How to write a research paper on industrial practice. Students' research work in practice. training managers in the change management process

In the process of undergoing educational and clinical practice in the 4th year and medical-industrial practice in the 5th year, each student is given a research assignment by the departments. The topic of the research work is production testing of new devices, tools, medicines, vaccines, serums, disinfectants, etc., proposed by university scientists and others scientific institutions and Universities, improving diagnostics, prevention and therapy for certain infectious and non-communicable diseases of animals at agricultural enterprises.

Generalization of experience in veterinary services and development of measures for its improvement

Students carry out research work in teams or individually, in accordance with comprehensive plans for research work at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, designed for the entire period of study, the subject of research work of the departments.

Carrying out research work during the period of medical and production practice comes down to conducting scientific and production experiments, collecting necessary materials on the chosen topic and their preliminary processing.

Research materials are further individually processed and used to prepare reports (thesis work).



For students undergoing practical training, the following forms of educational and reporting documents are established:

Diary about work;

Report on medical and industrial practice.

The student, along with the report, submits a travel certificate with a note of arrival and departure from the place of practice to the dean's office. During the practice period, the student keeps a daily diary according to the form (see appendix). Diaries and reports are checked by members of a commission created from department teachers. After defending the report, the commission issues an assessment of the practice.


In the first column, the date and place of the activities are recorded, in the second - all types of work performed (in the form of a diary). When receiving sick animals, entries in the diary are made in the following order (agricultural records, form No. 1-vst): type of animal, inventory number, owner of the animal, date of illness, anamnesis, Clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment (prescribed medicinal substances given in the prescription), the outcome of the disease (recorded later with the date).

Data about diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations, deworming are recorded in the form of a short report (name of studies, vaccinations, deworming, type of animals, method of implementation, drugs used, their doses, number of animals treated, result).

During medical examination of animals, the results are recorded in the form of medical examination logs (clinically examined, examined, samples of blood, serum, urine, feed, etc. examined). Pathoanatomical autopsies of animal corpses are recorded in the form of a brief autopsy report: type, number, age of the animal, pathological diagnosis, conclusion. The results of the veterinary examination of livestock products are recorded in the form of journals (agricultural records, forms No. 23-vet, No. 24-vet, No. 25-vet, No. 26-vet). Work on economics, organization and management of agricultural production, and livestock sectors is recorded in the registration form for each work. Work in the veterinary laboratory is recorded using the forms of agricultural accounting journals (forms No. 12-vet, No. 14-vet, No. 15-vet, No. 16-vet, No. 17-vet, No. 18-vet, No. 19-vet, No. 20-vet , No. 21-vet, No. 22-vet).

The head of the practice checks the diary once every 10 days and certifies it with the seal of the institution or enterprise; At the end the work is signed by the student.


A report on medical practice is written based on an analysis of the factual material presented in the diary, as well as data collected from reports on the state of livestock farming and veterinary services on farms. When starting to compile a report, the student first prepares tables, drawings, photographs, epizootic survey maps, autopsy reports, treatment reports, and other illustrated materials.

The report is drawn up in the following sequence: introduction, the state of animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, zootechnical work and conclusion. The introduction provides a brief description of the place of practice in geographical, soil-climatic, production and economic relations. In the section “State of Livestock Husbandry” the production and economic indicators of the development of livestock farming are given based on the materials from the implementation of the relevant tasks, in the section “Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Work” - all the material collected in the process of completing tasks according to the program of each discipline in the sequence in which they are set out in this comprehensive program. First, veterinary and zootechnical work on the farm is characterized, the number of specialists, their qualifications, workload, the availability of the material and technical base of the veterinary service (veterinary, veterinary and sanitary facilities, their location, use of equipment, tools, medicines, biological products) are given. It is necessary to show how the work of veterinary institutions is organized, the procedure for receiving sick animals, the daily routine; provide statistical data on morbidity and mortality of animals according to various groups diseases, then give a detailed analysis of completed tasks. At the end of this section, provide a summary of the work performed during the internship period, according to Form 7 (see appendix).

