Hazelnuts - properties and uses. Effects on the female body. Useful properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnut (cultivated hazel) is no less valuable than its forest counterpart. In the old days, he was credited with numerous magical properties... People believed that he would protect from the evil eye and damage, protect from lightning strikes, drive rodents out of the house, and prevent the snake from crawling into the dwelling.

Also, people appreciated him. nutritional properties and actively used nuts to heal the body.

Modern scientists have proven the benefits of hazelnuts for the body. Of course, its magical properties have not been studied, but its composition is well known, which includes a large number of useful substances. And, thanks to which hazelnuts are recommended to be included in the diet for people who follow own health.

We will talk with you today about why hazelnuts are useful for the human body, why it needs to be included in your diet. And also we will find out what contraindications are available for its use.

What are hazelnuts useful for?

Immediately, we note that this nut is very high in calories. In terms of calorie content, it is comparable to white bread, wheat bread, whole fat milk or chocolate. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with it if you follow your figure. It is enough to eat 10-15 nuts per day to benefit from this wonderful nut and not harm your figure.

If you are wondering, what are the benefits of hazelnuts for human health? Let's say right away that the benefits of it are significant. Hazelnuts contain valuable oil, organic acids. There are vitamins E, group B. There are also minerals, including calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. And most importantly, hazelnuts are rich in easily digestible protein necessary for normal work human body.

Healing properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Potassium and calcium included in its composition help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of the heart muscle, while maintaining its elasticity. This nut is very useful for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, in the presence of trophic ulcers of the leg, as well as problems with capillaries.

It is recommended to use it for people suffering from blood diseases, anemia. It is recommended to use it to cleanse the body, as it eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines. Especially effective with the help of a nut is the cleansing of the liver.

You can include it in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus, as it contains a minimum of carbohydrates. The high content of vitamin E, together with protein, helps to improve the condition and growth of muscle tissue. In addition, it has been established that cultivated hazel is excellent prophylactic against cancer.

Women's health benefits of nuts

For the fair sex, hazelnuts are simply irreplaceable. Regular use of these nuts helps to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin and hair. This is facilitated by vitamins, fatty acids that make up the nucleoli.

Doctors recommend including hazelnuts in the diet of pregnant women. It is very useful for nursing mothers. This is due to the fact that its nucleoli contain folic acid, which prevents the development of congenital pathologies. In addition, vitamin E, phosphorus, calcium contained in the nucleoli reduce to a minimum the risk of miscarriage, helps to strengthen, the correct formation of bone tissue in children. At the same time, hazelnuts are much less likely to cause allergies in pregnant women than other varieties of nuts.

Male health benefits

According to proctologists, every man should eat a small amount of nuts per day (40-50 g). Hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive function, prevents the development of infertility. In addition, cultivated hazel reduces the risk of developing inflammatory process prostate, enhances potency.

Contraindications to taking hazelnuts

Like any other very useful product, if consumed excessively, hazelnuts can be harmful to health. Therefore, there is no need to abuse it. For the daily intake, 30-50 g of nuts are enough. If you eat more, headaches may begin, since a large amount of this product can provoke spasm of the cerebral vessels.

You also need to remember that it should not be given to children with diabetes, and also to those who have serious illnesses liver.

And one more very important note: never buy nuts that have already been shelled. Remember that as soon as the shell is removed from the nuts, the destruction of the nutrients contained in them immediately begins, and the nucleoli lose their healing properties. Therefore, buy whole nuts, and after peeling them from the shell, eat them immediately.

And don't store the nuts for long. About six months after purchase, they dry out and lose most of their useful properties. Eat freshly picked nuts, do not overeat, consider contraindications and be healthy!

Hazelnuts, or hazelnuts, are large fruits hazel, obtained in the course of many years of breeding work of many breeders of the world. In Russia, the first to start breeding cultivars of hazel was the biologist I.V. Michurin. Thanks to his work, hybrid plant varieties were obtained that can grow in frosty winters. The wild fruits of hazel have been known since ancient times. For example, the Greeks thought that along with hazelnuts, happiness and wealth come to the house, while the Romans believed that these fruits make a person stronger. And this is no accident, because hazelnuts make a person stronger, more cheerful and more energetic.

Calorie content and nutritional value

The kernel is very high in calories, since more than 50% fat(100 g of product contains 67 g). The share of carbohydrates is 13 g, which makes it possible to use nuts in dietary nutrition, and they contain almost 20 g - for the product vegetable origin this is a fairly large number.
This protein content has allowed hazelnuts to take one of the first places in the vegetarian diet, and the product is also popular among people who observe the fast. 100 g of walnut kernels contain 704 kcal, which is very important for a growing body, weakened by diseases of people and vegetarians.

Did you know? In terms of the number of calories, hazelnuts surpass not only all existing nuts, but they are 7 times more nourishing, 3 times. Chocolate, which is used to eat to restore vitality, is 8 times inferior to hazelnuts. 200 grams of shelled kernels provide half the daily calorie intake.

