Psychological culture of a leader. Study of the mechanisms and features of the relationship between the structural components of the socio-psychological culture of managers


1.1. Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for studying the socio-psychological culture of the subject of activity.

1.2. Management activity as a systemic factor that determines the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

1.3. Socio-psychological culture of managers as a factor in the success of management decisions.

Conclusions on the first chapter.


2.1. Approach, methodology and tools for empirical research into the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

2.2. Identification of the substantive features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders.

2.3. Study of the mechanisms and features of the relationship between the structural components of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

2.4. Analysis of the dependence of management success on the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

2.5. Development of a scientifically based program for the development of socio-psychological culture of managers modern business.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

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Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders”

Relevance of the research problem. The modern situation is characterized by dynamic transformations, which initiates an analysis of man’s place in a changing world. The changes taking place have a noticeable impact on management activities, which develop and improve in the context of social evolution. The manager, as a subject of management, makes socially significant decisions and ensures their implementation, thus influencing the process and result of socio-economic transformations, the development and self-realization of a particular person, organization and society as a whole.

Improving the quality of management activities is largely determined by the potential of the manager’s personality and his socio-psychological culture. The study of socio-psychological culture is relevant, since in its cross-section it reflects the cultural component, determined by the social, spiritual and moral situation of the development of modern society; a mental component that allows self-determination, self-development and self-realization of the individual in professional activities and everyday relationships, showing internal culture. Despite the relevance of this problem in the field of formation of socio-psychological culture, there are unresolved contradictions between:

The need of society for energetic, enterprising managers who have knowledge in the field of management psychology and the insufficient development of the phenomenon of socio-psychological culture as a factor in the success of professional activity;

The readiness of managers for maximum self-realization and the need to master socio-psychological culture as a professional component;

Socially and economically determined by the need to predict the success of managers and the insufficient development of theoretical and methodological issues of assessing the socio-psychological culture of managers in the success of decisions made.

The professionalism of a leader as a systemic organization of consciousness in a cumulative form is expressed in management decisions (E.A. Klimov). Research results indicate that the management apparatus spends 78-82% of its working time on preparing, adopting and implementing its own and received decisions. The relevance of increasing the efficiency of management personnel determines the need to study the socio-psychological culture of a manager as a determining factor in the success of implementing management decisions. Researchers argue that the socio-psychological culture of a professional is manifested in optimal self-realization of the individual and is a means of improving professional activity, as the basis for analysis and criterion of effectiveness (A.A. Derkach, N.S. Glukhanyuk, F.Sh. Mukhametzyanova, N.V. Selezneva ).

State of scientific development of the problem. In the last decade, the study of socio-psychological culture has moved from descriptive logic to theoretical-empirical logic. The observed trends in the study of socio-psychological culture correspond to the needs of society in improving the quality of personal and professional activities and improvement various forms interactions between people. Domestic experience of theoretical and empirical research of socio-psychological culture in psychology is considered in the context of psychological counseling (G.I.

Marasanov), the culture of a person’s relationship to reality (A.S.

Polyakov), intrafamily interaction (A.V. Gumnitskaya), spiritual and moral development of a person (T.E. Egorova), psychological health (O.V. Puzikova). The objects of the study of socio-psychological culture are heads of municipal structures, civil servants, heads of education, teachers, psychologists, pupils and students, which does not allow us to unambiguously extrapolate the data obtained to the heads of business associations.

Thus, the insufficient development of the problem of socio-psychological culture of leaders in a situation of intensive transformations of society and the practical significance of resolving this problem in social life determined the relevance and choice of the research topic.

The object of the study is the professional activities of business association leaders.

The subject of the study is the features, structure, functions and role of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders.

The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers and its impact on the success of management activities.

Research hypotheses.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is formed and developed as a multidimensional integrative formation, which has characteristic features of manifestation and structural originality, due to personal characteristics And external factors, first of all, management activities and professional relationships.

The level and characteristics of the development of a leader’s socio-psychological culture significantly influence the success of the implementation of management decisions.

In accordance with the goal and the hypotheses put forward, the research objectives were determined.

1. Analyze the theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture in the context of social psychology, based on which to describe the essential characteristics of this phenomenon.

2. Systematize the results of studies of management activities, on the basis of which to establish its influence as a systemic determinant on the content and characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of the manager.

