How to pump up side abs in the kitchen and what does lumberjacks have to do with it? How to pump up your side abs: putting together the right training. The best side press exercises and how to do them

The oblique muscles of the abdomen are located on the sides of the abs. The question of how to pump them correctly is of most interest to female representatives. Overdeveloped oblique muscles can make a manly figure, because height side press will inevitably lead to an expansion of the waist. But strong oblique muscles create a strong muscle corset that supports the spine and helps avoid injury when performing exercises with heavy weights.

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Anatomy of oblique muscles

The abs are made up of many muscles. Most athletes pay attention only to working on the straight line, which is responsible for the presence of cubes. The oblique muscles often do not receive the proper load. They are located on the sides of the abdomen and help create a defined silhouette.

The lateral muscles are divided into:

  • external (external) obliques are the largest and most noticeable;
  • internal obliques are smaller and located deeper, under the external ones.

The main purpose of the oblique muscles is to rotate the body to the right and left. In addition, they perform the following functions:

  • support the spine, creating a strong muscle corset, which protects against injury;
  • allow you to make the silhouette more toned on the sides.

Therefore, strengthening the oblique muscles is an important task for any athlete who cares about his figure and athletic performance. After all, without a strong lateral press it will not be possible to seriously increase weight in basic exercises.

Class Rules

There are several important nuances when performing oblique muscle exercises. If you don't follow them, training can only cause harm. appearance and health.

Firstly, it is worth understanding that developing side abs will not help make your tummy flat and get rid of your sides. Fat burning occurs only in a calorie deficit. To create it, you need to follow a diet and exercise (strength or cardio training). During abdominal exercises, not enough calories are consumed. Therefore, if there are body fat, the oblique muscles will simply be invisible.

Secondly, you need to take into account that the growth of the lateral press leads to an expansion of the waist. After all, this is where the oblique muscles are located. This is not so scary for men who want to have a sculpted stomach. But women should rock their obliques very carefully.

It’s quite easy for girls to “kill” their waist and lose their feminine lines, especially if they use weights when performing exercises. This mistake is often made by women, because they believe that weighting them will allow them to achieve their goal faster and remove their sides.

You must also follow these rules:

  • eat 1.5-2 hours before training, so that you do not exercise on an empty or full stomach;
  • after gymnastics, eating should follow 1-1.5 hours later.

If significant growth of oblique muscles is required, you can drink protein or gainer immediately after training.

How to quickly pump up your calves at home and in gym - effective exercises

Effective exercises

To pump up your lateral abs, you will need to regularly perform a special set of exercises.

It can be done on a separate day 1-2 times a week, or you can do a couple of oblique exercises at the end of a workout for other muscle groups.

Side crunches

The simplest exercise for beginners that can be performed at home is lateral crunches while lying on your back.


  1. 1. Lie down on the mat. Stretch your arms along the body. Bend your legs at the knees.
  2. 2. Slightly lift your upper back off the floor without lifting your shoulder blades.
  3. 3. Try to reach with the fingertips of your right hand right foot. Then - with your left hand to your left foot.

You should try to do 15-20 repetitions in 3 sets.

The neck should not strain during the execution. Otherwise, the load will transfer from the target muscles to the cervical spine.

Another option for performing the exercise is in a lying position, when you need to reach with your right elbow to your left knee, and then with your left elbow to your right knee.

Side crunches can also be done while lying on your side.


  1. 1. Lie on your right side and slightly bend your knees. Left hand, bend at the elbow, place it behind your head.
  2. 2. Then try to reach your thigh with your elbow.
  3. 3. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. 4. After completing the specified number of repetitions, roll over onto your left side.

If you have a fitball at home or in the gym, you can use it to work your oblique muscles. In this case you will need:

  1. 1. Lie on it sideways so that your waist is on the fitball.
  2. 2. You need to hold onto the ball with one hand and place the other behind your head.
  3. 3. Feet should rest firmly on the floor.
  4. 4. From this position, you need to begin performing lateral twists, trying to reach your legs with your elbow.

When performing an exercise on a fitball, you have to maintain balance. Therefore, stabilizer muscles are additionally included in the work.

Standing side bends

An effective exercise for developing the lateral abdominal muscles is bending to the sides. Most often it is done from a standing position with dumbbells.


  1. 1. Stand up straight. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. 2. Bend over first right side, and then to the left.
  3. 3. The dumbbells should slide close to your thighs.

You don't need a lot of weight for this exercise. This is especially true for girls. After all, using weights when bending over will inevitably lead to an expansion of the waist.

