Dumb duck technique. Indian ducks - description of the breed. Varieties of indo-ducks: brown wild, white and others

In private backyards you can find a variety of living creatures, including Special attention I'm attracted to the Muscovy duck, because this bird is profitable to keep and breed. In some special conditions it does not need: just a small green area in summer and a warm poultry house in winter. Poultry can be slaughtered after three months of keeping. To avoid questions even for novice poultry farmers, it is worth considering the breeding and maintenance of musk ducks in more detail.

In private backyards you can find a variety of animals, among which the musky duck attracts special attention

First, it should be said that the breed in question has other names, but the main one is musk. It occurs due to the smell of fat, which is released from growths on the head and resembles musk. One of the common names is Indian duck. Many people mistakenly believe that the breed was obtained by crossing a duck and a turkey. In addition, there are such names: mute ducks, Barbary ducks, Muscat ducks, or they are even called “dumb”. The bird is called this for a reason, because it is characterized by calm behavior and silence, compared to other breeds. Indian ducks can only make a hissing sound.

The appearance of the domestic Indian duck is very different from other breeds. This bird is characterized by a shorter neck, wide chest, and small limbs. She is distinguished by her endurance and non-conflict nature, which is an advantage in her maintenance and breeding. Despite the fact that ducks are waterfowl, mute birds can be kept even in the absence of a body of water.

The appearance of the domestic Indian duck is very different from other breeds

Exist different breeds Indo-ducks, differing in plumage color:

  1. Black and white. This bird is characterized by yellow metatarsals and light Brown eyes. The plumage in the neck, head and chest is white.
  2. White ducks are less common. Such birds should have a pure white feather without a hint of yellowness. The beak is light pink, turning to light closer to the tip, the eye is gray-blue.
  3. The white and brown duck has a red beak.
  4. The red musk duck is chocolate in color with white wings and tail. This breed has another name - brown ducks.
  5. Bird with black plumage. It is characterized by brown eyes and beak.
  6. Blue Indians. Some parts of the plumage have a dark edging. The eyes are brown, the beak is black.

Barbary duck attracts attention not only with its meat, but also with its eggs. With appropriate feeding, foie gras, beloved by gourmets, is made from the liver.

Gallery: Muscovy duck (25 photos)

Subtleties of breeding (video)

Indo-duck productivity

Since Indian ducks belong to the meat category, drakes gain up to 4-6 kg, females - 2-3 kg. The difference in these indicators may vary slightly depending on the breed. In the red musk duck, the drake can reach 6.5 kg, the duck - 4 kg. The drake of the black and white breed gains up to 5 kg, the duck - 3 kg. The more weight a bird gains, the less worries there are with it, since it moves slowly and does not fight off the general population. Characteristic feature meat is its juiciness, red tint, low content fat and lack of specific odor. The most delicious part is considered to be the brisket.

As for egg production, the Indo duck has a high one: the birds produce about 60-70 eggs per year. If provided proper care, then productivity increases to 100-120 eggs. The bird does not lay eggs all the time, but intermittently: the egg-laying period lasts 3 months, after which the duck molts within two months. The greatest productivity is observed in spring and early autumn period, in winter the bird practically does not lay eggs. The weight of one egg reaches 80 g, the taste is good, the yolk is large. Compared to a chicken egg, it’s no worse. Barbary duck is raised for meat, so this egg production is considered quite acceptable. Compared to other breeds, Muscovy duck eggs can be stored longer.

Since Indian ducks belong to the meat category, drakes gain up to 4-6 kg, females - 2-3 kg.

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This breed will require a warm barn as the bird does not have a sufficient layer of fat. Otherwise, the birds will simply freeze. IN summer time for them you need to organize space on the street: walking strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to disease, and increases muscle mass growth. As a result, the taste of the meat improves.

The barn for keeping ducks is prepared in advance. The temperature in it should not fall below +15˚С. If the poultry house is small, the cages must be installed in 2-3 tiers. The material for their manufacture is wood, and a metal mesh is used on the front wall. The roof is made at a slope towards back wall. Thus, it will serve as a tray for the top row. Anyone can make such cells.

At large sizes The premises should be fenced off 2/3 of the space. For floor equipment, a mesh with the following parameters is used: thickness - 25-30 mm, cell dimensions - 2 * 2 cm. The floor should be installed at a height of 30 cm to facilitate cleaning and cleaning of the room. In addition, there are some features of using bedding. The material is not changed, and as a result of the biochemical processes of the litter and litter, heat will be released, which will allow saving on heating. When the duck is fattened with ducklings, sawdust or wood shavings are used as bedding.

Barbary duck should be kept separately from other types of poultry. Otherwise, there is a high probability of fights over food. It is important to organize everything for normal feeding:

  • wooden and metal feeders for dry and wet food;
  • drinking bowls in which water must always be present.