3. Develop criteria and indicators of the formation of a leader’s socio-psychological culture and, using them, identify features in the content of this phenomenon.

4. Empirically explore the nature of the relationship between the socio-psychological culture of managers and the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study.

Fundamental provisions of general and social psychology: a cultural-historical approach to consideration psychic phenomena(A.G. Asmolov, J.I.C. Vygotsky, etc.), subject-activity approach (B.G. Ananyev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A.V. Brushlinsky, E.A. Klimov, etc. ), the principle of unity of consciousness and activity (A.N. Leontyev, C.JI. Rubinstein, etc.), the principle of consistency (B.F. Lomov, etc.), organizational approach (A.A. Bogdanov, G. Munsterberg, etc. .), socio-psychological and psychological concepts of management activities (A.I. Kitov, R.L. Krichevsky, A.V. Petrovsky).

Particular grounds for the research were approaches to the study of socio-psychological culture (T.E. Egorova, L.S. Kolmogorova, T.N. Selezneva, V.V. Semikin); studying important qualities that contribute to achieving success in a managerial career (A.Ya. Kibanov, L.G. Laptev, E.N. Mogilevkin, E.G. Moll, B. Schwalbe); study of factors for optimizing management decision making (O.S. Anisimov, A.A. Derkach, L.I. Lukicheva, S.K. Sergienko, D.N. Egorychev, R.A. Fatkhutdinov, A.L. Lomakin, I G. Ivashkin).

Research methods. To test the hypotheses put forward and solve the problems posed in the theoretical part of the study, methods of analysis and synthesis, modeling and generalization were used, which made it possible to identify the characteristic aspects of the phenomenon under study.

In the empirical part of the study, the cross-sectional method was used as an organizational method. To collect empirical data, well-known standardized methods designed as self-reports were used, as well as a method of expert assessment of indicators of success in making and implementing management decisions. The study of the characteristic features of the regulatory component was carried out using a questionnaire of stylistic self-regulation of behavior (V.M. Morosanova, 1994); social-cognitive - using the social intelligence test (J. Guilford, M. Sullivan, adapted by E.S. Mikhailova, 2001), cognitive lability as an individual psychological characteristic of the social-cognitive component of culture - using the intellectual lability test; axiological component - based on the methodology for studying value orientations (M. Rokeach’s questionnaire adapted by A. Goshtautas, A.A. Semenov, V.A. Yadov). The features of personal support for the socio-psychological culture of managers were studied using the 16-PF questionnaire by R. Cattell, form A (adapted by A.A. Rukavishnikov, M.V. Sokolova, 1995).

Empirical data were processed using methods of mathematical and statistical analysis adequate to the research tasks: average values, correlation and factor analyses.

The empirical basis of the study was the Neral group of companies (Bashkortostan), which included 33 commercial organizations of various forms of ownership. Representatives of senior management - 27 people and line managers - 87 people took part. In addition, employees of enterprises subordinate to the managers of the sample took part in the study - 65 people.

To realize the purpose of the research and test the hypotheses put forward, a dissertation research program was developed, which covered the implementation of tasks in three stages.

The first stage (2006-2007) is theoretical modeling. An analysis of theoretical and empirical material published in the domestic literature on the problem of socio-psychological culture of the subject of activity was carried out. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are determined, the goals, hypotheses and tasks of the work are formulated.

The second stage (2007-2008) is empirical. Identified meaningful and structural features socio-psychological culture of business association leaders. Research tools for expert assessment of the success of management decisions have been created and tested. The nature of the connection between indicators of socio-psychological culture and the success of making and implementing management decisions is determined.

The third stage (2008-2009) is the final stage. The results obtained are generalized and analyzed, and conclusions are formulated. Theoretical and empirical generalization of the results was reflected 8 in the development of scientifically based recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, educational and methodological materials and articles.

Reliability, authenticity and validity of the research results are ensured by the theoretical and methodological basis of the research, the representativeness of the sample, the use of a set of reliable and proven methods that are adequate to the subject and objectives of the study, and the use of mathematical statistics methods in the processing and analysis of empirical data.

In the course of the study, a scientific problem was solved, which consisted of identifying the features of the content and structural originality of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders, studying its role in ensuring the success of making and implementing management decisions, developing a program and scientifically based recommendations for the development of socio-psychological culture leader.

