Recognition. About mitochondrial Eve and the genetic diversity of modern humanity

What does the concept of “the last common ancestor of all humanity” mean? Are mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam—the Adam and Eve of the Bible, the sole progenitors of all people on Earth? These questions are often asked by the curious public, and although science knows the answers, understanding them to an ordinary person from the perspective of everyday life common sense not so easy.

Where do Mitochondrial Eves come from? The diagram shows how, as a result of genetic drift, the diversity of mtDNA in a population eventually comes to a single variant, which is carried by all females. This process is stochastic, based on chance, but its outcome is inevitable.

The last common ancestor of humanity, the one with whom every inhabitant of the Earth - from the Australian Aborigine to the Greenlandic Eskimo - is directly related. Intuition suggests that this common ancestor of ours lived on Earth in some fantastically ancient times, perhaps a million years ago. However, in reality this is not the case, which is confirmed by not the most complex calculations.

Everyone quickly became related

Let's imagine that there is a certain population with a constant size, where the number of individuals does not change from generation to generation. And let’s imagine that from generation to generation, marriage pairs within a population are formed randomly, that is, there are no isolated subgroups in it. Each male has an equal chance of pairing with any female and vice versa. Such a population is called panmictic and is an ideal model widely used in biology, akin to an ideal gas or an absolutely black body in physics. In a panmictic population, each pair of parents will leave a certain number of offspring (for example, from 0 to 4), but the resulting number of individuals surviving is exactly the same as the size of the parent generation. That is, each pair of parents will leave on average two surviving children. The same can be said about each individual from generation “0”: in generation “1” it will have on average two descendants. This means that in generation “2” the same individual will have four grandchildren, in generation “3” - eight great-grandchildren, etc. Until the descendants of a given individual begin to interbreed with each other, their number will grow as 2 in degree N, where N is the number of generations. That is, very quickly, and even after the start of inbreeding, the speed will not drop much. And then one day a generation will come, each representative of which will be directly related to one of the individuals of generation “0”.

Vanishing points

Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam are more correctly called convergence points. These are those points on the evolutionary tree where all branches converge into one node. And a tree built using any gene has such a convergence point. If you take any gene on autosomes (non-sex chromosomes), then the point of convergence will, as a rule, be even older than mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam. The fact is that mtDNA and the Y chromosome have a lower effective abundance. Both men and women have mtDNA, and only in one variant, and only maternal mtDNA is passed on to offspring. Only men have a Y chromosome, and only one. The gene located on the autosome has four times the effective number, since in both females and males it exists in two copies (variants) and is transmitted to the offspring from both parents. Thus, we would expect the last common ancestor (point of convergence) for any autosomal gene to be about four times deeper in the past than mitochondrial Eve. For some genes, the point of convergence may be even earlier than the point of divergence of the ancestors of humans and chimpanzees. This means that even then there were two variations of this gene and both passed into the Homo sapiens population.

When will this happen? It is estimated that the first common ancestor from generation “0” will arise for a generation whose number can be approximately calculated using the mathematical expression log2P (where P is the population size). Simply put, it won't take many generations. For a population of 1000 individuals, this will be approximately the 10th generation. After approximately the same number of generations, all individuals from generation “0” will either become the common ancestors of all living members of the population, or will have no living descendants at all (due to interrupted lines). For a population of 100,000 individuals, the moment of appearance of the first common ancestor occurs after about 17 generations, and after 30 or a little more all individuals of generation “0” will become the common ancestors of the entire living population, except for those who have no living descendants at all.

The diagram demonstrates how, as a result of genetic drift, mtDNA diversity in a population eventually comes to a single variant, which is carried by all females. This process is stochastic, based on chance, but its outcome is inevitable.

We are all Rurikovich and Chingisovich

From this simple mathematics the conclusion follows: there is no need to go too far into the past to find the last common ancestor of both all of humanity and its large groups. It is highly likely that the entire living population of Eurasia is the descendants of any person who lived 1000 years ago and had many children or grandchildren. For example, the numerous Rurik family flourished about 1000 years ago, from which we can conclude that now all Russians are almost certainly direct descendants of the Ruriks. Even if we take into account that the marriage of members of this clan was limited by social barriers, a minimal flow through these barriers was enough for the model to work and the genes of the Russian princely-royal family to reach each of us.

Was there Batu’s invasion and the penetration of the Mongols into Rus'? This means that we can safely say that all Russians are descendants of some Mongols and even Genghis Khan personally (more on him below). But how can this be? - someone will object. — After all, there are practically no Mongolian genes in the Russian gene pool! Yes, but this does not at all prove the absence of Mongol ancestors. An entire population may consist of the descendants of one person, but not carry parts of his DNA in its genome. The fact is that with a geometric increase in the number of descendants, the share of the ancestor’s genes in the same geometric progression will decrease. After 35 generations, with a high probability, this particular descendant will no longer have a single nucleotide inherited from the ancestor. The proportion of genes remaining from the ancestor is calculated in in this case how to divide 1 by 2 to the power of 35. Considering that we have about six billion nucleotides, it turns out that this fraction will be less than one nucleotide.

It was reported that today it is no longer possible to find a pure Australian genome among the aborigines of the Green Continent. All have a European admixture, although it is completely unclear where it came from among tribes living isolated in the deserts. It is clear that this is a trace of some very rare contact, but now all indigenous Australians are a little white. The true genome of an Australian Aborigine was only recently read, but for this it was necessary to use a sample of Aborigine hair collected by some anthropologist more than 100 years ago.

