How to feed purslane for lush flowering. Terry and large-flowered purslane and its cultivation from seeds. Use in cooking

It includes more than 200 species and subspecies, and the most common of them are the following:

  • terry purslane is a beautiful plant that is grown for decorative purposes. It blooms with large, bright flowers that delight with their beauty all summer long. The inflorescences bloom in the sun and close on a cloudy day or at sunset. Varieties Sunglo and Sundance, obtained by selection, can open around the clock, regardless of weather conditions;
  • garden (medicinal, vegetable) purslane. A very common type. Grows as an annual weed. Propagates by self-sowing, easily filling large areas. It has fleshy creeping stems that are covered with oval thick leaves. The inflorescences of medicinal purslane are inconspicuous, small, and yellow in color. After them, fruits appear in the form of a box. When ripe, it opens and small seeds fall out.

Shoots and leaves contain the following beneficial substances: calcium, carotene, magnesium, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, alkaloids, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc resinous substances, iron, proteins, nicotinic acid, norepinephrine, glycosides. Thanks to its rich composition, this purslane is widely used in medicine and cooking;

  • ampelous appearance. A hybrid variety obtained artificially. It has ampelous, branching stems with cone-shaped, fleshy leaves. It blooms with regular or double inflorescences of different colors.

Ampel purslane is used to create alpine slides, grown in outdoor vases and hanging flowerpots, as a home ornamental plant;

  • large-flowered variety. Decorates flower beds, slides, outdoor vases. It blooms throughout the summer, until the arrival of autumn cold weather. It has creeping shoots with small cone-shaped leaves. Produces large beautiful flowers of various shades in diameter from 5 to 7 centimeters. In cloudy weather and at night, the flowers close. The fruit ripens at the end of September.

Planting purslane seeds in open ground

For sowing, take plant seeds that have been in storage for at least six months. Freshly harvested material will not sprout. The seeds last for 3 years.

You can sow seeds in an outdoor flower bed, a special bed, or at home to obtain seedlings.

Sowing in open ground carried out after the air temperature has reached +20 °C. In cooler conditions, the heat-loving annual will not grow. When growing seedlings at home, the seeds are sown in April.

The planting bed should be made in an area well lit by the sun. A small hole is enough to grow many purslane shoots. Seeds are sown on moist soil and lightly mixed with it. Then the bed is covered with plastic film or glass of the required size. During the day, when the temperature is sufficiently warm, the area can be opened slightly for 2-3 hours for ventilation, if there is no strong wind. Watering is carried out with a spray bottle after the top layer of soil has dried.

It will be possible to completely remove the coating when sprouts appear and the air temperature is at least 23-26 °C. Seedlings 2-3 centimeters high are subject to transplantation.

Home sowing for seedlings

For planting you need to use a low container. Plastic salad containers or cake lids work well. They must be filled with a breathable, lightweight substrate. You can use garden soil mixed with sand and crushed charcoal. You should not use store-bought soil, because it usually contains too much peat, which is not suitable for sowing purslane.

It is necessary to make holes in the containers to drain excess moisture. It is recommended to place a thin layer of pebbles on the bottom for drainage. The soil needs to be leveled, compacted a little and watered. Purslane seeds are distributed on the surface and not covered with soil.

The containers must be covered with plastic wrap and placed on a south window. If kept in a room with a temperature of more than 25 °C, the seeds will sprout in 2-4 days. Before germination, the containers need to be ventilated daily, and then the film should be removed.

Further care involves periodic watering and thinning of the sprouts. Excess shoots can be planted separately using a match, stick, or toothpick.

Homemade seedlings should be planted in open ground in early June, when the threat of cold snap has completely disappeared. The site should be sunny and windless. The seedlings are planted, adhering to a 10 by 15 centimeter pattern so that the purslane has enough area to grow. The stem is buried down to the first leaf. While the sprouts adapt and take root, they need to be watered according to the degree of drying of the soil.

Purslane combines well with many garden crops. It is often planted where early spring flowers such as hyacinths and tulips are found. After they fade, it’s time for purslane.

In the middle zone, purslane is grown as an annual plant. “Garden” and “large-flowered” are especially popular. These are two completely different species; garden purslane is used in cooking and medicine, and large-flowered purslane is used only for decorative purposes.