You can also perform the exercise on a bench. A hyperextension machine is best. You will need to stand sideways in it and fix your legs between the bolsters. Putting one hand behind your head, you need to start leaning to the sides.

This option will provide a greater range of motion, and therefore more effective muscle development.

Raising the torso and legs on the side

A more complicated variation of lateral twists - performing the exercise with straight legs. Required:

  1. 1. Lie on your right side and place your right hand behind your head. Legs should be straight
  2. 2. As you exhale, you should try to connect your elbow to your legs, while lifting them.
  3. 3. Staying at top point for 1–2 seconds, you need to return to the starting position.

This exercise is more difficult and is not suitable for beginners. Before you start doing it, you should master lateral twists without lifting your legs.

Body rotations

An exercise such as torso rotation is aimed at developing the oblique muscles. It can be performed in a sitting position with a small bar.

Correct technique:

  1. 1. Sit on a bench, cabinet or chair and place your feet firmly on the floor.
  2. 2. Place the barbell on your shoulders.
  3. 3. Turn the body as far as possible to the right. The pelvis should remain motionless.
  4. 4. Then turn to the left as far as possible.

The movements should be smooth so that you can feel the work of the target muscles.

You can also perform the exercise while standing. In this case, when turning to the right, you can slightly twist left leg. Then the amplitude of movement will be greatest.


Many people know the exercise called cycling. IN standard version it consists of alternately raising the knees and loading the rectus abdominis muscle. But if you change the movement a little, you can shift the emphasis to the side press.


  1. 1. Lie on your back and raise your legs straight above the floor.
  2. 2. Then lift your upper back off the surface so that your shoulder blades remain on the floor.
  3. 3. As you exhale, bend right leg in the knee and try to reach it with your left elbow.
  4. 4. After this, straighten your right leg and bend your left, trying to reach it with your right elbow.

This exercise should be performed continuously for 20–40 seconds at a fairly fast pace.

Side plank

To work out the side press, you can transform an exercise such as a plank. You will need to perform it standing on one leg and leaning on one hand.

Correct technique:

  1. 1. Take the starting position, leaning on your right arm and right leg.
  2. 2. Your left hand can be placed on your belt.
  3. 3. The body should be straight. You should not allow your hips to “sag” down.

Beginners can stand in this plank for only 20–30 seconds. Gradually the time needs to be increased.

Hanging lateral leg raises

If you have a horizontal bar installed at home or in the gym, you can pump up your oblique muscles with its help. To do this you will need to do hanging leg raises to the sides.


  1. 1. Hang on the bar, grasping it tightly.
  2. 2. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, first to the right and then to the left. They should be at chest level.
  3. 3. In this case, the body must be slightly twisted in the right direction.

This exercise has increased level difficulties. It's usually easier for guys to do. Girls often do not have enough grip strength to hold the weight own body.


The pendulum is another good exercise for working the oblique muscles. To complete it you need:

  1. 1. Lie on your back. Raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your shins are parallel to it.
  2. 2. Turn them to the right, twisting the pelvis. There is no need to touch the floor. The main thing is to feel the maximum stretch of the lateral press.
  3. 3. After pausing for a while, return your legs to the starting position with a powerful movement.
  4. 4. Then turn them to the left.

You can make this exercise more difficult by rotating your straight legs.


An exercise with the unusual name “Lumberjack” can be done in the gym. It is also aimed at working the oblique muscles. To perform it you will need a simulator with an upper block.

Step by step technique:

  1. 1. Stand with your right side to the upper link block and grab the handle with both hands.
  2. 2. Pull it towards your left leg.
  3. 3. Then return the handle to your right shoulder and perform the required number of repetitions.
  4. 4. Then stand to the upper block with your left side.

The movements should be powerful and chopping, like when a woodcutter is working.

You need to perform 3-4 of the exercises presented 1-2 times a week. The next workout should be planned no earlier than the muscles stop hurting.

And a little about secrets...

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Every man in his soul dreams of being a winner, of being better than others. Beautiful and sculpted abs are something that can attract absolutely all girls.

Bodybuilding provides every man at any age with one unique opportunity. It lies in the fact that a person can show himself and others how much he loves and knows how to work. Any work is evaluated based on its results, especially when it comes to physical training.

Among various groups The muscles that stand out are the oblique abdominal muscles.

Pumped up oblique abdominal muscles are not only beautiful, but also useful, as they support the spine well during movement.

