Akita Inu dog from Japan. Hachiko is a breed of Akita Inu dog (photo): an excellent companion and wayward friend. The disadvantages of the Japanese Akita include

The Akita Inu dog breed owes its exotic name to its place of origin. The variety was bred on one of the islands of Japan in the province of the same name. In these parts, to this day you can find many monuments erected in honor of the breed. Akita Inu has been elevated to the category of divine creatures. About courage, wisdom and devotion Japanese dogs there are legends. A prominent representative of the breed is the four-legged movie hero Hachiko.

The history of the breed tells us that Akita Inu have always been, first of all, companions, and only then service dogs. Today, nothing has changed: they do an excellent job as security guards, among them there are even bodyguards and rescuers. According to the classification of the International Canine Federation, dogs are included in the 5th group (Spitz), 5th section (Asian Spitz). How long do Akita Inus live? For large dogs, their life expectancy is quite high: 12-16 years.

What does an Akita Inu look like?

Representatives Japanese breed have a bright and recognizable appearance. Yet they are often confused with Shiba Inus. How can you be sure that the dog in front of you is of this particular variety? What do Japanese Akitas look like? There are certain breed standards, thanks to which purebred dogs are distinguished:

  • In terms of size, Akita Inu are large dogs. Height ranges between 60-72 cm, and weight ranges from 31 to 45 kg;
  • The animals' physique is strong and proportional, with well-developed muscles;
  • the chest is strong and wide, and the paws are powerful;
  • the head is round, resembling an obtuse triangle. The ears are erect, also in the shape of a triangle, the eyes are dark brown;
  • The pride of dogs is their tail - a striking component of the breed’s characteristics. It is large and slightly curled. As a rule, it is thrown over the back;
  • Japanese dogs have thick hair, which is noticeable even in the photo. The following colors are acceptable: black, brindle, sesame. White Akita Inus are especially popular.

Thanks to the laconic but accurate descriptions breed now you can distinguish a samurai with a tail from dogs of another breed.


You will find a protector and friend in this dog. The character of the Akita Inu combines affection and strength. For their owners they are the most loyal and kind creatures, while for others they are reserved and serious dogs. The most important thing in an animal’s life is the family in which it lives. Pets are ready to even give their lives for the sake of loved ones. And if there are offspring in the family, a strong bond is established between the Akita Inu and the children. By nature they are curious, cheerful and playful, but at the same time very, very responsible. They say that dogs make wonderful nannies.

Before you get a pet of this breed, you need to take note: in some countries these dogs are blacklisted. It is believed that their behavior may be too aggressive. The peculiarity of the breed is indeed excessive rigidity, but with proper upbringing the pet will never bare its teeth without a good reason. To describe the nature of the breed, it must be added that dogs need respect and care. Only then do they become attached to their owner with all their heart and soul.

How to become the best host for plush dog? Create a comfortable environment for your dog in which he will feel happy. Sounds like something very complicated, doesn't it? This is partly true. Keeping and caring for an Akita Inu dog requires some time and effort, but once you systematize all the processes, you will understand that in practice everything is somewhat simpler. So, how to care for an Akita Inu:

  • grooming. Dogs have unusual fur, which is a pleasure to care for. All you need to do is brush the coat once every few weeks;
  • bathing. All dogs don't like water treatments and Akita is no exception. Don't torture your dog with monthly baths. For this breed, it is enough to arrange a bath day once every six months - no more often;
  • care of teeth, ears, eyes, claws. Every 3 days, brush your pet’s teeth using a special paste and brush. Eyes and ears should be wiped as needed, and nails should be trimmed once every 3 weeks. But dogs are very active, so their claws often get worn down while walking outside;
  • puppy care practically no different from caring for an adult Akita Inu. The only significant difference is the diet: Akita Inu puppies should eat up to 6 times a day until 4 months of age;
  • content. Akitas are resistant to temperature changes and are not afraid of moisture, so they can live outside. Keeping them in an apartment is also suitable for them, but on the condition that you walk your pet a lot;
  • walking. Whatever happens, you should walk your dog 2 times a day for an hour. Respect your pet's wishes and do not limit his freedom excessively. If you usually use a leash, give your dog the opportunity to run freely without being tied several times a week;
  • feeding. Japanese dogs love Japanese food. Stock up on fish, rice, seafood and vegetables. The diet may include eggs and meat from wild animals. But poultry, pork, beef, lamb and dairy products should be excluded from the Akita Inu’s diet.

