How guinea pigs navigate the road in a car. Has anyone taken a pig on a train? Pigs, vacations, business trips. Handing over a guinea pig for care and transporting it


For most guinea pigs Transportation is very stressful, so you need to try to do it as quickly as possible.

When transporting your guinea pig home from the store, do not put it in your pocket, bag or plastic bag, even if the trip takes a few minutes.

In this case, it is best to use a shipping container or an ordinary cardboard box with holes for air penetration. The latter must be placed in a tightly closed bag. If the acquired pig is tame, then you can carry it in your arms, unless, of course, the journey home takes more than 30–40 minutes, and the temperature environment will be no more than 30 and no less than 15 °C. In cases where transporting an animal takes quite a lot long time, it is necessary to place the animal in a special container or portable cage.

If during transportation the cage will be left in the open air for some time, the pig can be protected from the environment by covering the cage with a napkin or towel, which allows air to freely pass inside. For long-distance transportation, special shipping containers, which are sold in pet stores, are considered the most convenient. Such a container is a wide transparent plastic container with a comfortable handle and a lid equipped with ventilation holes.

Shipping container

You can lay paper, sawdust or hay at the bottom of the container in which the pig will be during transportation. If necessary, a frightened animal will burrow into them. If transportation takes more than 5 hours, you need to put some succulent food at the bottom of the container (cage, box), which will quench the animal’s hunger and thirst.

For long-distance transportation of guinea pigs, it is better to use a portable cage.

If you have to transport a guinea pig during the cold season, then the prudent owner is recommended to put several flannel and woolen pieces of material in the cage in advance, in which the animal can burrow, hiding from the cold. A bottle of water wrapped in rags will serve the same purpose - to keep warm. hot water, placed in a corner of the cage or under the bottom of the container.

Under no circumstances should you transport your guinea pig in the cage in which you plan to keep it later.

If you need to transport several guinea pigs, you need to prepare a separate shipping container for each one. It is not recommended to transport animals in the same cage.

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How to catch and transport a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs are rather shy animals. Given the lack of constant intensive communication with a person, they are reluctant to be given into hands. When they are taken from above, they usually try to escape. This awakens in them the instinctive reaction of the ancestors who suffered most from birds of prey.

It is best to take guinea pigs behind the front legs, and thumb right hand press on the left, and with the remaining fingers cover its back on the right so that rear end the back of the head and the front of the back were covered by the palm. Then with the left hand they pick it up under the chest and stomach. It is best for young children to handle guinea pigs gently by the chest. Guinea pigs are very agile. When walking freely around the room, they instantly disappear under the furniture. Often you have to wait quite a long time and patiently for them to appear again. Hunting with a net is possible, but as a result, the guinea pig will be afraid of being caught in the future and will become even more careful.

In a garden or any other open place, under no circumstances should even a very tame guinea pig be left to run around in an unlimited space; it hides very quickly in bushes or tall grass and even with its bright color it is very difficult to find. Already on the first night she becomes easy prey for cats, birds of prey, etc.

Handing over a guinea pig for care and transporting it

Naturally, at some point we have to decide to take a guinea pig with us on a trip or give it to someone else for the care of while we are away. If the guinea pig remains in someone's care, then it is better to leave it in a familiar, lived-in cage. In order to protect the guinea pig from drafts during transportation, as well as to protect it as best as possible from external irritants, the cage is hung with a loose napkin or scarf; then oxygen starvation will not occur.

Short-term transportation of guinea pigs, if necessary, can be carried out in a cardboard box. Durable shipping containers are much more convenient and undoubtedly more suitable for long-distance travel. They are made of transparent synthetic materials with a well-ventilated lid and carrying handles. A bedding made of sawdust or paper is of great importance here too. Hay gives the animal an opportunity to chew, which, first of all, has a calming effect. In addition, your guinea pig may burrow into it. Transparent walls allow us to observe the animal. A tame guinea pig, accustomed to such movements, can peek out. For a timid animal, traveling in the dark is often more favorable. In cold seasons, if the guinea pig is constantly kept in a warm room, it is better to protect it from hypothermia by covering it with an additional blanket or scarf. A bottle of water may also help. warm water, placed under a shipping container.

Transportation of guinea pigs.

These animals do not tolerate transportation well, so it is desirable that it takes as little time as possible. Small boxes or boxes measuring 20x25 cm, as well as special cat transport containers, are suitable for transportation. Drawers or boxes must have holes for ventilation. In winter, boxes with guinea pigs are wrapped in warm cloth, and inside there is plenty of sawdust and hay. In summer, try not to overheat the animal.

