Book review: Louise L. Hay “Positive Thinking on How to Be Happy Every Day.” Positive thinking every day

Positive thinking- this is one of the main secrets of happy and successful people something that helps you cope life's difficulties and has a positive effect on psychological and physical state person. The art of living is what is also called positive thinking. The ability to live with a smile, love and confidence in the soul.

After all, it is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who has positive thinking. Such people are much more attractive to others, they are open to new opportunities and knowledge. However, learning to think positively requires great effort every day.

Basic 10 rules of positive thinking for every day

These rules will make your life more positive and harmonious. Start using them today!

1. Right today I'm gonna be happy.

Remember, the source of your happiness lies within you and does not depend on the outside world.

2. Right today I will try to adapt to what I already have.

I will accept my job, luck, family as they are. I won't compare myself to others.

3. Right today I will start improving my health.

I will watch my diet, eat less junk food, drink more water, I'll do it physical exercise Or I’ll start walking more. I will try to devote more time to rest. Because it's hard to be in good mood and think positively if your energy reserves running out and you are in an irritated state.

4. Right today I will try to develop my mind.

I will do something useful or learn something useful. I will also start reading positive books, stories, watching more comedies, communicating more with positive people.

5. Right now I will become more friendly.

I will take care of myself, dress and look as good as I can. I won't criticize people. I will not try to correct anyone's mistakes and shortcomings. I will praise others more often and my behavior will be honorable.

6. Right today I will try to live in the compartment of today.

I will not try to solve all my problems at once.

For a sage, every day is new life!

7. Right today I will start following my own program.

I will write down what I will do every hour during the day. Maybe me I won’t be able to complete it in every detail, but I will write it down so that I have it. In this way I will eradicate my two enemies: indecision and haste.

8. Right today I will do meditation for half an hour a day.

Or the second option, I will spend this half hour a day alone with myself to relax, give my brain a rest, stop my thoughts, think about my life, about God.

9. Right today I will avoid thinking about conflicting and unpleasant events, thereby not allowing negative thoughts to overcome me.

I will stop “savoring” in my mind what happened. I'll just draw the right conclusions and won't return to these troubles anymore.

10. Right now I won't be afraid.

Especially, I won't be afraid to become happy man.

Positive thinking does not mean that you should ignore any troubles and repeat like a parrot that everything is fine with you. You must learn to look at your problems in a positive way, focus on what they teach you and how you can benefit from them.

Learn to focus your attention on best options outcome of any problem. The worst case scenario needs to be kept in mind, but not feared.

Positive thinking is, first of all, working on yourself, on your thoughts.

By the way, working on yourself is a very difficult and long journey if you try to understand yourself on your own.

Who knows how your inner shackles are veiled, which do not give you the opportunity to live happily and breathe full breasts

Finding them on your own can take a lot of time.

And sometimes, our mind so carefully hides our inner shackles, which do not give us the opportunity to free ourselves absolutely and become an absolutely happy person...

That it is completely impossible to overcome this stage in your life alone.

It is in such cases that people who understand how our mind works from the inside come to the rescue.

For example, Mikhail Gavrilov is one of these people.

And it is after this that you will begin to find true happiness.

After all, most people often have a constant stream of unclear thoughts in their heads - a “word mixer”, which is generally not controlled and very often it is negative.

Therefore, it is very important to learn to control your thoughts, create positive attitude. As soon as your thoughts become more optimistic, you will immediately notice that new opportunities have appeared in your life and there are fewer troubles.

Also, positive thinking has a huge impact on your health.:

  • Life expectancy increases
  • Depression does not develop
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Immunity increases, this especially applies to colds
  • Improved psychological and physical condition
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Remember, stress and constant worry only harm your body. They are the root cause of all diseases. Therefore, positive thinking is a kind of prevention for most diseases.

Positive thinking is the foundation healthy image life.

But, in order to develop positive thinking in yourself, you first need to learn to recognize the negative in yourself.

Main signs of negative thinking:

You constantly focus your attention on the negative aspects of any situation. For example, you had a great day at work, you managed to complete all the assigned tasks and you were even praised for it. But, you forgot to do some minor task and throughout the evening, after work, you focus on what you didn’t do, instead of relaxing and thinking about something good.

The habit of blaming yourself for everything. I myself am of the opinion that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. But you need to understand the difference and not take any troubles personally.

Catastrophic thinking or the habit of exaggerating everything and expecting only the worst. For example, if in the morning you couldn’t find a normal parking spot, it means that the whole day at work will be terrible, or if your husband got angry with you and raised his voice a little, then all this means divorce and that he doesn’t love you anymore, etc. .

