Lee Siamese. Cat breeds: Siamese cat. Are Siamese cats fluffy?

Conjoined is a pair of twins who are not completely separated in the womb and share common body parts or internal organs. This happens extremely rarely - approximately one case in 200 thousand births. Previously, such children, as a rule, died before reaching the age of one year, but today doctors have learned to successfully separate Siamese twins and even provide a more or less tolerable life for those who cannot be separated. Here are the stories of some of them
Abby and Brittany

Abby and Brittany are probably one of the most famous Siamese twins of our time. Their body is completely unified, but each has its own vital organs. At the same time, each of the girls controls her half of the body: one – the left, the other – the right. It was very difficult for them to learn to walk, but now girls are able not only to walk, but also to swim and ride a bike! They even got driver license, and each took the exam separately. They play sports, enjoy music, and even work as teachers, each receiving their own salary.

Anias and Jaydan

Typically, twins joined at the head do not live beyond the age of two. But Anias and Jaydan were lucky. Thanks to an operation performed when the twins were 13 months old, they were separated. The operation, which included dividing the fused brain, lasted 16 hours and, according to doctors, was the most difficult in the history of dividing conjoined twins. It was also the most successful: the children were separated, leaving each of them completely viable.

Shivanath and Shivram

In this photo, Shivanath and Shivram are 12 years old. They are completely connected at the abdomen, and between them they only have two legs. However, with joint efforts they can move independently and even run. The boys' father is very worried about the attitude of others towards them, however, despite everything, they have many friends, and they lead quite normal life. Doctors suggested trying to separate the twins, but their father, to the amazement of many, refused this, since there was a high probability that only one of the boys would survive the operation. And in any case, only one of them will have legs.

Clarence and Carl

Clarence and Carl were born with their heads fused together. Filipino doctors told their mother that one of the boys would certainly die during the operation. Unwilling to make such a choice, the twins' mother traveled with them to the United States, where they underwent separation surgery. True, American doctors were not entirely satisfied with its results: due to serious interference in the brain, one of the boys suffered from serious neurological disorders after it, he walks poorly and practically does not speak. The second twin is developing completely normally. Moreover, according to doctors, if the operation had not been performed, both would have died very soon.

Ronnie and Donnie

Ronnie and Donnie are the oldest conjoined twins in history. Now they are 65 years old, and, despite how difficult their life has been, they feel quite tolerable. As a child, my family showed them at fairs to earn money. They were not accepted into school, and when they tried to voluntarily enlist in the army, they were simply laughed at. In 2009, the twins almost died from a lung infection, but doctors managed to cure them. Ronnie and Donnie now live in their younger brother's house, which was rebuilt by the local community to accommodate the needs of the Siamese twins.

Violet and Daisy

Violet and Daisy Hilton were joined together at the hips and buttocks from birth. Doctors were afraid to perform an operation and separate the girls, since, as it turned out, they had common blood circulation. Parents forced girls to perform on stage to earn money. In the end, the owner of the theater by the name of Hilton simply bought them from their mother, giving them a new surname at the same time. They lived virtually in captivity, they were forced to perform and beaten for disobedience. But as adults, they sued their jailer for $100 thousand. 21 states denied them the right to marry, and only in 1936 did they achieve this permission. They died in 1969 at the age of 60, two days apart.

Frankincense and Laleh

The story of Ladan and Laleh is very sad. They were born with their heads fused and never saw each other's faces. At the age of 29, they decided, despite the risk, to undergo separation surgery. Alas, after 50 hours of brain surgery, the conjoined twins died from massive blood loss.

Margaret and Mary

Conjoined at the hip, Margaret and Mary became the first conjoined twins to be born in the United States. naturally and survived. At the age of 16 they left home and became vaudeville actresses. They danced, sang, played the piano. Margaret even found herself a groom, but they refused to give her a marriage license. Then Margaret was diagnosed with cancer Bladder. Despite the risk, the sisters refused the separation operation. Gradually, the metastases spread to Mary’s body. The sisters died within minutes of each other. According to their wishes, Margaret and Mary were buried in a common grave.

