The magical properties of essential oils. The magical properties of essential oils - the magical influence of aromas

The history of oils is as ancient as the history of mankind. Information about their magical properties can be found in the papyri of the ancient Egyptians and in the tomes of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The magical properties of oils are described in the Holy Books. Oils are the main participants in all ancient rituals. For thousands of years they have protected, brought good luck, money, wealth, happiness, love, success. You can believe or not believe in the secret powers of oils, but it is impossible to discount their magical properties, proven over centuries. The magic of essential oils - all ancient civilizations believed in it.

Essential oils are not only an oil, they are also a aroma. Often it was the aroma of a particular oil that was considered magical. Fragrant oils are still used in religious services, in special incense burners or candles. Fragrances are also a way of communicating with God and your personal guardian angel.

Method of use

From the materials of the school of aromatherapy it is known that essential oils in their pure form cannot be applied to the body. They should only be used in mixtures with base oils. But if the essential oil does not come into contact with the body, then it can be applied to cotton wool or a piece of paper and stored in a purse, wallet, pocket, purse, etc. Some oils can be dropped into a glass of water and left on the table. Some oils can be added during bathing, but not more than one drop.

Apricot: oil of love and passion, especially in combination with essential oils
Avocado: brings happiness, wealth and long life
Acacia: holy oil used before lighting candles or incense burners
Ambergris: protection from evil and misfortune
Ambrosia: will turn timid and shy into bold and aggressive
Anise: increases clairvoyance ability
Bergamot: mixtures with base oils are applied to each palm to protect against evil
Verbena: removes curses, protects
Vetiver: overcomes any spell, protects from the evil eye
Grape seeds: brings popularity and wealth
Clove spice: mixtures with base oils applied to the base of the neck or thighs stimulate sexual desire
Carnation flowers: brings good luck in gambling
Allspice: a mixture of allspice with any base oil is rubbed into the chest and legs to add willpower and energy
Ylang-ylang: helps in finding a good job, carry it with you on cotton wool or paper when you go to get a job
Camphor oil: when combined with essential oils brings power
Cedar: protects from suffering and misfortune
Cypress: calms in case of misfortune, the aroma serves to calm the child.
Clover: applied to the pillow will keep your partner faithful
Cinnamon: luck, money, love
Lavender: brings peace to the home, stops gossip when added to a glass of water

Bay leaf: a mixture of base oils applied to the body cleanses the soul
Lime: In order for your partner to remain faithful, you should add 3 drops of essential oil to the incense resin and light it once a week, or use it in an aroma lamp
Lemon: protects the house
Raspberries: for pregnant women and successful childbirth
Mandarin: adds strength and protection if you drop a drop of oil into the bath
Almond base oil: when mixed with other essential oils, attracts money and good luck
Myrtle: attracts love, luck, money
Juniper: fulfills wishes, leads to honors and fame
Nutmeg: acts against the evil eye, a drop of oil is added to water or in a bath, used to attract good luck.
Peppermint: adds zest to life, protects and protects the home
Patchouli: a powerful aphrodisiac with magical powers
Peach oil: brings peace, tranquility and love, carry with you or lubricate furniture in the house
Rose: attracts love and constancy in relationships
Rosemary: rejuvenates, relieves pain and suffering emotionally
Chamomile: attracts attention, causes sexual attraction
Ruta: protects from curses
Sandalwood: heals, enhances clairvoyance and intuition
Pine: cleansing oil, a drop of which, added to a glass of water or in a bath, cleanses from sins, mistakes, and “erases” all the bad things that happened in the past.
Citronella: attracts friends to the home, and attracts clients to the business
Sage: oil of foresight, mixed with base oil, apply to forehead
Eucalyptus: heals
  • anise
    Awakens the “dormant” spontaneity of nature, colors thoughts in cozy and sweet tones. Kills the seeds of envy and anger in the soul. The aroma of detached goodwill and delicacy.
  • bitter orange
    In bioenergy, the aroma of bitter orange symbolizes energy, upward striving, leadership, glory, nobility.
  • sweet orange
    Orange increases self-confidence, optimism, charm, opens the aura to goodness and the perception of positive information, revives after serious illnesses. Helps with fortune telling, gives luck, love, money. Develops extrasensory abilities.
  • basil
    Basil restores the objectivity of self-esteem, restores self-confidence, and eliminates complexes.
  • hit
    Heals aura wounds associated with irreparable loss, helps cope with grief and grief. Increases immunity and aura density.
  • bergamot
    It brightens and enhances the brightness of the aura and life itself, helps to achieve success in knowledge, creativity, and easily overcome difficulties. Neutralizes the aggressive energy of the crowd.
  • valerian
    Stops the “running in circles” of everyday addiction, helps to step over petty vanity and attitudes towards external effects. Immerses you in a world of self-deepening and peace. Restores the purity of the chakras.
  • vanilla
    Vanilla improves mental capacity, awakens lust.
  • lemon verbena
    Verbena is an oil that increases a person’s luck, helps correct mistakes made, opening the mind to a fair and noble way out of an unpleasant situation.
  • vetiver
    Colors the aura in golden shining tones, encourages high thoughts and noble deeds. Reveals the secret of pleasure in performing selfless acts. Nourishes the chakras that give a pleasant timbre to the voice, developing oratory talent and courtly art.
  • gardenia
    Gardenia gives peace, love, healing, happiness, harmony.
  • carnation
    Cloves help overcome nervousness and protect yourself from human anger and envy, and change the emphasis of your life attitudes towards personal improvement. Restores after injuries, illnesses and operations. Gives success in business, wealth and prosperity, protects, promotes clairvoyance.
  • geranium
    Geranium eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction, self-flagellation (inferiority complex, uncertainty, dependence on other people's opinions). Helps to quickly recover from unpleasant communication or minor loss. Restores a healthy assessment of actions and motivations, helps to return to the standard form.
  • hibiscus
    Hibiscus helps with fortune telling and bestows love.
  • grapefruit
    Grapefruit gets rid of unreasonable self-satisfaction, objectifies the assessments of others' attitudes towards you, and allows you to achieve success in work and communication due to increased psychologism.
  • oregano
    Oregano helps to close holes and defects in the energy shell associated with increased irritability, hot temper, impulsively committing bad deeds, and helps to quickly “work out” one’s mistakes.
  • spruce
    Removes the “garbage” of vanity and idle talk from consciousness, opens up temporary spaces for active movement in the world of self-deepening knowledge. Teaches you to enjoy solitude and use it as a chance for self-improvement.
  • jasmine
    Jasmine increases clairvoyance abilities, develops imagination, promotes purification, prudence, and dexterity; promotes immersion in the Astral, bestows love and money.
  • ylang-ylang
    The ancient essence of fumigation, attracting love and positive energy of the world, aligning the energy shell, restoring symmetry, promotes the development of high chakras.
  • ginger
    Ginger strengthens determination, firmness, integrity of nature. Teaches the right way in love, gives wealth, inspiration, lust.
  • hyssop
    Hyssop helps to cleanse and refresh the energy shell, eliminates stagnant processes in the aura, enhances charm and sociability, and promotes the accumulation of life experience.
  • kayaput
    Kayaput perfectly protects against envy and ill will, helps to quickly restore the aura after exposure to black energy, strengthens immune forces and the conductivity of renewing energy. Eliminates tails, promotes the redistribution of energy in order to replenish the deficiency in underdeveloped chakras.
  • Atlas cedar
    Cedar enhances the processes of restoration and renewal of aura energy, builds up thinned layers, helps to quickly restore strength and energy in case of illness and excessive stress on the nervous system. Gives validity and nobility to thoughts and actions, confidence and determination. Cleanses, protects, attracts money, removes damage or the evil eye.
  • cypress