The habit of dividing everything into black and white. That is, to see only either good or bad in everything. For example, your attitude towards yourself: you can either be perfect, or a complete loser or loser. You don’t see any other options for yourself, everything should be perfect.

Here I have given the main signs of negative thinking, but you can also observe your thoughts during the day and even write down some of them, and then analyze them.

And one more thing, friends, in the development of positive thinking main role plays the ability not to get hung up on little things.

Man is designed in such a way that he courageously faces the difficult trials of life, but at the same time he cannot resist little things that generally do not deserve his attention.

Nowadays, more than half of crimes occur due to minor reasons. Harsh words, domestic quarrels, sarcastic remarks, showing off - these are the little things that lead to murders and attacks.

Few people have experienced truly serious difficulties and grievances in life. And it is precisely such insignificant little things that attack our vanity and self-esteem that are the cause of half of the heart diseases in the world.

Therefore, do not let these “bugs” defeat you. Try not to waste your time thinking about these trifles. We worry and grieve too much about what will be forgotten not only by us, but also by other people in years to come.

Better use this time to place the right emphasis in life and form new positive thinking. Dedicate your life to worthy dreams and causes.

Remember that we get irritated over many little things only because we overestimate their importance!

I am sure that every person can change their thinking. The main thing is to want to do this, applying the rules that I described at the beginning of this article.

Positive thinking– conscious control over your thoughts, which will help make your life more successful, harmonious and happy.

Friends, let's create the foundations of positive thinking together. Please write in the comments what helps you maintain positive thinking and what rules you have.

Harmony with oneself is what almost every person on this planet dreams of. Book by Louise L. Hay “Positive Thinking. How to be happy every day" is a kind of guide to achieving this goal. According to the author, a positive attitude is the key to a successful life.

about the author

Louise L. Hay is the founder of the self-help movement, publishing company and charitable foundation. She is the author of more than 30 popular psychology books, one of which is the world-famous You Can Heal Your Life.

The writer put forward a new theory about the influence mental trauma and stress on the human body, which states that negative attitudes and fears are the cause of emotional and physical problems. On this moment her philosophy has become successful in many countries around the world, not only in the USA.

Prices for Louise L. Hay Positive Thinking: How to Be Happy Every Day

What is this book about

The book contains special meditations and describes the spiritual attitudes of Louise Hay and her friends. The material presented will help a person understand himself in difficult life situations. The author offers radically new ways to solve problems; the work describes techniques for overcoming depressive states.

According to the position of Louise L. Hay, internal attitude is the basis of many outcomes in a person’s life situations. It is enough to get rid of negative stereotypes in order to start thinking positively again and change your life in a positive way.

The book is intended for the general public. It talks about how to become happy, how to achieve harmony in life and not lose this state.

The work is filled with affirmations and quotes from great people that help motivate a person and inspire him. Louise L. Hay argues that letting go of the past must be accompanied by a sense of forgiveness. This will help you free yourself from worries and problems. Even the fact that a person wants to forgive contributes to the healing process.

The book provides methods on how to become happier, they are based on positive thinking, on the influence of repetition and listening to positive phrases 300 times a day.

The author does not give unusual advice or give examples of difficult life problems; she describes positive, life-affirming attitudes. The stated thoughts, statements, reasoning and statements incite exclusively love, faith in the power of kindness and sincerity.

Conventionally, the book can be divided into three parts:

  1. First. It contains meditative moods that are written on behalf of the author. Find solutions to a woman’s life problems, get rid of stress, overcome illness, eliminate feelings of fear, become more confident. The above conclusions help to gain peace of mind and a sense of security. Each thought is presented in the form of several sentences, but carries great meaning.
  2. Second. It features Thoughts from the Heart by Louise L. Hay and shares her own life insights with people.
  3. Third. It is filled with short abstracts from statements significant people in the history of mankind - adherents of the theory of positive thinking.

Readers' opinion

Readers highlight several positive characteristics of this book:

  • positive;
  • with strong positive energy;
  • has a motivational component;
  • easy to understand;
  • does not have complex speech patterns.

Many people enjoy the book “Positive Thinking. How to be happy every day" helped to cope with life's difficulties in work, personal life, business. The work helps a person to believe in himself again.

The disadvantages of the work include the fact that the book is in a sense “infantile”: no person can be constantly in a positive mood, cannot achieve absolute happiness.

