, gladysh, voronets, hare's ears and forest tongue. The origin of the word "lily of the valley" goes back to the concept of "smooth". Possibly due to the smooth soft leaves. Lily of the valley is compared to tears, and an old legend says that this wonderful flower grew from tears that fell to the ground.

The subtle aroma of lily of the valley attracts bees and bumblebees, which contribute to the pollination of flowers, after which green berries develop, and when ripe, orange-red berries. A poetic legend is dedicated to them: once upon a time, a long time ago, Lily of the Valley fell in love with the beautiful Spring and, when she left, he cried for her with such burning tears that the blood came out of his heart and colored his tears.

The flower of Taurus according to the horoscope is lilac. We associate lilacs with memories of spring, of the wonderful May, when renewed nature appears in all its glory. Burdened with large clusters of its lovely white and purple flowers, lilacs now serve as the best decoration of our gardens. Its wonderful smell can be felt from afar, and somehow your hand involuntarily reaches out to pick flowers to decorate your home with them.

Lilac gets its name from the Greek syrinx - tube. One of the ancient Greek legends tells how Pan, the god of forests and fields, fell in love with the beautiful nymph Syringa. But the god was ugly: bearded, horned, goat-footed, and Syringa, fleeing from his persecution, turned into a beautiful fragrant plant - lilac.

Anyone who has at least once heard the melodic play of a pipe made of lilac will never forget its enchanting sounds. The birthplace of lilacs is the Balkans. Four hundred years ago it was brought to Vienna, and from there it spread throughout Europe. The shades and shapes of lilac are extremely diverse. In Russia, it was first called chenille - from the word blue.

Flower horoscope Taurus: plants, flowers and trees of the Taurus sign

PLANTS of the zodiac sign TAURUS according to the Celtic and Druid horoscope

Taurus- the very first sign of the entire zodiac circle, belonging to earth element. Therefore, it is closest to the material sphere.

This largely explains the fact that Taurus plants are characterized by short stature and small flowers. But beautiful buds and their bright colors were given to this zodiac sign by its patron, the planet Venus.

Taurus are patient, non-aggressive and sometimes sentimental. So their talisman plants are famous for their grace - everything is modest, but tasteful.

Taurus mascot flowers

Taurus has many mascot flowers. And if Taurus “settles” at least one of them next to him, good luck, success and a positive atmosphere around him will certainly await him. What flowers do I patronize this zodiac sign?

Whatever buds the plant has, whatever care they need, they are united by 2 common features.

Firstly, they are capable, literally like a magnet, of attracting financial wealth. And for people born under the sign of Taurus, their material status is very important.

And secondly, since all Taurus are very strong personalities, their flowers are extremely hardy and easy to care for.

According to the Taurus horoscope, indoor plants can be planted in their home by all those who want to live in abundance and keep their body in good shape.

A special talisman for Taurus is Kalanchoe. This flower, like all Taurus flowers, is distinguished by its unobtrusive beauty and strength. Astrologers claim that it will help Taurus in fulfilling their desires. The plant usually blooms in the spring, but Taurus, with their characteristic diligence, will certainly help their pet bloom even in winter. Kalanchoe also helps to cope with many ailments (for example, thrombosis), and therefore it will be very useful for elderly Taurus.

And here cyclamen will help Taurus achieve peace of mind and bring peace and tranquility to their home.

Taurus tree mascots

Taurus are under the protection of apple, chestnut, hazel, oak, aspen, linden, and ash trees. Each Taurus tree is distinguished by the presence of roots deeply buried in the ground. This is why all Taurus are so sensitive to family ties and honor their ancestors.

Almost all Taurus trees are famous for their healing properties. By making a talisman based on them, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and improve your health.

Hazel and oak help Taurus gain energy for great achievements. And here Linden blossom will make representatives of this sign even more resilient on the path to success. A talisman made of aspen will not allow Taurus to impose someone else's will. The nut will become an excellent talisman for them, protecting them from overstrain at work and helping them improve relationships with others.

Plants of other zodiac signs:

What flowers should you give to Taurus?

Flowers of the zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus by their character and nature are calm and balanced, romantic. They love harmony, calm and order in everything. And they simply cannot stand noise and disorder, do not like and avoid noisy companies, and are sensitive to any changes in life. Taurus love nature. Please them with a bouquet of flowers will not be particularly difficult. The main thing is that the bouquet contains flowers that have not very pronounced, but natural odors, such as chrysanthemums, poppies or roses. At the same time, the bouquet should be stylish, beautiful and neat. Taurus loves large flowers: roses, gladioli - pink and red, in combination with white. But Taurus can also be moved by small light flowers - snowdrops, forget-me-nots and lilies of the valley. The packaging should avoid such paraphernalia as gold ribbons and bows, shiny beads. Taurus people are more inclined to bouquets without frames. It is advisable not to give orchids and tulips in dark shades to Taurus - these flowers can make them sad.

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Calf. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers.

Most reminiscent of the zodiac sign Taurus is the myth of Dionysus, which is represented by the same image of youthful power in its very prime. Son of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), a young man of a violent temper, endowed with immortality, with the head of a calf, crowned with ivy, vines and fig leaves. Sometimes he was depicted sitting on a barrel, sometimes standing in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs, and playing a lyre or a double flute.