Providing feed

Mute ducks can eat almost any food. It is preferable to feed wet mash to the bird. In the diet you can use chopped beet tops, herbs, grains, and scraps from the kitchen table. Separately, it is worth mentioning about barley - the grain must first be soaked before giving it to the ducks. They give barley with clean water. Positive quality Muscovy ducks have a smaller amount of feed consumed, unlike birds of other breeds. If there is a body of water nearby, the ducks themselves will find something to eat. The favorite foods of this type of poultry are worms and insects. If possible, you can dig a small pond on the site.

Some subtleties should be taken into account regarding feeding:

  • a barbary duck, if it sees something shiny (glass, nails, etc.), tries to immediately swallow it, so you need to watch where they graze and remove foreign objects;
  • Do not give hot food and water to ducks even in winter;
  • since birds can fight over shared food, you should not feed turkey ducks with other types of poultry;
  • In winter, swimming of ducks in a pond should be avoided, since the bird may become icy, which will lead to death.

Despite the fact that the breed is unpretentious, the diet must be approached responsibly: it must be balanced and thoughtful. The feed must include minerals that are very beneficial for poultry. It is important to monitor the amount of water in the drinkers, since one duck drinks 1 liter of liquid per day. In order for the raising of Muscovy ducks to be correct, their body must be saturated with a whole complex of vitamins, which will not only strengthen the immune system, but also accelerate the growth of the bird.

How to properly breed indo-ducks

The female's incubation instinct awakens if eggs remain in the nest. In this case, breeding musk ducks at home should not cause any particular difficulties. The bird easily adapts to new conditions; ducklings have a high survival rate. Egg laying in this breed occurs according to a certain cycle. The first stage lasts 5 months, after which the bird molts within three months. To breed ducks, you will need a drake and 4 productive females. Close relationships should be avoided, otherwise the ducklings will be sickly.

If you place eggs from incubators in an incubator, you should take into account that they hatch poorly: when positioned horizontally, they form a dense shell that does not allow air to pass through. In case of laying, it is necessary to provide conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

In the first half of the incubation period, the specified temperature and humidity are maintained, in the second half the parameters are slightly reduced, and the eggs are sprayed twice a day.

When hatching offspring, the duck independently removes part of the shell from the eggs, which helps improve gas exchange and accelerate the development of the fetus. Ducklings are born after 32 days. This period may differ by several days in one direction or another. The chicks are then removed from the duck and placed in a brooder. Its bottom is lined with straw, a lamp is used for heating on top, and the floor is warmed with a heating pad. For the rapid growth of young animals, it is necessary to provide proper care and maintenance.

The poultry farmer is required to provide the ducks with a balanced and proper feeding, on which productivity directly depends. In order for ducks to breed correctly at home, it will be necessary to control and promptly remove eggs from the nest. The deadline is considered to be 15-18 days. To avoid possible confusion, the date of laying is marked on the eggs with a marker. From spring until the first cold weather, the female can hatch 2-3 clutches only if another duck takes care of the babies. However, when trying to achieve the maximum number of offspring, the well-being and health of the bird will noticeably deteriorate. Compliance with the rules of keeping poultry allows you to get strong and healthy babies, but in the first days they will require care.

Raising young animals without a female

You can raise ducklings without a female. The main thing is to protect the young animals from cold and humidity, to give them the right food, and it’s not at all difficult to do. The first thing you should give to babies is: weak solution potassium permanganate through a pipette, then crushed boiled egg. Since ducklings love moving food, it is better to sprinkle eggs on their backs, although many experienced poultry farmers do not recommend giving this type of food. On the second day, they can already drink and eat on their own, so they can be given a mixture of milk, eggs and bran.

In the following days, ducklings should gradually add cottage cheese, finely chopped beet tops, spinach, and boiled porridge to their diet. After a week, they begin to add adult food. To teach babies to independently search for food, from the age of ten days they need to be taken out for a walk: this can be a pasture or a farm yard.

In the first days, babies have liquid droppings, regardless of what they eat and in what volume, so there is no reason to worry. If ducklings are bred on a farm, then from the first day of life they are kept on a grid with a mesh size of 1*1 cm. When keeping birds on the range, feed costs are reduced. In addition, young animals gain weight faster, the birds are practically not exposed to diseases, and minimal care is required.

Muscovy duck has its own characteristics when raised for meat. The breed is characterized by a plumage of large and small feathers, as well as down. Chicks at 20 days are covered only with down, after which it is replaced by a cover feather, which is completed at 45 days. After a certain period of time, molting begins. It is during this period that poultry should be slaughtered to avoid the formation of stumps. By age, you should focus on 12.5 weeks. If for some reason the deadlines were missed, the next slaughter is carried out at the age of 20-24 weeks. If you follow the recommendations of experienced farmers, then drakes should be sent for slaughter at the age of 80-88 days, ducks at 70 days.

which combines many attractive features: she is beautiful, unpretentious, silent, has excellent immunity and maternal instinct, she has delicious dietary meat, which is even used to prepare delicacies! In the article you will find a description of the varieties of the breed, its weight and taste qualities, you will find photos of adults and ducklings, as well as educational videos.

