Under the sign of Aquarius: talisman stones for men and women. Charms and talismans for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Sensitivity and emotionality are qualities common to many people born under the sign of Aquarius. They amazingly combine stability and unpredictability, energy and dreaminess.

When choosing a talisman stone for the Aquarius sign, you should give preference to minerals of “aquatic” shades. Clear your mind and get rid of negative emotions Talisman stones symbolizing water will allow. These are minerals of a wide range of colors - from dark green to light blue.

Selection by decade

Do you want to find a talisman stone for Aquarius based on your date of birth? In this case, we suggest you use this table:

The best talisman for an Aquarius who wants to find his soulmate is. This stone helps its owner overcome all obstacles and gain faith in themselves. Rose quartz will be useful creative people, because it activates mental capacity and provides a surge of inspiration. Jewelry with zircon has a similar effect.

Amulets for peace of mind

For emotional Aquarius, the azurite talisman stone will become a talisman against rash actions. This mineral helps to find peace and get rid of other people's negative influence. Jewelry with azurite can be worn by both women and men.

Aquamarine blue color has a very strong connection with its owner. The mineral helps direct energy in the right direction; it relieves fatigue, depression and irritation. Aquamarine has a stimulating and restorative effect on the entire body. In addition, it mystically protects its owner from the machinations of ill-wishers.

People subject to frequent stress and depression are recommended to wear jewelry with amethyst. This Aquarius talisman stone allows you to easily cope with a depressed mood and look at the world in a completely new way. It develops insight in a person and the ability to find original solutions to complex problems.

Amulets for women

Strengthen family relationships pearls of natural origin will allow. If an Aquarius woman is susceptible frequent colds, then she should buy a ring with a pomegranate. Such a talisman allows you not only to maintain health, but also protects against deception and negative people.

Some minerals should be avoided. Turquoise jewelry is undesirable because it can disrupt the emotional stability of its owner and push her to rash actions. You should not use a diamond as a talisman. He can build an impenetrable wall between the Aquarius woman and the people around her.

Which minerals are suitable for men

A workaholic who dreams of making a brilliant career needs to purchase a small jade figurine. This amulet helps to attract success and contributes to achieving financial stability. For businessmen and people who need to think flexibly and creatively, sapphire is suitable. This mineral increases mental concentration and encourages the search for innovative solutions.

Black agate is the talisman of an Aquarius man who wants to acquire a reputation as a ladies' man. The stone, enclosed in a ring or signet ring, helps to attract the attention of the fairer sex.

Powerful amulet amulet for Aquarius - crystal stone. Philanthropy, independence, originality, spirituality underlie the character of a person in this constellation. The symbol of those who came to this world under the sign of Aquarius is a water carrier, which generously shares life-giving moisture with people. He is distinguished by an eccentric temperament, determination, stubbornness, often considers himself a misunderstood genius, takes offense at others, and as a result quarrels and behaves provocatively. He decisively rejects those who have not reached his intellectual level.

Strong amulet for Aquarius - angel

An angel is a guardian, his protector. This amulet promotes the development of intuition, if the Aquarius man does not part with it, he always keeps a figurine of an angel made of glass or porcelain at hand. Since metals such as aluminum, magnet, hematite, lead, silver, titanium, and alloys of them can themselves be considered an amulet, an angel figurine made from any of them is a very good Aquarius amulet.

Aquarius is never truly alone; instinct leads him to people. He starts friendships with people of both sexes, friendship is more important to him than love, he does not end these relationships even after entering into a marriage relationship with his chosen one. This is due to the fact that his interests lie in the spiritual area; he highly values ​​intellectual communication. He loves material goods, but is not greedy; he is very generous with friends and loved ones.

Stones that are suitable as protective amulet for the sign of Aquarius: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, green garnet, pearl, emerald, pink quartz, flint, coral, lapis lazuli, jade, obsidian, opal, sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, hawk's eye, emerald garnet, fluorite, chrysoprase, crystal, citrine, jasper.

Totems of a person with the horoscope sign Aquarius: dragon, toad, cuttlefish, key, mole, sheep, peacock, fig tree, hoopoe. The image of any of the totems can be applied to an individual amulet and, thus, enhance its effect.

