WWII through the eyes of the Germans 1941 1945. The beginning of WWII through the eyes of the Germans. Letters from German soldiers and officers from the Eastern Front as a cure for the Fuhrers

UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO World Heritage Sites include the most valuable sites (both natural and man-made) in terms of their cultural, historical or environmental significance. Here are twenty uniquely beautiful UNESCO sites located in Europe.


1 Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia.

Forest reserve in Central Croatia, famous for its cascading lakes, waterfalls, caves and limestone gorges.

2 Red Square, Moscow, Russia.

The most famous square in Russia, located east of the Kremlin, the official residence of the president. On Red Square there are St. Basil's Cathedral and the State Historical Museum.

3 Village Vlkolínec, Slovakia.

A perfectly preserved ethnographic village, which is included in the list of museums of folk architecture in Slovakia. The settlement reflects the traditional features of a Central European village: log buildings, stables with haylofts and a wooden bell tower.

4 Rila Monastery, Bulgaria.

The largest and most famous Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria, founded in the 10th century and rebuilt in the mid-1800s.

5 Natural-historical complex Mont Saint-Michel, France.

A fortified Gothic-style island abbey built between the 11th and 16th centuries in northwestern France.

6 Alcobaça Monastery, Portugal.

Roman Catholic church located north of Lisbon. It was built by the Portuguese king Alfonso I in the 12th century.

7 Budapest: Banks of the Danube, Buda Castle Hill and Andrássy Avenue.

The central part of the Hungarian capital boasts such stunning architectural masterpieces as the Parliament Buildings, the Opera House, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Market Hall.

8 Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica, Poland.

The largest wooden sacral buildings in Europe, built in the second half of the 17th century after the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years' War.

9. Stavkirka in Urnes, Norway.

The stave church, located in western Norway, is a superb example of traditional Scandinavian architecture.

10. Giant's Causeway, Ireland.

A natural monument consisting of approximately 40,000 interconnected basalt columns formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption.

11. Pont du Gard Aqueduct, France.

The tallest surviving ancient Roman aqueduct. Its length is 275 meters and its height is 47 meters.

12. Pilgrimage Church in Wies, Germany

A Bavarian Rococo church located in a beautiful Alpine valley southwest of Munich.

13. Fjords of Western Norway, Norway.

Located in southwest Norway, Geirangerfjord and Nordfjord are among the longest and deepest fjords in the world.

14. Vatican, Italy.

Center of Catholic Christianity, and residence of the Pope. Also, the Vatican Museums house many of the world's artistic masterpieces.

15. Thousand-year-old Benedictine monastery in Pannonhalm, Hungary.

Monastic community and one of the oldest historical monuments Hungary, was founded in 996.

16. Pirin National Park, Bulgaria.

National park with an area of ​​403 square meters. km, located on three vegetation zones: mountain-forest, subalpine and alpine.

17. Grand Place, Brussels. 18. Old Bridge area in the historical center of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Old Bridge, built in the 16th century during the reign of Ottoman Empire- one of the most significant architectural monuments in the Balkans.

19. Glacial fjord Ilulissat, Denmark.

A fjord located in western Greenland, 250 km north of the Arctic Circle. It includes the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier, moving at a speed of 19 meters per day, one of the fastest glaciers in the world.

20. Palace of Catalan Music, Barcelona, ​​Spain.

A famous concert hall, representing one of the best examples of Catalan Art Nouveau. It is also the only concert hall in Europe with natural light.

Ten natural sites of the Russian Federation are on the UNESCO World Heritage List (4 of them are recognized as natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance), and this is not counting another 15 sites that are cultural sites protection. This is not at all surprising, because Russia is a truly vast country, with a vast territory, incredibly beautiful and diverse nature, and a rich cultural heritage.

If you want to see the pristine nature of Russia in its pristine form, then Russians (and foreign tourists too) will have no difficulty going to one of the country’s natural reserves or national parks, on the territory of which these ten objects that need constant international protection are located level...

1. Forests of the Komi Republic

The area of ​​these forests is more than 3 million hectares, on which a national park and a state biosphere reserve are located. This facility was opened for Russia new page in security environment at the global level.

