Wormwood - magical properties. Slavic amulets to protect your home from the evil eye and evil

Very often, magicians use various meadow herbs in love spells. Among plants with witchcraft properties, wormwood ranks special place, as it can ward off evil and strengthen love. A love spell on wormwood has long been among the rituals actively practiced by sorcerers to help cope with unrequited feelings.

Endowed with witchcraft, wormwood grass is mentioned in ancient books about witches and sorcerers. She is always at hand when they want to bewitch, take over the heart, heal from loneliness.

Professionals in the field of magic recommend collecting wormwood for love spells before the sun appears in the sky and the moon is in its waxing phase. When plucking witchcraft grass in a meadow or field, they say the following charming words:

“...I pick wormwood to gain strength...”

For love spells on wormwood, you can use the plant either dried or freshly picked. Witch grass is dried in the sun where its direct rays fall.

Wormwood can drive away evil forces from you and strengthen the effect of love spells. When performing a love spell on wormwood yourself, you should not forget about the need to protect yourself and your home, however, a ransom to carry out a ritual with witchcraft grass is not required.

The magical effect of wormwood

In modern love spells, wormwood is used less often than in old ones good times. But if they take it as an attribute to perform a love ritual, then they do it according to certain rules.

  • Wormwood grass is used in love spells in the form of smoking. This limitation is due to the fact that the witch plant is considered very a powerful tool Due to its strength, it can be used internally only in fairly small doses, so love spells with a lining when using wormwood are not carried out or are performed, but with extreme caution, so as not to harm the health of your loved one.
  • When casting love spells on wormwood in the form of spells for drinks, you need to remember that the witchcraft herb aqueous solutions loses some of its magical properties, which may affect the results of the ritual.
  • Wormwood knows how to establish contact between man and nature, ensuring harmonious relationships, but with strong concentration it causes the ability to discern the inhabitants of the subtle world. This is another reason why grass is rarely used. Professional magicians who speak on a first-name basis with the other world are not afraid to use it for help.

Witchcraft herb is good for getting rid of evil spirits coming from the water. Mermaids do not favor wormwood, so to protect against their spell, the grass is hung inside, and near houses it is burned on fires.

Short-lived wormwood love spell

For a quick-acting but short-lasting (less than three months) love spell on wormwood, prepare the following items:

  • paper sheet,
  • saucer,
  • wax candle,
  • writing stationery,
  • wormwood grass,
  • a photograph of your chosen one.

How to remove a love spell yourself / Remove the consequences of an energy strike

Love spell with Alena Polyn / Conference review

Use a lit candle to smoke wormwood. Mentally imagining the image of your loved one, outline it in detail on a piece of paper appearance, including name, number of years, height. Fold a piece of paper twice, insert a photograph of your chosen one into it and place it on a plate.

Having imagined your lover before your eyes, placing a saucer with a photograph and paper on right hand, make seven turns clockwise with your left hand. Returning the saucer to the table, light its contents from the candle flame. After waiting until everything burns down to ashes, place the saucer again on your right palm and with your left hand make seven more clockwise rotations, also clearly imagining the image of your lover in front of you and pronouncing the desire to be close.

Blow the ashes from the saucer into open window: if a stream of wind brought it back to your face, then the love spell was unsuccessful, it can be performed again in a couple of days. If the wind picks up the ashes and carries them away, wait for your loved one to come to you.

Love spell with wormwood for twelve nights

This love spell for wormwood is tied to the number 12:

  • it takes place over twelve nights in a row,
  • repeated once a month for twelve months in a row,
  • valid for twelve years.

On the day of the planned love spell, you can only leave bread, vegetables and fruits in your diet; everything else will have to be excluded for a day. For a love spell, prepare 12 new candles, wormwood grass, and a bottle in advance alcoholic drink, 12 handfuls of grain, a clay pot, a personal item of your chosen one or his photograph.

When night falls, about 12 candles are placed on the table and the chosen one’s thing or his photograph is placed in front of them. With candles lit, imagine the eyes of your lover or fix your gaze on his eyes in a photograph and read love words that are easy to find in practical advice professional magicians. They begin with the words:

“on the sea-ocean...”