The first mentions of Kalanchoe are found in half-decayed records about medicinal plants, dating from the beginning of the 18th century. They led scientists to the idea that the Kalanchoe flower was brought to us by Russian merchants. By the way, one of the merchants wrote down very interesting story healing of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. A sick sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands off the coast South Africa and left in the care of local residents. A month later, a completely healthy sailor boarded a ship loaded with various goods. His pockets were filled with thick-skinned leaves, which the sailor chewed and called them “kalankh,” which translated from the native language means nothing more than health.

And if you believe the ancient Greek legend, then young Pan, the god of forests and meadows, once met the beautiful river nymph Syringa, the gentle messenger of the morning dawn, and was so enchanted by her gentle grace and beauty that he forgot about his amusements. Pan decided to speak to Syringa, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate lilac flowers. So the name Syringa gave the name to the tree - lilac.

The simplest and most beautiful of flowers. Its origin is associated with Ostarte (Ishtar among the Sumerians) - the goddess of the radiant dawn and spring among the ancient Germans, who decorated themselves with lilies of the valley and then threw them into the fires as a sacrifice. The pagan goddess was subsequently replaced by the Mother of God, and throughout the Middle Ages, lilies of the valley were considered symbols of purity and holiness, and their ripe red berries were considered drops of the blood of Christ.

Luxurious Dahlia should always stick to the golden mean. Maximalism often prevents you from achieving what you want. Dahlia should rely on her strengths more carefully than others. You shouldn't rely entirely on luck. This also applies to personal life.

Generous, open heart Lily of the valley is the reason that it can be plucked by the merciless hand of a herbarium collector or simply a lover of a subtle aroma. The Lily of the Valley woman needs reliable defender, for example, the Thistle (Capricorn) man. Everything is fine with Lily of the Valley at work, although excessive zeal sometimes gets on his nerves.

Nut often consists of contradictions; it can be capricious, aggressive, and selfish. You never know what he will do in a given case or how to handle him. He cares about style, subtle and refined manners, but in reality this may be caused by ordinary timidity. Often he tends to complicate the situation. At the same time, he knows how to be an excellent strategist: he evaluates well possible consequences of his intentions, decides to take very insidious actions and is not tormented by remorse. He often amazes those around him with his speed of action. Nut has many friends, as well as enemies. He is convinced that in life you can only count on yourself, and reverently guards your own independence and isolation.

Jasmine is active, lively and sociable. He attracts people with his free and skillful conversation and becomes the center of attention even against his wishes. Jasmine does not like to feel tied down, cannot stand restrictions, responsibilities depress him. But despite this, he always obeys his duty. He is not afraid of work like no one else, understands the need for diplomatic behavior and knows how to organize harmonious relationships a team. His intelligence and liveliness of thought are highly valued by his superiors. Children bring Jasmine the greatest joy in life.

Chestnut is a beautiful and even decorative tree, but it will not use its charm to attract someone. He is full of vitality and needs space. Kashtan has an innate sense of justice, and any violation of it causes an involuntary protest in him. Chestnut is gifted, fast and accurate, but has a tendency towards daydreaming and philosophical reflection. Much in his life depends on his environment. Lack of flexibility in communication often leads to the fact that throughout his life he changes many activities and experiences many disappointments, which he remembers for a long time, since he is very impressionable and sensitive. An unexpected feature of Chestnut is the desire for convenience in everyday life.

Part 4 – Taurus. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers.

Taurus Flowers

Most housewives strive to decorate their home with flowers. Taurus women are no exception. They are happy to do all the work related to caring for the flora. Indoor plants allow them to improve the atmosphere in the home and overall well-being.

Since this zodiac sign is the first earthly one among the zodiac circle, it is closest to the Earth and the material sphere in general. Therefore, its representatives are more suitable for low-growing and strong flowers, i.e., also close to the Earth. Low growth in this case symbolizes proximity to the earth's surface.

Taurus is also characterized by material stability and physical endurance, and the corresponding houseplants help strengthen these qualities. They can be kept in the house as talismans for a prosperous life and improved health.

According to the horoscope, Taurus is best suited for Saintpaulia, Kalanchoe, begonia, cyclamen and primrose, which have many qualities characteristic of the character of these people. Women of this zodiac sign prefer delicate small plants that bloom beautifully and smell good. Among the non-flowering varieties, the most popular are ragwort and geogenanthus.

TAURUS April 21-May 21
Most reminiscent of the zodiac sign Taurus is the myth of Dionysus, which is represented by the same image of youthful power in its very prime. Son of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), a young man of a violent temper, endowed with immortality, with the head of a calf, crowned with ivy, vines and fig leaves. Sometimes he was depicted sitting on a barrel, sometimes standing in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs, and playing a lyre or a double flute.

There is another myth, in the hero of which you can recognize the zodiac sign Taurus, where he appears far from in the best light - this is the myth of the Minotaur, a cruel and insatiable monster, locked in the labyrinth of his most selfish desires and fears and unwilling to open up to the reality around him .

Ruling planet of Taurus: Venus.

