New law on animals. Pet law passed

“Nowadays animals are not even recognized as living beings.”

Why hasn’t the law “On Animal Protection” been passed for seven years?

Group of opponents of shelters BANO "ECO" "VKontakte"

More cases of animal cruelty are being discussed on the Internet. In Rostov-on-Don, animal rights activists discovered the corpses of several hundred cats and dogs. They arrived at the municipal shelter while still alive. The prosecutor's office is now checking information that the employees cashed out the money that the shelter received as part of a municipal tender through shell companies, and the animals were simply euthanized. When a lot of corpses accumulated, they were taken to the nearest meat processing plant.

Social networks are full of announcements about helping animals. They are urgently looking for foster care for at least a couple of days for a ginger cat who was abandoned by his previous owners at the dacha when the summer season ended. Or maybe a fluffy one is looking for owners gray cat. Its owner died, and the heirs put it out on the street with things they no longer needed. But they are trying to attach a round-faced british cat. He is healthy and young, but they still brought him to the veterinary clinic with a demand to euthanize him. Tired of it.

At Sheremetyevo airport, two Russian women are lying on the floor. noble origin" - Dasha and Lisa. These two dogs have already passed veterinary control and will soon board the plane in special transportation. They pulled out a lucky ticket: an owner was found for them in Germany, who paid for their vaccinations and flights, and in a few hours they would be met at the airport in Munich, Germany by volunteers who would take them to their new home. In Germany, laws regarding the treatment of animals are strict, and if the new owner decides to throw them out into the street again, he will face criminal charges. All pets are registered and microchipped, so if an animal escapes, it has a good chance of being caught sooner or later, after which the chip and owner information are read and the lost one is returned.

In Russia everything is different. Animals, according to current legislation, are not even recognized as living beings; they are simply a type of property. And for now their existence is regulated within the framework of the Civil Code. For example, if you act strictly according to the law, then, having found an animal, you must first search for its owners for six months, by analogy with found property, and only after that you receive rights to it. Of course, in fact no one follows this norm.

the site was looking into why the current legislation is not enough, the flayers do not face any punishment, and why the necessary bill has been stuck in the State Duma under the carpet since 2011.

Why amendments to legislation are needed

The Criminal Code contains Article 245 “Cruelty to animals”. According to this article, “cruelty to animals resulting in their death or injury, if this act was committed out of hooligan motives, or for selfish motives, or using sadistic methods, or in the presence of minors” is punishable by a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, compulsory labor for up to 360 hours or restriction of freedom for up to one year. If hooligan motives and other signs cannot be proven, then it is difficult to convict a person under this article: the mere fact of ill-treatment is not enough. So, for example, in August of this year in Khabarovsk a sentence was passed on a gang of young sadists - two girls and one young man who took dogs and cats from shelters, allegedly to give them homes, and then tortured and killed them, recording everything on video for posting on social networks. All sadists received real prison sentences, but only because, in addition to cruelty to animals, they were also accused of robbery and insulting the feelings of believers.

Another high-profile case is against the owners of the Moscow shelter BANO "ECO". A year ago, volunteers discovered the bodies of more than 300 dogs and cats at the shelter. The smell of corpses spread throughout the area. The shelter was besieged for several days, as volunteers and journalists were not allowed into the territory and were even sprayed with foam from a fire extinguisher. When animal rights activists broke through, they saw that the animals looked like skeletons: they were not given any water or food, they were actually mummified while alive. A friend of the author of the text pulled out four cats from there and found them temporary home. Unfortunately, help came late. The cats could not stand the dehydration and soon died.

A criminal case against BANO “ECO” for cruelty to animals has not been opened for a year now, although the situation is under the control of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Group of protesters against shelters BANO "ECO"Facebook

“In the criminal case, a decision was made to terminate the criminal prosecution in connection with the amnesty act,” official representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office Alexander Kurennoy explained to the website. — The decision was declared illegal by the prosecutor’s office and cancelled. The criminal case has been sent to the investigative body to organize an additional investigation. Based on four pre-investigation materials, decisions were made to refuse to initiate a criminal case, three of which were recognized by the prosecutor’s office as illegal and cancelled, the materials were sent to law enforcement agencies for organization additional check. One decision was recognized by the prosecutor’s office as legal and justified.”

BANO "ECO" is an influential organization that several years ago received contracts to organize shelters in five districts of Moscow with a total value of more than 100 million rubles. However, in other municipal shelters the situation is often no better.

Caters News Agency Ltd

Volunteer Natalya says that shelters need to constantly maintain the number of animals in order to report to the commissions. Animals in shelters die from mistreatment.

“When the commission arrives, the animals are simply taken from one shelter, loaded into a truck and taken to another shelter. After the commission leaves, they are transferred to a new point. In winter, many people cannot stand the road: they are given neither food nor water. We are afraid that they will simply stop letting us into these shelters, so we simply beg them to give the dogs at least a bucket of water and food for the journey. When they arrive at a new place, they start eating snow. We are trying to take them out of this hell, but we are talking about thousands of dogs and cats, we simply cannot cope. We bring humanitarian aid, food, litter, water to the shelters, but we demand that everything be distributed with us,” says Natalya.

Nowadays, the organization of programs to regulate the number of stray animals is left to the regions. For example, in Moscow, the practice of euthanizing homeless animals has been abandoned; lifelong detention in shelters is expected. But in the Moscow region they resort to euthanasia if the animal has not found new owners within six months after being captured. IN Nizhny Novgorod Since 2013, they launched a new program under which an animal is caught, sterilized, treated, and then, if it is not aggressive, released back into its habitat. At the same time, social advertising was launched, which encourages people to adopt animals from shelters rather than buy purebred animals for money. According to information from Zoozashchita-NN LLC, over three years in Nizhny Novgorod the number of stray animals has decreased from 7 thousand in 2014 to 4.7 thousand in 2016.

The issues of treatment of domestic animals and the introduction of new programs for the organization of shelters should have been regulated in the new law “On the Protection of Animals,” which passed the first reading back in 2011, but it has not yet been adopted.

The second reading of this law was supposed to be held at the end of November 2017, but this probably will not be done.

At the same time, according to a survey conducted at the end of 2016 by VTsIOM together with the Purina food brand, 60% of Russians have dogs or cats at home, 42% of owners received an animal as a gift, and 39% picked it up on the street. That is Russian society Quite friendly towards animals.

Denis Sereda - director veterinary clinic“Center” and municipal deputy of the Tverskoy district says that in general, in recent years, people have become noticeably more responsible towards their pets.

“In recent years, there have been many more owners asking for their pets to be microchipped. Firstly, if an animal leaves the country with its owner, then it will simply not be allowed into many countries without a chip. Secondly, this is an opportunity, if a cat or dog is lost, to find them. There were three cases in our clinic when found animals were brought to us, we read the chip and returned it to the owner. Once the owner turned out to be a client of our clinic,” says Sereda. According to him, unfortunately, those who are tired of the animal also come and demand to put it to sleep, but the clinic considers this a violation of medical ethics and refuses.

"Living beings capable of experiencing emotions and suffering"

The site has one of the latest versions of the bill on the responsible treatment of animals. This version was being prepared for the second reading and is dated mid-July 2017.