Muscovy duck has several names. The main thing - musk - comes from the smell of fat secreted from their growths on the head, which resembles musk. Others believe that the name comes from "Muisque", the name of a tribe of Indians from Colombia. The most common is the Turkey Duck, because many believe that this breed is a cross between a turkey and a duck due to the peculiar growths on the head (especially in the male). However, this is not so, the Indoutka is one of the varieties of wood duck, because it can easily do without a pond.

You can often find another name – Mute, or even “Mute”. They are called this because of their calm nature and silence, because they are always silent, unlike their relatives, or can only create a dull hissing sound. And the last of the original names is the Barbary duck, which is how the French named the breed.

Breed overview

This spectacular bird is distinguished by its excellent weight and decent egg production, so it will take its rightful place in your farm among other animals and birds.


The Barbary duck was domesticated by the ancient Aztecs. The Indian Muscovy is then found in South America and Mexico, where wild Muskies are still common today. Indoutka was brought to the territory of the USSR in 1981 from the GDR, and 7 years later - from France, after which it is actively grown in Russia. There is also a version that Indoutka was brought to Europe by the English trading company of Elizabeth I, called the “Moscow Company”.


Indian ducks have a dense, elongated body with a wide chest and a short neck. The head is large, and in drakes the crown is covered with feathers. A special feature of the breed is the bright red growths on the head (they are also called “corals”), of which males have much more than females. The Indoutka drake can be recognized by its more powerful body and, accordingly, greater weight.

The wings of Indo-ducks are massive, long, and fit tightly to the body. The tail is also long, slightly raised at the end. The legs are short and their color can range from pale pink to brown and black. The claws are very sharp; day-old ducklings can grab hold of one paw and hang on the hand. The color of the plumage is very different, then we will look at the main types of color and present some in the photo.

  • . The eyes are grey-blue and the beak is light pink, slightly lighter at the tip.
  • Black and white duck. The eyes are brownish in color.
  • White with a pattern. The main color is white, the sides, tail, wings, and neck can be black. The eyes are light, brownish, the beak is black, red towards the tip.
  • Brown and white breed. The main shade is chocolate with white patterns in the neck, head and sternum. The beak is red.
  • Brown duck. The main color is chocolate brown, the tail and wings have a greenish tint. The beak is red with a dark tip, the eyes are brown.
  • Blue color. The main color is white with a bluish tint, some feathers have a dark edging. The eyes are brown, the beak is almost black.
  • Black duck. The main color is purple, with a greenish tint on the back and wings. The eyes are brown.

How to distinguish Indian ducklings by gender?

The sex of ducklings should be determined immediately after birth, before the structure of the cloaca changes in the chicks. To do this, ducklings are taken one by one left hand and head to yourself. Index finger with the right hand and the thumb of the left hand, stretch the cloaca and turn it slightly inside out so that the genital organ is visible. In the male it is pronounced, has the shape of a tubercle (a rudiment of the penis), and in females it is flat or hemispherical.

The second method is to detect an expansion in the larynx, which has the shape of a ball. Only male chicks have this. However, this requires certain knowledge in anatomical features Shipunov ducklings and experience. In the next video you can compare ducklings and adult Inducks.


Muscovy duck is perfect for those who breed it for meat. At home, the bird reaches a good weight: an adult drake grows up to 5-6 kg, and a duck weighs 3.5-4.5 kg, so the breed belongs to the meat category. Indoutka has delicate dietary red meat, which does not have a specific taste, like waterfowl ducks, and resembles game (more about this in the video).

In France, poultry is fed to prepare a delicious dish - foie gras, and is also used to produce medicinal product Oscillococcinum. If ducklings are well fed, slaughter can be carried out as early as 13 weeks, but they are ready for breeding from 20 weeks.

Barbary duck produces not only tasty meat, but also large eggs with a bright yolk. – 70-100 eggs per year, which greatly depends on the characteristics of maintenance and feeding. The weight of one egg is on average 75 grams. Females make good brood hens. In the next video, an experienced breeder will tell you in more detail about the advantages of breeding these ducklings, their weight and the taste characteristics of the breed.

This poultry has many names: mute duck, musky duck, tree duck, barbary duck, but the most accurate, if you mean appearance, is the name "indoutka". Wide chest, warty red growths on the head - well, almost a real turkey. But under the broad chest we will see the crooked, webbed feet of a waterfowl, and instead of a turkey's wail we will hear only a frantic hissing. They are not at all related to turkeys, but both of these species are native to South America.

The body of the Indian duck is elongated, the chest is wide, the neck is strong, short, the head is of medium size with characteristics characteristic of the species. warty growths Red. They say that if you rub them, they will smell musky. The eyes are small. The head is decorated with long feathers. At the moment of excitement, the warts become much brighter, the bird hisses, and the feathers on its head stand on end.