Random Eva

So, the last common ancestor of humanity is much closer to us than one might think. It’s a completely different matter if we look not just for the last common ancestor, but for the last common ancestor for a specific gene or for a specific piece of the genome, say, mitochondrial DNA or the Y chromosome. As you know, these two parts of our genome are interesting because one of them (mtDNA) is transmitted strictly through the maternal line, and the other (Y chromosome) is transmitted strictly through the male line. We get all other parts of the genome from both the father and the mother.

The genographic map shows the ways in which humanity moved around the world, once leaving its African ancestral home. Scientific data indicate that the ancestors of the people who settled Eurasia, Australia and the Americas were only a few thousand Africans.

The last common ancestor on the direct maternal line, traditionally called "mitochondrial Eve", is much further back in time than just the last common ancestor. The fact is that the number of descendants of a certain woman in the direct female line does not have the property of increasing exponentially in each generation, but behaves completely differently. It changes according to the law of random walks - due to genetic drift. In each generation it can increase by some random value and decrease by some random value, and this process has no “memory”. However, we are still dealing with a mathematically calculated situation, the outcome of which can be predicted.

Let’s say there is generation “0”, and there are 20 women in it, each of which has its own version of mtDNA. In the next generation, each of these women gives birth to a certain number (for example, from 0 to 4) daughters (sons can be neglected in this case). Of the total number of daughters, only 20 remain in the generation. And some women of generation “0” were unlucky: they did not give birth to daughters or their daughters did not survive. Thus, in generation “1,” mtDNA diversity decreased slightly. This happens from generation to generation: gradually less and less mtDNA variation remains in the population. And although the frequency of each of the 20 haplotypes fluctuates according to the law of wandering, by approximately the 30th generation only one of the original variants remains. At this moment, the woman who introduced this mtDNA variant into generation “0” becomes the mitochondrial Eve of the entire living population. This is a stochastic process based on chance, but its outcome is inevitable: all living women in the population will be direct female descendants of a single woman from generation “0”.

From the explanation it is clear that Mitochondrial Eve is by no means some single woman who existed in ancient times and from whom all descended. No, besides her, there lived a whole population, and many of the women of generation “0” are also the ancestors of the younger generation, but not in the direct female line, but through sons, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, that is, male ancestors. The age of mitochondrial Eve is fundamentally greater than that of simply the last common ancestor. It is separated from the living generation by a number of generations approximately equal to the number of individuals in the population.

However, it is worth mentioning that all these calculations are related to an ideal panmictic population. In reality, migration, isolation of part of the population on other continents and islands - all this can influence the process and increase the number of generations. Nevertheless, in real history, complete isolation, if it happens, usually does not last long by the standards of anthropogenesis. The population of America was almost completely isolated from the population of Eurasia for 10-12 thousand years, but then Columbus arrived and the exchange of genes continued.

Everything is ancient and ancient

Until recently, it turned out that both mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam were approximately “of the same age” and both lived in East Africa 180-190 thousand years ago. But this estimate may have been based on incomplete knowledge of human genetic diversity. It is enough to find in the wilds of tropical Africa one person with a previously unknown mtDNA variant (some very ancient branch), and Eve will immediately become more ancient. Recently there was a report that a DNA test was carried out on a black resident of the United States and a previously unknown type of Y chromosome was discovered. This means that Y-chromosomal Adam will have to “grow old.”

How to make your mark in history

Regarding the Y-chromosomal Adam, it can be expected that since polygyny, the harem system occurs from time to time in different cultures, and situations are possible where one man can leave thousands of descendants, different variants Y chromosomes will replace each other faster than different mtDNA variants. And so the Y chromosome can spread very quickly at times. Interesting scientific work was done in 2003, when geneticists analyzed the Y chromosomes in a very large number of populations of modern Asians and found one variant that arose about 1000 years ago and was present in 8% of men in 16 populations. The total number of gene carriers is approximately 16 million people. How could such a “young” variant of the Y chromosome spread so widely? He could not achieve such indicators with random drift and fluctuations in allele frequencies. Consequently, he was helped by selection, non-random, selective reproduction of carriers of this Y chromosome. For many indirect signs it can be assumed that this variant arose either from Genghis Khan himself or from his closest paternal ancestors and spread as a result of conquests. This hypothesis is also confirmed by the coincidence of the boundaries of the distribution area of ​​this variant of the Y chromosome with the contours of the empire of Genghis Khan. There are also special cases that confirm this hypothesis. For example, in Pakistan there lives a small nation whose people consider themselves descendants of Genghis Khan. And it was among them that a high percentage of the “Genghis Khan” variant was found, despite the fact that the surrounding tribes do not have such a Y chromosome.

So how many were there?

But if genetic research does not confirm the biblical myth about the origin of all people from one pair, then how many individuals did humanity come from? Here only very rough estimates are possible, based on the nature of genetic polymorphism of modern humanity. The fact is that “bottlenecks”—periods of sharp population decline—leave characteristic traces in the genome, and it is possible, with a certain degree of probability, to calculate fluctuations in the size of the ancestral population in the past. Calculations show that the ancestors of all non-African humanity experienced a bottleneck 100,000 years ago - this corresponds to the exit of a small group of “sapiens” from Africa. The ancestors of the people who later settled all of Eurasia, Australia and both Americas had an initial population of about several thousand.

If the population were reduced to one pair of individuals, we would have a very sharp condensation of convergence points for different genes at this hypothetical period in the past. But nothing like this has been observed: evolutionary trees, built according to different genes, go back far into the depths of time and even beyond the moment of the appearance of Homo sapiens. This suggests that our ancestral population never declined to extremely low levels. There were several thousand Adams and Eves, maybe 10-20 thousand.