The bill says it does not apply to hunting and fishing or farmed animals.

The concepts of “animal owner” are introduced (they recognize both the owners of shelters and those who take animals for foster care), as well as “volunteer” - someone who helps free of charge, including shelters. Volunteer activities must be carried out in accordance with the law Russian Federation, the bill notes.

Animals will be recognized as living beings, and not property, and the concept of “cruelty to animals” will also be clearly defined: “treatment of an animal that has led or may lead to death, injury or other damage to the health of the animal (including torture of the animal, including starvation , thirst, beatings, other actions), violation of the requirements for keeping animals.”

Animals, according to the bill, will have to be treated as “living beings capable of experiencing emotions and suffering.”

It is proposed that regulation of the activities of shelters and the establishment of standards for the care of animals be delegated to the federal government. But the regions will continue to be involved in the direct organization of shelters. Certain powers in the field of handling animals can be transferred to the level of local government.

Wassilios Aswestopoulos/

The draft law also establishes requirements in relation to the owner of the animal. He must provide the pet with proper care, provide timely veterinary care, take measures to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring and be ready to present the animal to the regulatory authorities for inspection.

“In case of refusal of ownership of an animal or the impossibility of its further maintenance, the owner of the animal is obliged to transfer it to a new owner or to an animal shelter that can provide conditions for keeping such an animal,” the bill says (that is, it will not be possible to bring a healthy animal to a clinic for euthanasia with the wording “tired”).

The bill introduces an article “Protection of animals from cruelty.” These are proposed to be: carrying out veterinary and other procedures on animals without the use of veterinary painkillers that can cause unbearable pain in animals; refusal of animal owners to fulfill their obligations to maintain animals until they are placed in animal shelters or disposed of in another legal manner; trade in animals in places not specifically designated for these purposes; organizing and conducting animal fights; organizing and holding entertainment events that entail injury and mutilation of animals, killing of animals; feeding predatory animals with other live animals in places open to the public, with the exception of cases established by the government of the Russian Federation in the requirements for the maintenance and use of animals for cultural and entertainment purposes.

If the bill is adopted, the State Veterinary Control authorities may receive the authority to seize animals from owners if they cannot provide them with proper care and the animal is suffering. Wild animals that are not properly cared for are also subject to confiscation.

40 cats in an apartment is not allowed, in a cat cafe is allowed

The draft law proposes to ban the promotion of cruelty to animals, as well as calls for cruelty to our smaller brothers.

Among the requirements for keeping pets, it is proposed to adopt the following paragraph: “the maximum number of pets in the places where they are kept is determined based on the owner’s ability to provide the animals with conditions that comply with veterinary standards and regulations, as well as taking into account compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.” When walking their pets, owners are asked to be required to clean up their excrement.

A separate part of the law is devoted to the use of animals in circuses, dolphinariums, cultural events. Animal rights activists lobbied for a complete ban on dolphinariums, but this did not work out, says the publication’s interlocutor who worked on the current version of the bill.

The bill provides for a ban on petting zoos, but the so-called cat cafes will not be affected. Cat cafes have been actively developing in recent years in major cities. These are special institutions where they take in stray, but sterilized and cured cats, who also have socialization skills. In a cat cafe, as a rule, people pay for each hour of stay and can draw, play Board games, drink tea and chat with cats. Any animal can then be taken to your home (after agreement with the curator and signing an agreement for responsible care). The positive difference between a cat cafe and a shelter is that you can come and chat with the cat you like several times before making a decision, this reduces the risk of a mismatch of characters and an unsuccessful adoption. A year ago, deputies of the Moscow City Duma learned about the existence of cat cafes, confused them with petting zoos and wanted to ban them, but their colleagues who knew more about the issue, as well as the indignant public, managed to convince them not to do this.

“In the case of organizing events that involve physical contact between spectators (visitors) and animals, such events are carried out subject to the presence at the venues of their venues of areas inaccessible to people with shelters, where animals must be provided with constant unhindered access,” the draft law says.

But zoos, dolphinariums and zoos will become fully licensed from June 1, 2020. Mobile zoos will be prohibited.

Release cannot be killed

The draft law proposes to divide animal shelters into types: state, municipal and private. Shelter owners, while the animal is in their possession, bear the same responsibilities and meet the same requirements as animal owners. For the first ten days, an animal admitted to the shelter must be in quarantine. Animals must be marked. The bill does not provide for the euthanization of homeless animals.

“It is prohibited to kill animals kept in animal shelters, except in cases where it is necessary to stop the intolerable physical suffering of non-viable animals in the presence of a serious incurable disease of the animal or incurable consequences of an acute injury, incompatible with the life of the animal, reliably established by a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine, and such a procedure must be carried out a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine using humane methods that guarantee a quick and painless death,” reads one of the amendments to the bill.

Since euthanizing a healthy animal is impossible, the shelter has three options to choose from: release the animal into natural environment habitat, maintain until natural death or look for new owners. Information about animals in the shelter will be posted on the Internet. It is not allowed to transfer animals from shelters to laboratories for experiments. Shelter owners will also be required to provide access to volunteers.

Dmitry Golubovich/Global Look Press

Animal rights activist Elena Ivanova says that when developing legislation on the topic of homeless animals, three reasons for their appearance on the streets must be taken into account. These are either the offspring of already homeless animals, or discarded pets, or animals from “black breeders” - people involved in the uncontrolled breeding of purebred animals solely for the purpose of making a profit.

Whether stray animals should be released back onto the street after sterilization, vaccination and treatment in a shelter is another thorny issue that is slowing down the progress of the bill. Here the position of animal rights activists radically diverges from the position of victims of attacks by stray animals, primarily dogs. The bill proposes to release animals that do not demonstrate aggressive behavior, and keep aggressive ones in shelters for life. Victims of homeless animals usually advocate euthanasia or lifelong detention.

The idea of ​​animal rights activists to oblige utility workers to leave open one opening in the house (usually an air vent) leading to the basement was also not included in the bill. This is important for cats that winter time find shelter there. In Moscow in Last year The scandal is gaining momentum, as employees of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” began to tightly board up the basements. Often animals remain locked there and die from hunger and thirst. Compassionate citizens, having heard the cries of animals locked in the basement, often tear off the bars on their own and release the unfortunate ones.

The site has at its disposal correspondence between animal rights activists and the Ministry of Construction - this department could issue a decree and oblige to leave at least one uncovered air vent in the basement of each house. The Ministry of Construction proposed to give this up to the residents of the houses (the majority of owners should decide that the air vent remains), but refused to systematically solve the problem. The amendment was not included in the current version of the bill.

Finally, the bill introduces the concept of public control over the responsible treatment of animals. It is proposed to assign this function to specialized NGOs, and volunteers can become voluntary public inspectors. Reports from representatives of public control about cases of improper treatment of animals are subject to mandatory consideration by the authorities executive power, says the draft law.

The principles for registering pets are not specified in the bill; they will be included in the amendments to the law “On Veterinary Medicine”. “Russian society is not ready for paid registration of pets,” says one of the co-authors of the bill.