After reading half of the plot, they light a bunch of wormwood grass and the smoke passes through the entire house and a photograph or personal item. Then they continue to read the love spell on wormwood. At the end, photographs of the chosen one or an item belonging to him are placed in a clay container along with the remains of wormwood, sprinkled with grain cereals on top and the container is closed with a lid. With all the contents, taking the wine with them, they head to the center of the intersection, where they scatter grains and wormwood ash on all four sides. Only a photograph or personal item should remain in the pot. They splash wine in four directions and return home without looking back, hiding the clay pot from prying eyes upon arrival.

Love spell with wormwood on the grave

They do it on the waxing moon. Arriving at the churchyard, you need to find a grave with a name like the person you want to bewitch. To the chosen grave you need to bring a photograph of your chosen one or his personal item, as well as a bunch of wormwood tied with a red thread:

“..wormwood, cling not to mine, but to the body and soul of (name), be his body, his soul...”.

Three aspen splinters are set on fire at the grave, allowing them to burn well. Having extinguished the splinters, you need to fumigate with their smoke a thing or a photograph, as well as a bunch of wormwood:

“... in this grave the deceased lies, named..., knew people’s desires, there was love in the midst of those desires, and it still burns, neither day nor night does it fade. This love will go from the chest of the deceased (name) to the heart of the living (name) will come, through the person of the same name. Just as you never rise from the grave, so (name)’s heart will never stop burning with love for me.”

Aspen splinters are thrown onto the grave, and the love spell is read twice more, after which the splinters are stuck into the ground:

“three from aspen and one love... (object name).”

A bunch of wormwood, a personal item or a photograph should be hidden at home.

Wormwood, Chernobyl, Artemisia.
The Latin name for wormwood - Artemisia - the herb of health - was given in honor of Artemis - the goddess of the hunt, the Moon, fertility, childbirth and healing. There is a legend according to which Artemis, being the patroness of women in labor, was the first to use wormwood as a birth aid. Wormwood is one of those mysterious herbs, mentions of which can also be found among papyri Ancient Egypt(1550 BC), it was known in Ancient Greece, China, the priests of Isis, the goddess of fertility and motherhood, wore wreaths of wormwood on their heads. About her beneficial properties the ancient Greeks, Arabs and Chinese knew. “Since ancient times, wormwood has been used to treat malaria. Treatment methods are described in detail by many ancient medical scientists. Hippocrates in the 3rd century BC. and Ibn Sina (Avicena) in the 10th century AD. , in Slavic literature wormwood, as a medicine for malaria, is mentioned in the 12th century. in the “Word of Daniel the Sharper” and in Russian chronicles of the 14th century. , in the book "Blagokohladny Vetrograd" in 1616..., in a dictionary published in 1792