The virgin forests of Komi are known as the largest intact forests growing in Europe. They cover an area of ​​32,600 square kilometers in the north Ural mountains, within the Pechero-Ilychsky reserve and national park"Yugyd Va". In terms of their composition, Komi forests belong to the taiga ecosystem. They are dominated by coniferous trees. The western part of the forests is in the foothills area, the eastern part is in the mountains themselves. The Komi forest is distinguished by the diversity of not only flora, but also fauna. More than two hundred species of birds live here, There are 40 species of rare mammals, and the reservoirs are home to 16 species of fish, which are considered valuable for fishing, preserved from the Ice Age. For example, such fish species include Siberian grayling and palia char. Many inhabitants of the virgin forests of Komi are listed in the Red Book of the Planet. This natural object The Russian Federation was included in the UNESCO list in 1995 - the very first on the list.

2. Lake Baikal

For the whole world, Baikal is a lake, for the residents of Russia, who are in love with a unique natural object, Baikal is a sea! Located in Eastern Siberia it is the deepest lake on the planet and, at the same time, the largest natural reservoir by volume fresh water. The shape of Baikal looks like a crescent. Maximum depth lake is 1642 meters at average depth in 744. Baikal contains 19 percent of all fresh water on the planet. The lake is fed by more than three hundred rivers and streams. Baikal water is different high content oxygen. Its temperature rarely exceeds plus 8-9 degrees Celsius even in summer in the surface area. The water of the lake is so clean and transparent that it allows you to see at a depth of up to forty meters.

Lake Baikal, the oldest and deepest (approximately 1,700 meters) on Earth, covers an area of ​​over three million hectares. The reservoir, which appeared about 25 million years ago, was in almost complete isolation, thanks to which an amazing ecosystem was formed in its fresh waters, the study of which allows us to obtain information about the evolutionary processes taking place on the planet.

Unique even on a global scale, the lake contains about 20% of all available reserves of essential fresh water on Earth, as well as a delightful spectacle, inspiring with beauty and captivating with the luxury of amazing landscapes.

Lake Baikal was named a beautiful pearl by UNESCO in 1996 and included in the list of priceless heritages of the planet.

3. Kamchatka volcanoes .

This site was also included in the World Heritage List in 1996. Five years later (in 2001), the territory of the facility subject to international protection, expanded due to movement lithospheric plates Pacific volcanic ring. Today, the territory of the state biosphere reserve is about 4 million hectares. This area is called the “natural museum of volcanology.” Both long-extinct and active volcanoes of the Kamchatka Peninsula can serve as exhibits. Moreover, each of the “exhibits” is an individual object, for which a lifetime would not be enough to study.

In total, there are currently about 300 extinct volcanoes and 30 active volcanoes on the territory of this object, but the number of the latter changes every year. The most interesting attraction for tourists in this region is the Valley of Geysers in the Konotsky Biosphere Reserve. The mountain rivers of Kamchatka abound in huge numbers salmon fish, and the coastal waters are home to many species of whales and dolphins.

4. Altai Mountains

These mountains are called “Golden”, since every species of animal, bird and fish here is unique. Altai cedar forests and mammals with the most valuable commercial fur, which can be equated in value with gold, have been preserved here. The site covers an area of ​​more than 1.5 million hectares and was included in the UNESCO list in 1998. The “golden” Altai Mountains are located at the intersection of the mountain systems of Siberia and Central Asia.

The vegetation of this region is unique; there is an abundance of alpine meadows, steppes, semi-deserts and tundra. Absolutely everything is unique here, from snow leopards to mountain landforms. The pearl of the Altai region is called Teletskoye Lake, which is also called “Small Baikal”.

5. Natural Park “Lena Pillars”

The fabulously beautiful landscapes of the park are formed by hundred-meter rock formations that pacify the waters of the beautiful Lena River. The Lena Pillars are located in the very heart of Sakha (Republic of Yakutia).

Such an amazing natural phenomenon owes its appearance to the continental climate, temperature fluctuations within which reach about one hundred degrees (+40 degrees in summer and -60 degrees in winter). The pillars are separated by deep ravines with steep slopes. Their formation occurred under the influence of water, which contributed to soil freezing and weathering. Such processes led to the fact that the ravines deepened and widened. Water in in this case plays the role of a destroyer, representing a danger to the pillars.