Many readers believe that the book can easily become a reference book; it can be read daily, opened on any page and “plunged” into the abyss of positivity and positive energy.

Thus, the work is an excellent motivator and inspiration. It is suitable for reading not only by women, but also by men, because it contains universal positive guidelines for a happy life.

Is the harm of positive thinking complete nonsense? If only... Let's talk about an overly positive outlook on the world and what approach to life will work better.

In the literature on human psychology, the idea is often proven: “You should always look at life with optimism.” is that even the most unsightly situation can be looked at with hope for a better outcome. As if everything will definitely get better tomorrow, even if there are problems today.

But in fact, positive thinking every day can lead not to victory in all situations, but to victory itself. real depression.

A person who studiously “ignores” difficulties ultimately faces disappointment. His problems do not disappear by themselves, and his dreams about a wonderful future dissipate, leaving only bitterness in his soul. Is it really so bad to be an optimist who holds his tail with a gun?

The Power of Human Positive Thinking

Positive thinking, by definition, is beneficial.

First of all, when a person needs to switch from tormenting unpleasant thoughts to something more life-affirming. For example, a man lost his job. Naturally, it will be better if he begins to search with confidence in his abilities. new vacancy. In this case, self-confidence will play into a person’s hands. It would be worse if instead of optimistic searches new job, the man began to drink from the bottle, whine, and consider himself a failure. That is, the power of positive thinking can help a lot if in difficult times life situation look at the problem calmly, with faith that everything will work out.

How positive thinking can get in the way

But positive thinking every day, paradoxically, can lead to real mental disorder– depression. If you diligently pretend that problems do not exist at all, and you still come out of any situation as a winner, over time you will definitely get a feeling.

For example, a woman lives with her husband. Everything is bad for them: the husband does not work, drinks, insults her, hurts the children. Instead of breaking up with the tyrant-idler, she assures everyone, including herself, that everything is in order. He smiles, jokes, tries to put things in order in the house, cook something “delicious”, distancing himself from reality. That is, it saves the family, although it is high time to start living in a new way. Who is this woman ultimately deceiving? Only yourself, of course. So, unfortunately, you won’t get by on positive thinking alone.

The harm of positive thinking also lies in the fact that often optimist-dreamers conquer peaks only in their own dreams.

They invent something, embellish it, openly lie. In reality, they do nothing that would lead to real, rather than fictitious, success. Optimists spend all their potential on dreams, but not on the implementation of specific plans. Those who doubt their abilities and prefer not to share the skin of an unkilled bear are more likely to achieve their dreams.

Let's say the situation is this: there is a person who wants to achieve a lot in life (find Good work, move up the career ladder, gain financial well-being etc.). But instead of concrete actions, he only dreams that his time will come, and by chance he will meet a well-wisher on the street who will offer him his dream job with an excellent salary. It is not surprising that such a person will be successful only in his thoughts. But in fact, those who did not wait for manna from heaven, but in literally I worked until I sweat. The optimist will remain in his own thoughts until he finally understands that his dreams of soon finding a good position and a high salary are self-deception and nothing more.

The harm of positive thinking is obvious, especially if you constantly resort to embellishing problems and dreams.

Positive thinking and depression go hand in hand

Positive thinking every day prevents people from truly struggling with difficulties. This comes from the fact that changes in life can be made only by realizing the need for it, by admitting to yourself that it’s time to fix something (leave an unloved partner, stop communicating with unpleasant people, find a job you like, etc.). But if you deceive yourself every day that everything will work out on its own, that everything is not so bad, then a difficult situation is unlikely to change on its own. The unloved person will still be around, the annoying acquaintances will still be present in life, you will still have to go to the hated job. In such a situation it is not far from neurosis.

Trying to think only in a positive way

They also lead to the fact that a person at some point breaks away from reality.

To escape from unsightly moments, he invents his own “positive world” where everything is fine. And this is already a failure, since such an approach will sooner or later break down against “harsh reality.” And you will have to admit to yourself that everything you lived before was nothing more than far-fetched illusory thoughts. And then the high mood is replaced by apathy, dissatisfaction with oneself, and depression.

"Mental contrasting"– an alternative to groundless optimism

So, the essence of positive thinking is to find advantages even in obviously unpleasant things.

As we have found out, all-encompassing optimism does not always really help a person - due to his psychology. It's more likely good way will calm down, but not a way out of all life's difficulties.

However, looking at the world only in black terms is also unwise. All that remains is to put all your efforts into finding the golden mean. Great trick - mental contrasting. Its task is to give a person the opportunity to see positive and negative sides situations at the same time.