Chemical composition

Hazelnut is rich in such biologically active ingredients like beta-carotene, vitamins and. Of very broad list mineral components, which are part of the hazelnuts, you need to select, and. Also, this miracle product contains the necessary for health amino acids- arginine, leucine, glutamic and others.

Why hazelnuts are useful

Unique chemical composition, the energy value makes this product useful, and eating hazelnuts daily will help:

  • get rid of cholesterol plaques, to downgrade "bad";
  • and normalize blood pressure;
  • cleanse the blood, liver and small intestines;
  • strengthen the heart muscle, as well as bone tissue;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • balance the work of the nervous system;
  • increase sexual activity.

Hazelnut is used as a complementary element in the treatment of: chronic fatigue, exhaustion, various nervous disorders and colds, dysentery, urolithiasis and others.

Important! Hazel contains paclitaxel, an antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body and serves to prevent cancer.

For men

Hazel contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of a strong half of humanity:

  • vitamin E - of the body, has a positive effect on the reproductive organs;
  • zinc - increases testosterone production;
  • iron - renews the blood;
  • potassium - supports in normal condition heart and blood vessels due to the removal of cholesterol from them;
  • calcium - strengthens.

A few nuts before bed have a calming effect on the nervous system and allow you to sleep peacefully. Also the hazelnut removes painful symptoms with inflammation of the prostate and increases male strength.

Exists folk recipe impotence treatment: Chop 3 pieces of nut and pour in a glass. Take 60 ml 3 times a day.

For women

  • declines bad cholesterol, and hemoglobin, on the contrary, rises. The work of the heart is strengthened;
  • the work of the nervous system is normalized, it leaves, sleep is normalized, the syndrome passes;
  • improves brain function, enhances immunity;
  • free radicals are removed, which is the prevention of cancer;
  • beneficial effect on skin and hair;
  • increased libido;
  • when the volume of milk increases.

For kids

Doctors believe that it is necessary to give a baby hazelnuts for food, starting at 3 years old. At this age, the child's body can fully assimilate useful material hazel.
Nuts are essential for a growing child's body:

  • they increase immunity, serve as the prevention of childhood diseases;
  • help the development of the skeleton and muscles, accelerate metabolic processes.

For the first time, no more than 2 pieces should be given for the sample. For a baby, the daily rate is equal to the number of nuts that fit in his palm.

Not worth it give this product to chronically ill children liver and diabetes.


Important! To get the most out of it, you needthere isnuts during breakfast and before that they need to be soaked for 30 minutes in cold water... This manipulation will speed up the digestion process.

In cooking

Due to its delicately sweet taste, the nut has found wide application in the preparation of various dishes. Ordinary everyday vegetable and fruit salads with the addition of lightly roasted nuts, they acquire an unusual festive taste. Morning porridge with hazelnuts becomes just a delicacy.
Also hazelnuts use:

  • ground - an exquisite additive for mushrooms;
  • combined with berries, fruits, and fermented milk products;
  • cooked, oriental sweets, crumbly;
  • added to chocolate, bread products, puddings;
  • make flour for confectionery, butter brings taste and nutrients to dishes, nut butter is an excellent solution for sandwiches;
  • flavored creams, sweets, liqueurs. They make jam, canned in honey.

In dietetics

Hazelnut due high calorie content it is used in dietetics, as it saturates with energy and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time. It contains 20% more vitamin E, potassium, iron and cobalt than. Nutritionists recommend a nut for those who want to lose weight, since it contains almost no carbohydrates, which means that it is simply impossible to get better.

Important! 100 g of peeled nuts per day helps to energize the body.

In folk medicine

Traditional healers have used walnut kernels, their shells, leaves and bark of a bush as a medicinal raw material for a long time. Based on these ingredients, such means are made:

  • a decoction of the nucleoli is recommended to increase lactation while breastfeeding a baby, and to an infant - to reduce gas formation in the intestines. Nut milk is used to treat bronchitis with severe cough;
  • boiled bark is used for prostate disease in men;
  • infused walnut shells are used to raise blood pressure in hypotensive patients;
  • a decoction of the leaves is used for problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as a tonic.

In cosmetology

For the production of various cosmetics, walnut oil is used. Rapid absorption into the skin, saturating it with moisture and restoring cells makes the oil a popular component for creams and milk.
It can also be used in its pure form:

  • for problematic - cleans and tightens pores, treats acne;
  • for the skin around the eyes and treatment of the vascular network on the face;
  • for women aged it is recommended for the skin of the lips and bust;
  • after exposure to the sun or frost to avoid redness and flaking of the skin;
  • as a massage: regular use makes the skin healthy, reduces cellulite;
  • use as, makes them strong and shiny, decreases their loss;
  • in homemade creams and masks it is used as a rejuvenating and tonic component. Smoothes wrinkles and prevents new ones from forming.

Did you know? In Ancient Babyloncommon peopleit was forbidden to eat hazelnuts, as it was believed that it has a positive effect on brain activity, and it does harm to commoners.

How much can you afford

Since the nut is very high in calories, so as not to overload the stomach and pancreas, the daily rate should not exceed 50 grams.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating mothers

Having a balanced composition, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and the developing fetus. When taken while breastfeeding a baby no more than 7 pieces of nuts, the taste of milk improves, the fat content increases, and its production by the woman's body also increases.

