Infectious mononucleosis code according to ICD 10. What kind of disease is mononucleosis and how to treat it. What is mononucleosis

On the shelves of pharmacy chains, parents of children suffering from a runny nose can find a lot of different remedies to eliminate the existing problem. The drugs have different effects: antiseptic, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, vasoconstrictor, and so on. But all of them should be used only on the recommendation of the treating doctor.

It is worth mentioning separately about saline solutions. They are also available in a wide range. The main difference between them and other drugs is that such drugs can be used independently and for quite a long time. Today's article will tell you about one of them. The medicine "Humer" has long won the trust of consumers; it is in high demand.

Types and description of medicine

The instructions for the drug “Humer” (for children and adults) are positioned as safe remedy to eliminate a runny nose, prevent it and moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose. There are several options for this medication on the market. Each contains a solution of sterile sea water. The medicine is sold without a prescription. You can choose from the following medications:

  • Children's "Humer" (spray) 150 ml.
  • Product for adults in small and large bottles (50 and 150 ml).
  • "Humer" red (instructions for children allow the use this remedy only from three months).
  • “Humer Monodose” - 5 ml bottles for children from birth.

Is it possible to use the drug without a doctor’s prescription and in what cases is it necessary?

You already know that you can purchase the drug “Humer” at absolutely any pharmacy without a special prescription. Instructions for children and adults permit the prophylactic use of the medication and the use of a solution with therapeutic purpose. Humer is prescribed to infants and older children for the following indications:

  • rhinitis (vasomotor, allergic, infectious);
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, accompanied by swelling and thick secretion;
  • adenoids;
  • dry nose and irritation;
  • contact with dust, allergens and chemical compounds(inhalation);
  • surgical interventions (for the purpose of cleansing and preventing infection).

Contraindications and unexpected reactions

In most cases, when used correctly, Humer is well received by children. Instructions for use for children (newborns) do not recommend using solutions intended for adults. Such products can only be used after 3 months. For infants, it is preferable to prescribe children's spray or Humer in ampoules. The instructions (for children the most important thing is safety) must be carefully studied before use. Please note that contraindications include hypersensitivity. What does it mean? If your baby has an intolerance saline solutions and sea water, then you should avoid using this type of medicine.

There are usually no side effects during treatment. But if your child has an allergy or dry nose, you should postpone using the medication and consult a doctor. Some consumers and doctors refer to side effects otitis. Indeed, if used incorrectly, a solution of sea water under pressure enters the ear canal. As you know, in children it is very wide and short. This leads to inflammation. Consult your doctor to choose further tactics.

"Humer": instructions for children and application diagram

The medication is intended for nasal administration. The drug is often used in the treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis and other diseases. At the same time, it is combined with other medicines. How to use the solution correctly? First, you need to cleanse the nasal passages with Humer and only then administer medications.

For children who cannot yet sit, the procedure is performed in a lying position. Place the baby on the left side and spray the mixture into the right nostril. After this, lift the child and allow the solution to flow out of the spout. Similar action repeat on the left. Frequency of use during treatment colds can range from 4 to 8 times a day. If you are afraid of overdoing it, you can choose Humer Monodose. Instructions for children recommend using 5 ml at a time. Therefore, you will not be mistaken with the amount of the drug.

After six months, children are given the medication in the same way as adults. Tilt your child's head over the sink and spray at a slight angle. Don't be afraid to insert the spout too deeply. The existing limiter will not allow you to do this.

“Humer” eliminates swelling and helps remove the contents of the nasal passages. Thanks to its composition, the drug well moisturizes the mucous membrane and helps maintain its normal healthy condition. Humer Monodose drops can be used, spray - for children over 1 month. A special nozzle is put on both forms, which allows you to spray the drug for the required period of time.

Instructions for use

When using the product for children under 2 years of age, the child should be placed on his side, carefully insert the tip into the nasal passage, and inject the drug for 2-3 seconds. After this, the child needs to be turned over to the other side and the procedure repeated. The drug must be administered into the upper nasal passage: when the child is lying on the right side, the medicine should be applied into left nostril, and vice versa.

After using the product, the child should be held upright so that the liquid can come out of the nose freely. The resulting discharge should be removed with a napkin. Parents need to pay attention that the drug should not be administered when the child's head is tilted back, since in this case the medicine will get into the throat.

For children who can sit independently, the drug should be administered with their head tilted to the side. The procedure is carried out in a similar way: the drug is injected into the upper nasal passage. After using the product, you should also keep your head straight, removing any fluid flowing from the nose with a handkerchief.

Use Humer drops or spray for children in for preventive purposes should be 1-3 times a day. During acute epidemics, the frequency of use of the product can be increased to 6 times a day. It is recommended to cleanse the nose before eating. The handpiece should be rinsed after each use. warm water with soap.

