Functionally, the hypothalamus belongs to the limbic system. Limbic system. What controls us

Limbic system represents a functional association of brain structures involved in the organization of emotional and motivational behavior, such as food, sexual, and defensive instincts. This system is involved in organizing the sleep-wake cycle.

The limbic system, as a phylogenetically ancient formation, has a regulatory effect on the cortex big brain and subcortical structures, establishing the necessary correspondence of their activity levels.

The older the imprint, the stronger it is, because it forms the basis on which all other behavior and decision-making patterns are built. If experience at these stages, especially before the 3-year-old child and school age at the age of about 6 years, creates a kind, safe, harmonious form and taking into account the natural needs of the child, then the person has a very good foundation for life. in future. Unfortunately, we are not always conceived as a result of great love for our parents, some of us are born as “mistakes” or “accidents”, as those who should not be here.

Morphofunctional organization.

The structures of the limbic system include 3 complexes.

The first complex is the ancient cortex (preperiform, periamygdala, diagonal cortex), olfactory bulbs, olfactory tubercle, septum pellucidum.

The second complex of structures of the limbic system is the old cortex, which includes the hippocampus, dentate fascia, and cingulate gyrus.

Some are born to hide the emptiness in their parents' souls or in their partnership. Some survive, so some give up. Some people are lucky enough to be born out of great love. We all remember this. All this tested our Soul. She doesn't need words. But she had a heart that she felt and at that moment realized and imagined the event. So why did my life repeat what was so similar to these situations and the reluctance, rejection and pushing repeated itself over and over again? Why do people born after artificially terminated natural births feel like they don't want to do it every time they want something?

The third complex of the limbic system is the subcortical structures ( amygdala, nuclei of the septum pellucida, anterior thalamic nucleus, mastoid bodies).

In addition to the above structures, the limbic system also includes the hypothalamus and the reticular formation of the midbrain.

Picture 1.

A feature of the limbic system is that between its structures there are simple two-way connections and complex pathways that form many closed circles. Such an organization creates conditions for long-term circulation of the same excitation in the system and thereby for the preservation of a single state in it and the imposition of this state on other brain systems.

Or why do people who forcefully go out with a bell or pump to get a birth date from a chart feel like they won't finish, as if their environment is still forcing something and they have been forcefully forced out of their natural rhythm? Each person comes into this world with unique gifts and talents. However, the events we experience from our concept often cause pain, trauma and cause our emotions and developmental functions to freeze, even though our life and motor functions everything seems fine.

Currently, the connections between brain structures that organize circles that have their own functional specificity are well known. These include the Peypes circle (hippocampus - mammillary bodies - anterior nuclei of the thalamus - cingulate cortex - parahippocampal gyrus - hippocampus). This circle is related to memory and learning processes.

But the most important thing that happens to us is less noticeable. If we are born and raised with Love, we have the opportunity to live our Life fully and joyfully, with Love and humility. We have the ability to carry out and develop our talents and dispositions to create a life that brings us value, fun and fulfillment. Our basic needs for safety, love, self-actualization and social relations are fulfilled, and therefore in our ordinary lives we can live without having to seek these needs through substitutions, addictions and actions that have not served us.

Another circle (amygdala - hypothalamus - mesencephalic structures - amygdala) regulates aggressive-defensive, eating and sexual behaviors.

Figure 2.

A – Peipets circle; B – circle through the amygdala; GT/MT – mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus; CM - midbrain(limbic area).

Certain levels of injury are unlikely to be avoided as circumstances may be interpreted differently depending on the character and disposition of the individual. By understanding our limbic imprint, we have tremendous power to change everything that does not serve us in our Life, which gives us energy and potential that we can direct towards realizing what we truly want and what we will enjoy and accomplish. That this is a state of Body, Soul and Mind, when we can evaluate not only the good things in our Life, but also the negative ones, because they are the source of our wisdom and deep knowledge.

It is believed that figurative (iconic) memory is formed by the cortico-limbic-thalamo-cortical circle.