Most people do not know the truth of their origin on Earth, and those who know hide it to the last. Yet in our time this information is beginning to be revealed. Hundreds of years ago, a highly developed humanoid civilization flew to our Earth from outer space, which founded humanity. In myths and according to eyewitness accounts, they are described as tall, slender people with skin as white as a plaster sculpture, blue eyes and white hair...

The question of the origin of man is discussed in many scriptures. In most cases, God is the creator of man. Who is this God?

Most people do not know the truth of their origin on this Earth, and those who know hide it to the last. Yet in our time this information is beginning to be revealed.

Hundreds of years ago, a highly developed humanoid civilization flew to our Earth from outer space. In myths and according to eyewitness accounts, they are described as tall, slender people with skin as white as a plaster sculpture, blue eyes and white hair. They fell in love with our beautiful planet and decided to create their own colony here. This is not the first planet where they founded a colony of their own kind. For them, due to the lack of pigmentation, the sun was destructive, so they decided to use genetic engineering create people adapted to the conditions of the Earth. “White people” chose the most suitable animals for the experiment - monkeys (chimpanzees and gorillas). They made several attempts to create a person most similar and intelligent to them. Previous failed experiments (Australopithecines, Neanderthals...) were destroyed by a great catastrophe.

Now we have 80% of our genes from them; from monkeys we got pigmentation, a certain structure of organs, red blood, etc. According to the structure of the body, we are animals of the earth, and everything that distinguishes us from monkeys is from the creators. They created different races: blacks, Arabs, Hindus, Indians and white people, to see which one would fit better on the planet. We are all their children, we are all one! But still, people are not entirely adapted to the conditions of the Earth.

“Ecologist Ellis Silver argues in his book that human physiology shows signs that we are not fit for this planet. Silver says humans were brought here by aliens as a fully developed species.

He bases his argument by comparing humans to other animals. He notes that the human species is especially sensitive to the sun. For example, the sun blinds us and harms our skin, and after a long tan you can get a burn. Also in the textbooks they write that during the course of “evolution” the anthropoid ape lost its hair, and man had to create clothes for himself in order not to freeze to death. This is not at all logical, because the evolution of terrestrial animals makes their body as convenient and suitable for life on the planet as possible, and not vice versa!

He also points out that humans have more chronic diseases than other animals. One of our problems is back pain, which may mean we evolved on a planet with lower gravity. “We are all chronically ill,” says Silver. “Can you really find one person who is 100% healthy?...”

Slavic and Indian legends said that when the “gods” arrived on Earth, it was already inhabited by an intelligent civilization. This civilization developed during the time of the dinosaurs and existed for millions of years. The inhabitants of that civilization were similar to both people and lizards at the same time, they had high growth, athletic build, skin like a snake, large, floor-length red eyes with a vertical pupil and a small ridge from the forehead and along the spine. Their cities were located underground at depths of 2-8 kilometers. They did not agree with the settlement of a new intelligent race on the surface of the Earth, and a war for the Earth broke out between the “white people” and the reptilian civilization. During which many nuclear strikes were launched on the planet.

“In the first book by A.V. Koltypin's "Vanished Inhabitants of the Earth" mentions the episode - great battle white gods with snake people.

...gods and snake demons fought on earth and in the sky. Moreover, the main battles between them took place in the air. The gods used flying machines, which were then widespread among the inhabitants of Hyperborea. “Gods” and demon-snakes used in the battle among themselves some kind of weapon, terrible in terms of destructive power and consequences - nuclear or other, currently unknown. Probably, from its use throughout the earth, iridium anomalies were left, confined to a thin layer of boundary clays at the boundary of the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods.

According to Slavic and Indian legends, then in a bloody battle between the gods and snake people, during which the “earth was split” and “the whole earth was mixed with blood, drops of blood on every pebble,” the “white gods” won, and the snake demons went to live underground. The victorious gods remained on earth and populated it with their creations - people..."

The wars between our creators and the snake people continued and the times of dominance sometimes changed. The mythology of the ancient Mayans, Aztecs, China, India, and Egypt mentions lizard-like gods, whom they worshiped and sometimes made sacrifices.

“The traditions of the Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs and other ancient inhabitants of Central America and Mexico, as well as Egyptian traditions, are full of references to serpentine gods. They quite rarely describe these gods, however, they almost always endow them with such attributes that it is impossible not to guess about their serpentine or reptilian nature. This is, first of all, one of the main gods of the Mayans and Toltecs, Kukulkan - the “winged serpent”. And also one of the most popular gods of the Toltecs, Aztecs and other peoples of Central America from the Olmec era (XII-VI centuries BC) Quetzalcoatl - “snake covered with green feathers”, “precious father of snakes, sweeping away roads” or simply "feathered serpent"

The reptilian civilization left many artifacts on the surface of the Earth, the most noticeable of which are the pyramids, built in large numbers in different parts of the world. Scientists still cannot understand how the people of that time built these monumental structures without the use of high technologies, which we have not yet mastered. The snake people had a cult of pyramids, any ground-based building had a pyramidal shape, and even on Mars they exist. Also, some ships of this civilization are shaped like a pyramid. According to eyewitnesses, such ships reach 15-20 meters in width, glow or camouflage, becoming translucent.

In the continuation of the wars for the Earth, life on Mars, which was also inhabited by snake people, was destroyed, after which power was again replaced by the civilization of “white people”. From that time to the present day global wars did not have.

After winning the war for Earth, our Creators established their own rules, the main one of which was “no interference” in the development of people, both for the reptilian race and for others.

However, sometimes this rule is broken, and I kidnap people for a while for experiments. There are many eyewitnesses among the people, but they remain silent, fearing that they will be considered crazy.