By giving your pet a little bit of care, you will see with what joy he accepts it and responds with devotion.

Raising and training Japanese Akita

Owners of this breed claim that raising and training can take quite a lot of time. In this matter, gradualism is important: do not even hope to teach the animal everything at once. Japanese Akitas are smart, but moderately stubborn. Therefore, pressure and physical punishment are not for them. When raising an Akita Inu, keep in mind that pets finally mature only at 2 years of age. Therefore, at the first stages of life, carelessness will be present in the dog’s behavior.

Instead of boring training sessions, puppies can enjoy a variety of games. By capturing the animal's attention, you will capture its heart. Do not show aggression in games, otherwise the dog will grow up and turn into an uncontrollable monster. If you decide to train an Akita Inu yourself, try to understand your dog, and not judge and punish.


Is Akita Inu in good health? It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. These dogs cannot be classified as sissies, but there are still a number of diseases that threaten them. At improper care And poor nutrition The health of Japanese dogs is threatened by blood diseases, allergies, gastric volvulus and dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints. Among congenital diseases of Akita Inu, eye diseases are the most common.

When choosing a tailed friend, check out his pedigree and ask what illnesses his parents suffered. Don’t discount vaccinations: the first is done when the puppy is six months old, and the second is closer to 10 months. Adult pets should be vaccinated once a year, and anthelmintics should be given a few weeks before vaccination.

Akita Inu photo | Dreamstime.com

basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs Dog's tendency to find mutual language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

The Akita Inu is a large and noble breed of dog that was originally used to guard royal family and the nobility of feudal Japan. Dogs were also used to hunt wild boar, bear and deer. The animal is fearless and insanely loyal to its family. It is very difficult to frighten an Akita Inu; this is a dog that is unlikely to deviate from its intended goal. At the same time, the pet is very funny, of course, this can only be achieved if the dog is trained.

Akita Inu has a peculiar appearance: a large head and several small triangular eyes. Strong body dogs are the main factor that has a terrifying effect on the enemy. The breed is known for its unwavering loyalty to its owner, kindness and tenderness towards loved ones. What could be better than having such a strong and loving patron?

Dogs of this breed are not prone to strong barking, but at the same time remain quite vocal. The fact is that Akita Inus are prone to making various sounds similar to grunting, snorting, moaning, etc. Some owners say they get the impression that the dog is talking to itself, muttering to itself. Representatives of this amazing breed They are quite cautious towards strangers, but if the owner is nearby, the dog is restrained and does not show aggression or other attention to strangers.

Akita Inu loves to carry various things in its teeth. It may get to the point where your pet will lightly grab your wrist and try to drag you somewhere. Such a gesture should not be perceived as aggression. In fact, this is a manifestation of the pet's attention. Often dogs of this breed hide slippers and personal belongings, they can drag the leash or, conversely, bring it to you. Thus, the animal shows its desire to walk.

An unusual feature that applies to dogs of the Akita Inu breed is the so-called. " cat behavior" These animals love to lick their bodies. The method of hunting also applies to cat manifestations. The animal behaves like a tiger. Akita Inu stalk their prey silently, keeping their body low to the ground, and attack at the right moment. Unlike other dogs, the Akita Inu will not bark or growl.

Before purchasing an Akita Inu, it is important to study all the nuances of raising and keeping a dog. These pets, like other animals, react poorly to aggression and harsh parenting methods. The entire learning process should be built on mutual understanding and establishing contact between the pet and the owner. Remember that a dog is a full member of the family who needs love and respect.

Be prepared that training and training your Akita Inu will take longer than other breeds. Although Akita is enough clever dog, but a somewhat capricious, stubborn character will not go unnoticed.

Akita Inus are very sociable and social. They need a lot of communication, so they must spend a lot of time with their family. Communication will be the key in the learning and training process. Under no circumstances should you resort to keeping an Akita Inu in your yard. The dog should live with you under the same roof! Loneliness is destructive for such dogs; the animal will become nervous and aggressive.

Akita Inu is not suitable for people who want to have calm dog, as well as for that category of dog breeders who are afraid of serious responsibility. An animal will be a real gift only for those who are ready to invest all their attention and love into raising a pet and its proper training. Such a master will be generously rewarded.