The difference between the theoretical and empirical data of the study and the results obtained by other authors is that the work is the first to systematically reveal the features, structure, functions and role of socio-psychological culture among senior and line managers of modern business associations, taking into account which criteria have been developed -an assessment basis for identifying the level of development in the context of the success of decisions made, and the concept of “social and psychological culture of a leader” has been clarified. The author's program and recommendations for the development of socio-psychological culture of business association leaders using socio-psychological means are substantiated.

Basic scientific results, received personally by the applicant, and their scientific novelty:

1. The theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture in the context of social psychology are systematically presented. This made it possible to systematically describe the essential characteristics, structural components and features of this phenomenon, which is described by a refined categorical apparatus.

2. The professional activity of a manager is designed to ensure the achievement of the organization’s system of goals on the basis of optimal adoption and implementation of management decisions. At the same time, it acts as a systemic determinant that determines the content and features of the socio-psychological culture of the subject of management.

3. A criterion basis for the formation of socio-psychological culture has been developed, which takes into account the purpose and essence of the manager’s activity, combines criteria and indicators, the use of which makes it possible to determine the degree of compliance of a particular manager with the requirements of professional activity and evaluate the success of management activities.

4. The nature of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of a leader on the success of making and implementing management decisions has been empirically identified, and the features of the relationship between them have been determined.

5. Program provisions and recommendations for their implementation have been developed in the interests of forming and improving the socio-psychological culture of managers. They determine the system of its development in the process of management activities, in targeted classes and in the process of self-improvement, significantly influencing the success of making and implementing management decisions.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the obtained results of theoretical and empirical research significantly specify, complement and deepen knowledge about socio-psychological culture as a phenomenon of the mental reality of modern leaders, enriching the space of its understanding in social psychology; psychologically substantiate the component composition and features of the manifestation of the socio-psychological culture of leaders; reveal the socio-psychological features of the stages of decision-making and implementation, determine the research tools for expert assessment of the success of management decisions; establish the specifics of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of management decisions.

The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of using the data obtained in organizing intensive group training of managers in order to actualize the processes of self-realization and self-development in activities, including by consulting firms in the course of psychological counseling of managers, in the process of socio-psychological monitoring of personnel for promotion.

The results obtained during the study can be included in lecture courses and seminars for psychologists, personnel specialists, managers, and can also become the basis for subsequent psychological research.

The conclusions of the theoretical and empirical research became the basis for the development of a program of recommendations for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, educational and methodological recommendations for the course program “Management Psychology”, “Personnel Management Psychology”.

Basic provisions submitted for defense.

1. Concretized theoretical and methodological provisions of the cultural-historical and subject-activity approaches, the principles of consistency, the unity of consciousness and activity, as well as adequate socio-psychological methods and the procedure for cognition of the study made it possible to clarify and systematically reveal the content and features of the socio-psychological culture of business leaders associations.

From the perspective of social psychology, this phenomenon is revealed as an integrative multidimensional personal formation, which acts as a factor in the success of making and implementing decisions of modern leaders.

Structurally, in socio-psychological culture, axiological, socio-cognitive, regulatory and personal components are present and combined in relationships, which, under the influence of professional activity, determine the characteristics of this culture among the leaders of business associations.

Social and psychological culture in management activities and in the relationships between the personnel of a business association provides the manager with personal and professional development and self-realization as a subject of management.

2. The professional activity of a manager and its nature determine the content and characteristics of socio-psychological culture, which in turn significantly influences the direction, content and organization of the adoption and implementation of management decisions, being present in the management process as a whole. The socio-psychological culture of a leader is a factor in the success of decisions made, because acts as a value-oriented regulator of activity, manifesting itself in the ability of conscious self-regulation of behavior and activity, based on cognitive analysis and subjective interpretation of its content, organization and conditions.

3. The developed criteria-evaluation framework allows us to systematically assess the level of development of the socio-psychological culture of the head of a business association. The criteria act as the main standards for assessing the socio-psychological culture of a leader, and the indicators provide its assessment based on specific qualitative and quantitative criteria.

