Interesting competitions for teenagers. Interesting entertainment and competitions for every taste or children's birthday competitions at home: how to organize and conduct

For children who have joined adolescence, the opinion of friends is decisive in many cases. And if your son or daughter’s birthday is coming up and you’ve decided to have a party with friends, then you can’t do without interesting and funny competitions For fun company teenagers

Such entertainment will appeal to both children 12-13 years old and older boys and girls. Any holiday should be accompanied by fun, and if this is cool competitions for teenagers with prizes and gifts, the party will be a success! And sometimes a group of adults will not refuse to have fun, take part in unusual games and competitions.

Funny Party Competitions for Teens

  1. “Verka Serduchka performs”. Probably the funniest competitions are those involving dressing up. Provide the participants (boys) with “attributes” of Verka Serduchka: a beret or wig, a plaid skirt, a shiny blouse and two balloons. The guys must take turns dressing up, going out and imitating a famous comedian. For example, the task may be to make a toast in Serduchka’s style in honor of the birthday person. The one who does the best parody wins.
  2. "Kalyaki-kalyaki". Very funny game, which the kids will definitely like. Its meaning is as follows: the presenter names 10 words (preferably nouns), and the players must quickly depict this word on a sheet of paper in the form of a drawing. Literally 5 seconds are given for each word, and the use of letters, of course, is prohibited. Then each player must voice what he has drawn, if, of course, he understands his scribbles.
  3. "Surprise from the Bag". To the music, a bag is brought into the center of the room, where all sorts of funny items have been previously placed: scarves, holey socks, baby diapers and pacifiers, hats, suspenders, etc. Each party guest must take one item from the bag and put it on himself without interrupting the dance, which usually happens to the cheerful laughter of the audience.
  4. 4. “Grandfather planted a turnip...”. You will need a children's book with fairy tales. The presenter - usually the birthday boy - reads the fairy tale with expression, substituting the names of his guests instead of the names of the characters. It turns out very funny! You can read other fairy tales. “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok” and other Russian folk tales go “with a bang”.
  5. Next competition - "Like a chicken paw"- consists of guests competing to see who can sign the birthday card better... with their feet! Usually, a sheet of whatman paper is used for this, on which everyone takes turns practicing this difficult art of calligraphy.

Competitions for teenagers with prizes

For this competition you need to prepare 10 identical pictures for each team of children. And each team will consist of approximately 4 people. The pictures will contain images of the eyes of various creatures, for example, the eyes of a crocodile, human eyes, snake eyes, cat eyes and so on. So, each team of guys receives 10 pictures with images of eyes. Each picture has a small space for a signature. At the command “start”, the teams confer and sign each picture - whose eye it is. The team with the most hits will be the winner.

The best waiters

Each participant receives a stack of 10 plastic disposable plates and common mountain any goodies, such as cookies. At the “start” command, each participant must place a treat (10 pieces) on each plate and distribute them to different 10 guests. The waiter who completes the task first will win and receive a prize.

Get into the top 10

Each participant receives 10 identical coins. There is a glass with a fairly wide neck at the same distance from each participant. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to throw their coins into their cups. The participant with the most hits will be the winner.

My 10th planet

An interesting fact for children who didn’t know: in solar system 8 main planets and plus another dwarf planet called Pluto. The others are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. And now it’s your turn, guys, to come up with your 10th planet in the solar system in honor of the birthday boy (birthday girl). There are no limits to imagination. So, after 5 minutes of thought, each participant imagines his planet for the birthday boy and describes it in a few words, for example, this is the planet Mikhail, the soil there is sweet caramel and kazinaki, gingerbread and buns grow on the trees, the planet is inhabited by Mikhail people - cheerful people, who love computer games and large trips to neighboring planets. The participant who comes up with the most interesting planet and the best person to present it will receive a prize.

10 by 10

Guests are divided into 2 teams of approximately 3-4 people. Each team has a piece of paper attached to an easel or wall. Each team writes any word on their piece of paper - a 10-letter word written vertically, for example, “resolution” or “distance”. At the command “start” the teams change sheets. Participants must now fill in the horizontal lines, that is, write any 10 words, which (no matter where the letter in the word will be) will include the letters of the word written by the opposing team. The team that quickly figures out and fills in all the horizontal lines will win and receive a prize, for example, a crossword puzzle magazine for each participant.