The transport cage must not be placed in the sun; it must be opened slightly during transport.

During transport, keep the box on your lap and shake it less. If the journey is long, put hay, vegetables, and a piece of bread in the container so that the pig can eat.

Having brought the pig home, immediately put it in the prepared cage and do not disturb it for 2-3 days. Usually the animals are very frightened by transportation. It is quite possible that they will not eat for a day or two.

For most guinea pigs, transportation is very stressful, so you need to try to do it as quickly as possible.
When transporting your guinea pig home from the store, do not put it in your pocket, bag or plastic bag, even if the trip takes a few minutes.
In this case, it is best to use a shipping container or an ordinary cardboard box with holes for air penetration. The latter must be placed in a tightly closed bag. If the acquired pig is tame, then you can carry it in your arms, unless, of course, the journey home takes more than 30–40 minutes, and the ambient temperature is no more than 30 and no less than 15 °C. If transporting an animal takes quite a long time, it is necessary to place the animal in a special container or portable cage.
If during transportation the cage will be left in the open air for some time, the pig can be protected from the environment by covering the cage with a napkin or towel, which allows air to freely pass inside. For long-distance transportation, special shipping containers, which are sold in pet stores, are considered the most convenient. Such a container is a wide transparent plastic container with a comfortable handle and a lid equipped with ventilation holes.

Shipping container
You can lay paper, sawdust or hay at the bottom of the container in which the pig will be during transportation. If necessary, a frightened animal will burrow into them. If transportation takes more than 5 hours, you need to put some succulent food at the bottom of the container (cage, box), which will quench the animal’s hunger and thirst.

For long-distance transportation of guinea pigs, it is better to use a portable cage.
If you have to transport a guinea pig during the cold season, then the prudent owner is recommended to put several flannel and woolen pieces of material in the cage in advance, in which the animal can burrow, hiding from the cold. A bottle of hot water wrapped in rags and placed in a corner of the cage or under the bottom of a container will serve the same purpose - to keep warm.
Under no circumstances should you transport your guinea pig in the cage in which you plan to keep it later.
If you need to transport several guinea pigs, you need to prepare a separate shipping container for each one. It is not recommended to transport animals in the same cage.

Rules for transportation in a car
Transportation must also be carried out in a container, observing the following rules:
do not feed your guinea pig several hours before the trip;
ensure that there is sufficient air access to the cage;
do not leave the cage with the animal in the car for a long time, especially in the summer, in the sun, otherwise it may become very hot and the pig will develop sunstroke;
Do not under any circumstances transport guinea pigs without a shipping container, do not allow them to move freely around the car while it is moving, as this may cause an accident.

Airplane transportation rules
In this case, it is also necessary to use a shipping container appropriate to the size of the animal (if several animals are transported, you should purchase separate containers for each of them), and make sure that the animal has enough food, water and that there is a flow of fresh air to the container. In addition, the person transporting the guinea pig must have a veterinary certificate of the established form with a stamp from the airport veterinary service.
Regardless of whether the passenger has other luggage, the carriage of the guinea pig must be paid separately. You should inquire about transportation prices when purchasing a ticket. This is stated in the Rules for International Air Transport of Passengers, Baggage and Cargo: “9.15.3. The weight of accompanied animals and birds, including the weight of containers (cages) and food, is not included in the free baggage allowance and is paid at the baggage rate.”
The guinea pig container does not need to be placed in the cargo hold. The owner of the animal has the right to take it with him to the salon.
“To transport animals... the passenger must provide a container (cage) of sufficient size with access to air. The bottom of the container (cage) must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material. As an exception, it is allowed to transport animals and birds in tightly closed baskets or boxes with holes for air access. Bird cages must be covered with dense, light-proof fabric" (Rules for the International Air Transport of Passengers, Baggage and Cargo).
During the flight, you should not open the container, take out the guinea pig, much less let it run around the aircraft cabin.

Transportation rules when crossing the border Russian Federation
If the guinea pig was purchased abroad, its transportation may cause even more difficulties. In this case, you must comply with the conditions for transporting guinea pigs on an airplane, as well as a number of additional rules.
“Indoor (domesticated) animals are accepted for transportation... on the condition that the passenger takes full responsibility for them. The carrier is not responsible for bodily injury, loss, delay in delivery, illness or death of such animals..., as well as in the event of refusal to import them or transport them through any country or territory" (Rules for the International Carriage of Passengers, Baggage and Cargo by Air).