Flowering is lush and bright, from July to mid-autumn. Flowers spread along the ground, forming a beautiful carpet. The height of the plant reaches a maximum of 20-25 cm. The stems are fleshy, and the flowers have a simple or double shape. They decorate flower beds, alpine slides and lawns. If there is a sunny meadow on the site, then purslane flowers can decorate it. It grows where other flowers lack moisture. In flowerpots, annuals are combined with or.

Purslane grandiflora is a drought-resistant plant, not demanding on soil composition, grows well even on rocky ground. Grow by seeds, sowing in open ground or through seedlings. In the middle zone better than the second one option, since purslane loves a lot of light and warmth, but at the beginning of spring there is a shortage of this.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in March-April. 1-2 weeks before sowing, take garden soil and sift it through a sieve to remove grass, pebbles and other foreign objects. Mix with sand in a ratio (5:1) and bake in the oven in a frying pan for disinfection or sprinkle with Fundazol solution. The soil is left in this form for 10-14 days. Do not use purchased soil mixture containing peat.

Seedling box or Plastic container should have drainage holes, if there are none, then do not be lazy and drill with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm. A layer of expanded clay up to 1 cm is poured onto the bottom, the prepared soil is filled, leaving 1 cm to the edge of the container, and watered with settled water room temperature. The seeds are laid out on the surface, slightly deeper, at a distance of 1 cm from each other. It will be more convenient to use a toothpick. If the process seems long and difficult, then calcine the river sand and mix with seeds, spread it on the ground and compact it slightly. Apply from a spray bottle.

Crops are covered clear glass or polyethylene, place in a bright, warm place where the temperature is 20-30°C. Provide additional lighting for 2-3 hours in the morning and 3-4 hours in the evening. In cloudy weather, additional lighting should be constant. At temperatures below 17-15°C, seedlings die and become stretched due to lack of light. Every day, planting purslane is ventilated and when the soil dries, it is moistened with a spray bottle. When shoots appear (7-14 days), the container is moved to the windowsill on the south side.

When 2 true leaves appear, seedlings are picked into separate small cups with a diameter of up to 10 cm or into a larger seedling box, leaving a distance of 5 cm between plants, and deepened to the cotyledon leaves. When transferring, try to leave as much soil as possible on the roots so as not to injure them.

Before planting purslane seedlings in open ground, the plants should have at least 7-9 leaves. The seedlings are first taken out into the open air every day, starting from 10-15 minutes and ending up to 5-6 hours.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground - early June

To grow purslane, choose an elevated place with low groundwater. Away from trees and buildings that may provide shade. Decorative types plants do not need nutritious soil; it produces more greenery at the expense of flowering.

Seedlings are planted in holes at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. It is best if this happens in the evening or in the morning, rooting then it will go faster and painless.

Bright light, sandy soil and drought - best friends purslane, what else can you dream of!

How to collect seeds

In order not to buy purslane seeds, collect them yourself. As soon as the flowering period passes, fruits begin to set and seed pods begin to form. If they are not collected in time, the seeds will fall off. The stems turn yellow at this time.

The plant is dug up with the root, cleared of soil and hung to dry with the seed pods facing down. A cloth or white paper is spread on the floor onto which the seeds will fall. The shelf life of seeds is 3-5 years, after which germination quickly and sharply drops.


Water purslane under the root from a watering can in hot weather once every 4-5 days. If the soil has at least some nutrients, then additional fertilizing is not needed, but if the soil is poor, then it is worth fertilizing occasionally.

Loosening is not required, and it will be problematic for the summer resident himself to do this due to the dense creeping carpet of flowers.

Purslane does not like a lot of water, and too much can lead to rot. Spots appear on the leaves, the stem becomes limp. Flowering is reduced and development stops. If part of the plant is infected with the disease, the affected leaves are removed and the ground is treated with fungicides.

Among the pests, purslane also pesters thrips. For control, use Fitoferm or karbofos.

28 Jan

Growing purslane from seeds in 2019 (when to plant seedlings)

Purslane, when grown from seeds, grows quickly and produces a dense carpet of “fat grass” that prevents the growth of other weeds. Therefore, it is good to use the crop on not completely cultivated soils. For example, growing purslane from seeds in seedlings will allow you to easily improve your garden plot, which still has very little fertile soil.