The ruling planet of the zodiac sign Taurus is Venus. The typical Taurus is a warm, friendly zodiac sign, gentle and passionate, although he may not demonstrate these qualities. The bull is a very precise symbol of the sign. To achieve their goals, Taurus uses strength: they know what they want and work hard to achieve their goal.

Taurus stones:

Aventurine – stone of love

Alexandrite - stone of spiritual renewal

Agate – stimulant of spiritual awakening

A diamond is a stone that brings happiness (only if it was obtained by its owner honestly).

Rock crystal - a stone of clairvoyants

Opal is a symbol of fidelity and guarantee

Heliotrope is the best Christian amulet

Moonstone - absorber of lunar energy

Malachite – a stone of health

Turquoise is a stone of victory and happiness

Sapphire - stone of wisdom

Carnelian – stone of the sun

Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.


Jade – stone of tranquility

The metal of the body is copper

Taurus flowers:

The first mentions of Kalanchoe are found in half-decayed records of medicinal plants dating back to the beginning of the 18th century. They led scientists to the idea that the Kalanchoe flower was brought to us by Russian merchants. By the way, one of the merchants in the ship's log recorded a very interesting story of the healing of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. The sick sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands off the coast of South Africa and left in the care of local residents. A month later, a completely healthy sailor boarded a ship loaded with various goods. His pockets were filled with thick-skinned leaves, which the sailor chewed and called them “kalankh,” which translated from the native language means nothing more than health.

And if you believe the ancient Greek legend, then young Pan, the god of forests and meadows, once met the beautiful river nymph Syringa, the gentle messenger of the morning dawn, and was so enchanted by her gentle grace and beauty that he forgot about his amusements. Pan decided to speak to Syringa, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate lilac flowers. So the name Syringa gave the name to the tree - lilac.

The simplest and most beautiful of flowers. Its origin is associated with Ostarte (Ishtar among the Sumerians) - the goddess of the radiant dawn and spring among the ancient Germans, who decorated themselves with lilies of the valley and then threw them into the fires as a sacrifice. The pagan goddess was subsequently replaced by the Mother of God, and throughout the Middle Ages, lilies of the valley were considered symbols of purity and holiness, and their ripe red berries were considered drops of the blood of Christ.

Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

April 21 - 30 - DAHLIA.
Luxurious Dahlia should always stick to the golden mean. Maximalism often prevents you from achieving what you want. Dahlia should rely on her strengths more carefully than others. You shouldn't rely entirely on luck. This also applies to personal life.

May 1-10 - LILY OF THE LILY.
The generous, open heart of the Lily of the Valley is the reason that it can be plucked by the merciless hand of a herbarium collector or simply a lover of a subtle aroma. A Lily of the Valley woman needs a reliable protector, for example a Thistle (Capricorn) man. Everything is fine with Lily of the Valley at work, although excessive zeal sometimes gets on his nerves.

May 11-21 - PORTULAC. Distrustful, cautious, always waiting for a trick, even from a loved one. Purslane is difficult at home and at work. And especially in love. Purslane must be protected.


NUT April 21-April 30
Nut often consists of contradictions; it can be capricious, aggressive, and selfish. You never know what he will do in a given case or how to handle him. He cares about style, subtle and refined manners, but in reality this may be caused by ordinary timidity. Often he tends to complicate the situation. At the same time, he knows how to be an excellent strategist: he well assesses the possible consequences of his intentions, decides to take very insidious actions and is not tormented by remorse. He often amazes those around him with his speed of action. Nut has many friends, as well as enemies. He is convinced that in life you can only count on yourself, and reverently guards your own independence and isolation.

Men. Perhaps somewhat self-centered, but hospitable and generous. IN romantic relationships They are both loyal and fickle, eager to please, but do not compromise.

Women. They can give and take away friendship and love without any reason; it is impossible to analyze their actions. Confident in her exclusivity, the Nut woman loves to suffer herself and takes pleasure in making others suffer.

Love and marriage. Not only love, but also friendship with Nut is full of surprises. If someone who wants to connect his fate with a representative of this sign has enough strength to resist, he can try his luck; otherwise, Nut is capable of enslaving a partner.

JASMINE May 1-May 14
Jasmine is active, lively and sociable. He attracts people with his free and skillful conversation and becomes the center of attention even against his wishes. Jasmine does not like to feel tied down, cannot stand restrictions, responsibilities depress him. But despite this, he always obeys his duty. He is not afraid of work like no one else, understands the need for diplomatic behavior and knows how to organize harmonious relationships in a team. His intelligence and liveliness of thought are highly valued by his superiors. Children bring Jasmine the greatest joy in life.

Men. They appear to others as balanced and cheerful, and only those closest to them know how sensitive these men are, in essence, and how capable they are of disappointment, since they are pessimists from birth, although they try to hide it.

Women. Possessing a cheerful disposition, they attract with their inner freedom and calmness, their ability to lift the spirits of others.

Love and marriage. Living with Jasmine is difficult: he gets offended easily and becomes biased. His joy in a marital relationship is his children; it is with them that he feels good.