Amulets and amulets should be chosen very carefully, taking into account the individual qualities of the owner. Aquarius chooses talismans for a long time; they will accompany him through life, charge him with the energy of the owner, protect him in difficult situations, develop strengths character and muffle the weak. Amulets can change your life, as they attract luck and fortune and help you make choices in difficult situations.

It is necessary to determine in advance which qualities should be strengthened and which ones to try to extinguish and, based on this, choose a talisman.


Images or figurines of angels make good talismans; the zodiac sign Aquarius is often associated with the highest energy. Such a talisman wards off all adversity, makes life happier, protects against rash actions, protects against dangers and enemies, makes behavior more predictable, and is considered the personification of conscientiousness.

You need to talk to an angel, ask for advice or ask for help. There is even a special ritual that helps to receive good news. When the owner of the amulet is waiting very important event, you need to put the angel under your pillow before going to bed or put it on a table nearby, talk to him and ask him to help. Next, you need to light the candle and watch the flame for several minutes, then count how many drops of wax fall on the candlestick. The number of these drops will correspond to the number of days until the desired news is received.

It is best to choose an angel made of crystal or glass and carry it with you all the time, wrapped in a colored cloth. If preference falls on the icon, then it should be small. The image must be engraved on white metal. The icon does not allow its owner to become despondent or depressed.


A very successful talisman for Aquarius is any door lock. This item is considered a symbol of the unknown, hidden from prying eyes. Representatives of this sign often choose very unusual objects with mysterious stories as amulets, this gives them a special magnetism.


It can bring joy and harmony, improves communication skills and helps you find friends. If Aquarius is too upset or dejected about something, he should look at the wings of this butterfly for a while and his mood will immediately improve.

Making a talisman from dried dead butterfly, pinned to something, is not recommended, such a talisman will not bring good luck, only negative energy accumulates in it. A painted butterfly or a glass figurine is best; it will fill life only with good emotions.

Elemental talismans

The influence of the elements determines what talisman Aquarius has. This zodiac sign belongs to, so for the amulet you can choose objects associated with air, for example, comic ships, airplanes, images of birds or their wings. They make their owners luckier.

Also, amulets that are somehow related to water are suitable for representatives of this sign. This could be a pendant in the form of a jug into which you can drip aromatic oils.


Very good talisman for Aquarius, women are jewelry on which the letter “F” is clearly visible, the first letter of the name of the goddess Zhiva, this is the Slavic Lady, a symbol of life itself.

Other talismans

Aquarius animal mascots

When choosing an animal as a talisman, you should choose a creature that will be pleasant to hold in your hands. This can be any animal that lives in the air, but is also capable of living in water.

Aquarius mascot plants

Trees are very good amulets; just by touching them, their patron is filled with vital energy and a charge of strength. The following breeds are suitable for Aquarius:

  • Poplar;
  • Cedar;
  • Pine;
  • Cypress.

Indoor plants, by their presence, help Aquarius generate new plans and ideas, get out of situations by coming up with creative solutions. Therefore, they are suitable for talented, unusual, artistic and creative people. Plants that representatives of this sign need to keep at home:

  • Geranium;
  • Violet;
  • Launcettia;
  • Indoor maple;
  • Reo is motley;
  • Arrowroot tricolor;
  • Dracaena.


Those born under the sign of Aquarius are too simple both internally and externally, gullible and naive, and this tree makes them firmer and more unshakable in making important decisions.


This tree gives emotionality and love of life. Elm is able to influence relationships, making them more trusting and free. Women are affected more than men, they become more stubborn, you shouldn’t argue with them, they won’t back down from their own.


Gives attractiveness, intelligence and insight. The owner of the amulet confidently moves towards the goal, since the poplar gives both composure and gentleness at the same time.


It also gives its owner attractiveness. Other people begin to turn to him for help more often because he acquires the ability to give practical advice.


As a talisman for Aquarius men, it makes them more independent and smart. They know very well what they need to strive for in life and clearly go towards their goals.


This flower maintains a balance of feelings, has a calming effect on its owner and promotes a harmonious life, first of all, with oneself.