Circles of different functional purposes connect the limbic system with many structures of the central nervous system, which allows the latter to implement functions, the specifics of which are determined by the included additional structure.

This is the state in which we feel better Everyday life, and thanks to this we can work with the challenges that Life brings us. It is a state of inner peace and happiness, even if the wind is swirling in the open air. And what is my experience with decoding the sticky seal? Indescribable. Imagine having a second chance to be born. Imagine that you are all used to living in the Path, which is the same hole and abyss that you need to avoid or prevent you from leaving. Imagine that you are all Life in a bubble that is around you, you see the world around you, you want to touch it, feel the wind that comes out, touch the beautiful flowers, laughing faces, but you can't just because of this bubble that you have created around you to protect you.

For example, the inclusion of the caudate nucleus in one of the circles of the limbic system determines its participation in the organization of inhibitory processes of higher nervous activity.

A large number of connections in the limbic system and the peculiar circular interaction of its structures create favorable conditions for the reverberation of excitation in short and long circles. This, on the one hand, ensures the functional interaction of parts of the limbic system, on the other, creates conditions for memorization.

Imagine a bridge that you know leads to beautiful landscapes and all you have to do is cross it, but it gets in the way of a hole in the middle of the bridge. The desire of a Soul that is in prison and wants to get out? In my opinion, working with the limbic fingerprint is a tool that will help us create new Paths so that we can move freely through the Path our heart calls us to. That he is the one who sends an army of builders onto our bridges to build roads and bridges where there was nothing.

By working with all levels of perception in this work, constant changes occur that allow us to once again feel joy, Love, life and self-acceptance. It makes us feel blessed even though we have no reason to be. And it will also give us insight into when we usually fall into despair, regret or sadness, which is a wonderful feeling when you allow it to experience and observe that change. Because Life shouldn't suffer. Because Life is simple and peaceful as can be.

The abundance of connections between the limbic system and the structures of the central nervous system makes it difficult to identify brain functions in which it does not participate. Thus, the limbic system is related to regulating the level of reaction of the autonomous, somatic systems during emotional and motivational activity, regulating the level of attention, perception, and reproduction of emotionally significant information. The limbic system determines the choice and implementation of adaptive forms of behavior, the dynamics of innate forms of behavior, the maintenance of homeostasis, and generative processes. Finally, it ensures the creation of an emotional background, the formation and implementation of processes of higher nervous activity.

You should always keep in mind that a horse is a transmitter and a receiver of a receiver. The goal is to set up the receiver for trouble-free reception. Hippotherapy is one of the ways to provide relief. Simplification is associated with proprioceptive receptor activity and is currently the basis modern procedures resuscitation. This is a re-education procedure that lowers the excitability threshold of the motor neuron and, therefore, increases the irritability of the nervous structures, which facilitates movement. Relief methods use over-stimulating stimuli - tactile, visual from the periphery - that target the affected functions and clear the way for proper function.

It should be noted that the ancient and old cortex of the limbic system has direct relation To olfactory function. In turn, the olfactory analyzer, as the most ancient of the analyzers, is a nonspecific activator of all types of activity of the cerebral cortex.

Some authors call the limbic system the visceral brain, i.e., a structure of the central nervous system involved in the regulation of activity internal organs. Indeed, the amygdala, septum pellucidum, and olfactory brain change their activity when excited. vegetative systems body in accordance with the conditions environment. This became possible thanks to the establishment of morphological and functional connections with younger brain formations, ensuring the interaction of exteroceptive, interoceptive systems and the temporal lobe cortex.

