Increasing your height after 25. How to increase your height at home. Dependence of growth on special additives

You and I know that a person grows up to a certain age (girls - up to 18, boys - up to 24 years). Afterwards growth stops. Is it possible to grow up after 25? To answer this question, we need to understand the process of growth.

Why are we growing

A person grows by increasing the length of his bones. And this process lasts until the bone growth zones - cartilaginous zones in the spine and at the ends - are completely closed. tubular bones. As long as there is uncoarsened tissue in these areas, a significant increase in body length is possible under the influence of growth hormones. When the cartilaginous zones ossify with age, this will inhibit further growth.

It turns out that it will no longer be possible to grow by lengthening your bones after 25 years, unless with the help surgical intervention. But it is possible to “stretch” your body a few extra centimeters. And it's not too difficult.

How to increase height

This can be achieved by stretching intervertebral discs. The thing is that the human spinal column consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx. Between the vertebrae are intervertebral discs, which perceive and absorb the load and provide flexibility to the spine due to the fact that they consist of cartilage-like tissue. And if it is cartilage, then it can be stretched, which will lead to an increase in the length of the torso.

In fact, most people are 2–6 cm (or more) below their maximum possible height. This is due to the spongy nature of the intervertebral discs, which are compressed under the influence of gravity and high pressure, the cause of which can be, for example, poor posture, lifting weights above your head.

Therefore, even if you do regular spinal stretching exercises, your growth will not remain constant unless you correct your posture, stop lifting weights overhead, and strengthen your core muscles.

How much can you gain in height?

Let's do the math. There are a total of 23 intervertebral discs in the spine. If you stretch each of them by only 3 mm, then in total you can add about 7 cm in height. Not bad, right?

There is a known case when one circus performer could grow as much as 16 cm on stage only due to spinal traction.

What exercises help increase height?

Exists a large number of various exercises to stretch the spine, I will highlight only a few of the simplest and most effective ones. They will be quite enough to get started.

1. Hanging on the horizontal bar

This is perhaps the simplest of all exercises. All you need to do is hang on the horizontal bar and stay in this position for 15-30 seconds. The force of gravity will do the rest of the work for you. It is recommended to practice 2-3 approaches daily.

This is what it looks like:

2. Lying spine traction

To perform this exercise, you need to lie face down on your stomach and extend your arms and legs so that a straight line is formed. Now lift up left hand, and behind it - left leg. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then switch arms and legs. Do 2-3 approaches.

3. Cat stretches

4. Exercise “Cobra”


If you decide to stretch your spine, then do not forget to strengthen your torso muscles, especially your abs. After all, the stronger your muscles, the greater their resistance to pressure that is placed on the torso due to gravity or poor posture.

And remember: stretching your torso a few centimeters is not difficult, nor is it difficult to lose these centimeters if you stop exercising regularly.