Also, the fears of animal rights activists that there will be a ban on the adoption of stray animals abroad have not yet been substantiated. There is no such clause in the law.

Why can't the law be passed?

The version of the bill, which is at the disposal of the site, is designed in a completely “animal protective” manner, and weak spots The act could be closed with separate amendments - after all, deputies are adopting many more crude initiatives. However, it turned out that the bill affects numerous financial interests different groups. Therefore, it may not be adopted this fall.

The bill was also unlucky in terms of hardware. In 2011, the working group to finalize the draft law for the second reading was headed by State Duma deputy from the LDPR Maxim Shingarkin, who was deputy chairman of the State Duma committee on natural resources, environmental management and ecology. In 2015, Shingarkin moved to the Defense Committee, and the leadership of the bill was transferred to the communist Oleg Lebedev. In parallel, consultations took place in the presidential administration and in the Public Chamber. After the elections to the new State Duma in 2016, the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology was headed by journalist Olga Timofeeva. And the curator of the law was deputy Vladimir Panov. Soon, according to the website, the curator of the normative act may again change; it may become State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov. Each time the deputy has to get up to speed almost from scratch. Which does not add productivity to the process.

One of the shelters BANO "ECO" Group of opponents of BANO "ECO" "VKontakte"

The bill turned out to be associated with a serious clash of interests among animal rights activists. For example, there is the Big Hearts Foundation (now the Forgotten Animals Foundation), its director Anastasia Komagina is a member of the working group of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Foundation is opposed to the TRAP (Trap-Sterilize-Vaccinate-Release) program. This fund allows the euthanization of captured stray animals, which comes into conflict with other animal rights activists who demand that this practice be abandoned. The Foundation is regularly accused of lobbying the interests of manufacturers of euthanasia drugs, because if the euthanasia of animals for non-medical reasons is prohibited, Russian market of such drugs will be seriously reduced. The Forgotten Animals Foundation (Big Hearts) denies this.

According to publications on Anastasia Komagina’s blog, this foundation is categorically against the adoption of the bill in its current form, believing that it needs serious revision.

In her blog, Komagina writes that the draft law does not stipulate liability for careless owners who throw animals into the street, does not prohibit begging with animals, does not have measures to control the breeding of purebred animals, and does not stipulate the obligation of the authorities to create shelters. Komagina also really criticizes the total ban on euthanizing homeless animals.

“The only proposed way to solve the problem of stray dogs is the “Trap-Sterilize-Vaccinate-Return” method - an ineffective method not used in any developed country in the world, which has already repeatedly failed miserably in Russia. In fact, budget funds for the sterilization of street dogs flowed into the pockets of dishonest entrepreneurs and their patrons in power, while against the backdrop of citizens’ dissatisfaction, “doghunting” flourished, entailing the mass cruel destruction of animals by city residents or the local municipal farms themselves, in order to justify the expenditure budget money. The current version of the law provides for an immediate ban on any humane euthanasia of animals that, for some reason, cannot be transferred to their owners and cannot be kept in shelters (sick, aggressive, etc.). But sad experience shows that the ban on controlled humane euthanasia entails a massive flourishing of the endless underground inhumane destruction of “unnecessary animals” in overcrowded shelters and on city streets, hunger, infections and poisoning,” Komagina writes in her blog.

Komagina admits in her publication that several years ago her foundation wanted to establish own production the drug "Zoletil", used for anesthesia (including when euthanizing animals), but this was not possible.

The head of the BANO “EKO” shelter, Vera Petrosyan, was also a member of the working group. One of the members of the working group said that it tried to push through an amendment to the bill that would prohibit volunteers from accessing shelters without the permission of the shelter owner. Now Petrosyan is in working group No.

Another opponent of the adoption of the bill in its current form is the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals. The society calls the current draft law “knacker” because it mainly addresses issues of keeping domestic animals, without affecting wild, agricultural and other animals; it does not stipulate the rules for registering domestic animals. The Society also says that parliamentary hearings were not held on the bill, and meetings of working groups were not public. The Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals demands that Panov be removed from work on the bill and is lobbying for a different version of the bill, previously proposed by the Federation Council, which proposes to regulate in one document the issues of keeping and treating all types of animals.

Clauses affecting wild animals require improvement and cause a lot of discussion, says one of the authors of the amendments. For example, cases of keeping small hippos, foxes, raccoons and even giraffes have been recorded. People keep at home not only cats and dogs, but also, for example, snakes, monitor lizards, and spiders. What to do with them? Should they be removed and placed in zoos or left to their owners? Instruct the government to develop rules for keeping every species of wild animal (including giraffe and hippopotamus) at home? While the bill proposes to draw up a list of animals prohibited home maintenance, but there is no answer to the above questions.

It is also proposed to prohibit setting animals (with the exception of service animals) on other animals. Setting dogs of hunting breeds and birds of prey against other animals and birds when carrying out activities to prepare (train) them for hunting is not permitted in ways that involve physical contact between animals, as well as in ways that can lead to cruelty to animals. We are talking about so-called baiting stations. This amendment caused one of the most serious discussions between the State Duma, the government and the presidential administration. Hunting is one of the favorite pastimes of officials and deputies, but different hunters have different opinions regarding baiting stations.

Baiting stations are special places where both wild and domestic animals are kept: rabbits, foxes, wolves, cats and dogs, on which they are baited hunting dogs, accustoming the beast to prey.'s interlocutor in the State Duma says that a complete ban on baiting stations is supported by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who himself is fond of hunting, but considers their existence unacceptable. But the government employs hunters who are proponents of using bait stations. As a result, it is possible that this clause will disappear from the final version of the law.

Kremlin Pool/Global Look Press

Manufacturers of animal food are also not asleep, trying to lobby their interests in feeding animals in shelters with complete dry food, one of the State Duma deputies told the site.

Now activists are on hunger strike outside the State Duma building, demanding the speedy adoption of the law. Deputies are calm about the action: hunger strikes at the State Duma on Okhotny Ryad will not surprise anyone. The chances of the bill being passed this fall are really slim.

So far, an intermediate solution has been invented: A Just Russia deputy Oleg Shein recently introduced a bill to tighten Article 245 of the Criminal Code “Cruelty to Animals”, proposing to increase the punishment for it to 3 years in prison, and, if the crime was committed by a group of people, and its video recording was posted on the Internet or in the media - then up to 5 years in prison. One of the co-authors of the amendment was United Russia member Vladimir Burmatov, which increases the chances of its adoption.

Oleg Shein says that the amendment makes group cruelty to animals not a minor crime, but moderate severity, which excludes evasion of responsibility under the pretext of repentance.

Vladimir Burmatov told the site that serious work is underway on the bill, interaction between deputies, the government, animal rights activists and other members of the public is taking place.

“The government has its own vision, for example, on the topic of baiting stations. They want to include this topic in a separate law “On Hunting”. The law itself is very complex, because it regulates that area of ​​​​relationships that was not previously regulated in any way. This is a new area, so it’s natural that the process is not going quickly,” notes Burmatov.

Animal rights activist Elena Ivanova reminds that the topic of animals in one way or another concerns all Russians. “Some people keep animals at home, others encounter them on the street. This topic affects the entire society,” says Ivanova. She advocates for the speedy adoption of the law.

