Shigella morphology. Shigella. Biochemical properties of dysentery

Lovers around the world celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. Many people have surprises planned for their significant other on this day: going to see romantic films, dinner by candlelight, unusual dates and many more pleasant moments with which you can continue Valentine's Day. But not everyone wants to humbly accept other people’s happiness and resist their loneliness in every possible way. If, for example, men, without harm to their health, can give themselves pleasure with their own hands, then it is more difficult for women in this regard, and they have to come up with different ways, and often objects, in order to satisfy oneself. But such methods are not always safe.

Gynecologist-endocrinologist Marina Bogdanova, who has been working with women for more than 35 years, spoke about foreign objects that can be found inside a woman, about the consequences of their presence there, venereal diseases and unusual services that the fair sex likes to seek.

How often do people turn to you for help to remove a foreign object from the vagina?

Here such patients need to be divided into two groups: if these are small children, then most often these are girls under 5 years old. Because they stuff everything they have at hand into their “pussy.” And so do adult women after forty, who quite often come with a problem when a foreign body remains in the vagina. We all understand perfectly well why and how it is there. The last thing that came out was a champagne cork. Very often, all kinds of hoses - pieces come off, plastic things - also pieces remain inside. There was a case when the tip of the phallus broke off. There are quite a lot of such cases. In general, whatever you can find at hand can be put inside.

There was a case when a girl began to insert a stick from a stroller into her vagina, which they used to carry her, and it began to crumble and crack. There was a big wound and even stitches were put inside.

-When can a woman begin to regularly self-satisfy herself, when she already needs it? After a month without sex, six months, a year?

According to need. Women of childbearing age have a need for sexual activity. And if she looks around and doesn’t see the prince on a white horse, but doesn’t want to waste money, then she can take what she has and solve the problem in a civilized way.

- What do you do with the things you take out of women?

Of course we throw it away, what else can we do with them? It is not customary for us to create such museums.

What infection can a woman introduce into her body using different objects?

When a foreign object that should not be there gets into the vagina, the woman tries to pull it out herself. But this cannot be done. They begin to scratch, inflammatory processes and diseases develop, a secondary infection occurs, and the result is serious illnesses. We know very well that the uterus and cervix are open, and an infection can get there, which needs to be seriously treated, even surgically. If it turns out that the object is stuck, then you need to consult a doctor. This is not stated anywhere. The doctor will clean the chair as needed. It will treat immediately and no infection will enter the body. Anything can happen in life.

- And for special items from sex shops, are there any methods for disinfection so that there is no negative consequences after use?

Yes, of course there is. The sex shops themselves have facilities. But we, gynecologists, also recommend our own methods, which are called “before” and “after”. They can be used before and after unprotected sexual intercourse.

To avoid congestion in the pelvic organs, masturbation is a very good method. Of course, this will not replace live communication, but it can be used as an option. There is nothing wrong with this method of self-satisfaction. And if a woman at a doctor’s appointment says that she is doing this, then it’s okay - it’s not shameful.

-Do you conduct any educational conversations with patients?

For example, I will soon be giving lectures at a gymnasium for girls aged 11. And just at this age we can teach girls what is possible and what is not, at what age the epithelium matures, why this or that discharge, all this can be told and explained to girls. It is also important to tell girls that early sexual activity leads to cervical cancer. On this moment very high percentage of this disease– 72 percent. Also, a decrease in the number of abortions can be noted. The girls are now behaving consciously. Many began to understand that the first pregnancy is like Blank sheet, then you can bear a healthy baby, but if before that there was big number abortions and diseases, then healthy child difficult to get.

The bad thing is that girls smoke, because everyone needs to know that before pregnancy you need to not smoke for 5-6 years.

I can note a decrease in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections. Apparently, the population became afraid. Many girls go regularly, and the doctor will not miss it.

If before there was a lot inflammatory diseases, now the children have become wiser and began to dress warmer and catch colds less often. Due to unfavorable environment many polyps.

- Are there any trends observed among girls regarding the onset of sexual activity?

They started to start much later. If previously my girl gave birth to a baby at the age of 14, now there are much fewer such cases. Yes, the price has gone up, probably because the girls’ heads are starting to work.

It seems to me that men should work with girls. The father who gave birth to a daughter should tell her that she is beautiful and give flowers so that at a conscious age she does not rush at any “kind” men, but can choose. Nowadays, children's self-esteem is very low. Dad must in mandatory talk to children. Raising girls in the family is a very important process.

- Tell us about the procedure by which virginity is restored. Do women often approach you with such a delicate question?

Previously, there were a lot of such operations, but now they are almost never done. A lot of Asian women applied before coming home. Virginity is very important to them. They used to darn left and right. Now this is not the case; since 2010 I have sewn up only one girl.

Girls aged 20 and older come. Some people have unexpected incidents, such as rape, and want to forget how horrible dream. The operation is performed under anesthesia, about 15 minutes. The man will not feel anything.

- Did you have to “cut” your virginity on purpose?

Of course, people turned to me for such help. This is a feature of the body when the virgin pleura is very tight and dense. There's nothing wrong with that.

-What service do women often go to the gynecologist for?

Many people are now asking for fillers to increase sensitivity and achieve orgasm for any reason. Most often, women cannot have an orgasm because of their psychological problems, the ineptitude of a man. The girl should be relaxed and not shy. Fillers give you liberation and help you get what the girl wants to get.