CHESTNUT May 15-May 24
Chestnut is a beautiful and even decorative tree, but it will not use its charm to attract someone. He is full of vitality and needs space. Kashtan has an innate sense of justice, and any violation of it causes an involuntary protest in him. Chestnut is gifted, fast and accurate, but has a tendency towards daydreaming and philosophical reflection. Much in his life depends on his environment. Lack of flexibility in communication often leads to the fact that throughout his life he changes many activities and experiences many disappointments, which he remembers for a long time, since he is very impressionable and sensitive. An unexpected feature of Chestnut is the desire for convenience in everyday life.

Men. Consistent and persistent (but not stubborn), these men pay great attention to moral and ethical standards, therefore, despite their sensuality, they are quite conservative.

Women. They are very observant and intelligent and love to shock the public. Their lack of self-confidence and distrust of others give rise to the impression of inability to cope with life.

Love and marriage. The acute need for love and the fear that he may not be loved (and he is monogamous) are expressed in behavior and complicate Kashtan’s relationship with a partner who will not understand this man’s strange actions.

Taurus colors:




Taurus talismans:

Golden Taurus


Taurus symbol - Ox

Lucky numbers for Taurus: 2, 4, 6.

According to the Taurus horoscope, indoor plants can be planted in their home by all those who want to live in abundance and keep their body in good shape.

A special talisman for Taurus is Kalanchoe. This flower, like all Taurus flowers, is distinguished by its unobtrusive beauty and strength. Astrologers claim that it will help Taurus in fulfilling their desires. The plant usually blooms in the spring, but Taurus, with their characteristic diligence, will certainly help their pet bloom even in winter. Kalanchoe also helps to cope with many ailments (for example, thrombosis), and therefore it will be very useful for elderly Taurus.

And here cyclamen will help Taurus achieve peace of mind and bring peace and tranquility to their home.

Taurus tree mascots

Taurus are under the protection of apple, chestnut, hazel, oak, aspen, linden, and ash trees. Each Taurus tree is distinguished by the presence of roots deeply buried in the ground. This is why all Taurus are so sensitive to family ties and honor their ancestors.

Almost all Taurus trees are famous for their healing properties. By making a talisman based on them, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and improve your health.

Hazel and oak help Taurus gain energy for great achievements. But linden blossom will make representatives of this sign even more resilient on the path to success. A talisman made of aspen will not allow Taurus to impose someone else's will. The nut will become an excellent talisman for them, protecting them from overstrain at work and helping them improve relationships with others.

Plants of other zodiac signs:

Compatibility of zodiac signs:

I will present all the plants of the Zodiac sign Taurus (21.04 - 20.05). First, about the sign itself:

  • Taurus is a sign of constancy and stability. Plants of this sign can improve the material side of your life.
  • Taurus is an earth sign and is ruled by Venus.
  • Taurus is a sign of physical strength and endurance, so all plants of this sign can be kept in the house to maintain the strength of your body.

Taurus plants are responsible for our digestive system, help regulate appetite and get rid of excess weight.

Taurus plants are strong, beautifully flowering and low-growing. In the Zodiac circle, Taurus is the first of all earthly signs, which means his material sphere of influence is more pronounced, and economy is associated with low plant growth.

And so, more about the plants themselves.

Taurus plants for health

Since the body needs sodium sulfate, this mineral salt contained in the following vegetables: , beets, cauliflower, radishes, cabbage, pumpkin.

You can learn about the beneficial properties of some of them by following the appropriate links.

Taurus plants for the soul

Lily white

Wild plants - lilies of the valley.

Garden plants - white lilies.

Ornamental plants - Gloxinia (Sinningia) beautiful, ampelous peperomia, Usambara violet (Saintpaulia), beautifully blooming begonia, Persian cyclamen, Kalanchoe Mangina and Kalanchoe Blossfeld, (primrose).

Primrose (primrose)

ampelous peperomia

Gloxinia (sinningia) beautiful

More details about some of them:

Uzumbara violet (Saintpaulia)- This typical representative Taurus. Taurus is leisurely calm sign, violet also has a calming effect on the atmosphere of the house. The fleshy leaves of the violet have a velvety surface, this is the manifestation of the Moon, which brings comfort to the house.

Uzumbara violets

Uzumbara violets are useful to keep at home for those people who are prone to experiencing strong feelings, that is, constantly falling in love. And, at the same time, for those who lack love.

Violets are especially useful where there are infants, who are greatly influenced by the Moon at their young age.

There are more than a thousand varieties of Uzumbara violets (Saintpaulias), and all of them have flowers of various shapes and colors. This, more precisely, in flowers, is the manifestation of Venus.

Now let's look at some violets with different colors flowers.

White violets are a flower of purity, literally and figuratively.

Firstly, this is a flower for children, as the personification of “beginning”, it has a very beneficial effect on the child’s psyche, balances it, has a positive effect on general development child.

Secondly, white violets will clear the atmosphere around them of dirty thoughts and bad feelings, prevent nervous breakdowns, and even soothe disappointments in love.

Under the influence of white violets, you can even expel household insects, especially house ants, from your home.

Violets with blue flowers- these are plants that are responsible for creativity and handicrafts. In a house where blue violets grow, it is always fun, interesting and not boring.

Who is going to learn drawing, singing, playing the musical instruments, get violets with blue flowers.

But you need to be patient, since Taurus is a slow sign, in order to achieve success, the blue violet must live for a long time in your home.