    Cypress is a shield oil: it protects against the ill will of others, prevents vampiric contacts, and releases your energy. Heals, gives comfort.

  • cinnamon
    Cinnamon promotes easy overcoming of failures, optimism, self-confidence and self-esteem. Eliminates the emotions of decay: self-pity, fixation on everyday problems, past mistakes, a feeling of being chosen in comparison with other people. Makes nature lighter, brighter and more humane, opens the breath of love, establishes harmonious relationships between a man and a woman. Excites, promotes prosperity, success in business, gives energy and healing, encourages creativity, develops mental abilities.
  • lavender
    Lavender promotes self-knowledge, meditation, and rapid recuperation. Provides complete energetic relaxation, helps resolve “scars” on the energy shell. Reduces aggression, helps to recover from envy. Gives happiness, purification, love, healing.
  • incense
    Incense is one of the oldest and most valuable fumigation substances. Restores energetic “justice”, returning energy to its owner. If someone wished you harm or put the evil eye on you, and you feel energetic discomfort, then after using incense, the dirty energy that was imposed on you will return to where it came from, everyone will receive what they deserve. Incense is an aroma for meditation, self-insight, a sense of peace and nirvana, strengthens faith and strength, increases the resistance of the energy shell to evil, makes it easier to receive energy from space and selflessly transfer it to people dear to you. Helps to find love and build a family, enhances intelligence and tolerance. Allows you to avoid hasty assessments of people and events, eradicates bad impulses, and allows you to recover from vampirism. Brightens, aligns, strengthens the aura, gradually returns the tail of energy to its original place, thereby closing the energy breakdown.
  • lemongrass
    A scent that protects against evil and ill will. Clarifies the personal and energetic positions of the interlocutors, eliminating excessive polite secrecy and verbal “swindle”. A fragrance that allows you not only to more clearly outline the circle of your aspirations, but also to ward off failure.
  • lemon
    Lemon strengthens the etheric body, smoothes its boundaries, restores tone, clearing the channels. Helps overcome the “winter cold” that binds the soul, instilling fresh strength and relieving one from depression and the burden of everyday life. Helps to quickly and painlessly adapt to new living conditions, to new people, helps to quickly get used to and philosophically perceive losses, increases interest in life, encourages a creative attitude towards work, family, love.
  • Schisandra chinensis
    A scent that protects against the arrows of evil and ill will. With lemongrass you can “descend to the underworld” without getting the toes of your shoes dirty. Clarifies the personal and energetic positions of the interlocutors, eliminating excessive polite secrecy and verbal “swindle”. A scent that allows you not only to more clearly outline the circle of your aspirations, but also to put a barrier with a warning sign near the gutter of “non-aspirations.”
  • marjoram
    Marjoram helps get rid of bad attitudes. Quickly restores mental strength after serious troubles, losses, grief. It infects you with a thirst for life, allowing you to quickly and calmly achieve your goal.
  • mandarin
    Mandarin helps to find peace and tranquility in the soul.
  • Melissa
    Melissa is a powerful shield against other people’s ill will, helps get rid of old grievances and prevents new ones. Helps you become successful and optimistic.
  • myrrh
    Myrrh brightens and evens out the aura. Opens to love. Helps you understand and forgive the motives and mistakes of others. Helps to get rid of false self-esteem and gain dignity. Great for meditation.
  • myrtle
    Myrtle protects, promotes spirituality, removes damage and the evil eye, helps with meditation, heals, sanctifies.
  • juniper
    Juniper develops integrity and loyalty of nature, rejection and recognition of lies, protects against aggression, helps to find a quick and decent way out of any difficult situation. Helps get rid of irritation. Promotes the acquisition of authority, develops nobility and intelligence. Gives healing, protection, calm.
  • carrot
    Carrots enhance inner vision.
  • nutmeg
    Nutmeg is an oil for meditation, turning to the stars, restoring energetic integrity. Helps to find spiritual justice and tolerance in love, in family life and in achieving business goals. Makes teenagers invulnerable to the bad influence, developing their intuition and insight.
  • peppermint
    Mint enhances breathing, pulsation, and renewal of the energy layer. Increases mutual understanding between loved ones. Makes a person kinder, friendlier and more cheerful. Eliminates failures and anticipation of troubles. Helps defeat diseases. Prevents the projection of “black holes” into your life. Promotes excitement, heals, gives the desire for creativity, money.
  • nayoli
    A protective aroma that neutralizes dark energy directed from the outside. It extinguishes the energy of anger and irritation, helps to treat human oddities and stubbornness of older people calmly, patiently and detachedly. It is believed that if you apply a small amount of naioli oil to a new item, it will last a long time and will not break or get lost.
  • neroli