They are of particular importance for several reasons:

  • this muscle group is a kind of corset that stabilizes the human spine during bending and other torso movements;
  • they emphasize the beauty of the abs and ensure their elasticity; as a result of their pumping, a person will feel confident and relaxed not only on the beach, but also in other in public places;
  • relief oblique abdominal muscles make the waist thin and beautiful, as a result of which the attention of many is focused on the figure of its owner beautiful girls;
  • oblique abdominal muscles need to be developed by athletes competing in contact sports (boxing, karate, wrestling and other martial arts).

Exercises to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles

There are many ways to develop the oblique abdominal muscles. various exercises, however, not all of them are equally effective. However, it is useful to know them all. This will help everyone choose the right exercises for themselves. All types of training programs can be safely performed right at home.

Bend the body forward from a standing position

Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms up. As you exhale, the body lowers forward, while you need to slightly twist the press at the waist and touch the toes of the opposite leg with your hand. As you inhale, stand up straight. Then repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

Number of repetitions: 20 times.

Side bends with sliding hands

Stand straight, keep your arms along your body. Begin to lean to the right, while the body movement should be slow, and your arms should smoothly slide along the sides of your body. When tilted to the right it stretches left-hand side torso to the waist. As you exhale, you need to take the starting position while standing.

Number of repetitions:Repeat the exercise 10 times in each direction.

Turning the torso to the sides

To begin, you need to bend your elbows. Hold them in front of you and, as you inhale, turn your body to the right side, keeping your legs motionless. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: You need to make 10 turns in each direction.

Lying hip rotations

You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees and pull your heels up, preferably close to your buttocks. Keeping your hands on the back of your head, inhale and at the same time lower your hips to the side. The main goal of the movement is to touch your knees to the floor. As you exhale, slowly rotate your hips in the opposite direction.

Number of repetitions: 10 times.

Raising the body from a lying position with bent legs

Before starting the exercise, you should lie down, bend your legs and place them on your right thigh. Exhaling, lift your body as high as possible and hold at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds. Now you can inhale and slowly lower yourself to the floor. Shift your legs to your left thigh and repeat on the other side.

Number of repetitions: 10-15 body lifts on each side.

Raising the shoulder blades with rotation of the body from a lying position

Lying on your back, place your right leg flat on the floor, and place your left leg on top of it. Stretch your left arm out on the floor, palm up, with your arm perpendicular to your torso. The other hand is located under the head.

Pressing the back of your head onto your right hand, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your chest towards your left knee. This movement is done until the shoulder blade lifts off the floor. After this, you need to smoothly take the starting position. Keep your elbow pointed to the side during the exercise and do not lift your pelvis from the floor.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 8 times.

Raising the shoulder blades with outstretched arms while lying down

First you need to lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms up and keep them shoulder-width apart. Now you should tense your muscles abdominal cavity and begin to lift the shoulder blade along with its corresponding hand. It is important to ensure that the shoulder blades are brought as close to the spine as possible and that the pelvis does not lift off the floor.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Touching the heels of the feet with the fingers while lying down

Before performing the exercise, you will need to lie on your back and bend your knees. Keep your shins parallel to the floor, raise your head slightly, and extend your arms different sides. As you exhale, try to touch the heel or shin of the corresponding leg with your fingers. For convenience, use light cheating: move your legs slightly towards your hands. At the same time, try to slightly tilt your shoulders back.

Exercise in progress in 2-3 approaches . In each of them, touch your legs 8-10 times with your hands.


To perform this exercise you will need a medicine ball weighing from 2 to 5 kg. Standing straight, take the projectile in your hands and extend them up above your left shoulder. Keeping your abs tight, slowly lower the ball diagonally in front of your body.

The end point of the arm movement is located next to the right thigh, while the athlete should be in a half-squat. Don't hesitate and quickly rise to the starting position.

The level of tension and contraction of the oblique abdominal muscles depends on the speed of the movements. Move the ball in this order 6-8 times to the left and the same amount to the right.


Sculpted oblique abdominal muscles will make your figure more beautiful. The tips and techniques given in this article will help you achieve the desired result.

There are internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. The outer part of this muscle group is quite large and visible. They are attached to the ribs in small bundles, while the bundles of fibers of these muscles themselves are connected to the anterior serratus muscle and wings.

Well-developed and sculpted obliques always look exciting. At the same time, everyone understands how much hard work is needed to achieve such a good result.

Hi all! Today we will pay attention to our abs. After reading this article you will know how to pump up your lateral abdominal muscles. The topic is quite important, since sufficient development of these muscles will allow you to have a more perfect abs. You may even want to adjust your training program in order to better pump up your sides.

I will mention the most important reasons why this is important:

  • The development of these muscles provides protection to our spine in its lumbar part. As a result, you can avoid injury from slipped discs when lifting something heavy.
  • The lateral abdominal muscles give an aesthetic and complete appearance to the muscles abdominals, allows you to create a beautiful and thin waist.