10 funny fingers

On the table is a large bowl of medium-sized bagels (not too small). At the command “start”, each participant puts bagels on each finger. The participant who can fit the most bagels on their 10 fingers will be the winner and receive a prize.

At 10 years old we know everything

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of participants - approximately 5 people each. Starting with the first team, the guys in a circle (team) name one name from the corresponding category, which the leader will ask. So, the presenter names a category, for example, domestic animals, after which the first team names their animal, for example, goat, then the second team - rooster, then the third - cat, and then again the first team - turkey, then the second team and so on until , until there are 10 items in this category. Then the presenter changes the category (wild animals, mushrooms, fish, and so on). If a team cannot say the words, they lose their point. And at the end of the game the team with the largest number points receives the title of winner and a prize.


It's time for the guys to show dexterity and attentiveness, perseverance and accuracy. So, each participant receives 10 identical coins and on the command “start” the guys must place all the coins edge-on, creating a kind of train. The participant who completes the task first will win and receive a prize.

Collect 10 balls

According to the conditions, everything is quite simple, but in reality it is not so easy. There are 10 inflated balloons in front of each participant. At the “start” command, each participant begins to collect balls, placing them on himself, but there is a rule: you cannot place two balls in the same place, that is, one, for example, under the beard, the second in one hand, the third between the legs, the fourth armpit and so on. Half of the participants who complete the task faster advance to the next stage. And the next stage is to burst the collected 10 balloons. And here, again, whoever is faster wins.

A children's party must include fun and energetic activities. A competitive birthday program for children 11-12 years old with quizzes, solving tricks and riddles will captivate the birthday boy and his friends. Exciting games and agility competitions, team competitions will not let adults and little guests of the celebration get bored. Common creative tasks will bring children together and make the holiday truly fun.

    Agility competition. All interested children participate in it. To carry it out you need to prepare several bags with gifts. All participants stand in a circle. The presenter places one bag with a souvenir in the middle of it.

    The music turns on. The children begin to walk in circles. The presenter pronounces different numbers. When participants hear the phrase “One, two, three,” they must pick up the gift from the center as quickly as possible. To confuse the children, the leader can say: “One, two, thirteen or one, two, thirty.” After such phrases, participants should not run to the gift. The bag must be picked up only after “One, two, three” sounds.

    The competition is held as many times as bags with gifts have been prepared.

    Game "On the contrary"

    All children who are guests of the birthday party participate in the game. Among all the participants, the presenter selects 1 player. He will be the driver. The rest of the children stand in one row, facing him. The driver’s task is to show different movements, and the other participants are to repeat them exactly the opposite. For example, if the driver raises right hand up, children must raise their left. If he moves back, the rest of the players move forward.

    The participant who gets knocked down first becomes the driver. The game continues until interest disappears.

    All interested children participate in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 teams. In front of each group of participants, the leader places an easel with a Whatman paper attached to it. On whatman paper you need to draw 2 identical houses with large windows and doors in advance.

    The participants' task is to draw little people in windows and doors. The presenter gives an example of how to portray people so that both teams have the same chances. After the word “start,” the first player in each group picks up a pencil and runs to his easel. Having drawn one person, he returns back and passes the pencil to the next participant. The competition is given 3 minutes. The winner is the team that draws the most people in the windows and doors of the house on whatman paper in the allotted time.

    Game “Choose a gift yourself”

    All children who are present at the birthday party participate in the game. To carry it out, you must first attach various souvenirs to a regular satin ribbon using pins: keychains, chewing gum, sweets, small Stuffed Toys, hairpins, elastic bands, notepads.

    The presenter blindfolds all participants. Two assistants stretch the tape. The presenter brings the first participant to her and spins him three times. Then he asks you to go up to the ribbon with gifts and point your finger at the desired prize. After this, he carefully unfastens the pin, hands the souvenir to the child and brings the next participant. The game continues until all children have received their gift.