The Lena Pillars, included in the list of world heritage in 2012, are of interest not only from the point of view of an aesthetic spectacle; it is also a unique archaeological zone, on the territory of which the remains of ancient animals of the Cambrian period were discovered.

This natural site has an area of ​​1.27 million hectares. If we take into account the geological structure of the soil in the park, then this land can “tell” a lot about the history of the development of the planet, about living organisms and vegetation.

In the Lena Pillars, many remains of mammoths, bison, woolly rhinoceroses, Lena horses, reindeer and other remains of ancient mammals were discovered. Today the complex is home to 12 representatives of animals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Planet. It is believed that the Lena Pillars have a huge “aesthetic influence” on people due to their unique beauty of landscapes, bizarre terrain with huge caves, fabulous-looking stone sculptures, rocky spiers, niches and “towers”.

6. Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve

This territory, included in the UNESCO list in 2001, covers an area of ​​about 0.4 million hectares. The object is valuable because unique broad-leaved forests and ancient coniferous forests have been preserved on its territory. There is also an incredible mix of flora and fauna, including many rare species.

A large biosphere reserve in the Primorsky Territory was originally created to preserve the sable population. Currently it represents the most comfortable spot observing the life of the Amur tiger. Grows on the territory of the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve great amount plants. More than a thousand higher species, more than a hundred - mosses, about four hundred - lichens, more than six hundred species of algae and more than five hundred - fungi.

The local fauna is represented by a large number of birds, marine invertebrates and insects. Many plants, birds, animals and insects are protected species. Schisandra chinensis,ginseng,rhododendron Fori and edelweiss Palibina, spotted deer and Himalayan bear, black crane and stork, Japanese starling, Sakhalin sturgeon, fish owl and swallowtail butterfly - they all found shelter in the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve.

7. Natural complex of the Wrangel Island reserve

The protected area, which was added to the list of UNESCO treasures in 2004, is located beyond the Arctic Circle. It includes the relief landscapes of Wrangel Island, whose area is over 7 thousand square meters. kilometers, and Herald Island, whose area is 11 thousand square meters. kilometers, as well as the coastal waters of the East Siberian Sea and the waters of the Chukchi Sea.

This region managed to avoid glaciation, thanks to which the area is characterized by amazing biological diversity. The harsh climate of the protected area attracted walruses, who formed the largest rookery in the Arctic here. Polar bears have also taken a liking to the picturesque land; the density of their dens in this region is considered to be the highest on the planet.

Over fifty species of birds nest here, some of which are endemic and endangered. Gray whales rush here, choosing this place for feeding. Surprisingly, over four hundred species of vascular plants are found on the island, among which there are also endemics.

Here tourists can see the largest bird colonies in the eastern Arctic. Relics of the Pleistocene predominate among plant forms. The landscape of the island is unusual, as is its water area. Many travelers dream of visiting here.

8. Ubsunur Basin

The area of ​​this unique biosphere reserve is 0.8 million hectares. The object was included in the UNESCO list in 2003. A salt lake with a large area is located on the border of Mongolia and the Russian Republic of Tyva. By the way, on the territory of Russia there are only seven sections of the intermountain basin with a shallow lake (up to 15 meters), the remaining five parts of the Transboundary Site are located in Mongolia. Each of the seven sections of the basin on our territory is individual in appearance and the plants that grow there depending on the landscape.

Inhabitant of the Ubsunur Basin

ZHere you can see foothills with eternal areas of snow-capped peaks, there are also areas of mountain taiga, alpine meadows, wetlands, mountain tundra and even sandy deserts. The remnant mountains with bright vegetation and contrasting landscapes make the Ubsunur basin especially picturesque. Endangered species of animals are found here - mountain sheep - argali, snow leopard, as well as many rare species of birds - geese, herons, terns, gulls, waders, etc. During excavations of ancient mounds on the territory of the basin, unique rock paintings, burials and stone sculptures were discovered .