Russian Academy, all these sources mention wormwood. The most vividly wonderful properties of wormwood are described in Taoist Chinese mythology, according to which a version of the Taoist paradise is the island of immortals - Penglai. On this island those who eat wonderful plants with a wonderful aroma, they become immortal. Interestingly, Penglai is a real area on the Shandong Peninsula in China, where the Lai people lived, and “pen” translated means wormwood - artemisia.
Bukovinian herbalists revered it as “the grass above the grasses.” Obviously, such a high status is due to the magical properties that the plant was endowed with. Descriptions of the healing properties of wormwood are found in ancient monuments writing. Russian name“wormwood” comes from the Slavic “flight” - to burn, the reason for this name is the specific smell of the plant, giving off a burning sensation and an acrid, bitter taste that causes a real fire in the mouth. There is also a version that wormwood probably got its name from the characteristic color of the plant. Let's consider what magical properties this plant, so inconspicuous in appearance, has. Wormwood has been used since ancient times as amulets against dark forces. Wormwood was added to potions that protected against witchcraft and lightning, and was used in medicinal potions - against fever, tuberculosis and weakening eyesight.
In Prussia, Bavaria and other Germanic lands, wormwood was used for the same purposes as rowan in Scotland - that is, to protect against witches. Prussian farmers stacked stacks of this grass at the entrances and around meadows where cows grazed to protect the animals and their milk from witches.
Wormwood can also be used in the ritual of removal certain type damage: if you find a lining (a nail from a coffin lid, grave soil, etc.) at your door, carefully fold the find without touching it into a plastic bag, take it to the cemetery and bury it in the center of the cemetery, try not to disturb other people’s graves. . At the same time, read the spell three times: “These things belong here! Owner of the cemetery, I respectfully ask you to take this lining from me and protect me from such things. Peace and quiet to your graveyard.” After the cemetery spring water or sprinkle with holy water the place where the objects were found, preferably fumigated with juniper, St. John's wort or wormwood. Then wash your hands thoroughly with running water, take a shower and pour a bucket of cold water over yourself.
In the past, among the Slavs, wormwood took pride of place on the shelves of herbalists. Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature.
* wormwood drives away evil spirits
* protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes
* wormwood leaves are placed around magic mirror or under it for successful work
* Wormwood oil is used to consecrate crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other divination instruments, especially those made of silver
* Wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and the magic mirror, so magicians use an infusion of the plant to wash them. Prepare a not very strong infusion. Gently wipe the mirror with a clean rag using a circular, rotating motion. Adherents of various faiths - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can say a daily mantra or prayer.
* Chernobyl attracts the power of the Moon to the magic glass and helps it to be more fully realized.
* promotes fertility.
They wove wreaths from it on their heads, and also girded themselves with it in order to protect themselves for a whole year from evil spirits, witchcraft and disease. They said that sometimes it was enough to say the name of this plant to stop the effect of witchcraft.
In the fight against the forces of evil, wormwood is hardly inferior to St. John's wort; its smell can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house, which is why it is most often used in the form of incense.
However, be careful! With strong concentrations of wormwood smoke, people may experience hallucinations. Absolutely safe method The use of wormwood is to hang it in the house in the form of bunches. Its smell itself will drive away evil spirits from the house. The properties of wormwood increase on the waning moon. To protect against evil spirits, only top part- apical non-woody parts of the shoots, the whole plant is not used, dried leaves are needed for fumigation. An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).
Personally, I use it in my work like this: I buy dry wormwood in a box at the pharmacy - just put a teaspoon to a tablespoon on a clean, hot frying pan and when white smoke starts coming out, we start working. if it’s “not good” in the house, it’s enough to just smoke it; if it’s very “bad”, we do this: we stand with our backs to front door and with the strongest negativity, we go counterclockwise with a smoking frying pan in our hand, fumigating all the corners. do not forget to warn the brownie that you will be cleaning the house and ask him to hide during the cleaning. Sometimes the ceremony goes smoothly, there are knocks and cracks, slamming doors, don’t pay attention - you have wormwood smoking in your hand and you are protected. optionally, read prayers, cleansing spells or mantras, whatever you think will help you. Finish the cleansing right there at the door. if the house is private, throw the ashes over the threshold onto the ground. if it’s an apartment - from the balcony, or rinse it off in the sink with water, it doesn’t matter. then hang one panicle of wormwood at the door, one at the head and one at the foot of the bed, sofa under the mattress. all is clear! if before that you also washed the floors with salt - there is no price for you)))))))) now you are cleaning yourself and ventilating the house.

It seems like you are carefully tearing the very tops, but still a bitter taste remains on your lips. Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature.

And with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can even begin to see beings of the subtle world.

Is this why almost no one uses this wonderful and powerful plant in their work now?

Wormwood today is used only by sorcerers who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, and shamans have used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

Wormwood drives away evil spirits, protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes, and promotes fertility.

In ancient times, priestesses of the goddess of fertility and motherhood, Isis, wore wreaths made of wormwood, and decorated the temple with its branches.

In many religions, the fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used during religious activities.

