What to do to make your period go away. What and how to do to make your period pass faster

Female destiny has never been easy. In addition to huge amount responsibilities that lie on the shoulders of women, they are also plagued by many inconveniences associated with physiological processes... One of them is your period.

About the problem

Unfortunately, not all women have regular cycle, and accurately calculating when the period will begin and end is a rather difficult task. Therefore, for many ladies, the question is relevant: "What to do to quickly pass your period?" After all, situations are not uncommon when on the nose significant event or a trip to the sea, and the "red days" are right there.


Considering options for that, you can ask for help from medicines... So, you can drink such as "Vikasol", in milk, as well as take vitamins C and A in tablets, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so that menstruation can pass for a couple of days sooner. It should be noted that the most convenient drug in this case is hormonal contraceptive, however, it does not accelerate, but postpones to the right time the menses themselves. And such drugs need to be drunk in a course, from one tablet to get the desired result definitely will not work.

Nettle decoction

There are several tips on what to do to get your period to go away faster, and folk medicine... So, the most common way is to take which must be properly prepared. So, you can drink pure nettle juice, which is obtained by squeezing stinging nettle leaves from the leaves. You need to take it one teaspoon three times a day. You can make tea from stinging nettle. For this, 3 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with boiling water and, after a short infusion, are taken orally as tea three times a day. Before taking these folk remedies, it is better to consult a doctor first. After all, a decoction of nettle also has certain contraindications, for example, a tendency to thrombosis.

Pepper and Shepherd's Bag

Also, according to the same principle as a decoction of nettle, a decoction is prepared from or from a plant such as These herbs have a similar effect, they must be taken in the same dosage.

What to do to make your period pass without medication? The answer is simple: do yoga or stretching. This method is good because it regulates female cycle, shortening it on an ongoing basis up to 4 days. For this, the frog and cat poses are great, as well as exercises that help stretch the groin area.

What not to do

In search of funds on how to finish their periods faster, women may stumble upon inadequate advice. So, you should not listen to those people who say that they are active physical exercise during menstruation, they can reduce the discharge due to the fact that they will be more abundant in the first couple of days. This is a myth, the discharge, and it is true, will be stronger, but it is unlikely to be shortened. In addition, such actions can harm your own body, which is already somewhat weakened in these difficult women's days.

For many girls, this question is very relevant. After all, most are tormented by the strong and aching pains lower abdomen, and enduring them for several days is simply unbearable. In addition, many girls have plans scheduled for several weeks in advance, and they do not want to break them at all. Therefore, several effective ways to reduce the number of agonizing days.

Hormonal drugs can delay or speed up unwanted days... To do this, they penetrate deep female body and slightly change the hormonal background. Therefore, gynecologists and dentists strictly prohibit the use of such drugs every time you have your period.

Postinor should be excluded from this list altogether, since it is very strong medicine which works like an abortive. Gynecologists prescribe this medication only in cases urgent need such as rape or unprotected intercourse.

Oral contraceptives (OCs) can skip unwanted time. To do this, after taking one package of drugs, start the next package without interruption. This method cannot be used more often than 2 times a year. Otherwise there may be serious consequences on the gynecological part afterwards. But you cannot prescribe contraceptives yourself, you need to be consulted by a specialist and select the right medicine.

Folk remedies are probably the easiest and most inexpensive way to solve this problem. In my own practice, I can see that the most effective are two ways to speed up these days. The first is to eat one lemon for two days, then, for some unknown reason, menstruation passes 3-4 days faster. The second method is a decoction of parsley, which brings menstruation closer by several days. The recipe is as follows: drink half a glass of parsley broth for 2-4 days. The latter option works well for a planned vacation, as no one wants to explore something new with such a fluttering problem. Another way to speed up "this thing" is a tincture of water pepper, which should be taken 20 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening.

As you can see, there are several ways to speed up your period. Each of them can be used, but before that it is good to think about whether it is worth ruining your health for the sake of a few days. Of course, nothing bad will happen from 1-2 times. The main thing is not to "get a taste", otherwise you can seriously harm yourself. Think, the choice is yours anyway!