    Game "The most affectionate player"

    All children participate in the game. The participants’ task is to come up with as many affectionate and diminutive forms of the name of the culprit of the children’s feast as possible. You need to say affectionate words one by one. Each player is given half a minute to think. The winner is the participant who comes up with as many non-repeating endearing forms of the name as possible.


    Dima - Dimulya, Dimusya, Dimasik, Dimchik, Dimka, Mitya, Mikha, Mityai, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mityasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha, Dimakha, Dimukha, Dimusha, Mityulya, Mityunya, Dimon.

    Alina - Alinka, Alinochka, Alyusik, Alinusichka, Lina, Alya.

    Several pairs of children participate in the competition. Each team receives a bag of clothes. Clothes must be large sizes so that she could freely climb onto the participants.

Children are fidgety at events such as birthdays, New Years, graduations. kindergarten and other holidays, they need to be occupied with interesting competitions. When holding competitions, you should remember that moving and active types should be combined with calm ones so that children have time to relax. If competitions are accompanied by the awarding of small prizes, it will be even more interesting for children to play.


Competition 1: “Find yours”

A fun competition for children to test their thinking and imagination. The child must figure out how best to show the pantomime.


Carrying out:

Leaflets with drawings of animals are prepared at the beginning of the competition. Each animal must be in duplicate. The leader puts all the leaves into a small bag and mixes thoroughly. Each child takes turns taking out a piece of paper with a drawing for themselves. On command, children begin to depict the animal that is drawn on the elongated piece of paper. The goal of the competition is who will find their animal pair faster, for example, a giraffe - a giraffe, an elephant - an elephant, and so on.

Features of the competition:

  • The animal should be portrayed through facial expressions, without uttering words or sounds.

Competition 2: "Parrots"

An interesting mindfulness game that helps children learn to concentrate.

Carrying out:

The leader stands in the center, with children - parrots - located around him. Parrots must repeat all words and actions after the leader. A forbidden word that cannot be repeated after the presenter is “parrot”. The one who accidentally repeated the forbidden word after the leader stands in a circle, an imaginary “cage”. The most attentive child who does not repeat the forbidden word wins.

Features of the competition:

  • for older children, you can come up with not one, but two or three forbidden words or actions.

Competition 3: “Breeze”

A fun, active competition for children that kids of any age will enjoy.


Carrying out:

Children are divided into two teams. One inflated balloon is placed in front of each team. The task of each team is to help their ball reach the finish line as quickly as possible. You should move the ball without touching it, namely: wave your hands, create a stream of air or blow on it. The team whose ball gets to the finish line the fastest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • To prevent the children from pouncing on the ball all at once, you can tell them to divide into numbers and blow on the ball in turn.

Competition 4: “Snowfall”

A fun competition that will excite even the shyest child.


  • Pieces of paper of two colors.
  • 2 bags.

Carrying out:

Children are divided into two teams with the same number of players. The leader gives each team a pack of paper of a certain color, for example green and red. Two parallel lines are drawn in the center of the room at some distance from one another. The task of each team is to throw snowballs at their opponents without stepping over their line, crumpling up their own color of paper. The team that throws the most snowballs at their opponents wins.

Features of the competition:

  • You can hold the second stage of the competition by inviting children to race to collect snowballs in the colors of their team into a bag.

Competition 5: “Indian name”

An interesting competition for children, which is held at the beginning of the celebration.


Carrying out:

The leader gives each child a piece of paper and a pen. On one piece of paper the child writes a noun, on the other - an adjective. Each child throws the leaves into a bag, one with adjectives, the other with nouns. The contents of the bags are thoroughly mixed by the presenter. Children take turns taking out a piece of paper from each bag. The combination of words on the pieces of paper becomes the child's Indian name throughout the holiday. Often very interesting and funny “names” are obtained: “merry corn”, “blue beard”, “ sharp eye" and so on.

Features of the competition:

  • It is important to monitor the children’s reaction to the names given to them so that no one is offended.