Separately, it should be noted that the Indian duck has large, strong wings; the bird easily flies from place to place. And it's easy to understand if you look at her legs. Because of them, the bird looks like a living mockery of nature - its beautiful, massive body rests on short, crooked, webbed legs.


Indo duck breedsDescription

A very elegant bird. The plumage is bright white. Eyes blue or gray. The beak is pink.

The plumage is predominantly white. Dark spots are located randomly. The eyes are brown, the beak is usually dark-colored.

As the name implies, the tone of the pen is black with a green or lilac tint. The head with neck, chest, and mirrors on the wings are decorated with a pattern of white feathers. The eyes can be gray or bluish, but are usually brown. The beak is black.

This breed has a completely black cover feather with an emerald or purple tint, and the beak is the same color. The pubescence is gray, the eyes are brown.

Feather gray with a darker border around the edge, the beak is black. The eyes are brown.

The feather is black, cast in a wide variety of shades, even purple. Outer feathers on the wing white color. Black beak and brown eyes.

The feather is gray with a dark edging. The chest is decorated with a white pattern. The bird's eyes and beak are the same tone as the previous breed.

The feather is predominantly light brown in color with a greenish or lilac tint. The duck's eyes are brown. The beak is red.

The chocolate-brown feather has a green tint. The flight feathers, as well as the pattern on the neck, are white. Like the previous breed, the beak is scarlet and the eyes are brown.

All these breeds do not have significant differences in bird size, egg production and meat quality. Males weigh on average 4-5 kg, females - 2 or 2.5 kg. With good care and rational nutrition weight can be significantly greater - up to 7 or 8 kg in males and 3.5-4 kg in females.

Muscovy duck on the farm

The egg production of the Indo duck is high - 100-105 eggs per season. The average weight of eggs is 70 or 75 grams, the taste is good. They can be eaten.

Indo-duck meat is special, it has the taste of game, but it does not have a specific duck taste or smell. There is no large layer of fat either. The meat is juicy and tender. It is classified as a dietary product.

Muscovy duck down and feathers are of excellent quality and are widely used.

Indian duck fluff in the nest - photo

The implementation of plans for breeding Indian ducks must begin with the arrangement of their home.

Poultry house requirements

Muscovy ducks should be kept separately from other birds. More agile neighbors will interfere with their feeding.

Buying Muscovy ducks for breeding

You probably liked a certain breed and are ready to buy an adult bird. Take your time when choosing breeding ducks. The male must be a couple of months older than the females, and, most importantly, from a different farmstead in order to avoid problems with the offspring. Inbreeding leads to shredding and deformities. Ducks for one drake complete family no more than four are needed.

Feeding an adult duck

The Muscovy duck is not picky about food. Feed, bran, cake, grass, fruits and root vegetables, kitchen waste, mash of chopped grass and cake, ducks eat a variety of cereals quickly and with equal pleasure.

However, at the same time, they cannot be called gluttonous beyond measure. In summer, the bird feeds mainly on grass, but weight gain in young ducks and full egg production in adult females is impossible without the inclusion of grain crops and their waste in the diet. In order to correctly calculate the amount of feed required to maintain a certain livestock, a balanced diet was developed.

You can change some things based on your capabilities, but in general it should correspond to the data in the table.

Table 1. Daily ration per bird

In February, it is advisable to introduce oats into the diet. It stimulates females to begin laying eggs.

Particular attention should be paid to watering the birds. Water should always be fresh and clean. Drinkers should be washed at least once a week.

Low temperatures are not scary for Indian ducks, but they don’t need to give them a lot of water during this period; if they decide to swim, they will freeze.

Their feathers do not have a protective fat film and will quickly become wet and covered with ice. The litter must be changed promptly and must always be dry. In clear, warm weather, especially in March, let the ducks out for a walk. sunlight, melting snow stimulate the bird to reproduce. If there is not enough light in the room, do not forget to increase daylight hours by using electric lighting.


The Indian duck easily crosses with ducks of other breeds. In particular, crossing the musk and Pekin breeds produces viable and strong offspring - mulards. The new breed is sterile, but is significantly larger than the parent species and grows much faster.

In late March and April, Indian ducks begin to lay eggs. One well-equipped nest is enough for 3 - 4 females. The first testicle is marked with a marker and left as a lining. Fresh eggs taken out every day and stored until placed in the nest for incubation. You can put 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 or 21 eggs under one hen. The quantity depends on the size of the duck.

The nest for incubation is arranged in the same way as for laying eggs. Of course, the easiest way is to put a cardboard box and throw some rags into it, but nothing good will come of it. The nest should be stable, cozy, and warm. The incubation instinct of Indian ducks is extremely well developed; they usually breed 2 generations of offspring per season and can be used as foster mothers for chicks of other types of poultry.