The very delicate device of the female body, conceived by nature, is easy to unbalance by interfering with its work without a good reason. However, situations in life are different. And if at some point you thought about how to make your period end, then first of all think about whether it is so necessary. Gynecologists do not advise experimenting with your menstrual cycle, so that you do not have to regret the consequences later.

Menstruation sometimes comes very unexpectedly, when it would be so necessary to wait a couple of days. For example, if you have a vacation, a long-awaited date with your beloved man, or an important meeting that requires a strict dress code. So, despite the warnings, you still wondered what to do to end your period faster. What can be done?

Folk remedies

Decoctions of herbs have pronounced hemostatic properties: nettle leaves, shepherd's purse, water pepper, barberry, raspberry leaves and wild blackberries. In addition to everything, these herbs are also distinguished by great content ascorbic acid, which strengthens the vascular walls. You need to start drinking the broth from the first day of your period. Just remember that your next period may take longer than usual. This is a kind of compensation for this shortened menstrual cycle.

The nettle decoction is prepared as follows: pour 500 ml. hot water 5 tbsp. tablespoons of dry chopped nettle and hold, without boiling, over low heat for 20 minutes, let it brew and cool. A little honey or sugar can be added to improve the taste. Should be taken in 3 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day. A decoction of a shepherd's purse is prepared at the rate of 2 tsp. in a glass of boiling water. You need to drink in several doses, 2 glasses of broth a day. To delay the onset of menstruation can use a large number foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits).

Try to reduce the duration of the onset of menstruation with the help of medications not worth it. These are drugs that cannot be taken without medical supervision, since they can lead to thromboembolic complications.

Physical exercise

By doing yoga for a long time, you can also achieve that your period ends earlier. But these practices should be regular, and then after 2-3 months of classes the cycle will become more predictable. Standing on all fours, perform leg swings, 15-20 swings with each leg. Also, on all fours, bring your heels together and spread your bent knees as far as possible - this is the frog pose. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs wide and lean forward, arching your lower back. Stay as long as possible. Exercises are best performed in combination.

Attention to your health

There are times when to make sure that your period ends ahead of time, Is not just a momentary whim, but a condition necessary to preserve women's health and wellness... Not everyone is the happy owner of a 28-day cycle, in which menstruation lasts 4-5 days. Long and heavy menstruation with clots can lead to the development of anemia (a decrease in the hemoglobin content in the blood). Don't try to deal with it yourself. See your doctor who will prescribe full examination and complex treatment.

For many, menstruation is not the most best period in life, and if they come at the wrong time, then life is generally darkened. Therefore, it is not surprising that women are looking for an opportunity to bring their ending closer. But is it possible to do something to make your period go faster?

How to make your period end faster?

Any doctor will tell you that it is better to refrain from unnecessary experiments and allow the body to function as it used to. This is reasonable, but there are always special cases.

Then you can resort to the following means:

  • Ethnoscience. If you want your periods to be shorter, you need to drink a decoction of nettle - it increases blood clotting. It is necessary to drink 50 ml of the broth three times a day within 2 days. In a similar way a decoction of shepherd's purse, water pepper and burnet is effective. You need to start taking a decoction of these herbs on the first day of your period;
  • Sport. Yoga and stretching exercises are especially beneficial. They and soreness menstrual pain will reduce and accelerate the end of menstruation. Yoga helps with irregular cycle and severe pain... But you need to remember about moderation, because too intense physical exercise can extremely negatively affect the body and undermine the health of a woman;
  • Vitamins. It is especially useful to take vitamins C and E during menstruation. The first strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and the second enhances blood flow to the pelvic organs and thereby makes menstruation more intense and helps them pass faster;
  • Food. To avoid additional intake of vitamins, you can eat foods in which they are present. So, vitamin C is found in lemons, currants, oranges and cabbage. And they are rich in vitamin E fatty varieties fish, flax seeds, sesame seeds and nuts;
  • Medicines. If you start taking in advance oral contraceptives, then menstruation will begin on the same day, they will be more scarce and less painful. Also, with the help of these drugs, you can postpone the beginning, if necessary. critical days for a few days and, of course, make sure that your period ends faster. However, remember that OK must be taken according to a clear pattern.
  • Other means. Some women find it helps them to shorten their period. pomegranate juice, hematogen, decoction from onion peel(prepared from a 1: 1 ratio), vigorous activity on critical days.