When choosing an Akita Inu puppy, you should decide on its variety. The fact is that there are two standards for this breed: American and Japanese. Japanese Akita Inu much smaller than the American one, both in height and weight. The weight of the Japanese variety is approximately 15 kg less than the American one. The head of a Japanese dog resembles a fox's head in shape, which cannot be said about the American dog, which has a larger and wider head. One more distinctive feature are the eyes. In the American variety they are triangular in shape, while in Japanese dogs they are more rounded. American Akita is the owner of a black mark on the face; the Japanese are characterized by white spots.

Such significant differences became the subject of discussions about the official division of the breed. Despite a large number of For those who support the idea of ​​​​dividing the Akita Inu into two breeds, this issue still remains only the subject of long debate.

The natural hunting instincts of the Akita Inu have not disappeared over its long history. Now they are manifested in the tendency of dogs to frolic on the water and in the forest. These dogs can chase waterfowl while the owner is fishing on the shore.

Despite many discussions and controversies, the irrefutable fact remains that the Akita Inu is truly a strong, fearless and loyal dog, with remarkable character traits and amazing appearance.

Akita Inu are very compassionate. This can be confirmed by a case at the London Zoo. When a newborn baby Sumatran tiger was left orphaned, zoo staff began searching possible ways feeding a tiger cub. The choice fell on an Akita Inu who was just nursing puppies. The zoo staff were sure that the Akita would not be afraid of such a test, and they were not mistaken! The dog not only fed the tiger cub, but also played and looked after him. This is a sign of the animal’s boundless love and tenderness.

Akita Inu is a dog for people who are confident in themselves and their own abilities, for those who are ready and willing to give their warmth and attention to our smaller brothers!

Photo of Akita Inu:

Photos of Akita Inu dogs | Dreamstime.com

Origin story

The homeland of Akita Inu dogs is Japan, more precisely the server region of the island of Honshu (famous for its Fuji volcano - the highest point of the Land of the Rising Sun) - Tohoku. It was in those parts, mainly in the territory of Akita Prefecture, that the remains of ancient dogs similar to modern Akita Inu were found. In Japanese, "inu" means "dog", that is, the name of the breed is the Akita dog. True, history is silent about who the ancestors of the Akita were, because according to some sources, animals similar in appearance to the Japanese Inu appeared no later than the 2nd millennium BC. By the way, this breed is recognized as one of the oldest (like another famous breed from Japan), which developed almost without human labor. In other words, the pretty appearance of the Akita Inu is a gift from nature, and not at all the merit of geneticists and breeders.

There is an opinion that the ancestors of today's Akita Inu appeared as a result of crossing chinese dogs with local individuals of the Japanese archipelago. At the beginning of our era, the territories of Japan began to be massively populated by Chinese and Korean peoples, who, in addition to their own simple belongings, transported their gou (i.e. dogs) to their new place of residence. Over time, the blood of animals imported to Japan began to mix with the dogs that had already lived there for many centuries.

Another version of the appearance of the Akita Inu is associated with ancient people Ainu who inhabited southern part Japanese islands. Already from the Jomon period (from about 13,000 BC), the Ainu began to experience difficulties in relations with Asian invaders (from Southern China and South-East Asia), who decided to take away the fertile soils of the south for growing rice. The Ainu always found food in hunting, fishing and gathering, so they could not compete with resourceful settlers. So the indigenous people moved closer to the north - to the island of Honshu, covered with mountains, volcanoes and dense forests. And he also brought with him dogs that helped in hunting large animals - bear, wild boar, deer.

But even here the unfortunate Ainu and their dogs were not left alone - gradually the invaders reached the north of Japan, having found out about the gold ores and valuable timber of the island. Relative peace came only at the end of the 16th century, when not only the way of life of the original owners of the Akita Inu, the Ainu, changed, but also the dogs themselves, crossed with individuals once brought from Asian countries. IN different years Akita Inu (during the Kinsei period 1570s to 1860s AD) were used as, and (took part in dog and bull fighting).

To increase anger and give the Akita a special muscularity, the blood of Japanese dogs was increasingly mixed with breeds imported from Europe, which negatively affected both the external appearance of the breed and their hunting character. By the beginning of the 19th century, fighting with dogs was banned, which made the breed unpopular and, therefore, disappearing. And there were only a few purebred Akitas left. By the 1920s, the work of breeders began, aimed at eliminating the metamorphoses that occurred with ancient dogs from indiscriminate crossing, and the Society for the Preservation of Akita Inu was formed. In 1931, the Akita Inu was recognized national treasure Japan, and in 1938 the first breed standard was adopted. Although Akita still had difficult periods ahead, one of which was the Second World War. In difficult times during the war, many dogs were exterminated to make uniforms from their skins, and the meat was used for food. However, already in 1947, the first exhibition was held, in which a little more than 20 surviving dogs took part.