In conclusion, one should summarize the main results of the practice, draw conclusions about the positive results of the program, outline shortcomings in individual sections of the practice, shortcomings in the treatment and prevention of diseases, critical comments and suggestions for improving the organization of practical training.

During practice, when preparing a diary and report, the student trainee is obliged to constantly use textbooks and teaching aids, educational, methodological and reference literature.

Attach to the practice report:

Travel certificate with a note on arrival and departure from the place of practice;

Production characteristics, signed by the head of the practice and certified by the seal of the institution;

Internship plan with a mark of completion;

A copy of the operational plan for the work of the veterinary service of the farm or veterinary institution for the month;

Epizootic survey map of the farm;

Protocol for complete or incomplete helminthological autopsy of one animal corpse;

A copy of the plan for the prevention of surgical animal diseases;

A copy of the action plan for the prevention of infertility of large cattle;

Two autopsy reports on animal corpses.

A correctly executed report, illustrated with diagrams, tables, drawings, photographs and drawings, in bound form, should be presented to the head of the practice (chief veterinarian of the district, state farm, collective farm, livestock complex), who checks the diary and report, endorses it, indicating the position, surname, date of inspection. The signature must be certified with the seal of a veterinary institution or enterprise.



After checking the diary and report veterinarian the student submits them to the report protection commission (no later than 10 days after the end of the internship period). The teacher notes the positive aspects and shortcomings in completing assignments and preparing work. After checking the diary and report, members of the commission listen to the student’s report on the practice and put a grade in the statement and grade book.

If the practice program is not completed, received negative feedback or an unsatisfactory grade in the defense, and the deadline for submitting the report is not met, the student may be sent to practice again during the student holidays. In some cases, the rector may consider the issue of a student’s continued stay at the university as not fulfilling the curriculum.

Annex 1



medical practice

Place of practice

Date of arrival at the place _____________________________________

Date of departure from the place of practice ________________________________

Appendix 2


*the diary is filled out on the facing page of the notebook

Appendix 3


Bryansk State Agrarian University

Department ____________________________

about the student’s medical and industrial practice

Full Name ________________________________

Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

Course _________________________group

Place of practice

(name of institution, enterprise)

Head of production practice

Head of practice at the department


Appendix 4

about work performed in medical practice

5th year student at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine


(Full Name)