Let's say a man wants to open his own business. He should not only indulge in dreams of making a good profit, but also analyze all the risks: the possibility of “not getting promoted,” unscrupulous partners, and so on. Having thought in advance about all the difficulties that may arise during life path, it will be easier not to make many mistakes. In other words, mental contrasting– a positive, but quite realistic view of things.

Method WOOP vs. Inclusive Positivity

WOOP method, similar to mental contrasting, was proposed by American scientists. Its name is based on the initial letters of the words “wish”, “outcome”, “obstacle”, “plan” (translated as “desire”, “result”, “obstacle”, “plan”).

  1. First you need to formulate your desire.

    Let it be a girl's dream to get happily married.

  2. Afterwards you will need to decide on the result.

    In our case, the girl will think about meeting with good man, a strong union with him, children.

  3. Then it’s time to think about the obstacle.

    Possible rivals, lack of housekeeping skills, difficult character of the girl.

  4. Finally, it's time to make a plan.

    The young lady will have to work hard on herself, become not only pleasant externally, but also internally versatile, learn to cook deliciously, be able to make concessions and listen to her partner.

Using the WOOP method, you don’t have to dwell in idle dreams. A person, knowing about possible obstacles, will know in advance how to get out of the situation as a winner.

Results: Planned Positive Thinking Every Day

So, positive thinking is a good way to temporarily stop being sad by detaching yourself from your worries. A great way to form a positive attitude towards what is happening. But it’s an ideal way to perceive life. This is not a panacea or a way out of all troubles.

It is much more productive to dream, but at the same time not to break away from the realities of life. No wonder they say: “Who is forewarned is forearmed.” Seeing the situation from all sides makes it easier to do the right thing. Positive thinking also has its negative sides and can also be harmful and interfere with achieving goals and living a happy life. Therefore, do not focus only on the positive, look also at reality.

Inner harmony – this is the most important thing in life. It is quite difficult to live without a feeling of happiness and joy. There are quite a few ways to achieve spiritual harmony today, but the easiest, simplest and most effective is this is positive thinking.

What is positive thinking? This is a certain system of views on the world, based on some main concepts.

Basic concept of positive psychology and thinking:

– There is no one to blame and the world is fair;

– The universe is abundant;

– The basis of everything is self-love;

– For everything that happens to a person in life, he is responsible himself;

– A person is what his thoughts are and, therefore, everything that happens to him is only a reflection of his thoughts.
Compliance or non-compliance with these concepts determines the fate and health of a person. Failures, troubles, health problems and other vicissitudes of fate indicate a “deviation from the course” and force you to think and reconsider your behavior and your thoughts. While correct and positive thoughts give excellent health, inner harmony and happy destiny.

Positive thinking - three main directions.

1. Affirmations (positive statements).

2. Positive attitude.

3. Positive thinking (positive thoughts).

Positive affirmations.

Affirmations are statements that state what a person wants to have. It is better if positive statements are based on the future tense (“every day I am getting younger,” “my income is constantly growing and increasing every day,” and so on). It is quite possible to use affirmations in the present tense, but using them in the past tense will not lead to the desired result.

For example, statements about losing weight. If you say, “I’ve lost weight!” it won’t work. But if you say: “Every day I am becoming slimmer and slimmer!” or “I’m constantly losing weight, and every second my weight is getting smaller!” – it will work. I wrote about the right attitude and working with your subconscious for those who want to lose weight in the article: I highly recommend reading it.

Saying what you want many times over a period of at least a month will inevitably lead to the desired result. And if you add positive emotions to this, then everything will happen much faster. It would be good to do the “Breathing of Happiness” exercise; its description can be found in the article

There are universal affirmations that every person can recite, such as:

– The world is safe and friendly. I float in the flow of life, and nothing threatens me.

– The source of love inside me is always full and I radiate and attract love.

– My life is joy, prosperity and happiness.

But, it is best if each person comes up with his own statement, which he needs at the moment. Exists close connection between our emotions and health, and if you have a health problem, then you need to choose statements related to this problem. Louise Hay, a famous psychologist, found a connection between diseases and emotions; on the page you can see her table.

If you lack self-confidence, you can say affirmations in front of the mirror in a louder voice than you usually speak. You can even wear a business suit.

If you want more love and harmony in your soul, then it is better to say statements about love for yourself and the world in a cozy, warm atmosphere (sitting in a soft chair, in a warm bath, before going to bed in bed or basking in the sun's rays).