    Neroli enhances the brightness and attractiveness of the personality, giving it features of sophistication and nobility. Prevents bad impulses and envy. It is an oil of meditation, helps to quickly renounce material problems and see the spiritual side of the world.
  • patchouli
    Patchouli oil helps to cope with any situation that requires analysis and intuition, strengthens the higher chakras, helps to feel the unique taste of goodness and love, and prevents the development of vampirism. Gives spiritual growth, power, warmth and sensuality of relationships.
  • petitgrain
    The aroma of youth carried through a long, long life. Allows you to harmonize the movement of subtle energies, cleanses nerve channels, stimulates energy chakras and mental centers. It helps not to change oneself, taking on various life forms, each of which is interpreted by consciousness as experience and cumulative upward movement. If there is a need, then with petitgrain you can try absolutely everything, without ever finding yourself dependent on anything.
  • fir
    Without stress and self-destructive emotions, it helps to lead a simple lifestyle that has developed as a result of many objective responsibilities. Unlocks the ability to find the fastest and most productive way to implement assigned tasks and save your time. Enlightens consciousness, giving the ability to sincere joy for the successes of people around.
  • rose
    Rose transforms the unproductive energy of anger, disappointment and sadness into the energy of self-improvement and an objective assessment of problems. People who constantly use rose oil evoke sympathy from others at first sight. Rose helps you feel the pleasure of being alone. Gives love, fertility, heals, cleanses and sanctifies a house or room.
  • rosemary
    Rosemary renews, revitalizes with energy, strengthens the immunity of the aura, warms, encourages action, an active lifestyle, enhances psychologism and intuition, and develops the heart chakra. Improves memory.
  • pink tree
    Restores spiritual and emotional balance (important before making serious decisions); relaxes during stress; drives away “black” thoughts and removes psychological barriers.
  • German chamomile
    Chamomile eliminates inferiority complex, and in harsh conditions life - helps to cope with difficulties with dignity, avoid depression and anger.
  • sandalwood
    Sandalwood reveals the creative side of personality, talent. Helps you not to do impulsive things. Heals, protects, helps with immersion in the Astral, expels evil spirits, gives spirituality.
  • pine
    An essential surgeon oil that removes tails and growths of black energy, eliminates stagnant processes in the energy shell, and enhances the breathing of the aura. Cleansing and providing an influx of new vital energy. Helps quickly restore strength after a severe emotional blow, develops a philosophical perception of troubles, resilience and optimism.
  • thyme
    A gardener aroma that “takes care” of spiritual qualities worthy lush flowering, enhancing the energy glow and brightness of the aura. Pulls out energetic weeds (vanity, commercialism, snobbery, self-deprecation, timidity); destroys pests (greed, envy, anger, selfishness, nonsense, narrow-mindedness). Thyme expels "moles" that undermine root system joyful and bright flow of energy of thoughts and feelings. Trims dry branches (sometimes it is thyme that can encourage spouses who are disgusted with each other to make the only right decision - to free themselves). The real smell of the Earth reveals the attractive and sublime power of Reality, encouraging us not to build pitiful castles in the air, but to think beautifully, because thought is material, and thought, filled with the power and purity of light energy, is practically an accomplished reality.
  • yarrow
    Yarrow gives courage, extrasensory abilities, and drives out evil spirits.
  • fennel
    Fennel helps to quickly get rid of misconceptions, erroneous assessments and unfair conclusions. Helps you calmly face the truth.
  • violet
    Violet gives wisdom, luck, love, healing.
  • citronella
    The citronella aroma is similar to a bell, repelling “evil spirits”, it protects against “ petty mischief"other people's ill will. Eliminates the “neighborly gaze” syndrome, develops productive personal activity, the result of which is always an increase in material and spiritual well-being. In ancient times, it was believed that if you sprinkled the threshold with citronella oil, a person who wanted to cause harm would simply not be able to enter the home, or, upon entering, would feel unbearably bad, experiencing suffocation, dizziness, and colic. Warriors also used this scent, becoming invulnerable to the enemy.
  • tea tree
    Oil-oncologist. Eliminates energy formations caused by the adoption of incorrect life attitudes. Restores the thickness, shape, symmetry of the aura. It most strongly affects the “cap” (the area of ​​the aura above the head). Protects from the effects of aggressive energy from the outside world.
  • clary sage
    Sage helps to recover from deception and infidelity. Promotes the discovery of new opportunities for personal self-expression. Gives prudence, clarity of mind, sincerity; cleanses.
  • eucalyptus
    Oil-savior, helps to quickly recover from stress, illness, curse. Increases the amount of energy responsible for longevity.

Can't imagine your life without aromatherapy? Then the materials in this article are especially for you! Learn about the basic magical properties of essential oils, as well as how to correctly apply their characteristics in practice. Enjoy reading!