It improves the atmosphere at home, brings positivity, gets rid of bad thoughts and helps maintain calm even in critical moments.


This is a plant with amazing inflorescences, combining the power of Mercury and the Sun. Those who love parties, guests, friendly companies, conversations with friends and entertainment should definitely have this plant in their home. Its energy will bring joy and a festive mood to the home, help reveal the owner’s talents, relieve him of isolation, and teach him to be understood correctly and accepted in any society.

Indoor maple

It protects the house from negativity, preserving a pleasant atmosphere. Indoor maple is able to absorb energy, despondency, sadness and transform it into joy, love and creativity. This flower also helps to forget old quarrels, filling the house with friendly energy, promoting cohesion and accepting loved ones as they are. Aquarians, who are often overcome by laziness, will have a desire to do something, to create, to create.

Nata Karlin

The zodiac sign Aquarius completes the annual zodiac cycle. It comes into effect on January 21 and ends on February 19. This the constellation is ruled by the planet Uranus elements Air. By nature, all Aquarians are contemplative and detached observers of what is happening around them. They rarely interfere in the current course of events, letting the situation take its course and making no effort to change anything. The most important activities in the life of Aquarius people: personal growth and self-development.

Semi-precious and precious stones-amulets for the Aquarius zodiac sign are designed to help people born under the control of this constellation to better understand people, become less gullible and learn to recognize envy and lies.

Minerals can direct the energy of Aquarius in the right direction, allowing you to realize your grandiose plans, and not just leave them in projects. Amulet stones are capable of concentrating people’s attention and attracting good fortune and luck into life.

Aquamarine for an Aquarius woman

Which stone is suitable for women of the Aquarius sign, and which minerals are best avoided?

Women born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius have always been considered “not of this world.” These are contradictory and restless souls, whose psyche and energy are unstable and shaky. Many astrologers consider women this zodiac sign people of the future. They are unable to understand modern principles and society just as others cannot take Aquarius ladies seriously.

However, because of their kindness and warmth, people are drawn to Aquarius women, trying to make friends with them

This does not always happen with good intentions, so very often women of this zodiac sign remain deceived because of their comprehensive love for people and kindness. However, they rarely blame the person who deceived them, trying to find the reason for such behavior in themselves. These are ladies who are like no other prone to mental turmoil, worries and disappointments. Because of these negative thoughts they find themselves in a lot of unpleasant situations, they always need helpers and comrades in maintaining fortitude and self-confidence.

Astrologers are convinced that it is stones are best able to store energy human body, regulate the emotional background, shift it to positive side. Based on the energy characteristics of Aquarius women, there are several minerals that are most suitable as amulets:

  • Aquamarine. This stone is considered one of the varieties of beryl. It differs only in its bright, glassy sheen. The blue color of this stone varies from light to a rich almost blue hue. The most valuable aquamarines are bright blue. They are mined in Brazil or Madagascar. Even in ancient times, people noticed that this stone is capable of changing color in accordance with the mood of its owner. Aquamarine can help an Aquarius woman maintain peace of mind, organize your thoughts and separate your own fantasies from reality. This stone is considered a talisman of strong friendship, which every woman of this zodiac sign dreams of.

Gold earrings with aquamarine, nanocrystals and cubic zirconia, Maskom(price on the link)

Gold pendant with aquamarine and cubic zirconia, Maskom(price on the link)

  • Amethyst. It is one of the mineral varieties of quartz. It is considered an expensive and beautiful stone, its colors vary from light, almost transparent to black. The most common color is purple. In Peru they still believe that amethyst is able to neutralize the effect of the poison itself. poisonous snake. In addition, the stone scares away these reptiles, demons, including the demon of alcohol. Amethyst has the ability to repel negative energy, build relationships with loved ones and others.

  • Turquoise. This stone is also capable of changing color, bringing joy to its owner. financial prosperity, luck and regular cash profits. For too hot-tempered Aquarius ladies, turquoise calms them down and helps to improve relationships in the family and with others.
  • Pomegranate. The varieties of stones that belong to garnet are slightly different in chemical composition. This mineral is usually dark red in color. However, there are even yellow and black varieties.

