Caring for your teeth after braces. How to care for your mouth while wearing braces. Orthodontic toothbrush

Braces are special non-removable orthodontic brackets designed to correct the human dental system. In most cases, it is used to correct the bite and straighten the teeth. The use of such structures is often necessary for normal operation chewing and speech apparatus.

Types of bracket systems

Today, there are various braces systems that allow you to correct even significant violations of the position of the teeth. Moreover, when choosing certain type braces are taken into account not only medical indications, but also the patient’s personal preferences.

Comparative characteristics various types bracket systems

AppearanceVery noticeableVisibleNot noticeable at all
ReliabilityVery highHigh enoughRelatively low
Patient comfortEasy adaptationFairly easy adaptationDifficult adaptation
Treatment speedHighHighRelatively low

Attention! Modern dentistry provides the opportunity to install externally invisible orthodontic brackets - lingual braces.

Adaptation to braces

After installing the braces system, a feeling of discomfort appears. More often painful sensations pass in 4-7 days. Intensity pain syndrome varies widely. The pain has aching character, intensifies in the evening and when chewing food. In cases where pain interferes with sleep, it is advisable to resort to the use of analgesic therapy. For this purpose you can use, for example, Nimesulide or Nise. In case of damage to the mucous membrane oral cavity It is recommended to use dental wax with braces. This is special pharmacological agent, which is applied to sharp and protruding parts of staples and prevents chafing. If necessary, you can use chamomile or calendula solutions for rinsing to minimize inflammation.

Attention! If stomatitis, bleeding wounds or fillings fall out, you should immediately seek help from a dentist or orthodontist.

Often patients with braces complain of impaired diction. Following these recommendations will help you get rid of this defect:

  1. For the first 2-3 weeks after installing the braces, you should not frequently touch the braces with your tongue so as not to injure it.
  2. Perform special articulation exercises in front of a mirror.
  3. Read newspapers and books aloud.
  4. Do not try to exclude from speech sounds that are difficult to pronounce.
  5. If any sharp or protruding parts of the brace system interfere with normal sound pronunciation, tell your orthodontist.

Features of oral care

After installing the bracket system, you should Special attention devote to brushing your teeth. In the absence of proper care, they quickly accumulate under metal plates. pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the development of caries and more severe violations. There are a number of instructions that the patient must follow when wearing braces:

  1. Use a special orthodontic toothbrush, floss and, as recommended by a specialist, various attachments for additional care behind the brackets. An orthodontic brush is a special device that has a small, compact head and a recess in the center. This brush allows you to clean even hard-to-reach parts of the bracket system.

  2. Brushing your teeth should take at least 3-4 minutes. It is recommended to initially perform 14-20 horizontal and vertical sweeping movements along the outside or inner surface teeth depending on the type of braces.

  3. Using a regular brush, you need to clean the surface of your teeth that is not covered by braces. Particular attention should be paid to areas where metal structure completely covers the circumference of the tooth.

  4. The area located directly under the bracket system arch should be treated with a brush in the form of a brush. It is recommended to perform 10-15 rotational and reciprocating movements.

  5. An irrigator will make oral care much easier. This is a device that emits a stream of water under pressure. This device allows you to flush out tiny food particles from the space between your teeth and braces.

  6. Oral hygiene should be done after every meal. If it is not possible to thoroughly brush your teeth, it is recommended to use special rinses with an antibacterial effect.

  7. Attention! An electric toothbrush can be an effective alternative to a regular toothbrush. This device allows you to reduce the time you need to spend on daily oral care. However, it should be noted that electrical Toothbrush cannot be the only tool for cleaning braces.

    Normally, for people who take careful care of their oral cavity, adaptation to orthodontic braces and the treatment period are quite easy. When examining a person with a healthy chewing apparatus, the doctor pays attention to the patient’s clean teeth, light pink gums and the absence of any wounds or scars. Normally, after moving or removing the braces, there should be no marks left on the teeth. If the color of the enamel under the metal structure is lighter, it means that the patient did not care for the oral cavity carefully enough.