The site’s interlocutor in the State Duma admitted the possibility that the bill will not be adopted in the autumn session, since there are only a few plenary sessions left before the new year, and deputies have accumulated a lot of bills high degree priorities related to the new financial year.

“The problem is that the animal protection community is not homogeneous,” the source added. “There are moderate people who understand that some steps need to be taken. There are radical human rights activists who demand that all areas of contact between humans and animals, including the agricultural and laboratory spheres, be immediately regulated. But these areas can be regulated in the future, after the adoption of the framework law. In addition, it is impossible to write all the rules on paper; this is just a set of general rules, the first approach to regulating this area. This law can be amended in the future. Unfortunately, in addition to animal rights activists, there are also commercially interested groups that can manipulate them and say that there are alternative texts. As a result, the movement of the entire bill is blocked, since people with the best intentions begin to believe that there is a good law that is not being passed, and a bad one that they want to pass,” the source added.

Draft Law “On keeping cats and dogs in Moscow”

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts used in this Law

The following basic concepts apply in this Law:

a) stray cats or dogs - cats or dogs that have an owner and have temporarily left his care, as well as cats or dogs whose owner is unknown;

b) ownerless cats or dogs - cats or dogs located on the territory of the city of Moscow, without an owner, or whose owner is unknown, or cats or dogs for which the owner has renounced ownership;

c) shelters for cats and dogs - facilities intended for keeping cats and dogs, located in private, state and other forms of ownership;

d) euthanasia (killing) of a cat or dog - a measure for the painless termination of life, carried out by a veterinary specialist in accordance with current regulations legal acts.

Article 2. Principles of keeping and protecting cats and dogs in the city of Moscow

The principles of keeping and protecting cats and dogs include:

a) application of the principles of humanism in relation to domestic animals;

b) application of general property rules to dogs and cats;

c) state participation, public organizations and citizens in implementing measures for the use and protection of cats and dogs;

d) accounting, regulation of the number of cats and dogs, payment for services provided in connection with their maintenance;

e) prevention of cruelty to cats and dogs;

f) compliance by owners with established sanitary, veterinary and zoohygienic requirements when keeping cats and dogs;

g) participation of public associations and citizens in the implementation of measures for the maintenance and protection of cats and dogs;

h) maintaining and servicing cats and dogs at the expense of their owners.

Article 3. Legal regulation of keeping cats and dogs in the city of Moscow

Legal regulation of keeping cats and dogs in the city of Moscow is carried out in accordance with federal legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, public order, veterinary medicine, other federal laws and regulations, this Law and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 4. Ownership of cats and dogs

1. Cats and dogs on the territory of the city of Moscow may be in private, state or other forms of ownership.

2. Ownerless, stray cats and dogs become the property of citizens and legal entities in the manner established by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. Rights and responsibilities for keeping cats and dogs

Article 5. Conditions for keeping cats and dogs

2. The number of cats and dogs kept in residential premises is determined by the possibility of providing them with appropriate living conditions in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation and the rules established by this Law. At the same time, the rights of citizens should not be violated.

3. Treatment of cats and dogs when keeping and using them must meet the standards of humane treatment of animals, excluding beatings, torture, physical and mental trauma, other harm from cats and dogs.

4. Owners, owners of dogs who own or use land plot, must make a visible sign about the presence of the dog.

5. Fights involving cats or dogs that lead to their death or injury are prohibited on the territory of the city of Moscow.

Article 6. Responsibilities for keeping cats and dogs

a) prevent cats and dogs from causing harm to the health of citizens, their property, the property of legal entities, and other animals;

b) comply with the requirements of federal legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, public order, veterinary medicine, and this Law;

c) at the request of veterinary specialists, present cats and dogs for examination, diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and processing;

d) immediately report to veterinary institutions and health authorities about bites of a person or animal and deliver the cat or dog that caused the bite to the nearest veterinary institution for examination and 1 O-day quarantine;

e) reimburse veterinary institutions for expenses associated with keeping cats and dogs during the quarantine period in the amounts established by the Moscow Government;

f) immediately report to veterinary institutions about suspected rabies disease in cats and dogs (sudden death) and isolate these cats and dogs (carcasses of cats and dogs) until the arrival of veterinary specialists;

g) prevent cats and dogs from polluting public places and common areas in residential buildings. In the event of contamination of these areas by cats and dogs, owners of cats and dogs, persons walking cats and dogs are obliged to ensure immediate cleaning.

b) set cats and dogs against people and other animals;

c) use cats and dogs to obtain meat and fur raw materials from them;

e) walk dogs on playgrounds, territories of healthcare, educational, cultural and sports institutions;

f) walking dogs weighing more than 15 kilograms to persons under 14 years of age and to persons in a state of intoxication.

3. When walking dogs, the owner or owner of the dog, the person walking the dog must:

a) take dogs out of the premises or bring them into the premises only on a leash, the length of which allows you to control the dog’s behavior. Dogs that pose a threat to people and other animals must also be muzzled. The list of dog breeds for which these requirements are mandatory is established by the Moscow Government;

b) keep the dog on a leash, the length of which ensures the safety of the animal itself and the people around it, when moving on the sidewalk, pedestrian path, side of the road, in crowded places and when crossing the roadway;

c) comply set mode and other rules for the protection and use of wildlife and their habitat when staying with dogs on the territory of natural complexes.

d) walk dogs without a muzzle and a leash in places specially designated for this purpose, determined by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, or subject to compliance with measures to ensure the safety of people.

4. If you do not want to keep a cat or dog and the ownership rights in relation to them are terminated, the owner is obliged to:

a) transfer the cat or dog into the ownership of another person;

b) transfer the cat or dog, as ownerless, to a shelter created by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow or a private shelter.

5. The owner, within three days, in the event of the death of a cat or dog, is obliged to notify the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow that registers animals about this.

Chapter 3. Registration and state support for keeping cats and dogs in Moscow

Article 7. Registration of cats and dogs

1. Cats and dogs owned by the city of Moscow and intra-city municipalities, as well as stray and ownerless cats and dogs located on the territory of the city of Moscow are subject to mandatory registration.

2. Cats and dogs that are privately owned are registered at the request of the owner.

3. The procedure for registering cats and dogs is established by the Moscow Government.

Article 8. Organization of registration of cats and dogs

1. Registration of cats and dogs is organized by the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), in cooperation with the territorial executive bodies of the city of Moscow.

2. Authorized body:

a) carries out measures aimed at bringing the conditions for keeping cats and dogs in the city of Moscow in accordance with the requirements of this Law;

b) together with the territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow and carrier associations, determines the need for areas for walking cats and dogs and makes decisions on their creation and operating conditions;

c) maintains the Register of cats and dogs located in the territory of the city of Moscow;

d) ensures control over the maintenance and use of city areas for walking cats and dogs;

e) exercises other powers in the field of keeping cats and dogs, established by the regulations on the authorized body.

2. Registration of cats and dogs is carried out at the expense of the Moscow city budget.

Article 9. Register of cats and dogs

1. Cats and dogs located on the territory of the city of Moscow are included in the Register of Cats and Dogs (hereinafter referred to as the Register) in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of this Law. The Regulations on the Register are approved by the Moscow Government.