Konstantin Severinov, an expert in molecular biology, explains how linguists have helped biologists discover where humanity comes from, who mitochondrial Eve is, and whether she met Adam

Genetic name

In order to analyze where people come from, you can use, oddly enough, not genealogical, but linguistic approaches - the procedure for finding the root of living people and life on Earth in general is very similar to the procedure for determining the root of some modern languages ​​belonging to the same group .

Every individual- living now or who lived previously - from the point of view of genetics can be considered as a very long text. This text is our genome. This genetic message consists of a simple language - the language of deoxyribonucleic acid, the alphabet of which contains only four letters: A, G, C and T. Using these letters, a text is approximately three billion letters long, arranged in a certain order. In this text it is written in genetic language that this is, for example, Kostya Severinov or someone else. Three billion letters is a lot, as many letters would be contained in a book a thousand times larger than War and Peace.

It is obvious that we are all not only more or less similar, but also different. This difference is due to the fact that among the three billion letters that make up the genome of each individual person, there are a number of differences. The number of such "typos" between any two human individuals is approximately 0.1% of total number letters That is, between two specific individuals there will be a difference of approximately three million positions.

African origins of man

If we take a genetic text that says that this is, for example, a chimpanzee, then there will also be about three billion letters, but the number of differences between the average chimpanzee and the average human will not be 0.1%,
as between people, but 1%. However, overall the text is still very similar. The genetic text of other mammals will be more different, but will still be very similar to ours.

The genomes of various organisms are now being determined every day.
and are compared with each other. The approach is identical to how linguists search for the root of, say, Slavic languages. They compare languages ​​and highlight the most similar ones. So, Ukrainian is more similar to Russian than everyone
of them individually is similar to Czech. In this way, family trees are built, on which the tongues coming out are shown in the form of branches.
from a common root, and the closer the branches are to each other, the closer the languages ​​that are designated by these branches. Geneticists also build such trees, and in an interesting way It turns out that the genetic tree of life has one root.

It is more convenient to compare genetic texts of people if you use small sections of DNA several thousand letters long, which are located in special organelles of our cells called mitochondria. Mitochondria and the DNA contained in them are passed on only through the maternal line. That is, we get our mitochondria from our mother, our mothers get them from their mothers, and so on. If we start comparing these texts, it turns out that greatest variety mitochondrial DNA, greatest number“typos” in these similar texts are concentrated in Africa, somewhere where modern Ethiopia is. That is, people there are the most diverse. And in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and Oceania they are more similar to each other - often more similar than the inhabitants of neighboring African villages.

The simplest explanation for this unexpected fact is that ancient people originally lived and evolved (that is, became more diverse and acquired typo mutations in their DNA) in Africa,
and then some small groups of these people, who were only a small part general diversity, emerged (or perhaps were expelled) from their original habitat and eventually spread across the planet, first populating Europe, then Asia and Oceania, and then the Americas.

A closer analysis shows that there were several such exoduses from Africa. Gradually, the descendants of these people changed and accumulated additional typo mutations. But still, they all as a group represented only a small subset of all that genetic diversity, all those typos that came out of the original place. On the other hand, the typos that the settlers acquired were absent in Africa itself - after all, the likelihood of independently obtaining the same typo is very small.

Locomotion of animals. Photograph by Eadweard Muybridge. 1880s The Metropolitan Museum of Art

What was Eva like?

The fact that we all come from Africa is beyond any doubt, but the exact answer to the question of when this exodus or exoduses occurred is not entirely clear. But in any case, the migration began no earlier than one hundred and fifty thousand years ago. This estimate is derived from the concept of Mitochondrial Eve, which itself has nothing to do with the fact that we are all from Africa, but states that all the mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA of living people can be traced back to a single woman who lived in Africa for about a hundred years. fifty thousand years ago.

As already mentioned, mitochondria are inherited through the maternal line, that is, only the mother gives mitochondria to both boys and girls. Let's do a little mental experiment: let's look at all the multitude of people who now live on the planet - every man and every woman, of course, had a mother, and it is easy to understand that the number of mothers who gave birth to all people is less than the number of people who are now living. Moving in this way from each generation to the previous one, we will gradually reduce the number of mothers needed to produce the next generation, and, moving along such a cone, we will very quickly come to the conclusion that there had to be one and only one woman, - this is the so-called mitochondrial Eve, whose mitochondria served as the source of all people living today, and she lived one hundred and fifty thousand years ago.

Of course, we don’t know what she was like, this Eve, but we know what mitochondrial DNA she had, what her DNA sequence was, just as we know about the Proto-Indo-European language not because someone speaks it now, but because , that it can be reconstructed from modern languages ​​that originate from it. It is important to understand that Eva was by no means the only woman of her time and did not stand out among her contemporaries in any way. She was neither more beautiful nor more sexy, productive or intelligent than other women of her time. All we know is that she had at least two daughters, and one of the daughters had a mistake, a typo in the mitochondrial DNA, so that it became different from her sister's mitochondrial DNA, and each of the sisters left female descendants who, in turn, had daughters.

Meeting of Adam and Eve

The question naturally arises about a man to whom all humanity can be reduced. He is called, accordingly, Adam. The exact same situation arises with him: from a school biology course we know that a boy can only receive the Y chromosome from his dad. And just as we bring out Eve, we can bring out Adam. This is a certain man who, on the direct paternal line, is the source of all Y chromosomes in all living men. But if you calculate when this person lived, it turns out to be about fifty thousand years ago. That is, Eve is older than Adam. This is explained by the fact that a man can have more children than a woman, which allows the Y chromosome to spread faster than mitochondrial DNA. Adam, too, was not famous for anything special, he is simply the source of the Y chromosomes of all men living today.