9. Putorana Plateau

Included in the World Heritage List in 2010, this natural site of the Russian Federation is total area more than 1.8 million hectares. This virgin basalt plateau in the north of Eastern Siberia, almost at the Arctic Circle, is invaluable for study by geologists and geomorphologists. The mountainous terrain has a stepped landscape, with flat-topped massifs intersected by deep canyons. The plateau was formed at the boundary of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic as a result of volcanic activity. Forty-layer deposits make it possible to study the structure of the planet.

Deep cracks in the plateau were formed by glaciers, which were subsequently filled with water, forming lakes with a unique appearance and a depth of up to 400 meters. There are many plateaus on the territory beautiful waterfalls, one of which (in the valley of the Kanda River) has a height of 108 meters. In total, on the territory of the Putorana Plateau there are 25 thousand small and large lakes with a huge supply of fresh water. There are more than 30 species of mammals in this northern reserve and all of them are rare or relict.

The vegetation is represented by 400 species - mainly open forest, mountain tundra and larch taiga. The plateau serves as a resting place for thousands of species of migratory birds.

The picturesque landscapes of the beautiful plateau coincide with the boundaries of the reserve of the same name located beyond the Arctic Circle, which adorns the territory of Central Siberia. The changing zones give a special charm to the area: virgin taiga, rich forest-tundra, colorful landscapes of the tundra and the fabulous beauty of the icy Arctic deserts. A real decoration of the plateau: curly ribbons of rivers and a crystal lake saucer filled with pure cold water. A road along which deer migrate runs through the inhospitable lands of the plateau. This is an incredible spectacle, which can be observed less and less in nature.

10. Territories of the Western Caucasus

The natural reserve with an area of ​​0.3 million hectares has been included in the UNESCO list since 1999. These territories are almost untouched by human civilization. Today they are under the protection not only of UNESCO, but also of other all-Russian and international organizations - Greenpeace, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, NABU, Dresden Technical University, working group « North Caucasus"and others. The territory of the reserve covers areas that stretch from the upper reaches of the Kuban River to the Belaya and Malaya Laba rivers..

Caucasus. Blooming rhododendron in the Upper Mzymta valley

The vegetation in this protected region is represented by coniferous and broad-leaved forests, crooked forests, mountain meadows, and the nival belt. Every third plant here is considered relict. Rare species of birds of prey nest here - ospreys, bearded vultures, golden eagles, griffon vultures, etc. Among the large animals in the reserve you can see Western Caucasian tigers, brown bears, wolves, Caucasian red deer, bison, etc. Tourists will be interested in seeing beautiful karst formations in this natural area with deep gorges, waterfalls, underground rivers, tarns, moraines, cirques and valleys formed by mountain glaciers.

11. Curonian Spit

The Curonian Spit is a sand spit located on the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. The Curonian Spit is a narrow and long saber-shaped strip of land separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea and extending from the city of Zelenogradsk Kaliningrad region to the city of Klaipeda (Smiltyne) (Lithuania).

The length is 98 kilometers, the width ranges from 400 meters (in the area of ​​​​the village of Lesnoy) to 3.8 kilometers (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bCape Bulviko, just north of Nida).

The Curonian Spit is a unique natural-anthropogenic landscape and a territory of exceptional aesthetic value: the Curonian Spit is the largest sand body included in the Baltic complex of sand spits, which has no analogues in the world. High level biological diversity due to the combination of different landscapes - from desert (dunes) to tundra (raised bog) - provides insight into the important and long-term ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, river, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals. The location of the spit and its relief are unique.

The most significant element of the spit's relief is a continuous strip of white sand dunes 0.3-1.0 km wide, some of them approaching the highest in the world (up to 68 m).

The Curonian Spit contains natural habitats that are the most representative and important for the conservation of biological diversity, including those where endangered species are preserved that are of outstanding global importance from the point of view of science and nature conservation: due to their geographical location and orientation from northeast to southwest, it serves as a corridor for migratory birds of many species flying from the northwestern regions of Russia, Finland and the Baltic countries to the countries of the Middle and Southern Europe. Every year in spring and autumn, from 10 to 20 million birds fly over the spit, a significant part of which stop here to rest and feed.

