How to create an individual curriculum at a university. What is a university curriculum? Basic curriculum

After the “Managing in the Dark” and “Children Teach Managers” seminars, WU Executive Academy has added another “special seminar” to its portfolio educational programs: “Philosophy and Management.”

At a time when the “culture of reflection” is receding into the background in management practice, this workshop, developed in collaboration with Academia Philosophia, provides executives with the opportunity to pause for conscious reflection and examine traditional management models through a philosophical lens. In this way, they develop their perceptions, evaluate traditional approaches to leadership differently, and improve their ability to systematize. All these skills are absolutely indispensable for making clear and logical management decisions.

In accordance with the motto of WU Vienna, "Rethink Economy", WU Executive Academy Special attention pays attention to innovation - gives students access to the results of the latest scientific research or introduces you to the latest management tools and skills. Following the successful seminar “Children teach managers”, the corporate development department developed a new “special seminar” “Philosophy and Management”.

Philosophers are rethinking management practice

The idea behind this training format, developed jointly by Academia Philosophia and WU Executive Academy, is the synergy of two fundamental various areas knowledge: philosophy, science and management.

“It is accepted that top managers should set an example of making the right decisions for the benefit of their organizations. To do right choice, they need to think logically and see fundamental cause-and-effect relationships. Philosophy has always stimulated critical thinking, and when combined with management, it gives managers a unique opportunity to reflect on alternative methods solving business problems and opening up completely new perspectives"- says the professor Bodo B. Schlegelmilch , dean WU Executive Academy.

Culture of reflection

Using traditional management models as a starting point, the seminar participants apply a philosophical, i.e. systematic and logical approach to assessment key aspects management, such as strategy, structure, culture, etc. The purpose of this process is to create a culture of reflection and evaluation of the characteristics of management and business from a philosophical point of view.

Once participants move beyond their discipline, they can draw parallels that are not seen in everyday management practice, allowing them to develop their understanding of, for example, the relevance of human nature to organizations, the relationship between the individual and society, the relationship between motives and rational behavior, or the legitimation of leadership. .

“At a time of global financial and economic crisis, a culture of reflection - a bridge between our thoughts and actions - is needed if we are serious about creating the conditions for ensuring the unity of existence of economic stability and social responsibility in our organizations. Taking this into account, in general, actions become the result of motives, the quality of actions is inextricably linked with the quality of our thinking, and it is through reflection that our motives become clear to us. The more worthy our motives, the better we understand them and weigh them more carefully, and the greater the result they will bring.”, explains Bernd Wass , one of the founders Academia Philosophia.

An ideal opportunity for reflection and reflection

Each Philosophy and Management seminar is designed specifically for the needs of a specific organization and usually lasts two to three days. Academia Philosophia philosophers Bernd Wass and Heinz Palasser contribute to the effectiveness of the program by helping participants acquire knowledge and skills through a combination of three learning elements - shared reading, lectures and discussions.

This teaching approach, specifically designed to create temporal and spatial conditions for reflection and reflection in a philosophical atmosphere, makes the seminar an ideal complement to the daily practice of results-oriented management.

Moreover, this helps participants acquire new useful knowledge that can be successfully applied in their daily work, honing reflection skills and oral speech, understanding complex issues and improving the ability to analyze fundamental relationships in a systematic way.

All students study according to a plan that allows them to gradually acquire new knowledge and distribute it evenly in their heads.

To make it clearer, I’ll explain with a simple example: before deciding complex examples, a schoolchild must learn the multiplication table; otherwise, more comprehensive information will simply be inaccessible to his understanding.

That is why in the curriculum the first thing on the agenda is the multiplication table, and only then solving complex examples.

A similar situation exists in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, only students are so busy studying that they simply do not attach any importance to it.

In general, this is correct because syllabus- This is, rather, a guide to action for teachers and teachers, but it does not apply to schoolchildren and students.

However, this does not mean that one can ignore the question of what a curriculum is, because for general development and expanding your own horizons, this information will certainly not be superfluous.

What is a curriculum and its features

Curriculum is a certified document that provides a training plan for students in a particular specialty.

It is not only drawn up on paper in a strictly specified form, but also contains sufficient quantity signatures and even a wet seal of an educational institution, less often - the Ministry of Education.

This once again proves the full significance of this document, which in mandatory agreed with the top management of the university and the dean’s office of a particular specialty.

The curriculum is a structured document and consists of three mandatory parts:

Training schedule;

List of items;

Number of hours.

Training schedule- this is the main component of the document, since it provides a schedule of tests, exams, educational and industrial practice, intermediate certification. Accordingly, this also includes coursework and theses, course projects and laboratory workshop.

List of items- also an important part of the curriculum, since it includes a list of all disciplines that will be studied by students during a particular session. In addition, elective classes and sports and cultural events are mandatory. Also, do not forget about the Olympiads, which are necessarily held by every university.