Import from abroad
Guinea pigs are allowed to be imported into the Russian Federation if you have an international passport issued by the state veterinary organization of the country from which you are exporting the guinea pig. It is also allowed to import an animal with an international veterinary certificate, which must contain notes on the health status of the animal.
After crossing the border, international documents should be exchanged for a veterinary certificate of the Russian Federation.

Export abroad
In this case, it is necessary to have a veterinary certificate confirming that the guinea pig is healthy. It can be issued at any state veterinary clinic 1–3 days before departure. In addition, customs may require permission to export the animal.
After crossing the border, the certificate must be exchanged for an international certificate.

additional information
Since January 2007, new rules for transporting animals have been in effect in all EU countries, which also apply to guinea pigs. Thus, the requirements for the quality of containers for transportation have been increased: they must be equipped with a drinking bowl with clean water, and are also equipped with air conditioning and a satellite navigation system if the animal stays in it for 8 hours or more. All this is necessary in order to reduce the stress of animals during transportation, which is especially important for guinea pigs, which are rather nervous animals.
It is also strictly prohibited to transport females in the last week of pregnancy or within a week after giving birth, newborns and very young animals. This rule should be taken into account by those breeders who purchased a young guinea pig from a nursery in one of the European Union countries. If the animal is not old enough, export may be prohibited.
“Small pet (domesticated) animals are accepted for transportation only when accompanied by adult passengers and with the prior consent of the carrier” (Rules for the International Air Transport of Passengers, Baggage and Cargo).
Therefore, those who purchased a guinea pig abroad are advised to immediately check the transportation conditions in force in a particular country when booking or purchasing a plane or train ticket.
K. Kulagina

In the life of domestic rodents, sometimes there are moves. There may be a need to visit a veterinarian, an exhibition, move to a new apartment, or the owner decides to take his pet on a trip or. For these purposes, you will need a guinea pig carrier. This is a special device that will allow the animal to comfortably endure a small adventure.

It is quite difficult for guinea pigs to endure the road. For a rodent this severe stress, so the owner should take care of psychological state pet and do everything to ensure that the move goes as quickly as possible and does not harm it. Even if the move takes very little time, under no circumstances put the animal in a bag or bag.

A carrier for guinea pigs is a great solution. It is quite inexpensive and can be purchased at any pet store. The design of the carrying case is simple - it is a small plastic container. Its top is removable. The roof and walls are equipped with special ventilation holes for air intake. To make it convenient to carry, there is a handle or two. The main thing is that the device is the right size for your pet, and he can turn freely. Bedding is placed inside. You can throw in a little hay and sawdust. This environment will help the frightened rodent cope with the move as comfortably as possible.

The carrier for a guinea pig should not be transparent, the animal may be stressed

In the case of fairly long transportation, the animal should be placed in a container with succulent food, which will enable it to cope with hunger and also quench its thirst.

The cost of a carrying bag is affordable; it can be purchased in the range of 500 – 1000 rubles.

Is it possible to transport a guinea pig on a train?

You can transport a guinea pig on the train by paying for a baggage check. When purchasing a ticket, it is indicated that carry-on luggage is included. But before that, the owner needs to take care in advance and visit veterinary clinic for help. This must be done three days before the intended trip. The document must confirm that the rodent is healthy.

Is it possible to transport a guinea pig on an airplane?

Transporting a guinea pig on an airplane comes with certain rules. Anyone transporting an animal must obtain a veterinary certificate. The document has a standard template and is certified by the airport veterinary service.
Transportation of a rodent is paid separately from other baggage.

According to the rules of air travel, a guinea pig can travel in a carrier in the passenger compartment

There is no need to put the carrier in the luggage compartment. The pet can stay next to the owner throughout the flight. The only limitation is that the rodent cannot be removed from the container, much less let out to frolic around the cabin.

Transporting an animal in a car

Before you take your guinea pig in the car on a trip, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • transport the animal exclusively in a container;
  • do not let him run freely around the car interior, otherwise this may cause an emergency;
  • make sure that the rodent has enough air;
  • do not give food several hours before the trip;
  • To avoid solar overheating of the animal, do not leave the carrier in direct sunlight.

If your pig travels in winter, you should take care temperature conditions, the rodent is a heat-loving animal and does not tolerate drafts.