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are volatile compounds with an oil-like consistency. They are not soluble in water, but have strong smell. They do not leave grease stains on the surface of the paper - their complete evaporation occurs at room temperature.

Despite the fact that these substances are formed exclusively in plants, they have clearly expressed pharmacological, physiological properties- this should be taken into account when using essential oils in magic.

The names of the fragrances are derived from the plants from which they are made. In some cases, a mixture of several chemical compounds, which has a positive effect on the properties of a particular compound.

Ways to use essential oils in magic

Before using essential oils in magic, remember that their scent penetrates into the body through respiratory tract, gradually absorbing into the human circulatory system. This approach allows you to stimulate the main vital organs, activating the most necessary ones.

In addition to the above, these substances have a number of useful properties, for example, can reveal unique abilities hidden deep inside a person, invigorate or calm - it all depends on the desired effect and the type of aroma chosen.

The most popular essential oils are used in candle magic, with the addition of a few drops of the substance when lighting them. Another option is to use special aroma lamps.

Before use, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Daily aromatherapy sessions lasting half an hour to an hour will help you get rid of stress, anxiety, and irritability.
  • Essential oils are a great addition to any massage. They are recommended to be mixed with aromatic oils - it allows you to enhance the effect of the desired result (for example, healing, strengthening the body, etc.)
  • Oils can be added when taking a bath
  • To drive away negative entities from the room, make sachets with essential oils, distributing them in the right places

Lubricating talismans (amulets) with essential oils will charge them with the necessary energy. A couple of drops - and your amulet is effective again (the main thing is to carry it with you all the time).

The most common essential oils for magical practices are listed below:

  • Acacia - This oil can be used during meditation and to improve extrasensory perception. Sometimes used for altars, incense burners and anointing candles. This oil exudes powerful spiritual fluids.
  • Anise - this oil to help clairvoyants, used to predict the future during rituals.
  • Benzoin is the oil of peace of mind. Used in cleansing rituals.
  • Cloves - used in rituals of initiation, consecration, and also symbolizes strength and energy. This oil can be used if you need to restore strength, energy after serious exercise, or simply support the healing process or treatment.
  • Cypress - this oil is a symbol of death. If you have to go to a funeral, anoint your body. You will be able to understand that death is a transition from one life to another. It is also an oil of blessing, sanctification and protection from misfortune.
  • Frankincense - oil is used in rites of cleansing, blessing, and exorcism rituals; its main power is that it has a strong cleansing effect.
  • Patchouli - this oil neutralizes negative energy well, expels forces that bring evil to a person. Increases sensuality and brings into your life peace of mind. If a man applies patchouli oil to his body, it will make him attractive in the eyes of a woman.
  • Rue is a powerful essential oil that neutralizes negative energy.
  • Eucalyptus is one of the best healing oils. It helps well in recovering from a long illness and helps restore strength. This oil can be used to lubricate your wrists and forehead. Can be added to water when taking a bath. The oil is effective in treating colds.
  • Lemon - enhances a person’s hypersensitive perception. Strengthens the psyche.

Essential oils to attract money

The correct use of essential oils in magic for money is the key financial prosperity, success, prosperity. Check out important tips, which will definitely be useful to you in the future.

To attract money, be sure to use special aroma lamps sold in any esoteric store.

Lubricating the following surfaces with essential oils will help set your money in the right direction:

  • Inner/outer surface of wallets, safes
  • Bank cards, business documentation
  • Business briefcase, banknotes
  • Goods (if this does not apply to food products). In this case, you should avoid using too strong odors - this may turn off a potential buyer

This approach will make it possible to increase turnover Money several times.

How to properly use money scents of essential oils? Follow these tips:

  1. Be sure to accompany any ritual related to money with the phrase “This is for money.”
  2. Never perform a ritual if you are depressed or feel unwell. Neglecting the rule can lead to the opposite effect
  3. Visualize final result- what will you buy with the amount of finance received?
  4. It is necessary to perform the ritual only on the waxing moon, starting from the very first lunar day
  5. The selected rituals should be repeated regularly. It is advisable to alternate several
  6. Absence positive result- this is not a sign of defeat. Change your technique by choosing a different ritual using essential oils.

The most powerful scents for attracting money are as follows:

  • Nutmeg - this essential oil can be anointed on the temple area, and this will greatly facilitate your meditation and cause good, healthy sleep. Also used as protection against misfortune, attracting money
  • Mint - this oil is used for successful business operations. Also used in prosperity rituals
  • Almond - this essential oil improves human well-being

In some situations, you can successfully use cedar, basil, even ginger - it depends on the ritual.

Essential oils to attract love

In the magic of love, essential oils allow you to return faded feelings, add sensuality to relationships, find a successful partner, and eliminate the “crown of celibacy.” Some scents are great for conceiving children. But first things first.

Rubbing into the hair, spot applications on the main erogenous zones, and massages will help you get the desired effect. Follow the recommendations below.

  • Give your loved one a massage with ylang-ylang oil. Another option is if you want to be irresistible to the opposite sex, wear it as a perfume. And besides, it will smooth out the problems that arise in the family. The resulting effect will pleasantly surprise you
  • Before a romantic meeting, light an aroma lamp with the chosen aphrodisiac. For example, Musk produces an “erotic smell”. Use it in a cleansing ritual, and it will also help you gain courage and courage. Don't be afraid to experiment
  • A half-hour bath with a few drops of essential oil will help add additional charm and charm. It is recommended to add it to salt or foam - this will enhance the effect
  • It is allowed to use the aphrodisiac on bedding and underwear. A few drops on a cotton pad placed in your purse will enhance your attractiveness in the eyes of others.