Number of hours is, rather, a conditional component of the curriculum that provides detailed information about the number of hours on a particular topic or subject. The duration of each period is described in total and separately, and there are also assigned hours for homework, theoretical lectures, independent and practical assignments, and laboratory classes.

All these components of the curriculum are mandatory, and without them detailed description You definitely won’t get a confirming signature, much less a wet seal.

Moreover, each specialty has its own unique plan, which will be different for part-time, full-time and evening students.

If you still didn't know there was a curriculum, now is the time to open your eyes.

If you are wondering what kind of document this is, and whether the teacher complies with its strictly approved framework, then you can make a specific request to contact the dean’s office or your department, where they will be able to carefully review this important student document without any problems.

Any questions that arise can be safely addressed to the teacher, but again, do not forget that you still have to take an exam in this subject.

Why do students need a curriculum?

Many students study and don't care much about what the curriculum is. However, there are periods when the load increases so much that the student can no longer cope with all the tasks, noticeably “sliding down” in academic performance.
This is where panic begins, and the desire to personally familiarize yourself with the curriculum becomes more and more acute.

Here it is important to clearly understand that the curriculum is a document equivalent to the Charter of the university, therefore, in the event of obvious violations on the part of the teacher, proceedings from above may follow.

It is possible that they will be in your favor, and then your reputation as an exemplary student can be immediately restored.

Such knowledge is also necessary when a teacher treats the lecture and practical components of his direct obligations superficially, but then demands it in full during the exam.

As a rule, lazy teachers love the phrase “self-paced learning.” Indeed, such a term is provided for in the curriculum, but it is designed only for individual topics, and not for a full course of lectures.

The rector's office will not praise the teacher for identifying such a discrepancy; in addition, penalties may follow, for example, in the form of deprivation of a bonus.

So don't ignore this important information, as a curriculum, because this document, first of all, represents the interests of the student so that he will soon deserve a proud and honorary title"young specialist".

Personally, my advice goes something like this: the next semester has begun, don’t be lazy, go to the dean’s office and read the curriculum, at least for general development, and then... you never know where this useful information will come in handy.

Educational reforms

Ten years ago, curricula were drawn up annually, and they included a lot of innovative ideas from teachers, but today teachers prefer to follow the well-trodden path.

What does it mean?

Previously, drawing up a curriculum was a real debate, as a result of which the truth was born. Teachers argued about which subject should be introduced into the curriculum and when, how many hours per semester to devote to it, and how to certify students.

The main goal was to provide students of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions with maximum knowledge, which in the future will definitely be useful in production and practice.

Today everything has changed, and teachers prefer to simply update the old curriculum and then bring it to the rector’s office for signature.

No fresh ideas, no aspiration, but modern system education has partly become boring and mundane.

On the one hand, stability has never harmed anyone, but on the other, why not experiment, as it was before?

In defense of traditional curricula, it is worth saying that, thanks to them, more than one highly qualified specialist has appeared in production and other areas.

Types of curriculum

We have already figured out what a curriculum is; why it is needed in all educational institutions - also. Now let's try to find out what kind of curriculum there are and how they differ in practice.

So, there is the following classification.

Model curriculum is considered the main document that guarantees the state component of a certain educational and professional program. It establishes at the state level the minimum volumes of training hours and cycles (blocks), a list of compulsory subjects, the qualifications of the graduating specialist, and any additions. Simply put, the Ministry of Education has established that schooling lasts for 10 years, which means that no one will change this at the non-state level.

Working curriculum- This is a standard curriculum with adjustments from a specific university. That is, a higher education institution takes as a basis the main document established and approved by the Ministry of Education, and then makes amendments to it, according to current system training within its walls. All changes are confirmed by documents, in particular, the University Charter.

For example, students are required to read a certain amount of information per year - this is a standard plan. In the first semester, make fewer pairs in the specialty, and in the second, by decision of the dean, on the contrary, increase the number of hours - this is already a working plan. As a result, the plan was implemented, but how is a matter for the university.

All existing requirements for the level of training of graduates are mostly determined by mandatory minimum content of educational and professional programs, and it is important not to forget about this when drawing up the annual curriculum.

What should every student remember?

To avoid hassles with teachers and not create conflict situations, it is important to know the following information, which, in essence, is a statement of fact and will not be superfluous for every student:

1. Any school must have a curriculum educational institution, be it a school, college, school or university.

2. The curriculum is approved by the management of the educational institution, and is based on the regulations and instructions of the Ministry of Education.

3. The curriculum for different specialties is different.

4. The curriculum for full-time, evening and correspondence students also differs in structure.

5. The curriculum provides the maximum information that every student should comprehend.

6. The curriculum is stored in the dean’s office of the faculty, and every student who wishes can personally familiarize himself with its contents.

7. The curriculum allows you to resolve a number of conflict situations.

8. The curriculum is re-approved every academic year (in August).

9. The curriculum cannot be challenged, but adjustments can be made to it.

10. The curriculum is an official document.

Conclusion: So now you should understand the seriousness and significance of this document, but all other issues in terms of drawing up a curriculum are best left to competent teachers and the dean’s office. They will certainly never wish bad things on their own students.