But violets with pink or red flowers are suitable where people are preoccupied with carnal (gluttony) and material (excessive hoarding) needs.

These flowers will clear the atmosphere of these energies, which will give people more health: the need for food will decrease, joy will arise from work and from communication.

Violets with purple flowers are suitable where there is misunderstanding between household members. This violet will clear the space of the energies of rejection.

Also, violet with purple flowers transforms the energy of our feelings and thoughts into more subtle, spiritual and high energies. Suitable for meditation and fortune telling.

The purple violet is the flower of wisdom. Under the influence of this flower, a person can gain earthly wisdom, strengthen his character and spirituality.

A person can even learn to notice clues in life situations and interpret them correctly for yourself.

Also in ancient Greece The violet was considered a symbol of modesty and virginity, innocence and tenderness.

In terms of health, violet has a beneficial effect on those organs controlled by Taurus: thyroid and throat.

Violet protects our throat from inflammatory processes, thanks to the conjunction of Venus and the Moon.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

The connection of earth and air transforms the energies of our words and thoughts into pleasant and beautiful energies.

Where there are irritable, rude people who speak in an unkind tone and say unpleasant things, this flower neutralizes heavy energies that can lead to chronic diseases.

Also, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe is well suited where people live who are burdened with various problems or, simply, elderly people who are already tired of life.

This flower will ease their state of mind. The subtle structures of this plant will help such people find simple solutions your problems and, as they say, don’t bother yourself.

The earthly Venus of this plant is capable of developing creativity in a person, especially some kind of handicraft. Kalanchoe Blossfeld is useful for developing a sense of taste and is suitable for fashion designers, stylists, makeup artists, etc.

If you have no sense of taste, be sure to get this flower - it will turn you into a fashionista!

In terms of health, like all Taurus plants, Kalanchoe Blossfeld has a strengthening effect on the entire body, and mainly on the throat. Mercury, clearly expressed in the succulent leaves, is in charge blood vessels body, and earthly Venus gives the ability to dissolve blood clots in these vessels.

And you can find out about this by visiting the page at this link.

And it is used as a healing agent. Follow the link.

They say that certain plants have a bad influence on people. All this is a myth. Plants are neutral or slightly positive towards their owners if kept in moderate amount and in favorable conditions. Nevertheless, it is believed that some plants are more favorable to representatives of one or another zodiac sign. But don’t worry: they won’t cause any harm to the wards of other signs living in the same apartment or house!

Aries is a fiery, hot sign, so its plants are fiery - red, burgundy, pink or orange flowers and leaves. Sharp, sharp Mars, which rules this sign, gave Aries thorny plants. The proud Aries loves to be noticeable, so his plants are not small in stature. Aries in the Zodiac symbolizes the personality of a person, the “I” of each of us and is associated with the personal aspirations of each person. Therefore, all Aries plants have one thing in common and the most strong property: they strengthen our inner self, help us become a strong personality and can serve as talismans for personal success and achievement of our goals.

Aries plants: for personal success, for absent-minded and indecisive, for lonely people, for men, for athletes.
It is advisable for Aries to have royal begonia, reed gusmania, sparkling echmea; striped echmea; Coleria fluffy-flowered; dwarf pomegranate; garden geranium; Indian and Japanese azalea; spurge spurge; Haworthia striped. And begonia is useful to have in the house for anyone who would like to learn how to express their thoughts succinctly and meaningfully.

Strong, low-growing, beautifully flowering plants will help improve the physical and mental well-being of people born under the sign of Taurus and cleanse the energy and atmosphere in their home. The short growth of plants of this sign is associated with the character of Taurus himself. Taurus is the first of the earth signs in the Zodiac circle, which means it is closest to the material spheres, to the earth. The symbolic image of Taurus shows his immersion in the earth. The low growth of plants of this sign is also associated with the economy of Taurus. But where do the beautiful flowers come from in Taurus? The beautiful Venus, who rules this sign, gave them to him. All Taurus plants can be kept in the house as talismans, if not for the rich, then for at least, for a prosperous life. Taurus is a sign of a stable financial situation, and its plants will help us achieve stability in the material sphere. Besides. Taurus is a sign of physical strength and endurance, so all plants of this sign can be kept in the house to maintain the strength of your body.

Taurus plants: for rich life and physical stamina.
Taurus plants - Uzumbara violet, Kalanchoe blosfeld, Kalanchoe mangina, Persian cyclamen, gloxinia, primrose, peperomia, decorative flowering begonias: tuberous, multi-flowered, winter-flowering. It is believed that violets with white flowers are ideal for families with children. Reds sense space in houses where hot-tempered, passionate people live. And blue and purple violets are useful not only for Taurus, but also for all creative people.

Gemini is an airy, light, most mobile sign of the Zodiac. It is ruled by the mobile and changeable planet Mercury air element, which endowed Gemini with climbing plants and plants with lush foliage. Gemini plants have rather small or narrow leaves. “Atmospheric” bromeliads, for example, tillandsias, which do not require either soil or watering and feed on the moisture and dust of the atmosphere, also belong to Gemini. Gemini plants will primarily help people born under the sign of Gemini improve their physical and mental health and cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Gemini is a sign of friendship, friendly relations. Any plants of this sign can be kept at home as talismans for good relationships with friends. Gemini is also a sign primary education, therefore, it is good to have its plants in schools and at home as talismans for successful study and quick assimilation of information.