Check out the list of famous aphrodisiacs.

  • Rose - this oil can be used while bathing. This is the oil of love. Used in all love rituals and ceremonies
  • Orange - this oil can lift your spirits. You can also add this oil to your bath for a stronger feeling of your attractiveness from other people. Use orange oil if you want your loved one to marry you sooner
  • Basil is the oil of harmony. Use this oil if you want to create a feeling of sympathy between two people.
  • Vanilla is an oil that increases vitality. This oil has a stimulating effect on the female sex. The oil can be used to restore energy and strength
  • Clove (spicy plant) - used as an aphrodisiac. You need to attract the attention of your loved one - this is the essential oil for you. If you use this oil in inhalation, your memory and vision will improve.
  • Jasmine - this oil will help you ease childbirth. Bewitch your beloved man. The aroma of this essential oil will also help a person relax and fall asleep deeply. Jasmine is the secret of the night and a symbol of the Moon
  • Ginger - used as an aphrodisiac. Increases your sensuality, awakens passion
  • Coriander - this oil can be used to lubricate candles. Attracts the attention of your loved one
  • Cinnamon - stimulates sexual activity in women
  • Lavender - increases sexual desire in men. Can be used in cleansing and healing rituals

Essential oils to help you achieve your goals

Essential oils in magic to achieve goals can raise morale, find inner peace, and confidence in the future. Try it too!

Attention! The aromas of coniferous wood will help you consolidate your leadership qualities and increase your authority in the eyes of others. You will develop stress resistance to unforeseen situations and the opportunity to move up the career ladder

Do you want to succeed in creative realization existing talent? Then take regular baths with mint, orchid or sandalwood. In addition to the above characteristics, such aromas can develop existing potential, increase sensitivity, and immerse mild condition euphoria, help inspiration come quickly.

Essential oils in candle magic are a great way to boost your self-confidence. For example, an aroma lamp with citrus oil can be lit for a short time on your desktop at home or in the office.

Note. Before starting work, check for possible allergic reactions. Remember that this substance tends to cause burns on mucous membranes, so strictly follow the instructions for use

  • Large bath - about 4 drops
  • Aroma lamp - no more than 3 drops
  • Carrying out inhalations - 1-2 drops

Summary table of the magical properties of essential oils

The properties and uses of essential oils in magic are indicated in the table. I will give an interpretation of the most popular of them, not mentioned in the text of the above article.

Oil name Action
Grapefruit Tones, cleanses, refreshes, is an antiseptic. Used in the fight against cellulite. Restores work nervous system, removes irritation and fear.
Juniper Improves brain activity. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent that cleanses the skin. Promotes normal blood circulation. Relieves itching and irritation after insect bites.
Neroli Regenerates the skin. Used in love magic- allows you to return the lost feelings of your lover. Strengthens hair.
Petitgrain Restores a person’s mental health, relieves stress, fatigue, tension. Smoothes the skin.
Tea tree Allows you to achieve success in business - improves mental activity, completely eliminates stress, restores concentration when performing official duties. A bath with this oil will help restore strength after overwork, clearing the pores of the manifestations of the inflammatory process.
Fir Increases vital activity, relieves chronic fatigue, stress. Stimulates the immune system due to the presence of 35 bioactive substances - indispensable for older people. Allows you to eliminate unpleasant odors from the apartment. Pairs best with rosemary, lemon, and sage.
Melissa Pronounced calming effect, help with insomnia, assistance with acclimatization. Removes melancholy and depression.
Carrot seeds Improves immunity, relieves stress, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended to combine with almond. Should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Follow the updates on our website, learning even more new things, useful information for yourself and loved ones. All the best!

The information that is recorded in plant cells is transferred to essential oils. Since plants have a colossal supply of vital energy, the aromas of essential oils, penetrating into the human aura, effectively influence its electromagnetic field. These aromas increase the immunity of the aura, harmoniously distribute energy, close holes, cracks, tails and other defects in the aura that arise as a result of the aggressive influence of the energy of the surrounding world.
In other words, essential oils restore the integrity of the aura, thicken its field and enhance its radiance!

Choose a specific oil or set of oils that correct your energy problem, which you intuitively know about. Certain oils can also be used for preventive purposes.

In order for the aromas of essential oils to effectively affect your bioenergy, you need to apply them to active (acupuncture) points on the body. To do this, you need to first prepare a bioenergy mixture.

It is prepared like this:

Take 5-7 drops of your chosen essential oil and mix with 10-20 grams of any massage oil vegetable oil. This can be jojoba, cedar, sesame, soybean oils, walnut, avocado, almonds, grape seeds, apricot and peach kernels, coconut, wheat germ, pumpkin, etc. After taking a shower or bath, apply the prepared mixture to the following points of the body: the “third eye” area (between the eyebrows), earlobes, occipital cavity , area adjacent to the navel, area under the chest, elbow bends, wrists, inner surface thighs, lower legs and center of the feet. Then apply a few drops of pure essential oil to the comb and comb your hair - this way you will restore the energy halo.

You can also fumigate the room you are in. At the same time, the efficiency of energy purification in the space around you increases significantly!

ORANGE: condenses the energy layer of the aura after a serious long-term illness. Opens channels for positive information.

BASIL: rejuvenates the aura. An effective antioxidant.

BERGAMOT: neutralizes aggressive energy coming from environment, enhances the radiance of the aura. Helps achieve creative success.

VERBENA: reduces the size of defects in the aura. Rejuvenates and smoothes the skin.

CARNATION: strengthens the aura after injuries and operations. Protection from other people's anger and energy vampirism.

GERANIUM: restores the correct shape of the aura. Eliminates inferiority complex.

BITTER ORANGE: strengthens the aura, increases the spirituality and charm of the individual.