I believe that these are quite important reasons to start training these muscles.

A little anatomy

First, let's look at the anatomy. This will help us understand which muscles we will train and where they are located in our body. Now we will take a look at the muscles that belong to the lateral group of abdominal muscles, and also find out what functions they perform. I will try to explain all this to you in an accessible, understandable and readable way, without unnecessary complex terms, which you don't need at all. So:

  1. Oblique external – a flat, wide muscle that is best visible. It is located on the side of the body and partially on the chest. It originates from the eight lower ribs. It works by bending the torso forward, bending our spine (provided that both muscles, left and right, are working). It also performs the function of turning the body (provided that either the left or the right is working). Maintains the vertical position of the torso.
  2. Oblique internal – located behind the external oblique muscle also on the side of the abdomen. Similarly, it participates in turning the body along with the external muscles (one of the muscles works). Flexes the spine in the lumbar region (both muscles work), and also participates in lowering the ribs.
  3. Transverse – hid even deeper, right behind the internal obliques and the deepest layer of the muscles of the lateral part of the abdomen. encircles our belly. Participates in turning the torso, bending the body, lifting the pelvis (if the chest is fixed), but its most important function is retracting the abdomen and reducing the waist volume, as the ribs are pulled together.

The oblique lateral abdominal muscles are also called abdominal muscles, like this...

I am sure that this anatomical information will be enough for you to have a general understanding of the functions of the lateral muscles of our trunk and their location. This is actually really important for an effective workout. Therefore, I propose to talk about the training itself.

How to prepare for training?

There is absolutely nothing difficult about this, you just need to try to stick to these simple tips. They help increase the effectiveness of exercise and help avoid unpleasant consequences.

  • Approximately 2 hours before class you should eat a light meal. This will give you strength and energy. But don’t forget about moderation - exercising with an overfilled stomach is harmful, it causes nausea and dizziness.
  • Intensive training should be preceded by turns, bends, jumps and running in place.
  • You shouldn’t overexert yourself; exercising 3 times a week will be enough.
  • During exercise you should feel muscle tension; if this does not happen, you need to increase the load.
  • It is not recommended to eat within an hour after class. Strong hunger at this time can be satisfied with an apple or a glass of water.

Top 14 exercises for men

Below are the most effective exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles for men. You can include some of them in your training program, combining them as you wish. In fact, all these exercises can be performed by ladies, but still they are more designed for men.

Approximate recommended number of sets of all these exercises 3-4. Approximate number of repetitions in exercises without additional weights 20-30, with weighting 10-15. There are no clear rules here and you can guide yourself by choosing the optimal number of approaches and repetitions.

1) TILTING TO THE SIDE. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your hands should be clasped behind your head. Try to bend to the sides to the maximum point. There is no need to rush or make sudden movements. You can use dumbbells to increase the load. The recommended weight of dumbbells is up to 10 kg.

ATTENTION: This weighted exercise should not be done by girls who want a narrow waist.

With constant practice, the oblique muscles become larger and this, on the contrary, increases the circumference of the waist. But for men who want to make their abs more developed and sculpted, this is what they need.

2) LATERAL TORSO RAISES. To perform this exercise, special benches can be used where you can fix your legs.

If you want to perform this exercise outside the gym, then a regular bench will do, but you still need to fix your legs somehow (let your wife sit on her legs, as an option). You need to take a position lying on your side so that your body is off the bench. Next, you can use a weighting agent.

3) LIFTING THE LEGS AND BODY. Lie down on a flat surface and place your right arm behind your head. Legs should remain straight. At the same time, raise your torso and right knee so that the elbow of your right hand touches your right knee. Then change your hand and lift your left knee as you rise. In this exercise, the arm and knee are of the same name.

4) LIFTING THE CASE WITH TORSION. Take a lying position. Place both hands behind your head. Legs should be bent at the knees. Make turns at the same time as you lift your body. The right elbow should touch the left knee. Alternately change positions.

5) PULLING YOUR KNEES TO YOUR CHEST LYING ON YOUR SIDE. Lie on your side, resting on your elbow. Keep your legs straight. Do pull-ups with your knees to your chest. Your knees should not touch the floor. Change sides.

6) WEIGHTED INCLINES. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place the weight on the trapezoid. Bend to the sides as low as possible. Perform movements smoothly. Strong muscle tension will indicate the correct execution. Over time, the load can be increased, but at the same time make sure that the body remains straight and does not deviate from the vertical.