2. The register is created for the purposes of:

a) prevention of especially dangerous and contagious diseases common to humans and animals,

b) searching for missing cats and dogs;

c) monitoring the volume and conditions of keeping cats and dogs, identifying development trends in the field of keeping cats and dogs, analyzing the effectiveness of state support in the field of keeping cats and dogs.

3. The holder of the Register is the authorized body.

4. The decision to include in the Register is made by the authorized body on the basis of an application from the owner of the cat or dog or the organization operating the shelter in which the cat or dog is placed, within 30 days from the date of its submission, provided that the conditions for keeping the cat or dog meet the requirements established by Articles 5 and b of this Law.

5. The following information is entered into the Register:

a) the registration number of a cat or dog, which is assigned in accordance with the serial number of entry into the Register (in case of exclusion from the Register, this registration number is not used in the future); b) the name of a cat or dog;

c) last name, first name, patronymic, address, telephone and fax numbers, email address of the owner of the cat or dog, if entry into the Register is carried out on the basis of an application from the owner;

d) name, address, telephone and fax numbers, email address of the shelter where the cat or dog is located, if entry into the Register is carried out on the basis of an application from the organization operating the shelter where the cat or dog is placed;

e) information on state registration: main state registration number - for legal entities; main state

registration number of the state registration record

individual entrepreneur for individual


f) date of inclusion in the Register;

g) the date of entering information about changes in information about the cat or dog.

7. Exclusion from the Register is made in connection with the death of a cat or dog or their removal outside the territory of the city of Moscow.

8. Handling of information included in the Register containing personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation on personal data.

9. Information about cats and dogs, information about changes in information contained in the Register, as well as about the exclusion of a cat or dog from the Register are entered into the Register by the authorized body free of charge in accordance with statements from the owners of the cat or dog or the organization operating the shelter, in which fits a cat or a dog.

10. The preparation and issuance of extracts from the Register are carried out by the authorized body upon written requests free of charge.

Article 10. State support in the field of keeping cats and dogs

1. Organs state power the city of Moscow in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow provide state support keeping cats and dogs included in the Register in the following forms:

a) establishment of benefits for rent for residential premises owned by the state of the city of Moscow, in which cats and dogs are kept;

b) granting the right to use areas for walking cats and dogs owned by the city of Moscow free of charge;

c) providing information support.

Chapter 4. The procedure for keeping cats and dogs in the city of Moscow

Article 11. Regulation of the number of cats and dogs

1. Regulation of the number of cats and dogs is carried out in order to protect public health, human life, and prevent diseases of cats and dogs.

2. Regulation of the number of cats and dogs must be carried out in ways that prevent harm to the health of citizens, their property, the property of legal entities, other animals, and the environment.

3. The number of cats and dogs is regulated

in the following ways:

a) catching without return to the habitat and keeping in shelters; c) sterilization, castration;

d) searching for the owners of a lost animal;

e) transfer of neglected, ownerless, lost and abandoned animals to new owners.

4. The procedure for regulating the number and catching of cats and dogs is established by the Moscow Government.

5. The capture of cats and dogs is carried out only for the purpose of regulating the number, as well as turning them into state property city ​​of Moscow. Catching cats and dogs for the purpose of killing is prohibited, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 15 of this Law.

6. It is prohibited to catch domestic cats and dogs using tools and means that injure cats and dogs or are dangerous to their life and health. The list of permitted methods, tools and means of catching cats and dogs is approved by the Moscow Government.

Article 12. Shelters for cats and dogs

2. Executive authorities of the city of Moscow create shelters for cats and dogs, and also assist citizens and legal entities in their creation.

3. The activities of shelters created by executive authorities of the city of Moscow are financed from the budget of the city of Moscow, as well as charitable contributions, donations from citizens and legal entities, and other legal proceeds.

4. The procedure for operating shelters, as well as the standards for keeping cats and dogs in them, are established by the Moscow Government in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

5. In the event that a cat or dog is returned to the owner, the shelter has the right to compensation by the owner or owner for the costs of maintaining the cat or dog.

Article 13. Veterinary care for cats and dogs

1. Owners of cats and dogs are obliged to ensure the prevention of especially dangerous and contagious diseases common to humans and cats and dogs, and to provide sick animals with qualified veterinary care.

2. Veterinary care for ownerless, street, city cats and dogs, carried out by veterinary specialists at the expense of the Moscow city budget, includes sterilization, vaccination, diagnostics, treatment of cats and dogs and disposal, if any problems arise.

especially dangerous diseases. The volume and procedure for providing these services is established by the Moscow Government in accordance with federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine.

3. Vaccination of cats and dogs against rabies, regardless of their ownership, is carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs if they have a license for veterinary activities issued in accordance with federal licensing legislation.

4. Performing procedures on cats and dogs that can cause them pain, shock, or other painful conditions is carried out under anesthesia.

Article 14. Transportation of cats and dogs

1. On the territory of the city of Moscow, it is permitted to transport cats and dogs on public passenger transport, if their transportation ensures the safety of people and the cats and dogs being transported, and does not create obstacles to the use of transport.

2. Transportation of cats and dogs that have not been registered in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of this Law on public urban passenger transport is prohibited.

3. When transported on public passenger transport, dogs weighing less than 5 kilograms and cats are transported in containers or bags (baskets); When transported outside a container or bag (basket), the dog must be muzzled and on a leash, the length of which ensures the safety of the animal itself and the people around it.

4. When selling and transporting cats and dogs outside the city of Moscow, a veterinary certificate of the established form is issued

Article 15. Euthanasia of cats and dogs

1. The killing of cats and dogs is permitted:

a) if it is necessary to stop the suffering of a non-viable cat or dog, if it cannot be stopped in any other way;

b) in relation to an unwanted newborn offspring;

c) in case of illness of a cat or dog and it is impossible to cure it;

d) with the necessary defense from an attacking cat or dog in an extreme degree of aggressiveness in the event of a threat to the life and health of a person, the life of another domestic animal;

e) in case of injury to a person by an animal;

f) if a cat or dog shows aggression towards

g) when the cat or dog reaches old age.

2. The killing of cats and dogs is carried out using humane methods.

3. The procedure and rules for killing stray and ownerless cats and dogs are established by the Moscow Government.

Article 16. Disposal and burial of carcasses of cats and dogs

1. Citizens and legal entities have the right to receive services for burial or disposal of corpses of cats and dogs belonging to them.

2. Disposal and burial of the corpses of cats and dogs is carried out in specially designated areas in accordance with veterinary and sanitary rules in the manner established by the Moscow Government.

3. If the owner refuses to bury a deceased cat or dog, disposal of the corpse is carried out by a body authorized by the Moscow Government.