When growing purslane from seeds, it is very important to know when to plant it for seedlings at home - in 2019, the lunar calendar suggests suitable days in February, March and April. But more accurate information can be given only by knowing in which region the finished seedlings will be planted in the ground. It is worth considering that in the Urals and the Far East, in Siberia, the timing of planting in open ground shifts by 10 - 14 days in comparison with the Moscow region and Middle Strip Russia. Therefore, purslane flowers, when grown from seeds in these regions, should be planted as seedlings 10 - 14 days later than recommended by agronomists. This will save the seedlings from stretching out in short daylight conditions.

In this article you can learn not only about when to plant purslane for seedlings in 2019, but also gain all the necessary knowledge on the agricultural technology of the crop, its botanical features and varietal groups presented for sale.

Look at the photo of purslane flowers and continue this fascinating journey into the world of an interesting plant for the garden:

These are the purslane flowers obtained when grown from seed to seedlings

Botanical characteristics, description and photo

The proposed botanical characteristic cannot claim to be Full description culture. It's just brief information, important for understanding the characteristics of purslane and its requirements for agricultural technology in open ground. It’s worth starting with the fact that purslane (Portulaca) belongs directly to ornamental flowering and vegetable crops. Its "fat herb" is used as salad leaves. But only the garden variety is suitable for food. It can also be used as a medicinal plant.

Currently, the culture grows throughout the Eurasian continent. But it was originally brought from North America. The gradual spread covered vast areas, from south to north. The adaptability of a crop to unfavorable external conditions largely depends on the cultivated variety and species.

Purslane got its name from the translation into Latin of its main characteristics. During seed ripening, the seed capsule opens. That's why it came to be called "open gate". In Latin it sounds like Rotulaca. There is also a common popular name - rug. It comes from the ability of a culture to spread densely across the ground, literally covering it completely.

Suitable for growing as a canopy, border, or ground cover crop. It is not uncommon for purslane to be seen in alpine hills. It is absolutely not demanding on the soil structure - it can grow successfully even on heavy loams.

It is distinguished by the fleshy structure of its stems and leaves, which is reminiscent of succulents. Typically, the length of the stem rarely exceeds 150 cm. Miniature border species have a stem height of 10–15 cm. The color of the foliage can be emerald, swamp or red.

According to their structure, the buds are divided into simple, double and semi-double. They can have a wide variety of colors - from white to purple. The petals are distinguished by their saturated colors. Budding begins 90 days after sowing. Continues continuously until the ambient temperature reaches negative values. Each flower blooms for only one day. On cloudy days the buds do not bloom. The seeds are small, black, shiny. One ripe seed capsule contains more than 4000 pieces.

Look at the photo of purslane grown from seeds through seedlings - these magnificent specimens will decorate any garden plot:

What species and varieties can be grown from seeds?

Now let's try to figure out what modern types of purslane and its varieties can be successfully grown from seeds throughout personal plot. It is important to study the varieties in advance and not confuse them when purchasing planting material. remember that garden purslane (dandur) is an exclusively medicinal and food plant that does not have any decorative value. Its flowering is so inconspicuous that you won't even notice it.

But for decorating pots and containers, balconies, loggias and terraces, ampelous purslane is suitable, which is distinguished by hanging long lashes of branches, richly decorated with buds of various colors.

The division into types of annual and perennial vegetation allows you to select suitable plants for indoor floriculture. But we’ll talk about them in more detail another time. In the meantime, our focus is on the varieties and types of purslane intended for growing from seeds in a one-year development cycle. And here preference can be given to terry and semi-double species. They allow you to effectively decorate even the most shady corners of the garden. And here simple shapes Designed primarily for sealing fits. They will feel great as a background crop in an alpine hill or as a ground cover plant in a flower garden. Some varieties can be used as natural fertilizer (green manure).

Large-flowered varieties of purslane

All large-flowered species and varieties of purslane have excellent aesthetic characteristics. But when grown from seeds, they need to be given close attention at the seedling preparation stage. They require large amounts of mineral fertilizers with a predominant percentage of potassium and magnesium. These microelements ensure the brightness of the color of the buds.

If you manage to transplant the plant into a pot before frost in the fall and bring it into a warm room, it will continue to bloom for several more months.

The vegetative green mass of large-flowered purslane is inconspicuous. But the buds, when blooming, can reach a diameter of 20 cm. When grown from seeds, large-flowered purslane grows in the form of a creeping succulent.