There are some more medications, which are taken so that menstruation passes faster, but it is necessary to understand that their use does not go unnoticed. Sometimes one tablet is enough to restore the menstrual cycle for several months. And by and large, only exceptional factors can prompt you to speed up your period. In their absence, it is better not to expose the body to stress and allow all processes to take place naturally.

How to make your period go faster? Many people are puzzled by this question. modern women... After all, sometimes menstruation begins at a completely inappropriate period. In order to speed up their arrival, there are several methods, which we will discuss in this article. Note that it is impossible to abuse such methods, since even the most harmless decoctions and tablets can cause irreparable harm to the body. Use them only when you really need to.

How to make your period go faster? Pharmacology

  • To accept hormonal agents used as a contraceptive. This is the most safe method interference with the work of the body. But it is impossible to say unequivocally whether he will help a particular woman or not, since the reaction to him may differ.
  • Take Postinor tablets or products containing progesterone. We note in advance that the first remedy is a very strong and ambiguous medication. For some, it will really cause menstruation in half an hour or an hour, while for others it will not cause anything at all or lead to profuse hemorrhage that lasts longer than usual.

How to make your period go faster? Traditional methods

  • Use oregano as a regular tea. The herb can be purchased at the most common drugstore.
  • Brew three bay leaves in one mug of boiling water. Take
    such an infusion three times a day, one glass.
  • Onion peel tincture, drunk at night, can also make your period come faster.
  • Boil parsley in a mug (add dill if possible) and drink it half a glass at a time throughout the day.

How to make your period go faster? other methods

  • It is believed that acceptance hot tub with a little salt added will also induce premature menstruation.
  • Soak your feet in hot water overnight and take an ascorbic acid tablet at the same time.

How to shorten your period?

Now let's look at the opposite situation. For example, we need our periods to end earlier, what can be done for this? Traditional medicine advises:

  • drink a tincture of water pepper, as well as a decoction of nettle (it has hemostatic properties);
  • use a tincture of herb shepherd's purse.

Are there any pills to make your period end faster? Yes, there are such medicines, but they are not at all intended for this, for example:

  • means "Vikasol", hemostatic, 5 drops each;
  • vitamins A and C on a tablet in the morning and in the evening.

These are the methods for causing menstruation and shortening their duration. Doctors warn that it is impossible to use these methods all the time, and interfering with the functioning of the female body is not a good thing, as it can cause a violation hormonal background, which is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, think carefully, is the game worth the candle? Maybe it is wiser to postpone the affairs for which you decided to take such a step, and not risk your health?

    Depending on your health, lifestyle, diet, and other factors, your menstrual period can last anywhere from three to seven days. But menstruation and all of its pains and irritations can come at the most inopportune times, for example, if you are going on vacation, or you have an important meeting. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the duration of your menstrual period... Here are the top 10 ways to stop your period early.

    1. Apply heat

    Applying a small amount of heat to your abdomen will cause menstrual fluids to leave your body more quickly, thereby ending your period earlier. Place a heating pad or bottle with hot water on the lower abdomen for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
    2. Oil massage

    Massaging the abdominal muscles relaxes the uterine contractions and draws blood away from the uterus. Stir 6 drops each of sage oil and lavender oil in 3 teaspoons of warm almond oil. Gently massage the abdominal and pelvic areas with this oil mixture until it is absorbed into the skin. Repeat the procedure several times a day until the critical days are over.
    3. Take in more vitamin C

    Diet, rich in vitamin C, helps lower the levels of the hormone progesterone in your body, resulting in shorter menstrual cycles. It can also help relieve menstrual discomfort.
    4. Sexual intercourse

    Having an orgasm through intercourse or masturbation is another easy way to get your period to end early. When you have an orgasm, it generates contractions in the muscles of the uterus that help flush menstrual blood out of the uterus.
    5. Take NSAIDs