Miracle and Testimony

The girls were born fused at the buttocks. Their parents were unable to pay for the operation, so the American paid for it. charitable foundation Linking Hands Foundation. The operation was successful, fully justifying the names that their religious parents gave the girls: translated they mean “Miracle” and “Testament.”

Laurie and George

This is the first pair of conjoined twins in which one turns out to be transgender. George was born with the name Reba. However, in adolescence Reba realized that all her life she considered herself a man, and she took a new one, male name. Merged at the head, and even in an extremely uncomfortable position, Laurie and George had a difficult time in life. Their parents abandoned them at birth, and they spent 24 years in a boarding school for the mentally retarded, while being completely normal in terms of intelligence. The twins are now 55. During this time, George has become a fairly popular country singer, and Laurie works as his manager.


Mia is an unusual case of conjoined twins. Usually such twins have a paired set of limbs and internal organs. However, Mia’s body is almost standard: a heart, two lungs, two kidneys... But at the same time, the girl has two heads. While doctors do not see the possibility of an operation and do not even understand how it will function - like one person with two heads or like two people with common body? However, it is still unclear whether she has a future: for several months now, since birth she has been in the hospital, in the department intensive care due to breathing problems.

Millie and Christine

Millie and Christine were called the “two-headed nightingale.” They were born into a family of slaves in North Carolina. At ten months old, the owner sold them to the owner of a freak circus for a share in his enterprise. In 1863, Millie and Christine, along with all American slaves, gained freedom. A British traveler who accidentally met the girls became their benefactor: he helped them find their mother, and then took all three to Britain. There, Millie and Christine met Queen Victoria, learned several languages ​​and had excellent careers in the entertainment industry. The public valued them not as freaks, but as excellent singers. At 61, Millie and Christine died of tuberculosis within 12 hours of each other.

Giacomo and Giovanni

When the father of the Tozzi twins saw his newborn sons, he suffered from acute psychosis, due to which he spent a month in a psychiatric clinic. When he returned, he immediately sent the children to the circus of freaks. There they were not taught to walk and were not given the chance to develop leg muscles so that they could support a double body. What the boys had in common were legs, genitals and digestive system, everything else was repeated in duplicate. Each twin could only control one leg. It is not surprising that, in the absence of help, they never really learned to walk on their own. With the beginning of the twentieth century, traces of the twins are lost.

Chang and Eng

It was from Chang and Eng that the tradition of calling conjoined twins “Siamese” began. They were born in Siam (the old name of Thailand) at the beginning of the 19th century and were sent to a circus of freaks from childhood. They came to America with the circus, where they gained great popularity. Having gradually saved money by performing, they bought a plot of land and started agriculture, acquired slaves and even found two sisters whom they married, eventually having 21 children between them. Chang and Eng lived to be 63 years old and died within hours of each other.

As they say, dogs have masters, and cats have servants. But Siamese cats- not ordinary. People who share their home with Siamese cats tend to underestimate these affectionate and smart cats, and are often thought to be delicate and grumpy.

Siamese cats have many canine characteristics and can devote themselves completely to their owners - without being enslaved, of course! They have a pleasant nature and love constant human contact, following their owner's heels. Despite their slightly arrogant behavior, they are not at all themselves, and always repay love for love. Potential newbies who want to adopt a Siamese cat are concerned that they make a lot of noise, but they don't just meow, they use their voice, like us, to communicate and not just for fun. Most Siamese cats are healthy and strong animals that rarely get sick, although some are predisposed to kidney problems in old age.

They will be happy to tell you that they enjoyed freshly cooked chicken or boiled fish, but the truth is that most Siamese cats will happily eat anything. However, this does not mean that they need to be fed any food or leftover dog food, but they will be very happy with good quality food, homemade food or even dried fruit. Like other breeds, it is important for Siamese cats to have constant access to clean, fresh water. Siamese cats can also get an upset stomach if they drink cow's milk, so you need to be careful that they don't try to steal your breakfast milk.