    Attention! The health of the dentofacial apparatus when wearing braces is the key effective treatment. The presence of severe pathologies, including gingivitis or periodontitis, is grounds for early termination of the use of orthodontic braces.

    When wearing a brace system, you should pay attention to the presence alarming symptoms, which indicate insufficient oral care:

    1. Plaque accumulates around the system, containing microflora that can cause caries. These bacteria synthesize acid that is harmful to tooth enamel. The enamel is corroded, white zones appear on its surface, which, after removing braces, stand out sharply in comparison with the shade of other parts of the tooth.
    2. Developing inflammatory process, which is characterized by swollen, painful, bleeding gums.
    3. Because of infectious process In the gums, teeth change their location slowly, and the period of wearing braces is prolonged.

    If any signs of pathology development in the oral cavity appear, you should consult an orthodontist. The doctor will carry out sanitation and recommend measures necessary to normalize the condition of the teeth and gums.

    Diet restrictions

    After getting orthodontic braces, you should pay special attention to your diet. Balanced and complete diet not only is the key to strong teeth, but also serves as a measure effective prevention development bacterial infections in the oral cavity.

  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • cheeses;
  • lean meat, including minced meat products;
  • vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits;
  • eggs, etc.

At the same time, some products should be completely excluded from the menu or their consumption should be reduced to a minimum:

  • sweets with high content sugar: candies, chocolate, sweet cookies;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • products that stick to teeth and braces: toffees, chewing candies, halva, marmalade;
  • solid food that needs to be chewed: nuts, crackers, crackers, kozinaki.

Attention! While wearing braces, the average temperature of hot dishes when served should be 38-39°C. Exposure to hotter food may cause the staples to become deformed or come off.

Video - Caring for braces

Possible violations

Orthodontic braces are resistant to external influences and long service life. When following the specialist's instructions, the patient should not have any problems while wearing braces. However, in rare cases, the metal plates may become peeled off or bent. In order to notice a violation in a timely manner, it is recommended to carefully inspect the structure every day: touch each bracket with your fingertip and apply gentle pressure. If the mount becomes loose or slips, you should immediately contact an orthodontist.

Braces are modern, complex devices for correcting the position of teeth. With proper careful care, braces allow you to correct various irregularities in the dentition in 1-2 years and get a beautiful, correct bite.

From the moment the orthodontist fixes the braces on your teeth, you will have to completely change your understanding of the oral hygiene procedure. A regular toothbrush will no longer be able to cope with this task, so you will need to use additional accessories and special means. Today we will tell you how to care for braces and share the main subtleties of this difficult matter.

Proper care of braces begins with purchasing special accessories. After installing an orthodontic system, there are many hard-to-reach areas that cannot be reached with a regular toothbrush. If you do not use special tools, plaque will accumulate, gradually leading to the development of carious processes. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately purchase specialty store all necessary braces care products.

  1. Special orthodontic toothbrush. Unlike a classic brush, it has a V-shaped cutout in the center, which makes it easier to clean the areas around the braces and archwires.
  2. Dental brushes different forms and sizes designed for cleaning interdental spaces and the braces themselves.
  3. Dental floss. It is a must-use if you care about the health of your teeth. It greatly facilitates the care of braces by efficiently removing plaque and food debris from the interdental spaces and hard-to-reach elements of the system. There is a special type of dental floss for braces - superfloss. It differs in that it has different thicknesses along its entire length.
  4. Oral irrigator. Since this device is quite expensive, it is not necessary to buy it, but it is highly recommended. It makes caring for your teeth much easier. Moreover, the quality of cleaning with the irrigator is close to professional. This is a special device that supplies water under pressure in a thin stream. It easily removes food debris from the most difficult to reach places.

Having all these devices on hand, you can provide high-quality care for your teeth and braces, minimizing the likelihood of developing caries and gum disease.

Technique for brushing teeth with braces

If you want to learn how to care for your teeth and braces during orthodontic treatment, please read these instructions carefully. In it we will briefly look at the sequence of brushing teeth and braces. Carry out hygiene procedures every time after eating for at least 2-3 minutes.