The magical properties of wormwood

Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet. They say, for example, that when a mermaid meets a person, she always asks him: “Wormwood or parsley?” If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, with the words: “You are my darling,” will drag him away with her. If he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “You yourself, perish!”

Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood.

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affects the energy of the whole body.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of incense.

An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala.

They used them to guess about future fate A secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it.

Very bad omen It was believed that if such a wreath fell or was torn, this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase during the waning moon.

There was even a special day when wormwood could be collected for these purposes.

We did this at the end of August on Assumption.

Wormwood collected at this time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes it could be harvested throughout the summer.

To protect your home

A bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse from all evil; burning wormwood will drive away evil forces and protect the house from evil spirits and elves.

In China, for this purpose, the plant is hung above the door; burning wormwood or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning and will protect the children in the house.

Wormwood amulets will protect lovers from all troubles during trips and will contribute to a safe return.

For health and healing to gain strength during a long walk or jog, put wormwood leaves in your shoes; a pillow stuffed with wormwood will make the person sleeping on it feel prophetic dreams.

Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case you will not be poisoned, you will not be attacked by wild animals, you will not get sunstroke.

Wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases, and from insanity.

They wear it to arouse passion and enhance potency.

For home magic The plant is used in predictions; for this purpose, an infusion of wormwood with honey is prepared and drunk before predictions.

Chernobyl wormwood is burned together with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening psychic powers; for successful work, wormwood leaves are placed around or under a magic mirror.

In Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to conjure spirits of illness; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of smell.

Candles with wormwood - Rolled wax candle "Wormwood wind".

With wormwood herb.

Our beeswax herbal candles are made entirely by hand. Rolled wax candles are extremely beautiful, and they also retain the warmth of the loving hands that made them.

These candles combine the cleansing effect of living fire and the healing aromatherapy effect of natural wax and herbs. Beeswax- a completely natural, environmentally friendly healing substance. Wax releases health benefits when burned negative ions, and also has a warm, pleasant natural honey aroma.


In Rus' they believed that wormwood smoke kills a wide variety of infections. Therefore, during epidemics, living quarters were fumigated with wormwood smoke, and the premises were swept with a wormwood broom. If after working day my lower back hurt, a bouquet of wormwood was thrown into the fire. IN folk medicine wormwood is used to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. Ancient doctors attributed bitter wormwood miraculous power, calling “the mother of numerous herbs.” For many peoples, wormwood was a talisman against the machinations of evil spirits.

Thus, burning a magical wax candle “Wormwood Wind” with bitter wormwood has a cleansing effect on both the air in the room and the energy situation.

A rolled wax candle with the addition of wormwood is also recommended for use during the treatment period thyroid gland. Burning this candle optimizes connection with your inner self. Used in cleansing and protective rituals.

Mode of application:

To normalize the thyroid gland - light a candle during the day in the room where you are for 5 days in a row - with the intention of helping the body. Then take a break for 7 days. Repeat such cycles for 3 months.
As a ritual cleansing candle - in a cheerful state of Spirit, with a lit candle, walk around the entire room clockwise. Leave the candle to burn out.
The burning time of the candle is from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the severity of the problem, burning conditions, density of the candle and the type of plant material used.
The cinder and beeswax remaining after the candle burns can be used for fortune telling and for analyzing the situation existing in your life...
If the cinder is not planned to be used, dispose of it in the usual way in the trash.

Precautionary measures:

Do not leave a burning candle unattended!
Remember that candles with herbs burn especially strongly because... Not only the wick, but also particles of dried plants ignite in them. It is possible for burning plant particles, along with drips, to flow onto the table surface, so it is advisable to place wax herbal candles on a wide tray.

Fumigation plot:

Wormwood is a grass taken from the ground, rich in bitter spirit!
The grass smokes smoky,
Cleanse me greatly!
Take care of us - drive away the evil spirits, into dense forests and into empty places.
Read at least three times.

SAGEBRUSH(Artemisia) - (giving health). Regarding the origin of the ancestral Latin name there is no consensus. Most believe that it comes from the Greek “artemes” - healthy, since at all times and among all peoples it was considered an elixir of health. According to another version, the plant was given the name of Artemisia, the wife of King Mausolus, who was cured by this plant, according to the third - the name of Artemis, the patroness of women in childbirth (wormwood was previously used to treat some female diseases).