Now you know about what is a university curriculum?.

Training according to an individual curriculum with a shorter training period

In accordance with regulatory documents The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation can take advantage of the right to study according to an individual curriculum with a reduction in the period of study the following persons:

  • those with higher education in any field of training (specialty) - the estimated duration of study is 4 - 4.5 years;
  • graduates of colleges or technical schools who have received a specialized specialization in secondary vocational education for the chosen profile at the University (for example, a college diploma in the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” is considered core in relation to the program mastered at the University in the profile “Industrial and civil construction”) - duration of study 4.5 years;
  • previously studied at higher education educational institution and having a certificate of training or academic certificate - the duration of training depends on the scope of overlap of disciplines.

General rules:

  1. All applicants, regardless of previous education, are enrolled based on the results of competitive selection in the chosen field of study for the first year full program training, see admission rules. Reducing the duration of study is possible only by re-crediting or re-certifying the studied disciplines in a previous educational institution, on the basis of which an individual curriculum for the student is drawn up. see Regulations of the National Research University MGSU on the procedure for organizing training according to individual curricula, see Regulations of the National Research University MGSU on the procedure for organizing training and implementing educational programs of higher education according to individual curricula in an accelerated time frame.
  2. Only those disciplines that were studied in educational organization higher education, provided that they have similar names, the same complexity of mastering (not less) and the form of certification in relation to the curriculum of the National Research University MGSU. Diplomas taken into account higher education or certificates of study at a university/academic certificates without limitation of how long ago they were received, but subject to state accreditation of the university.
  3. If a discipline has a difference in name, form of certification (test/exam/differentiated test) or less labor intensity (number of hours of study), it can be re-certified by decision of the certification commission of the relevant department. Re-certification of disciplines is carried out by the certification commission of the relevant department in the personal presence of the student during the first semester of study according to the schedule (usually the month of November). During recertification, the commission surveys the student in the discipline and makes a decision on whether the student has or does not have knowledge and competencies corresponding to the University program. For persons living in remote regions of the Russian Federation, the recertification procedure can be carried out using telecommunication technologies, subject to the identification of the person being certified.
  4. If desired, any of the disciplines that fall under the category of “retest” or “recertification” can be studied again by the student.
  5. Applications for transfer to study according to an individual curriculum and for re-certification of disciplines (if necessary) must be submitted by students to the Academic Department of the Institute of Education within 10 days from the start of the academic semester.
  6. The results of re-testing and re-certification are included in the student’s individual curriculum. The individual curriculum is agreed upon with the student, after which it is formalized additional agreement to the agreement on paid educational services, which determines the new term of study and changes in tuition fees for the IUP, calculated in accordance with the order. The cost of training is determined for each academic semester separately, depending on the actual labor intensity, without taking into account re-credited or re-certified disciplines. That is, the total cost of training is reduced by the volume of re-credited or re-certified disciplines.
  7. Transfer to training according to an individual curriculum is made during the first semester of study after completion of the recertification procedure.

For reference, using the example of the direction of training “Construction”, the profile “Industrial and Civil Construction” are given:

  • an approximate list of disciplines that a college graduate who has received a secondary vocational education diploma in the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” can apply for recertification;

Job title

Volume and summary work





1. Educational

Disciplines for study are determined in accordance with the curriculum of the Master's program

2. Scientific

1. Theoretical

2. Experimental

3. Practice

Scientific and pedagogical

Scientific research

types of jobs

5. Preliminary defense of scientific work

Student ________________________________________ “___” ________ 20__

Scientific supervisor _________________________ “___” ________ 20__

Curriculum for the 1st semester of student study

Job title

Completion mark


1. Study work

Philosophy of law

Sociology of law

Fundamentals of Pedagogy

Organizationally – management activities lawyer

History of political and legal doctrines

History and methodology of legal science

Foreign language in jurisprudence

2. Scientific work

3. Practice

4. Other types of work

Student_________________________________________________“___” ________ 20_g.

Scientific supervisor ___________________________________ “___” ________ 20_g.

Director of the master's program _____________________ “___” ________ 20_g.

The student is certified by the decision of the department ______________________________.

I approve the certification, head. department ___________________(________________)

Curriculum for the 2nd semester of student study

Job title

Completion mark


1. Study work

Comparative Law

Competence of authorities state power and organs local government: problems of legal regulation and delimitation

Elections and other forms of direct democracy in the system of state power and local self-government

Presidential power in the Russian Federation

The principle of separation of powers in the theory and practice of Russian statehood

Territorial organization of state power and local self-government

Methods of teaching law

Morality and Law

2. Scientific work

3. Practice

4. Other types of work

Student _______________________________________________ “___” ________ 20_g.

Scientific supervisor __________________________________ “___” ________ 20_g.

Director of the master's program ____________________ “___” ________ 20_g.

The student _____________________________________ has been certified by the decision of the department.

I approve the certification, head. department ___________________________(_______________)