YLANG-YLANG: develops higher chakras. Strengthens the energy of love and kindness.

GINGER: eliminates energy tails and restores the aura after aggressive exposure to negative energies. Develops integrity of nature.

KAYAPUT: redistributes energy in the aura, pumping it up to underdeveloped chakras. Protection from envy.

CEDAR: restores and renews the energy of the aura after stress and overstrain of the nervous system. Develops healthy motivation.

CYPRESS: promotes the harmonious distribution of energy in the aura. Full protection from aggressive external energies.

CINNAMON: regenerates and thickens the aura. Eliminates self-pity and increases optimism.

LAVENDER: relaxes energy tension in the aura and dissolves auric nodes. Frees a person from the desire to envy others.

INCENSE: returns the black energy that has invaded your aura to the one who sent it to you. Aroma against evil eye and curses. “Patches up” energy cracks in the aura. Increases the glow of the aura.

LEVZEA: charges the aura with energy. Helps quickly restore strength after heavy physical activity.

MAYRAN: strengthens the aura and enhances faith in oneself and one’s own strengths.

MELISSA: regulates the energy of the aura. Inspires optimism.

MYRRH: restores radiance and symmetry of the aura. Develops the ability to forgive other people's mistakes. Oil of love.

JUNIPER: protects the aura from aggressive energy. Develops intelligence and ability to find correct solution any problem.

NUTMEG: increases the energy density in the aura. Develops intuition and tolerance in love.

MINT: renews the energy layers of the aura. Strengthens spiritual intimacy.

OREGANO:“darns” holes in the aura that arise due to a person committing impulsive (ill-considered) actions. Helps cope with hysteria and temperament.

PATCHOULI: brightens and aligns the aura. Helps to objectively analyze any situation.

ROSE: harmonizes the energy of the aura. Transforms the non-constructive energy of frustration and bad thoughts into the spiritual energy of self-knowledge.

ROSEMARY: increases the aura's immunity to black energy. Develops the heart chakra and returns interest in life after depression.

SANDALWOOD: condenses the energy of the aura. Promotes the development of talent and creative self-expression. Oil of love.

PINE: eliminates stagnant processes in the aura, promotes cleansing and renewal of the aura. Frees a person from feelings of guilt. Heals emotional traumas and fosters a philosophical attitude towards life.

YAUGHFOIL: guardian of the aura from aggression, theft and injury.

THYME: enhances the radiance of the aura and increases its immunity. Eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction of the individual.

TEA TREE: resolves energy tumors, especially in the area of ​​the energy halo, resulting from unproductive thinking and the adoption of destructive life attitudes.

SAGE: heals and renews the aura after deception in love. Expels black energies. Allows you to realize your creative potential.

EUCALYPTUS: charges the aura with energy lost as a result of illness, curse, hatred and stress.

By learning to strengthen and cleanse your aura, you not only destroy blockages in perception, but also increase the threshold of your sensitivity. You connect the physical and metaphysical worlds and begin to experience the more subtle aspects of life. Your intuition develops and your consciousness expands. Every new day becomes an extraordinary adventure, and life becomes a never-ending spiritual journey. This is the way to preserve youth, health and inner beauty.

  • CALL AND INSTALLATION FOR MATERIAL WELL-BEING: (Mark Prophet) Say this call material well-being, out loud three times a day for five minutes without interruption:...

  • Rule 1 Your Intention must be formulated positively. What does it mean? This means that there are no negative experiences in the world. It's just experience. This is what we do...


This is the oil of Zeus, Obatala, Ra, Basta, solar deities.

Acacia oil is considered sacred and is used for cleansing or anointing.

To create contact with the deceased, they rub it into white candles.

Rubbing a mixture of acacia, camellia and musk oils, taken in equal proportions, brings happiness.


This is the oil of Buddha, Venus, Juno.

In China, orange is a symbol of gold and prosperity. To increase wealth and prosperity, orange is used as an offering to Buddha.

It has a rich sunny scent and is added to cleansing mixtures.

Both the flower and the fruit are symbols of true love. Jupiter gave Juno an orange blossom.

In rituals of love and fidelity, white or red candles are rubbed with orange oil or surrounded by orange peel and flowers.


This is the oil of Mars.

The smell of basil creates sympathy between two people, so it is worn to avoid major clashes. Basil essential oil is useful in blends that support happiness and peace, as well as stimulating the mind. It is successfully used in magical oils, attracting money, which may have explained why prostitutes in Spain once wore it to attract clients.

Basil is also a passion plant. They eat it to increase sexual appetite. Burned - for strengthening sexual pleasure. You can place basil leaves under your bed to add passion to your relationship with your partner.

On Tuesdays, basil is eaten to strengthen physical strength. On Wednesdays - to open communication channels.

According to Christian tradition, basil grew on the tomb of Christ after his resurrection. Therefore in Greek Orthodox Church Basil is used to prepare holy water.

According to Hindu beliefs, basil has protective properties. That's why they decorate houses with it. Also in India, basil is associated with the dogs Krishna and Vishnu.


Thick essential oil with a natural vanilla scent. Dilute it and rub it on your body to enhance personal power. In addition, it awakens consciousness.


Moon oil.

American Indians added bergamot to incense burners during spirit-raising rituals that produced visions.

One of the best protective equipment: warns us of possible troubles and helps us avoid them. Protects during travel.

Drink bergamot tea if you feel unsafe.

Protective candles are rubbed with bergamot oil on Monday evening.


Venus oil.

The smell of vanilla enhances sensuality and sexual appetite. Vanilla essential oil can be used for incense in the bedroom.

Vanilla attracts happiness.

To enhance your personal charm, vanilla oil can be used as a perfume or added to your bath.


Used for spiritual cleansing and energy replenishment.