In Russia, Akita Inu is loved first of all not because of its unusual appearance, but because of the legends about the loyalty of these dogs (for example, the film “Hachiko: the most true friend"or the ancient legend about Shiro, and the Japanese themselves call the character of the Akita Inu “innate valor” - a kind of evidence of the animal’s devotion, courage and love for man). They were brought to our country in beginning of XXI centuries, since then the popularity of the Akita Inu has not fallen - kennels have been founded, and there are more and more people who want to get a dog from the Land of the Rising Sun as a companion.

Akita Inu character

Akita Inu dogs were originally bred to guard members of the Japanese royal family. The strong and impressive constitution of the dog's body perfectly corresponds to the general appearance guard dog. Despite their menacing appearance, Akita Inu are very affectionate and gentle with family members. They are excellent companions, but their character is somewhat stubborn, which can become a serious obstacle in matters of training and education. Representatives of this breed are prone to barking and often exhibit dominance and assertiveness in character. The complex nature of the Akita Inu means that this dog is not suitable for novice dog owners.

Akita Inu dogs come in a variety of colors, including black, white, chocolate, and brindle. These dogs have a fairly thick undercoat. In general, caring for the Akita Inu's coat is not difficult, but Akita Inu dogs have hair that easily spreads around the house, including. on furniture and clothes, so you will have to vacuum the apartment quite often. Heavy shedding occurs twice a year. During this period, it is especially important to brush your pet weekly to keep its coat healthy and beautiful.

Despite the fact that Akita Inus are distinguished by their penchant for self-care, it is still necessary to bathe the dog three to four times a month due to the nature of its coat. The thing is that representatives of this breed love to run through puddles and roll in the mud.

Ear care involves weekly careful monitoring of the condition of the ear canals and treatment with a special solution with a balanced pH level prescribed by a veterinarian. You need to ensure that there is no irritation or inflammation in your ears. Nails should be trimmed once a month.

Training and education

Akita Inu is difficult to train. This is due, first of all, to the complex character of the dog. The coach must have leadership qualities and be self-confident. Consistency and perseverance are the main components of proper and successful dog training. Since the Akita Inu was originally bred as guard dogs, they are endowed with natural wariness towards everything unknown. That is why the process of early socialization of puppies of this breed is of particular importance. During the socialization period, puppies must learn what is dangerous and what is not. The dog also needs to understand the difference between a guest and an uninvited stranger.

Health and illness

Most Akita Inus have the following health problems: dysplasia hip joint, eye disease, incl. progressive retinal atrophy which causes blindness, immune disorders, von Willebrand disease, bleeding disorders, immune system disorders that affect the skin, adenoma sebaceous glands(a disease that can result in the death of the pet).

Some interesting facts

  • The owner of the Akita Inu breed, named Yume, is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia received the dog as a gift from Japan in 2012. Vladimir Putin noted in one of his interviews that this is a strict dog that always protects its owner.
  • The main character of the acclaimed film "Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend", based on real events, is an Akita Inu dog.
  • Akita Inu is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in Japan.
  • Akita Inu is aggressive towards other dogs, especially dogs of the same sex.
  • For those who have never owned a dog before, an Akita Inu is not the best option.
  • Early socialization, good professional training and training is a prerequisite for keeping an Akita Inu.
  • Akita Inus tend to chase other animals, even inside the house!
  • Dogs of this breed are prone to heavy shedding. Akita Inu coat care should begin from a very early age. In this case, grooming for the dog will become a familiar, everyday activity.
  • You should not look into the eyes of an Akita Inu for too long. The animal may perceive this as an indicator of danger against him.
  • Training and raising an Akita Inu is not an easy task. It is best to seek professional help.

And other primitive types of dogs); section 5 (Asian Spitz)

Usage: companion dog

Color: red and white, brindle and white and white.

Dimensions: height at withers: males from 66 to 71, females from 61 to 66; weight: males from 45 to 59, females from 32 to 45

Lifespan: about 11-15 years

Akita Inu got its name because of its place of origin - it was bred on a Japanese island in the Akita province.

This is a very smart animal, endowed with real wisdom and strong-willed qualities.