Contraindications and harm

  • sick liver;
  • excess weight;
  • pancreas problems;
  • allergy.

The nut is contraindicated for children prone to allergies; who have severe diabetes and chronic illness liver.

Overeating hazelnuts is fraught with severe headaches, indigestion and allergic reactions.

If you decide to replenish your diet with this storehouse of vitamins, then you need to buy an unpeeled nut, since destruction occurs in the nucleoli without the shell nutrients... Peeled walnuts should be stored at a low temperature in a tightly closed opaque container. It should also be noted that the shelf life of hazelnuts is about 7 months. Usually nuts ripen in September, while in March the fruits dry up and lose their healing properties.

When it comes to nuts, many nod respectfully and agree with the benefits of this product, as an axiom.

And they do absolutely right: nuts are not only valuable and easily digestible vegetable protein, but also a lot of vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants.

As for the nutritional value, here, too, the nuts are at a height - just a couple of kernels will help maintain and replenish the body's energy losses, provide it with long time necessary calories.

There are many known facts indicating that nuts helped to survive more than one hungry winter both for residents of large cities and modest rural settlements.

The most vivid, tasty and memorable representative of the kingdom of nuts is the hazelnut, and we will talk about it: what is valuable and useful it can bring to the human body and how it can harm.

Where taste is combined with benefit

Most people primarily perceive hazelnuts as a delicacy, which is quite understandable - the amazing rich taste and aroma, especially of toasted grains, do not leave anyone indifferent.

This type of nuts is considered one of the most nutritious and healing at the same time. He is not inferior in taste and medicinal properties to such recognized folk and traditional medicine relatives as almonds.

Hazelnuts are adored by chefs. With its help, the most unpretentious dishes become real masterpieces: a whole kernel is a luxurious decoration of a cake or snack, a crushed nut is indispensable for adding flavor, creamy taste, textures for desserts and salads.

Children and adults are very fond of chocolate and ice cream with hazelnuts, without it it is impossible to imagine the famous "Kiev cake" and many liqueurs. In addition to the pleasure of taste buds, hazelnuts are also huge benefit the body.

This nut is successfully used by mankind in medical purposes for several millennia and it would be unwise to forget about it today.

A bit of history

Hazelnuts - the fruit of a tall hazel bush (Lombard nut) which is still growing in wildlife, although it is much less common than before.

All due to the fact that people thoughtlessly and carelessly engaged and are engaged in collecting nuts and cutting down plantings.

In ancient times, the planting of hazel was protected, and the harvest was collected extremely carefully and diligently: only those nuts that were fully ripe and fell to the ground.

After all, all the benefits and nutritional value of fruits are maximally concentrated in them, and green hazelnuts are poorly stored and do not have the expected therapeutic effect.

The history of the Lombard nut goes back at least six thousand years. It is known that the modern territories of the Caucasus and Greece can be considered his homeland.

The popularity of hazelnuts in Russia is due to the famous scientist-breeder - I.V. Michurin.

He was able to create high-yielding, frost-resistant, large-fruited varieties of nuts with a thin shell, which today constitute the basis of the industrial production of this nut.

The main exporters of hazelnuts are currently Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Spain, Italy - countries with a suitable warm climate.

Chemical composition

The composition of hazelnuts is well studied. These are mostly healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamins, proteins, minerals.

Its calorie content is legendary, because almost 700 kilocalories per 100 grams raw product- enough to be consumed with care by those who focus on graceful shapes.

True, there are few carbohydrates in a nut and this fact makes it quite suitable for a diet and allows us to say that it is impossible to gain a lot from hazelnuts.

The daily intake should not exceed 50 grams, and most people, in preventive purposes, three to five cores a day are enough.

100 grams of the edible part of the nut contains:
fat - up to 61 g;
proteins - 15 g;
carbohydrates - 8 g;
water - 4.5 g;
fiber - 5 g;
ash - 3 g;
saturated fatty acids - 3.5 g

Of the vitamins present in large quantities:
phylloquinone (vitamin K);
A, C, E;
almost the entire B group;

Mineral part:
in smaller quantities: iodine, cobalt, copper, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese.

There is also a special herbal extract of paclitaxel, which has a high anti-tumor activity.

Due to its composition, hazelnuts can be used as an effective preventive and remedy against many diseases.

1. Great content vegetable oils and their organic acids (oleic, stearic, palmitic) allows you to maintain normal functioning organs of the cardiovascular system (the heart muscle and vascular walls are strengthened, while remaining elastic), prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, and ensure the growth of young healthy cells.

2.Paclitaxel extract prevents cancer.

3. Hazelnut recovers well after exhausting physical and mental work, in addition, stimulates brain activity.

4. Walnut is famous for its ability to overcome even the most serious cases of anemia.

5. Composition of hazelnuts promotes testosterone production and keeps the prostate gland normal - extremely important features for men's health.

