What stone should Pisces wear? Which stones are suitable for Pisces women and men?

Pisces sometimes become a mystery to themselves, not to mention those around them. These are sociable people, always friendly, with whom many are friends. Pisces are capable of compassion, they show deep understanding of others. And at the same time, they cannot always understand themselves. A zodiac sign full of contradictions.

Pisces do not have a specific life direction in terms of growth, however, they have developed Creative skills. Fame and money are not priorities for Pisces, but they will not give them up on occasion. Interesting feature Pisces is that they love good clothes and accessories. Therefore, in order not to harm themselves in the energetic aspect, Pisces must choose suitable stones.

Which stone is suitable for Pisces women?

Pearl agate

Wearing the right stones will make Pisces women more confident and persistent. Gems normalize the emotional background and enhance her sexuality. True, not any stone is suitable for a Pisces girl; besides, each mineral helps solve its own problems.

Cacholong (Pearl Agate). Not every gem can understand and accept a Pisces woman, but only rare and mysterious ones, like herself, which is cacholong. It attracts love, happiness and prosperity. Jewelry with this mineral is suitable for a lady of any age, both a very young girl and an old lady. The stone makes a woman more self-confident and trusting.

Aquamarine. I recommend wearing jewelry with aquamarine to women whose horoscope is Pisces to increase courage, self-confidence, and relaxedness. The gem keeps you calm, normalizes your state of mind, and gives you additional strength to achieve your goal.

Moon rock. This stone reveals tenderness and femininity in the Pisces woman. Jewelry with moonstone gives her an attractive, soft, sophisticated nature. If the gem was given by a loved one, it becomes a talisman for the existing relationship.

Which stone is suitable for Pisces Men?

Aquamarine. Most Pisces men have a limited inner world, which becomes the main reason for difficulty communicating with others. Aquamarine jewelry stimulates a person to self-development. When worn regularly, intuition is enhanced and interest in new knowledge is awakened. Aquamarine protects against unnecessary intrigue and prevents the soul from becoming callous.

Amethyst stone

Amethyst. This is a powerful incentive-talisman that allows the Pisces man to believe in his own strength. The presence of amethyst increases energy levels and helps restore the body. A Pisces man who has an amethyst talisman will be able to really assess his strengths and capabilities and will become a harmonious person. Wearing this gem will open the world deeper and allow you to understand yourself.

Pearl. It's rare to see a man wearing pearls. But to lift your spirit and give yourself confidence, just one pearl bead is enough. This powerful talisman, attracting financial well-being, success in business. The stone awakens in a man the desire to show care for others.

Stones talismans for Pisces according to the horoscope

The main purpose of talisman stones is to give their owner strength and energy. What gems should people born under the sign of Pisces choose?

Opal. An opal amulet helps to establish family relationships, makes Pisces happy. This is the most effective amulet stone for Pisces, which protects against envious and unkind people. Constantly wearing opal jewelry gives vitality, makes a person more resilient and morally balanced. The positive influence of the stone enhances the creative potential of Pisces, helps to think rationally and logically.

Jet. This is another gem that is recommended to be worn by people born under the sign of Pisces. The talisman takes away people with evil thoughts from its owner, protects against envy and the evil eye. The stone gives strength, so Pisces overcomes difficulties more easily. The owner of jet becomes prudent and wise.

Heliodor. A gem that gives joy, optimism and hope. Pisces who wear heliodor constantly are always in a good mood, they rarely experience depression or bouts of melancholy. The gem reveals the talents of Pisces, increases a person’s self-esteem, and also stimulates growth in social status. This is very important because most representatives of this zodiac sign are nervous about every little thing and panic.

Moon rock. A stone that soothes, comforts and gives good mood. Pisces wearing moonstone cope with stress quickly and dream good dreams.

Aquamarine stone

Aquamarine. It smooths out the shortcomings of Pisces, awakens feelings self-esteem. Pisces with an aquamarine amulet are more courageous, they take care of themselves and are fair to others. With this stone, Pisces will learn to rationally help others and not waste energy on people who do not deserve it.