Chapter 5. Monitoring compliance with the requirements of this Law

Article 17. State control over compliance with the requirements of this Law

1. State control over compliance with the requirements of this

The Law is carried out within the limits of their competence:

a) state veterinary supervision authorities;

b) state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities; c) internal affairs bodies (police);

d) other authorized bodies in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

2. Officials of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow exercising state control over compliance with the requirements of this Law in the exercise of their powers have the right:

a) receive complete and reliable information regarding the keeping of cats and dogs;

b) draw up acts based on the results of inspections and protocols on administrative offenses;

c) bring the perpetrators to administrative responsibility in the prescribed manner;

d) carry out other actions within the competence of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

Article 18. Public control over compliance with the requirements of this Law

1. Citizens, public associations and others non-profit organizations has the right to participate in the preparation of decisions of bodies

executive power of the city of Moscow on issues of proper maintenance of cats and dogs.

2. Citizens performing the functions of public inspectors,

a certificate of the established form is issued. The procedure for interaction between executive authorities of the city of Moscow and public inspectors is established by the Moscow Government.

3. When exercising control, public inspectors have

a) receive in the prescribed manner from legal entities and individuals

information regarding the issues of keeping cats and dogs;

b) seek assistance from the relevant executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the internal affairs bodies (police) when identifying facts of improper treatment of cats and

dogs and their maintenance;

c) take part in the preparation by officials of acts on

facts of violation of the requirements of this Law.

Chapter 6. Final and transitional provisions

Article 19. Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law comes into force 10 days after its official publication.

2. From the date of entry into force of this Law, recognize as lost

The force of paragraph 6 of Article 1 of the Moscow City Law of February 21, 2001 NQ 6 “On bringing certain laws of the city of Moscow into conformity with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation

When living in an apartment building, you have to take into account not only your neighbors, but also their legal rights. For example, anyone can have a pet, which is not against the law, but often creates inconvenience for people around them. We will tell you what rules and laws regarding keeping pets in an apartment building exist in 2018.

The main rule of living in an apartment building is to use the living space for its intended purpose. In this case, it is prohibited to violate sanitary standards and legitimate interests of other citizens. If neighbor's dog barks endlessly or shits under your door - this is a violation. To stop such things, it is often necessary to enter into conflict with your neighbors.

Issues related to the regulation of the residence of pets and their maintenance are not fully regulated by current legislation. This often leads to conflict situations between neighbors living in apartment buildings.

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Among the regulatory legal acts, the following documents can be distinguished:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2006 No. 25 “On approval of the Rules for the use of residential premises”;
  • Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”;
  • Law of the Russian Federation No. 4979-1 of May 14, 1993 “On Veterinary Medicine”.

In 2018, a bill on the responsible treatment of animals was prepared for the second reading (but has not yet been approved). It is understood that its provisions will come into force in June, but it has not yet been adopted.

In addition to the listed regulations, some issues may be regulated in the Housing Code, Civil Code and Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Besides, local authorities authorities have the right to approve their own bills regarding the rules for living pets in apartments. However, they cannot contradict legislation adopted at the federal level.

Separately, mention should be made of the initiative of deputies to create a bill on microchipping of animals. It was planned to approve the need to assign each animal (dog, cat, hamster, etc.) a unique identification code, which would contain information about the owner, diseases, ancestors and other information about the animal. However, the adoption of such a law is not expected in 2018.

What animals are classified as domestic animals by law?

The law does not have a clear definition of a pet. In other words, a citizen has the right to have and place in his apartment not only a cat, dog or parrot, but also a more exotic pet - a lion, python, hippopotamus.

There is no ban on specific species. However, there is a rule according to which accommodation should not interfere with the people around you.

However, there are several signs by which an animal can be considered domestic:

  • it is registered and has a veterinary passport;
  • it is vaccinated against rabies;
  • apply to pets preventive actions– for example, he is wearing a flea collar or the animal is subject to regular treatment for other diseases.

These requirements are mandatory in most cases. If the above points are violated, certain measures may be applied to the owner.

Rules for keeping dogs and cats in an apartment building

The basic requirements for keeping dogs and cats in an apartment building are highlighted. Here they are:

  1. The pet must live in the owner's living space. It is not allowed to use common property for these purposes - entrance, landing, basement, attic.
  2. You must not intentionally injure, abuse or harm an animal in any other way. The owner of the pet is obliged to provide proper care for it.
  3. If a pet causes any damage to another person, its owner will be responsible for such actions. In such situations, moral damages, compensation for treatment (if required) and an accrued fine are paid.
  4. The owner of the animal is obliged to monitor its behavior. It is strictly forbidden to threaten your pet or set it against other people. If the animal attacks, the owner will be responsible. In this case, the circumstances of the incident do not matter (whether there was a provocation or not, etc.).
  5. The behavior of an animal in public places is also the concern of its owner. For example, it is not allowed for a dog to be in transport, in a store or on a playground without a muzzle.
  6. It is prohibited to use public places as a toilet for an animal. The owner should not allow such things to happen. He is obliged to clean up after the pet in a timely manner.

If the owner notices that his pet is behaving strangely and may be dangerous to people around him, he is obliged to take measures to isolate him. In such cases, you should contact veterinarian. When a pet dies, the owner is obliged to resolve the issue of its burial.

The apartment must be used for its intended purpose. That is, people are allowed to live there. In such premises it is prohibited to set up shelters, holding centers and special nurseries for animals. Such actions violate housing and sanitary-epidemiological standards.

If a person does not comply with the rules for keeping animals in an apartment building, he may be subject to administrative liability. In some cases, criminal penalties are possible.

Difficulties of keeping animals in an apartment

In general, a city apartment is far from the best place to keep pets. It is understandable when small animals are kept in such a living space, but large species requires much more space to provide normal conditions accommodation.

Lack of space, full walks, etc. negatively affects the character of the dog. This, in turn, can lead to unpleasant and disastrous consequences.

Dogs in apartments quite often disturb neighbors. For example, they may bark, which leads to a violation of legal regulations on silence. If this happens, the owner should eliminate this phenomenon as quickly as possible.

This is also a violation of sanitary rules. The situation may give rise to contacting the police or judicial authorities.

What will happen for violating the rules for keeping animals?

Depending on the type of violation, administrative or criminal liability may be applied to the animal owner. When the rules of detention are violated for the first time, the preventive measure is a warning. After this, the offender should eliminate the reasons that prompted the neighbors to complain.

The most common type of punishment for negligent pet owners is an administrative fine. The owner of the animal can be fined up to several thousand rubles.

If an animal causes harm to the health of another person, its owner may face criminal liability under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This may include fines, forced labor, or imprisonment.

In addition, the victim has the right to demand compensation for physical and moral damage caused. The amount of compensation is determined individually. It is not regulated by law, and the victim has the right to request compensation in any amount that seems acceptable to him.

The neighbor's dog constantly barks - what should I do?

If the neighbor's dog constantly barks, then this, of course, will cause problems in relations with neighbors. The first thing to do is try to resolve the situation peacefully. You need to calmly talk to your neighbors and ask them to take action. A voice recording can be used as evidence.

If talking does not help, then you should observe the conditions in which the animal is kept. When there are signs of abuse, the police should be contacted. If suspicions are confirmed, neighbors face a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or even criminal liability with imprisonment for up to two years.

How can you tell if an animal is being treated cruelly?