The Russian name "wormwood" comes from the Slavic "flight" - to burn, due to the very bitter taste that makes the mouth burn. There is also a version that wormwood probably got its name - pelyn - because of its characteristic grayish-dusty color.

In the Bible, wormwood is a symbol of God’s judgment for apostasy and disobedience; symbolizes the bitterness of punishment for human sins and vices. U eastern peoples wormwood is a symbol of the homeland and the memory of ancestors. IN ancient Rus'- a symbol of widowhood and sadness, the personification of unhappy love, the bitterness of loss and resentment.

The people gave it expressive names: wormwood, wormwood, bitterness, wild pepper, widow's grass, God's tree, St. John's grass, Chernobyl, absinthe, vermouth, white brooms, emshan (or evshan), etc. I would like to talk about some of the popular names of wormwood more details.

In the Middle Ages, wormwood was associated with John the Baptist because it begins to bloom at the end of June (Nativity of John the Baptist according to the old style - June 24). And yet - according to legend, he wore a belt made from its stems when he lived in the desert. In addition, on the eve of St. John's Day (Ivan Kupala), wreaths woven from wormwood were worn as protection from evil forces, and they were burned in traditional bonfires celebrating the summer solstice.

A beautiful bush as tall as a person called “God’s tree” is familiar to many. However, not everyone knows that this is wormwood or shrub wormwood (lat. Artemisia abrotanum). In ancient times, among the Slavic peoples, the tree of God played an important role as a magical and cult tree. The specific name comes from the Greek word “abrotos”, which means divine, immortal - this plant was so highly valued. This is also what he says Russian name, and the name “God's tree” is given to the plant only in Russia and in Slavic countries.

In Western Europe, this type of wormwood is considered one of the symbols of love. Its popular names are “young lover”, “kiss me quickly”, “maiden ruin”. Unfortunately, in numerous sites the name “God’s tree” is separated by a comma next to the above, without any explanation, although a clear semantic discrepancy is obvious here.

It is generally accepted that the wonderful herb Evshan, the smell of which returns a person’s memory, is wormwood. This is written in numerous commentaries to the chronicles. However, in fact, it can be any steppe herb with a characteristic strong aroma (thyme is often also called this). The legend of Polovtsian origin about a bunch of wormwood, which did not allow one to forget about the homeland, was told on the pages of the Volyn Chronicle of the 13th century. But only after it was translated into poetry by Apollon Maykov, it became widely known and was then often retold by many authors.

This was in distant, distant times. One morning, an army of Polovtsians led by two khans - brothers, Otrok and Syrchan, was defeated by Russian soldiers led by Vladimir Monomakh. Syrchan went deep into the steppes, and Otrok moved to the Caucasus. Time passed, and the strength of the steppe horde grew stronger. Syrchan began to call his brother Otrok to him. More than once he invited him to return to his native land, but he was already accustomed to a foreign land, and neither the legends nor the songs of his ancestors fascinated him. Then Syrchan ordered a bunch of wormwood to be brought from the steppe and sent it to his brother. Inhaling the smell of dry wormwood, the fugitive could not resist the powerful call of his homeland and ordered the horses to be saddled.

Wormwood was named Chernobyl because of its blackish stem (blade of grass). People consider it the herb of oblivion; in Ukraine they call it “zabudki.” In Vinnytsia, an interesting legend is recorded about the origin of this name. One day, a Chumak and a worker stopped for the night in a field and lit a fire to cook food.