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen can help reduce swelling in the lining of the uterus. This, in turn, reduces the heavy menstrual cycle and the pain associated with it. These over-the-counter drugs help reduce the overproduction of a group of hormone-like lipid compounds called prostaglandins, which help the muscles of the uterus to contract. You can take NSAIDs 2 or 3 times a day, being careful not to exceed the maximum dose indicated on the package. Check with your doctor before taking NSAIDs or using them for a long period of time, as they may have side effects.
    6. Exercises

    Body weight plays an important role in determining the length of your menstrual cycle and the amount of your menstrual flow. Women who are physically healthy and have less fat will naturally experience shorter and lighter periods. On the other hand, overweight or obese women tend to have longer and heavier periods. So, if you carry several extra pounds and want to have shorter or less painful menstrual cycles, regular exercise can be very beneficial. In addition, exercise helps to relax the muscles of the uterus to stop or reduce at least reduce blood flow.
    7. Drink water with ginger

    Soak 2 tablespoons of minced ginger pieces in 1 cup of hot water for a few minutes. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey to ginger water and drink while warm.
    8. Drink raspberry tea

    Pour in a handful fresh leaves raspberries with 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Let the broth cool, then strain and drink. Use this remedy 2-3 times on the first day of your period.
    9. Take hormonal birth control pills

    You can take oral contraceptive pills to help regulate and shorten your menstrual periods. Therefore, before you start taking birth control pills or other contraceptives, it is best to see your doctor to help you determine which option is best for your lifestyle and medical needs.
    10. Drink plenty of water

    Drinking plenty of water will help shorten your period as well as reduce discomfort such as bloating and cramps. In addition, the use enough water improves metabolism in the body. Green tea, fresh fruit and vegetable juices are also good options increased fluid intake.

Sometimes women have a need to reduce the number of critical days and are interested in what to do to make their periods go faster. Developed by whole system actions that will help speed up your period. Normally, menstruation takes 5-7 days, the average duration is 6 days. Special methods will help to reduce the duration of your period by 2 days. If a woman usually had them in 6 days, then as a result of certain actions they will go away in 4 days.

Safety measures prohibit:

  • speed up your periods every month;
  • apply acceleration of menstruation until a stable menstrual cycle is established;
  • use these funds at irregular menstrual cycle in adult women;
  • speed up your period when elevated temperature body (more than 37.5 ºС);
  • make your period go faster if there is an acute infection(ARVI, bronchitis, etc.);
  • speed up menstruation with food poisoning.

Not a single gynecologist will say that it is useful for a woman to use an acceleration of menstruation. However, life sometimes presents unexpected circumstances in which the presence of menstruation becomes undesirable.

It is for such events that the technique of quickly ending menstruation will help prepare.

Medicinal plants and precautions

Collecting herbs on your own requires skill, so for a city dweller, the safest way is to buy a ready-made collection at a pharmacy. All herbs are readily available and sold in most pharmacies in the city. Recommendations:

  1. You should never buy herbs hand-held from strangers(in crossings, at stops).
  2. Poor quality raw materials can cause severe poisoning, therefore, you need to inspect the plant before use.
  3. If blackening, mold, damp stems or leaves are noticed, all raw materials should be discarded. It is dangerous to use such a collection.
  4. Pharmacy fees have an expiration date. Make sure the herb is not expired. You cannot use it after the expiration date, even if it looks normal.

The most dangerous thing that can happen when buying herbal collection from the hands - this is a substitution of a plant. Some elderly people pass some plants for others, and often they themselves do not understand what exactly they have collected and put up for sale. Before buying, you need to look in the botanical reference how the plant looks exactly, so as not to purchase a completely different collection. Unless a woman is an expert in botany or traditional medicine, she only needs to purchase herbs from a pharmacy.

A plan to speed up the process

Scheme for the quick end of menstruation:

  • take bay leaves, this will provoke the onset of menstruation 2-3 days earlier;
  • the next day, take plants that accelerate blood clotting;
  • replenish the supply of vitamins in the body;
  • give abdominal press light physical load;
  • take coagulants until bleeding stops.