  • restrict movement (for example, a dog sits on a short chain, and the owner does not allow it to warm up);
  • there is no kennel in the yard where the dog is kept;
  • the owner does not act when the animal freezes or overheats;
  • deliberate persecution by thirst or hunger occurs;
  • the animal is subjected to unjustified suffering.

A complaint against a neighbor is drawn up in free form and can be signed by the team. You can take a photo or video as evidence.

If talking doesn't help and no abuse is identified, note the times at which your neighbor's dog barks. When this happens early in the morning (before 9 am) and late in the evening (after 10 pm), you can complain about a violation of the silence law.

The neighbor's dog shits in the entrance - what to do?

Responsibility for the behavior of the animal lies entirely with its owner. If a dog shits in the entrance, you should talk to the owner. When this does not help, the only thing left to do is complain to the police.

However, before you write a statement, make sure that it is your neighbor’s dog who is doing the “dirty business.” This will need to be confirmed with a photo or video.

The complaint may be collective. A lawyer will help you draw it up correctly.

If difficulties arise, please seek legal advice. You can get free legal assistance on our website. Ask a question to an expert in a special window.

Citizens living in an apartment building are not at all prohibited from having pets. However, in this case, they are required to comply with the rules and laws regarding keeping pets. If this does not happen, neighbors have every right to complain to law enforcement and judicial authorities.

Russian citizens were excited by the news of the imminent introduction (beginning of 2018) of a tax on pets. Some news publications and Internet resources actively connected to the hot topic, talking about an “unprecedented law” that supposedly has already entered into force (or is about to come into force) and threatens unimaginable fees for everyone who has a cat or dog at home.

The people became alarmed and even panicked, and among the indignant voices, some common sense calls were lost to not rush and calmly sort everything out.

As it turned out, the law is only being discussed in the State Duma, and it has yet to undergo fundamental changes - after analyzing the opinions of all interested parties, animal lovers, veterinarians, animal rights activists, manufacturers and the rest of the concerned population.

In fact, this topic is far from new; the State Duma began to work closely on laws on domestic animals back in 2010, but they just can’t finish it.

Animal rights activists have long been calling on legislators to bring animal legislation to a manageable state. They offered their own options, but to no avail.

Things got to the point that the president personally demanded “to formalize a civilized procedure for the treatment of animals.” He did this in 2016, focusing on the problem of homeless animals and calling on parliamentarians to speed up work on this resonant issue.

Essence of the question

Less than a year had passed before parliamentarians responded to the president’s demand. The law being considered in the State Duma proposes to formalize human relationships with pets and introduce a financial component into them. This may include tax, registration and microchipping.

At first, only dogs and cats will have to be registered. The data will be entered into a database, indicating the characteristics of the animal and information about the owner.

Veterinarians and animal rights activists insist on paid registration. Residents of apartment buildings agree with them, especially those in whose entrances there live aggressive dogs or a dozen cats in one apartment.

While parliamentarians are thinking, in some places all this is already working - for example, in Crimea.

Registering a dog here costs 52 rubles, the procedure includes examination of the animal by a veterinarian, vaccination against rabies and entering data into a unified register for Crimea.

The owner is given a veterinary passport of the dog (you must pay 109 rubles), and the dog can receive, at the owner’s request, a metal tag or chip (764 rubles).

The most consistent supporters of microchipping are animal rights activists, veterinarians and breeders. They think the dog is mandatory must have a chip. Only in this case does the idea make sense and will protect the animal.

If the dog gets lost or gets hurt, it can be easily found and returned to its owner. If she causes mischief, the owner will have to answer for not looking after her well or not raising her properly.

What is especially important is that you cannot throw a chipped dog out the door, because the owner will be found and punished.

Voluntary chipping is still practiced today; it is done in veterinary clinics, and the data is entered into an international network.

The thought of a tax causes persistent indignation among Russian dog breeders and animal owners, despite the fact that in many countries taxes on dogs have long been introduced and are beneficial.

In Europe

Germans pay tax of 150-300 euros per year. If there are several dogs, the fee for the next one increases. You have to pay more for fighting dogs– 600 euros per year.

The tax on dogs in Holland has the same “progressive” character. If you have one dog, you pay 57 euros per year, but each subsequent one costs 85.

The Swedes pay less, the annual dog tax is 50 euros, the Swiss - 100.

For the Spaniards, an ordinary dog ​​costs a ridiculous amount - 15 euros per year, and a potentially dangerous one - 35. If you adopted it from a shelter, then you do not need to pay tax at all. It is not charged even if your dog performs social function, for example, works as a guide.

There is no tax on pets in the States; this responsibility is assigned to food manufacturers.

But paid licensing of dogs is practiced, although in some states it is voluntary. Here it is believed that owning a dog is not only a right, but also a privilege, so this pleasure cannot be free.

The prices vary from state to state, but they are not low at all, and literally everything is paid for. A discount is usually applied for older owners.

In Canada, both dogs and cats are covered by this procedure; registration is mandatory for all animals. If the owner refuses, he is punished with a fine from $240 to $5000, depending on the circumstances.

At the neighbors

The issue of regulating relations with animals has apparently become so ripe that even the neighbors have begun to stir.

For example, Belarusians introduced an annual tax on dogs, making it dependent on the dog’s height.

In Ukraine, dogs run along the city streets, decorated with dog tags on their ears; such dogs have been spotted in Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson. Chipping is not yet necessary, but it is about to become so. However, there is no tax on animals yet.

In Russia, many people like to keep animals close to them; there are about 20 million dogs, and even more cats, 25-30 million.

Now imagine that all these individuals are covered by paid registration, even at the meager Crimean price of 52 rubles. More than 2.5 billion rubles. will go to the budget! True, one-time.

There is also chipping, which will cost owners much more. Today the cost of the procedure ranges from 1000 to 4000 rubles., depending on what region we are talking about (depending on the status of the veterinary clinic).

Not all owners do it yet, but you can oblige everyone who has dogs! This will result in a substantial contribution to the state treasury.

Financial services have probably estimated the possible revenues from the animal tax, but these estimates are only theoretical. In the near future, apparently, they will remain there.

Speculation on a resonant topic, petitions

Fake news about the animal tax has agitated citizens, especially since the topic is sensitive. As a result, a petition appeared on the international platform calling for a ban on the law introducing a tax on animals in Russia.

In general, the entire process of misadventures of animal laws is accompanied by heated discussion in society. New initiatives are constantly being born on social networks, often resulting in petitions. Their direction is different, it is dictated by the interests of the authors.

Animal rights activists, for example, have long been pushing for the introduction of registration and microchipping of animals. On their behalf, a petition has been posted on demanding that they finally adopt laws that have been stalled for 20 years.

The word “tax” always evokes an unambiguous reaction – a sharp protest. In comments and on forums, residents of the Russian Federation express their opinions directly, without any diplomacy: “Oh, they are introducing a tax again due to numerous requests from workers!”

And immediately the deputies and officials get the nuts; they are traditionally persuaded, regardless of what tax the conversation turns to.

As for the tax on dogs and cats itself, there are often words in support of it in the comments. It is considered as an effective regulatory mechanism in relations between humans and animals. Provided, of course, that the money collected will actually be used to create shelters, special sites, sterilization of stray dogs and other measures in this direction.