Hypotherapy is a very complex method in its effects. For hippotherapy it is important that maximum effect this factor was not contained in the saddle, only in the thin blanket; At the same time, the patient should wear light clothing in the sensory area. Hippotherapy is represented by the weight of a given segment supported by the horse's back. Supportive reactions. Thanks to calipers, it is possible to facilitate leg building, which is one of the most commonly used elements in hippotherapy. Defense reaction against falling. The mobility of the horse's back determines the strengthening of the postural muscles, depending on the inclination of the patient's center of gravity during riding. This is the same principle that Jund said about sensory motor stimulation - the two types of motor learning. The first stage is characterized by the acquisition of new motor skills and the creation of functional connections, the second stage of encoding motor skills at the lower level, underregulated due to lower complexity and faster speed. The disadvantage is that skills are fixed and are very difficult to change. Labyrinthine reflexes. They are applied in a transverse position, which results in rocking and rocking, resulting in significant relaxation for patients. Irritation due to irradiation. In hippotherapy, the movement formula is a stereotype of horse riding, with the weight of the segments and the influence of gravity creating a resistance force. Activate the limbic system. The language system is active in every movement; emotion influences the intensity of the movement reaction, and also creates memory traces for fixing movement programs in memory. Thus, we can say that “the limbic system is the initiator of every movement.” Moreover, a regular rhythm of movement at a certain harmonic frequency is accompanied by an emotional experience and affects the psyche and, consequently, the movement behavior of the individual. The meaning of the movement of the limbic system was formulated in Pribram's theory. According to the holographic theory of memory fixation in Primara in the brain, it interferes with two actions, namely sensory projection to the cerebral cortex and a second activation of the limbic system. Several places to store information at the same time interfere with these two actions, like a hologram. It follows from this that if part of the recording area is damaged, the information as a whole does not disappear, but only its details are lost. Therefore, activation of the sensory brain is necessary for the emergence of a memory trace and is one of the most important factors success of hipotherapy compared to other physiotherapeutic approaches. The influence of the deep stabilization system. During pelvic hypotherapy, the patient is alternately stimulated and focused specifically on the monosegmental mm during alternating drops of the patient's pelvis. This also leads to the mobilization of motion segments and, therefore, to the elimination of joint hypomobility. Stimulation of the global postulate-locomotive model.

  • Tactile stimulation of the skin.
  • The influence of heat.
  • Resistance.
A feature that hippotherapy offers that is not consistent with other rehabilitation methods is the horse's stride and the associated movement of the horse's back and rhythm.

The most multifunctional formations of the limbic system are the hippocampus and amygdala. The physiology of these structures is the most studied.

Limbic system (synonym: limbic complex, brain, rhinencephalon, thymencephalon)

a complex of structures of the midbrain, diencephalon and telencephalon involved in the organization of visceral, motivational and emotional reactions of the body.

Due to the closeness of the horse's stride and the human's cross motion pattern, hippotherapy is the only rehabilitation that redirects the walk from above. Having ridden the client on a horse, we “pull” movement out of his movement lower limb. By combining the pelvis with the movement of the horse's back, we activate all the reflexive mechanisms necessary for walking, and thus establish the possibility of physiological joints of the fuselage, neck, head and upper limbs. The dialogue of evolving movement between the horse and the patient prevents other pathological movement stereotypes and at the same time facilitates the depiction of physiological walking from the periphery to the center.

The main part of the structures of HP. constitute brain formations related to the ancient, old and new cortex, located mainly on medial surface cerebral hemispheres, as well as numerous subcortical structures closely associated with them.

At the initial stage of development of vertebrates, HP. provided all the most important reactions of the body (food, orientation, sexual, etc.), formed on the basis of the most ancient distant sense - smell (Oolfaction) . It acted as an integrating factor for many integral functions of the body and united the structures of the telencephalon, diencephalon and midbrain into a single morphofunctional complex. A number of structures of L.S. forms closed systems based on ascending and descending pathways.

The second special factor is rhythm. Violation of the rhythm leads to asymmetry, failure, exhaustion, and illness. “Our body is in many ways a rhythmic machine, where everything pulsates synchronously - from activity digestive tract to neurons in the brain." Rhythm is still the only treatment method in some countries today - for example, in the Siberian countries and the Australian aborigines. The theoretical explanation, which is only a guess, is that if the human body is subjected to a regular balanced rhythm, a similar reaction occurs in the natural rhythms of our body, which are restored to their original equilibrium.