For example, if you need to prepare for your own wedding, and the date of the wedding falls right at the time of menstruation, then in 1 week with a lavrushka, then in 1-3 days in an accelerated mode, banish the bleeding. If usually a woman's menstruation proceeds profusely and for a long time (5-7 days), then in addition to the bay leaf, you can take Aspirin and water with lemon juice or ascorbic acid. This will cause severe bleeding. Only after a day can you start coagulants, if the time allows it, it is better even after 2 days.

Traditional medicine recipes

Recipes to help you end your period faster:

  1. Bay leaf. This herb helps to induce periods after a delay. But it can also be used to help end your period faster. The bay leaf increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus, it begins to actively contract, as a result of which menstruation begins. The remedy is strong, it is harmful to use every month. How to make your period end faster? Take 10 g bay leaves, add 500 ml of water. You can pre-break the leaves into small pieces. Simmer for 1 hour. Strain and cool. The broth is very bitter. Maximum dose: no more than 1 glass, take 2 tbsp. l. with an interval of 30 minutes. Cannot be used for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Nettle. In the pharmacy, it is sold in crushed form. 1 tbsp. l. Pour nettles into a ladle or saucepan, pour 1 glass of boiling water (250 ml), boil over low heat for at least 5 minutes. Cool down. Drink half a glass with an interval of 1 hour. Daily dose: no more than 4 glasses. There is another dosage option: 5 tbsp. l. for 500 ml of boiling water. Take a strong broth in 4 tbsp. l., safe dose strong broth - no more than 1 glass per day. To end your period faster, you need to use this method in combination with others. Nettle contains vitamin K and other substances that accelerate blood clotting. The herb reduces the amount of bleeding and helps to quickly restore the integrity of the endometrium. Taking nettle is contraindicated in varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, as well as in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Burnet. Latin name plants - Sanguisórba officinális. It is sold in phyto-shops and in most pharmacies in the form of dry crushed raw materials. How to cook a decoction: 2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover and steam in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool and drain. The resulting broth is very strong, so it must be diluted in water in a 1: 1 ratio. To end your period faster, you need to take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. with an interval of 30 minutes. Maximum daily dose- 6 tbsp. l. The plant contains a complex of vitamins and mineral substances(more than 20 items) that help menstruation pass faster. Do not exceed the dose. Allergic reactions are possible.
  4. Water pepper. Best Buy ready-made tincture at the pharmacy. To end your period, you need to take the drug 40 drops 3 times a day, add to drinking water and drink 30 minutes before meals. This remedy is quite mild, it has no contraindications, but it does not work for all women.
  5. Shepherd's bag. Sold in a pharmacy dry. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours. Strain, take 1 tbsp. l. Maximum daily dose: 4 tbsp. l. Accelerates coagulation, so it cannot be taken with thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, varicose veins, vegetative dystonia, hypotension, hypotension and heart disease.

At intense bleeding there is a large loss of iron, potassium and magnesium. Electrolyte deficiencies negatively affect the functioning of the heart, and a lack of potassium and magnesium can cause heart failure. You can compensate for the lack of electrolytes by taking Hematogen. The drug is cheap and sold in any pharmacy.

Special exercises

Physical activity stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs and helps make critical days end faster. Recommendations that must be followed for your own safety:

  1. If convulsions occur, you must immediately drink water with lemon juice, then increase the dose of Hematogen. Continue training only after the normalization of health.
  2. If you feel dizzy, cancel classes, lie down and rest.
  3. If the heart pricks, cancel further measures for, in emergency situation call an ambulance and inform the paramedic about all actions taken until you feel unwell.
  4. Perform all movements slowly and carefully, without jerking or overstraining.
  5. On average, the total duration of a workout should be no more than 40 minutes. If a woman is in good physical shape, you can exercise for 1.5 hours 1 time per day.

How to make your period go away. Workout plan:

  1. Warm up everyone large joints: cervical spine spine, shoulder, elbow and wrist joints, then the hip, knee and ankle joints.
  2. Slow squats 10-50 times depending on physical fitness.
  3. Boat exercise. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, pull your socks, simultaneously raise your arms and legs, hold for at least 10 seconds, then lower it, rest and repeat;
  4. Swinging the press. Lie on your back, legs straight or bent in knee joints, pull your head to your knees. Do the exercise slowly.
  5. Jumping in place.
  6. Exercise "bike". Lie on your back, bend your knees, perform movements as when riding a bicycle.