Locomotion of animals. Photograph by Eadweard Muybridge. 1880s The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Single-celled ancestor

In general, Adams and Eves, that is, founders, can be found for any of the approximately thirty thousand genes that each of us has. Only a tiny fraction of these genes are found on the Y chromosome and in the mitochondrion. The founders—perhaps it would be more accurate to call them common ancestors—of our various genes are located at different depths in time. The common ancestor of our genes, responsible for some blood groups, lived before our ancestors diverged from the apes, that is, the corresponding Adam, let's call him the Rh factor Adam, is much older than both the Y-chromosomal Adam and the mitochondrial Eve. And there are genes whose common ancestor is the ancestor of all life forms on Earth. This single-celled creature lived about three and a half billion years ago, and its name is LUCA (from the English Last Universal Common Ancestor - “last universal common ancestor”). That is, all living beings on the planet have a common root, and we are relatives of all living things. 

Light Trinity – Essence, Substance and Life

Christianity brought to modern times the concept of the Holy Trinity, the constituent parts of which are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This trinity reflects reality with absolute accuracy and speaks of the existence of the god of the children of Israel - Yahweh, his son, who became the god of Christians - Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit - the energy-information field. But the canonical explanation of the Christian Trinity goes beyond the reality we have outlined and squeezes it into more ancient, pagan ideas:

“There is One God - the Father of the living Word, self-existent wisdom, One Lord, God from God - the image and expression of the Divinity, and One Holy Spirit, who comes from God and appears through the Son.
The difference between the Persons of the Holy Trinity is as follows: God the Father is not born and does not come from another Person; The Son of God is eternally born from the Father; The Holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father.
The Three Hypostases or Persons of the Eternal Trinity are of absolutely equal Divine dignity.”
Pagan religion speaks quite specifically about the Holy Trinity. The most understandable explanation of its essence is given in the texts of the ancient Indian Upanishads:
“He who continually creates worlds is threefold. He is Brahma - the father; he is Maya - Mother; he is Vishnu - the Son. Essence, Substance and Life. Each contains the other two, and all three are one in the Unnamed.”
"The sacred syllable AUM", the Vedic Trimutri, the Egyptian Osiris with Isis and their son Horus - this is the Holy Trinity of different regions of antiquity, personifying the same physical phenomenon. In English, German and Russian, the word “table” is pronounced differently, but this does not change the thing itself.So in pagan religion - no matter what the Holy Trinity is called, it characterizes the trinity of the universe: the matter of the Universe - the essence, the totality of the antineutrinos of the Universe - substance and their generation - the energy-information field that creates life. All together - this is the Unnamed One, whose name is the Creator.
The Christian religion, trying to attach its Trinity to the pagan Trinity, makes a mistake. It lies in an incorrect assessment of the essence of Yahweh and his son Jesus Christ.
The understanding of the Holy Trinity came to paganism from antediluvian civilization and was preserved for a long time by the priests of pagan religions. That is why all the ancient peoples of the world had clear ideas about the Creator. But the closer society came to modernity, the more the essence inherent in the pagan religion moved away from people. Knowledge of the physical essence of deities was lost and they all became simply gods, whom their ancestors worshiped for some unknown reason.
Now it is difficult for us to understand on what the omnipotence of the ancient Indian god Indra was based. And it was based on the knowledge that he personified the force of gravity. Similarly, the physical essence of all the gods of pagan religions was consigned to oblivion.

The transformation of ideas about deities is the result of the loss of ancient knowledge by people who survived the flood

Thus, the transformation did not follow the path of improving ideas about the Creator and the deities of antiquity - there was an emasculation of the elements of knowledge about them. The Apostle Paul pointed out the degradation and eclipse of truth. The process of loss of knowledge was global, clear scientific ideas turned into “legends of deep antiquity” and became incomprehensible to anyone.
“700 years before the birth of Christ,- writes E.P. Blavatsky, - in the schools of Pythagoras, the doctrine of the true movement of the earth, its shape and the whole heliocentric system was taught, and in 317 AD Lactinius, the mentor of Crips Caesar, son of Constantine the Great, taught his student that the earth is flat, this plane is surrounded by the sky, which consists of fire and water".
A. Men said that in religious - historical process there were two opposite paths: the path from God and the path to God. His statement is wrong: there was only one way - from God.The loss of ancient knowledge is natural, and this pattern follows from the degradation of the descendants of people who survived the flood. It is characteristic of the entire period of existence of modern civilization, starting from the moment of its inception. The same pattern is the emergence of modern world religions. They arose during a period of virtually complete loss of knowledge, and even under the influence on people’s consciousness external factors.
The Bible is one of the books of antiquity that speaks of God in human form. It contains many moments of personal communication between Yahweh and individual representatives of the chosen people. Long time: from the time of Abraham until about 700 BC, he looked after the Jews and guided them on the true path. Jesus Christ continued the work of his father, in appearance no different from his earthly environment.

Were the deities gods?