Morphologically L.s. in higher mammals includes ( rice. 1 ) areas of the old cortex (cingulate, or limbic, gyrus), some formations of the new cortex (temporal and frontal regions, intermediate frontotemporal zone), subcortical structures (caudate, putamen, septum, reticular formation of the midbrain, nonspecific nuclei of the thalamus).

Structures HP participate in the regulation of the most important biological needs associated with the production of energy and plastic materials, maintaining water and salt balance, optimization of body temperature, etc.

It has been experimentally proven that the emotional state of an animal when certain areas of the HP are stimulated. manifested primarily by reactions of aggression (anger), flight (fear) or observed mixed forms behavior such as defensiveness. Emotions, unlike motivations, arise in response to sudden changes in the environment and serve as a tactical task of behavior. Therefore, they are fleeting and optional. Long-term unmotivated changes emotional behavior may be a consequence of organic pathology or the action of certain neuroleptics. IN different departments HP centers of “pleasure” and “displeasure” have been opened, combined into systems of “reward” and “punishment”. When stimulated, the “punishment” system behaves in the same way as in case of fear or pain, and when stimulated, the “reward” system tends to resume and carries it out independently if such an opportunity arises. Reward effects are not directly related to the regulation of biological motivations or the inhibition of negative emotions and most likely represent nonspecific mechanism positive reinforcement, the activity of which is perceived as pleasure or reward. This general nonspecific positive reinforcement is connected to various motivational mechanisms and ensures the direction of behavior based on the “better - worse” principle.

Visceral reactions when exposed to HP are, as a rule, a specific component of the corresponding type of behavior. Thus, when the hunger center is stimulated in the lateral parts of the hypothalamus, abundant, increased motor activity and secretory activity are observed gastrointestinal tract; when provoking sexual reactions - ejaculation, etc., and in the background different types motivational and emotional behavior, changes in breathing, heart rate and magnitude, secretion, catecholamines, other hormones and mediators are recorded,

To explain the principles of integrative activity L.s. put forward the cyclical nature of excitation processes in a closed network of structures, including the hippocampus, mammillary bodies, brain, anterior nuclei of the thalamus, cingulate gyrus - the so-called Papes circle ( rice. 2 ). Then it resumes. This “transit” principle of organizing the functions of HP. is confirmed by a number of facts. For example, food reactions can be evoked by stimulating the lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus, the lateral preoptic area and some other structures. Nevertheless, despite the multiplicity of localization of functions, it was possible to identify key, or pacemaker, mechanisms, the shutdown of which leads to a complete loss of function.

Currently, the problem of consolidating structures into a specific functional system solved from the standpoint of neurochemistry. It has been shown that many formations of H.S. contain cells and terminals that secrete several types biologically active substances. Among them, the most studied are monoaminergic neurons, forming three systems: dopaminergic, noradrenergic and serotonergic (see Mediators) . Neurochemical affinity of individual structures of HP. largely determines the degree of their participation in a particular type of behavior. The activity of the reward system is ensured by noradrenergic and dopaminergic mechanisms; corresponding cellular receptors with drugs from a number of phenothiazines or bugarophenones is accompanied by emotional and motor retardation, and with excessive dosages - depression and motor disorders, close to parkinsonism syndrome. In the regulation of sleep and wakefulness, along with monoaminergic mechanisms, GABAergic and neuromodulatory mechanisms that specifically respond to gamma-aminobutyric acid() and delta sleep peptide. The endogenous opiate system and morphine-like substances - and enkephalins - play a key role in pain mechanisms (see Regulatory peptides) .

Violations of HP functions appear when various diseases(brain injuries, intoxications, neuroinfections, vascular pathology, endogenous psychoses, neuroses) and are extremely diverse in clinical picture. Depending on the location and extent of the lesion, these disorders may be related to motivation, emotions, autonomic functions and can be combined in different proportions. Low thresholds convulsive activity HP determine different shapes epilepsy: major and minor forms seizures, automatisms, changes in consciousness (and derealization), vegetative paroxysms, which are preceded or accompanied by various forms of mood changes in combination with olfactory, gustatory and auditory hallucinations.