Competition 6: "Swamp"

The competition is ideal for birthday celebrations, as it instantly creates a friendly atmosphere.


  • Chalk or tape.

Carrying out:

Before the start of the competition, the presenter tapes or draws round “bumps” across the swamp with tape or chalk so that two feet can fit. The presenter tells the children that now they need to cross the swamp, which can be done by walking over the “bumps”. All participants in the competition join hands and begin to walk over the “bumps”. If the child steps over the edge of the “bump,” the hike starts all over again.

Features of the competition:

  • Running the competition quickly makes it less interesting, so the presenter may once again to find fault with the guys so that they start the journey again.

Competition 7: “What is your name?”

Very fun competition for children, which helps develop endurance and patience.


Carrying out:

The presenter writes on pieces of paper nouns that will become names of children, for example: “Boot”, “Broom”, “Breadbox”, “Pencil” and so on. The leaves are placed in a bag and mixed. The children sit around the leader in a semicircle, he approaches each one, offering to get himself a “name.” Next, the presenter will begin to ask questions to which the child must answer with the name given to him.

The presenter approaches the child with the words: “Whoever makes a mistake will get caught!” Whoever laughs will have a bad time!” The presenter begins to ask questions: “Who are you?”, “What’s on your head?”, “What did you eat for lunch today?”, “Who is your friend?”, “What do you eat soup with?”, “Who flies in the sky?” ? and so on. The presenter’s task is to ask questions in a more varied way. The child’s task is not to laugh or smile when answering questions. The players sitting around can laugh as much as they want. Whoever laughs leaves the game. The one who wins is awarded a prize.

Features of the competition:

  • Losing players can be asked to perform some kind of forfeit.

Competition 8: “Turnip”

A fun active competition for children with mandatory awards for speed.


  • Chairs - 2 pieces.

Carrying out:

Players are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. In each team, depending on the number of children, there may be: “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “bug”, “granddaughter”, “cat”, “dog”, “mouse”. At the beginning of the room, chairs are placed on which two “turnips” sit, one for each team.

At the command of the leader, the “grandfather” puts his hands on his hips and begins to skip towards the “turnip”, run around it and gallop to the “grandmother”. Now “grandfather” and “grandmother” jump by hand towards the “turnip”, run around it and jump back. One jumper is added each time fairy tale hero. Last participant The “mouse” must run around the “turnip”, take it by the hand and pull it to jump with everyone to the starting line.

Features of the competition:

  • The team that reaches the starting line with the “turnip” the fastest wins.

Competition 9: “Balls are little animals”

An interesting competition for children, in which you need to show your imagination and creativity.


Carrying out:

All prepared balloons should be inflated, tied with a long thread and hung in different corners of the room in equal quantities. Divide the children into two equal teams. Give each child on the team several different colored markers. The children's task is to draw a mouth, eyes, nose, ears on the balls to make an animal. The winner is the team that draws the animals the fastest.

Features of the competition:

  • The number of balls should be one for each child on the team.

Competition 10: “Owl”

A fun competition for the holiday to concentrate children's attention.


Carrying out:

At one end of the room, the leader draws a circle with chalk - an owl's nest. An owl is chosen from among the children, the rest are butterflies, bugs and other insects. The presenter says “Day”, all the children run around, imitating the flapping of insect wings. At the signal “Night”, the children must freeze in the position they were in, as the owl flies out to hunt. The owl slowly, flapping its wings, flies between the children and looks to see who moves. If someone moves, the owl takes him into her nest. When the nest is filled with three children, the presenter chooses a new owl from among them and the competition continues.

Features of the competition:

  • When the presenter says “Day”, the owl stands in the house with his back to the children who are pretending to be insects, and at the signal “Night” he turns.

Competition 11: “Scarf and Laughter”

A fun competition for children to test speed and attention.


Carrying out:

The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle and takes a small silk scarf. Children stand around the birthday boy. The birthday boy throws his handkerchief up and laughs, and the children should also laugh loudly with him. If the child stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, he is out of the game. When the handkerchief falls to the floor, everyone must stop laughing; whoever stops too late is eliminated from the competition. The child who remains in the competition the longest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • The birthday boy can prepare the prize for the winner with his own hands in advance.