ATTENTION: Your back needs to be well-trained for this exercise, so beginners should hold off on doing it. This is more for the pros. Using heavy weights in this exercise and careless movements can lead to injury to the spinal discs.

7) TURNING WHEN TILTING WITH WEIGHTING. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with the weight still on the trapeze. Twisting your torso, bend forward and to the sides. During these techniques, point your right elbow towards your left knee. Alternately change directions.

ATTENTION: similar warning to exercise 6.

8) TURNING ON THE horizontal bar. In a hanging position, place your hands shoulder-width apart. Raise your straightened legs parallel to the floor. Try to hold them in this position and describe an arc.

Try to increase its amplitude each time.

9) SQUATS WITH A DUMBBELL. Take a dumbbell and throw it over your shoulder so that it is positioned vertically there. The elbow is at the level of the head. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Change your hand.

10) WALKING WITH A DUMBBELL (ONE-ARMED FARMER). Hold a dumbbell in one hand and squeeze your stomach tightly. Walk in this position around the house or wherever you are now.

11) SIDE PLANK. To do this, lean on your elbow, for example your right hand, and take a side plank position (torso straight). Stay in this position for as long as possible.

When you master the classic side plank, you can then lift one leg up to make the execution heavier.

12) T-ROTATIONS. Take a position as if you were about to do push-ups on your hands on the floor. Now turn your body and point one hand towards the ceiling. Standing on one hand, hold for 3 seconds. Change your hand.

13) WEIGHTED SEATED LATERAL TWIST (CORE STABILIZATION) Sit on the floor and pick up a weight (for example, some kind of pancake), stretch your arms in front of you. The legs are bent at the knees and the entire foot rests on the floor. Turn left and right. At the extreme points of the turn, linger for a couple of seconds, there will be fire.

14) “BEAR CURL.” Assume a runner's starting position. That is, place your arms outstretched on the floor, bend your legs at the knees and rest your toes on the floor.

Top 7 exercises for girls

Yes, girls have a little less exercise than boys. But in fact, nothing prevents girls from doing exercises from the boys’ list. It’s just that for girls they are simpler, some of them are taken from the practice of Pilates. Let's look at how a girl can pump up her lateral abdominal muscles at home:

To perform this, you need to sit down and lean back 45˚. The lower back should be flat. Bend your arms at the elbows and rotate intensively to the right and then to the left. This requires endurance. Or you can pick up a ball.

2) LOWERING THE LEGS TO THE SIDE OF THE LYING SIDE. Lie on the floor and spread your arms out to the sides with your palms facing the floor. Raise your legs and bend your knees 90˚. It is advisable to hold a small ball between your knees to create some distance.

Lower your legs left and right without your knees touching the floor. At the same time, the shoulder blades should not come off the floor, but the pelvis should.

3) LIFTING THE TORSO STRAIGHTLY LYING ON YOUR SIDE. Lie on your side and bend your knees slightly. Place one leg on top of the other. The hand that closer to the floor - place it on that one, and place the second one behind your head. Perform regular sit-ups straight. The oblique muscles here will work due to the position of your legs.

4) RAISING-LOWNING THE PELVIS ON THE SIDE. To perform this exercise, you need to rest your right hand on the floor and lift your pelvis until your body is straight. Place your left hand at your waist or behind your head. Lower and lift your pelvis, using the oblique muscles.

5) "BOAT". Lie on the floor on your back. Hand along the body. At the same time, lift your legs and torso straight off the floor, as if you were trying to fold yourself in half. At the same time, you can extend your arms towards your knees. Hold this position for as long as you can. Make sure your breathing is even and don't strain your neck.

6) CRISPS ON A FITNESS BALL. Place your lower back on your favorite ball. Place one hand behind your head, straighten the other in front of you. If you have your right hand behind your head, then try to touch your left knee with your elbow. Change your hand.

7) PULLING THE KNEE TO THE ELBOW FROM THE “PLANK” POSITION. Take a plank position and simply alternately pull your knee towards your elbow. That is, for example, the right knee to the right elbow. At the same time, bend slightly at the side while performing.

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman - after every workout. If you are still able to move after your workout, take a few minutes to do this.

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Women of any age dream of a thin and seductive waist. To achieve it, many sit on strict diets and do grueling workouts in the gym. But such measures do not always help. The only way to achieve a perfectly proportional figure is a combination of reasonable and special classes. Exercises for the sides and waist will help you completely transform.

Exercises for the sides and waist are most effective when combined with cardio.

Avoid common mistakes

There are many workouts that promise a chiseled silhouette. But not all of them are effective enough, and some will not benefit the figure at all. How can such exercises be harmful? The following popular techniques will NOT help you remove your belly and sides.