Gemini plants: for friendship and study.
Asparagus pinnate; Asparagus dense-flowered; Asparagus asparagus; Meyer's Asparagus; Ferns; Ivy; Cirrus palms; Tradescantia; Chlorophytum. Asparagus of all types, ferns, ivy, cirrus palms, chlorophytum, date palm, tradescantia, all types of bindweed have a positive effect on Gemini.
Date and coconut palms are excellent sources of positive energy. Moreover, it is easy to grow a date palm from a seed.

Cancer - sign water element Therefore, its plants are saturated with moisture, have fleshy, juicy stems and leaves, and need abundant watering. The sign of Cancer in the life of every person is associated with home, with family, and many plants of this sign live in friendly families and form compact bushes. These plants will primarily help people born under the sign of Cancer maintain their physical and mental health and improve the atmosphere in their home. Cancer plants have many beneficial properties for humans, but all these plants have one thing: general property. As mentioned at the beginning, Cancer is in charge of the theme of home, a person’s family, so plants of this sign can be kept at home by people of any zodiac sign as talismans for happiness in the family. If you want to improve relationships with relatives, or want the atmosphere at home to become kinder, plant one or more plants of this sign.

Cancer plants: for happiness in the family.
Dieffenbachia, fuchsia, cobweb and roofing, aglaonema modest, agave americana and filamentous, calamus grass; aloe (agagave) arborescent and spinous, Mason's begonia, Gasteria verrucous, Kalanchoe tomentosa and bechara; bush-like peperomia (silver, ivy-leaved, wrinkled), sedum (thick-leaved, red-colored, Morgana, Adolphus), egg-bearing pachyphytum will take root well in the house of Cancers. Aloe will help improve health, and chic fuchsia will make the inhabitants of the house crave beauty and fashion.

The Royal Leo is endowed with many beautiful plants, most of them bloom beautifully. The king always chooses the best, and Leo's plants are quite demanding in terms of maintenance conditions. Fire Lion It is ruled by the Sun itself, so plants of this sign need good lighting. All Leo plants are most beneficial for people born under this fire sign. Leos need these plants at home or at work to maintain emotional and physical tone and to cleanse the energy of the atmosphere around them. Leo plants contain many beneficial properties, but they all have two unique properties, which can be used by a person of any zodiac sign. Leo and its ruling Sun in astrology are associated with creativity and high feelings, true love. Any of the plants of this sign can be kept at home as talismans for successful creativity and happiness in love.

Leo plants: for success in love and creativity.
"Lion" flowers are pelargonium, Chinese rose (hibiscus), acalypha bristlecone, amaranthus caudatus, aphelandra protruding, impatiens (impatiens), gardenia jasminoides, Zantedes Ethiopian (cala), hybrid calceolaria, camellia japonica, mimosa pudica. The Chinese rose is a large plant; it cleanses space in the house and purely physically (due to large mass dense leaves), and energetically, especially if it blooms regularly (that is, it feels good).

The Earthly Virgo is endowed with many powerful plants. Although Virgo is an earth sign, it is ruled by airy Mercury, so among the plants of this sign there are climbing vines, plants with flexible stems and sending out aerial roots. The practical Virgo also owns some fruit plants, for example, self-pollinating cucumbers, which are grown in the house not so much for the sake of decorative beauty, but for the benefit of the table. All Virgo plants contain energy to maintain good emotional and physical tone and cleanse the energy of the home of people of this sign. The plants of the earthly, practical Virgo have many beneficial properties for humans, but there are two unique ones that can be used by those born under any of the zodiac signs. If Taurus, the first earth sign, gives endurance, then Virgo gives health. Although Virgo rules specific bodies in the human body, but its role is to maintain the health of the whole organism. The name of this sign sounds deceptive. There is almost no femininity in Virgo; rather, she has more masculine qualities, a sober, rational mind. Virgo plants give a person rationality and good intelligence. Any of the plants of this sign can be kept at home as talismans to maintain health and develop intelligence and mental abilities.

Virgo plants: to maintain health and develop intelligence.
Aucuba japonica, Fatsia japonica, Monstera deliciosa, Philodendron: climbing and guitar-shaped, scindapsus (pothos, “devil's ivy”): golden and painted, syngonium, cissus (Antarctic, multi-colored, striped), rhoicissus (birch): cape or rhombic, dracaena the bent one is suitable for Virgos.
It is better to keep Monstera in the office, not at home. This is a plant of “order and composure.”

Libra is a sign of beautiful, strict forms, because it is ruled by the beautiful Venus, and strict Saturn manifests itself most clearly in this sign. Venus gives Libra plants beautiful flowers and fruits, colorfully colors the leaves or envelops the plants in a halo of attractiveness, and Saturn strengthens the stems, allowing them to stay straight. Libra plants can bring great benefits not only to people born under this sign. Of the many beneficial properties inherent in Libra plants, we highlight two universal ones: influence on partnerships and assistance in the development of taste. The plant’s zodiac sign taught them to harmonize partnerships, because Libra rules precisely this area of ​​human relationships. And Saturn and Venus gave Libra plants the ability to develop delicate taste in people. If you are tired of troubles with your husband or wife, with business partners, or would like to bring your sense of taste to perfection, plant a plant of this sign, even if your own Zodiac sign is not Libra at all. The sense of partnership inherent in these plants will allow them to make friends with you and help establish relationships and harmonize your taste.