Garnet is capable of awakening real passionate feelings in cold and insensitive Aquarius women. In addition, it is believed that it facilitates pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Zirconium. A beautiful and very fragile stone, it has a bright, diamond-like shine. The most well-known color is golden, but there are minerals in gray and even black colors. This stone stimulates mental activity, increases intellectual abilities, and will emphasize precisely this side of the Aquarius woman’s personality.

However, there are minerals that Aquarius women are strictly contraindicated from carrying. These include crystal, gold quartz, opal, all types of diamonds and diamonds. These stones do not allow Aquarians to critically evaluate themselves, their own actions and actions. As a result women of this sign become arrogant and it can be simply impossible to communicate with them.

The most suitable amulet stone for Aquarius men according to the horoscope - what is it?

A man born under zodiac constellation From an early age, Aquarius is characterized by a thirst for acquiring new knowledge, improving what has already been created, inventions and innovative ideas. He smart, educated, interesting in communication, but extremely vulnerable and susceptible depressive states. There are several minerals that can bring good luck to an Aquarius man in different areas human life:

  • Agate. This stone allows daring and independent Aquarius men to show their most hidden qualities - romanticism and love for family and friends. Cruelty and anger will give way to understanding, attention and care if you give your Aquarius man an accessory with agate. It will be much easier for him to communicate with both his family and colleagues.

  • Nephritis. An amazing mineral that will help a man of this zodiac sign find new strength in himself to achieve his goals. It will allow you to find correct solution from a million options on offer.
  • Lapis lazuli. For Aquarius men who are too serious and reserved, this stone will help them become a little softer. Will be an excellent assistant for those whose activities are related to physical activity or constant movement. The mineral perfectly relieves stress itself and eliminates its consequences.

Silver cufflinks with lapis lazuli, SL(price on the link)

  • Zirconium. Activates the mental abilities of an Aquarius man, helps him quickly move up the career ladder. This stone is considered a companion of wealth and luxury.
  • Rhinestone. Protects the Aquarius man from any magical influences, gives positive mood and changes his outlook on life from the position of a contemplator to a doer.
  • Obsidian. This mineral helps men of this zodiac sign protect themselves from negativity and hypocrisy. He is the first to absorb negative vibes, leaving not a drop of these emotions to the owner.

Turquoise, citrine and diamond are least suitable for Aquarius men. These stones are not only unable to protect their owner from troubles and give him good luck, their effect can be radically opposite.

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius by date of birth: common minerals for women and men by date

People born under the zodiac sign Aquarius have a dual character. As astrologers say, there is an eternal struggle between good and evil.

To strengthen positive traits and reduce the influence of negative ones, it is advisable to have a reliable assistant - a talisman stone

Among the most effective minerals that can be used by Aquarians according to their date of birth are the following:

  1. 1st decade from January 21 to January 30. During this period, true romantics are born. They are shy, enthusiastic and open people. The following talisman stones are suitable for them:
  • pearl,
  • jade (preferably white or green),
  • obsidian (closer to brown or black).

Gold ring with pearls, Primaexclusive; gold bracelet with pearls, Monakhova(prices via links)

  1. 2nd decade from January 31 to February 9. Aquarians born during this period have a sparkling sense of humor and well-developed intellectual abilities. These are very purposeful people who can achieve any heights if they wish. They will be greatly helped with this by:
  • lapis lazuli,
  • chrysopase,
  • amber (light, transparent).
  1. 3rd decade from 10 to 19 February. People born during this period of time are overly soft, emotional, and dreamy. To make your character a little tougher, it is enough to have the following amulets:
  • topaz (blue or almost colorless),
  • agate,
  • chrysolite,
  • pomegranate,
  • zirconium.

For Aquarius people, it is not recommended to use stones that help other elements. For example, minerals of the fire element: ruby, pirom, sapphire and jasper will only bring trouble to Aquarius and make them negative traits character is much stronger than positive ones. You need to choose an amulet stone only in accordance with the element to which the zodiac sign belongs.