Terry species of purslane

Terry forms and types of purslane have even greater decorative value - they allow you to effectively decorate any garden area with minimal labor costs. Has rapid growth of green mass. Each fleshy shoot of bright green color is crowned with a magnificent complex bud with an inflorescence diameter of up to 8 cm. Bright colors: pink, white, yellow, blue, red, purple, salmon.

The terry variety "Sanglo" is distinguished by round-the-clock flowering. And the Sundance variety has an unforgettable subtle aroma that spreads several meters from the flowering plant.

“Princely” purslane is corrugated petals collected in double inflorescences. May be pink, red or white. “White-flowered” - white double buds and short stems with a rich emerald color. "Splendence" is popular due to the huge size of its flowers - they reach 15 cm in diameter. Among the terry species, it is worth noting “Air Marshmallow” - this is a mixture of colors from white to purple. “Orange”, “Cherry”, “Merry Round Dance” and “Sunny Summer” are double and semi-double varieties of purslane with orange and yellow colored buds. And “Flamenco”, “Pun”, “Super Long-lasting” and “Scarlet” have rich shades of the red group (from pink to wine berry, burgundy and red). To grow terry purslane from seeds, you should choose varieties that are zoned in your area.

Ampelous purslane for decorating a balcony

You can use ampelous purslane to decorate a balcony, loggia or open terrace. This climbing plant has stems up to 2 meters long. The entire cascade of succulent vines with thick fur-like leaves falling in a wave is effectively decorated with bright buds of complex and simple shapes. There is a full palette of available shades: white and yellow, red and pink, purple and lilac tones. Growing ampel purslane from seeds is carried out exclusively by seedlings. When to plant seedlings depends on the future use of the plant.

The ampelous varieties “Scheherazade”, “Sunny Princess”, “Sonechka” and “Double Mix” are of interest. F1 hybrids are interesting, combining the duration of flowering, long stem length and pronounced color of double inflorescences.

Look at terry purslane grown from seeds in the photo, which demonstrates all the decorative possibilities of the crop:

Growing purslane seeds for seedlings at home (with photo)

Start growing purslane from seeds at home approximately 90 days before the intended planting of seedlings in open ground. If such an opportunity arises in early May, then sowing can be done in early February. But in the conditions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, a return of cooling may threaten even at the end of June. And the purslane plant is not able to withstand even short-term cooling down to +10 degrees Celsius. Therefore, in these regions it is advisable to plant purslane seedlings only in early March.

Before planting purslane seeds for seedlings, you need to prepare the soil, seed and appropriate containers. We'll talk further about how to do this correctly. In the meantime, look at the caique results of growing purslane from seeds - the photo shows healthy and beautiful plants:

When to sow purslane for seedlings: dates according to the lunar calendar

The first thing you need to know is when to sow purslane seedlings in different regions of the country. The timing of sowing purslane seedlings according to the lunar calendar can be found in a special table further on the page. In the meantime, let's clarify some controversial points:

  1. sowing too early will put the grower in front of the need for daily illumination;
  2. stretching of seedlings can only be prevented by gradually reducing the ambient temperature to +18 degrees Celsius;
  3. adding soil at an early stage of seedling development can lead to rotting of the roots.
  • flowering occurs 95 days after the appearance of the first shoots;
  • if it is possible to take the seedlings into a heated greenhouse at the beginning of May, then feel free to shift the sowing time to mid-February;
  • if it is possible to provide additional lighting to the plants, you can shift the planting date to the beginning of February;
  • ampelous forms for growing in cache-pots and hanging pots are not tied to planting dates - they can be successfully sown at the end of January.

When to plant purslane for growing seeds through seedlings - you can look at lunar calendar

Soil preparation

The first stage is soil preparation. Never use store-bought soil mixtures. All of them contain peat. And it has an extremely destructive effect on purslane seedlings. Sowing can only be done in a mixture of 3 parts turf soil, 1 part compost and 1 part river sand. There should be no rotted manure or peat.

Mix the soil, bake in the oven for 3 hours and sprinkle with potassium permanganate. Then fill with a mixture of nitroammophoska and ammonium nitrate.

Suitable containers for sowing

Selecting suitable containers for sowing is quite simple. These can be special containers, wooden boxes, peat tablets, pots and any ceramic bowls. Before sowing, containers should be thoroughly disinfected. This can be calcination, roasting in the oven, or soaking in bleach.

Do not use containers for these purposes that were used last year for planting other flower crops. It is better to swap them with the containers that were used for growing vegetable seedlings.