    1. Side bends with dumbbells. When performed regularly, they help accelerated growth oblique abdominal muscles, which can make your waist even wider. This exercise is necessary for men who want to comprehensively pump up their abdominal muscles. But it is absolutely useless for girls working on a narrow waist.
    2. Twisting the hoop. The effectiveness of this device is questionable, and its harm has been medically confirmed. Gynecologists strongly recommend giving up training with hula hoops. Constant hits of the hoop against the front wall of the abdomen are not physiological. According to doctors, such blows can provoke prolapse internal organs and other troubles.
    3. Performing turns with weight on your shoulders. What do you think happens to your spine if you take a bodybar or barbell on your shoulders and start twisting your body left and right? The intervertebral discs are compressed under the influence of weights, and the distance between the vertebrae becomes smaller. When you turn your body left and right, your vertebrae can be injured. intervertebral discs and hurt each other. When doing exercises for your sides and waist, remember about your spine - you have one for life.
    4. Emphasis on strength training complete absence cardio. The sides and extra centimeters at the waist represent fat layer. It can only be removed with the help of cardio training.
    5. Excessive cardio and lack of strength exercises. During aerobic exercise, fat burning occurs not locally, but throughout the body. As a result, the effect of training is too “smeared” and sometimes not noticeable at all in certain areas. Exercises for the abs and sides are a must if you want to achieve a beautiful silhouette.

You can use anything as a cardio warm-up, even running up the stairs.

How to train for better results? Experts recommend spending 3-4 days a week on classes. After a short warm-up, you need to perform a series special exercises for the abs and sides. After a short rest, you should do a short but intense workout.

It is absolutely not necessary to exercise on exercise machines. You can choose between running, jumping rope, dancing and aerobics. This is the approach that will allow us to do muscle fibers waist more elastic and thereby give it a clearer outline.

Before you begin exercises for the abs and sides, you need to thoroughly warm up your abdominal muscles and prepare them for the load. I will not dwell on the warm-up in detail, focusing directly on the exercises themselves for the oblique abdominal muscles. I will only say that the warm-up should include a small cardio part, several exercises to stretch the oblique muscles and prepare the spine.


Five to ten minutes of cardio: running, jumping, or.

Preparing muscles for load

  1. Bend to the sides with outstretched arms - the lateral surface of the body stretches, the spine warms up. Try to bend as low as possible, but smoothly, without jerking.
  2. Turning the body to the right and left - keep your pelvis level and turn only the upper part of your body.
  3. Circular movements of the pelvis and body.

Pre-stretch your oblique muscles before you begin the exercises. Removing your belly and sides is not an easy task, but if you approach it consciously, you can do it!

The most effective exercises for the sides and waist are various variations of crunches.

1. Bending the body in a lying position + twisting in the opposite direction

Initial position. Lie down on the mat, hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides, do not clasp your fingers. Legs are bent, feet are on the floor, the lower back is pressed. The distance between the chin and chest is approximately the size of a fist - maintained throughout the entire exercise.

Doing the exercise. Without lifting your lower back from the floor and keeping your elbows together, lift your body up. Add twisting of the body - with your right elbow, reach towards your left knee. Lower yourself to the floor smoothly, do not fall on your back, watch your lower back. Repeat on the other side.

2. Bending the body in a lying position + twisting in the same direction

Initial position. The same as in the previous exercise. We lie on the mat, legs bent, hands behind the head.

Doing the exercise. Now add twisting of the body not to the opposite knee, but stretch your elbow to the heel of the same name. That is, with your right elbow, reach towards your right heel and vice versa.

Crunches are the most effective exercises for the abs and sides.

3. Sitting Crunch

Initial position. Sit on the mat, legs bent, feet flat on the floor, body tilted back 45 degrees. At the same time, the lower back is rounded, the tailbone is twisted forward, the abdominal muscles are tense, and the arms are bent at the elbows.

Doing the exercise. Intensely rotate your body and elbows from side to side. This is an endurance exercise.

Initial position. Lie on the floor, arms out to the sides, palms facing the floor. Keep your shoulders pressed throughout the entire exercise; try not to lift them off the floor. Raise your legs vertically up and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. There should be a fist distance between your knees. You can hold a small ball between your knees.

Doing the exercise. Lower your legs bent at the knees to the side all the way to the floor, but do not touch the floor. At the same time, the pelvis comes off the floor, but the shoulders should be pressed. Return your legs to the starting position and lower them to the other side.

As you lower your legs to the side, try not to lift your shoulders off the floor.