The criteria of the axiological component are associated with personally significant and value beliefs, views, social attitudes. The criteria for the formation of the regulatory component are determined by the processes of planning, programming, modeling and evaluation of performance results. The criteria for the social-cognitive component are related to the level of development of social intelligence and the lability of the intellectual processes of a modern leader.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is a systemic personal and professional education of a leader, the structure of which is represented by interconnected axiological, social-cognitive, regulatory components, which together determine the nature, characteristics and success of his managerial activities and interaction with himself and the world around him.

4. New ones introduced into scientific circulation Empirical data reveal the nature of the relationship between the socio-psychological culture of a leader and the success of making and implementing management decisions. At the same time, the profile of the severity of socio-psychological

13 culture in the success of management decisions is specific and depends on the characteristics and stage of decision making and implementation. The dominant influence on the success of a manager's management decisions is exerted by the regulatory component, and at the stage of implementation of the decisions made - by the social-cognitive component.

5. A program of recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been developed on the basis of the obtained theoretical and empirical results. These developments consist of a phased implementation of diagnostic (self-knowledge of personal and professional qualities), analytical (self-analysis of one’s own shortcomings and advantages in management activities), developmental (harmonious formation of all structural components, including the use of consulting and training opportunities aimed at personal and professional self-development ).

Psychological impact in accordance with the program and recommendations is focused on the socio-cognitive and regulatory processes of the manager’s mental activity, which determine the success of management activities.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions on the research problem were discussed and approved at the International Scientific and Practical Conferences: “Personality in the Intercultural Space” (Moscow, 2008), “Problems of Formation and Realization of Personality Potential in Modern Russia” (Ufa, 2009), “Transitive Modern Society” (Ufa, 2008), “Innovations of young scientists are the basis for sustainable development of regions” (Ufa, 2009); All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: “Organizational psychology” (Ekaterinburg, 2007), “Quality of life of the population in a transitive Russian society: legal, sociocultural and socio-economic aspects” (Penza, 2008), “Psychology

14 individuality" (Moscow, 2008), "Psychology - the science of the future" (Moscow, 2008), "Psychological culture and psychological health" (Barnaul, 2008), "Youth, education, science" (Ufa, 2009); Regional scientific and practical conference: “Psychology - today” (Ekaterinburg, 2009). 17 works were published on the research topic, with a total volume of 17.55 pp.

The author’s model for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been tested, introduced into the practice of the group of companies and forms the basis for the concept of development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, developed within the framework of the bilateral agreement “Russian State social university- Neral group of companies. Economic effect from the implementation of the developed model amounted to more than 100 thousand rubles in 2009.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography and appendices, contains 19 tables, 12 figures, 15 appendices. The bibliography includes 210 titles.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Social Psychology”, Biktagirova, Alsou Rashitovna


The study of the socio-psychological culture of managers in the context of the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions allowed us to come to the following conclusions.

1. The characteristic features of the content of the socio-psychological culture of managers have been established.

1.1. The features of the social-cognitive component of culture are:

Developed ability anticipate the behavior of other people based on real communication situations, clarity in building a strategy for one’s own behavior to achieve the goal, awareness of the norms and rules of role behavior; high focus on verbal-logical rather than non-verbal forms of communication during direct interaction; average level of intelligence in the field of social cognition and communications;

High level of development of intellectual functions, a tendency towards abstract and pragmatic thinking, prudence, insight, criticality, adequate skepticism, lack of laziness in thinking, a harmonious combination of creativity and pragmatic orientation in analyzing the situation;

Lability and organization thought processes, high performance and concentration of effort with its relative duration, lack of tendency to “get stuck” in solving problems and laziness of thought processes.

1.2. The features of the regulatory component of the socio-psychological culture of managers are:

Formation of such individual-style processes of self-regulation of behavior as planning, modeling, programming and evaluation of results;

Purposefulness in regulating one's own behavior, its focus on a subjectively developed program and subjective criteria for the success of achieving a goal, as well as flexibility in relation to changing conditions;

The determinism of self-regulation is highly expressed among managers by regulatory-personal properties - independence and self-sufficiency.

1.3. The features of the axiological component are:

A pronounced value orientation towards an active life position, knowledge, development, “I” and career in comparison with relationships with other people and emotional and aesthetic manifestations in life (love, happiness, beauty, creativity);

The presence in the values ​​of managers of “vectors” of activity, development and knowledge in comparison with ordinary employees of the company, focusing on stability, security, confidence;

The greatest importance of those personal qualities as instrumental values ​​that ensure success in certain activities, in particular, a career; the least importance of personality traits related to interpersonal relationships.