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tomsk State University control systems and radio electronics" (TUSUR) Department of Automation of Information Processing (AOI) Industrial practice: RESEARCH WORK Guidelines for organizing practice and independent work of students in the field of training: 04/09/04 "Software Engineering" Master's program: "Methods and technologies of industrial design software» Developer Dr. Tech. sciences, prof. _______Y.P. Ekhlakov “___” __________2016 2016 2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction …………………………………….…………… 3 2. Goals and objectives of the research work……… 3 3. Requirements for the results of the internship…….... 3 4. Contents of the internship “Research work”……………………...…………… 4.1. Organization practical classes and independent work…………………………………………………….. 4.2. Requirements for the content of the final report... 4.3. Language and style of presentation of the report text……………….. Appendix 1. Structure and content of the final report ………………………………………………………... Appendix 2. Tools organization of a coherent text…….. 4 4 6 12 13 Appendix 3. Examples of formatting enumerations…...... 17 Appendix 4. Examples of lexical-syntactic constructions recommended for writing a report…………. .. 20 Appendix 5. Sample title page ………………….. 23 16 3 1 Introduction “Industrial practice: research work” is part of the main discipline block educational program master's preparation (B2.N.1). During the internship, master's students use knowledge in all disciplines curriculum, which are necessary for scientific research. 2 Goals and objectives of scientific research work The goal is to prepare a master’s student for independent scientific research research work, the main result of which is the writing and successful defense of a master's thesis, as well as conducting scientific research as part of a creative team. Objectives: – consolidation of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by undergraduates in the process of studying the disciplines of the master’s program; – mastery modern methods and methodology of scientific research; – improvement of skills and abilities of independent scientific research activities; – acquiring experience in scientific and analytical activities, as well as mastering the skills of presenting the results obtained in the form of reports, publications, reports. 3 Requirements for the results of mastering the internship During the internship, the master's student must master the following competencies: general cultural: the ability to improve and develop their intellectual and general cultural level (GC-1); the ability to understand the role of science in the development of civilization, the relationship between science and technology, to have an idea of ​​the modern social and ethical issues, understand the value of scientific rationality and its historical types(OK-2); the ability to independently learn new research methods, to change the scientific and scientific-production profile of one’s own professional activity(OK-3); ability to engage in scientific research (OK-4); the ability to independently acquire, with the help of information technology, and use in practical activities new knowledge and skills, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of activity (OK-7); 4 ability to draw up reports on research work carried out and prepare publications based on research results (OK-9); professional: knowledge of scientific research methods and skills in conducting them (PC-2). As a result of the internship, the master's student must: know: the main stages life cycle conducting scientific research; be able to: identify problems, formulate research objectives; develop a research plan; choose the necessary research methods when performing an individual task (modify existing ones, develop new methods); formulate and solve problems that arise during the implementation of an individual task; process the results obtained, analyze and present them in the form of completed research developments (practice reports, abstracts, scientific article); draw up and present the results of research work; possess: skills in conducting research work, both independently and as part of a creative team; modern information technologies in conducting scientific research; skills in presenting the results obtained in the form of research reports, reports at a scientific conference, scientific articles. 4 Contents of practical training: “Research work” 4.1 Organization of practical classes and independent work Within the framework of scientific research work, three fundamental stages can be distinguished, correlated with the most important stages of scientific research: − preparatory stage– choosing a direction of research on the topic of an individual assignment; 5 – stage of exploratory research – carrying out theoretical and experimental research; − final stage – generalization and evaluation of research results. It is advisable to start choosing a direction of research by getting acquainted with existing information sources: monographs, articles, publications on the Internet, materials of various scientific events (conferences, symposiums, etc.). It wouldn’t hurt to contact the expert community through personal conversations and consultations. The research topic being developed must be relevant, i.e. be aimed at solving any problem of a theoretical or practical nature. After selection general direction an exploratory study should be carried out related to the consideration of questions already posed and solved by someone within the framework of the identified problem. Here it is advisable to conduct as large-scale research as possible, associated with the compilation of a detailed bibliography, the study of the positions of which will allow us to evaluate the existing achievements on this specific issue. Processing of information resources (review of scientific developments carried out by other authors) and the previously indicated relevance should allow us to formulate a problem, the search for a solution to which should be tested in the course of theoretical and experimental research. It should not be assumed that the research topic formulated at the very beginning will remain unchanged throughout the entire process. scientific knowledge. It will be clarified during the