-Do you often find sexually transmitted diseases in your patients?

Sometimes girls come and we tell them that there are diseases. Of course, we find, talk and treat. But the number of such cases is decreasing. Most likely, girls are afraid and act wiser. Well, it’s no secret that there is a lot of AIDS, and this is something that cannot be brought back. All diseases can be cured, but AIDS is the point of no return. Therefore, before entering into sex life, you need to talk to your partner about this topic. This is what they do abroad: young people, before starting sexual activity together, show each other certificates stating that they have nothing and are engaged in LOVE and nothing else.

– the presence of a foreign object in the cavity or wall of the uterus, accompanied by a complex pathological disorders. Foreign bodies of the uterus can manifest themselves as bleeding, chronic endometritis, pyometra, pain syndrome, and secondary infertility. Foreign bodies of the uterus are detected using ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and probing. Removal foreign bodies the uterus can be performed during hysteroscopy, curettage of the uterine cavity, laparoscopy; in complicated cases, hysterectomy may be required.

In the uterine cavity, the presence of loose or ingrown intrauterine contraceptives and their parts (threads, plastic hangers, metal fragments), surgical ligatures, and fetal bone fragments is often detected. Sometimes foreign bodies that enter the uterus are encapsulated and long time do not show themselves. In other cases, foreign bodies may move with muscle contraction, cause perforation of the uterine wall and migrate into the uterus. abdominal cavity or retroperitoneal space. Infection of uterine foreign bodies causes chronic leakage inflammatory process, not amenable to active therapy. The problem of detecting and removing foreign bodies of the uterus in clinical gynecology has its relevance due to the likelihood of developing a wide range of dangerous complications.

Symptoms of a foreign body of the uterus

Clinically, uterine foreign bodies usually manifest themselves as changes in menstrual function - menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, bloody discharge. In case of prolonged stay in the uterus, foreign bodies cause chronic endometritis, secondary infertility, sometimes – development of pyometra. The presence of IUD fragments may be asymptomatic.

Appearance pain syndrome, as a rule, indicates perforation of the uterine wall by parts of the IUD and can lead to further migration of objects and injuries to neighboring organs. Perforation of the uterus can be partial (the IUD is inserted into the myometrium) or complete (the IUD completely or to some extent extends beyond the uterine wall). When foreign bodies migrate from the uterus, they can be found in the area of ​​the omentum, rectosigmoid angle, Bladder, appendicular process, uterine appendages, retroperitoneal space, in the cecum or small intestine.

Fetal bone remains are most often accidentally discovered in patients examined for long-term endometritis, disorders menstrual cycle, secondary infertility. The history of this category of women reveals termination of pregnancy at 13-14 weeks or more, usually complicated by bleeding and repeated curettage of the uterine cavity. Mylar or silk ligatures are usually detected in patients with endometritis, pyometra, previous obstetric or gynecological interventions (C-section, conservative myomectomy and etc.). In this regard, patients are concerned about purulent leucorrhoea and secondary infertility.

Diagnosis of a foreign body in the uterine cavity

The main method for detecting a foreign body of the uterus, which gynecology has today, is hysteroscopy. Rest instrumental studies(chair examination, probing, ultrasound, laparoscopy) are of auxiliary value. During a gynecological examination, a foreign body in the uterus can be detected using a probe. The disadvantage of probing the uterine cavity is the impossibility of determining the exact location of the object, its nature, shape and size, and its relationship to the walls of the uterus and neighboring organs.

Carrying out transvaginal or transabdominal ultrasound more informative for detecting intrauterine contraceptives. Fragments of the IUD in the form of zones of increased echogenicity can be found directly in the uterine cavity or in the thickness of the myometrium. Ultrasound diagnosis of bone remains and ligatures in the uterine cavity is difficult and uninformative.

The hysteroscopic picture depends on the nature of the uterine foreign body. Foreign bodies remaining in the uterus for a long time can become covered with endometrium, intrauterine synechiae, salts, and also form bedsores in the wall of the uterus. With the help of hysteroscopy, it is possible to determine the location of a foreign body of the uterus and carry out its targeted removal. Bacteriological research A smear allows you to select adequate antibiotic therapy based on the sensitivity of the microflora to the drug. Foreign bodies lying loosely in the abdominal cavity are detected by plain radiography.

Removal of a foreign body from the uterus

Lying in the uterine cavity foreign objects can be precisely removed through the hysterocope canal using endoscopic instruments. It is not recommended to remove uterine foreign bodies blindly, since such attempts can lead to fragmentation and deformation of foreign objects, as well as injury to the uterine wall. If partial or complete perforation of the uterine wall is detected, hysteroscopy is combined with laparoscopy.

In the case of foreign bodies growing into the thickness of the endometrium, curettage of the uterine cavity with removal of the detected fragments is indicated. Sometimes colpohysterotomy, a transvaginal incision of the uterus, is used to remove foreign bodies. In situations where foreign bodies extend beyond the uterus and penetrate into neighboring organs or the abdominal cavity, a laparotomy is performed with inspection of the organs concerned.

If the presence of a foreign body in the uterus is complicated by perforation and massive infection, removal of the uterus may be necessary: ​​supravaginal amputation or hysterectomy. In the postoperative period it is carried out antimicrobial treatment. Prevention of the presence of foreign bodies in the uterus involves careful monitoring of the condition of the uterine cavity after removal of the IUD, abortion, and gynecological operations.