Proves extreme loyalty famous story Hachiko, in whose honor a film of the same name was even made.

Other touching stories You can read about dog fidelity in the article

Everyone who knows what breed Hachiko is is especially fond of the Akita Inu, which has become incredibly popular among dog breeders precisely because of its amazing intelligence, devotion and gentle character.

This animal, belonging to the family, is quite unpretentious, perfectly fulfills the role of a companion dog and simply perfectly combines playfulness and mobility with tranquility and a stunning mind.

History of the breed

The Akita Inu's homeland is the island of Honshu. Due to the country of origin, this dog is sometimes also called the full phrase - Japanese Akita Inu.

In its past, this breed was a hunting breed and specialized in hunting large animals such as deer or bears.

After conducting archaeological and genetic research, as well as studying ancient drawings depicting dogs, scientists found that the Akita Inu breed is one of the 14 most ancient breeds in the world, the list of which also includes the Russian.

In Japan, at the beginning of the 6th century, clubs for Akita Inu lovers were created, the purpose of which was to create instructions for the maintenance and breeding of these animals for the sake of preserving the country's hunting grounds.

Character and psychology

The Akita Inu dog has a developed intelligence and a lively, strong mind.

Dogs of this breed are characterized high level intelligence and calm character, as well as dogs of the West Siberian Laika breed.

  • They have a phenomenal memory, easily remember all commands and can even independently adjust their behavior to the mood of their owner;
  • The independence and willfulness of this breed, extreme self-willed character, goes well with the high degree of affection of the Akita Inu to its owners and complete devotion to them;
  • Akita Inu is one of those dogs that does not tolerate condescension and unnatural displays of attention; this animal should be treated on equal terms with love and affection, and not introduced on the spot adult dog stupid puppy.


These dogs perform well in a home with children.

They easily take responsibility for the behavior of children and monitor it well, making sure that the child does not do anything bad or get into trouble.

At the same time, Akita Inu is easily given into children's hands, without objecting to constant games. A wonderful nanny and friend for the baby.

How to choose a puppy

First of all, you need to remember that a black mask, familiar to the related breed of American Akita, is categorically unacceptable for the Akita Inu, just like a hanging tail.

You should not choose a dog from a litter that is too large, nor should you give preference to the largest and most well-fed puppy in the entire litter.

The ideal choice would be a playful and active puppy from a small litter where all the babies are approximately the same size.

Healthy Akita Inu puppies are moderately well-fed, are not at all afraid of loud and unexpected sounds and do not show aggression at all - only lively curiosity.

In addition, puppies of this breed have an amazing temperament; only with age do they become reasonable and calm.

Features of care


The Akita Inu's coat does not cause any particular inconvenience; brushing it once or twice a week is enough.

Only during heavy shedding, which happens a couple of times a year, should you approach hair care more carefully and do it every day.

To do this, you need to have at least two brushes - for wool and for thick undercoat.

Dogs of this breed should be bathed once or twice a year; more frequent water treatments can damage the coat.

Once every two weeks you should trim your dog’s nails, and once every few days you should brush its teeth with a special paste.


The Akita Inu is a very characterful dog, so you don’t need to “walk” it, but “walk” with it.

In most cases, she decides where to go and often prefers to walk without.

At least once a week, she should be released without him and given the opportunity to run around to her heart’s content without the owner’s participation in this.

The dog needs frequent and high-quality physical activity, so at least two hour-long walks a day are necessary.

If you are short of time, you can shorten one walk and make up for the lack of activity on the weekend by staying outside for several hours in a row.

The same type of games and walks gets boring for the dog; it is better to alternate both places for walks and equipment for games, constantly choosing something new.

And are ideal for such a pet.


In their historical homeland, the Akita Inu was fed rice, fish and some other seafood, seaweed and a lot of vegetables.

It digests well boiled eggs and wild game meats (such as venison).

Purebred dogs are adapted precisely to such foods; they can exhibit very strong reactions to chicken, beef, other meats and excessively fatty dairy dishes. serious allergies .

This breed also does not tolerate corn and oatmeal.

Akita Inu can be described in just a couple of words - “innate valor”


Characteristic diseases

Akita Inu often exhibits diseases associated with its nature, body characteristics and size:

  • dysplasia of the hip or even elbow joint;
  • hypothyroidism and the development of skin diseases;
  • birth defects and vision problems;
  • immune blood diseases;
  • a large number of allergic reactions for products;
  • volvulus of the stomach.