Jasper. The stone gives its owner a desire to learn. People who have a Pisces horoscope and wear jewelry with this stone begin to look at things more realistically.

Coral. A talisman with coral helps you to be more confident in your abilities and make the right decision. IN difficult situation Pisces gathers their thoughts, uses logic and always uses intuition. Coral makes people mentally balanced. As a talisman, coral protects against damage and improves financial condition and attracts love. The owner of such a talisman is always at the center of interesting events.

Hematite. A stone for brave Pisces who are not afraid to go against the usual way of life. As an additional source of energy, hematite makes a person more resilient, but at the same time, it only makes promises that it can actually fulfill.

What stones are contraindicated for Pisces?

Pisces should beware of the stones that Virgos wear. There is no need to use jewelry with obsidian, sardonyx, onyx, jasper, olivine, lapis lazuli or yellow topaz.

Jade stone

Red or dark colored stones can cause depression in Pisces. You should also beware of jewelry with jade. Pisces are weak sign, and jade “forces” people to be fanatical workaholics. Because of jade, Pisces finds it difficult to communicate with other people, so they often remain completely alone. This gem takes away Pisces’ self-confidence, so even a minor failure will make you give up.

Pisces birthstones by date of birth

Pisces, born in the first decade of the reign of this zodiac sign (02/21-03/01), are by nature romantics and dreamers. So that Pisces does not get lost in fantasy and gets closer to real life, it is recommended to wear jewelry with strong gems, which include aventurine, blood jasper, moonstone, tiger's eye or amethyst.

Those born Pisces in the period 02.03-11.03 are characterized as honest people, always open to others. However, being sensitive natures, these Pisces want their deeds to be realistically assessed. Prosperity and success will be experienced by Pisces who wear accessories made of pearls, corals, hair, opal or heliotrope.

Completely different gems will be useful for Pisces born 03/12-20/03. These are cheerful people who love communication, but sometimes show a little capriciousness. They try to achieve many benefits on their own. For jewelry, these Pisces should choose diamonds, alexandrite; an accessory with tourmaline, aquamarine, peridot, sapphire or emerald would be a good helper.

To accurately determine which stone is suitable for Pisces, you need to know the date of birth of the sign’s representative.

Astrological decades and stone selection

  1. Pisces related by date of birth ( February 19th - March 1st) by the first decade of the sign, are under the protection of Saturn. They like to play capriciously and dream, and are not afraid of change, including in personal life. Suitable stones for them are carnelian, aventurine, blood jasper, moonstone, amethyst and tiger's eye.
  2. Those who are in the second decade by date of birth ( 2nd - 11th March), feel the influence of Jupiter. They strive for fame and recognition, and are very sensitive to deception. Suitable Pisces stones for this period are heliotrope, opal, pearl, coral and hairstone.
  3. Pisces of the third decade by date of birth ( 12th - 20th March) are exposed to Mars. They love to move in society and are always ready to provide a service to their neighbor. Astrologers say that the sign reacts positively to the following minerals: alexandrite, emerald, chrysolite, aquamarine, sapphire, diamond and tourmaline.

Precious amulets for Pisces

For those who belong to the astrological sign of Pisces by date of birth, aquamarine is very suitable. A talisman with this stone corresponds to the calm, thoughtful energy of the representatives of this sign. Aquamarine helps its owner control emotions and restrain excessive manifestations of altruism characteristic of Pisces. The gem makes the sign bolder and more persistent in achieving its goals.

Aquamarine teaches Pisces, according to their zodiac sign, to react more calmly in stressful situations and not to worry about trifles. This Pisces stone prevents its owner from flying too high in the clouds, helps to complete started projects and embody ideas. It is better for Pisces to wear aquamarine during the day, then it will fill them with energy and strength.

