The rune that brings love happiness. Runes to attract love and marriage: how do they work when applied correctly? Runic formulas of three characters

Our world consists of matter, which is a thinking energy. This is how the magical picture of the world looks like. If some energy is missing, it can be attracted with the help of magical runic formulas. Betting on sex, just designed to make up for the lack of energy of love in your life. How to apply magic formulas, from which runes should they be composed?

Previously, they were an alphabet with which information was recorded. Subsequently, the runic alphabet lost its purpose, and the runes began to be used to compile magic formulas. Each symbol has its own meaning and personifies a certain energy flow. If we link the corresponding energy flows together (make a ligature), they will be able to change circumstances and direct the course of life in the right direction.

The runic formula (ligature) for sex consists of a combination of runes that are responsible for the necessary energy flows. Combining together, rune symbols reinforce and complement each other, gaining power over the situation. In order to choose the right runes, it is necessary to take into account their direct influence on this situation. For example, it is impossible to use runic signs with the opposite meaning in one ligature.

Love Formula

What runes are used to make love formulas? It depends on the specific situation that needs to be addressed.

a) A formula that enhances mutual understanding:

b) To attract love:

c) Formula for sexual contact:

  • - - or - -

d) Formula of love enslavement:

  • — — — —

e) Magical love binding:

f) The following ligature is suitable for inciting passion:

Important! To fasten the rune love tie, use the seal of the goddess of love Freya: -Ingvaz.

Where to draw them?

So, the formula of love has been found - now you need to draw it somewhere. Where? There are several options for this:

  • on your body;
  • in your photo;
  • in the photograph of a man;
  • on your joint photo;
  • on a sheet with the name and surname of a man.

The algorithm of actions should be aimed at the result. If you need to enhance your attractiveness, we draw runes on the body or on your photo. If you need to influence a man, draw runes on his photo. If it is necessary to achieve reciprocity, we draw runes on a joint photo. If there is no photo, we put the ligature on a sheet of paper with the initials written down.

How to activate connection?

In order for the rune formula to start working to change the situation, it is necessary to breathe life into it. The activation of the tie (stave) is the expression of your intention in words. That is, you give the direction of movement to each rune. Your actions:

  • we write becoming, all the time thinking about a man;
  • while writing the sign, we sing it out loud (sing: Isa);
  • before the start of the ritual, we light a red candle;
  • once again we say the names of the runes aloud, then we make a spell (slander).

What is a stipulation? This is the task for the stave, which he must solve. The slander can be made in poetic form (visa) or in simple words. For example, a love binding - Feu:

“I direct the energy of the Isa rune so that it freezes the will of Andrei (Igor / Dima). Let the rune of Isa stop his self-will, so that he obeys my will. I direct the energy of the Naut rune to break all past relationships of Andrey (Igor / Dima) so that he does not remember them. I direct the energy of the Fegu rune to strengthen our bond. May it be so!"

You can come up with your own clause for this stav, suitable for your situation. After that, you should blow on becoming three times: breathing enlivens the action of the runes. Some active girls circle the signs with their own blood, but this is not necessary.

What to do next?

What to do with the rune stave when the wish comes true? An indispensable condition: the formula must be destroyed so that the opposite effect does not go. When the target succeeds, erase the written signs. If it is not possible to erase, you should burn the paper (photo) with a runic stave. In this case, the runes should be thanked from the heart for their help.

Why can't you just forget about the formula and leave it on the photo? Because the movement of energy will go to reverse side, for destruction. You must accurately indicate the period for the implementation of the stav, after which its action ceases.

What if becoming created for long-term action? Then you should periodically “revive” the formula with your breath, circle the written signs with your finger. How long does it take to update? Approximately every two months. Having become a long-term use, it is better to burn on a tree or stone, but not necessarily.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

by Dante

Becoming a "Gold fish" not only attracts romantic relationships, but also attracts a beginning into your life. true love. And if you are not ready to again suffer from gentle pain and fly with delight, then you can simply use the stripped-down version for the lungs. romantic relationship Silverfish.
A goldfish (outwardly becoming similar to it) fulfills only one desire, but what a wish!