In the last entry I did not include all the architectural objects of Russia, noted by UNESCO for their uniqueness and historical value. Today I will add to this list...

12. Citadel, Old city and fortifications of Derbent .

The citadel, old town and fortifications of Derbent is the collective name under which UNESCO in 2003 included the medieval architectural heritage of the city of Derbent on the list of World Heritage Sites.

The history of ancient Derbent, located off the coast of the Caspian Sea, on the territory of modern Dagestan, dates back, according to archaeologists, five thousand years. This one of the oldest cities in Russia was initially a small settlement founded at the foot of the spurs of the Caucasus Mountains, which later acquired city fortifications of impressive size.

However, the first documentary evidence of this place is precisely how large city, date back to the 5th century. At this time, the Persian king Yazdegerd II ruled here, who appreciated its strategic location. This, by the way, is reflected in the name, because Derbent translated from Iranian means “mountain outpost” or “mountain pass”. About 100 years later, another king, on the remains of previous defensive structures, erected a fortified city, which is called Old, with an impregnable fortress and powerful fortifications. Between these fortifications, stretching more than 40 kilometers deep into the Caucasus Mountains, a city emerged that still retains its medieval character.

Citadel of Nara-kala

It continued to be a strategically important place until the 19th century. Derbent has experienced many dramatic events throughout the history of its existence: wars, assaults, periods of decline and prosperity, times of independence and subjugation to other nations. But still, this place has preserved many monuments from all these turbulent periods.

This: the Naryn-Kala citadel, with thick and high walls, the ruins of the palace of the Derbent Khan, baths and a guardhouse;

13. Struve geodetic arc

The Struve Arc is a network of 265 triangulation points, which were stone cubes embedded in the ground with an edge length of 2 meters, with a length of more than 2820 kilometers. It was created to determine the parameters of the Earth, its shape and size. Named after its creator, the Russian astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve (Vasily Yakovlevich Struve).

The Struve geodetic arc was measured by Struve and the staff of the Dorpat (Tartu) and Pulkovo observatories (of which Struve was the director) over 40 years, from 1816 to 1855, over a distance of 2820 km from Fuglenes near the North Cape in Norway (latitude 70° 40′11″N) to the village of Staraya Nekrasovka, Odessa region, near the Danube (latitude 45° 20′03″N), which formed a meridian arc with an amplitude of 25° 20′08″.

Geodetic arc Struve, “Point Z”, o. Gogland, Leningrad region

Currently, arc points can be found in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia (on the island of Gogland), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova (the village of Rud) and Ukraine. On January 28, 2004, these countries approached the UNESCO World Heritage Committee with a proposal to approve the surviving 34 points of the Struve Arc as a World Heritage Monument. In 2005, this proposal was accepted.

Story about others architectural monuments Russia, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, Around the world

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Work is underway to submit the following natural objects to the List: Volga Delta, Lena Delta, Green Belt of Fennoscandia, Kurile Islands, Valdai - Great Divide, Western Sayan, Beringia and Solovetsky Islands.