Competition 12: “Beads - Bagels”

An original and funny competition for children that will not leave them indifferent.


  • Bagels.
  • Threads.

Carrying out:

Before the competition, the presenter must string bagels on threads and tie them in the form of beads. The number of beads should be on each bead, as there are children in a team. A captain is chosen from each team of children and beads are hung around his neck. Children stand in a row, at the leader’s signal, the first child runs up to the captain and eats one bagel with beads. Next, the baton takes over next child. The team whose captain's beads were eaten the fastest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • The threads for stringing must be strong so that they do not break during the competition.
  • You can make the competition more difficult by telling children to keep their hands behind their backs and try to eat the bagel with one mouth.

Competition 13: “Give a smile to the birthday boy”

A fun competition for which children must try very hard.


Carrying out:

In the midst of the holiday, the presenter says that all the children are sitting with a sour face and the birthday boy will now be offended by the guests. All the children begin to smile intensely, but the presenter says that giving the birthday boy a smile should be done differently. The presenter takes out a plate with sliced ​​lemons. Each child in a circle takes a slice, chews it and smiles. The winner is the one whose smile, in the opinion of the birthday boy, was the most beautiful.

Features of the competition:

  • Before holding this competition, you should ask the parents of the guests if any of their children are allergic to citrus fruits.

Competition 14: “Guess who eats what?”

An interesting competition for children who have just come to the celebration and are still a little shy.

Carrying out:

The host says that the theme of today’s feast is “animals.” You should ask each child in turn a question about which animal eats what, for example: “What does a cat eat?”, “What does a pigeon eat?”, “What does a dolphin eat.” You can ask several questions to everyone in a circle, starting with ordinary animals, moving on to exotic ones. For each correct answer, the child should be rewarded with candy, a sticker or other small prize.

Features of the competition:

  • This competition can be held while sitting at the table.

Competition 15: "Turtles"

A fun competition - a relay race that will immediately lift the spirits of all guests.


  • Two basins.

Carrying out:

The leader divides the children into two teams with an equal number of people. All team members line up in a column. Participants standing in front are given a basin, with the help of which they must become turtles. The child gets on all fours and places an inverted pelvis - a shell - on his back. At a signal, the child begins to move on all fours to the finish line, then back. Then the basin is passed to the next participant. The winner is the team whose members complete the turtle test the fastest.

Features of the competition:

To make it more comfortable for children to move around, make sure there is a clean, soft carpet on the floor.


Can be done both at home and at children's birthday.

Birthday competitions for children can be held both at home and anywhere else. It is generally accepted that fun games, quizzes and comic competitions are only suitable for preschool parties, but in reality this is not the case. And older children enjoy participating in competitions if the games are selected according to their age. A correctly selected scenario with birthday competitions, even for 14-16 year olds, is the key to a fun and memorable holiday!

1. Competition “Smile for the birthday boy”

(competition for the birthday of a child 10-14 years old)

This competition is best held at a child’s birthday; it turns out to be fun and relaxed.

The presenter announces:

“It is necessary that everyone gives the birthday boy their most beautiful smile.”

The children immediately begin to smile, and then the presenter announces that it is too simple and everyone can smile like that. Then the presenter takes out a plate with sliced ​​lemon slices. Children need to each take a lemon, put it in their mouth, chew it, and smile at the same time. And the birthday boy must determine whose smile he liked the most.

2. Competition “Bell”

(Birthday: competitions for children 10 - 14 years old)

An unlimited number of people can participate in this competition. It can be held at any holiday. For the competition you will need a small bell on a string, which will be hung around the neck of the participant in the competition. You will also need several ropes that will be stretched in the room at different heights from the floor; the ropes can be attached both horizontally and across the room space, so that the participant, going to the finish line, must squat and step over the ropes. The player's task is to reach the finish line without the bell hanging around his neck ringing. Whoever completed this task best is considered the best bell tamer from that day on.