Sowing purslane for seedlings

You need to sow purslane seedlings at home. Throughout our country, sowing this crop in open ground is excluded due to the lack of cold resistance. It is impossible to plant seeds in a garden bed in early June and get any flowering. Therefore it is used exclusively seedling method growing.

Planting purslane seedlings is done as follows:

  • the seedling container is filled with prepared soil to 3-4 cm;
  • the surface is compacted and thoroughly poured with warm water;
  • seeds are distributed over the surface (this can be done using a toothpick, mixing them with paste or dry sand;
  • then carefully spray the surface with a spray bottle;
  • cover the container with glass or transparent plastic film;
  • place it in the brightest place, if possible, illuminate the surface of the earth with fluorescent lamps.

Before sowing purslane for seedlings, no additional manipulations are required. You should not put them in the refrigerator for stratification, soak them in growth stimulants, etc. Don't worry - they have excellent germination. The first seedlings will appear after 4 days. And full shoots will be recorded after 7 days.

Look at the video of sowing in all its subtleties and details:

The following five tips will be useful to those novice gardeners who are planning to plant this crop for the first time. The first thing to remember is that before you grow purslane seedlings, take a look at the varietal groups and choose those that suit you best.

The second point is to plant only well-hardened seedlings in the ground. For this agrotechnical procedure, it is not enough to take the pots out into the fresh air just once. This should be done daily, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air over 2-3 weeks.

Third, be sure to pick up and replant seedlings during their development at home. This will ensure that the root system develops well and provides maximum nutrition for the growth of the seedling.

The fourth condition is to regularly apply mineral and organic fertilizers. The more flower buds the seedlings lay during their growth, the more magnificent and longer the summer flowering will be.

Fifth tip: do not allow early over-pollination. Do not keep purslane varieties of different colors at the budding stage next to each other at home. This leads to the fact that after planting in open ground they all bloom the same color.

Watch how picking is carried out - the video illustrates all the subtleties of agricultural technology:

Planting in open ground and subsequent care of flowers

Planting purslane seedlings in open ground is possible only after establishing stable positive temperatures during the day and night. Purslane cannot tolerate even a slight drop in air temperature of up to 10 degrees Celsius.

Choose the right place to plant. It should be elevated and well lit. Very few varieties of this crop grow in the shade. Basically, they are very demanding on the level of lighting throughout the day.

Purslane is not picky about the soil structure. It is a natural fertilizer, perfectly changes the structure of the soil in better side. It can even be planted in clayey areas.

If there is a threat of frost, then measures should be taken to cover the plants with greenhouses, film or cut plastic water bottles.

Disembarkation takes place in the morning before sunrise. Immediately after this you need to shade the seedlings. Arrangement of bushes: 20x20 cm. After planting, water every evening in sufficient quantity.

Subsequent care will consist of regular mineral and organic feeding. You should not loosen the soil - this can damage the root system and leaf mass. But you need to remove all weeds regularly.

Watch how purslane seedlings are planted in the video - all the agrotechnical details of the process are demonstrated:

What beneficial properties does the culture have?

Everyone who grows purslane in their garden plots thinks about the issue of its practical use. Let's see how useful and medicinal properties this decorative culture has.

To begin with, it’s worth clarifying what to expect to receive beneficial effects It is possible only in relation to the garden species of purslane. ornamental plants do not have a similar effect.

Garden purslane can be eaten as a base for salad, as a preserve, or as an addition to soup and sauce. Therapeutic effects are used in cosmetology and folk medicine.

Cut fresh greens have a slightly sour, pleasant taste and spicy aroma. Quenches hunger and thirst. After the heat treatment, everything beneficial features are lost. When freezing your pleasant taste and does not retain consistency.

IN chemical composition of the cellular fluid inside green shoots, almost all necessary for a person microelements. These are cobalt, zinc, copper, chromium, potassium and magnesium, calcium and manganese, iron and much more. Great amount vitamins of natural origin: ascorbic and a nicotinic acid, carotene, pyridoxine, tocopherol and many others.

The use of purslane is prescribed for hypertension and vascular pathologies, diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary infections etc. The herb has decongestant and diuretic, antiarrhythmic and antihistamine, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Preparation and collection of planting material

Seed harvesting is only possible in good weather. On sunny days, the buds bloom. Choose those that you like based on their color and structure. By evening they will wither and close. Mark them with strings and wait until they dry completely. Then remove all the petals and leave the box until fully ripe. When dry, around the end of August, the boxes are collected and gutted over a clean saucer. then the seeds should be poured into a paper bag, labeled and placed in the refrigerator for 6 months. Before six months, seeds cannot be used for planting. They won't even have 5% germination.