6. Hazelnuts increase lactation.

7. Walnut inhibits putrefactive processes in the body and helps to quickly get rid of toxic decay products.

8. Copes with flatulence.

9. Softens kidney stones.

10. Thanks to the abundance of active minerals, it helps to strengthen the nervous system. For this, nut milk is used, the preparation process of which is described in many sources.

11. Healing properties are possessed not only by the fruits of hazel, but also by the bark, decoctions and infusions from which are an excellent anti-inflammatory and healing agent for hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, skin diseases.

12. Nuts are essential for the beauty of hair and nails.

13. During pregnancy, the use of hazelnuts reduces the likelihood of developing problems with the nervous system and bone tissue at the fetus.

14. Means based on hazelnuts have antihelminthic properties.

15. The fiber contained in nuts has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves peristalsis, cleanses. Related substances relieve inflammation, bloating.

16. Has a mild choleretic effect.

17. An excellent product of vegetarian cuisine and dietary table.

18. Thins the blood, prevents the formation of varicose veins.

19. It is actively used in cosmetology to rejuvenate, improve the appearance of the skin of the face and body.

20.Hazelnut cleanses the liver and promotes its regeneration.

This type of nuts is considered one of the most delicious and healthy. Wide scope of application is good to that proof.

However, do not forget about moderation when using this healing delicacy, since overeating nuts is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Hazelnuts - harm

With excessive use of hazelnuts, there is a chance of getting at least indigestion, as well as allergies.

To reduce the risk of undesirable health effects, fresh hazelnuts should be introduced into the diet, after soaking them in warm water several hours. With this method, hazelnuts are digested much faster and easier. Be healthy.

In the article we discuss hazelnuts. You will learn the chemical composition and useful properties of the nut. We will tell you how and where hazelnuts grow, list the areas of application of the walnut and consider a list of contraindications to its use. Following our advice, you will learn how to properly peel, dry and store hazelnuts.

Hazelnuts are the fruit of a woody perennial shrub of the Birch family (Latin Betulaceae). Hazelnuts are known as coarse hazel, Lombard or hazelnut.

At the stage of ripening, the fruit is surrounded by red-green leaves. The nut has a rounded, slightly elongated shape. Fruit length is not more than 2.5 cm, diameter is up to 1.5 cm. The hazelnut kernel is protected by a hard shell. Nuts grow singly or in clusters of 3-6 fruits.

How hazelnuts grow

Large hazel - unpretentious plant, resistant to low temperatures up to -50 degrees, but it grows and develops better in a warmer climate with an abundance of light. Hazelnuts prefer moist forest soils.

In the wild, large hazel reaches a height of 10 meters. For the extraction of nuts on an industrial scale, low shrubs with a height of 3 to 5 meters are grown. Hazel is found in southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. Hazelnuts are cultivated in the USA, Great Britain, Greece. The record holder for the cultivation of nuts is Turkey, 75% of the world's hazelnuts are harvested in this country.

When hazelnuts are harvested

Hazelnuts bear fruit in September. A ripe nut easily falls out of the plyus (surrounding leaves). A young hazel bush gives up to 3 kg of hazelnuts. A shrub at the age of 15 yields up to 10 kg of nuts. The life span of a plant is no more than 40 years.

Chemical composition of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts contain:

  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • proteins;
  • essential amino acids;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • starch;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • Sahara.

Calorie content of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are 70% fat. Caloric content 100 gr. nuts - 650 kcal.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Due to its rich composition, hazelnuts have a lot of useful properties. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves lymph circulation and prevents the development of oncological tumors.

Hazelnut strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the heart rate and increases the level of hemoglobin. Walnut cleanses the liver of toxins and toxins, and also removes them from the body.

Hazelnuts strengthen muscles, increase skin elasticity, and improve the condition of hair and nails. Oil is produced from the nut, which is used to treat skin diseases.

The benefits and harms of hazelnuts depend on the amount of nuts eaten. Excessive use product can provoke unpleasant consequences... Overeating high-calorie nuts leads to metabolic disorders and obesity.

Application of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are widely used in folk medicine to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. Nuts, shells, leaves and plant bark are used as medicinal raw materials. On their basis, medicinal tinctures are made.

The nutritive properties of the nut are highly valued in cosmetology. Oil is produced from hazelnuts, which is used in pure form or added to cosmetical tools for skin and hair care.

The high calorie content of hazelnuts allows it to be used in dietetics. The nut energizes the body and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Hazelnuts are widely used in cooking. It is used raw, dried and fried. The nut is added to main dishes, salads, sauces, baked goods and desserts. Hazelnuts are used to produce nut paste.

How many hazelnuts can you eat per day

To avoid stress on the digestive system, do not overuse high-calorie nuts. The daily rate is no more than 50 grams. hazelnuts per day.

Hazelnut for women

Hazelnut normalizes hormonal background which is very important for women. Walnut improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. It can be consumed during pregnancy and lactation.

Hazelnut for men

Hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the male body. Walnut increases testosterone production, improves spermatogenesis and normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland, which is beneficial for men. Regular use of hazelnuts increases potency.

Hazelnuts during pregnancy

Due to its balanced composition, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect not only on the body future mother, but also on the baby's body. The nut contributes to the correct formation and development of the fruit.