HOW TO INCREASE GROWTH AFTER 25 YEARS? You and I know that a person grows up to a certain age - 25 years, after which growth stops. But few people think that at the same age the reverse process begins: the cartilage in the intervertebral discs thickens and dries out, the bones also seem to become compacted - “a person grows downward.” Is it possible to not only prevent the process of decreasing height, but also grow up after 25? To answer this question, we need to understand the process of growth. WHY ARE WE GROWING? A person grows by increasing the length of his bones. And this process lasts until the bone growth zones - the cartilaginous zones in the spine and at the ends of the tubular bones - are completely closed. As long as there is uncoarsened tissue in these areas, a significant increase in body length is possible under the influence of growth hormones. When the cartilaginous zones ossify with age, this will inhibit further growth. It turns out that it is no longer possible to grow by lengthening the bones after 25 years, unless with the help of surgical intervention. But it is possible to “stretch” your body a few extra centimeters. And it's not too difficult. HOW TO INCREASE GROWTH? This can be achieved by stretching the intervertebral discs. The thing is that the human spinal column consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx. Between the vertebrae there are intervertebral discs, which absorb and absorb the load and provide flexibility to the spine due to the fact that they consist of cartilage-like tissue. And if it is cartilage, then it can be stretched, which will lead to an increase in the length of the torso. In fact, most people are 2–6 cm (or more) below their maximum possible height. This is due to the spongy nature of the intervertebral discs, which are compressed under the influence of gravity and high pressure, which can be caused, for example, by poor posture or lifting heavy objects over the head. Therefore, even if you regularly do spinal stretching exercises, your height will not increase unless you correct your posture, stop lifting weights overhead, and strengthen your core muscles. HOW MUCH CAN YOU INCREASE IN GROWTH? Let's do the math. There are a total of 23 intervertebral discs in the spine. If you stretch each of them by only 3 mm, then in total you can add about 7 cm in height. Not bad, right? There is a known case when one circus performer could grow as much as 16 cm on stage only due to spinal traction. WHAT EXERCISES WILL INCREASE GROWTH? There are a large number of different exercises for stretching the spine: hanging on the horizontal bar; stretching your arms and legs on opposite sides while lying on the floor; "cat" stretches; exercise "cobra" and others. However, I would like to note that many gymnasts have been training on horizontal bars all their lives, and their height is below average. For example, the famous Russian gymnast Alexei Nemov is 173 cm tall. In fact, the most effective way- these are jumps. Jump with your fingertips into the sky with all your might, do these “jumping-pullings” from 60 to 200 a day - and in a year your height increases by 8 cm! This system was described in one of the Soviet FIS magazines: the coach of one high jumper forced his ward to do full-body stretches every day 200 times. The athlete was already over 18 at that time, but he grew by more than 8 cm in a year. After the optimal height for the athlete was achieved, he stopped training in this program, but over the next year he grew by another 3 cm due to inertia. Basketball players are so tall not because they hang on horizontal bars and do cat stretches, they jump! RECOMMENDATIONS If you decide to stretch your spine, then do not forget to strengthen your torso muscles, especially your abs. After all, the stronger your muscles, the greater their resistance to pressure that is placed on the torso due to gravity or poor posture. And remember: stretching your torso a few centimeters is not difficult, nor is it difficult to lose these centimeters if you stop exercising regularly. Be healthy!

You probably know that during the day a person’s height fluctuates up to 2 cm: the greatest in the morning after sleep, the smallest in the evening. After prolonged and intense physical activity (barbell, kettlebell lifting), height for some time may decrease by 2 or more centimeters. This is due to the compaction of the intervertebral discs.

At the same time, it has been proven that with rationally dosed loads, bones become stronger, grow better. During physical activity, such as swimming, running, jumping, the tissues of the bones and spine are affected, which has a beneficial effect on growth.

It follows that to increase height It is undesirable to engage in weightlifting, but swimming and special gymnastics are necessary.

To achieve maximum results in increasing height not just required physical exercise, but individually selected. There are a large number of special exercises aimed specifically at stretching individual bones and joints; they are the most effective in increasing growth. They intensify metabolic processes in the human body, which leads to accelerated formation of bone tissue.

Besides, To increase height you need to follow a diet (special food, vitamins, mineral complex), lead a correct lifestyle, observe a sleep schedule (growth hormone is released for the most part at night), quit smoking, have a stable psychological attitude.

However, it is believed that after puberty no increase in height is possible. Indeed, if growth zones are closed, then any attempts to increase growth will lead to zero results. However, it is also possible to increase height after 20 - 25 years of age. This result is achieved through the correction of postural defects (stooping, scoliosis), while the increase in height can reach from 3 × 5 to 10 cm.

Yes, research human size, conducted at the Tokyo National Department of Health in Japan, showed that in the human body there are growth zones that are open even after a person reaches adulthood. These zones are in lumbar region spinal column. Japanese studies have shown that the intervertebral discs in this section, consisting of spongy tissue, have a high plastic ability to change and rearrange under the influence of inversion loads.

With the help of simulators, vibration massage, special techniques it is possible stimulation of these growth zones, while exploiting their potential to increase growth.

"Increasing growth" and other articles from the section

How to increase a person's height if he is naturally short? Stimulate natural process Maybe. For this purpose, doctors have developed several simple techniques that everyone can use. You can visually increase the height of an adult by using special devices. They are sold in specialized stores or on the Internet. It is also possible to activate the natural process by artificially introducing growth hormone. This procedure has many contraindications, side effects Therefore, it should be under close medical supervision.