In mid-August, if the weather is warm and sunny, plants may self-sow. The capsules crack and seeds fall out. However, they will not produce mature plants. Their seedlings will die from spring frosts. In order not to lose valuable planting material, its preparation is carried out as follows: lay newspaper under all seed bushes. Collecting fallen seeds will be easy.

Pests and diseases of the crop

In good warm weather and sufficient quantity sunny days Purslane diseases do not affect purslane. But in hot weather, plants can be attacked by numerous pests. The most common among them are aphids and spider mites. Against them, regular spraying of the entire green mass with solutions of “Aktelik”, “Fitoverm”, “Biotiln”, “Ankara” or “Iskra” should be carried out. The same compounds will help against another pest - thrips. If they have settled on purslane, then silver stripes, dots, and specks will appear on the green shoots.

Among diseases, the plant is often damaged by a fungus. There is a species of Albugo portulaceae, which, when the leaves are damaged, leaves characteristic spots and faded areas on the purslane. The drugs “Ridomil”, “Fundazol”, “Previkur” help against it.

Categories:// by

Purslane is a wonderful choice for decorating any flower bed. Plantings with bright vines of this plant cover the ground with a dense mat and look very impressive. Small non-double flowers are shaped like multi-colored poppies, and double varieties look like miniature roses.

Features and varieties

Purslane (Dandur) - genus herbaceous plants from the Portulacaceae family. Because of the fleshy creeping stem, the flower is popularly called “rug”. Adult specimens grow up to 30 cm. There are plants with simple and double flowers of white, yellow, orange, purple, red, pink, coffee and two-tone colors. Dandur can produce colorful flowers from mid-June until October. In the absence of sunlight they remain closed all day, but some recently bred double varieties open even in cloudy weather. After flowering, a spherical fruit capsule with a large number of small seeds is formed.

The genus Purslane has united more than 200 species of plants, but only one of them is used in ornamental gardening - grandiflora purslane. This perennial species is usually grown as an annual. It has five-petaled single flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm, in some varieties they reach a size of 6 cm. The green leaves resemble fleshy needles, and the creeping stem is reddish-brown.

Purslane (vegetable) is an annual plant with small white or yellow flowers collected in inflorescences and a fleshy stem up to 30 cm long. This is a weed plant with medicinal properties, which was used for treatment various diseases back in the time of Hippocrates. It is used in folk medicine and cooking. There are edible varieties of garden purslane with red and yellow leaves.

Non-ornamental wild species of purslane are tenacious weeds that can be difficult to overcome in the garden. They grow in many regions of Russia and Ukraine, in Central Asia, Transcaucasia and the Far East.

Reproduction methods

You can get a lot of young seedlings of decorative purslane by growing from seeds. The second propagation option is to carry out cuttings from the most interesting specimens. To do this, the flower is transferred to a cool place for the winter, and in the spring cuttings about 5 cm long are cut. They are planted in prepared soil, removing the lower leaves. With the onset of warmth, young plants are planted in open ground.

How to sow purslane?

Seed material is pre-sown in shallow and wide containers from February to April. Use seeds that are between six months and three years old. At the bottom there is a layer of fine gravel or expanded clay.

Peat is not used as soil - it impairs the germination of purslane seeds.

Prepare the soil from 80% garden soil and 20% sand. The mixture is pre-disinfected. To do this, it is kept in the oven for half an hour at temperatures up to 50 degrees. Then the soil is allowed to cool, moistened with settled water and the seeds are sown. They are placed at a distance of approximately 1 cm from each other, pressing into the ground to a depth of 0.5 mm.

Pots with crops are covered with glass or plastic film and transferred to a room with a temperature of at least +22 degrees. Choose a bright and warm place without drafts, regularly moisten and ventilate. The first shoots appear within 3-4 days, and within 1-2 weeks a massive appearance of plants occurs. The seedlings are being grown.

You can sow directly into open ground when the average daytime temperature reaches +20 degrees. In this case, flowering will be later. Small seeds are mixed with river sand and placed on a pre-moistened area to a depth of 0.5 mm. The bed with the crops is covered with film until the seeds germinate. Ventilate and moisten regularly. The film is removed at an average daily temperature of at least +24 degrees.