Hazelnuts while breastfeeding

Walnut improves the quality of breast milk, increases its fat content. Hazelnuts stimulate lactation and improve the taste of milk. The daily norm of nuts during lactation is 5-8 pcs.

How to split a hazelnut

Special tongs are used for cracking nuts. If not, pliers or a hammer will do. Keep in mind that the shells can fly apart, so be careful. Use a cloth bag to clean with a hammer. Place nuts in it and only then knock on them, so you protect yourself from fragments, and the table from debris.

How to fry hazelnuts

After you have removed the shell, the nut needs to be peeled. In its raw form, the husks are difficult to remove, so the hazelnuts are fried over low heat for 5 minutes. There is no need to add oil. After frying, the nuts are cooled and shelled. In order not to peel each nut separately, lay them on a towel, cover with a second on top and move your palms over it, pressing on the fruits.

Hazelnuts in the oven

You can use an oven to roast hazelnuts. Nuts are laid out in a thin layer on baking sheets and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Peel the nuts as described above.

Hazelnut honey

The combination of hazelnuts with honey enhances useful actions on the body. Honey acts as a conductor of biologically active substances. Children love this tasty and healthy product. It is useful to eat honey with hazelnuts in autumn and spring to strengthen the immune system and avoid infectious diseases.

Hazelnut oil

Hazelnut oil is obtained by cold pressing. The product has a fluid and light consistency, a light yellow color and a pleasant nutty flavor. The oil is used in its pure form, as well as combined with other components. The tool is used for medical purposes, in cosmetology and cooking.

Hazelnut tincture

For tincture, green hazel fruits, ripe nuts and shells are used. The tool is used to treat oncology, skin diseases and diseases respiratory tract... The tincture cleanses the body, removes toxins and toxins. It must be consumed carefully, not exceeding the dosage.

Hazelnut tincture


  1. Hazelnuts - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 15 ml.
  3. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Chop nuts, mix with honey and cover with vodka. Insist the remedy for room temperature within 3 weeks. Ready tincture filter through a strainer or cheesecloth.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon before meals 2 times a day. The product can be used externally to treat burns and abrasions.

Result: The tincture strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

Allergy to hazelnuts

When the body does not metabolize the protein contained in nuts, allergic reaction... Allergy symptoms:

  • skin manifestations: skin redness, itching, swelling;
  • work disruptions respiratory system: runny nose, cough, sneezing;
  • digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system: dizziness, decreased blood pressure.

If you experience any symptom of allergy, you should stop eating hazelnuts and consult a doctor.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindication to the use of hazelnuts is an individual nut intolerance.

Eat hazelnuts with caution if you have:

  • tendency to be overweight;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the pancreas.

Where can I buy

Hazelnuts are sold in many grocery stores and supermarkets. The price for 1 kg of nuts in shell is 350-400 rubles, peeled hazelnuts cost 500-600 rubles. per kilogram, the price of roasted nuts is 800-900 rubles for the same amount.

How to store hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are stored in glass jars or containers with a lid. It is important that the nut during storage does not come into contact with other products, this can impair its taste. The main storage rule is low humidity. With high humidity, nuts mold and rot.

The shelf life of peeled hazelnuts is 2-3 months. Inshell nuts retain their beneficial properties for 1-2 years.

Hazelnuts - useful properties, contraindications

Hazelnut- (Lombard nut) and its wild relative hazel - a tree with a thin trunk, about 5 meters high. Blooms in March - April.

Hazel flowers are inconspicuous, heterosexual, fruits are formed only from female flowers, similar to buds, with carmine-red tassels - stigmas. The fruits have a characteristic leafy wrapper.

It enjoys immense popularity due to its nutritional value(679 kcal), as well as excellent taste.

The homeland of hazelnuts is Asia Minor and the Caucasus, from where it spread throughout Europe. In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was brought to America.

Hazelnuts are high in fat 60%, protein 20%, vitamin E and minerals - iron, cobalt, potassium.

The kernels contain a large amount of vegetable oil, which contains glycerides of oleic, stearic, palmitic acids, which prevent the growth of cholesterol in the blood and protect against vascular diseases, and are also necessary for a growing body. Therefore, it should be an integral part of the nutrition of children and the elderly.

The benefits of a nut

Vitamin E is a powerful prophylactic agent against cancer, heart disease, muscular system. The minerals contained in it are no less useful.

Calcium strengthens the teeth, zinc - for the production of genitals, potassium - for the heart and water metabolism, iron - for the blood.

In ancient times, doctors used the bark of a tree, leaves, fruits as a medicine, since hazelnuts were considered a source of health.

In folk medicine, hazelnuts peeled and ground into flour with the addition of raisins are used for anemia.

It is also useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, enlargement of the prostate gland, with varicose veins veins, phlebitis, trophic ulcers of the leg, capillary hemorrhages, as an adjuvant used in diabetes, obesity, hypertension.

Oil is extracted from the nut, it tastes very tasty and is easily absorbed by the body.

With vitamin deficiency and fatigue, hazelnuts with honey, which is an excellent general tonic, help well, and hazelnut milk is considered the most useful.