3. Competition “Animal Balls”

(children's birthday contests)

The following items are required for the competition: balloons, threads, markers. Inflate all the balloons prepared for the competition, tie them so that they do not deflate. Divide all the balls equally into two halves. Hang one half of the balloons in one corner of the room, the other half in the second corner. Divide everyone present into two teams and give them markers. Teams must draw eyes, nose, mouth, etc. on the balls. They should get funny little animals. The team that creates the animals the fastest wins.

4. Game “Scarf, laughter and children”

(games and competitions for children aged 10-14 years old)

To play you need a small silk scarf the size of a handkerchief. All children, except the birthday boy, stand in a circle. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle, throws his handkerchief into the air and begins to laugh loudly. The other children should start laughing too. If someone stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, they are out of the game. When the handkerchief touches the floor, everyone stops laughing. If participants do not fulfill this condition, they are eliminated from the game. The last child left in the game is the winner.

5. Game "Running ball"

(children's games and competitions for birthdays of 8-10 years)

To play you will need two balloons and two glasses. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team stands in a column. The first team members are given a glass and a balloon. They place the ball on the glass to keep the ball balanced. Then these participants must run around their team and return to their place. After this, the first players pass the glass with the ball to the second players, who also run around the team. The game continues until all participants have run around their team. But if someone’s ball falls, he must return to his place and start running around again. You are not allowed to touch the ball with your hands while performing the task. The team that completes the task first wins.

6. Relay competition “Turtles”

(competitions for the birthday of a 4 year old child)

This fun competition for children will perfectly lift the spirits of all guests on their birthday. If you're hosting a Jungle-themed party, be sure to include a contest in your script. To carry it out you will need 2 basins. Then you select two equal teams and place them in two columns. The first participants receive a pelvis, thanks to which they must turn into turtles. To do this, you need to get on all fours and “put” an inverted pelvis on your back - you will get a turtle under its shell. Now each participant must run to a given place, return to the team and pass the baton to the next participant. The team whose turtles all pass the test wins the competition.

7. Competition “Who is the fastest?”

(contests for the birthday of an 8 year old child)

The presenter places two boxes at the finish line; a distance of at least two meters must be left between them. Small toys of the same size, such as balls, cubes, rings, are placed in boxes. They are divided equally into two teams. At the start, two teams of children line up, each with a certain number of participants. Teams wait by their empty boxes for the competition to begin. It is best to mark the starting line somehow (with chalk, flags) and place empty boxes, which children will have to fill with toys, transferring them from a full box. At the leader’s signal, the first participants from each team must run to the full box at the finish line, take a toy from it, run to the start, and throw the toy into the empty start box. After this, the next participants continue the competition. So children, running from a full box to an empty one, must move all the toys. The winner is the team that was able to move all the toys faster than the other. The winners must be given a prize.

8. “Point the finger” competition

This competition is fun to do at a child's birthday party. The presenter shows 5 items and names them. For example, nose, plate, ceiling, door, birthday boy. Each child, when the presenter calls a word, must point to an object or person with a finger. The presenter will deliberately confuse the guests and may point to one object and name another. The participant who never gets lost receives a prize.

9. Competition “Where is our ball”

(children's birthday contests for 11 years old)

It's movable sport game. It is most convenient to carry it out in the hall or on the sports ground. It begins at the sign of the leader. The children close their eyes, and the leader throws a small ball in any direction. Participants listen to the sound of a falling ball, trying to guess where it went. The host asks: “Where is our ball?” These words are a signal to the players that they can run to different sides, look for the ball. The one who finds it must, unnoticed by others, run up to the designated place, pat it with his hand and shout: “My ball!” If during the game a player sees who has the ball, he must try to catch up with the lucky one and touch him. Then the ball goes to him. Now the rest of the children are running after the player with the ball, trying to catch up with him. And the player with the ball will try to run as fast as he can to the appointed place with the words: “My ball!”, dodging everyone who wants to catch him.