5. Crunches while lying on your side

Initial position. Lie on your side, bend your legs slightly at the knees and place one on top of the other. Place your bottom hand on the floor or on your stomach. Place your top hand behind your head.

Doing the exercise. Lift and twist the body so that top part your body was in a position as if you were doing a regular crunch. Due to the fact that your pelvis lies on its side, the oblique muscles will work when lifting the body.

You lift your body straight. The twisting effect is achieved through the position of the legs.

6. Oblique Bridge

Initial position. Lie on your side, body straight, legs extended and one above the other. Place your lower hand on your elbow and lean on it. You will get a kind of deflection of the body in the lateral plane. Extend your top hand and place it on top of your thigh.

Doing the exercise. Raise your pelvis off the floor until your body is in a level position. The weight is distributed between the arm standing on the elbow and the edge of the foot. Move your head away from your shoulder - your neck should be in line with your body. This exercise is performed for a while. Stick with it for as long as you can.

Raise and lower your pelvis using your oblique abdominal muscles.

7. Plank

Initial position. Take a position lying on your elbows. The body is straight, hands are on the forearms, feet shoulder-width apart, fingers resting on the floor. Make sure that there is no arching in the lower back. If you want to make it more challenging, lift one leg or move your forearms further forward.

Doing the exercise. Hold in the starting position for as long as possible.

8. Boat

This movement is borrowed from Pilates. A slightly modified “Boat” helps strengthen the abdominal and back muscles.

Initial position. Lie down on the floor. Place your hands behind your head without gripping the lock.

Doing the exercise. At the same time, lift your body and straight legs off the floor, trying to bend in half. Hold this position for as long as possible. Don't strain your neck and breathe evenly. After a short rest, repeat again.

Hold this position for as long as possible.

9. Twisting on a fitball in the opposite direction

It's great to do exercises for your sides and waist on a fitball. An elastic ball removes excess stress from the lower back, additionally loads the stabilizer muscles and allows you to effectively work even the smallest muscles through twisting.

Initial position. Lie with your lower back on the fitball. Right hand Bend your elbow and place it behind your head, and extend your left one straight in front of you.

Doing the exercise. Raise your body and reach your left hand towards your right knee. Repeat on the other side.

10. Asana “Staff” (dandasana)

Yoga helps tone your abdominal muscles. In addition to the abdomen, the “Staff” asana strengthens hip joints And inner surface hips

Initial position. Sit on the floor and try to relax. Extend your legs straight in front of you. Point your fingers forward and place your palms on the floor just behind your hips.

Doing the exercise. Apply gentle pressure to your fingers and stretch upward, stretching your spine. Don't lift your hips off the floor. Breathe calmly and stay in the pose for 8 breathing cycles. Repeat 2 more times.

This exercise targets the core muscles as a whole.

Post-workout stretching

Finish the session with a stretching exercise.

  1. Sit on the floor and cross your legs. Stretch your arms up, and then perform a series of springy tilts to the right and left.
  2. If you have a fitball, just lie on it with your lower back and stretch your arms and legs. Stretch in different directions, stretching all the abdominal and back muscles.

Try to exercise regularly. If you don't have time for a full workout, do at least a few exercises. Removing your stomach and sides is a doable task that you can easily cope with with the help of our program!

Having a figure that passers-by look at with admiration, waking up active and vigorous every morning, is not possible without pumped up lateral abdominal muscles.

This group of muscles is responsible for turning the body. They turn it in the opposite direction, i.e. the right extrinsic muscle moves to the left, and the left muscle moves to the right.

In a person with an athletic build, the oblique external abdominal muscle, which runs along an oblique line from the sternum to the lower abdomen, is better visible than others.

The internal oblique muscles cannot be seen because they are hidden under the external lateral muscles. But their contraction also leads to a rotation of the body: the right one turns the body to the right, and vice versa.

  • You need to eat a hearty meal 2-2.5 hours before the start of your workout. You can't give it your all on an empty stomach. In this case, the training is ineffective.
  • It is not recommended to train the lateral abdominal muscles on a full stomach, as this causes Negative consequences, manifested in severe dizziness and nausea.
  • Warm-up is mandatory for warming up: run in the simulator or on the spot, do bends, squats, turns, rotations.
  • Keep it in moderation and don’t exhaust yourself every day. To pump up the lateral abdominal muscles, it is enough to conduct classes 2-4 times a week.