A mixture of verbena, cinnamon and patchouli oils - a recipe for love attraction.

Verbena pharmaceutical

Oil of Venus and Celtic goddesses.

Perfume from verbena or burning the plant was used to open a channel of communication with the God and Goddess (neopagan religion - Wicca).

Verbena is suitable for washing the altar or temple before magical work. It charges the room and raises it to more high level the consciousness of everyone who enters it.

Verbena is used in spells of protection, love and immortality.

If you grow it on your own land, it brings prosperity to your home.

Baths with verbena are taken to achieve longevity.

For mutual love hands sprinkled with verbena powder.

Lemon verbena

Oil of the Sun.

To cleanse before the sacred ritual: take a bath with lemon verbena oil; Wash the floors by adding lemon verbena oil to the water.

To speed up results and remove obstacles, verbena can be added to love and money potions.


Oil of Hestia, Vesta.

Carrying a heather flower with you will protect you from unwanted sexual advances.

Heather calms passions. To eliminate sexual addiction, you can take a bath with heather flowers during the waning moon.

To transform love relationship You can use heather perfume (oil) in friendship.

To bless the house, heather flowers are added to the water when washing floors.

In order to calm a tyrannical boss, scatter heather flowers around his workplace.


Smells like money. Add it to such mixtures or dilute it and carry it with you. Lubricate your money with it before you spend it.

The aroma of vetiver attracts good luck in business and love.

In order for the loved one to stay, rub a brown candle with vetiver oil.

Used to protect against enemies. To do this, the vetiver root is placed in a protective huang bag.

For power and success, scatter vetiver powder around a purple candle.

Galang root

A means of getting rid of bad habits. Chewing galangal root reduces appetite and reduces the need for nicotine.

A root placed in a pocket influences the jury in a trial.

To increase your legal power, rub oil or sprinkle powder on purple candles.


It is one of the ingredients of the sacred biblical incense burned in Solomon's Temple.

This incense lifts the soul to heaven.

Galbanum oil is rubbed on the body to ground the spirit and gain religious revelation.

Used for cleansing.


The scent of gardenia invokes the power of the full moon.

Gardenia flowers floating in water on the altar improve psychic abilities.

Gardenia oil used in a bath increases strength and influence.

Used in love potions to attract another person's attention and stimulate sympathy. To do this, grind the powder and rub it into the skin before meeting the chosen person. Or this powder can be sprinkled on the threshold over which a person will step.

Cloves (spice)

Strong irritant. Add one drop to 1/8 cup of carrier oil. Helps to gain courage and protection.

Cloves are used in magical recipes for command, coercion and control.

To repay money that someone owes you, chew whole cloves. At the same time, visualize repaying the debt. When the whole picture is presented, spit out the clove.

Ground cloves are added to recipes to enhance the effect.

For sexual tirelessness, clove oil is rubbed into the thigh.

Carnation (flower)

Carnation flowers are used to remove negative energy and curses.

Solve love problems.

To cleanse the body, cover it with flowers from top to bottom. When you reach your feet, break the stems so that the caught negative energy I couldn't get out.

To stabilize your personal life, add white or red cloves (or their oil) to your bath.

Carnation flower relieves winter depression.

Red carnations on the altar raise your energy level and add optimism.

Geranium pink

This essential oil (commonly sold under the name simply Geranium) is a powerful protector. Carry diluted with you or add to mixtures that attract happiness.


This essential oil is a powerful cleanser and is added to cleansing mixtures.


Symbol of the Moon and night mysteries. Jasmine essential oil (or absolute) has a wonderful stimulating aroma. Although it is terribly expensive, one precious drop is enough to add to mixtures that attract love, peace, develop the subconscious and spirituality. It also helps in enhancing sexuality. However, try to avoid synthetic jasmine!

Dry jasmine petals are a traditional component of talisman bags that attract love.

In ancient times, it was believed that burning jasmine leaves would bring wealth. If burned in the bedroom, they will bring prophetic dreams.


The rich tropical aroma of this essential oil is beneficial in promoting love, peace and sexuality. It can be worn on the body, or added to mixtures for similar purposes.

In Indonesia, its flowers are sprinkled on the bed of newlyweds.

If someone gives ylang-ylang flowers as a gift, it is considered a declaration of love.

Ylang-ylang is used in magical love compositions.

A wreath of ylang-ylang flowers is believed to provide reliable protection from evil spirits.

A mixture of coconut oil and ylang-ylang oil was used to drive away evil spirits from a person possessed by them.


Very spicy. Ginger essential oil helps in mixtures that develop sexuality, love, courage, and also in attracting money.


This cool-smelling essential oil is great for cleansing and can also help with celibacy.


Deliciously spicy, cardamom essential oil provides a wonderful boost of energy to love and sexuality-focused formulas.


This essential oil has a forest scent. Its energies help in the development of spirituality.


It is an essential oil of blessing, sanctification and protection. Its unique aroma stimulates healing and eases the pain of losses of all kinds.


This essential oil works well in love and healing mixtures.


Natural cinnamon oil irritates the skin. Use in small doses in mixtures that attract money and strengthen the subconscious - no more than one drop!

From the time of Ancient Egypt, Rome, China, cinnamon was used to decorate and cleanse temples.

In the Book of Exodus, Moses was commanded to include cinnamon in the sacred anointing oil.


This pure, refreshing oil is commonly included in formulas focused on health, love, peace and consciousness.

The Celtic month of the Willow Moon (April 15 to May 13) is dedicated to the sacred scent of lavender. Lavender collected during the full moon has increased magical properties.

The Romans burned lavender on hot coals to protect the newborn baby and its mother.

The ancient Greeks dedicated Lavender to the goddess Hecate, the patroness of witches, sorcerers and witchcraft.