January 29, 2018, 6:28 pm

To understand what a talisman is and what its benefits are, you need to define the concepts. This term originated in Ancient Greece and means "dedication". The talisman must be worn close to the heart, it brings good luck and turns a person into a more harmonious person, and also attracts love to him. A person becomes more developed morally, misfortunes do not stick to him. Absolutely any thing can act as it, even animals. But first you need to charge it, for this you can take it to some Holy place. Note that it gains strength only after the owner wears it for some time. To do this, you don’t need to part with him. Almost everyone successful person There is an unusual thing that protects him from negativity and gives success in all endeavors.

Talisman for an Aquarius man

Any thing can act as a talisman for Aquarius. A figurine of an angel made of rock crystal, porcelain or glass will be powerful in this regard. It should be kept in your pocket or on your body as a small decoration. The angel is the protector and guardian of the representative of this zodiac sign. It influences the development of intuition. It can also be made of any metal, since this material is already in itself good amulet. It is necessary to pay attention to the following metals: hematite, magnet, aluminum, silver, lead, titanium, various alloys. Totems for this zodiac sign can be hoopoe, peacock, sheep, mole. You can keep figurines of these animals with you to attract good luck.

The talisman stone for Aquarius is sapphire and other precious minerals. Sapphire is a symbol of chastity, purity, heaven, modesty, and fidelity. Blue color relieves a person from nervous excitement. In general, blue shades help heal the soul and calm the mind. However, many astrologers and clairvoyants do not recommend wearing jewelry with sapphires every day, since they are quite strong and can have a negative effect. Everything has its price. This stone is more suitable for long trips and travel, as it brings good luck. Many philosophers and scientists of antiquity used the stone to tune in to their work and gain inspiration for their next discoveries. It clears the mind. A person under the influence of sapphire becomes more self-confident and calm.

Aquarius talisman stones can be different: amethyst, jasper, turquoise, opal. Amethyst is especially popular. It is ideal as a talisman for every day. It basically has a nice purple hue that will look beautiful in rings. For men, rings with amethyst are more suitable. This mineral makes people more sociable, open, helps determine how good man with whom you are talking. He even has not only magical, but also medicinal properties. It allows you to make a person calmer, relieve him of various stresses, and give peace and tranquility.

Talismans can perform the following functions:

  • calm down;
  • give confidence;
  • distract from unnecessary things.

Zircon is an ideal option for a man. Mostly these minerals are blue in color, but there are other options. It makes the sides of a person more manifested, strengthens them. This does not apply to bad character traits. It only enhances the positive ones. It can improve mood and give a person vigor. Aquamarine relieves anxiety, protects against apathy and bad mood. It influences relationships between people, attracts love and gives a person new unknown emotions. Many sailors and travelers took it with them on the road.

Talisman for the Aquarius woman

One of the most popular talisman stones for the Aquarius woman is garnet, which has a dark red or yellowish color. It helps to establish friendly connections and protects a person’s feelings. Pomegranate gives vigor and good mood. Among other things, this mineral makes a person a leader and grants a certain amount of power over others. Astrologers also advise paying attention to transparent and crystal clear zircon. He looks very beautiful in jewelry. You can purchase hair sticks decorated with zircon. In your hair, they will look very beautiful and shimmer with all the shades of the rainbow.

You can learn more about talisman stones for Aquarius if you watch this video.

Christoprase helps to improve relationships, it symbolizes pure friendship and strong love, strong feelings. It will also be useful for those who want to establish a spiritual connection with someone, because sometimes like-minded people understand each other better than relatives. For those girls who have enemies, obsidian will become indispensable. It will protect people from the negative influence and make a person morally stronger. He absorbs bad thoughts, protects against impulsive actions. Jewelry with aquamarines looks good.

Representatives air element With the help of amulets they can achieve the following:

  • popularity;
  • self-control;
  • clear and pure mind.

A small lock that can be worn around the neck would be a good protector, since representatives of this sign love everything hidden. Small icons that you can take with you on the road or carry in your purse are also suitable as an amulet. They have spiritual power, so when you look at them, inner confidence appears and faith in God is strengthened. Amulets can be anything, but the girl must believe that they are capable of attracting good luck and making her happier. A pet, for example a cat, will also be an amulet. At the same time, a living creature will always lift your spirits and relieve stress that may accumulate over time. for a long time. The best amulet will be the one made with your own hands.