Many do not welcome the idea of ​​a tax, but they agree with veterinarians and animal rights activists that the registration of pets should be paid. However, this must be done within reasonable limits, taking into account the social status of the owner.

That is, a tax as a way of withdrawing money from the population, of course, causes unanimous rejection. At the same time, citizens agree to discuss the specific type of tax on pets, and some perceive it as something quite useful.

After all approvals, State Duma deputies will adopt the main document, the law “On Veterinary Safety of Domestic Animals,” and the by-law, “Rules for the Accounting and Registration of Pets.” The bill “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” is also awaiting consideration.

There is no talk about a tax on animals yet. Although animal rights activists still consider the introduction of a tax for dog owners necessary measure. They also object to the voluntary nature of microchipping and insist that the owner must pay for the registration of a pet - this will help awaken in him a sense of responsibility for his actions.

At the moment, the law under discussion does not indicate any amounts; perhaps registration will even be free. As for chipping, it will remain paid and, apparently, voluntary for now.

All innovations will not be introduced simultaneously; a transition period is provided for this. Here sudden movements are harmful, since deep connections and multilateral relationships are affected. But there is no need to delay, changes are long overdue.

Animals and people are forced to coexist in one common space, and it must be adapted to ensure that everyone is comfortable. Without a cat or dog, we are missing something in life. Probably warmth, devotion, affection and just love.

For our part, we must be guided by the parting words of Saint Experi: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” In this case, it should be understood absolutely literally, and not complain if this responsibility takes a monetary value. For example, a pet tax form.

A bill on veterinary safety may be submitted to the State Duma, which will oblige Russians to register their pets for a fee. This was stated by the deputy chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Protection environment Russian Parliament Vladimir Panov.

The creation of the system for registering cats and dogs is provided for by the law “On Veterinary Medicine” adopted in 2015. According to Panov,

It is proposed to introduce a fee for the registration process, but he did not specify a specific amount. The draft law also provides for microchipping of cats and dogs on a voluntary basis.

The idea of ​​mandatory registration of pets is also supported by animal rights activists, who are convinced that the current situation “creates an opportunity for unscrupulous owners to abandon their animals and evade responsibility if this animal causes any damage to the property or health of other citizens,” Panov concluded.

Animal rights activists interviewed by Gazeta.Ru responded positively to the possible parliamentary reform. “Paid or free, all animals must be registered. However

you need to take into account the social status of a person: if this is a grandmother who has two or three cats and one dog, there should be some benefits. Large families should also be given bonuses.

Registration needs to be consolidated at the federal level in order to avoid cases where, for example, a fighting breed dog bites a child, and it is difficult for investigators to find out who the animal’s owner was,” says animal rights activist Vladislav Rogimov.

President of the Vita animal rights center Irina Novozhilova is confident that microchipping and registration of animals will help solve the problem of homeless animals. “First of all, it is necessary to stop breeding and introduce a mechanism to limit the activities of two types of breeders - those who breed for business and those who do not sterilize animals. Without this step, all other reforms will be ineffective,” said the animal rights activist.

The expert was outraged by the fact that the authorities propose to make registration mandatory, and microchipping optional. “In this case, they will not be able to add all the animals to the register. It is necessary to introduce genetic certification: it is more reliable. The chip can be rearranged or removed altogether,” Novozhilova noted. According to the expert, the very fact of paid registration looks controversial:

“In Russia, people have to save animals with their own money: give them shelter in their apartments, sterilize them. Meanwhile, such a service costs about 2 thousand rubles, and the authorities offer grandmothers with small pensions to also pay for registration.”

As for the cost of registering a pet, the amount, Vladislav Rogimov is sure, will depend on federal district. “It is important to remember that there are also wild animals that are kept by people: they and stray animals also need to be counted. It is necessary to conduct a real population census - only among animals,” the specialist is convinced.

Chipping, the animal rights activist noted, will cost cat and dog lovers much more. “There should also be benefits here. The current cost of this procedure depends on the region and veterinary clinic: it can range from a thousand to 4 thousand rubles,” says Rogimov.

There is already experience in registering pets in Russia. So, from January 1, 2017, this norm is in force in Crimea. The cost of the procedure on the peninsula is 52 rubles: for this money, a specialist examines the animal,, if necessary, vaccinates against rabies and enters the pet into the database.

“If the animal is expensive, and the citizen does not want a tag or tag to be attached to the animal’s ear, an additional service can be used - implanting an electronic chip under the animal’s skin. It will cost more,” Enver Umerov, deputy chairman of the Crimean Veterinary Committee, said in an interview with a local radio station. At the same time, after the death of an animal, citizens must report the fact to the veterinary service so that specialists can remove the animal from the register.

According to various estimates, there are about 25-30 million domestic cats and about 20 million dogs in Russia. Even without the cost of microchipping, Russians spend an average of 4.5 thousand rubles a month on keeping their pets: most of the amount goes on food, the rest of the costs go to trips to the veterinarian and caring for the animal.

Even if we take the Crimean 52 rubles for registering an animal as a guide, then, according to Gazeta.Ru calculations, for approximately 45-50 million registered cats and dogs the state can receive 2.6 billion rubles into the state budget. Animal rights activist Vladislav Rogimov is confident that not all the money will go to the state treasury. “We must not forget that each animal must be entered into the database. In order to do this, in each region you need to hire specialists who will supervise the sending of funds and do all the paperwork or electronic work", he said.

The expert also noted that the animal database should be closed, since a cat or dog can be used to “break through” any person: his address, contacts and passport details. “The FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs must control the process so that these databases do not go online. The main thing is that the database is inaccessible to scammers. It should be controlled by special services, and not by regional agricultural ministries, because 70% of our population has a pet,” the animal rights activist emphasized. Rogimov is convinced that

most people will not register their animals. “Why is this necessary if the animal really does not leave the four walls and does not pose a danger?”

- said the specialist, noting that, for example, in the USA it was introduced mandatory microchipping animals.

“When a dog gets lost, it ends up in a shelter, where employees, through the database, instantly find the owner’s contacts and call him. In any veterinary clinic you can scan the chip to determine the owner of a dog or cat,” Rogimov said.

Let us remind you that at the moment another law concerning pets is currently under consideration in the State Duma: “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals.” The document proposed by the Ministry of Nature will consolidate the basic concepts and principles of protecting animal rights. The law provides for strengthening the fight against cruelty to animals and plans to strengthen control over the keeping of domestic, service and circus animals.

If the bill is adopted, the authorities will ban the destruction of stray pets. However, the second reading of the bill was repeatedly postponed; this red tape causes constant protests in the animal protection community.

And just recently, on October 8, 2017, it became known that the State Duma within several months would consider a law banning the keeping of wild animals in apartments and the closure of petting zoos.

According to the Australian animal insurance organization Pet secure, Russia is among the top five countries in terms of the number of cats and dogs. The United States ranks first in terms of the number of pets, both in the case of dogs and in the case of cats. At the same time, in America, as in most other countries, there is a tax on the sterilization of animals. “In London, people who refuse this procedure will be constantly called by specialists from the veterinary clinic. In case of further refusal, a fine will be imposed on the townspeople,” noted Irina Novozhilova.