Pisces' gemstones should give them energy and protect them from external negativity. Astrologers believe that sapphire will do this best. This is a stone of altruists and honest people, to whom this sign belongs. Sapphire protects its owner from diseases and nervous shocks. A talisman with a mineral teaches Pisces, according to their zodiac sign, to take care not only of others, but also of themselves.

According to the horoscope, Pisces obeys the element of water, so pearls suit them. The sign is very sensitive to public opinion, censure and criticism. Pearls as a talisman protect against evil words, betrayal and betrayal. It brings joy and happiness into the life of its owner. White pearls fight illness and fatigue. Decorating with it helps this horoscope sign to relax and escape from business.

Pisces often cannot relax because their thoughts are constantly busy with something. Golden topaz helps to “clear” your head, distract yourself and calm down. The straw-colored mineral brings good luck in all endeavors and does not allow you to give up in case of failure.

Blue topaz reduces the effects of stressful situations, gives enlightenment and protects against diseases.

The Pisces sign often becomes a victim of deceivers both in business matters and in personal life. Topaz helps them not to be disappointed in people, not to succumb to the tricks of provocateurs and scammers. Blue topaz develops intuition and logical thinking.

Stones for female Pisces

The sign is very “feminine”, so everything characteristics are most clearly manifested in women of this zodiac sign. Beautiful representatives of Pisces sacrifice their time and health for the sake of their loved ones. Topaz blue helps a woman recover psychologically and physically. A talisman with this gem takes care of the health of its owner. In addition, topaz allows a woman to preserve her beauty and youth for a long time.

For an unmarried Pisces woman, pearls are very suitable as a talisman. It attracts the attention of men to its owner and gives her confidence in his irresistibility. Pearls tell a woman when she needs to pay special attention to her health.

A talisman with an amethyst suits the Pisces woman's zodiac sign. This gemstone preserves marital love and brings constancy in relationships. Amethyst makes a woman more sociable and open. The mineral helps to find true friends and associates. Decoration with amethyst protects against lies, pretense and envy.

Choosing a talisman for a man

The sign of Pisces makes its male representatives somewhat soft and confused in difficult situations. Golden sapphire helps its owner build a career, teaches him to defend his own opinion. A talisman with this gem protects the sign from ill-wishers, enemies and envious people. Astrologers believe that sapphire is capable of fulfilling the cherished desires of its owner.

Aquamarine is suitable for Pisces men who occupy high positions. A talisman with this stone makes them confident, protects them from dishonest partners and dangerous deals. Aquamarine teaches you to defend your opinion and helps in the fight for justice.

For a Pisces man, a talisman with peridot. This stone helps to achieve success in the professional field. The mineral is useful for men's health and improves sleep quality. Peridot teaches patience, wisdom and improves oratory skills. The gem gives courage, eliminates doubts and warns against making wrong decisions.

Which stones are best to avoid?

Many astrologers do not advise wearing blue topaz often. family Pisces Zodiac sign. He can plant unnecessary doubts in their hearts about the fidelity of their spouse.

It is not advisable for Pisces zodiac sign to wear jade. The stone is capable of turning an already hardworking representative of the sign into a person obsessed with work. Jade can make you feel depressed and make you lose faith in your abilities. When choosing a stone for Pisces, you should not categorically refuse powerful gems. They can be worn for a short time in difficult situations when energy replenishment is required.

People born between February 20 and March 20 were born during the period when the sun passed through the zodiac constellation Pisces. The vibrations of the planets, time, date, birthday have a direct impact on the rest of your life. To enhance positive influence, in order to achieve the best results, various talismans are often used.

This article will tell you which stones are suitable for Pisces according to the horoscope. But first - small excursion to the world of people born under the constellation Pisces.