2. Characteristic individual psychological properties of the personality of managers have been identified, such as pronounced emotional stability, independence, dominance with a tendency to be overbearing, high personal flexibility, a tendency to innovation, low interest in social standards with high awareness and acceptance of norms and rules of role behavior, reduced moral regulation of behavior, moderate risk taking.

3. The originality of the structure of the socio-psychological culture of leaders was discovered, manifested in the following features.

The relative isolation of the components of cultural content studied in this study - regulatory, axiological and social-cognitive in the field of social cognition. The exception is both semantically and phenomenologically close regulatory personal qualities - flexibility and independence of behavior and instrumental values ​​of “self-control”, “independence”, “efficiency in business” as qualities in the field of volitional regulation of behavior. Significant inversely proportional relationships were found between these qualities. Also, an exception is the regulatory-personal property of behavioral flexibility, which is directly proportional to the ability of managers to adequately understand the causes, dynamics and consequences of interpersonal interactions, with their social intuition.

Lack of conjugation in the structure of leaders' culture between indicators of the axiological component of culture - values ​​- and the cognitive component in the field of social interaction - social intelligence.

Multiple relationships between intellectual lability as an indicator of general subject-oriented intelligence and the processes of self-regulation of behavior in the field of its modeling and evaluation of the results of goal achievement, as well as a regulatory-personal property - behavioral flexibility. Presumably, intellectual performance, plasticity and strength act as resources for the successful self-regulation of leadership behavior.

The isolation of intellectual lability and social intelligence, which indicates their different phenomenological nature and content.

4. The specifics of individual psychological support for the content of socio-psychological culture have been established.

4.1. A close connection between the personal properties of leaders and their ability to purposefully regulate behavior has been revealed.

The greatest sensitivity, predominantly directly proportional, in relation to self-regulation of behavior is demonstrated by personal properties of the emotional-regulatory order (factors C+, G+, Q1+, Q2+, Q3+).

Intelligence (B) is directly proportional to such regulatory processes of behavior that require certain cognitive support, such as modeling a behavioral program to achieve a goal and critically assessing the results of what has been achieved.

Pragmatism-dreaming (M) showed a local inverse relationship with the tendency to plan one’s behavior and behavioral independence.

Outsiders, i.e. those who did not find conjugation in relation to self-regulation were, firstly, the communicative properties of the individual (A, E, H, ¥e), and secondly, indicators of anxiety (O, Q4, Ft).

4.2. The relationship between the personality traits of managers and the manifestation of their socio-psychological culture in the field of social interaction has not been empirically identified. It was found that the social intelligence of managers is not associated with their ability to purposefully and consciously regulate their behavior, and is also not ensured by the characteristics of their personality.

5. The influence of the regulatory component of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of their management decisions has been established: managers with a high level of self-regulation are more successful in making and implementing management decisions than managers with low level self-regulation of behavior. It was discovered that there was no influence of the social-cognitive component of the psychological culture of managers on the success of their decisions. Except for the implementation phase management decision: the success of its implementation is higher among managers with a high rather than a low level of social intelligence.

Thus, the central hypothesis of this study about the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions has found partial empirical support.

6. A program of recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been developed on the basis of the obtained theoretical and empirical results. These developments consist of a diagnostic part, the purpose of which is self-knowledge of personal and professional qualities, self-analysis of one’s own shortcomings and advantages in management activities, as well as a consulting part with training elements aimed at personal and professional self-development.


1. Theoretical analysis scientific prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture made it possible to identify the essence, structure and features of the phenomenon being studied. The socio-psychological culture of a leader is an integrative personal formation that performs a design and regulatory function in management activities and acts as a factor in the success of management decisions.

2. The specifics of management activities determine the content of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders, the formation criteria of which determine the degree of compliance of a particular manager with the requirements of professional activity, and also allows one to evaluate the success and effectiveness of making and implementing management decisions covering management as a whole.