None of the representatives of science and religion fact of existence personal gods was not interested, and therefore no one tried to expose this most important aspect modern religions critical analysis. It is not clear why the Almighty God, who created and is responsible for the entire Universe, pays personal attention to the smallest particle in the world of stars - planet Earth. Even more incomprehensible is his attitude towards the planet's population. God, before whom everyone should be equal, leaves the peoples of the world to the mercy of fate and chooses, unknown on what grounds, the only one. And considering that, as religion claims, he personally created Adam and Eve and is the progenitor of all humanity, his partiality is absolutely illogical and unfair. There is no doubt about the reliability of the Bible texts about the communication of people with God. Doubts arise only in who the Jewish tribes deified and who was called by this word. Already one acquaintance with the tests describing the descent of Yahweh to earth makes one doubt the divine essence of the one who descended from heaven:
“On the third day, when morning came, there were thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very strong sound of a trumpet... And Mount Sinai smoked because that the Lord descended on her in fire; and the smoke rose from it like the smoke of a furnace. And the sound of the trumpet grew stronger and stronger.”.
After all the thunder, fire and smoke, the “house of God” remained standing on the mountain.It should be obvious even to a person without imagination: the text contains a description of the landing of a spacecraft.And now the roar of engines, fire and smoke escaping from the nozzle are constant attributes of the takeoff of the “houses” in which the equipment and members of space expeditions are located.
The word “house” means a structure for protection from external factors. The use by God of the ancient Jews of a spaceship for protection from the space he himself created is in no way compatible with the concept of God - the Creator of all things. For him, any environment he creates must be suitable for habitation. But for all other living beings, whose body functions by adapting to certain conditions, the influence of factors other than these conditions is destructive. They need isolation from the external environment.
Thus, the “house of God” that descended on Mount Sinai could only be used by intelligent beings representing one of the forms of organic life in the Universe.
There is no doubt: the biblical “sons of God”, the ancient Indian “celestials” and the god Yahweh are representatives of the same group of intelligent beings who laid the foundation for the human race. The memory of them was preserved for a long time by almost all peoples of the world. The inhabitants of Babylon and Egypt called them kings, the ancient Chinese - emperors, the Greeks and Plato - gods, the natives of America - the sons of the Sun, the Persians - the sons of Wisdom. The Hindus were closest to the truth, calling them “celestials.” But how would the peoples ancient world they weren't namedall of them are representatives of extraterrestrial civilization.
The leading religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam call Yahweh the Most High God, i.e. they see him as the supreme deity of the Universe. A Old Testament- the basis of these religions, does not agree with this formulation of the question. It says that Yahweh was never the Most High God, there is an elder above him and there are many like him. To understand what has been said, it is enough to think about one of his texts:
“You loved righteousness and hated iniquity, therefore Your God has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions» .
All this happens after the “house of God” has ascended into heaven, i.e. after the return of a space expedition of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization to their home planet. The semantic content of the text is that the ruler of the planet of celestials singled out Yahweh from all members of the expedition, recognizing his activities on Earth as the most successful.

In Turkmenistan, the mystery of the origin of human culture on all continents of planet Earth has been revealed and scientifically confirmed. As the Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Turkmenistan, academician, professor of geophysics and geology Odek Odekov found out, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Ainu, the Sumerians, and even the Scandinavians descended from the ancient Turkmens - and even, in fact, themselves were ancient Turkmens, who Migrating to Europe, Asia and America, they generously brought their high culture, knowledge and civilization to the world. The world originally owes almost everything that humanity has today to the ancient Turkmens - simply because they existed.

“Fergana” managed to read two books by Odekov. The first is called “We are Asians, Aryans, Turkmen”, the second is “Traces of the Turkmen on Earth”. These are collections of articles that were published after Turkmenistan gained independence. Surprisingly, this literature is “secret”; the author does not allow books into open sale, and if he gives it to someone to read, then he demands to return the copy, so both great books have the status of travel restrictions in Turkmenistan. Most likely, the author fears for the mental health of the Turkmens, who will probably be overwhelmed with joy after learning the truth. But why are these great scientific discoveries are hiding from their foreign comrades - it’s unclear. After all, if the world learns about its true ancestors, it will begin to respect Turkmenistan not only for gas, but in general - for everything, everything, everything.

The books report that the author, Odek Odekov, is an Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Turkmenistan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Professor of Geophysics and Geology, and an internationally recognized scientist in the field of global seismology, geotectonics, and oil and gas geology. And the articles collected in both collections are “the result of many years of serious research ancient history Turkmen and ethnolinguistics, who have received recognition from scientists - linguists, historians and archaeologists." Moreover, as the author writes, some of these articles “were written and presented at scientific conferences, meetings with scientists, cultural and artistic figures, and some received rave reviews in manuscripts.”

We're delighted too, honestly. And we offer the readers of Fergana a brief - very brief - listing of Odekov’s unprecedented discoveries.

“Turkmen” is also “tu-ku-man” in China

To begin with, here is a small example that substantiates the Turkmen origin of the Chinese. “In 50 thousand Chinese characters there are signs that express the word “Turkmen” without complex transformations. These are the three Chinese characters “tu”, “ku” and “man”, which separately, respectively, express the concepts of “earth”, “pantry”, “warehouse” and “beautiful”, which, of course, was not invented by Sinologists specifically to express two-syllable ethnonym "Turkmen".

Odekov believes that the ethnonym “Turk” came from the “ethimon “teke”, which was transformed over more than one millennium into “Turk”. Further, Odekov proves the primogeniture of the etymon “teke,” which arose, as he writes, in “the era of totemism - in the fifth civilization of mankind, Altyn-Depe (IV-III millennium BC).” It is interesting that world historical science dates Altyn-Depe to 2300-1900. BC. - but what does this matter to Odekov, who confidently juggles dates?

It is important that the ruling clan in Turkmenistan, to which the president belongs, is from the “Teke” tribe, from which all “Turks” began. Odekov provides a scientific basis for the rule of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - this is not only the sincere choice of the people, but also a right enshrined historically.