Chumak stepped aside and whistled. Immediately a huge flock of snakes crawled towards him from all sides. He collected them in a cauldron and began to cook. When the water boiled, he poured it onto the ground and replaced it with new water. Only in the third water did the Chumak put millet. He ate porridge, but did not give it to the worker. He ordered him to wash the pot and spoon, telling him not to try the snake porridge under any circumstances. But he did not listen to the owner, scraped a full spoon at the bottom and ate it. Immediately he heard the herbs talking to each other about which of them helped with which disease, and heard the oxen talking to each other. He laughed with joy and the owner realized that he had not obeyed his prohibition. Then he invited the worker to eat a peeled Chernobyl stem. As soon as he ate it, he instantly not only ceased to understand the language of herbs and animals, but also forgot what they had talked about earlier. Since then, Chernobyl has been called forget-me-not in Ukraine.

Similar legends existed among other peoples. An old Russian fairy tale tells about a young man who was captured by Crimean Tatars. One day he saw his master cooking a snake. He changed the boiling water seven times, pouring it onto the ground. In that place the grass turned black and turned into Chernobyl grass. The young man tasted snake porridge and acquired the ability to understand the language of animals and herbs. He went to the stable and began to ask the horses to carry him to freedom. One horse agreed to save the young man. He sat on it and sped away. The owner set off in pursuit, but seeing that he would not be able to catch up with the fugitive, he shouted after him: “Listen, Ivan! When you get home, brew Chernobyl roots and drink - you’ll know even more than you do now!” The young man believed and did as the Tatar said. And then he lost his magical gift.

According to Ph.D. V. Artamonov, it was the Chernobyl plant that became among the people the personification of the grass of oblivion because common wormwood often grows luxuriantly on forgotten, unkempt graves. There are many types of wormwood. I will name just one more - aromatic wormwood, well-known and widely used in cooking, tarragon, or tarragon. Whatever the type of wormwood, people have always valued it very highly: and for healing properties and for, as our ancestors believed, its magical, magical power. In folk mythology, she is called the mother of all herbs and is considered one of the most powerful amulets.

In ancient beliefs and rituals, wormwood played a very noticeable role. They believed that she protected against witches, witchcraft and the evil eye. For this purpose, wormwood was specially prepared, observing a strict ritual. They picked it only on the Dormition, August 28, and it was possible to tear it only with the left hand, until the first roosters, i.e. - until midnight. The collected grass was tied into bundles, blessed in the church, dried and stored until needed.

In the old days, in many countries there was a belief: if you wear a wormwood sash or put it in your shoes while traveling, you will not get tired when walking. And if, on the eve of Midsummer, you dig up the ground at the root of wormwood and find a coal there, then you need to carry it with you, because it has amazing healing properties. It will protect against epilepsy, plague, abscesses, lightning, quartana (four-day malaria) and burns, and back pain during the field harvest. It was also useful to always carry with you just a sprig of wormwood: in this case, you would not be poisoned, be attacked by wild animals, or get sunstroke. In Russia and Ukraine, wormwood and similar herbs were scattered around the house, placed on windows, thresholds, under the eaves of houses in order to protect themselves from mermaids who could “cloud a person’s mind” and drive him crazy.

On the eve of Midsummer's Day, people made wreaths from wormwood and put them on their heads in the hope that their heads and eyes would not hurt during the year. They also believed that the same effect could be achieved by looking through a bunch of wormwood at the flames of the Kupala bonfire. A secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this indicated that evil witchcraft had been sent to the family. Wormwood was also considered a love potion. As soon as the chosen one was whipped with wormwood during the games, he no longer paid attention to others.

Most often, wormwood was used during Trinity week - it was also called mermaid. At this time, they tried not to go into gardens and forests, so as not to irritate any evil spirits. If necessary, they took with them the wormwood that was scattered around the hut and under the table on Trinity Sunday. Wormwood, when protecting against mermaids, was considered a remedy equivalent to the sacred willow, as well as incense. If it was necessary to spend the night in the open air on Trinity Sunday, then it was placed under the head. If they happened to swim, they threw them into the water. To protect themselves from mavoks and similar mythological characters of Slavic folklore, girls wore wormwood in their bosoms, armpits, and wove it into their braids. And if you hit a mermaid with a sprig of wormwood on Kupala, then, according to legend, it will serve you all year.