3. The component composition and features of the manifestation of the socio-psychological culture of managers are scientifically substantiated. Installed specific features content of the socio-psychological culture of managers. The study of the social-cognitive component of culture showed that managers are able to clearly build an interaction strategy to achieve a goal, are more focused on the verbal content of communications, are characterized by low sensitivity to the emotional state of the interlocutor, and are cautious in showing friendliness and openness. The characteristic features were the lability and organization of thought processes, high performance and concentration of effort during its relative duration, the absence of a tendency to “get stuck” in solving problems and laziness of thought processes. The axiological component of culture establishes a clear focus of leaders on an active life position, cognition, development of the “I” and career. Features of the regulatory component of the socio-psychological culture of managers are the high level of development of individual-style processes of self-regulation of behavior - its planning, modeling, programming and evaluation of results; purposefulness of behavior, its focus on an independently developed program of action and subjective criteria for the success of achieving a goal, as well as flexibility.

The uniqueness of the structure of the phenomenon was discovered. The relative isolation of all components of socio-psychological culture has been established. The exceptions are both semantically and phenomenologically close regulatory personal qualities - flexibility of behavior and independence, and instrumental values ​​of “self-control”, “independence”, “efficiency in business” as qualities in the field of volitional regulation of behavior, which showed significant inversely proportional dependencies. Also, an exception is the regulatory-personal property of behavioral flexibility, which is directly proportional to the ability of managers to adequately understand the causes, dynamics and consequences of interpersonal interactions, with their social intuition. Multiple relationships between intellectual lability and self-regulation have been identified. The more managers have developed regulatory mechanisms of behavior, its flexibility and plasticity, the greater intellectual endurance, efficiency and strength they have.

4. The nature of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of making and implementing management decisions has been established. The influence of the regulatory component of leaders' culture on the success of their decisions has been proven: leaders with a high level of self-regulation are more successful in making and implementing decisions than leaders with a low level of self-regulation of behavior. It was discovered that there is no influence of the social-cognitive component of leaders’ culture on the success of their decisions, with the exception of the stage of implementation of the decision. The success of implementing management decisions is higher among managers with a high rather than a low level of social intelligence.

5. Analysis of theoretical data and analysis of the results of empirical research made it possible to develop the main directions of scientific and practical recommendations. The program of recommendations for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers may be implemented in the system of professional training of management personnel; in the process of consulting managers on issues of personal and professional growth; in socio-psychological monitoring of personnel; during psychological counseling of managers by consulting firms.

Prospects for further research in this direction suggest a more in-depth study of the mechanisms for the formation of the socio-psychological culture of the leader of a modern business; study of the relationship between socio-psychological culture and life strategy of managers; studying the features and mechanisms of the leader’s management of socio-psychological processes in the team, depending on the level of development of his socio-psychological culture.

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Psychological culture reflects the level of a person’s knowledge of himself, which is a necessary condition a conscious life filled with personal meaning for each person

Psychological culture has its own structure, consisting of four main components: Awareness of personal and professional goals, one’s own and others’ needs; the ability to build relationships with others and regulate one’s behavior; adequate assessment of one’s capabilities and limitations; taking care of your health (mental, somatic and psychological).

  • Awareness of personal and professional goals.

The nature of modern life requires clear and justified goals, both in professional activities and personal life. This is a problem of choice that faces every person, and there is no solution for everyone.

Any work can be successful if its goals are meaningful and clear.

Every person can benefit from reviewing their career goals from time to time.

  • Awareness of one's own and others' needs. Needs are a psychological reality, which is based on a person’s stable need for anything. Consistent satisfaction of increasingly “higher” needs can be considered as psychological growth. Growth motivation is relatively weak in relation to physiological needs and the needs of safety and respect. A prerequisite for psychological growth is the fulfillment of the need for security or respect.
  • Adequate assessment of one’s abilities and limitations for successful professional activity assumes a realistic, but at the same time optimistic attitude towards oneself. Every person has developmental limitations and they can become an insurmountable barrier to professional and personal growth. Such restrictions include: Rigid (inflexible) behavioral stereotypes that limit the acquisition of new experience; own inertia and premature disappointment, lack support, and often negative attitude those around you.

· The ability to regulate one’s behavior and build relationships with others This is, first of all, understanding, appreciating and controlling your emotional reactions. At the core harmonious relations between people lie basic human needs: a sense of security and self-respect.