First draw two CANO(charm) as a strong initial impulse (e.g. eye contact)
Then finished drawing GEBO as a mutual (partnership) flow of energies with increasing attraction to each other. Symbol of gratuitous gift to you heightened attention without expecting anything in return, that is, without bookkeeping in feelings like "you give me - I tell you")
Then the left one is drawn VINA- joy, fulfillment of desires.
Next, draw the right VINA+SOULO+URUZ- delight and exultation, the joy of achievement with a surge of strength marked by the radiance of the Sun.
And finally becoming ends in the lower right corner PETER- hidden changes (colossal internal transformations take place in lovers) Rune PERTH of course, it is sometimes unpredictable, but on the other hand, it is so similar to the capricious and illogical nature of Love, which only adds more sharpness to the sensations.
INGUZ(manifested from KANO and GEBO) gives steady growth and stability to relations.
OTAL manifested in the tie (lower part INGUZ) speaks of the presence (help) of the energy of ancestors (relatives), which are always present at a serious union of two and give their blessing.
Becoming very unusual in terms of impact ...
For reinforcement, use SOULO or TEYVAZ(not TURISAZ) and of course invocations to Odin, Thor or Freya

Becoming " Diamond Fish"

New version of "Gold Fish" stav! Increased the effectiveness of the stav due to the placement of the rune Laguz right on the axle Peter, which means seeking and finding the STREAM OF LIFE.
When the long-awaited feeling comes, everything changes and you seem to find yourself in a swift stream of joyful events, everything seems to be accelerating. Rune Laguz has always been used in love magic meaning apart from flow and graceful, strong woman also intuition, which will help you recognize your soul mate in time and not miss it, (and also not blurt out too much, because a smart woman is a woman who knows how to be a fool)
If someone wants to use Runes-accelerators, then, of course, you can, but very carefully.
I don’t want to overload myself by becoming the runes of transformation, because the tonality of its sound will change, but you can intuitively use them next to it.
Runes of transformation are runes of changing events such as Evaz(push to change and transition to a happy layer of reality), Eyvaz(overcoming obstacles (self-esteem, fear, external obstacles) on the way to what was conceived) and Dagaz (abrupt change events from night to day) You can at least overlay the fish with the indicated runes with a palindrome, just don’t overdo it, don’t crush Rybka with these “heavyweights” and it will be necessary to mitigate their presence of feminine Vinay or Algiz.

Undoubtedly, every person in life wants to meet his love, and having met once, there is a desire to keep it and do everything for a prosperous and happy relationship. In addition to ordinary methods, there are some non-trivial tricks to achieve the above goal, these include love spells, rituals, magical rites and others. But perhaps the most practical and harmless method is the use of a variety of runes to attract love affairs. We will talk about how love runes work in this article.

How does the rune of love work?

The main feature of the action of a love rune is that it does not act on a specific person, that is, a woman who has a similar rune simply expresses a desire to find a life partner suitable for her or to keep and maintain an existing connection.

Since the rune of love refers to magical items, you should treat it with care. In other words, a person who has resorted to this talisman must clearly and correctly formulate his thoughts and desires, otherwise everything may not turn out the way we would like.

For example, if a person intends to marry, then it is best to clearly and clearly represent the image of the future spouse (spouse). It is impossible to recklessly ask for love, since it can also mean unrequited love.

One of important points is that the rune of love affairs provides the best result if a person has thought out in advance and in detail the desired image of his life partner. At the same time, you should not get carried away too much, that is, you should not guess how acquaintance with this person and other small details that do not have much weight should begin.

Varieties of love runes

Runes that attract love exist in several variations at once, depending on what kind of effect a person wants to achieve. Below are descriptions of all varieties of love runes.

A rune called Gebo is a real symbol that can lure love. Her distinctive characteristics is that with the help of this rune, relationships are established between partners due to mutual attraction. The main purpose of Gebo is to teach satellites to live in harmony and "not pull the blanket over themselves."

A rune called Vunyo is usually presented to a person for good luck, this love rune is able to bestow the owner positive emotions, joy, prosperity and, of course, love. The main action of the described rune is to bring harmony into human life.

For those people who intend to start a family, there is a special Otal rune for marriage. The main purpose of the presented rune is to create a strong and reliable marriage relationship. Otal can also be used by those who want to renew past relationships or restore harmony to the family.

It is important to mention that in order to return the former love relationships it is necessary that a period of less than one year elapse from the date of termination.