Jewelry made from different stones

  • The brief motto of the representatives of the Pisces constellation: “I dissolve, I empathize”;
  • If we draw a parallel with natural processes throughout the year, then these include ice drift, melt water, which symbolize the departure of everything that has become obsolete, dissolution, the end of the cycle;
  • If we talk about natural archetypes corresponding to them, then this is the swelling and germination of seeds in the ground under heavy rain; they symbolize calm, inner restraint, and a philosophical attitude.
  • Each zodiac sign corresponds to certain parts human body, and Pisces, in particular women, are no exception here. They correspond to the toes and feet.
  • Their element, like that of Scorpio and Cancer, is water, which is why they have some of its properties, such as coolness, fluidity, variability, and the ability for internal transformation;
  • The Zodiac sign Pisces is the last of the zodiac constellations. This is a kind of round of evolutionary development. The character of people belonging to the constellation Pisces by date of birth has two symbolic paths of development: the first is to swim against the current, striving for new development, the second is to go down, become obsolete, dissolve. This is reflected in the symbol zodiac constellation, which consists of two fish, one of them swims up, the other down.
  • They are characterized by strong intuition, the ability to connect to cosmic consciousness, they are easily influenced by others, and a tendency to drugs or alcohol is possible. This Zodiac Sign is characterized by developed artistic abilities, philosophical thinking, and psychotherapeutic capabilities. Talisman stones that suit Pisces are called upon, among others positive points, help develop rational thinking.
  • Strengths: mercy, compassion, readiness for self-sacrifice, dreaminess, rich imagination. TO weaknesses can be attributed to: the ability to intrigue, resourcefulness, psychological mimicry, unprincipledness, and a tendency to subjectivism.

Talisman stones and their effects

Let's take a closer look at which stones are best suited for a Pisces woman according to her horoscope, and which magical influence they provide:

In the photo below, from left to right: a ring with peridot, pearls, a ring with blue opal, a pendant with a moonstone.


A beautiful gem will help warn against wrong actions; if there is disappointment in a woman’s life, then peridot crystals and jewelry with it will help restore former confidence.


Based on the date of birth, it is ideal for Pisces women; it enhances innate spiritual abilities and helps to develop rational thinking, which, due to their dreaminess and predisposition to fantasies, representatives of this sign sometimes lack.


Able to give inspiration, inspire, enhance natural intuition. As a stone of compassion and tender love, opals promote purification of thoughts and clarity of mind.

Moon rock

It has the power to have a calming effect on its owner, to perceive and attract love into her life. Some ladies on a full moon experience some of its negative influence, and so, for those susceptible to similar influences, this mineral is able to provide assistance, taking on an excess of excited lunar energy.

In the photo below, from left to right: a ring with corals, belomorite, a set with jet, a pendant with an aquamarine in the shape of a heart.


IN medieval Europe was considered a symbol of modesty. For Pisces women, jewelry with coral will help them cope with negative manifestations of character, such as sarcasticity, resourcefulness, and subjectivity. Coral will help develop logic and neutralize envy and anger.


This is another name for the mineral olicoglaze. The shimmering gem is often confused with moonstone. When there is confusion, illegibility or an inability to “sort everything out” in the personal, professional or other spheres of a Pisces woman’s life, belomorite will be an indispensable assistant in such situations.


Dark minerals are ideal as absorbers of all negative vibrations lower level. In addition, with its deep black color it absorbs all negative thoughts directed at its owner, mental pain and fears, while becoming even blacker.


The stone is capable of stabilizing mental balance and extinguishing violent emotions; if your zodiac sign is Pisces and you are subject to internal fluctuations, aquamarine will become an excellent talisman that establishes harmony. There is an opinion that it is contraindicated for dishonest people to wear jewelry with a gem, otherwise they will be exposed. Although, if you want to change and overcome deceit in yourself, aquamarine blue will remind you of this intention.

The use of the information provided does not at all mean that a Pisces woman, based on her date of birth, must simultaneously “pin” all the listed stones on herself and she will be happy. Exactly, it doesn’t mean that other minerals or jewelry with them are radically unsuitable for you.

This is more food for thought common features a rather complex science located at the intersection of astrology and the magic of stones. Taking into account the above classification, you, dear women whose zodiac sign is Pisces, should listen to yourself, using the knowledge gained, relate it to your personality and choose talismans to your liking.