  • Taking care of your health. Hard work and challenging interpersonal relationships deplete a person’s energy resources, deprive him of creativity and life's joys. Many cannot withstand the high pace and long-term stress, do not calculate their capabilities, and undermine their health and vitality. Current scientific evidence on the effects various factors on human health convincingly indicate that the leading factor is lifestyle and living conditions.

The psychological culture of a leader is the framework of organizational culture, forming the philosophy and ideology of the organization; the leader, through the value and semantic formations of his personality, makes a fundamental contribution to the deepest foundations of the culture of his organization - to its basic values, thereby indirectly influencing the efficiency of the enterprise, subordinates and society in in general.

The psychological culture of a leader, as a dynamic and systemic whole, has its own structure. There are different approaches to understanding its components. But we can distinguish the following components that are invariant in these approaches:

1. Axiological component (value-semantic unity). According to N.T. Selezneva, the axiological component is the core of psychological culture, its criterion is “the responsible attitude of the leader towards himself, partners, self-government activities, self-development.” L.S. Kolmogorov, highlighting the value-semantic component of an individual’s psychological culture, characterizes it as “... a set of personally significant and personally valuable aspirations, ideals, beliefs, views, positions, relationships, beliefs in the field of the human psyche, his activities, relationships with others, etc. ". d. Value, in contrast to a norm (norm), presupposes choice, and therefore it is in situations of choice that the characteristics related to the value-semantic component of human culture are most clearly manifested. According to the degree of effectiveness, values ​​can be divided into value relations and value orientations."

2. Social component. The criterion for this component of psychological culture is the socio-communicative competence of the leader. Problems of communication and communicative competence have always been and are the focus of attention of many sciences that study humans. In his work V.V. Semikin, highlighting the social component of psychological culture, gives the following definition of communicative culture: it is high level mastery of communication mechanisms, means and methods of communication, its strategies and tactics, ensuring the adequacy, efficiency, safety and humanity of the transmission, perception and use of various information circulating in the processes of social interaction of people.

N.V. Kalinina defines social and communicative competence as a set of knowledge and skills necessary for social activities, which ensures the adaptation of the individual in society and contributes to his self-realization, self-actualization and self-determination. Socio-communicative competence "... presupposes situational adaptability and fluency in verbal and non-verbal means of social behavior, the ability to quickly and adequately navigate numerous and varied communicative situations, and mastery of effective communication techniques."

3. Regulatory Component. Its criterion is the personal construct “I am a subject – a partner”, manifested in methods of self-regulation and communication management based on partnerships. According to the definition of V.I. Morosanova, conscious self-regulation is “...systematically organized process internal mental activity of a person in initiating, constructing, maintaining and managing various types and forms of voluntary activity that directly realizes the achievement of goals accepted by a person." Based on the results of the study, V.I. Morosanova states that there are stylistic features of self-regulation that are associated with the development of a person’s subjective activity, crystallized in subjective qualities. The development of these qualities allows the formation of effective styles for achieving important goals. This gives a person, as the subject of his life, the opportunity to overcome the limitations of his temperament and develop his character.

4. Cognitive component. It is determined by the social thinking of the leader, his ability to problematize, reflect, and integrate psychological activity. The result and product of cognition of another person is a cognitive image, which plays an important role in regulating interpersonal interaction between people. As noted by V.N. Panferov, “...the main phenomena of mutual understanding are the images of partners participating in joint activities. The images of partners are the result of their psychological interaction, during which they reveal their psychological qualities as subjects of joint activity." V.N. Panferov says about the advisability of highlighting a special component (cognitive component) in psychological culture associated with interpersonal cognition: "In connection with problems of mutual understanding between people, we can talk about psychological intelligence as the ability to penetrate into the inner world of a person and adequately understand other people."

Thus, the psychological culture of a leader is an integrative, holistic, multicomponent formation, each component of which is interconnected with others and performs specific functions. Since this education is not reduced to hierarchy component composition, but is a phenomenon of a new level, with its own patterns and properties, therefore, the optimization of the professional activities of managers should be determined by the integrity of the system. The developed psychological culture of a leader, from the point of view of researchers, is manifested both in the characteristics of activity (effective social interaction, successful adaptation, self-regulation, self-realization in professional activities) and in the characteristics of the individual (growth of creative potential, personal and professional self-awareness, adequate self-esteem, psychological health). The psychological phenomenon ensures competence in solving organizational problems, management efficiency and optimal self-realization of a professional manager.