  1. Use an orthodontic brush first. Thoroughly brush your teeth and braces on all accessible sides.
  2. Next, use a brush, using translational and rotational movements to clean the elements of the braces and the interdental spaces.
  3. Use dental floss to remove any remaining plaque. Insert it into the interdental space, take the tips with your index fingers and thumbs. Using sawing movements, carefully treat problem areas.
  4. Finally, clean your teeth from all sides with an irrigator. Its use significantly improves the quality of cleaning, but does not replace a brush and dental floss.

To make sure that your teeth are cleaned properly, you can use a special color plaque indicator and a small mirror.

Basic rules for caring for braces

Taking care of your teeth while wearing braces is very important. If you don’t pay enough attention to it, you run the risk of discovering initial forms caries or gum problems. That is why life with braces has its own rules that must be strictly followed.

  1. Be sure to brush your teeth after every meal, paying maximum attention to this activity. There are situations in life when this is impossible to do. For example, if you are visiting or in a restaurant. In such cases, carry a special rinse aid with you. He provides antibacterial effect, protecting you from gum disease and caries.
  2. If previously you spent no more than two minutes brushing your teeth, now the duration of the procedure will have to be increased. There's just no need to rush—clean carefully, consistently using all the necessary tools.
  3. During the entire period of treatment established by the orthodontist, you must adhere to certain dietary rules. It is not recommended to eat hard and sticky foods, which can damage your braces or get into hard-to-reach areas. Can not use chewing gum, toffee and other sticky treats. Follow the basic rules of a diet with braces.
  4. Another dietary recommendation: avoid sudden temperature changes. For example, this applies to those who like to wash down ice cream with hot coffee. This addiction negatively affects not only braces, but also tooth enamel.
  5. While wearing orthodontic systems you should give preference to toothpastes with increased content fluoride to strengthen the enamel, which is subject to increased stress during this period.

We told you how to properly care for braces. In conclusion, we suggest that you listen to a dentist who will not only talk about the proper care of orthodontic structures, but also demonstrate all the necessary actions.

Braces are used to correct various defects related to the position of teeth. Orthodontic treatment is used for patients of different ages.
The braces system is installed on the surface of the teeth, as a result of which access for oral care is difficult. In this case, the teeth located under the structure require increased attention, which will help protect them from damage and caries. In this case, specialized toothbrushes, rinses and irrigators are used for cleansing activities.

After installing the braces system, the patient is faced with the question of how to properly care for the oral cavity during this period in order to avoid problems. Cleaning your teeth requires a more thorough approach. During the hygiene procedure, you need to pay attention not only to the teeth and gums, but also to the design of the braces itself, since germs can also accumulate on it.
It is recommended to brush your teeth three times a day during this period. After cleansing with a toothbrush, use a mouthwash with antibacterial components, such as Parodontax, Lacalut or Listerine. Rinse products help fight bacteria that cause caries and improve the condition of gums and enamel. During hygiene procedure It is necessary to especially thoroughly clean all surfaces, including hard-to-reach places such as interdental spaces. Special irrigators and dental floss are suitable for these purposes. Every meal requires at least a mouth rinse. In addition to home care, if necessary, you should carry out professional hygiene oral cavity at the dentist.

Mouthwash is a means for... comprehensive care behind teeth and gums. By taking a minute to rinse your mouth after brushing, you can not only freshen your breath, but also enhance the effect of using the paste, while protecting not only your teeth from caries, but also your gums from inflammation.

In the first weeks after fixation of the structure, the patient gets used to it. During this period, braces can cause discomfort and require treatment. orthodontic wax to avoid injury to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
While wearing braces, eating solid foods such as nuts, crackers and seeds is not allowed. They can cause structural damage. Caution should be exercised when consuming ice cream, as low temperature may negatively affect the adhesive base of the system.

Choosing a toothbrush

To clean teeth with installed braces use special brushes having a V-shaped neckline. This feature allows you to effectively clean plaque from surfaces located below the level of the orthodontic structure. Mono-beam toothbrushes are used to clean the surfaces located under the braces. These brushes have small size and allow you to reach the most inaccessible areas. There are also specialized brushes that clean areas between the teeth and under the arch of braces.