At 30 years old, the average height for men is 178 cm, for women – 164 cm. These indicators can differ both up and down. It's quite normal. Until the age of 30, the body reaches its maximum height and no longer changes upward. Minor fluctuations of 1-2 cm are observed throughout the day. A 30-year-old man is taller in the morning than in the evening. This is due to the fact that throughout the day, as a result of upright walking, the intervertebral discs, which are formed from cartilage, become deformed and compressed. At night, when a person sleeps, everything returns to its original state.

You also need to take into account that starting from the age of 30, a person’s height decreases. This is due to the same deformation of the intervertebral discs, changes in size and bone density. Closer to the age of 70, a man becomes 2.5 cm shorter, and a woman - 5 cm. After another 10 years, representatives of both sexes lose 2.5 cm.

There are also certain norms for teenagers. A girl or boy of the same age has different heights:

  • at 14 years old. Girls – 155-163 cm, boys – 156-167 cm;
  • at the age of 15. Girls – 157-166 cm, boys – 162-173 cm;
  • at 16 years old. Girls – 158-166 cm, boys – 166-177 cm;
  • in 17 years. Girls – 158-167 cm, boys – 171-181 cm.

At 20 years old, girls already have a stable height as they grow until they are 19 years old. A guy can get taller before he turns 22. The most intense human growth occurs during puberty. For girls it is 10-16 years old, for boys it is 11-17 years old.

General description of the hormone responsible for growth

Growth hormone or somatotropin is produced by the pituitary gland. He calls linear growth by increasing the length of the tubular bones that are located on the limbs. This hormone affects the body of young people. An important factor is the presence open areas growth in bones, which begin to decline after 16 years of age.

Somatotropin acts and enhances protein synthesis in the body and reduces the rate of its breakdown. Growth hormone helps reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, increases the amount muscle mass. A substance secreted by the pituitary gland affects the amount of glucose in the blood. The hormone helps increase its concentration. Its immunostimulating effect has also been described. Due to the effects of growth hormone in the body, absorption increases bone tissue calcium.

The amount of somatotropin released fluctuates throughout the day. Throughout the day, there are several peaks when growth hormone is detected at its highest concentration. The frequency of somatotropin release is 3-5 hours. Most high concentration hormone is observed at night, 2-2.5 hours after falling asleep.

Growth hormone is used in livestock and fish farming to improve weight gain. With the help of specialized additives, milk yield and the number of eggs produced by birds are increased. The presence of hormones in food negatively affects the human body. This effect is also facilitated by the fact that these substances are not destroyed during heat treatment.

Also, the following hormones found in common foods have a negative effect on humans:

  • sex hormones (male and female). Contained in meat, fish, eggs, milk. They are identical to those that stand out human body and have the same effect. Therefore, these substances are especially dangerous for both men and women;
  • sex hormones that increase plant productivity and accelerate fruit ripening. They do not provide negative impact on the human body;
  • phytohormones. They can be found in varying quantities in almost all food products. A diet that includes certain food groups can either have a positive effect on a person or harm him. Estrogen (female hormone) is found in increased quantity in flax seeds, legumes, bran, peanuts.

Long-term use harmful products containing synthetic hormones in their compositions leads to allergies and the formation of tumors different types, decreased immunity, complete suppression reproductive function both men and women.

Artificial introduction of growth-promoting hormones into the body

The use of artificial growth hormone is prohibited for professional athletes. Despite this, drugs of this type are commercially available and are widely used by bodybuilders or ordinary people who want to get a positive effect from their use.

A medicinal product containing growth hormone has the following properties:

  • helps increase muscle mass;
  • the natural process of muscle destruction is inhibited;
  • the breakdown of subcutaneous fat is stimulated - a drying effect;
  • after using products with artificial growth hormones, energy use as a result of habitual actions will increase;
  • wound healing accelerates;

  • products with growth hormones are used to rejuvenate the body as a whole, including the skin on the face and body;
  • due to an increase in growth hormone in the blood, the activity of previously atrophied organs is observed;
  • it is possible to increase height by 5-10 cm at the age of twenty years (or a little more), when the growth zones have not yet closed;
  • when consumed at the age of 30-40, it helps to strengthen bones;
  • rise protective functions body.