Medieval monks carried a sprig of lavender with them to ward off evil spirits.


It has an incredibly rich aroma, helps in the development of spirituality and meditative states. Must be diluted before use on skin; may be an irritant.

In Ancient Babylon, incense was considered sacred, and its aroma was used to cleanse the soul.

At noon, the ancient Egyptians burned incense in their temples, symbolizing the movement of the Sun God Ra across the sky.

Egyptian myths tell of a phoenix that brought incense to the Egyptians in its claws.

Frankincense gets its name from the Greek “ladanon”, which means “to become godlike”.

According to Christian tradition, incense was one of the gifts that the wise men brought to the baby Jesus.


It has a refreshing scent and is used for cleansing and protection.


Used in Moon oils. Wear diluted lemon oil during the Full Moon to tune into the energies of the Moon. Add to cleansing and healing oils.

In the Middle Ages, lemon oil was used to make amulets to bring good luck.

Lippia lemon

Often sold under the name simply "Verbena". With a full, rich lemon aroma, this essential oil performs wonderfully in love blends.


In the past, marjoram was used for protection and was considered a symbol of joy.

Brides and grooms of Greece and Rome decorated themselves with marjoram garlands so that their marriage would bring happiness and wealth.

In medieval Britain, milkmaids hung bouquets of wild marjoram in the barnyard to protect the milk from thunder and goblins turning it into kefir.


It has the scent of energy, imbued with the powers of the sun. Add tangerine oil to mixtures that attract strength and power.


This essential oil can be added to blends intended to enhance spirituality and facilitate meditation. It is also often used in healing mixtures.


This resinous essential oil is used in protective, cleansing and healing mixtures.

In Scotland, juniper buds were hung over farm doors and placed in animals' stalls on May Day to ward off witches and evil spirits.

Foresters in Wales have always kept the juniper trees intact. It was believed that the person who cut down this tree would suffer bad luck for the entire year or die.


This familiar scent works great in cleansing mixtures.

They rubbed it on walls, floors, and furniture to cleanse the room and get rid of negative energy.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that mint could “ignite a man’s heart.” Therefore, bedrooms were often decorated with mint leaves.

Fragrant leaves were placed on the pillow to attract good dreams.


The amazingly exotic scent of Nayuli essential oil goes well with protective formulas.


Also known as Orange Blossom Essential Oil. Has an incredibly rich citrus aroma. This oil is quite expensive. However, one drop added to a mixture of happiness and purification works wonders.


Useful in mixtures that attract money, develop sexuality and physical energy. It can also be worn diluted for the same purposes.


The aroma of this essential oil has the familiar scent of a culinary herb. Add to love and healing magical mixtures.

At weddings, rosemary was dipped in scented water and then woven into the bride's wreath. A branch of rosemary, painted gold and tied with multi-colored silk ribbons, was presented to guests as a symbol of love and fidelity.

At funerals, mourners would place sprigs of rosemary on the coffin before burying it in the ground. This tradition still survives in some parts of Wales.

It is believed that rosemary grows in abundance in places where a woman rules the house.

In Spain and Italy, rosemary was used as the main means of protection against witches and evil spirits.

The Sicilians believe that young fairies, turning into snakes, hide in rosemary thickets.


A common love scent. Natural rose essential oil (known as "otto") and rose absolute (another form) are expensive, but as with jasmine, a single drop has strong aromatic qualities. Rose essential oil is used in formulas created to attract love, promote peace and enhance beauty. Do not use synthetic options!


It has a fruity, surprisingly rich aroma. Use small amounts of chamomile essential oil to meditate and promote peace. Expensive, but worth it!


This ancient, sacred aroma is used for meditation, spirituality, sexuality and in healing formulas. Can be diluted and worn to concentrate these influences.

Sandalwood aroma stimulates the seventh chakra, enhancing spirituality and promoting self-determination.

In the Ayurvedic healing tradition, sandalwood increases energy. Burning sandalwood during full moon awakens the atmosphere of spirit in the house.

Sandalwood burning at the threshold welcomes guests, instilling in them a good attitude towards home and encouraging them to leave all doubts and worries at the door.

You can write a wish on a sliver of sandalwood and throw it into the incense burner. The magic of sandalwood gives strength to desires.


This essential oil enhances the subconscious mind and is also useful in cleansing blends.


The resinous scent of pine is commonly added to formulas focused on cleansing, protection, money and healing.


Unique essential oil. The scent of Sporobolus is a combination of citrus and rose. Works well in love and healing mixtures.


One of the Earth's true treasures, yarrow essential oil has a natural blue color and an amazing aroma. It can be added in small quantities (according to price) in mixtures focused on love, courage and the subconscious.


Fennel has magical connections with the element of Fire.

The ancient Greeks believed that knowledge came to man from the gods in the form of coal on a fennel stalk.

In the Middle Ages, fennel was placed in the keyhole to protect the house from spirits and ghosts.


In magic, citronella is credited with the ability to protect and cleanse the aura, and increase a person’s vitality.

The indigenous people of America use citronella during cleansing rituals.

Citronella stimulates the neck chakra, which is responsible for communication.

Black pepper

Use it to protect and strengthen courage. This oil has a pungent, sweet smell. It is better to add it to mixtures than to wear it separately, even in diluted form.


Probably the most medicinal oil. Add to everything healing mixtures. You can rub it on your body to relieve a cold (in this case, no dilution is required). Also use in cleansing mixtures.


Aromatherapy and natural medicines. AST, Astrel, 2006

Cunningham S. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Potions. Rostov-on-Don. Phoenix, 1998

Rosean L. Wiccan Encyclopedia of Magical Ingredients. St. Petersburg: IG "Ves", 2008