10. Game “Catch a snowball”

(games and competitions for children)

Children's mobile fun game, which develops dexterity and attentiveness in children, as well as speed of reaction. Usually children are offered to play it preschool age. For the game, the leader must prepare a bag with small balls or “snowballs” made independently from cotton wool. Children need to be given small multi-colored plastic buckets. At a given signal, the children must prepare for the game; it requires good reaction and speed. The presenter takes snowballs out of his bag and throws them in different directions. The kids run and try, placing buckets under the flying snowballs, to catch them. When all the snowballs in the bag run out, the game ends. The counting of balls caught by each player begins. The one who catches the largest number of “snowballs” becomes the winner and is rewarded with friendly applause and a prize.

11. Game “Flying the Broom”

(games and competitions for children 11 years old)

This is a team game. It is suitable for children. You can play this game on any holiday: and on New Year, and on March 8, and on birthdays, etc. You will need two stools or two chairs. You will also need two brooms or mops. The children are invited to imagine that they have turned into evil wizards and can fly on a broom. The participants’ task is to take turns passing the broom, holding it between their legs, run to the stool, come back and pass the broom to another team member. The team that finishes the game first wins.

12. Quiz-competition “SpongeBob”

(quizzes and competitions for 10th birthday)

Children adore this funny character - the sea sponge SpongeBob. Cartoons with him are very popular all over the world. This quiz will calm the kids down for a while. Here are the questions:

  • Where does Spongebob live? Bikini Bottom, Pineapple House.
  • When does SpongeBob celebrate his birthday? the 14 th of July.
  • What kind of pets do Bikini Bottom residents keep at home? Snails and worms.
  • What are SpongeBob's best friends? Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Gary.
  • Why does SpongeBob go to the "Field of Jellyfish"? Catches jellyfish and milks them into jelly.
  • What is the name of SpongeBob's teacher? Mrs. Puff.
  • What exam does SpongeBob fail to pass Mrs. Puff? Driving a submarine.
  • What is the name of SpongeBob's only friend who cannot breathe underwater like fish and other sea inhabitants? Sandy.
  • Who are Sea Superman and Barnacle Boy? Superheroes from Bikini Bottom.
  • How many people live in Bikini Bottom, including SpongeBob? 538.
  • Who is Plankton, and what does he want from SpongeBob? This is the villain Bikini Bottom, who is trying to steal the magic Krabby Patty formula.
  • Who is the greediest money lover in Bikini Bottom? Mr Crabbs.
  • What are the names of SpongeBob's neighbors and where do they live? Squidward (Easter Island statue) and Patrick (under the stone).
  • Who it Flying Dutchman? Ghost of the Sea Pirate.

Give a prize to the child who gives the most correct answers: any item with the image of SpongeBob.

13. Game “Guess who eats what?”

(games on children's day birth)

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday.

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday. It is held at the table. The theme of this game is "Animals". Prepare questions about what animal eats what. And ask the kids. You can remember all the animals in the zoo and ask about each one.

Start with easy questions about the bunny and the wolf, and end with exotic animals. For each correct answer, give your child a sticker or candy.

14. Competition “Trees happen”
(children's birthday contests)

An interesting game for kids that develops their attentiveness, logic, and reaction speed. It is usually played by preschool children. The children are seated in front of the leader, who says: “Trees can be low,” and he himself raises his hands up. Children must show attentiveness, logic, speed of reaction, and show what low trees look like. The presenter lists what types of trees there are: tall, small, huge. At the same time, he tries to confuse the children with incorrect movements. But if one of the players goes astray and shows the way the presenter does, he is eliminated from the game. True, the eliminated participant only misses a few rounds, he is not allowed to get bored for too long, and is offered to return to the game. The winner is the participant who showed what trees are like the fastest and most correctly, and was not mistaken. He is rewarded with a tasty prize.

15. Competition “Back pictures”

(birthday contests)

A fun game that can be offered to children when you need to find something interesting and exciting for them to do. Children are seated in a circle, facing their neighbor's back. A sheet of paper is attached to the back of each with tape. Further events in the game develop according to the “damaged phone” principle. The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: flower, house, sun. He must use a blunt pencil to draw a picture on his neighbor's back. And he, guided only by his feelings and guesses, while they are drawing on his back, must decide what is drawn there and make a similar drawing on the back of the player sitting in front of him. The main thing is that children don’t peek, otherwise it won’t be interesting. When all the participants in the fun have finished their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works! Usually everyone finds it very funny from the pictures that the young artists drew.