They believed that mermaids attacked inexperienced girls and boys in forests and fields who did not have wormwood with them. When a mermaid meets a person, she always asks: “Wormwood or parsley?”

If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, saying: “You’re my darling,” will drag him away with her and tickle him to death. If he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “Come on, you, perish!” Moreover, in this case, either the wormwood itself or simply its name, spoken out loud, could serve as a talisman in this case. There was a spell: “Fuck and wormwood, spit and leave!”

In mermaid week, wreaths made of wormwood were worn as a talisman not only by women, but also by men; they were even put on livestock, protecting them from evil forces. According to legends, witches took milk from cows. The udders were washed with a decoction of wormwood, collected on Midsummer's Day, so that they would produce more milk. For cleansing from evil spirits and witchcraft at Christmas or New Year houses and stables were fumigated with it, and sheaves of bread were placed against mice using wormwood collected in July and dried.

Since ancient times, since pagan times, wormwood has accompanied a person from the cradle to the grave. In Ukraine, when a child was weaned, the breast was smeared with wormwood, since it was believed that a child who took the breast again would have evil eyes all his life. Children wore wormwood in their belts or on their chests, tying it to the fastener of their shirts to ward off the evil eye and evil spirits. In Western Ukraine there was a custom of putting wormwood in the coffin to delay decomposition. A branch of wormwood was placed in the hands of the deceased so that he could ward off the flames of hell. According to other beliefs,

The dead were given wormwood to ward off the devil when their soul flies away from their body.

Ancient beliefs and legends are still alive. Thus, astronauts traditionally take with them a sprig of wormwood - it retains its aroma longer than any herb, reminiscent of the Earth.

tagPlaceholder And the weeping grass and the mare's mane,
and he forgot the color of red poppies.

Then they quickly sent him a messenger
a bunch of wormwood and gray.
And he remembered how the grass sang,
how the wind cried in the steppe feather grass.

And he remembered the bitter smell of his homeland.
And he himself began to cry and returned to the steppe.
Gray grasses are like sea waves,
Here one is destined to live and die.

  • #2

    Tatiana, thank you very much, what wonderful poems.

  • It seems like you are carefully tearing the very tops, but still a bitter taste remains on your lips. Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature.

    And with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can even begin to see beings of the subtle world. Is this why almost no one uses this wonderful and powerful plant in their work now? Wormwood today is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts. Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, and shamans have used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets. Wormwood drives away evil spirits, protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes, and promotes fertility. In ancient times, priestesses of the goddess of fertility and motherhood, Isis, wore wreaths made of wormwood, and decorated the temple with its branches. In many religions, the fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used during religious activities.

    The magical properties of wormwood.
    Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet. They say, for example, that when a mermaid meets a person, she always asks him: “Wormwood or parsley?” If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, with the words: “You are my darling,” will drag him away with her. If he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “You yourself, perish!” Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood. Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affects the energy of the whole body. Wormwood is most often used in the form of incense.

    An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway). The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present. Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess about the future fate. The secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it.

    It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family. The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase during the waning moon. There was even a special day when wormwood could be collected for these purposes. We did this at the end of August on Assumption. Wormwood collected at this time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes it could be harvested throughout the summer.

    To protect your home.
    A bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse from all evil; burning wormwood will drive away evil forces and protect the house from evil spirits and elves. In China, for this purpose, the plant is hung above the door; burning wormwood or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning; will protect children in the house; amulets made from wormwood will protect lovers from all troubles during trips and will contribute to a safe return
    For health and healing to gain strength during a long walk or jog, put wormwood leaves in your shoes; a pillow filled with wormwood will cause prophetic dreams in the person sleeping on it. Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case you will not be poisoned by attack by wild animals, do not get sunstroke, wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases from insanity; it is worn to arouse passion and increase potency.

    For home magic, the plant is used in predictions; for this, an infusion of wormwood with honey is prepared and drunk before predictions; wormwood-chernobyl is burned along with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening psychic powers; for successful work, wormwood leaves are placed around a magic mirror or under it; in Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to conjure spirits of illness; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of smell.