Separate the hen from the rest of the bird - it’s calmer. Place a feeder and water bowl. The duck will handle organizing its own routine. Don't bother her.

If there are a lot of eggs, but the ducks still won’t sit down, place one of them on the nest and cover it. After a few days the bird will perch.

Incubation lasts 32 - 35 days. The newly born ducklings are taken out of the nest and kept in a box until the end of incubation. A caring mother herself will warm her offspring and take care of them, but keep them separate from the main herd for a week.

Feeding ducklings

Starter feed will solve all problems with feeding at first, but soon you will see for yourself that babies eat everything in a row, and expensive feed can be removed from the diet. All your garden weeds will be used, except for poisonous plants.

Among green food, onions should be noted. Ducklings eat it with great pleasure. The benefit to young animals is enormous. It is a strong phytoncidal agent - when consumed, the bird gets rid of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, and prophylactic antibiotic feeding can be canceled. Dairy, cool porridges are very useful for young birds. Milk contains a lot of protein, which is easily and quickly digested and goes towards building up protein mass, and boiled crushed cereals are well digested and ducklings quickly gain weight.

The most profitable way of growing is free pasture. In the morning and evening, the bird should be given the daily amount of grain feed. However, it is worth remembering that ducklings grow very quickly, and constantly recalculate daily norm no need. The ducks ate and left, but the food remained - give less at the next feeding; if they ate everything quickly, but do not want to leave the feeders, increase the portions.

Table 2. Weight gain by musk ducklings

Age in weeksGrams
2 280 - 320
4 950 - 1150
6 2550 - 1600
8 3550 - 2000
9 3700 - 2100
10 3900 - 2250
12+ 4500 - 2400

At 12 weeks, the duck has reached its maximum weight and is ready for slaughter. At 13-14 weeks, molting will begin. The bird loses weight and becomes covered with awns. The new feather will finish growing by 20-24 weeks. But the fact is that by the age of 70 days the bird will lose weight and begin to fly. The first slaughter period is much more profitable in all respects.

Purchasing young animals and preventing diseases

When buying ducklings, ask about their age. If they are only a day old, they need prophylactic antibiotics for 3 days. The drug will be offered to you by the veterinarian. pharmacy. At the same time, buy a remedy for worms, which often affect waterfowl, especially those with access to natural bodies of water. The veterinarian you buy your medication from will tell you when and how to use it.

Important: until the down of ducklings growing up without a duck is replaced by feathers, bathing them is fraught with getting wet and catching a cold! Therefore, the drinking bowls for them should be small enough.


For heating, a table lamp is quite suitable if there are only a few ducklings, or a special heating lamp. During the season they are sold in assortment. The litter should always be dry and clean, the water in the drinking bowl should be fresh.

Since the musk duck grows very quickly and is not picky about feed, it does not need special conditions, it can be raised in an ordinary country house. It doesn't bother the neighbors and makes little noise. A large pen is not needed.

Raising indo-ducks is a pleasant and not troublesome task

People who decide to breed Indian ducks should also remember that these birds fly well and can cause inconvenience. To deprive them of the ability to fly, you need to trim the flight feathers on the wings.

However, the advantages of musk ducks, such as fast growth, unpretentiousness, exquisite taste of meat and fertility, significantly outweigh all possible difficulties.

Video - Muscovy ducklings 1-3 days of life

Video - Raising Indo-Ducks

Indian ducks are domesticated birds. They are bred in all countries of the world, in some regions - in industrial quantities. High-quality and tasty meat is highly valued. One individual of this species can produce up to a hundred eggs or hatch about 60 ducklings during the year. They grow quickly and in a year 60 new individuals will produce more than 130 kg of meat.

Description of the Indian

The Muscovy duck is a large domesticated bird native to South America and Mexico.. It was in this part of the world that the individual lived in wildlife, after which it was domesticated and exported to other countries. The bird got its name from the fleshy growths on its head, the secretions of which have a musky smell.

This is interesting! The Indian duck was brought to the Soviet Union from Germany in the 80s of the twentieth century.


In nature, the species presented is quite diverse. There are a considerable number of breeds of Indian ducks, differing external characteristics. And yet they all have similar species characteristics. Birds have a large body. Their chest is wide and weighty, their webbed feet are short but strong. Massive wings are pressed closely to the body. The neck is short, the head is small, and above the flat beak and around the eyes a bright distinctive feature of the species is clearly visible - a peculiar red growth. When you press it (especially in adults), a musky odor is released. Such formations are also called “corals” or “masks”.

The body of the Indian duck is covered with dense waterproof plumage. Having such body features, they feel great in the water. At the same time, they can easily live without a reservoir, since in captivity it is not always possible to provide necessary conditions. Distinctive feature breeds of this species is the color of the plumage. Interestingly, in the wild, ducks are mostly dark, sometimes with a green or purple tint. Domesticated representatives have a wide range of colors in their plumage - exclusively black, snow-white, black with white wings, fawn, etc.