16. Competition “Invisible Back”

(children's birthday competitions for 6-12 years old)

This competition is suitable for children's day birth. All guests participate in it. The birthday boy stands facing the wall and with his back to the guests. Guests line up at the threshold of the room. On the count of three, the first guest begins to move towards the birthday boy. As soon as the birthday boy feels that the guest is already close and standing behind him, he says: “Stop!” The same continues with the next participant. The main thing for the birthday boy is that he is not hurt by the participant, and for the guest it is important to get closest to the birthday boy. Whichever guest stands closest to the birthday boy wins. The winner must be rewarded with a delicious prize in the form of a chocolate bar, or given a toy.

17. Competition “Find your prize”

(competitions for children)

The game helps to reveal the talents of every child. This game requires a set of colored cardboard, two boxes and plenty of prizes so that there is enough for everyone. First you need to prepare cards (according to the number of players). A piece of colored cardboard is cut in half. The task is written on one half, and the name of the prize on the other. If there are more children than multi-colored cards, cards of the same color can be cut in different ways: along, across, at an angle, in a wavy line. Cards with tasks are placed in one box, colored side up. Cards with prizes are placed in the second box, hidden in another place. Each player, having drawn a card, must complete a task: recite a rhyme, sing a song, compose a short thematic story, ask a riddle for the children. Then the child must find the other half of his card and receive a prize. For prizes, it is best to purchase colored pencils, markers, albums, coloring books, books, and small toys. At the end of each child's performance, the others thank him for his efforts by clapping their hands and cheering him on as he searches for his prize.

18. Game “At the Bazaar”

(competitions for children 10 – 12 years old)

At the very beginning of the game, all participants are divided into three groups and one leader. Each group chooses a fruit, for example, one group will be called bananas, the second - strawberries, and the third - peaches. Then all players sit in a circle, facing the center of the circle. The presenter stands in the center of the circle and says the following phrase: “I went to the market and bought...” Then, depending on the continuation of the phrase, the participants should act differently, for example:

- “... and bought bananas”, then all those who belong to the group of bananas change places (the leader also participates in this exchange). After the exchange, one “extra” fruit remains, which becomes the leader and the game begins again.

- “... and bought peaches and bananas (or any other combination of groups)”, then all participants belonging to the named groups change places (along with the leader). Again, the extra “fruit” becomes the leader.

- “... and bought fruit”, in this case all the participants change places. The only one left without a place becomes the leader.

19. Competition “Cool Tales”

(interesting competitions for children's birthday 11 - 12 years old)

Reaction and attentiveness - these qualities guarantee the player’s success in this game. All participants stand in a circle. Each participant clenches his right hand into a fist, exposing thumb up. Left hand everything is folded into a tube, which is put on the neighbor’s thumb. And so, when all the players have clasped their hands in such an intricate way, the presenter begins to tell the tale, having named the code word in advance. The condition of the game is this: after hearing the code word, you need to have time to grab your right hand, while simultaneously catching your neighbor’s, grabbing his finger. At the same time, in a fairy tale you can use various funny gags, which are designed to confuse and confuse the players. For example, if the code word is Princess Nesmetna, then when telling a story, you can use the frog princess, the princess and the seven heroes, and any other phrases starting with the word princess. Hearing them, the players will break free and grab the hands of their neighbors. The game is always accompanied by laughter and sincere fun.

20. Competition “Who am I?”

(fun competitions for children's birthdays)

This competition is perfect for a child's birthday. Draw several pictures, for example, pineapple, cake, candy, etc. Cut out the middle for the child's head. The participant takes the picture and sticks his head inside. He doesn’t see who is in his picture, so he asks the guests questions to find out. Guests can only answer “YES” or “NO”. For example, questions: “Am I tasty?”, “Am I made of wood?”, “Am I bigger than an orange?”, “Do I start with a vowel?” and so on.