Pisces is a mystical, sensitive and emotional sign. They are ready to sympathize and empathize, slightly out of touch with reality. They have innate intuitiveness, spirituality, and musicality.

Pisces woman - what is she like?

Pisces women are benevolent and patiently bear everything that befalls them. Ready for self-sacrifice and charity. They have frequently changing moods and impatience. Once in a fantasy world, they can linger there for a long time.

Therefore, astrologers recommend to people born under this zodiac sign those stones that will save them from useless dreams, help them find solid ground under their feet, reliable partners and true friends in life. When choosing jewelry, many people have a question - what kind of stones are suitable for Pisces. The most preferred are: amethyst, aventurine, pearls, moonstone.

What stones are suitable for Pisces?

Amethyst - gives love to Pisces

Amethyst was recognized as the best stone for Pisces. This is a stone that gives love. He is able to bring mutual understanding to the family, add passion to fading relationships, and help lonely Pisces find their love. This stone is called a symbol of fidelity and devotion. Amethyst also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, is able to calm the owner. Attracts joy and good luck.

Aventurine is the best remedy for bad mood

Second auspicious stone aventurine is recognized. It helps fight melancholy, depression, bad mood . And this is so necessary for Pisces, since they are often visited negative thoughts. Aventurine also gives a person insight and perspicacity. Wearing jewelry made from this stone will help bring criminals to clean water.

Pearls - helps you make the right choice

Next suitable stone organic origin- pearls. It provides Pisces with happy and long mutual love, protects marriage from betrayal. It is believed that pearls absorb all information from their owner, so they cannot be inherited. You need to buy new jewelry as a gift. It is also worth saying that pearls are great for Pisces who are involved in business. It allows you to do right choice and make the right decision. At the same time, get the maximum benefit for yourself. Protects against rash and impulsive actions, harmonizes and spiritualizes Pisces. Pink and white pearls suit them best.

Moonstone - relieves anxiety

Well, the last stone that can be singled out for this zodiac sign is considered to be moonstone. He heals Pisces from unhealthy illusions, treats nervous diseases, relieves anxiety.

Minor stones that suit Pisces women

Also, according to the horoscope, Pisces women can wear jewelry made of Murano glass, mother-of-pearl, tiger's eye and coral.

What stones are not suitable for Pisces?

Choose your stones for Pisces:

Questions and answers about Pisces stones

After the birth of the child, all my beauty disappeared somewhere. According to my horoscope, I am Pisces. What do you recommend to restore your former prettiness and beauty?

IN Ancient Egypt Cleopatra wore pearl necklaces and bracelets. It was believed that this mineral brought beauty and longevity to the owner. She also drank a drink from pomegranate juice and vinegar in which the pearl was previously dissolved. Many contemporaries claim that it was this drink that helped the queen maintain her attractiveness and beauty. It is worth noting that pearls are a favorite stone in the East. There he is also considered good remedy for the return of youth.

But before you buy pearls, you need to know that they are only suitable for Aquarius and Pisces. It contains the negative energy of the Moon and brings the owner a loss of hopes and illusions. Astrologers believe that if you buy pearl jewelry, then only beads and bracelets. And only confident people can wear them, strong people. weak-willed and weak person the stone can disorganize. But similar negative influences do not affect Aquarius and Pisces.

I want to give jewelry to my parents for their wedding anniversary. What do you recommend to give joy, good spirits, and happiness? Mom's horoscope is Pisces.

The stone of happiness is aventurine. It can be white, green, cherry, orange, pink. Contains many inclusions of mica. They, like sparkles, cause the stone to flicker extraordinary in the light when it is turned. Aventurine creates a happy, joyful mood, maintains clear thinking and good spirits. This quartzite is also called the stone of love. It contributes to outbreaks mutual love, and in older couples it helps to rekindle the spark of youth.