A mono-tuft toothbrush is a brush with one tuft of bristles. It perfectly cleans teeth in places that are difficult to reach with a regular brush. Covering the area near the neck of the tooth and perfectly removes plaque, which prevents the deposition of tartar.

A dentist will help you decide on the choice of hygiene devices. Kits for cleaning teeth and braces are most often sold at pharmacies. There you can also purchase a solution to determine the quality of hygiene. A special liquid is an indicator that colors areas with plaque in a bright color, which allows you to determine which areas have not received enough attention.

Choosing care products

The best option for teeth with braces is to choose a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride provides a good preventive effect in the fight against caries. While wearing braces, your gums become more sensitive and prone to damage, so toothpaste must also contain antibacterial components.

Therapeutic toothpastes (fluoride-containing) differ from prophylactic ones in more high concentration active components. They are not only for prevention, but also for treatment initial stage caries, which are chalky spots on the surface of tooth enamel.

You should avoid aggressive products aimed at whitening and polishing tooth enamel, as they contain abrasive components that increase tooth sensitivity.
For patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, special pastes have been developed that take these nuances into account. These products include Xerostom, Curasept and Enzycal, which have a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and are also aimed at remineralizing tooth enamel, preventing the development of carious lesions.

Important! If you are careless in choosing care products and do not carefully carry out daily hygiene, this can lead to the rapid formation of plaque and tartar, which are fertile ground for caries. The sensitivity of tooth enamel may increase, and the risk of developing gingivitis or stomatitis also increases.

Therefore, you should not neglect the advice of your dentist regarding the care of braces and teeth.

Caring for Braces: Basic Principles

After installing a brace system, patients are faced with the need to reconsider their usual methods of oral hygiene and adopt new rules that are somewhat more complex. Despite the fact that care during this period requires more time, it quickly becomes a habit and becomes an integral part of daily routine. Following these recommendations will help you avoid possible problems during orthodontic treatment and make it as comfortable and effective as possible.
Key tips to pay attention to:

Oral Care Tools

The main means of oral hygiene, both with and without braces, is a toothbrush. Let's take a closer look at the features of brushes, as well as other tools for cleaning teeth during the period of bite correction:

  1. Toothbrushes are the main hygiene tool. To care for braces and teeth, brushes of a certain shape are used, which allow you to evenly and effectively clean the surface of the teeth, gums and the orthodontic structure itself.
  2. Single-tuft brushes and special brushes. Brushes help remove plaque on the surfaces of teeth and between them. Using a brush, dirt is removed from places where a toothbrush cannot reach. A single-beam (mono-beam) brush is a thin and small instrument that allows you to penetrate into the narrowest and hard-to-reach places, including the farthest chewing teeth and under the braces design. A single-tuft brush and brush can be purchased at a pharmacy or medical supplies department. Your dentist will help you determine the size and other parameters of the instruments.
  3. It is impossible to completely clean the interdental spaces without using dental floss or floss.

    Attention! To care for braces, specialized flosses are produced that not only clean the space, but also contain fluoride compounds that have an anti-caries effect. Do not forget that this tool is disposable and repeated use of floss is unacceptable.

  4. Another tool for cleaning hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity is an irrigator. It is a device that delivers a pressurized stream of water (or a medicinal solution), which washes away any remaining dirt from the interdental spaces and areas under the braces. The choice of device and the pressure with which the liquid is supplied is selected individually, taking into account the sensitivity of the patient. Portable compact irrigators allow you to perform high-quality hygiene while traveling and in public places. It should, however, be remembered that the use of an irrigator does not replace basic hygiene using brushes and floss.
  5. The final stage is rinsing the mouth with special means. Individually selected rinses have an additional effect, prolonging the cleanliness of teeth and providing an additional antibacterial effect.

Even with the right home care behind teeth and braces, there is a possibility of tartar formation, which is impossible to cope with on your own. Therefore, you should regularly see your dentist and, if necessary, carry out professional cleaning.
The basic principles of dental care during orthodontic treatment apply to all types of braces, both lingual and vestibular. Daily procedures, carried out carefully, will help maintain healthy teeth and achieve maximum effect from the correction made. The period of bite correction usually takes several months and requires patience and attentiveness from the patient. However, the additional effort spent on caring for braces and teeth during this time is fully compensated by the quality of the result obtained.