A drug that artificially increases somatotropin in the blood, effective for improving relief and building muscles. But him regular use is fraught with serious complications. Among the side effects from drugs of this type includes appearance tunnel syndrome, increase blood pressure, work oppression thyroid gland, organ hypertrophy. Of particular danger is the long-term use of such medications in doses that exceed those recommended by the doctor.

How to Increase HGH Release Naturally?

Is it possible to increase the height (about 5 cm or more) of a boy or girl starting from the age of 16? This cannot be done quickly, but a lasting effect is guaranteed. Growth at home increases by following the following recommendations:

  • long sleep. The best thing a person of any age can do to increase their height is to get enough sleep. Somatotropin is most secreted during sleep at night;
  • Eliminate foods with a high glycemic index from your diet as much as possible. These include beer, dates, White bread, baked goods, potatoes, White rice and others. Their use causes a jump in blood glucose levels, which inhibits the production of somatotropin;
  • get rid of fat in the abdominal area. Obesity of this type will contribute to the suppression of growth hormone production at any age (even 16-year-old adolescents);

  • moderate physical activity. Activity during the day can well increase the production of somatotropin in the human body. Positive effect even regular walking at a normal pace has an effect;
  • excluding late dinner. Children or adults who eat carbohydrate foods at night inhibit the production of somatotropin. For dinner, it is recommended to choose dishes containing proteins;
  • proper nutrition. Eating a variety of foods that contain wide range vitamins and minerals, has a positive effect on the growth process. This is especially true for children and adolescents under 16 years of age, in whom the process of formation of all organs and systems is observed.

Stimulating growth at a young age with exercise

How to increase your height without negative influence on the body? What makes us taller - proper nutrition, sleep or special exercises? People of different ages resort to all sorts of methods to increase height by at least 1 centimeter. How younger man, the better the result will be after applying a certain technology.

It is possible to increase height after 25 years using the following exercises:

  • using a horizontal bar. You need to hang on the bar every day for 15-20 seconds. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to practice 2-3 approaches;
  • spine stretching. To perform the exercise, you need to lie face down. Alternately, extend one arm and one leg on the opposite side. You should stay in this position for up to 25 seconds to achieve results;
  • cat's back. It is necessary to alternately bend the spine in different sides, making a certain effort. The optimal number of repetitions is 5-10;
  • cobra. You should lie on your stomach, resting your palms on the floor and raising your body. In this position, you need to arch your back as much as possible, feeling the tension and stretching of the muscles.

If the question arises of how to increase the height of an adult, you can resort to professional massage. With the help of special techniques it is easy to become taller (about 5 cm) even in adulthood. This method is used by professional athletes, including basketball players.

How to visually become taller?

How to visually increase your height without resorting to grueling or dangerous exercises medications? For this you can use special insoles. They are easy to make yourself or buy from shoe store. Insoles increase a person's height by at least 2 cm, and in some cases even by 4-6 cm. There are also special shoes designed for people who want to look taller. It's easy to look confident when wearing shoes with built-in insoles.

Clothes also have an enlarging effect. Even without using insoles, you can appear taller if you choose outfits with vertical stripes that run along the body. When decorating your look, it is recommended to use long beads, scarves, and clothes with stripes and V-necks. The opposite effect is produced by the presence of contrasts running across the body of lines. It is prohibited to wear cropped trousers or low-waisted clothing.

Shoe insoles have a purely visual effect. To truly increase growth, you need to work for more than one year, starting from the very beginning. early age. The activating effect promoting the production of somatotropin is produced by simple rules which are easy for anyone to do, including children.