research process. In addition to solving the central research question, at the initial stage, close attention should be paid to planning research activities, formulating the tasks to be developed as part of the research, with the designation final results(review, bibliography, part of the report, theses, article, etc.) and the timing of their implementation. The stage of theoretical and experimental research is characterized by conducting directed research in a specific field of knowledge (subject area), defined by the goals, objectives, object and subject of research. Although there is some regulation and some sort of guidance on how to conduct research, the process is nonetheless creative activity. During the main research, it is necessary to make intermediate “stops”, discussing the results obtained with the supervisor and communicating them to the scientific community (speeches at seminars, publications, etc.). During the implementation of research work, it is possible to adjust the research plan. It is advisable to present the results obtained in the form of an interim report. 6 At the stage of generalization and evaluation of the research results, it is necessary to synthesize all previously obtained results into a single final report, combining them into a single conceptually verified sequence of sections. The results obtained should be compared with the results of other researchers, the scientific novelty of the study (if any) and the significance of the results for practice should be determined. The results obtained during the individual assignment should be presented in the form of a final report. The recommended structure of the report is given in Appendix 1. Scientific director Master's student has the right to adapt the structure of the report and specify the content depending on the topic of the individual assignment. The report on research work must be prepared in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001 “Report on research work. Structure and design rules." The results of research are also considered published abstracts, articles and other publications published with the participation of a master’s student. 4.2 Requirements for the content of the final report In the introduction (no more than 5 pages), the following points must be disclosed: the relevance of the chosen topic; a brief description of object and subject of research; The purpose and objectives of dissertation research. The relevance of the research carried out can be determined by: the objective need for the development of software engineering methodology; the commercial attractiveness of the results of the dissertation work (the emergence of market needs for new products or services, changes in consumer demand for software products); changes in legislation regulating the composition and content of business processes in specific subject areas, either, or the objective need to modernize business processes in specific subject areas; the objective need to modernize existing software products based on new modern design and development tools; industry needs social sphere in software products and/or services financed by the state. When justifying the relevance, an assessment is given current state problems (tasks), given brief analysis main works in this subject area; the need to develop research in the chosen direction in the field of software engineering, the need to create new and/or develop existing software development tools, design original software and their practical application are argued. Formulation of the object and subject of research The object of research can be: subject area: production, technological or socio-economic system; subsystems, business processes, functions, tasks, information Technology, giving rise to a problematic situation and taken by the student for analysis and elaboration; software project (development project software product); software product (created software); software product life cycle processes; methods and tools for software product development. The subject of research can be: software products, software packages, programs, software modules and components; techniques, methods, models, algorithms, technologies, interfaces that determine the specifics and/or properties of the research object. The primary is the object of research (a broader concept), the secondary is the subject of research, in which a certain property of the object of research is highlighted. The subject of the research must be present in the title of the assignment topic, for example: “Methodology and software package...”, “Software package “Web service...””. The object and subject of research in bachelor's work in the direction of "Software Engineering" cannot be automated Information Systems(AIS) and information technology (IT). Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the research The formulation of the purpose should logically follow from the justification of the relevance of the work, reflect the final desired result of the dissertation research: obtaining any theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations (development of a specific scientific direction software engineering) or\and development of an original software product. The formulation of the research goal usually begins with the words “define”, “research”, “identify”, “develop... methodology / model / tools / methods / mechanisms / methods / criteria / requirements / foundations”. The criteria for assessing the degree of achievement of goals can be such characteristics as efficiency, feasibility, practicality, and flexibility of the proposed solution. In accordance with the main goal, target research objectives are identified that answer the question “what needs to be done in order for the goal to be achieved.” The most common formulations of the 8 research objectives may be: “analyze”, “identify”, “define”, “formulate”, “research”, “develop”, “test”, “implement”. Usually there is a relationship between the formulation of problems and the titles of sections (chapters) of the dissertation. Examples of the formulation of the basic concepts used in the introduction The topic of the dissertation is Mathematical and software for decision support when promoting a software product to the market (using the example of the software “Electronic