You can change the sequence of exercises, but a warm-up is a must. If your muscles are cramping, you need to apply cold and drink a few small sips of water with Aspirin, ascorbic acid or lemon juice.

You can do any other exercises that involve the front wall. abdominal cavity... You cannot do headstands and shoulder-blades, somersault and walk on your hands.

Taking vitamins

How do you get your period to end safely and quickly? Taking vitamins and dietary supplements will help in this matter:

  1. Vitamin C. Take 5 pills per 10 kg of weight adult woman... If there is a tendency to allergies, reduce the dose.
  2. Hematogen. A must-have drug that increases the level of iron in the body.
  3. Vitamin E. Protects blood vessels and heart, increases tissue regeneration, is needed for the absorption of potassium and magnesium in the body.
  4. Vitamin D. Also involved in the absorption of potassium and magnesium.
  5. Vitamin K and Calcium. Needed for the heart and blood vessels, often included in one vitamin complex.

If possible, it is better to buy quality vitamins from trusted manufacturers. Take them if you want to make sure your period ends as soon as possible. You need to start a course of vitamins 1 month in advance. After the acceleration of menstruation, when the bleeding has stopped, you need to exclude physical activity, rest, take vitamins and get enough sleep.

Sometimes it is just necessary for your period to end faster. After all, each of us at least once in our life had a moment when critical days are extremely inappropriate or the discharge is too strong and painful, but we urgently need to go to work or have gathered with my husband on a long-awaited vacation. Today we will share with you the secrets on the topic: what to do to make your period go faster, or how you can postpone it for a while.

Folk potions to helpers

Hemostatic are various herbal decoctions:

  • multi-colored carnations;
  • a mountaineer;
  • stinging nettle;
  • viburnum bark.

In addition, the listed herbs are rich in ascorbic acid, which, like nothing else, strengthens the vascular walls. For good action it is possible to use infusion of barberry or cloves. They are quite effective in narrowing blood vessels and increasing blood clotting.

To end your period faster, it is recommended to make a hemostatic decoction. For this purpose, you will need stinging nettle. Take 4-6 teaspoons of crushed dry leaves of the plant and pour 600 ml of boiling water over them. Then the mixture must be cooked for 10 minutes over low heat, cooled, filtered. Drink a tablespoon 4-6 times a day.

You can also take a decoction of viburnum. To prepare it, you need to boil 2 tablespoons of viburnum bark in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Take a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon before meals. You can drink it with honey. Consume these folk remedies needed from the first day of menstruation.

The use of citrus fruits, blackberries, bell peppers or other foods fortified with vitamin C helps to delay the onset of critical days.

In traditional medicine, there are other ways to end your period faster. Sometimes it is enough to provoke their premature appearance. Then they will have time to pass in time, and the plans will not suffer. Herbs that cause menstruation ahead of time:

  • oregano;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Dill;
  • parsley;
  • elecampane root;
  • tansy and others.

Or you can take a hot bath with iodine and salt and take it. You should not resort to yourself medication stopping menstruation. These drugs should not be taken without medical supervision, as they can lead to complications, as well as to hormonal disruption and other troubles.

Remember that menstruation is natural process, and in case something goes wrong, you need to see a doctor immediately. Sometimes the problem is that your periods are too long and too long. In this case, it is strongly discouraged to intervene in the process on your own.

Possible causes of heavy bleeding:

  • strong physical activity;
  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • serious illness endocrine system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • heredity;
  • low blood clotting;
  • intrauterine devices;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

The profuse loss of menstrual blood is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, such as:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • dizziness;
  • pallor;
  • weakness;
  • anemia.

But with an urgent need to take any measures, you can eliminate some of the factors affecting the course of menstruation. First of all, so that menstruation ends faster, gynecologists recommend postponing strong physical activity for more the right time... It is advisable to avoid stress. Better lie down, turn on nice music, read a book, be distracted. Also, eliminate blood thinners from your diet.

If generosity bleeding is associated with a change in hormonal levels, diseases of the endocrine system or pelvic organs, then one cannot do without consulting a specialist and undergoing a series of tests in order to avoid complications.

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