Akita Inu is one of the most purebred dogs that does not require an influx of “new blood” into the breed and the improvement of any characteristics.

The purity of the breed is especially strictly controlled in Japan within the framework of breeding; in all other countries, all healthy representatives of this breed are simply allowed to breed.

Hachiko - Akita Inu dog breed: an excellent companion and wayward friend

Akita Inu got its name because of its place of origin - it was bred on a Japanese island in the Akita province. Extreme devotion is proven by the famous story of Hachiko, in whose honor a film of the same name was even made.

Akita Inu It is considered one of the oldest breeds that appeared in Japan. According to many years of studying archival documents, it was discovered that dogs lived in this country more than eight thousand years ago. Akita Inu breed got its name from the local province of Akita, located in the north of the country.

The dog has such a perfect character that it is able to amaze anyone who studies the dog better. He is smart, brave, loyal and sociable, and also wise.

Breeders note that the intelligence of animals is so high that they are able to control their behavior in different circumstances and hide emotions, even if they are positive. Besides, Japanese Akita Inu capable of using tricks and tricks and is distinguished by independent decision-making.

Moreover, the dogs’ memory is simply phenomenal, since they remember both words with commands and some details from life. To the point that we ate it for lunch half a month ago! A Akita inu puppies who were born in nurseries and then went to different families, remember their sisters and brothers all their lives.

Once the main function of this breed was hunting, but over time they began to guard aristocratic families and palaces. Thanks to the change of functions, the dog acquired new qualities, but did not forget about the previous ones.

Akita Inu puppies remember blood ties throughout their lives.

Among these, three varieties are distinguished - herding, hunting and fighting. The classification was given in the middle of the twentieth century, and a little later a new one appeared, depending on the color.

Today, there is a tiger variation, in which there are white, black, red colors, red, where red coloring predominates interspersed with white spots on the face, belly and limbs, as well as white.

White Akita Inu characterized by absolute monochrome except for the tip of the nose. For some reason I got into the same classification American Akita Inu, distinguished by a strong physique. This dog is large and densely built.

Thanks to its folding and strong cut, the dog simply needs good physical exercise. Therefore, the training and education of the dog deserve close attention.

Akita Inu white color

Breeders advise starting classes at six months - during this time the dog can be taken to a special area, and, if conditions permit, it grows in a private house with personal plot, conduct training right on the lawn under the windows of your home.

Breed standard

If we look at the images, we can note that Akita Inu in the photo It looks large-headed and broad-browed, has pocket ears and a dashingly curled tail. Thanks to its original appearance, the animal simultaneously resembles a fox, a wolf, and in some ways even a bear.

An important proportion of the breed is the ratio of the height at the withers to the length of the body. It should be 10:11. It is worth adding that females have a longer body than males.

The Akita's lips fit tightly together, the cheekbones are moderately developed, the jaws are equipped with powerful teeth with a scissor bite. The dog looks at the world with relatively small eyes, almost triangular in shape, which are dark brown in color.

Moreover, the darker the look, the better. Thick and round paws make elastic movements. The dog's weight varies from 32-45 kg for females and from 40 to 45 kg for males. The height at the withers ranges from 58 to 64 cm for ladies and from 64 to 70 cm for gentlemen.

The requirements for the color are that it be clear and clean, and if spots are present, they must also have a clear outline. The coat has an undercoat, with the hairs of the outer coat being longer and coarser than the thick, soft undercoat. The average lifespan of dogs is from 10 to 13 years.

It is worth considering that deviations from these requirements are a serious drawback, due to which the animal may be disqualified. The most common are deviation from the sexual type (a male can have the proportions of a female and vice versa), bite problems, missing teeth, blue or black spots on the tongue, a short tail and even timidity.

Akita Inu brindle dog

Excessive hairiness, a black “mask”, and a tail hanging down are considered disqualifying faults.

Care and maintenance

Dog breeds Akita Inu requires careful and painstaking care, which, in turn, will guarantee an elegant look and appearance. Brushing the coat should be done at least once a week, which will provide it with such characteristics as a healthy appearance and silkiness.

The dog requires frequent walks, and it should also be trained there. Weather conditions do not matter - thanks to his endurance and well-balanced figure, the dog is resistant to any climatic conditions. But daily walks will provide your pet with strong immunity.