class schedule”). The object of the study is the processes of promoting “circulation” software products of small development companies in the corporate market of small and medium-sized businesses using Internet marketing tools. The subject of the research is methods, models and mechanisms for supporting decision-making in different stages developing a program to promote “circulation” software products on the corporate market using Internet marketing tools. The purpose of the study is to develop a set of models and software to support decision-making when promoting “circulation” software products in the corporate market of small and medium-sized businesses using Internet marketing tools. Research objectives that need to be solved to achieve the research goal: 1) determine the specifics marketing activities IT product companies specializing in the development and replication of their own software; 2) analyze methods and tools for promoting circulation products on the corporate market, as well as packages application programs decision support in organizing these processes; 3) develop a functional model for organizing the process of promoting a software product to the market, taking into account the specifics of using the Internet as the main communication channel; 4) develop and research models and algorithms for decision support at different stages of the process of promoting a software product in the corporate market of small and medium-sized companies using Internet marketing tools; 5) develop a software package for decision support when organizing the promotion of software to the corporate market of small and medium-sized businesses using Internet marketing tools; 6) carry out practical testing of the results obtained and implementation of the software package. Scientific novelty and theoretical significance 9 The scientific novelty of the dissertation research must be confirmed by new scientific results, which were obtained in the work (the development of a specific scientific direction of software engineering, the development of original mathematical models and/or software product). Elements of scientific novelty in relation to a master's thesis are signs, the presence of which gives the author the right to use the concept “for the first time” when characterizing the results he obtained and the research conducted as a whole. Elements of scientific novelty can be: a new original object of professional activity, that is, a system or problem considered for the first time; new production known task and/or new method her decisions; new or improved criteria, indicators characterizing the objects of professional activity, and their justification; original functional and/or mathematical models of business processes, phenomena, and new ones obtained using them experimental results; original software products and/or cloud services. The formulation of scientific novelty should begin with an introductory expression: “for the first time proven, obtained, established, defined, etc.” Then the name of the object of scientific novelty is given, showing what exactly has been created, proven, proposed, established. After the name of the object there should be connecting words that help to move on to the presentation of the essential features of this object: “consisting of ...”, “consisting in the fact that ...”, “differing in that ...”, “developing previously known ...”, etc. The following is a list of essential features of an object of scientific novelty. Possible formulations of scientific novelty 1. Theoretically justified design features original software product (indicate the name), consisting in... (explain what) and providing new functional characteristics - increasing the quality indicators of the software (explain which ones), which determine its advantages over... (indicate the advantages of the created software). 2. An original architecture of a cloud service for the provision of services is proposed..., providing... . 3. The dependence of the change in the integral risk indicator when the software project budget is exceeded on the following risk-generating factors (specify which factors) has been established, allowing... 4. For the first time, a method for synthesizing software architecture... has been proposed, providing an increase in “reliability and portability of performance...” compared to “well-known ones on the market...” 10 5. An original software has been developed..., different from famous topics, which allows ... and provides .... 6. An original technique is proposed…. Practical usefulness The practical usefulness of the research is expressed in the presence of the following results: the use of models, methods, algorithms, techniques, software products in production, a branch of science, or any field of practical activity; positive effect from the use of software, inventions and utility models; practical recommendations on the development (development) of the functionality of existing analogues; recommendations intended for IT companies engaged in similar business; proposals to improve the research methodology, development technology, and criteria for assessing the quality of the result; knowledge useful for use in educational process higher school. The practical usefulness of the results obtained in the dissertation is revealed through the indication of objects (organizations, enterprises, authorities) in which these results can be used, as well as the effects obtained from their implementation. If the results have already been implemented at a specific facility, then this should be indicated in this introduction paragraph. Reliability and validity of the results obtained Reliability and validity of the results are confirmed by the use of following techniques: application as research methods of strictly proven and correctly formulated conclusions of fundamental and applied sciences, the main provisions of which were used in the work; testing theoretical positions, new solutions and ideas by experimental research using well-known design procedures, methods for finding solutions, and mathematical modeling; theoretical proof of the correctness and effectiveness of the obtained solutions to a specific problem; comparison of experimental and test results with known experimental results of other researchers obtained on the same initial data; discussing the results at conferences and symposiums, receiving reviews from leading experts on the problems under study. 