Positive attitude.

This is absolute faith, an inner attitude that you can do anything, you are always lucky and on the wave of good luck.

A positive-minded person sees and finds advantages in everything and connects concepts that seem in no way connected at first glance.

For example:

- the car sprayed - to the money;

- broke the plate - to joy:

- a black cat crossed the road - good news.

A person can come up with any sign for himself, in which the main thing is not a logical chain, but a positive attitude!

For example, I really love the numbers 5 and 7. And if I see a car whose license plate contains two fives, two sevens, or just a collection of these numbers, then I know that I will be lucky today. I look at the number and say: “Fortunately!” This is my personal sign-:)

Positive thinking.

People choose how to react to events in their lives. Take it to everyone famous example about a glass that is either half full or half empty. A positive person sees it as half full, and the negative sees it as half empty. But this doesn’t change the glass at all!

Even when answering standard questions, people behave differently. For example, a husband asks his wife a question: “Are you packed, ready to go out?”, to which a negative woman will answer: “No, I’m not ready yet. Don’t rush me!”, and a positive-minded person will say: “I’m almost ready, I’ll be out in 20 minutes.” This seems like a small thing, but it very accurately shows the internal state of a person.

There is another good tool with which you can quickly master and begin to apply the principles of positive thinking in life - this is the “Success Diary”, in which you can write down and record all the good things that happened to you during the day. How to create it, read the article: This way, you will focus your attention on success, not on failure.

Without working on yourself, your life will not change! Parents, society, teachers at school gave us a lot of good things, but, unfortunately, they also gave us a lot of unnecessary things, or rather even “not ours.” By working on yourself, you can make your life better, brighter and richer.

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I wish you a sea of ​​positivity, joy and positive emotions!

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If you are familiar with heliotropical plants, then you know that they turn towards the sun to receive more energy for photosynthesis. Famous blogger and writer Stephen Aitchison is confident that this concept also applies to humans. In his opinion, heliotropic thinking is the ability to focus attention on positive emotions and beliefs that crowd out negative thinking styles.

By cultivating this skill, you will gain control over your emotions, be able to quickly enter the desired state and gain the ability to ignore negativity. Stephen suggests developing 7 qualities that create positive thinking.


This emotion is perhaps the most positive. Every person, whether he admits it or not, has a reason to be grateful. For the health of relatives, meetings with interesting people, opportunities and dreams, for every dawn lived.

You can express gratitude in any form. These can be journal entries, words, or just thoughts. The main thing is that you begin to see the bright sides of this world, and learn from it positive mood and powerful energy for self-improvement. By cultivating gratitude in yourself, you will forget that you were once hindered by the villainous fate, and you will begin to perceive every failure as a useful experience.


Success cannot be achieved without love for your profession. Despite the fact that this expression has long passed into the category of “bearded”, it does not lose its relevance.

Really achieve significant result in any business it is possible only if you work with full dedication. If you put your whole soul into your business, despondency and the burden of everyday worries will begin to disappear from your life, and every mistake will turn into a valuable experience.


Another emotion that fills you with positivity and pushes you to great deeds is self-confidence. How to develop it? It's worth opening up positive thoughts. From time to time, it is important to refresh your memory of past accomplishments, no matter how large or small they may be. Praise yourself. For academic success and career achievements, good looks, resourcefulness, sense of humor and kindness.

Every success you have is another step towards success. Any victory increases your self-confidence and opens the way to new, greater achievements.


No wonder this feeling is called the strongest. It is capable of overcoming human soul even the most “cloudy” thoughts and experiences. The advantage of love is that it is not limited to just feelings for one person. This bright experience extends to all areas of our lives.


The modern world deliberately dictates fear and hatred to us. Frightening news and events striking with injustice seem to deliberately “bombard” us every day, forcing us to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world with a wall of pessimism.

Turn off news that causes aggression and negative feelings. Look at the people around you - each of them deserves attention. You can find a storehouse of positivity in any person. Take a closer look at the actions of those around you, try to find something pleasant, attractive, and kind in them.


What gives you strength, forcing you to move forward by leaps and bounds? Close person, cherished dream, sports, favorite music? Find the source of positive energy within yourself. Be inspired, open up to new impressions, people, opportunities, and feel free to draw energy.


Dilute the injustice and selfishness of this world with a drop of altruism. Help people without expecting anything in return. Even a simple word “thank you” can push negative moods out of your head.

Open up to a new world filled with positivity, and it will give you gifts that will make you happy every day.