  1. Hoffman D.M., O”Sullivan A.J., Baxter R.C., Ho K.K.Y. Diagnosis of growth-hormone deficiency in adults // Lancet 1994; 343:1064-1068.
  2. Jorgensen J.O.L., Thuesen L., Muller J., Ovesen P., Skakkebaek N.E., Christiansen J.S. Three years of growth hormone treatment in growth hormone-deficient adults: near normalization of body composition and physical performance // Eur J Endocrinol 1994; 130: 224-228.
  3. Androgen deficiency in women and its possibilities hormonal diagnostics 2011 / Goncharov N.P., Katsiya G.V., Melikhova O.A., Smetnik V.P.
  4. Features of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with hypogonadism 2010 / Gamidov S.I., Tazhetdinov O.Kh., Pavlovichev A.A., Popova A.Yu., Thagapsoeva R.A.

We continue our regular column regarding increasing growth. And today we will touch on this topic -

How to Stretch the Spine.How to grow up after 25 years

This post was inspired by great amount various growth centers that offer decent money stupid people increase their height by stretching the spine by at least 10 cm. There are also a lot of paid manuals and methods that offer, for money, to teach you how to lengthen your height by stretching the spine.

But few of these people think that they are being deceived...

Extending the spine by 10 cm or more is beyond the realm of science fiction... And now you will see this.

Now we will find out whether it is possible to stretch the spine, not from the point of view of theory, but from the point of view professional people having a medical education. And facing this issue every year. The spine is their profession.

So how to stretch the spine

Opinion of experienced Kazan vertebroneurologist Gulnaz Muzafarova

“This is not a natural anomaly, but a scientifically proven fact. My friend, teacher Liana Rakhmanova, grew by 4 centimeters in a year at the age of 27. “KV” turned to an experienced Kazan vertebroneurologist Gulnaz Muzafarova for comment.

- Doctor, how old does the average Russian grow?

According to scientific data, healthy people in our country they grow up to 25 - 26 years old. After this age, cell aging begins. The spine dries out and microcracks begin to form. Developing general process aging of the body. If a person stops growing before the age of 25, this is either an exception, or hereditary factors and a disease associated with the spine played a role. I have patients and acquaintances who stretched 2 - 3 centimeters after 22 and even after 25 years.

- What are the key factors that hinder human growth?

Growth is influenced by many reasons. One of the main ones is diseases of the spine. For example, scoliosis, curvature of the spine to the right or left. Kyphoscoliosis, curvature of the spine in anterior or posterior directions. Unfortunately, more than half of the Russian population suffers from these diseases to a greater or lesser extent. Of course, genetics plays an important role. If your parents and grandparents are short, then you are unlikely to be model-sized. Very big influence provides a lifestyle. Most Russians and students have a sedentary lifestyle. And to increase and maintain your natural growth you need movement. At least a five-minute warm-up and stretching for the spine.

- What procedures can you use to grow or maintain your growth?

Until the age of 25, everyone has a chance to stretch out thanks to stretching exercises. I can recommend the exercises of my colleague Dr. Berg, who compiled a special technique for stretching the spine using physical activity. A set of exercises can be easily found on the Internet or in books on therapeutic exercises. In adulthood, a person can grow in two ways. The first is when it cures a spinal disease. The second is when he begins to practice kinesiotherapy and isometric muscle relaxation. In the treatment of scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis, the person's spine is straightened. Due to this, a person becomes taller, and also moves more freely, without hunching over. When performing other techniques, muscle relaxation and stimulation also occurs. By stretching, they help bones and joints align correctly and stretch them.

- Is it possible to grow at home and is it worth relying on everyone’s favorite carrot?

Firstly, you urgently need to change your lifestyle. Even if you have to sit for a long time, every hour or half an hour you need to get up, walk and do light exercises. Secondly, contact a specialist - an orthopedist or vertebroneurologist - for advice and examination. The doctor will create a special set of exercises for you. At home, autorelaxation will help you maintain or slightly increase your height, as well as give your muscles rest and exercise. This is independent muscle relaxation.

Everyone knows such exercises: bending over, stretching the arms and legs using muscle resistance. Carrots, unfortunately, only help children and teenagers grow. The fact is that the microelements and vitamins it contains, which we need so much, only contribute to the overall development of the body. In any case, you should consult a doctor. After all, there are a number of diseases for which growth exercises are prohibited."