A long trip in a car is difficult for a guinea pig even when carried

DIY carrying bag

Many breeders ask if it is possible to make a carrier with their own hands. There are several options. Someone buys a plastic bucket with a lid and makes holes in the walls for air to enter. It turns out to be a good device for transporting a rodent. You should put a small bedding and some hay on the bottom.

If your pet is small, then a plastic food container is suitable for short-term transportation. You also need to make holes in it for air. But such a carrier will only help for short transportation of a rodent.

You can transport your guinea pig over short distances in a carrier made from a cardboard box with holes for ventilation.

You should definitely purchase a portable container if you have a guinea pig. And this is not a fashion accessory, but an important necessity. It ensures safety for the animal and its comfort when traveling. Helps you adapt to unfamiliar surroundings.

If you like to do things with your own hands that are necessary for keeping a guinea pig, you may be interested in articles about this and.

Video: Guinea pig carrier

Carrying and rules for transporting guinea pigs

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At one time, I suffered a fair amount of research on how to transport guinea pigs from Russia to Europe (and then to the UK). There is practically no information on the Internet about the transportation of these animals, and government agencies provided extremely contradictory data. I had to follow a winding and thorny path, which is what I want to tell you about, maybe this information will be useful to someone. I should immediately note that my article describes only the transportation of guinea pigs. I think it’s not so difficult to find information about cats and dogs, since these animals are exported more often and their rules are clearly regulated. Previously, I had already transported guinea pigs within Russia by plane, which you can read about, so I had a rough idea of ​​what documents I needed. But the question arose - how to cross the border with animals and what is needed for me to first be released from the country with them, and then allowed into another?

A little background. It so happened that my husband and I were moving to permanent place residence from Russia (St. Petersburg) to the UK. The question of whether to take our beloved pets with us did not even arise. Therefore, we began to study and collect all the documents that were needed to transport guinea pigs in advance. To do this, we needed to find out what documents the Russian border guards required so that they would let us and our animals out of the country and put us on a plane, and the British border guards would need them to let us into their country. As it turned out, Britain is very wary of the import of small animals living outside the European Union and stricter rules apply to their import. These rules do not apply to cats, dogs and ferrets, they are imported in the usual standard way with a chip and passport, where all will be noted necessary vaccinations. With rodents (which includes our guinea pigs) everything is different. You cannot simply import them into the UK. When imported, the animal is quarantined for 4 months; after the expiration of the period, if the animal is alive and healthy, you can take it home. If it suddenly died during the period of being in quarantine, that’s fate. At the same time, on the UK veterinary control website there is a list of accredited organizations that carry out quarantine. These organizations are something like a hotel for animals. You book a place there for your animal in advance (since we had two pigs, we had to book two places), pay for the placement of the animal during quarantine (about 1,000 pounds per animal for 4 months) and leave it upon arrival. There the animals are looked after: fed, watered, cared for. You can visit the animal at any time. After the quarantine period has passed, you can safely take him home.
Yes, I agree, the procedure is unpleasant and unfair. Why are guinea pigs worse than ferrets?! But the law is the law. We really didn’t want to give our animals away to someone else for such a long period of time, and the cost of keeping them, to be honest, was prohibitive. Therefore, we began to look for other options for importing guinea pigs into the UK. As it turned out, the UK has a condition that if an animal has lived for at least three months in the territory of the European Union, then it is imported without quarantine and without any documents. We started looking in this direction. We learned that carrier companies travel from Riga to London every day, transporting animals as well. In this case, you give them your animal, pay money (100 euros per animal, but since we had small animals in one cage, they charged us as for one animal), equip the animal with everything necessary (food, water), and they They transport it themselves, feed and water it on the road, cross the border (by ferry) and give the animal to you at the specified delivery point. In order to transfer the animal to the carriers, it was necessary to take it to Europe (namely to Latvia). This is where the bureaucratic red tape began.
Thus, our departure point was St. Petersburg, Pulkovo airport, and we arrived in Riga, where we handed over the animals and flew on to London, and the pigs traveled separately with the carrier. From the Riga veterinary control it was easy to find out all the requirements for importing animals into the territory of their country and the entire European Union. On request by e-mail they clearly answered that in order to import guinea pigs into the territory of Latvia, it is necessary to prove that the animal is healthy. For this, any certificate from the veterinary clinic was suitable for them, even in Russian.
Nobody expected it, but problems started with our border guards. Unfortunately, the rules for exporting animals abroad clearly describe what certificates need to be collected to export cats and dogs, but the rules for exporting rodents are not clearly regulated. I had to call different authorities, who each time gave me a different set of documents (someone said that the pig needs a chip, someone talked about vaccinations, which pigs don’t get at all, etc.). The worst thing is that I didn’t even know where to start and what kind of authorities I needed. She rushed from one to another. As a result, after a painful conversation with our government agencies (by the way, it was not so easy to get through to many government agencies), I determined the set of documents that were necessary in order for us to be put on an international flight. By the way, I also had to tinker with the choice of airline. The fact is that many airlines simply do not transport rodents, such ardent opponents Aeroflot also applies. By elimination, we were left with two companies that agreed to transport guinea pigs by plane: airBaltic (direct flight) and BelAvia (yes, yes, Belarusian BelAvia, but with a transfer in Minsk). Moreover, airBaltic flatly refused to take rodents into the cabin and was unshakable despite all our pleas. As a company representative explained to us, such requirements were established due to the danger that a rodent will escape during the flight (from a cage that the owner himself sometimes cannot open) and then, in order to catch the animal, the entire plane will have to be dismantled. And they really don’t want this. It's strange, but these are the rules. Thus, the animal had to be given to a special compartment for transportation, which, as representatives assured us, is heated and there are even very comfortable conditions there. Having read stories about how, after such compartments, dogs were given to their owners who had frozen to death, we were somehow afraid to give small animals there. It also played a role that a very small plane flies from St. Petersburg to Riga, model range which by design does not have a compartment for animals. Risk, of course, is a noble cause, but not in the matter of the lives of beloved pets. For this reason, preference was given to the more compliant BelAvia, which agreed to take animals into the cabin without any problems. At the same time, BelAvia flies the same aircraft model on the St. Petersburg-Minsk-Riga route as airBaltic. Since the plane is small, passengers are allowed into the cabin on the flight. limited quantity animals. For this reason, if someone before you has already booked a ticket with an animal, then your animals will no longer be taken on board. But I assure you, there are not many people who fly with animals. Therefore, we were the only ones on the flight and the animals in the same cage flew with us in the cabin. By the way, when flying with an animal, you must buy a ticket at the ticket office from an airline representative (not online!). When purchasing, the cashier will enter data about the animal into his database and reserve a seat for it on board. Otherwise, you simply won’t be placed with an animal. Be careful!