Hazelnuts are used in the production of nut butter, chocolate, cream and are the basis of halva and just a delicacy.

V confectionery used in the manufacture of sweets. In the dairy industry, crushed nuts are added to various curd masses, glazed curds, ice cream.

Hazelnut milk recipe

¦ Fry 60 g of walnut kernels, then grind in a mortar, mix with 0.5 liters of hot milk, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Insist 15 minutes and the milk is ready for use.

Using tasty nuts in your diet, you must remember that an overabundance can harm, even the very useful product... 50 g of nuts is considered the most optimal amount per day. Abuse of them can lead to spasms of the brain, and people with allergies are generally prohibited from using them.

Remember that this unique product should not be overlooked, but will be beneficial if you use it correctly, with benefit.

I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

The benefits of hazelnuts for men and women, harmful effects on the body

Known to many since childhood, hazelnut has not only a wonderful taste, but also a set of biological substances most valuable for the body.

Hazelnuts, used for food, grow on thin twigs of cultivated hazel, the plant is unpretentious in its content, and therefore some of its species bear fruit well in the climatic zones of Russia.

The main composition of hazelnuts

Most of the nut kernels consumed in food consist of oil, which is an accumulation of all healing substances under the shell.

Hazelnuts contain:

  • Useful glycerides of stearic, oleic and palmitic acids. Their presence in the nuclei allows you to normalize the level of cholesterol and prevents its excessive formation in the body;
  • A large group of B vitamins creates conditions for the functioning in the required volume of all muscles, including the heart;
  • Hazelnuts are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, sodium, copper. All these trace elements are necessary for the muscular, nervous and skeletal systems, their normal amount in the body ensures the full functioning of the reproductive and hormonal systems;
  • A special substance paclitaxel has been identified in the kernels of the nut, its main property is the prevention of the development of cancer cells. Vitamin E, also found in hazelnuts, also has anticarcinogenic properties.

Hazelnut is a fairly high-calorie product, its daily consumption in the amount of four hundred grams is able to fully provide the entire body with the calories necessary for vital activity.

By nutritional value delicious hazelnuts are equated with fish and meat, its harvesting allowed many peoples to survive the lean years for cereals and vegetables.

Healing properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are used not only as an addition to main dishes, but also used separately.

  • During the recovery period after a serious illness;
  • As an additional source of minerals for heart problems - vascular system... The introduction of nut into nutrition increases the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the level of pressure;
  • Nuts pounded with milk are useful for chronic bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • Hazelnuts with honey or raisins increase the hemoglobin content in the blood;
  • The constant use of hazelnuts improves brain function and prevents the development of senile dementia;
  • People who eat hazelnuts are less susceptible to stress;
  • Hazelnuts are advised to be introduced into the diet for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • With the help of nut kernels, they cleanse liver cells and the whole body from accumulated toxins.

Hazelnuts are good for people of any age.

For women, its use is necessary for:

  • Prevention of genital and breast cancers;
  • To enhance lactation;
  • Enrichment valuable microelements positively affects the appearance - the structure of the skin and hair improves, the face is effectively saturated with moisture.

Men are advised to use hazelnuts:

  • During intense physical activity... Consuming a certain amount of walnut regularly helps to build muscle mass, this is due to high content protein - in the kernels of the nut it is almost 20%;
  • Hazelnut stops the enlargement of the prostate gland in adulthood;
  • The nut, used with goat's milk, relieves men from impotence;
  • For both women and men, walnut will bring invaluable benefits during pregnancy planning. Enrichment with biologically active substances improves reproductive function and saturates the cells of the body of future parents necessary for normal development fetus with trace elements.

Due to the fact that hazelnuts contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates, its use is not contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as during diets.

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A healthy snack suppresses hunger and saturates the organs with all chemical elements.

Hazelnuts must be included in the diet of children and adolescents, it contributes to good growth, development mental abilities, forms a strong immunity and affects the stable state of the nervous system.

A nut is also needed for vegetarians, who, due to the rejection of meat and fish, do not receive protein in the amount necessary for the work of all organs.

Not only the kernels of the nuts themselves are useful, but also its outer shell and dried leaves, they have especially useful properties.

Due to its beneficial properties, an aqueous decoction is prepared from the hard shell, which is useful for hypotension, periodic dizziness, and hemorrhoids.

The shell crushed into powder is good for repeated diarrhea.

Tea and a decoction of hazel leaves are used in the course of treatment:

  • Diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines;
  • As a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Walnut leaves have a diuretic and hemostatic effect;
  • A healing drink made from the leaves is beneficial for asthma.

As you can see, grown hazel can be used almost completely, any part of the nut will help with different diseases, and regular consumption of fruits serves as a preventive measure against many of the most dangerous diseases.

Why is hazelnut oil useful?

From the fruits of hazel, nut butter, excellent in taste and easily absorbed by the body, is obtained.

The main composition of the oil is represented by vegetable polyunsaturated fatty acids, oils from other nuts contain much less of them.

Hazelnut oil stays fresh for a long time, does not dry out, and also retains all the necessary amino acids and its beneficial properties.