When the height of the seedlings is 2-3 cm, they are planted on permanent place growing. Purslane is placed in 2-3 pieces. in one hole, the distance between plants is 10 cm, and the row spacing is 15 cm. You can plant one at a time. Over time, the creeping stems of the flower will cover the surface of the soil with a dense mat.

Purslane reproduces well by self-sowing. Young shoots almost always appear in spring in flower beds where the plant bloomed last year. In this case, you will have to wait longer for beautiful multi-colored mats than with pre-sowing at home.

How to grow purslane from seedlings?

After a pair of true leaves appear, young plants grown from seeds dive. They are transplanted into pots with a diameter of approximately 7-8 cm. The purslane is deepened into the soil up to the cotyledon leaves. Seedlings grow slowly, and if there is a lack of light, heat or moisture, they can become sick and stretch out. Do not allow the soil to dry out; water it with warm, settled water. This is convenient to do with a spray bottle. If there is a lack of sunlight, additional illumination is carried out with a regular table lamp. This is especially important if sowing was early.

Transplantation into open ground is carried out at the end of May or beginning of June, when warm weather sets in. In regions with cold climates, you can plant purslane outside no earlier than mid-June.

The seedlings are pre-hardened for 1-2 weeks. Pots with purslane are taken outside to daytime first for 15 minutes, then the time is gradually increased to 5-6 hours. Flowers are planted in open ground, maintaining a distance of 10-15 cm between neighboring specimens. Work is carried out carefully so as not to damage the brittle, fleshy stem. The first week is watered frequently, then the amount of moisture is reduced depending on weather conditions.

Features of cultivation

You can get long and numerous flowering of purslane if you create for it suitable conditions for growth and development, follow the rules of care.

  • This is a heat-tolerant flower that will enjoy as light, dry and warm a location as possible. Light partial shade is acceptable; in shaded areas it will not be possible to wait for good flowering.
  • Low temperatures are detrimental to this heat-loving plant. Already at +10, its lower leaves fall off.
  • Purslane is a succulent that can tolerate prolonged absence of moisture. During the period of active vegetative growth, it is watered with warm, settled water every 4-5 days. Stagnation of water is unacceptable. In rainy weather, do not moisten; when it gets cold, the amount of watering is reduced.
  • The flower grows well both in nutritious soil and in depleted sandy or clay soil. You can grow purslane in too dense soil, but you need to add sand to the substrate.
  • Excessively nutritious soil with a large amount of organic matter leads to active growth of shoots, but there are few flowers. It is useful to fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer 2-3 times in the summer. In this case, purslane will bloom more abundantly.
  • The soil around young plants is loosened. Then it will no longer be possible to carry out such work, otherwise the dense flower carpet may be damaged.
  • After the autumn cold snap, the plant dies. You can collect small purslane seeds to sow the beautiful plant again next year. They mature in different time, so the seed pods are picked in parts. This is done when they turn yellow, but do not have time to crack. Then they are dried on paper. Non-double varieties are easier to grow from self-collected seeds. In terry varieties, the number seed material less, and its germination is worse.

Pests and diseases

Fungal diseases can appear on the plant if the soil is constantly waterlogged. This often happens if excess moisture is combined with sufficiently low temperatures. In this case, dark spots first appear on the leaves, and then the rot spreads to the roots and stems. Some types of fungus lead to deformation of purslane shoots. The affected parts of the plant are removed and the flower and soil are treated with fungicides.

Aphids and thrips are nasty enemies of purslane. You can detect aphids on your own. She feeds on the sap of the plant. Thrips are difficult to notice with the naked eye; you will be notified of their appearance by appearance flower: silvery blotches and stripes appear on the stems and leaves of the plant. To control pests, use insecticides according to the instructions.

Use in landscape design

Purslane grandiflora is an excellent decoration for alpine slides and flower borders. It is often placed in areas with primroses. After the flowering of tulips, hyacinths and lilies of the valley, purslane will revive the empty area of ​​the flowerbed.

Dandur can be planted in flowerpots or containers, which are used to decorate balconies, loggias and verandas. Containers with plants after a cold snap can be moved to a warm room to extend the life of the flowers.

Attractive purslane mats will add variety to your flower garden decoration. They will delight lovers of easy-to-care but spectacular flowers.