11 In addition, the presence of publications in peer-reviewed central publications, acts of implementation or testing of the results of work with assessment positive effect also indicates the reliability and validity of the research results. At the end of each section (chapter), conclusions are provided that reveal the essence and characteristics of specific results. It is advisable to present conclusions in a sequence corresponding to their importance. When formulating conclusions, it is recommended to use the following expressions: “As a result of summarizing the literature, many problems were identified, the main ones being: …”; “The above analysis (of literature, analogues, experimental results) showed that insufficient attention is paid to the issues...”; “Analysis (of indicators, criteria) ... allowed us to conclude that the greatest influence on ... is ...”; “As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that existing approaches to ... have the following disadvantages: ...”; "Usage known methods(models, algorithms, software products, tools) ... does not allow implementation ... in conditions ..."; “To implement the proposed methods (models, algorithms), a software product (tools) has been developed (selected) ... allowing ...”; “The proposed methodology allows ..., ”; “The study of the algorithm (testing of the software product) ... showed that ...”; “Testing the proposed methodology using an example... made it possible...”; “As a result of the experiment... it was revealed that...”; “It has been experimentally established that when...”; “Comparison of the quality indicators of the developed PP with analogues... (results of experiment and computational studies) allows...”; “The obtained solutions allow us to conclude that...” When writing the text of a conclusion on a research paper, it is recommended: 1) start the conclusion with opening remarks(3–5 sentences on the theoretical part of the study) and then formulate the overall result of the work; 2) summarize the main results obtained during the study; 3) connect the results presented with the set goal and objectives; 4) highlight the author’s own contribution; 5) note the elements of novelty and practical significance of the results obtained; 6) provide in brief form the results of practical testing and implementation of the results; 12 7) show the results of calculating the effectiveness of implementation of the results, if such calculations are given in the work or reflected in the implementation acts; 8) identify the main directions further development research. Examples of expressions when formulating conclusions of the conclusion “An analysis of promising... was completed (justification of relevance)”; “A functional (object-oriented) model is proposed..., allowing (about the solution method); “For the first time, problems have been set and solved...” (novelty); “The model (methodology) has been improved...”; “The results have been implemented at leading enterprises...(practical usefulness)”; “An analysis of domestic and foreign analogues was carried out...”; “A classification of existing analogues, algorithms, models is proposed...”; “An original software has been developed and protected by a copyright certificate..., which allows to significantly increase the efficiency...”; "A mathematical model has been developed... taking into account the features of...". 4.3. Language and style of presentation of the report text The report text must contain semantic completeness, integrity and coherence. The means of expressing logical connections are the following sentence structures: the sequence of thought development is indicated by the words: first, firstly, secondly, first of all, then, so, etc.; contradictory relationships are indicated by the words: however, meanwhile, while, nevertheless; cause-and-effect relationships are expressed in phrases: based on the above, therefore, therefore, thanks to this, in accordance with this, as a result of this (which), in addition, in addition; the transition from one thought to another is carried out thanks to phrases: before moving on to .., let's turn to .., consider, stop at .., at the same time it is necessary to consider; the result, the conclusion is determined by words and phrases: so; Thus; summarizing; In conclusion, we note; All of the above allows us to conclude; To sum it up, it should be said. Examples of means of organizing a coherent text are given in Appendix 2. When presenting the text of a report, it is recommended to use an impersonal monologue, when the author’s “I” recedes into the background. In this case, it is advisable to use the following constructions: indefinite personal sentences (first ..., and then ..., further); presentation from a third person (the author believes..., in the opinion of the author..., the developer of the software product proposed a complex...); 13 sentences with the passive voice (an integrated approach to research has been developed..., a calculation method has been proposed...; the results have been tested...). The qualities that determine the culture of text presentation are: semantic accuracy - the ability to correctly present research materials without distorting the meaning of what is written by the wrong choice of words (clichés, sophisticated book vocabulary, foreign words), the possibility of double interpretation of a particular phrase, and sometimes the entire text as a whole ; clarity - the ability to write in an accessible and intelligible manner, without overusing complicated names, complex speech structures, etc. ; brevity - the ability to avoid unnecessary repetition, excessive detail and verbal garbage. When listing in the text of the report any concepts, definitions, areas of activity (research, development), processes, requirements, etc. It is recommended to use complex non-union sentences, the first part of which contains words with a general meaning, and in subsequent parts the content of the first part is specified point by point. Examples of the design of enumerations are given in Appendix 3. When preparing the material stylistically, it is important to be able to present the accumulated information in the form of coherent text, using special sentence structures for this (Appendix 4). 