The “Gekteke” tribe, whose name was supposedly previously translated as “blue Turks”, Odekov “re-deciphers” into “blue rams”, which in ancient times, in the era of totemism, was worshiped by the tribe, and such rams were discovered by the academician: “In the book of V. Sivers , in the section describing the fauna Central Asia, refers to a wild sheep, the blue goat (ovis nabhor), similar to the Alpine rock sheep, considered a special species of Psendois and representing a cross between a sheep and a goat.” Odekov finds traces of the worship of “blue rams” all over the world, in almost all ancient cultures: from images of rams, ram or goat horns, to ancient Chinese characters and - yes, yes! - constellation "Aries". For Odekov, there is no doubt: the worship of the “blue ram” proves the origin of all these civilizations from the Turkmen tribe “Gekteke”.

On the other hand, why not? As Dovlatov wrote about cows, “however, I don’t know them well...”

How-how did Zarathustra say?

Who created the Avesta, from which the world learned about Zoroastrianism? Who was Zarathustra? Funny question. Of course, he was a Turkmen, and Zoroastrianism originated in Turkmenistan, namely in Nisa. Proof? Please. Odekov: “The three main buildings of the Southern complex of Nisa were associated with Zoroastrian cults, which included heroic aspects... A tradition developed here to honor their deified kings and heroes who became famous in battles. The ideas of sanctified power and God’s chosen ruler were not so much the result of borrowing from the Greeks, but rather arose as a result of the development of local proto-Turkmen ideological systems based on Holy Bible- Avesta."

More proof. “I.N. Khlopin, continuing the concept expressed and substantiated in his numerous works about Southern Turkmenistan as the ancestral home of the Aryans, provides additional data supporting this concept. At the same time, based on an analysis of the Avesta and a comparison of the results obtained with some ancient sources (unfortunately, without reference to specific sources - O.O.), he came to the important conclusion that the prophet Zarathushtra came from Southern Turkmenistan.”

Odekov himself does not provide any references to sources, he only juggles the names of famous archaeologists and historians. It is impossible to check quotes or clarify what the great Masson or Pugachenkova actually meant. On the other hand, who needs to double-check this? Yes, there is evidence at every step: for example, it is in Turkmenistan that the same “haoma” plant that was mentioned in the Avesta grows. “This is the Turkmen mandrake, discovered and described by the botanist O.F. Mizgireva.”

And how can one not believe that Zarathustra was a Turkmen, if the connection of times is so obvious: “25 long centuries after Zarathustra, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great was born on the sacred land of Turkmenistan, who created the spiritual constitution of the ancient Turkmen ethnic group “Rukhnama”, which triumphantly spread throughout the countries and continents of the Earth."

Hurray, comrades.

And the Scandinavians are also ours

Odekov: “According to Scandinavian mythology, recognized as historical truth, the deified founders of Iceland and Norway Odin and Thor led their people out of the country located east of the Don. And before that, their main residence, Asgard (Osgard), was located east of the Caspian Sea and is described in Icelandic myths and songs about the gods.”

Of course, this Asgard is ancient Parthia with Nysa, which was once called “the country of the Aesir, i.e. Asgard, and later this name was forgotten."

And here Odekov makes a discovery: the Scandinavian Odin (the supreme god in German-Scandinavian mythology) and Zarathustra are “one and the same person, especially since chronologically the legend about Asgard and the gods Aesir coincides with the era of the birth of Zoroastrianism, and the Parthian kingdom is cultural heritage Asgard." Without stooping to explain how it was possible to solve the unsolvable historical problem of accurately dating the Younger Edda and Avesta, Odekov goes further: “Recognition of the identity of the personalities of Zoroaster and Odin allows us to date the birth of Asgard to at least the second half of the 6th century BC. e., since the year of birth of Zarathushtra-Odin dates back to 588 BC, i.e. first half of the century."

And considering that Zarathustra, who came to northern Europe under the name of Odin, was a Turkmen, we can safely say that all Scandinavians were Turkmen in the past. “In the ethnogenesis of the Scandinavian peoples and in the emergence of their states (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark), our great ancestors, the Turkmen Oguzes, played a large role,” writes Odekov.

I don’t even know who to congratulate more.

Sumerians from the "Bad Places"

Turkmen was the ancient tribe of the Massagetae, whose queen Tomyris, as Herodotus told us, defeated the Persian Cyrus. Why? Because “numerous scientists” think so, whose names are not disclosed - apparently due to their large numbers. “Summarizing the statements of numerous scientists, it can be argued that the overwhelming majority of them classified and classifies the Massagetae as Turkmen-speaking tribes,” writes Odekov.

But the biggest surprise is the Turkmen origin of the ancient Sumerians, which is proven “in the most correct and shortest way” - “deciphering the name.” The course of evidence is as follows. First. “Sumerians” comes from the name “Siberia,” which in turn, “according to many authorities,” comes from the Turkic-speaking Savir tribe. Second. “All Turkic people in prehistoric times spoke a slightly distorted Turkmen language.” Third. “Sumer” - both in meaning and sound coincides with the modern Turkmen words “noise” and “er”, meaning both in its original meaning and in today’s translation “fatal, fatal (noise) place” and “land (er )". “Moreover, the Turkmen phrase “shum er” is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable, and in the Assyrian chronicles “sumer” is also pronounced with the stress on the same syllable,” says the brilliant Turkmen scholar.

Here I could not stand it and read this fragment about “emphasis in the Assyrian chronicles” to my 15-year-old daughter, who studies in the humanities class of one of the best schools Moscow. She burst out laughing. “What emphasis? - she sobbed. - What syllables?! The Sumerians actually had cuneiform writing!”