Those who wear orthodontic structures, in particular braces, know firsthand about the peculiarities of caring for braces and its importance. Therefore, it is so important to promptly purchase all the necessary products for caring for braces. The fact is that using a regular brush, even an electric one, it is difficult to thoroughly clean the braces. It is almost impossible to remove food debris from the areas where the braces meet the teeth, the interdental spaces and the structures themselves. It is for this purpose that special devices have been developed to enable thorough care.

Types of Braces Products

The modern market offers a great variety of different care products for owners of orthodontic structures: U-shaped and mono-beam brushes, brushes, superfloss, pastes, rinses, wax and silicone. Each type of means performs its own special functions, complementing each other. Brushes U shape have different lengths of bristles, which allows you to clean your teeth well even in hard to reach places. Mono-beam brushes are designed to clean the areas where the structures meet the teeth and the areas around the braces themselves. Cleaners various forms and sizes will help get rid of plaque and food debris between the teeth. Superfloss ( dental floss for wearers of braces) will help to carry out dental hygiene procedures in any conditions and anywhere. Wax and silicone will protect your oral cavity from accidental damage through braces. With the help of special pastes, the cleaning process will become doubly effective. Rinse aids will become a lifesaver during a trip, travel or during the working day.

Where can I buy?

You can buy any type of products for braces in our virtual store IRRIGATOR.RU. Now you no longer need to search different places: We have a wide range of all the necessary products for braces. Our online store will not leave indifferent even the most demanding customer, forcing him to return more than once for new purchases. You can order all purchased goods with delivery not only in Moscow and the region, but also to the regions of the Russian Federation.

A beautiful smile with snow-white, even teeth is an indicator not only of beauty, but also of human health. It is easier for people with such a Hollywood smile to find contact with other people, because a “glowing” face encourages open communication.

But, unfortunately, not all people are so lucky by nature to get straight teeth. In this case, orthodontists come to the rescue, who skillfully select to correct the bite.

Finding a way to correct crooked teeth is fifty percent of success, another fifty depends on proper care for the system and teeth while wearing braces.

Adaptation stage

Once you get used to it, it won't happen right away. Painful sensations, difficulty chewing may accompany a person for some time. Pronunciation may also change slightly: a lisp may appear, or slight difficulty in pronunciation in general.

But don’t be upset, because beauty requires sacrifices and these sacrifices are not so terrible that you cannot endure it. The adaptation period is different for each person: depending on the characteristics and individual tolerance.

After installing the plate, pain in the teeth and gums may appear, which will last for some time. This is the period for teenagers is about seven days, in adults – about twelve.

The pain is due to the fact that the plate placed on the crooked teeth returns to its original position. The sensation is due to the fact that the teeth begin their slow movement in the bone tissue.

If the pain becomes unbearable, the doctor may relax the system slightly and prescribe painkillers.

In addition, from the moment braces are installed, each patient must be very attentive to oral hygiene and take care of the installed system. This requires special toothbrushes for braces, brushes, dental floss and mouthwash.

It is worth considering that you will not be able to remove the system yourself, so throughout the entire treatment period it is necessary to thoroughly clean even the most inaccessible places.

Ingredients of an oral care kit

After installing braces, you need to brush your teeth not 2, but 3 times a day, and, ideally, do this after every meal.

In order to ensure high-quality oral hygiene, you will need not only and, but also specific means that will make care as comfortable as possible:

  1. You will need to care for your braces brushes with bristles slightly shorter in the center than at the edges. This shape allows you to thoroughly clean the plate and teeth.
  2. The following device that will help in daily care– . It allows you to efficiently remove plaque from teeth and between them, as well as prevent the appearance of plaque.
  3. Required multi-beam brush removes not only food debris, but also plaque in which accumulates great amount microbacteria.
  4. - The device is not mandatory, but very useful. Using a directed jet, it helps to clean out all food debris and any dirt not only from the teeth, but also from underneath. Don’t worry that you will have to fork out for such expensive equipment; the irrigator will be useful to you even after removing the plate.
  5. It is important to use threads for cleaning - impregnated with fluoride both while wearing the system and after removing it, as they perfectly fight plaque. It is important to remember that flosses are intended for one-time use!