Our pigs traveled in such a carrier. It meets all standards for the transport of animals.

You can choose a carrier in the store. The only thing is to take into account the accepted international standards baby carrier These requirements can be requested from the airline.

Well, now about the certificates that are required for transportation to the European Union (by the way, the rules of the European Union are the same, but may differ slightly depending on the country of entry, therefore, it is better to request them; usually, representatives of the European Union very clearly and accurately describe the rules for importing animals into the territory of their country ). To export from Russia we needed:
1. Certificate that the animals are healthy. For this certificate, it is necessary for guinea pigs to undergo tests for salmonellosis and worm eggs. They must be taken strictly to a state veterinary clinic. We rented at Shkolnaya 32 (St. Petersburg). The certificate takes about a week to complete, costs about 700 rubles (the cost of the certificate may differ depending on the city of your residence) and is valid for a month. Therefore, there is no need to do it much in advance. We had one certificate for two pigs.

Help with test results

2. Permission to export guinea pigs outside the Russian Federation from Rosselkhoznadzor. Sounds scary, doesn't it? But this is a purely formal procedure. Permission is requested automatically and issued in the international ARGUS system. First you need to get in this system Personal Area. To do this, please email [email protected](for those living in St. Petersburg) send a scan of the first page of your passport and registration page. In the body of the letter you indicate that you need access to ARGUS to obtain permission to export guinea pigs from the Russian Federation. Indicate where the pigs live in St. Petersburg (this address in the system will be indicated as a quarantine address). In the subject line, write briefly what you need, where you are going and when. (if you are uncomfortable using e-mail, you can come with all the documents to the address 4ya Sovetskaya, 5, fill out an application on the spot and then gain access. It was easier for me to communicate by e-mail, so I went this route). Next, within 24 hours (they sent it to me very quickly) they will send you an application form for access, which you need to print, fill out and send a scanned form in return. Next, you will be sent a link to your personal account, your login and password. You log into the system yourself, select the PET section and intuitively fill out the form (everything is clear there, you need to describe the animal, indicate your route, etc.), after filling it out, click the Save button and the system immediately generates an electronic export permit. You will need this permit number from your veterinarian. Remember it!
3. In the state veterinary clinics get certificate on Form No. 1 for the export of guinea pigs. You will need to bring your animals to Shkolnaya again. The veterinarian will examine the animals for the absence of visible diseases and write you a precious certificate. The certificate indicates the full route (we were told this: St. Petersburg-Minsk-Riga (since we didn’t need any documents to get to London)). In this case, in order to issue a certificate, the doctor must provide test results (the tests must be negative, see point 1) and the number of the issued export permit.