Natural sites included in the World Heritage List

Square State
Virgin forests of Komi 3.279 million hectares Inscribed on the World Heritage List (1995)
Criteria - N ii, iii
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Pechora-Ilychsky" 721 322
2. Yugyd Va National Park 1 891 701
3. Protected zone of the reserve 666 000
Lake Baikal 8.8 million hectares Listed (1996)
Criteria - N i, ii, iii, iv
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Baikal" 165 724
2. State Biosphere Reserve "Barguzinsky" 374 322
3. State nature reserve"Baikal-Lensky" 660 000
4. Pribaikalsky National Park 418 000
5. National Park "Zabaikalsky" 246 000
6. Reserve "Frolikhinsky" 910 200
7. Reserve "Kabansky" 18 000
8. National Park "Tunkinsky" (partially)
Volcanoes of Kamchatka 3.996 million hectares Included in the List (1996). Expanded in 2001
Criteria - N i, ii, iii, iv
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Kronotsky" 1 147 619,37
2. Natural Park "Bystrinsky" 1 368 592
3. Natural Park "Nalychevsky" 286 025
4. Natural Park "South Kamchatka" 500 511
5. Federal Nature Reserve "South Kamchatsky" 322 000
6. Natural Park "Klyuchevskoy" 371 022
Golden Mountains of Altai 1.509 million hectares Included in the List (1998)
Criterion - N iv
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Altai" 881 238
2. State Biosphere Reserve "Katunsky" 150 079
3. Natural Park "Mount Belukha" 131 337
4. Ukok Nature Park 252 904
5. Buffer zone "Teletskoye Lake" 93 753
Western Caucasus 0.301 million hectares Listed (1999)
Criteria - N ii, iv
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Caucasian" with a buffer zone 288 200
2. Natural Park "Bolshoy Thach" 3 700
3. Natural monument "Upper reaches of the rivers Pshekha and Pshekhashkha" 5 776
4. Natural monument "Upper reaches of the Tsitsa River" 1 913
5. Natural monument "Buiny Ridge" 1 480
Curonian Spit(shared with Lithuania) 0.031 million hectares Listed (2000)
Criterion - C v
1. National Park "Curonian Spit" (Russia) 6 600
2. National Park "Kursiu Nerijos" (Lithuania) 24 600
1.567 million hectares Included in the List (2001). Expanded in 2018
Criterion - N iv
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Sikhote-Alin" 401 600
2. Bikin National Park 1 160 469
3. Goralovy Nature Reserve 4 749
Ubsunur Basin(shared with Mongolia) 0.883 million hectares Listed (2003)
Criteria - N ii, iv
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina" (Russia) 73 529
2. Biosphere Reserve "Uvs Nuur" (Mongolia) 810 233,5
Wrangel Island 2.226 million hectares Listed (2004)
Criteria - N ii, iv
State Nature Reserve "Wrangel Island"
Putorana Plateau 1.887 million hectares Listed (2010)
Criteria - vii, ix
State Nature Reserve "Putoransky"
Lena pillars 1.387 million hectares Listed (2012)
Criteria - viii
Natural Park of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Lena Pillars"
Landscapes of Dauria(shared with Mongolia) 0.913 million hectares Included in the List (2017) Criteria - (ix), (x)
1. State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Daursky" 49 765
2. Protected zone of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Daursky" 117 690
3. Federal reserve "Dzeren Valley" 111 568
Total area in the Russian Federation: 279 023
4. Strictly protected area “Mongol Daguur” 110 377
5. Buffer zone of the strictly protected area “Mongol Daguur” 477 064
6. Nature reserve "Ugtam" 46 160
Total area in Mongolia: 633 601

Natural sites included in the Tentative List

Objects and territories included in them Square State
Valaam archipelago 0.026 million hectares Included in the Preliminary List of the Russian Federation on May 15, 1996.
Natural Park "Valaam Archipelago"
Magadan Nature Reserve 0.884 million hectares
Nomination prepared
State Nature Reserve "Magadansky"
Commander Islands 3.649 million hectares Included in the Preliminary List of the Russian Federation on 02/07/2005.
Nomination prepared
State Nature Reserve "Commander"
Great Vasyugan swamp 0.4 million hectares
State complex reserve of the Tyumen region "Vasyugansky"
Krasnoyarsk pillars 0.047 million hectares Included in the Preliminary List of the Russian Federation on March 6, 2007.
State Nature Reserve "Stolby"
Ilmen Mountains 0.034 million hectares

Included in the Preliminary List of the Russian Federation on August 11, 2008.

Nomination prepared

State Nature Reserve RAS "Ilmensky"
Bashkir Ural 0.045 million hectares Included in the Preliminary List of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2012.