Other details of care and maintenance should be clarified with the breeders. By the way, interesting fact: This breed is considered the national pride of Japan, so kennel owners will not sell Akita puppies to just anyone. It is important to be knowledgeable about the characteristics of this dog.


Due to the specific origin, dogs for a long time knew nothing but rice, seafood, seaweed and vegetables. Sometimes eggs and game were allowed. This diet is still relevant today, so this list is the basis of the diet.

It is worth considering that Akita Inu may be allergic to other foods that are standard for other breeds. We are talking about poultry meat, veal, fermented milk products with high fat content, as well as cereals such as corn and oats.

If the owner decides to feed the dog factory-made food, then he should pay attention to the fact that the dry food does not contain soy. At the same time, food should be saturated with protein, at least a quarter of the total component.

It is recommended to feed babies of this breed with cottage cheese, boiled fish and vegetables, at least four times a day. But here it is worth noting that before the dog turns two, or better yet, three months, it is not worth separating him from his mom and dad - let him feed on his mother’s milk for a longer time, earning good immunity.

Adults eat two to three times a day. It is also important to ensure four-legged friend various vitamin and mineral supplements and pure drinking water. Finally, it is worth considering that the serving size should not exceed 10% of the dog’s weight.

Possible diseases of Akita Inu

There are several categories of ailments that an animal can suffer from. The first group includes problems with joints, the second consists of eye diseases, the third - endocrine problems, the fourth - skin diseases.

Separately, it is worth noting that some individuals cannot tolerate anesthesia, and also often suffer from gastric volvulus, which can lead to sad outcomes, including death. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to feed food in small portions, and if we are talking about store-bought food, then feed only premium food.

Among joint problems, dysplasia takes the lead, and as a rule, it is inherited at the genetic level. For diagnosis, X-ray examination is used, but not earlier than a year and a half after birth, when the joints are finally formed.

Among eye diseases, breeders distinguish retinal atrophy and entropion of the eyelids. The latter disease is often eliminated surgically. The thyroid gland may suffer from hypothyroidism - insufficient function. Dogs' behavior changes, they become cowardly and aggressive, and lose weight. In such cases it is recommended hormonal treatment.

Eczema may form on the skin and hair may fall out, but usually these are signs of problems with the thyroid gland. Dermatitis is also possible - skin inflammations that appear after injuries or wounds that are not immediately treated. Considering that Akita Inus are prone to fighting, and the consequences of “beatings” are sometimes not visible under a thick fur coat, special control is required.

Akita Inu price

Buy puppy Akita Inu It’s not so easy in Russia; difficulties may arise. Despite the fact that the president himself has this dog, the breed has not yet received a surge in popularity and therefore is not so numerous.

There is no specific nursery for this breed anywhere except Moscow. And there is only one of him there. Therefore, if you are going to take a dog, then go straight to the capital for it.

Wherein price on Akita Inu, to put it mildly, biting. For example, in the same notorious nursery, puppies of this breed cost from two to three thousand dollars.

Of course, you can take a risk and try to pick up a dog, but there is no guarantee that the puppy will later take on the shape of this particular Japanese “fox” and not become, for example, a Doberman or St. Bernard.

The third option for purchasing a dog is all kinds of exhibition events. If you are lucky, the future owner will acquire his dream right there on the spot. However, you should not think that in this case the cost will be lower than in nurseries.

The exact opposite situation may happen, in which the breeder will quote twice the price. And this is understandable, because show-class dogs - that is, those that are allowed to participate in exhibitions and matings for procreation - as a rule, have a lot of different titles. And a puppy from titled parents is worth a lot.

Sometimes advertisements for the sale of dogs of this breed can be found on the Internet. But here the story is similar to buying second hand or at bird markets. But in the latter case, the price will be pleasant for the wallet - from 8 to 10 thousand rubles.

The name of the Akita Inu breed doesn’t mean much to ordinary people; it is quite rare. But it is worth remembering the heroically devoted Japanese dog Hachiko, how everything is falling into place. What is remarkable about these red fluffy creatures, the characteristics of the breed and care you will learn from this article.

Eastern roots

The Akita Inu breed is rightly called one of the most ancient, which is confirmed by archaeological research. Its representatives come from the northern Japanese province of Akita. The Japanese used dogs to hunt bear, wild boar, and deer. Akita Inu occupied the place of favorites at court; being the owner of such an animal was considered an indicator of wealth and high position. Already in the 6th century in Ancient Japan there were so-called stud books, where detailed data about each animal was recorded. Today Akita Inu dogs are the real pride and treasure of the country.