Despite the obvious beneficial properties of hazelnuts, its excessive use is not recommended, as a result of which, it has a number of contraindications.

A person needs up to 50 grams of nuts per day, an increase in dosage is possible only during the recovery period after an illness or for several days.

Excessive oil consumption or the nuts themselves lead to:

  • To vasospasm cerebral vessels and as a consequence of this to a headache;
  • Overstrain of the intestines, liver and stomach;
  • Strong allergic reactions.

Video dessert

In this video, they will tell you what useful properties the hazelnut contains, how to use it better in food.

Hazelnuts: benefits and harms, contraindications for eating nuts

Today hazelnuts are everyone's favorite delicacy, known by many names: hazelnuts, hazelnuts, Lombard nuts. What is hazelnut: the benefits and harms of its fruits for the human body are being carefully studied today.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Previously, people could only use the method of observation and, based on many years of experience, to identify the beneficial properties of hazelnuts and its therapeutic effect on the human body. Today, this nut is decomposed into many components - those active substances who are able to work miracles with correct application... The chemical composition of hazel fruits is rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2 and B6) are responsible for the normal functioning of the muscular and cardiovascular systems, have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore help to alleviate the condition of problem skin;
  • vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant that destroys cancer cells, fights free radicals and cleanses the body of unnecessary debris (toxins, toxins, radionuclides, etc.), and also removes wrinkles and prevents premature skin aging;
  • pacletaxel is a unique substance, rare in nature, which, according to the latest research, prevents the division of tumor cells;
  • iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc are responsible for full-fledged formation skeleton, improve hormonal levels, strengthen teeth, normalize the nervous system;
  • glycerides of polyunsaturated acids improve the condition blood vessels, and most importantly - effectively lower cholesterol levels;
  • protein - construction material for almost all systems and organs.

Hazelnuts have such a unique chemical composition: the beneficial properties of this product are dictated precisely by its constituent substances. It is quite natural that neither medicine nor cosmetology could bypass them and not use them for the benefit of the health and beauty of a person, and in particular of lovely ladies.

The use of hazelnuts in medicine

Traditional medicine has accumulated in its arsenal many recipes using hazelnut for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. A modern therapy focused today on the creation of high-quality, natural drugs, took advantage of many years of experience ancestors for the use of this product. All the beneficial properties of the hazelnut known to medicine have been used to improve painful conditions and treat many diseases. It is advised to use it in the following cases:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neuroses, stress and depression, a state of chronic fatigue and irritability - various problems with the nervous system;
  • intoxication;
  • given the calorie content of hazelnuts, it is used for exhaustion.

Knowing how hazelnuts are useful for the body, you can take advantage of its medicinal properties and alleviate the course of many painful conditions. After all, our today's synthetic pharmaceuticals are not always effective. The same goes for cosmetology.

Hazelnut oil in cosmetology

Not all cosmetics are filled to capacity with a table chemical elements and formulas from a chemistry textbook bring satisfaction to women. Sometimes the result is almost exactly the opposite. Plant extracts come to the rescue, which are no less effective, but much safer. Today, modern cosmetology actively uses hazelnuts: the benefits and harms of this product should be known to any woman who cares about her beauty. It is from them that the unique hazelnut oil is prepared, which in the most magical way transforms a woman's appearance:

  • rejuvenates;
  • perfectly cares for oily, problematic and mixed skin;
  • deeply cleanses and tightens enlarged pores;
  • effectively and quickly eliminates acne;
  • heals the most painful abscesses;
  • promotes fast healing open wounds;
  • relieves dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • solves skin problems: caused by the sun, frost or wind, redness, peeling and irritation;
  • cures rosacea - eliminates vascular networks and "stars" on the skin.

So the benefits of hazelnuts for women are enormous, both in terms of health and in terms of promoting external beauty. But at the same time, it is worth considering the fact that the too active chemical composition of this nut can, in some cases, be harmful.

Hazelnuts: harm and contraindications

In hazelnuts, the benefits and harms are balanced. If you do not take into account the advice of doctors about contraindications for its use both internally and externally, you can harm your own body. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and careful if there are diseases, the exacerbation of which can provoke a hazelnut:

  • overweight: it will be useful for all losing weight ladies to know how many calories are in hazelnuts - about 667 kcal;
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • individual intolerance.

Now you know why hazelnuts are useful, this delicious, aromatic and juicy hazelnut fruit. So now it will take its rightful place not only in your kitchen, but also in the medicine cabinet and in the cosmetic bag. Do not miss the chance to use not chemicals, and natural and safe means... This is so important for women's health today.

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0 # 1Eugeniacal in what quantity? 0 # 2admin Calorie content per 100 grams of nuts.

Hazelnuts: useful composition and medicinal properties. Calorie content of hazelnuts. Contraindications to admission and recipes with hazelnuts

On the thin trunks of a nut, sometimes reaching a height of 10 meters, a wonderful fruit grows - a hazelnut. This is the southern brother of the forest hazel, its cultivated descendant. It grows mainly in southern countries, on fertile soils, although not picky about weather conditions. We know from history that magical properties were attributed to hazelnuts - supposedly it could save life. Historians argue that this legend is connected with the fact that during a crop failure, when there was no wheat or rice, some peoples survived the winter well. And they did it thanks to the stocks of hazelnuts. They ate it raw, fried, made pasta and butter out of it. Therefore, some villages died out completely, and those that were not too lazy to stock up on nuts for the winter survived. That's all the magic.