This is interesting! Contrary to popular belief, the Indian duck has nothing in common with the turkey.

The breeds do not differ in size. On average, the weight of a male is from four to six kilograms, females - from two to four kilograms. Interesting: Indian ducks living in captivity are an order of magnitude larger than their wild counterparts. Increase in weight and body size - characteristic domesticated birds. So, a wild drake weighs about three kilograms, a female - a little more than one kilogram.

Lifestyle and behavior

Muscovy ducks in nature live near water bodies in small flocks. The formation of large groups is a fairly rare phenomenon and occurs between breeding periods. Migration in this species is practically absent. The fatty lubricant of the feathers covering the body is relatively small (relative to other species). Therefore, Indian ducks prefer to swim in warm water.

In winter, swimming can be dangerous, because... the wings may freeze and the individual will simply drown. Domesticated representatives of the species get used to their territory and do not go far. This is another advantage of breeding such birds, because they do not need grazing and can easily walk to the pond and back on their own.

Despite their calm and gentle disposition, it is better to keep them separately, because... these birds are quarrelsome. Males show aggression towards each other. The main reason is the struggle for food. Adults behave aggressively towards chicks for the same reason. The Muscovy duck does not create excessive noise; its voice can be heard quite rarely. If stress occurs, egg laying stops.

Important! The Indian duck is keenly interested in everything that glitters. These shiny objects risk being tasted. Therefore, the presence of broken glass, metal shavings and similar debris is unacceptable where birds are located.

To breed these animals at home, you do not need to build heated poultry houses. It will be enough to equip a warm nest. Logs and branches are suitable as perches. The size of the room should not be too cramped: the minimum acceptable limits are three individuals per 1 m². A significant criterion for keeping ducks is cleanliness. Industrial farms are regularly disinfected. Poultry house ventilation must be equipped. It is preferable to keep birds in separate families: one drake and several females (the same way they live in natural environment a habitat).

How long do Muscovy ducks live?

The average lifespan of an Indian duck reaches 7-8 years in the wild. At home breeding they can live even longer, but is this advisable?

It all depends on what goal the poultry farmer is pursuing. To raise poultry for meat production, two to two and a half months is enough. During this period of time, the grown-up individuals will gain optimal body weight. In the subsequent period of time, the weight will be gained very slowly, so that the cost of feed will no longer pay off, and then it will completely decline. In addition, the meat of adult ducks will become tough and stringy.

To obtain eggs or further breeding, Muscovy ducks can be kept for quite a long time. The ability to reproduce lasts up to 6-7 years, but the peak of egg laying occurs after reaching two years of age and decreases significantly after the third year of life. That is why it is advisable to keep birds for no more than 3 years.

Muscovy duck color

In their natural habitat, Muscovy ducks are dark with small white spots. There is a European standard, according to which the Muscovy duck has ten types of colors. Four of them are basic, the rest are derivatives, i.e. mixed shades.

The most common color is red(or brown). The color of this species varies from light to dark brown. White plumage is present in small quantities. The down has a brown undertone. The beak is bright red with dark spots.

  • At the white duck dark plumage is completely absent, the color is pure. The beak is light pink, and the eyes (unlike other breeds) are light blue.
  • Black color completely colors the bird, including its beak. The eyes of such an individual are brown, the plumage may have a green or purple tint.
  • A less common representative is blue duck. Plumage blue color and the black beak look beautiful and unusual. The eyes are brown.
  • Black and white view. The color is predominantly black. White covers certain parts of the body. Most often this is the head and neck. The beak is red.
  • Brown and white duck covered mostly with chocolate-colored plumage interspersed with white.

The color of an Indian duck can be completely different due to uncontrolled crossing, especially when home care. There are no significant differences in growth rate, weight gain, size or reproductive ability between individuals of different colors.

This is interesting! The French use duck liver to prepare their world-famous delicacy foie gras. Indo-wort is also a raw material for the production of homeopathic medicines.

Range, habitats

The Muscovy duck is distributed throughout the world and is raised as poultry for meat, eggs, and for ornamental purposes. Initially, these birds were inhabitants of countries with warm climates. Their homeland is Central, South America and Mexico. Due to living in favorable climatic conditions, individuals of this breed are not prone to fat accumulation, due to which their meat is valued for its dietary and taste qualities.

Now in the wild, Indian ducks live not only in the South, but also in the south North America. The species is widespread in Northern Argentina and Peru, Mexico and Uruguay. In their natural habitat, they settle near water bodies, in swamps, and in forests. Another name - wood ducks - was given because they prefer to build nests and spend the night in trees. Strong claws help with this.

Indian duck diet

In nature, wood ducks eat plant roots and stems, grass seeds and succulent leaves. They love to eat insects. The diet also includes small animals from reservoirs - small fish, arthropods, reptiles. Breeders of this breed of birds have practically no problems with feeding, because... they are not picky.