14 Appendix 1 Structure and content of the final report on industrial practice: “Research work” Introduction: the relevance of the chosen topic of the individual task - the objective need for research, what problems the potential consumer has, how significant is the solution to this problem for him; a brief analysis of the main works in this subject area and an assessment of the current state, the need to develop research in the chosen area and their practical significance; object and subject of research; purpose and objectives of the study. 1 . Statement of the problem: analysis of the subject area and identification of existing problems; meaningful formulation of a theoretical and/or applied problem according to the scheme<пусть задано - требуется определить>2. Review and analysis of literature on existing methods and tools for solving the problem: Many works on the research topic can be divided into three groups. The works of the first group set out general methodological approaches to solving the problem under consideration, in particular......(followed by a brief description of the content of the works). The works of the second group are devoted to the development and research of specific methods (approaches, methods, algorithms, etc.) ...... (and further short description content of the work) Issues of practical use of methods (methods, algorithms, models, software products) are discussed in the works ...... (and below is a brief description of the content of the work). The analysis showed that...(selection and justification of specific methods and tools for solving the problem). 3. Development of methodology, models, methods, algorithms...solving the problem: description of design solutions using mathematical apparatus; structural, object-oriented or other approaches; scientific novelty of the proposed solutions (if any). 4. Theoretical and/or experimental studies obtained solutions: experimental conditions; initial data; results in the form of graphs, tables, etc.; scientific novelty of the research (if any). 5. Software development: requirements development, architectural and component design, program code development, test development and testing; comparative analysis assessing the quality of the developed software with known analogues. 6. Testing and implementation of the solutions obtained (recommendations for the practical use of the solutions obtained): what was implemented and where; who uses the results and how; practical significance from the implementation (use) of the results; assessment of the reliability of the results obtained; publications on the topic of individual assignments, presentations at conferences. Main results: In the process of completing an individual task, we received following results …….1..,2…,3… 16 Appendix 2 Means of organizing a coherent text Type of logical connection in the text Cause-and-effect and conditional-effect relationships between parts of information Temporal correlation of parts of information Comparison and contrast of parts of information Supplementation and clarification of this information Illustration to a text fragment, highlighting a particular case, explanation Listing order Generalization, conclusion, summary of previous information Examples of text constructions Therefore; because; thereby; as a result; hence; Consequently; whichever; thereby; due to the fact that; in this case; provided that; In the beginning, at first, first of all, in the first place, previously, at the same time, along with this, then, later, subsequently, further, subsequently, in conclusion, further; In the same way, in the same way, in the same way, in the same way, similarly; if... then, then, while, on the one hand, on the other hand; in contrast to (this), otherwise, and (still), but, however Also, at the same time, at the same time, in addition, moreover, in particular For example, so, only, only, especially, in other words, in other words , more precisely Firstly, secondly, thirdly, then, further, finally, after Thus, so, therefore, it follows from this As was (shown, proven, noted) earlier; considered, analyzed, studied, Link to the previous and studied, given, indicated, I will mention the subsequent informaty, described, given, sought, above-mentioned, above-named, above-stated; last (statement, statement, definition, ...); according to this (with this), according to this, in accordance with this, in contrast to this 17 Appendix 3 Examples of designing listings If listings consist of individual words or phrases, they can be written in a line (example 1) or using marked or numbered list (example 2). Example 1 Among quantitative scales we can distinguish scales of intervals, ratios, and absolute. Example 2 Among the quantitative scales, the following stand out: 1) interval scale, 2) ratio scale, 3) absolute scale. Among the quantitative scales, the following stand out: − − − interval scale, ratio scale, absolute scale. If enumerations consist of expanded phrases with their own punctuation marks, then parts of the enumeration are most often written on a new line and separated from each other by a semicolon (example 3). Example 3 Currently in the literature there are a variety of definitions and concepts of the market: an institution or mechanism that brings together buyers (representatives of demand) and sellers (suppliers) of goods and services [link to source]; a package of agreements through which sellers and buyers of goods and services come into contact regarding the purchase and sale of these goods or services [link to source]; very complex system relationships between producers and consumers, sellers and buyers, their economic relations, including contacts with the participation of intermediaries [link to source]. The listing can be numbered or bulleted. Numbered list is used in mandatory, if the generalizing part of the sentence contains a cardinal number (example 4): 18 Example 4 There are three levels of information presentation [link to source]: 1) 2) 3) physical; conceptual; external. In a bulleted list of enumerations, it is recommended to use a dot or an en dash as a marker, and the selected character should be the same throughout the entire work. If an enumeration contains several