4. Now you need to get Euro certificate and boarding pass for pigs on the plane. The Eurocertificate is similar to a certificate in Form No. 1, the only difference is that in the Eurocertificate everything is indicated on English language. You can get it from the veterinary control at the airport of departure. To avoid screw-ups (for which we were mentally prepared and they happened), I recommend that you arrive at the airport a day before departure. In this case, it is necessary to bring animals with you (for their formal presence, although no one saw the animals themselves). With the animals and all the certificates, you go to the veterinary control, which, based on the certificate in Form No. 1, issues a Eurocertificate. In this case, certificate No. 1 takes it for himself.
By the way, about the boarding voucher. There were no problems with him, the veterinary control at the airport simply gives you a piece of paper on which the flight is indicated and there is a stamp for the release of animals from the Russian Federation. That's all. This voucher will need to be shown at the counter when picking up boarding.

The European certificate looks like this. Page 1

Euro certificate. Page 2-3

Eurocertificate. Page 4

A complete set of documents required for boarding. And of course the animals themselves.

Phew, having collected all the papers the next day we arrived at the airport for the long-awaited flight. After going through all the security checks and hearing the airport workers express affection towards the animals, we safely boarded the plane. At the same time, none of the company representatives even looked at the animals, but everyone looked at the boarding pass for them. Our transplant also went smoothly; we didn’t even go to the Minsk veterinary control. The only thing is that when leaving the territory of the customs union, the border guard asked us about the availability of the necessary certificates for Europe (without specifying which ones). Satisfied with the positive answer, she did not check their presence. We flew in the cabin of the plane, while the animals stood calmly below the seat and endured the flight quite easily. Having arrived in Riga and leaving the ramp, we naturally attracted the attention of the local veterinary control. A woman border guard approached us with a decisive step and, pointing to the cage, asked sternly: who are we taking? Is there a certificate that the animal is healthy? We gave her all the pieces of paper that we had: the Eurocertificate played a big role in this (it was not for nothing that we worked so hard to achieve it). Also, the border guard took from us a certificate of test results, which I wrote about in point 1. She scanned all the documents and let us through.
Joyful, we found ourselves on the territory of the European Union with the animals, so close to our final goal. Let me remind you that initially, we needed to deliver the animals to the UK, and Europe was our “transshipment point”. By contacting the carrier (we chose Parvadatajs by good reviews from friends), we agreed on what time and where we can transfer the animals. The next day we came to the indicated place, handed over the animals and everything they needed. The driver put the pigs in the seat next to him, wrapped them up and assured them that there would be no drafts in the car and the animals would be fine. A day later we boarded a plane ourselves and flew to London. After some time, the carrier called us to clarify where exactly to deliver the pigs. He arrived exactly at the specified time, gave the animals and all the remaining supplies. By the way, payment was made after the animal was delivered, when you had already checked that the animal was okay. Thus, our pigs were on the road (from Riga to London) for 30 hours, they arrived well-fed, but a little scared (although why be surprised, as you know, guinea pigs get scared by any rustle, and here was a whole trip through several European countries). Despite the fact that it took us a lot of effort and nerves to transport our pets, we finally transported them! Yes, we had to choose not the most convenient route for the flight (we could have flown on a direct plane from St. Petersburg to London and not made stops in Minsk and Riga), but there was no other way to avoid quarantine.
Perhaps my article will be useful to those who need to transport guinea pigs (and indeed any rodents) to Europe (since I tried to describe all the requirements in some detail) or to the UK (the only thing is that we transported animals before Brexit, when the borders were are still open, what will happen after it is not clear, perhaps the rules will change later). It took me the most effort and time to find out exactly what certificates were needed. But I think if you follow my list, it will be much easier for you to transport your beloved pet. By the way, we also had the option of transporting guinea pigs with breeders and those who go to exhibitions, but, unfortunately, no exhibition was expected in the near future and this option disappeared by itself.
That's my whole story. Love animals. Remember that despite all the difficulties, nothing is impossible!

Our animals are real travelers!