Another advantage over their relatives is the small volumes of food consumed (they eat half as much as waterfowl ducks). A properly formulated balanced diet, supplied with vitamins and mineral supplements, will guarantee the health and rapid growth of the bird, reduce the risk of infections, inflammatory diseases and limb deformities.

The basis of nutrition for musk ducks is cereals and green plants.. The seeds of wheat and oats, corn and barley, which are soaked in water in advance, are often consumed. Succulent forbs and tops of cultivated plants will be beneficial. To fill the diet with microelements, it is good to add crushed shells to the feed, eggshells and chalk. During cool periods, it is recommended to include fine granite dissolved in water in the diet. table salt, vitamin supplements, increase fiber intake.

This is interesting! Due to poor nutrition, crowded house conditions, or insufficient exercise, birds may exhibit eating disorders. It manifests itself by eating its own eggs, pulling out feathers, trying to eat litter, etc. In such situations, the diet should be reviewed and balanced.

The optimal feeding regimen consists of two to three meals (preferably in the morning and evening). In the first half of the day, wet food (tops, grass) is better absorbed, in the second half - cereals. Indian ducks gain weight well from corn, and they love it very much.

Don't forget about the water sufficient quantity. Each individual consumes about one liter of liquid per day. Do not feed birds hot food or water hot water, it is dangerous for the lives of animals.

The presidential elections in Moldova will take place tomorrow, October 30 – the parliament of the republic voted for the relevant law. P Nikolai Timofti's presidential powers have expired March 23 of this year, however, according to the decision of the Constitutional Court, he will continue to serve as president until the new head of state takes the oath of office.

Compromise figure

According to amendments to the Constitution adopted on July 5, 2000, Moldova moved from popular elections to the election of the president in parliament. The first president elected in this way was Vladimir Voronin, chairman of the Communist Party. Voronin, who held the presidency for two consecutive terms, could no longer claim it and resigned on September 11, 2009. Then acting Speakers of Parliament Mihai Ghimpu and Marian Lupu were president. For more than two years, there was not a single worthy candidate for whom the majority would vote. Five times the Moldovan parliament failed to elect a president (at least 61 votes out of 101 were required), which provoked a long political crisis. Moldova even set a world record for living without a president. In order to avoid third early parliamentary elections, it was decided to propose a compromise figure who does not belong to any political force for the post of president. This candidate was Nicolae Timofti, a judge with 36 years of experience.

His last position was Chairman of the Superior Council of Magistracy. Before that, he worked as a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice of Moldova, chairman of the Chamber of Appeal and the Association of Judges, member of the Supreme Council of Magistracy, deputy chairman of the Supreme Court of Justice, chairman of the judicial panel, judge Supreme Court Moldavian SSR, judge of the Frunzensky district of the city of Chisinau.

On March 16, 2012, 62 members of parliament voted for the candidacy of Nicolae Timofti. “I have never been involved in politics and never will. I am a judge and a person who communicates with other people. Now there is not a single person in the country who is not concerned about the problem of electing a president. Along the path of confrontation and chaos or prosperity and stability. The election of the president will not automatically solve all our problems, but it will create the preconditions for us to do it together,” Timofti said, speaking to deputies in parliament after his election.

“I am confident that over the next four years the situation in the country will change radically. And each of us will be happy that he lives in Moldova. You say this is a dream. Yes, it’s possible, but I believe in this dream, and may God help us,” Vesti.md quotes the newly elected President of Moldova.

On March 4, 2016, the Constitutional Court declared the amendments to the Constitution adopted in 2000 illegal. It was decided to elect the president again by popular vote. Nicolae Timofti was supposed to remain as president until at least the end of October.

Nicolae Timofti and his wife. Source: forum.md

"Mute Duck"

Nicolae Timofti distinguished himself by hardly commenting on the events taking place in the republic. Vlad Turcanu, his press secretary, spoke at press conferences. The public has repeatedly tried to get Nicolae Timofti to respond to local events. For example, after the murder of businessman Sorin Paciu during the “royal hunt” in the Padurea Domnyaske nature reserve, communist deputy Eduard Musuc compared the head of state to a “dumb duck.” “Why was the Supreme Security Council convened on other minor occasions, but not on this serious issue? You elected a president who behaves like a dumb duck, and at press conferences his press secretary speaks for him,” Mushuk said in February 2013.

The nickname “stuck” to Timofti. On November 12, 2015, during mass protests against new tariffs organized by socialists, protesters tried to hand the head of the republic a live duck (a musky breed, popularly called “mute”) near the presidential administration building. Participants chanted: “Down with tariffs”, “Thieves on bunks!”, “Timofti resign” and accused the president of indifference, lack of response to socio-economic problems in the state and demanded his resignation.