levels of information, then different types markers (example 5). Example 5 Distinctive features of the Japanese management model are: mandatory retirement upon reaching retirement age; payment of large monetary rewards: − upon retirement; − twice a year based on the company’s performance results; referral of a pensioner (at his request) to another company; height wages depending on work experience. All elements of the enumeration as a whole must be grammatically subordinate to the introductory (generalizing) sentence that precedes the enumeration (example 6). Example 6 Computer science includes the following disciplines: mathematical logic; combinatorics; graph theory, etc. Economic assessment natural resources used for several purposes: 1) determining the value of natural resources in monetary terms; 2) selection of optimal parameters for their operation (use); 3) assessing the economic efficiency of investments in the natural resource complex. 19 The introductory sentence (the generalizing part of the sentence) when listing should not end with the prepositions “that”, “on”, “for”, “in” and the conjunctions “as”, “at”, “to”, etc.. Incorrect! Right! The real estate complex subdivided - The real estate complex contains is merged into: the following data: address plan data; duty plan data; register of real estate objects; register of social infrastructure objects. address plan data; duty plan data; register of real estate objects; register of social infrastructure objects. 20 Appendix 4 Examples of lexico-syntactic structures recommended for writing a report 1. In the introduction (abstract, abstract) Information block Brief description of the work (abstract, abstract, introduction) In the main part Information block Text of the main part Examples The work examines (what?) ... Shown (what?)... A large place in the work is occupied by consideration of (what?)... The work gives a description of (what?)... Special attention is given to the analysis of such problems as... The work analyzes (what?)... The main attention is drawn to (what?)... Using (what?), the author sets out (what?)... It is noted, emphasized (what ?) ... The study provides, reveals, describes (what?) ... Particular attention is paid to the questions of (what?)... Shows the (creative) nature of (what?)... Justified, illuminated, defined, characterized, are indicated (what?)... 2. Examples Particular attention to the problem... is associated primarily with the development... Theoretical analysis of the literature allows us to highlight a promising direction of development... The prospect of solving this problem opens... In the problem under study... questions become central... The research program is aimed at identifying... and includes the following questions... An important point for conducting research is the provision that... Identification specific features... is the foundation on which all other aspects of the study are built... 21 Conclusions in the chapters The results of the studies... that consider... As a result of the review of primary sources, material was obtained, the analysis of which allowed..., which... To justify..., it is necessary, first of all, to find out... The presentation of these problems is given in the works... Conducted experiments and studies by other authors have shown that... The work considers the problem.... in the following formulation ... The features of the presented problem determine the following approaches to their solution: ..., ..., ... Known approaches to solving the problem posed are based on ..... The essence of the requirements comes down to ... All of the above emphasizes the need to consider the issue of ... Based on the situation , What...; It should be noted that... The work proposes... The peculiarity of the proposed approach is that... Let's consider... using an example. The results of the analysis allow us to draw the following conclusions:... Developing the assumption... that..., we can draw the following conclusion:... The foregoing allows us to conclude that... As a result, it should be emphasized that.. Along with this, it is necessary to note the following... As a result of considering this issue, it can be stated that... At the same time, it should be emphasized that... Analyzing the substantive aspect..., we can conclude about the need (expediency) .. The analysis... allows us to draw a conclusion about... Thus, we can state the unity of views of all researchers on... The study showed that... The scientific novelty of the results obtained lies in... A distinctive feature of the proposed…. is- 22... The advantages of the developed... are... 3. In Conclusion Contents of the conclusion The following results were obtained in the work... The goal set in the work is.... achieved by ..... The work carried out an analysis ... The work justified the choice ... The work developed an approach to the solution (business process model) ... The work proved (shown) that ... The work proposed a classification ... Summarizing the results individual chapters, we can conclude that... The study is based on extensive factual material ( practical experience carrying out IT projects)… … As a result of the study, material was obtained, the analysis of which allowed us to conclude that... The results obtained are based on…. The conducted research allows us to conclude that..... Analysis of the research results showed that... The contribution of the author MD is... The practical value of the results obtained is... The results of practical testing... confirm that... The results obtained can be used for... Proposed approach (method)…. may be recommended... The results obtained... seem promising for further research Appendix 5 (Sample title page) Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics" Department of Automation of Information Processing (AOI) APPROVED by Head. Department of IDF _____________Yu.P. Ekhlakov “____” _____________ 2016 Industrial practice: RESEARCH WORK TOPIC OF INDIVIDUAL TASK (written in capital letters) Final report Master student’s supervisor: Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Automated Art ____________________________ (signature, full name) "____"_______________ 201 Student (master's student) of group No. ______________________ (signature, full name) "____"__________ 201 Tomsk 2016