This will help you get relief and beautiful belly. Each exercise performed should stretch the lateral muscles, i.e. the athlete should feel how tense they are. If there is no such feeling, it means he is doing something wrong. After training, you should not eat immediately. IN as a last resort If you are hungry, you can eat an apple or drink water. It is recommended to eat 1 hour after training. It is important not to be discouraged if you get tired quickly when training your lateral muscles. The reaction is understandable: The muscular frame of the abdomen is difficult to stretch, so it requires a lot of energy.

The first level is for those who want to pump up their lateral abdominal muscles

The classes are ideal for those new to the sport. During training aimed at developing the lateral muscles, as already mentioned, you need to strive to ensure that the muscle frame remains in tension all the time. But in order to avoid injury, you should not be too zealous.

You shouldn’t expect much from the initial stage of training: the muscles will not become large and voluminous, since the complex is not designed to turn a beginner into a bodybuilder. But it will help prepare for further development.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands behind your head. Bend to the sides to the maximum level. Perform the exercise slowly, smoothly, without jerking, fixing the body at the extreme points. Perform 20 repetitions in 5-6 approaches.

If you feel that the load has become insufficient, strengthen it by picking up a dumbbell weighing 10 kg. Remember that performing exercises with dumbbells leads to an increase in mass, which contributes to an increase in waist size. This is true for girls.

The next exercise is performed on a bench. You need to lie on it sideways so that your upper body is off the bench. Fix your legs or hold them with the help of a partner. You need to lift your body up 30 times, then repeat the approaches. Do the same by turning on the other side. If the exercise is easy to do, you can use weights.

Twisting on a bar or horizontal bar

The “Twisting on the horizontal bar” exercise, which can be performed at home, will help pump up the oblique muscles of the press. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Hang from a horizontal bar or bar. Raise your legs bent at the knees to chest level, moving them to the right and left alternately.

Level two

When the first level of training the lateral muscles becomes easy for the athlete to perform, you can move on. The second level helps to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles at home. Regular implementation of the complex, consisting of 3-4 approaches, including 10-15 repetitions, will make them sculpted and your waist thin.

Leg and body raises

Lie on a horizontal surface, placing one arm under your head and straightening your legs. At the same time, lift your body and knee until they touch and return to the starting position. After changing your hand, do the same with the other leg.

Alternate body lifts

Lie down again on a flat surface, placing both hands at the back of your head and bending your knees. Raising your body, turn it to the side at the same time: if to the right, then touch your right knee with your left elbow, and vice versa, touch your left knee with your right elbow.

Raising the knees as a method of training the lateral abdominal muscles

Lie on your side, straighten your legs and lean on your elbow. Place your free hand behind your back. Both legs should be raised towards the chest without touching the floor. Then, repeat everything while lying on the other side. You will soon notice how much stronger your side muscles have become.

On the horizontal bar

An exercise for the lateral abdominal muscles, performed on a horizontal bar from a hanging position (hands stand shoulder-width apart). Perform lateral raises without bending your legs and holding at the maximum points.

Level three

For those who have been working the lateral abdominal muscles for a long time, the exercises below are extremely useful. The number of approaches and repetitions in them is determined by the physical preparation of the athlete.

Weighted bending

If the lower back is not trained enough, i.e. Since the lateral muscles are not strong enough, it is difficult to perform this simple exercise that helps pump up the lateral abdominal muscles. It is aimed at training the oblique muscles. Feet are placed shoulder width apart. The bar lies on the trapeze. From this position, bend over 15 times in each direction. You need to go as low as possible. IN extreme point pause for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. An exercise that works the lateral abdominal muscles is performed correctly if the trainee feels tension in the lateral muscles. If you are underweight, it increases by adding pancakes. Keep your body straight while performing the exercise, avoiding tilting it back or forward.

Tilts with rotation

This is an enhanced version of the previous training aimed at developing the oblique muscles. It is performed standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart, the bar without weights or with them is on the trapezoid. Perform 15 bends forward and, twisting the body, to the sides. During the twist, the left elbow is directed towards the right knee and vice versa.

Hanging turns

The exercise for the lateral abdominal muscle is a heavy one, and therefore requires remarkable strength. Take a hang position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Raise your straight legs to parallel with the floor, describe an arc with them with maximum amplitude. You need to perform 10-15 turns.


The movements help to narrow the waist: standing sideways to the frame, grab the handle of the block with both hands and perform chopping movements, twisting the body towards the opposite shin (12 times). Then repeat everything in the other direction.


Exercises on the lateral abdominal muscles will help you create a perfect figure, which are recommended to be performed according to difficulty levels, without starting without preparation for the heaviest one. If trainings are carried out with diligence and regularly, then soon you will become a different person: fit, healthy, beautiful, which will contribute to a good mood.


Video: TWe train the abs and oblique abdominal muscles at home.