Source: inprofunzime.md

On the Great Square national assembly On September 6, 2015, about 100 thousand citizens demanded the resignation of the president. He commented on the protests to the portal Jurnal.md: “I will not resign, as I am convinced that such a decision will bring instability to Moldova. I came to this position to put an end to a period of instability that lasted two and a half years, and I do not intend to provoke another similar one.” In his opinion, the crisis in the republic was caused by “the weakness demonstrated by institutions endowed with the right to intervene and apply the law: in particular, the ineffectiveness of the National Bank, the National Commission for financial market, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the National Anti-Corruption Center, the courts.”

He also noted that he was aware of the main problems of the state and acted in accordance with the powers granted to him by the Moldovan Constitution. “I haven’t always acted publicly, that’s true, but certainly in an institutional way. I spoke with responsible officials about the problems that arose and how to solve them. At the Supreme Security Council, we have repeatedly raised the issue of problems in the banking sector. Parliament, the government, the Information and Security Service, the Prosecutor General's Office, the National Bank, the National Commission for the Financial Market, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other institutions in order to prevent and solve major problems related to national security, direct recommendations were given,” he said.

“No” to Plahotniuc

Among the few reasons to be proud of the president, political analysts cite Nicolae Timofti’s refusal to appoint Vlad Plahotniuc as prime minister. The leader of the Democratic Party, Marian Lupu, presented to the President the decision of the parliamentary majority to nominate Vladimir Plahotniuc for the post of head of government on January 13, 2016. Timofti refused to sign the decree, considering that Plahotniuc did not meet the criteria of integrity. Subsequently, Nicolae Timofti stated that he was pressured and even threatened in an attempt to influence the nomination of a candidate for prime minister. A week later, Nicolae Timofti agreed to the appointment of Pavel Filip, who is considered one of those close to the scandalous oligarch, to the post of Prime Minister.

“We don’t have yet, you know... I don’t know what”

The President of Moldova is not eloquent; his statements have more than once provoked scandals in society. So, during the period tragic events in Romania and Russia (a fire in a nightclub in Bucharest and the crash of a Russian plane in Egypt - CrimeMoldova's note) last November, after laying flowers at the Russian and Romanian embassies, Chisinau journalists asked the president why a day of mourning was not declared in Moldova.

“This hasn’t been decided because we don’t have yet, you know... I don’t know what we don’t have. But it would be good if it were, I’ll be honest, when I saw and discussed this issue... before that, no questions arose. But on the third day... today this idea appeared, and unfortunately, I’ll tell you, it’s beautiful, good. That's all I can say, nothing more. And there is no need for comments, a lot of talk, but troubles are ...,” Timofti answered, causing bewilderment among those present.

Source: Point.md

Case of Gheorghe David

Nicolae Timofti has more than once openly declared his pro-Romanian and pro-European views. However, they learned about him that in April 1987, while working as a judge of the Supreme Court of the Moldavian SSR, Nicolae Timofti made a decision to send him to compulsory treatment V psychiatric hospital Gheorghe David, a native of the village of Pepen, Lazovsky district. He was accused of criticizing the Soviet authorities and expressing his opinion that Moldova was occupied Soviet Union, and that it was to unite with Romania.

In the summer of 1988, Gheorghe David was released from the hospital and after another 2 years he was acquitted. In October 2005, Gheorghe David filed a claim with the European Court of Human Rights, but died a few months before the decision on his claim was announced. The court recognized a violation of his rights and awarded the dissident’s relatives payment of 4,000 euros in compensation from the Moldovan budget.

Nicolae Timofti admitted that he sent Gheorghe David to prison psychiatric treatment and expressed his regret regarding this. In a letter to political analyst Nicolae Negru, he explained that he was confident that he acted in accordance with the law, pan.md reports.

The letter, in particular, noted that the case file contained a certificate of medical examination, according to which Gheorghe David was mentally ill and needed treatment.
“Gheorghe David was presented as a mentally ill person, and in no case as a dissident. Thus, the formality of the law was observed. Today I regret the application of an inherently inhumane law. As a judge, I have nothing to reproach myself with. But as a person I was wrong. Throughout my career I have strived to deliver justice, but I think that I caused Gheorghe David suffering,” Timofti commented.

President in the international arena

Nicolae Timofti exchanged unpleasant remarks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Minsk CIS summit in October 2014. The President of Moldova complained that Russia imposed an embargo on Moldovan food products after our country signed the Association Agreement with the EU. Vladimir Putin noted that Moscow is not against the rapprochement of the CIS countries with the EU, but must discuss all the risks that arise for Russian economy and for other CIS countries in connection with joining other trade and economic associations.

Nicolae Timofti also insisted on the need for a complete withdrawal of the Russian military from Transnistria. The President of Moldova awarded a number of international leaders with the highest state award “Ordinul Republicii”. In particular, Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Meckrel, President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Romania Klaus Iohannis, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.