We know the three most common varieties hazelnut: badem, crimean and kerasund. They differ slightly in appearance and the thickness of the shell, but the properties are exactly the same. The second name for hazelnuts is Lombard nut, although the origin of this name is unknown. We only know that hazelnuts were obtained by multiple complex crossing of several varieties of hazel, in the process of which the most large species with the thinnest skin.

Useful composition of hazelnuts

The Lombard nut contains approximately 60% oil, which is composed of organic acids. It also contains up to 20% protein, vitamins B and E, minerals - potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and others. Judging by the composition of the nut, it is very useful in baby and diet food, and is also well suited for people who are exhausted after a long illness.

Healing properties of hazelnuts

The first thing that can be healed with a Lombard nut is the cardiovascular system... Contained in hazelnuts potassium and calcium have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and smooth muscles of the heart, helping them to remain elastic. Hazelnut will also good help in the fight against blood diseases, for example, anemia. Everything related to veins and blood vessels can be corrected with the help of this wonderful tool. So, hazelnuts are taken for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers of the leg and problems with capillaries.

Other diseases for which hazelnuts will help: enlargement of the prostate gland, decrease in the body's defenses (immunity).

Hazelnut can also be used to cleanse the body, to prevent the formation of putrefactive processes. The liver is especially well cleaned with this nut.

People with diabetes mellitus can use hazelnut in food, as it is low in carbohydrates.

One more important substance found in hazelnuts is the anti-cancer substance paclitaxel. That is why it can be used to prevent cancer. In addition, the unique combination of vitamin E and protein in this nut promotes the growth and development of muscle tissue.

In folk medicine hazelnut used to produce milk in nursing mothers, to prevent gas formation in the intestines, to dissolve stones in kidney stones. Pounded nuts with water were used for broncho-pulmonary diseases, and in combination with honey they were treated for anemia and rheumatism. Healers advised nut oil for roundworms and epilepsy.

From cores hazelnuts get a wonderful product - nut butter. It tends to stay fresh for a long time, not dry out, therefore it is very appreciated in the confectionery industry. It is very easily absorbed by the body. If you mix oil in equal proportions with egg white- we get excellent remedy from burns. And when oil is rubbed into the scalp, the hair becomes strong and beautiful.

Calorie content of hazelnuts

By calorie content hazelnut almost overtakes all known nuts, with the exception of a few. If we compare it with other products, then this nut is 3 times more nutritious than bread, 7 times more calorie than milk, and chocolate has overtaken in calorie content 8 times! It is also higher in calories than fish and meat. However, it is also very low in carbohydrates. Apparently, the calorie content is achieved with the help of protein and fats. One way or another, by eating 200 grams of hazelnuts, you can get half the calories per day.

For those who are not afraid to gain weight, there is a wonderful recipe for a hazelnut dish called "churchkhella". The recipe for this dish is as follows: a filling is prepared from grape juice, sugar and starch. Instead of grapes, you can use plums or other fruits according to the culinary taste. The main thing is to make a kind of fruit jelly. Then string the nuts on a string and dip them into the filling. When the pouring on the nuts dries up, repeat the dipping. This can be done several times until the fruit shell becomes quite bulky. This dish will have a lot more calories if you like it.

Contraindications to taking hazelnuts

If we talk about contraindications, then we can recall the phrase "everything is good in moderation." Not recommended at all hazelnut children with severe diabetes and chronic severe liver disease. And the rest of the obstacles to eating this delicacy have not been identified.

Norm daily consumption hazelnuts - 30-50 grams. If you overdo it several times with the number of nuts eaten, you can get headache v literally this phrase. The fact is that a large amount of hazelnuts causes a spasm of the vessels of the brain, especially in the front half of the head.

And one more caveat: don't buy hazelnuts without shell. As soon as the hazelnuts lose their shell, the process of breakdown of vitamins and minerals begins in the kernels, and they lose their beneficial properties. It is also important to know that after about six months of storage, the nuts dry out and lose a significant amount of their value. This means that after March-April, one should not hope for a special therapeutic effect from hazelnuts.

Some recipes with hazelnuts

You already know about combining hazelnuts with water and honey. It can also be combined with raisins to enhance the effect in overcoming anemia, with dried apricots to combat urolithiasis... Some experts advise you to always have a little hazelnuts with dried fruits - this will provide a full "snack" between meals.

And here is the recipe for a cleansing mask for the face and skin: pass one third of a glass of apple peel through a meat grinder, carefully squeeze the juice out of this mass through cheesecloth. grind half a glass of hazelnuts well in a mortar, mix with the apple mass. If the product is dry, you can add apple juice. Now apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and wipe with a toner. The effect is usually noticeable immediately - the skin becomes cleaner and younger.

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