Natural objects promising for inclusion in the Preliminary List

Objects and territories included in them Square State
Beringia 2.911 million hectares Recommended by IUCN for inclusion in the List
1. Beringia National Park (RF) 1,819,154 ha
2. Bering Land Bridge National Wildlife Refuge (USA) 1,091,595 ha
Volga Delta 0.068 million hectares criterion N iv.
Nomination prepared
State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Astrakhan"
Lena Delta 1.433 million hectares Recommended by IUCN for inclusion in the List in accordance with criterion N iv.
Nomination prepared
State Nature Reserve "Ust-Lensky"
Kurile Islands 0.295 million hectares Nomination prepared
1. State Nature Reserve "Kurilsky" and its buffer zone 65,365 and 41,475
2. Biological reserve "Little Kuriles" 45 000
3. Reserve of regional significance "Urup Island" 143 000
Green Belt of Fennoscandia(shared with Finland and Norway) 0.541 million hectares The Russian part of the nomination has been prepared
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Lapland" 278 436
2. State Nature Reserve "Kostomuksha" 47 457
3. Pasvik State Nature Reserve 14 727
4. Paanajärvi National Park 104 354
5. National Park "Kalevalsky" 95 886
Valdai - Great Divide 0.183 million hectares Nomination prepared
1. Valdai National Park 158 500
2. State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Central Forest" 24 447

Natural objects not included in the List

Objects and territories included in them Square State
Vodlozersky National Park 0.58 million hectares
1. Vodlozersky National Park 404 700
2. Reserve "Kozhozersky" 178 600
Bashkir Ural 0.2 million hectares Not included in the List (1998)
1. State Biosphere Reserve "Shulgan-Tash" 22 531
2. State Nature Reserve "Bashkir" 49 609
3. National Park "Bashkiria" (strictly protected area) 32 740
4. Reserve "Altyn Solok" 93 580
Teberdinsky Reserve(extension of the "Western Caucasus" object) 0.085 million hectares Not included in the List (2004)
State Biosphere Reserve "Teberdinsky"

Russia, of course, is rich in unique and, very importantly, untouched economic activity natural complexes. According to rough estimates by scientists, there are about 20 territories in our country that are worthy of the status of a World Natural Heritage site. The list of the most promising areas was determined during the joint project of UNESCO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) on boreal forests.

The list of natural and cultural attractions created by UNESCO is a kind of quality mark, telling the traveler that it is worth seeing. We decided to tell you about those Russian sites that were included in the World Heritage Register. What if you don’t know about some of them?

Architectural and historical complex Bulgar

On the territory of Tatarstan, the ruins of a city founded by the Volga Bulgars (Turkic tribes) have been preserved. In 1361, the city was destroyed by the Golden Horde prince Bulat-Timur - fortunately, not completely. The settlement, which was recognized as a unique monument in 2014, has survived to this day.

Wrangel Island

Wrangel Island is the northernmost of the UNESCO World List sites. It includes not only the island of the same name, but also the neighboring Herald Island, as well as the adjacent waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas. The islands are famous for their huge walrus rookeries and the highest density of dens in the world. polar bear. The reserve was recognized as a heritage of humanity in 2004.

Historical center of Yaroslavl

One of the dominant features of Yaroslavl is the Spassky Monastery complex, which is often called the Kremlin. Together with other historical buildings of the city, it was included in the World Heritage List in 2005.

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

It was built on the royal estate in 1532, when Kolomenskoye was not yet a territory of Moscow. The church was recognized as a heritage of humanity in 1994.

Lake Baikal

Surprisingly deepest lake the world was recognized as the heritage of mankind, not among the first natural attractions. UNESCO noted the exclusivity of this reservoir only in 1996.

Architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

In 1993, the list was replenished with the main attraction of Sergiev Posad. Largest monastery Russia was founded back in 1337, and the laurel acquired its familiar appearance by XVIII century when she appeared here most of buildings available to the public today.

Western Caucasus

The Western Caucasus Mountains, on whose territory, for example, the Sochi National Park and the Ritsa Nature Reserve are located, stretch from Anapa to Elbrus. Here you can find both low-mountain terrain and typically alpine landscapes with numerous glaciers. The mountains were included in the UNESCO list in 1999.

Citadel, old town and fortifications of Derbent

Derbent is considered the oldest city in Russia. The first mention of it dates back to the 6th century BC, when it was called the Caspian Gate. There is a citadel and fortifications here, which are 16 centuries old. In 2003, UNESCO recognized them as an exceptional historical monument.

Golden Altai Mountains

It was under this name that three sites were included in the UNESCO list in 1998 Altai mountains: Altai and Katunsky reserves and the Ukok plateau. Despite the status of specially protected areas, cases of poaching are still common here.

Ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery

The construction of the Ferapontov Monastery in the Vologda region began in the 15th century. For centuries it was the most important cultural and religious center of the Belozersky region. Today, in the buildings of the monastery, included in the UNESCO list in 2000, there is a museum and the bishop's courtyard of the Vologda Metropolis.

Volcanoes of Kamchatka

In 1996, the Kamchatka volcanoes were recognized as a World Heritage Site, and five years later UNESCO expanded the protected area. Concentrated here big number active volcanoes, which makes this area unique even by global standards.

Historical and architectural complex "Kazan Kremlin"

The only one Russian Kremlin, on the territory of which the church adjoins the mosque, is located in Kazan. It began to be built in the 10th century, and it acquired a more or less modern appearance only six centuries later. Today, the fortress, which has been considered a heritage of humanity since 2000, is the main attraction of the capital of Tatarstan and a favorite place for walks for citizens.

Putorana Plateau

Lenta.ru has written more than once about the Putorana Plateau, which was included in the World Heritage List in 2010. This natural reserve, stunning in its beauty, is located in the north of Central Siberia, 100 kilometers beyond the Arctic Circle. Here you can see untouched taiga, forest-tundra and arctic desert.

White stone monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

In 1992, the white stone monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal were recognized as World Heritage Sites. The cities located very close to each other are an ideal weekend route, varied and not tiring.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

In 1990, one of the first to be included in the list was the main square of Russia (together with the Kremlin). In total, Moscow has three UNESCO-listed attractions, more than in any other region of the country.

Curonian Spit

Partially located on the territory of Lithuania, the Curonian Spit is one of the main natural attractions of the Kaliningrad region. Its length is 98 kilometers, and its width ranges from 400 meters at its narrowest point to four kilometers at its widest. The spit was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 2000.

Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent

Another Moscow landmark - the Novodevichy Convent - was created in the 16th-17th centuries. The monastery is a prominent representative of the Moscow Baroque and is famous for the fact that women from royal family. The importance of the monastery for world culture was recognized in 2005.

Virgin forests of Komi

The largest Russian attraction on the list covers an area of ​​3.28 million hectares, including lowland tundra, mountain tundra of the Urals and one of the largest tracts of primary boreal forests. These territories have been protected by the state for the past 50 years; the forests were included in the UNESCO list in 1995.

Architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost

Many people go to Karelia for the sake of Kizhi and Solovki. Both islands are included in the World Heritage List. Kizhi Pogost, a monument of wooden architecture, was included in the list in 1990.

Lena pillars

Located in the largest region of the country - Yakutia, the pillars are located almost 200 kilometers from the republican center. Excursions here are expensive, but those who have visited the pillars say that they do not regret the money spent. In 2012, uniqueness natural monument noted at UNESCO.

Historical center of St. Petersburg

One of the most famous attractions not only in Russia, but also beyond its borders is the center of St. Petersburg. The "Venice of the North", with its canals and more than 400 bridges, was included in the UNESCO list in 1990.

Ubsunur Basin

Another attraction that Russia shares with other states (there are three of them in total). The Ubsunur Basin, partially located on the territory of Mongolia, consists of 12 isolated areas, united by a common name. The local steppes are home to a huge number of birds, rare mammals are found in desert areas, and the snow leopard, listed in the Red Book, lives in the highlands. The basin was included in the UNESCO list in 2006.

The ancient city of Chersonesos Tauride and its choir

Khersones is familiar to everyone who has vacationed in Crimea at least once. The ruins of the ancient polis, which is today part of Sevastopol, were added to the UNESCO list in 2013.

Struve geodetic arc

“Struve Arc” is a chain of triangulation points stretching for almost three thousand kilometers across the territory of ten European countries from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea. She appeared in early XIX century and was used for the first reliable measurement of a large segment of the earth's meridian arc. It was created by the astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve, better known in those days under the name Vasily Yakovlevich Struve. In 2005, the attraction was included in the UNESCO heritage list.

Historical monuments of Novgorod and surrounding areas

In the 9th century, Novgorod became the first capital of Russia. It is logical that it was one of the first to be included in the World Heritage List. UNESCO recognized it as a heritage of humanity in 1992.