Every six months, be sure to contact your dentists to have your teeth professionally cleaned, to remove tartar and plaque.

Step-by-step instructions for those with braces

In order to reduce cleaning time and make the process more productive, you will need some tricks:

  1. Buy a special small round mirror that magnifies. It will help you consider where else you need to clean your system or teeth.
  2. Don’t forget to rinse your teeth several times while brushing, this will help you see the quality of the work done.
  3. If you couldn't find special brush– don’t despair, you can make it yourself: cut out the fibers located in the center on an ordinary brush and you’re done!

Mouth cleaning process:

A visual and very accessible video on how to properly brush teeth with braces:

An important step is choosing a brush and brush

Brushes for cleaning teeth and braces are sold in sets: they differ in the length of the bristles: long for the front teeth, shorter for the back teeth.

Everyone can pick up suitable option and by hardness: soft, medium, hard.

Visually, the brush resembles a familiar sample, only very small in size.

Toothbrushes for braces and teeth can be of several types:

  • – comfortable, cleans much faster and more effectively;
  • multi-beam– thanks to the long bristles on the head, even the smallest gaps between the tooth and the bracket are cleaned;
  • orthodontic– with forked bristles and a small head.

Which brush or brush model to choose is a matter of taste and the recommendations of your personal orthodontist. The main thing in use is to adapt to brushing, as pressing too hard can lead to gum problems.

Diet restrictions

By eliminating foods that you cannot eat while wearing braces, you can create a list of those that you are allowed to eat.

So, the installed brace system will put the patient on a fairly strict diet:

  • solid foods can change the arc of the system, which in turn will lead to the wrong direction of “movement” of the teeth; one or more braces can also come off the surface of the tooth;
  • viscous, sticky products, which can stick to the protrusions of the plate and negatively affect the tooth enamel, provoking the development - if you still succumb to temptation, then cleaning after eating this food should be even more thorough than in other cases;
  • food that can color(beets, coffee, red wine) can color an almost imperceptible system, making it less aesthetically pleasing;
  • foods that are too hot or cold provoke change physical characteristics systems, and accordingly the quality of work.

What determines the duration of treatment?

In order to determine the period of wearing braces, it is necessary to consider each specific reason, on which it depends:

  • patient age: the younger the dentist’s client, the shorter the alignment period;
  • complexity of the situation: almost imperceptible curvatures are corrected in about a year, but crowded teeth with possible removal some of them – much longer;
  • health of teeth and gums: if implantation and depulpation have not been performed previously, then the leveling will not be very long.

Thus, with simple deviations it will take up to a year; if the anomalies affect the bite, then you will have to wear the plate for up to two years, the most difficult situations corrected up to three years.

The first results, despite the duration of wear, will be noticeable within a month, and after three, the teeth will be almost in their places. Further use will consolidate the achieved result and will not allow it to “go back” to its original place after removal.

If, while wearing it, someone advises you to use special devices to speed up teeth straightening, do not believe it, there are no such methods, since it depends solely on the characteristics bone tissue every person, and not expensive devices.

There is no way to speed it up, but you can very well slow down the process if you neglect the rules of oral care and braces.

Possible problems with improper care

Every patient should know the rules for caring for braces, teeth and the oral cavity even before the system is installed in order to ensure proper hygiene from the very first day.

If you neglect the rules of cleaning and do it with more force than required, this can lead to the braces coming off the teeth.

Also, poor cleaning can provoke the development of caries in the area where the system is located.

If you give it some slack and eat foods that can stain, this will lead not only to staining the structure, but also the teeth themselves, and this, in turn, leads to the fact that after removing the plate, the location of the braces will remain lighter.

Proper care is the key to smooth, beautiful, healthy teeth and a shining smile!