Libra plants: for partnerships and the development of delicate taste.
Achimenes hybrid, Indian azalea (white), and nanas (large-tufted, bracted), truncated zygocactus (Decembrist), capsicum (Mexican pepper, Christmas pepper), celosia peristium, cestrum nocturna, small-flowered chrysanthemum, cineraria (crown cross), codiaum ( croton), wavy-leaved crossandra, fiery red kufeya, Japanese fatsia, hybrid feliotrope, hibiscus (Chinese rose), large-leaved hydrangea, lily may be useful for Libra.
It is recommended for all night owls to have an azalea: waking up in the morning in the company of this plant is much easier and more enjoyable.

The nature of Scorpio plants is astrologically associated with the biblical serpent-tempter, so most plants of this sign can look very attractive, while concealing a deadly poison or emitting an unpleasant, intoxicating odor. Scorpio is a sign of the water element, co-ruled (along with Pluto) by fiery, prickly Mars, so its plants are saturated with moisture and have thorns. The insidious Scorpio also has insectivorous plants, however, it is very difficult to grow them at home. Take advantage beneficial properties Not only people born under this sign can plant Scorpio. Anyone who dreams of developing clairvoyance or clairaudience can have one or more plants of this sign at home - and mysterious Scorpio through his plants he will open to them the otherworldly, invisible world.

Scorpio plants: for the development of unusual abilities.
Desert cacti, snow-white datura, variegated stapelia, cap-shaped aloe, spiny aloe, dragon dracaena, wicker ginura, tiger faucaria, oleander get along well with Scorpios.
Oleander protects against temptations and excesses, helps fight drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, and gluttony.

Each zodiac sign has its own quirks. The main quirk of Sagittarius is his desire to rush into the distance, beyond the horizon, away from the sinful earth, because Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds. Therefore, among its plants there are many that are tall or have their flower stalks stretched upward in an upward movement. Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual life, spiritual thoughts and discoveries, love of philosophy, therefore bonsai, whose appearance evokes a desire to philosophize, is exactly what Sagittarius needs. Citrus fruits that bear sour or sour fruits also belong to this sign, because sour is the favorite taste of Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius. A person of any zodiac sign can benefit from keeping Sagittarius plants at home. These plants can bring a lot of benefits to humans, but they have one thing in common, the most bright property. Sagittarius governs the theme of foreign countries, long journeys, so its plants develop in a person the qualities necessary for travel and increase the attraction to the cultures of other countries.

Sagittarius plants: for success in travel. Indoor bonsai, tetrastigma Voignier (indoor grape), Sansevieria three-lane, lemon, clivia cinnabar, citruses and ficuses are Sagittarius’ favorite plants. Sansevieria is appropriate in any home, especially if the owners (regardless of the zodiac sign) respect sports and all kinds of competitions.


Capricorn is the third earth sign in the Zodiac. This is the most discreet land. Saturn, which rules Capricorn, endowed this sign with a strict form and stable character, which is why many Capricorn plants have straight, strong stems. In Capricorn, fiery Mars is most clearly manifested, giving plants thorns and thorns. The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, manages the stems of all plants, and the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Capricorn gave this sign plants with thorny stems. Being earthy, Capricorn is leisurely, so there are extremely slow growing plants under this sign. It is these plants that will primarily help people of the Capricorn sign improve their mental and physical health, cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Capricorn plants are endowed with many wonderful properties, but all these plants have one common property. The Capricorn sign is in charge of the topic of work, a person’s social status, so all Capricorn plants can be kept at home or in the office as talismans for successful work. It is very beneficial for everyone who is not indifferent to the topic of work, and even more so for those for whom work is most important, to have one or more Capricorn plants nearby. Capricorn is the sign of the boss. legislator, therefore Capricorn plants are especially good for bosses and those who want to become them. Capricorn is an ascetic sign, strict Saturn, which rules it, limits any forms and structures. Suturn does not tolerate anything superfluous, so all Capricorn plants can be kept close to those who dream of a good figure and want to lose excess weight.

Capricorn plants: for success in work and weight loss.
Dracaena dereme, fragrant dracaena, conifers, elephant yucca, rubber ficus, Benjamin ficus, lyre-shaped ficus, bengal ficus (star anise), noble laurel, "living stones", fan palms, silver crassula, sickle-shaped crassula ideally coexist with Capricorns.
The only limitation: if there are small children in the house, then it is better to abandon the ficus. Or place it in the living room rather than in the nursery. Then in the living room the baby will behave quietly and peacefully, obeying the energy of this plant..

Aquarius - sign original ideas, so his plants can serve as mascots for all of us for innovative activities. Any Aquarius plants stimulate people to search for new, unconventional solutions in all areas of life. No matter who you are, no matter what you do, plants of this sign will help you look at the old with new eyes. And if you are tired of acting out of habit, if you want to surprise people with an unusual, not like “everyone else” vision of problems, plant one or more Aquarius plants in your home or work.