A rune called Laguz is considered the most effective and effective talisman for women, since it is with its help that you can achieve the attention of the opposite sex, thereby establishing your own personal life.

Rune Inguz is used to change position, switch to new stage life and is associated with the successful completion of all the work begun. Thanks to this rune, you can easily and quickly achieve new results regarding love affairs.

For example, if there is a stagnation in a relationship or the other half is in no hurry to start a family, help will come it is Inguz, who will sharply turn the situation in the desired direction and the marriage will not be long in coming.

Video on the topic of the article

Runes for attracting love are a very affordable tool that can change your life for the better in a matter of days. Runic staves and formulas for love will help you find the partner of your dreams and become for him exactly the person he is looking for. Ancient Scandinavian symbols and the formulas in which they are used can kindle the fire of love and passion in almost any person.

In the article:

Runes to attract love - how to use them

Runes are a truly versatile tool that allows you to achieve almost any goal. And love affairs are no exception in this matter. There are both strong runic love spells, and a number of much softer and non-life-breaking ways to arrange your personal life with the help of runes. At the same time to achieve with them correct use can be really any purpose. These include the search the right partner, and attracting the attention of the opposite sex, and formulas that excite passion, and those that are designed to preserve and improve relationships that have already taken place.

And if you want to take advantage of these opportunities, then there will be no obstacles for you. Firstly, runes do not require any sacrifice and are not part of a religious tradition, so you can belong to any denomination - this will not interfere with your work with runes. Secondly, everyone is given to know the runes and there is simply no ceiling on the possibilities of their use. Therefore, you will never face a lack of personal strength and the inability to develop further.

Of course, there are runes and danger. When using not special rune formulas for love, but directly runic love spells, you will be faced with a number of serious problems. The consequences of using runes to change the will of another person one way or another, but will affect your karma and lead to retribution - either in this life or after it. In addition, numerous Scandinavian sagas warn about the danger of misuse of runes.

What are the runes of love, passion and happiness?

Before you start using complex runic staves and formulas for love, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of all Scandinavian symbols and understand the strength and capabilities of each of them. At the same time, it should be noted that in many situations even the correct and appropriate use of one rune can help. Some of these signs themselves can qualify as runes of happiness, love and passion.

Rune Gebo

And the most famous Scandinavian symbol responsible for love is. This symbol is translated as “gift” and represents precisely equal rights. partnerships in which everyone gives his close person all that is needed. More details about all magical properties this rune can be read in a separate article on our website. But in the aspect of love, it should be remembered that this symbol does not help in any way in attracting another person to itself and in creating short-term bonds and passion. He personifies exactly love in its deep manifestations of mutual assistance and unity of two people.

Rune Odal

Another symbol that also helps in love affairs, can perform . But it should be used only if there are problems directly in the already established family. This sign denotes a house and everything related to housing and family life. So, in itself, this rune will wash away to help make relationships more harmonious and fruitful.

Also, runic signs denoting the feminine or masculine principle - Laguz and Inguz, respectively, can also affect love. By themselves, they will help to reveal your positive traits and attract the attention of the opposite sex. But for the harmonization of any relationship, they are not suitable, since they do not have a direct force associated specifically with relationships.

You can use these runes as amulets, simply by taking the appropriate die from runic set. And carry it with you as a talisman. And you can apply runes on your body or on clothes and jewelry.

rune of love

As a rune for passion and love, bright runes can be used - Soulu or Kano. These symbols can really bring a new spark to your feelings and relationships, or rekindle the fire of passion from scratch. But in the same way, they do not affect long-term relationships and direct partnership and love in themselves if they are used separately, and not as part of runic formulas.

Runic formulas for love

About general rules creation and formulas on our website there is also a separate article. But the basic rules for working with these magical tools are not so complicated. The main thing to remember is that working with runes is always a process that requires, first of all, intellectual thinking and existing knowledge about these symbols. Therefore, before you start using runic formulas for love, you should thoroughly study the full power of these northern symbols and their features. Without knowledge of the runes, you can use extremely limited quantity stats and scripts. And it's best to develop own formulas specially for each specific situation.

Runic formulas for love

Nevertheless, we will offer you a number of very accessible runic formulas for love, which you can use without deep knowledge of this magical tradition. So, a very simple and accessible runic formula for finding a soulmate is a combination Kano-Gebo-Laguz- it is intended exclusively for women. However, men can use the Laguz Inguz rune instead, symbolizing their masculinity.