Aventurine makes emotions festive, bright, and gives a feeling of flight. The stone awakens the ability to fantasy and mystical revelations. Helps fight melancholy and bad mood. Sometimes it pushes you to subconsciously deliberate and unexpected actions. It is practically never used as an amulet. But they are often used for decoration. On our website you can see various earrings, beads, and pendants made of aventurine. All of them are distinguished by sophistication, elegance and beauty.

I've been experiencing insomnia for a week now. Born on March 5th. Which stone is better to buy for favorable sleep?

Based on your date of birth, your astrological sign- Fish. Amethyst, which is a type of quartz and has various colors: lilac-violet, red, pink, violet, etc., is ideal for you. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, the stone can darken. Since ancient times, amethyst has been used against insomnia and nightmares. To do this, you had to put quartz under your pillow. Amethyst is also an excellent remedy for headaches. Apply it to your forehead, and there will be no trace of pain left. Women can use this stone to get rid of freckles and wrinkles.

My friend is Pisces according to her horoscope, she wants to meet her love, but suffers from some shyness. What kind of dye should I buy for her to attract love?

A moonstone would suit your friend. It is a silvery-bluish feldspar. It has an amazing phenomenon of “adularization” - light flickering. This is ensured thanks to internal structure in the form of lamellas. The sun's rays fall and scatter. It is distinguished by its amazing beauty, your friend will surely like it. But the main advantage of moonstone is that it is able to attract love. Single people should wear brooches with this mineral on their left side. If you wear the ring, it is also capable of correcting feelings, relieving stress, and stimulating creative impulses and imagination.

Choose your stones for Pisces:

See what jewelry is suitable for women under the zodiac sign of Pisces.

Attributed magical properties. It was believed that earrings, rings and bracelets, cups and hilts of swords, sabers decorated with gems would protect their owner from foreign influences from the outside, help to recover from diseases, attract love and much more.

Ancient table of stones and minerals

Even Babylonian priests and magicians considered precious crystals as concentrates of cosmic forces and energies. The stones that were inserted into amulets and talismans became especially powerful. In astromineralogy, there are many tables showing the relationship between gems, zodiac signs and planets. Let's analyze some of them. Let's do this using the example of which stone is suitable for Pisces. The first list, in which the sign of interest to us corresponds to sapphire, almost completely reproduces the well-known apocalyptic list of jewelry that should decorate the walls of the New Jerusalem. In this list, each sign corresponds to one mineral.

More modern interpretations

Here's another table. Let's see in it. Here, each sign already corresponds to 3 gems. In our case, these are pearls, amethyst, and rock crystal. This interpretation of correspondences is associated with ancient Persian and modern views on astromineralogy. Now a table reflecting the relationship between minerals and planets. According to her, which stone is suitable for Pisces? This sign is ruled by the Moon. The same luminary affects opals, moonstones, aquamarines, beryls, corals and pearls. And finally, another list - monthly. Which stone is suitable for Pisces according to him, considering that part of February and part of March fall under this sign? Esotericists advise February Pisces to wear amethyst, and March Pisces to wear jasper.

"Precious calendar" for men

Classification of suitable precious and semi-precious stones will continue with another informative list. In addition to the main planet located on the ascendant at the time of birth of a person, on personal horoscope influence others celestial bodies. This nuance should be taken into account when choosing or giving jewelry. For example, which stone is suitable for Pisces men? If astrologers consider amethyst to be the main sign for the sign, then in addition to it they offer a whole range of gems. Those born from February 21 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn. These are capricious, dreamy natures, great lovers of women and at the same time loneliness. Jade and moonstone, aventurine and hematite, tiger's eye, jasper, and carnelian are suitable for them. Those representatives of the stronger sex who were born from March 2 to March 11 experience the pronounced influence of Jupiter. They are vain, strive for external grandeur, and are honest. Their stones are opal, heliotrope, coral, pearls. And finally, for Pisces born from March 12 to March 20, sapphire, aquamarine, diamond, alexandrite, and tourmaline are considered the most suitable. These people are sociable, vain, sensual and cutesy. Of course, all characteristics are given for the average representatives of the sign. It is better for all Pisces not to acquire onyx and carnelian.