Aquarius plants are for innovators.

Abutilon (indoor maple) striped and hybrid, Alocasia Sander, bocarnea reflexum (nolina), Dracaena Godsefa, calathea (Lubbersa, striped, decorated, pinkish-colored, Macoya, wonderful), coccoloba berry-bearing, coleus (dwarf, Blume, Verschaffelta; Rowley's cross) , callistemon lemon yellow, arrowroot tricolor (prayer plant), poinsettia most beautiful (euphorbia most beautiful), rheo variegated, stromanta pleasant, fittonia: silver vein and Verschaffelta, jatropha gouty have a good effect on Aquarius.
Maranta allows you to actively learn and develop your intellect (not only for Aquarius).


The very name of this sign is associated with the underwater world. Indeed, Pisces is a sign of the water element and is ruled by the king of the waters, Neptune. A prominent element has endowed Pisces with aquarium, terrarium and algae-like land plants. In the appearance of many green representatives of Pisces, one can guess the shape of the animal taken as the symbol of the sign. In Pisces, the beautiful Venus manifests her qualities most harmoniously. It is this that gives some Pisces plants a fragrant scent or beautiful flowers. All plants of the Pisces sign, regardless of their properties, are good to have nearby (at home or at work) for people born under this sign. But they are useful not only for Pisces. Pisces is the last, twelfth sign of the Zodiac, the wisest, most experienced, spiritual Pisces has come closest to understanding divine laws, and therefore is a sign of divine service. Pisces plants are also engaged in godly work: they help us all develop spirituality, move away from vain worries and pay attention to the eternal. Therefore, everyone who realizes the need for such development can have one or more plants of this exalted sign nearby as a talisman assistant.

Pisces plants: for the development of spirituality. Any aquarium, terrarium, or ampelous (hanging down) plants are good for Pisces. In addition to them, you can have fragrant geranium, cyperus, orchids, dwarf ficus, boviea (sea or climbing cucumber), bryophyllum, ivy-shaped budra, hypocyrtha glabra, nesting asplenium, fishtail palm, pilea (Cadieu, creeping, small-leaved ), platicerium (platyhorn) large, plectranthus; empty-fruited and strange rhipsalis, brownish siderasis, Crassula (lyceae, Tolmia menzies).
Fragrant geranium cleanses the space in the house energetically and physically - due to the smell (phytoncides) and active work feathery, pubescent ionizing leaves.

Which flowers to choose for which window?

Do you want your indoor plants to always be bright green and bloom regularly? A lot depends on how correctly you choose a place for them. After all, for one flower the south side is destruction, and for another it is paradise!

On the north windows. Owners of northern apartments are often upset, wondering what will grow on the northern windowsill. However, there are many plants that can live and thrive in partial shade. They even look special: they have dark green, dense, leathery leaves. They love the shade of begonias and traditions, asparagus and dracaena, monstera and pellea. Azalea blooms beautifully in such conditions. True, in addition to the shade, she will also have to organize the cold - after all, she can bloom continuously only at +18. But fuchsia will happily live on your glassed-in balcony, because it blooms at +5 degrees Celsius! Cyclamen can be counted among the army of cold-loving plants; give it +10 degrees too, otherwise it won’t bloom! In general, violets and Kalanchoes, indoor roses, and chrysanthemums can live on northern windows. The only thing worth talking about take care, so it’s about keeping the roots of the flowers from freezing. Therefore, use wicker or wooden stands for flowerpots.

Residents of the south. In my opinion, it is most difficult to care for flowers living on southern windows. They are constantly exposed to sunlight, overheat and “burn”. Not every flower can survive in such conditions. Cacti, for example, just like other succulents, aloe only wait for this - the sun - and wait. However, you need to rotate the pots regularly to ensure even illumination of the plants. Many plants love the sun, but require shading in the hot season. These are myrtle, crassula, chamerops, coffee tree. And be prepared for the fact that in winter your pets will not have enough light and you will have to arrange additional lighting.

East and west windows Suitable for many colors. Ficus, dracaena, asparagus, begonias, ivies, and violets will coexist without problems near the eastern window. And the Western one too, along with jasmine, eucalyptus, date palm.

Attention - poisonous flowers!

They say that flowers are like people, they feel when they are loved and delight the eyes of their owners. Moreover, flowers have a special ability - to charge people with energy. A friend of mine has a whole greenhouse room. She loves her flowers very much, takes care of them, talks to them and claims that it is after such conversations that she is full of strength. However, you need to engage in floriculture wisely. For example, It is strictly forbidden to place flowers in the bedroom, especially for children. The fact is that many flowers can provoke allergies, rashes, and cause bronchial asthma. Therefore, do not conduct experiments - place flowers in those rooms where no one sleeps!

And one more piece of advice. Before you get a kitten or a dog, you ask yourself the question, where will I place it during my vacation or forced departure? It's much easier with flowers. Before leaving, fill a basin or bathtub with water (if you have too many flowers) and place the flowerpots so that 3-4 centimeters of the flowerpot near the bottom are in water. Believe me, no matter how long you leave, when you return, your beauties will greet you in the same bright form - after all, they also had a vacation with water treatments!