And then I doubted that I had chosen the right school for my child. “Many authorities” and “numerous scholars” cannot be so powerfully mistaken. Especially when it comes to “black spots”. “The place inhabited by the Sumerians is indeed disastrous, since the air temperature is between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. reaches + 50°C with 100 percent humidity,” writes Odekov, one of the “numerous”. - In addition, Mesopotamia is subject to relatively frequent destructive floods, which is also an equally compelling reason for classifying it as a fatal place. And it is no coincidence that a prominent place in the beliefs of the Sumerians was occupied by the myth of the flood and the only person who escaped the flood - the wise Ziusudra. From the Sumerians this legend passed on to the Babylonians and Assyrians, who successively succeeded each other in this region, and from them to the Semitic tribes.” Well, what other proof do you need?

“Decoding the name of the Sumerian civilization based on a similar approach allows us to draw a conclusion about the genetic relationship ancient peoples, who lived in the country of Sumeria (modern Iraq) and in Altyn-Depe (Southern Turkmenistan), indicating that modern Turkmens are direct descendants of the Saggig people who lived in Sumeria and the tribes that created the Altyp-Depe civilization,” writes Odekov.

Incas, Ainu and Aztecs

The Turkmen are related to the Ainu, who lived in the Far East. Why? It's simple. The ancient Ainu worshiped a female deity who symbolized fertility. But “most experts” claim that the ancestors of modern Ainu were not familiar with agriculture and cattle breeding. Then where did they get the cult of the female deity that the ancient Turkmens had? From there, the Ainu, who are actually Turkmen, suddenly stopped farming, but “paid tribute to their former customs.”

There is another unconditional proof of the relationship between the Ainu and ancient Turkmen: “in the publications of the Polish meteorologist and historian B.O. Pilsudski, who lived for more than 18 years in the Far East (1892 - 1910), of which 14 years he was in contact and studied Ainu language and folklore, it was noted that (attention! - ed) that the Ainu sit in Turkish, that is, in Turkmen, and their religion reveals traces of the fire cult and the cult of ancestors" (and we will never forget who Zarathustra was) .

There is another proof of the relationship between the Ainu and Turkmen: in Ainu folklore the pinni (ash) tree is mentioned. This ash tree is called “dagdan agach” among the Turkmens, and is considered a “sacred “amulet” against the evil eye and damage. And its Ainu name - “pinni” - is close in sound to the modern Turkmen word rena (foam), meaning “shelter, protection, patronage,” reflecting the essence of the amulet tree.”

Why dwell in such detail on the relationship between the Ainu and Turkmens? Yes, because the Ainu are the descendants of the Turkmens, “who were sent to “explore” and develop new lands, where they brought their culture, customs and language from their original homeland.” But the main thing is that the Ainu are the ancestors of Indian tribes who, having settled in the Far East, came to America. “According to one version, the most ancient people who settled the American continent are the indigenous inhabitants of the Japanese islands, the Ainu, who arrived there 15 thousand years ago. At the same time, the descendants of the Ainu are the Indians of the Iroquois and Sioux tribes,” the scientist quotes the Mayak radio station’s broadcast. Quite a source for the “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Turkmenistan” and academician.

So, without going into details, let’s just say: America was discovered by the Turkmens. Or rather, they settled it, turning into Indian tribes and bringing to America culture, the skill of building houses, the tradition of naming cities in honor of rulers and, of course, language.

Using the Turkmen language, Odekov easily deciphers the language of the ancient Incas and also easily proves the Turkmen origin of Indian tribes. Here, for example, is an excellent linguistic research. “The name of the Peruvian lake in the Inca-Quechua language is Titicaca, and the place where the Inca treasures are buried is called Paititi. Each of these words consists of two: "Titi + kaka" and "Pai + titi", in which the common word "titi" appears. In colloquial Turkmen language, this word (titi) means “pure”, “pure”. The second word in the name of Lake Titicaca - “kaka” - is also found in the modern Turkmen language: “kak” is a place of accumulation clean water. Thus, the Quechuan-Turkmen name of Lake Titicaca is absolutely identical and means “a place of accumulation of clean water,” or Titicaca for short. In the word “Paititi”, “pay” in Turkmen means “share”, “part”, which in combination with the word “titi” means “pure share”. Obviously, the Incas put a certain share (share) of their treasures in reserve, as all states that create their own gold and foreign exchange or stabilization funds do now,” academician Odekov appropriately sums up.

“Concluding the presentation of the results of my research and discoveries in Incology (yes, Incology, and before there was Sumerology - ed.), we can say with all certainty that in the ethnogenesis of the Inca-Quechuan tribes, the ancient Turkmens played the main and dominant role, and the Inca civilization , the Incan Empire is their product, decorating the history of mankind,” writes the great scientist.

The kinship of the Aztecs and the Turkmen tribe “Teke” is also easily proven. “The Aztecs and Huastecs are a single people with the self-name Vasteque, with common roots going back to their original homeland - the flowering valley of Vas in northern Turkmenistan,” writes Odekov. Proof? How many you want. Take, for example, the boomerang: “No one doubts that the original home of the boomerang is Asia, from where it came to Australia and the American continent.” So what, you ask. Nothing. Odekov believes that this is proof.

Miserable fate

It is a pity that Odekov’s books have not yet said anything about the Australian aborigines, but we hope that the Turkmen were the first to set foot on the green continent (by default).

It is a pity that Odekov’s books are not available to the general reader, although they are published with the unconditional approval of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences.

I also feel sorry for this illiterate Academy. It’s a pity for science, which no longer exists in Turkmenistan.

And it’s a pity for the Turkmens, who deserve a much better fate.