Increasingly to combat nasal congestion and runny nose of various etiologies Experts recommend the drug Humer.

The main advantage of the product is its ability to influence the body in such a way that it independently restores free breathing.

Another factor that attracts patients and doctors is its hypoallergenicity, which is very important for the treatment of infants and pregnant women.

Using Humer you do not have to worry about the risk of complications and side effects.


Active ingredient: mineral enriched concentrated (undiluted) sea ​​water.

Humer is a natural sea water rich in minerals and useful microelements, which, after certain filtration and processing measures, is identical to the plasma composition of blood.

This explains the completely natural effect in the patient’s body, which does not cause negative consequences.

The valuable components of the drug have beneficial effects, which include:

  • liquefaction of secretions;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • relief of nasal breathing.

ABOUT positive qualities reviews say about the drug ordinary people, who have already tried Humer's action on themselves. Reviews can be read at the end of the article.

Widespread use of Humera in allergic diseases due to its ability to cleanse the nasal mucosa from external irritants that cause allergies: particles of wool, fluff, pollen, dust, etc.

As a result of using the drug, there is a significant decrease in inflammation and increased immunity.

Indications for use

  • moisturizing the mucous membrane during prolonged stay in conditions of low humidity;
  • cleansing the mucous membrane of microscopic particles from environment(dust, pollen, etc.);
  • as preventive measures during the season of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Except hygiene measures Humer is appointed as additional therapy at:

  • inflammation of the nasopharynx, maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity in diseases of acute and chronic course;
  • enlargement of nasopharyngeal/pharyngeal tonsils in children (adenoid hypertrophy);
  • rehabilitation after surgery on the nasopharynx.

Release form

Humer is sold in 3 forms:

  • spray for babies in 150 ml bottles (1 bottle per package);
  • spray for children and adults in 150 ml bottles (1 bottle per package);
  • drops in 5 ml polymer bottles (18 pcs per package).

The cylinders are equipped with a special nozzle for convenient injection of the drug into the nasal cavity.

Mode of application


To administer the drug into the baby's nose, he must be placed on his right side. Attach the nozzle to the bottle with the product (included in the kit) and carefully insert the tip up to the safety collar into the left nostril. Injection should be carried out for 2-3 seconds.

Turn the baby onto his right side and do the same steps with the left nostril.

After carrying out the manipulations, hold the child’s head straight so that the product flows out of the nasal passages freely. Wipe off any leaking liquid with a sanitary napkin or soft tissue.

When using the drug for children under 12 months, it is necessary to monitor the position of the baby's head. It is forbidden to carry out the procedure if the child’s head is thrown back - the risk of liquid getting into the throat increases sharply, which can cause asphyxia.

Children over 1 year old, adults

Sit or place the child in a position that is comfortable for him. Tilting the child's head to the left, inject the drug into the right nostril, then tilt the head to the right and treat the left nasal passage.

For adults, the procedure is exactly the same.


Preventive actions

For medicinal purposes

Unless otherwise prescribed by a specialist, the dosage of Humera as an additional remedy next:

  • 1-7 years: 2 doses/drops every 8 hours;
  • 7-16 years: 2 doses/drops every 4-6 hours;
  • 16 years and older: 2-3 doses/drops every 3-4 hours.

The duration of the course of treatment is usually 15-30 days, with a break between courses of 1 month.

When using Humer in the form of drops, you must ensure that the bottle is intact before use.

Interaction with other drugs

Humer does not have a systemic effect on the patient’s body, therefore drug interactions before today not found.

The medication can be used along with the main treatment as prescribed.


The drug is contraindicated for people sensitive to the main ingredient.

Due to the fact that the special tip on the balloon does not correspond to the morphological structures of the nasal cavity of children in the first month of life, the use of Humera for newborns is not recommended.

During pregnancy and lactation

Since Humer is natural preparation, Not causing allergies and the development of health hazards, it can be used without fear by women during pregnancy.

Side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients. Reactions in the form of burning and irritation are rare.

In very rare cases of hypersensitivity to the components of Humer can cause allergies. In this case, the use of the product must be stopped.


The shelf life of the drug is 36 months from the date of manufacture (date indicated on the bottle). Humer must be stored in dark places where the air temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.

The container with the drug should not be exposed to direct rays. It is strictly forbidden to apply any mechanical force to the cylinder (piercing, disassembling) even after it is empty.

Humer in the form of drops is stored under identical conditions. After opening the bottle, the drug is suitable for use within the next 24 hours.


average price on Russian territory:

  • Humer 150 for children - 550-650 rubles;
  • For adults - 500-600 rubles;
  • Monodose - 500-550 rub.

average price on the territory of Ukraine:

  • Humer 150 for children - 160-180 UAH;
  • For adults - 160-180 UAH;
  • Monodose - 80-100 UAH.