Already in the 20th century, animals came to the territory of the United States: this is how the American variety arose, crossed with German Shepherd. The American Akita is much larger than its Japanese relatives, has variations in color and a gentler character.

Main characteristics of the breed

  • Height at the withers: 64-75 cm in males, weight - 35-45 kg. Bitches are smaller in size, their weight ranges between 30-40 kg;
  • The dog is muscular, with large head and a short muzzle. The ears are small, vertical, pointing forward. The eyes are triangular, dark brown, with dark eyelids. Nose and lips black. The bite is standard, “scissors”. The ring-shaped tail lies on the back.
  • Color: red (with white areas on inner surface chest, paws and white mask on the face), white (without other color spots), brindle color with a white mask on the face; sesame.
  • Coat: medium length coat, straight and hard hair, thick soft undercoat;
  • Application: Hunting, Companion, Utility
  • FCI classification: Group 5. Spitz and primitive breeds

Akita Inu: the appearance of a bear cub, the heart of a lion

Akita amazes with its feeling self-esteem, article. Often, a dog does not always show its emotions and gives the impression of thoughtfulness. Their intellect is very well developed, they can be cunning and make their own decisions, they have an excellent memory. It is quite easy to train, but only an experienced dog breeder or specialist can do it. During training, it is unacceptable to shout or, even worse, physically punish the dog - it is very touchy and can take revenge. Love and respect for the pet must be combined with the principle of dominance of the owner. Otherwise, the dog will subjugate you.

She gets along well with other animals if they grew up together. But it is better to walk with an Akita alone and on a leash - the dog strives to show its leadership among its relatives, small and noisy dogs can make it very nervous.

Centuries-old instincts of a hunter and a guard have left their mark on the character of the Akita: he is firm and independent. Depending on your upbringing, you will get a devoted friend of the whole family or an evil tyrant. It is also recommended not to buy a dog from someone else, but only from a kennel, to be sure that the animal is purebred, with all the necessary documents.

Akita Inu is usually very attached to its owners, although it may not always demonstrate this, and will protect them and its home to the end. The Akita Inu is ideally suited for home guarding. Unlike others, Akita does not bark, it attacks the intruder quietly and aggressively - who would expect this from a cute dog that resembles a plush toy?

He treats guests rather coolly, simply ignoring them. By the way, the Japanese believe that the animal has the gift of premonition and reacts to bad people. Akita Inus love children very much and are able to play with them for a long time and patiently. The breed is distinguished by its devotion to its owner. It is not for nothing that the dog’s nickname Hachiko has become a household name to denote the highest degree of canine fidelity.

Akita Inu care

Dogs of this breed are very clean and can be successfully kept both in an apartment and in a country house. An Akita Inu is required to have two long walks per day. It is absolutely forbidden to bathe these dogs often; one wash per year is enough. Coat care is simple and comes down to brushing a couple of times a week; no haircuts or trimming are required. In spring and autumn, when the molting period begins, you will have to comb your pet more often. For nutrition, choose premium dry food. Table scraps are strictly prohibited. Among natural products It is permissible to give lean meat, cheese, eggs, boiled vegetables, and cereals.


Akita Inu dogs are very strong, resilient and generally have good health. But, like every breed, there are diseases to which these Japanese dogs are susceptible.

First of all, this is gastric volvulus, hip dysplasia, autoimmune diseases, allergies, eye diseases. Older dogs often develop malignant tumors.

Who is the Akita Inu suitable for?

Touching Hollywood film about Hachiko with Richard Gere in leading role left no one indifferent. Who wouldn't want such a smart, loyal dog? However, when choosing a family friend, assess your strengths wisely. They say no bad dogs- there are bad owners.

Firstly, it is not recommended to have a puppy of this breed as your first dog. Education and training of the Akita begins already in early age and amateurs cannot do it. In addition, be prepared to be active physical activity twice a day.

Secondly, the owner’s personality must be an indisputable authority, the “leader of the pack” in the eyes of the dog. The owner of an Akita Inu is a strong, confident person, a leader by nature. It will be difficult for beginners to establish their superiority without shouting and humiliating the four-legged (and this is unacceptable).

Those who have already become the owner of this unusually smart, stately and loyal dog will probably tell you that you simply cannot find a closer and more beloved friend than the Akita Inu!