Selection of gems for Fish

Dear ladies, of course, also wonder: which stone is suitable for Pisces girls? In principle, those that have already been mentioned. If you do not use minerals in special cases. Let us explain which ones exactly. Pearls have a particularly beneficial effect on the female half of Pisces, as it activates their spiritual development and harmonizes their personality, and this is what is most important for representatives of the sign. Pearls - sea and river - make their eyes shine brighter and give their skin a fresh, healthy look. Esotericists believe that the mineral may well become a lucky talisman that will protect against unhappy love and help make the right important decisions. And for thousands of years now, pearls have been an indicator healthy body Pisces. It softly shines and glows if the owner of the jewelry feels great, and dims at the slightest ill health.

Amethyst magic

Let's tell you more about the other stones, suitable for Pisces. And let's start with amethyst, a truly magical crystal, very strong - so much so that it is not recommended for anyone to wear it constantly. Amethyst will provide good support to those Pisces who need to win people over. If you have it with you, it is much easier for representatives of the sign to cope with their own anxieties, fears, and complexes. Good spirits, optimism, bright and kind thoughts - Pisces often acquire these too thanks to a wonderful stone. People involved in spiritual practices can receive special help from amethyst: priests, magicians, prophets, healers, psychics, etc. It gives birth to courage and perseverance, sharpens intuition, the prophetic gift, and makes it possible to concentrate energy. The stone also symbolizes fidelity in love, even if the object of feelings has gone to another world. That’s why they call it “widow’s” and young girls are not advised to wear it. But mature women and men can.

Moonlight in moonstone

The stones of the Pisces sign, as already mentioned, are associated with the Moon, like the sign itself. That is why moonstone is considered one of the most important for Pisces. Women wearing it become more attractive, sexy, they radiate charm and are extremely desirable for men. And many purely female diseases disappear under the beneficial influence of the gem. True, moonstone can awaken such passions and desires in a woman’s body that it will be difficult for her to cope with. To prevent this from happening, the stone and the owner should take a break from each other from time to time. But the mineral will be useful for men if they practice magic, palmistry and other occult practices. Moonstone in Pisces increases receptivity and responsiveness to certain mystical signs. And finally, the gem is a magnificent love talisman.

Soul of the sea

An important stone for Pisces according to the horoscope is aquamarine. It is so reminiscent of the light transparency and depth of a sea wave, so consistent with the gentle and vulnerable soul of the representatives of the sign! According to esotericists, the stone makes it possible for its owner to maintain restraint, calmness, and inner harmony. Giving timid Pisces courage and even audacity, increasing life potential is also within the competence of aquamarine. And, according to legends, if the one who wears the stone is in danger, the gem loses its transparent shine and becomes cloudy. When everything is calm, the mineral shines with a special inner light.

The nobility of sapphire

Blue sapphire is one of the most valuable and expensive stones in the world. For Pisces, it is extremely important because it strengthens their spiritual abilities and develops their natural potential. Raises the personality to a new level of development, higher and more important. Moreover, he endows occultists with a supernatural gift of penetrating into the essence of the hidden and secret. For most Pisces, sapphire can become a reliable talisman, protecting them from the traps of fate. Gemstone accumulates all the positive character traits of the sign, helps maintain balance, calm and sanity in any situation. And even protect from slander, envy, and slander from ill-wishers.

Coral fantasies

No one will argue that corals by nature are intended for Pisces. The water element brings them together, and products made from coral help representatives of the sign manage their thoughts, stream of consciousness, and fight their own inconsistency and emotional breakdowns. Pisces are prone to depression, fears, and mood swings. Coral in such situations may well play the role of an ambulance. psychological assistance, especially if its color is red, orange, pink. To gain wisdom, clarity, to find that very point of support in life, thanks to which Pisces can change their world for the better, is also within the power of corals - children water element, like the Pisces themselves.