If you want to ignite the fire of passion in a relationship devoid of it, then a combination using the Soulo and Kano runes will definitely help you in this matter. For example, this might be a program Kano-Laguz or Inguz Soulo. Also a good option could be an option using the Turisaz rune. For example, if you really urgently need to find a partner for yourself - Turisaz-Gebo-Vunyo for long-term communication. Or Turisaz-Laguz-Soulo- for fast and passionate love with the possibility of continuation. But be prepared that events will spin you in a whirlwind.

For cases when you already want to please a person, you can use the Ansuz rune. This is a sign that is responsible for wisdom and persuasion. In combination with Gebo, it can lead to the creation of a truly long-term relationship. They will develop not only on heartfelt, but also on intellectual love. Yes, the combination Ansuz-Gebo-Yera will allow you to accurately present yourself in at its best. In this way, you can reveal yourself as a person with whom your potential partner will really be interested.

Runes used: Evaz (like the kick itself) Ansuz (like communication) Kano (like a spark of sympathy, movement) Gebo (like the actual communication of two, partnership)

Since ancient times, runic magic has served people, helping in work, war, and treatment. The rune of love and love affairs was also known to people. To increase your attractiveness and attract the attention of the opposite sex, you can use both individual symbols and runic formulas. They are a combination of several symbols that are used in the form of sacred words or transform their constituent symbols into galdrstaves - bundles of several runes.

Basic rules of runic magic

Runic magic is very popular because, for all its effectiveness, it does not bring kickbacks like black magic, does not require large sacrifices, and acts quite quickly. The impact is carried out in several stages:

If the need for magical effect has disappeared, the spell is easily dispelled without any consequences. To do this, it is enough to erase, burn or otherwise destroy the carrier on which the runes are imprinted. When the runes are destroyed or erased, the magic will cease to work.

Runic formulas of three characters

For beginner magicians, it is recommended to use ready-made formulas or individual runes. Of the individual runes, we can recommend the rune of partnership - Gebo. This is the best rune to attract the love of a man or woman. It should also be used, tried and tested by time, the following combinations of runes.

Haldrstaves for love magic

More strong impact it turns out if you link together several symbols of runes to attract love. Most strong stakes are listed below. Such amulets are made in two stages:

  1. The pattern is entirely drawn on a suitable subject.
  2. Becoming colored additionally, the symbols that make it up are written out in turn.

For re-staining, paint of a different color is used, the blood of a magician or a sacrificial animal. It is most convenient to make an amulet for permanent wear on the basis of a haldrstav. To do this, the image of the stave is applied to an object made of bone, wood or other natural material. The amulet is worn on the chest. You can not swim without removing the amulet, flowing water destroys spells.

Becoming the "Wand of Relations"

This spell changes the event field of fate around its owner in such a way as to attract the most suitable partner, arouse his interest, attraction and love. Helps to conclude a legal marriage and favors a happy married life. Can be inscribed on a photograph of a partner or on an amulet for everyday wear.

Works powerfully, but gently, without unpleasant side effects and rollback. Includes the following magic symbols:

Knitted "Unexpected Love"

This position is for special occasions. It happens that a person you like communicates with pleasure, but does not make closer contact. Or a man agrees to rare intimate meetings, but is in no hurry with an official marriage proposal. This spell is able to attract people to each other, make their relationship more intense and serious. Acts very quickly.

You can, looking at the object of your sighs, quickly draw an image of this stav on a piece of paper or scratch it on your own nail with a needle. Consists of the following components:

Becoming "Compulsion to Love"

A spell to create a runic love spell. It is necessary to draw it on a photo of a loved one. You can use paper with a name instead of a photo. It is required to carefully imagine the image of the one in whom you need to arouse love for yourself and say out loud:

“(name) must love me, so be it, no one can interfere!”

If the need for the love of this person disappears, you will need to burn the runes. After that, the spell will dispel without harm or consequences. Consists of the following characters:

  1. Gebo. Indicates the direction of the spell - friendship, love, partnership.
  2. Double Nautiz in direct and mirror image completely deprives a person of his will and makes him behave as the one who drew the runes needs.

Having studied the magic of runes, you can positively influence your relationship with the opposite sex. Runes are only useful, since they do not belong to black magic.

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