These smart and inquisitive cats always want to know what is going on and love to crawl around in the contents of closets and in closed rooms. Many Siamese cats can stand on hind legs to turn the doorknob, or can lean against it until the door opens. If there are doors that you don't want open (perhaps cabinets containing detergents or a child's bedroom), you may need to install special locks that a Siamese cat cannot open. All Siamese cats have their own plans and, if they have their minds on something, they will definitely do it.

If you are purchasing new items for your home or renovating, you should consider how this may affect your Siamese cat, or what potential dangers these items may pose to her. Siamese cats love to follow their owners around and try to help, so try to be careful when working in the kitchen or garden to avoid hitting them. You should also keep a close eye on any toxic products, such as glue or paint, to prevent your cat from getting into them.

Siamese cats are a tireless source of entertainment that can keep you, your family and all your friends cheerful for hours. Many Siamese cats thrive on being the center of attention and will happily play with toys, but when they become naughty, they will do things they would never normally do (like crawling on curtains). Some Siamese cats prefer to watch everyone from the side and do not come into contact with people they do not know, but, in any case, if there is a game planned, they will not miss it.

Although the Siamese looks like an aristocratic cat, they love to hunt, and if they are released into the garden, they will undoubtedly bring back specimens of the local fauna, dead or alive, for you to admire. They move quickly and can pounce on their prey with lightning speed and precision - even if they live indoors, they will regularly catch flies and spiders if they spot them.

It is likely that you will divide your life into before and after the Siamese cat, since many owners become hooked on them. If they've been too naughty, they'll usually want to return your kindness and love in return, and will use all their feline charms to get back in your good graces - they truly are irresistible personalities!

Initially, they turned out to be too unusual for the European eye

There are not many documented facts in the history of the origin of Siamese cats, but there are more than enough stories and legends. They were once famous as the royal cats and cats of Siam (the old name of Thailand). Mentions of them are found in manuscripts of the 14th century. In the 19th century, the German naturalist Pallas described white kittens with dark paws that he saw in Central Asia. They were then brought to England and first shown in 1871, at an exhibition at the Crystal Palace in London. In 1892, a description of the standard of Siamese cats was compiled, although at first they were perceived ambiguously, being too unusual for the European eye.

A feature that must be taken into account when keeping and caring for a Siamese cat is that it is extremely sociable. Therefore, she does not tolerate loneliness very well. If you can't stay with her during the day, consider making her a friend. She needs another pet to keep her company.

Periodically appearing reports of successful and not so successful operations to separate conjoined twins suggest that more of them are being born than before. Is this so and why are such children born at all? Is it possible to predict their appearance on early stages pregnancy?

Thai Siamese twins Pantawan and Panwad Thienjai were lucky to be born in beginning of the XXI century with the modern level of development of medicine. Although, of course, it’s probably wrong to talk about luck when the girls’ hearts and livers were fused together. However, 60 doctors managed to reach Bangkok in 12 hours. medical center to separate the sisters, and now this operation is considered the first successful case of separation of the heart and liver in world practice.

Earlier attempt to split common heart and liver from two American sisters Emmy and Angela Lakeburg, undertaken in the United States in 1993. Moreover, even before the operation it was known that one of the sisters would have to die. But after finishing medical intervention, the surviving sister, 10 months later contracts pneumonia and dies right within the walls of the hospital.

But, despite the successes of Asian doctors, Americans still remain the leader in successful operations of conjoined twins. This is explained by the fact that such interventions began there back in the 60s of the last century, a lot of experience has been accumulated, and over the past 10 years, 250 operations have been performed in US clinics, which allowed either both or one of the twins to survive. In 2005, Egyptian boys Mohammed and Akhmet, who were born with a fused brain, were successfully operated there. The operation lasted more than a day. general Statistics says that it is possible to save the lives of both or at least one Siamese twin during separation in 75% of cases.

Why "Siamese"?

fused various parts the bodies of brothers and sisters were probably always born. The first mention of such an anomaly that occurred on the territory of Armenia dates back to 945. Probably the first documentary evidence of Siamese twins is kept in the Philadelphia Museum: a description of the so-called Bidden maidens. Sisters Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst were born in Bidden, Kent, England in 1100. They were joined at the hips and died at the age of 34.

And the first operation to separate conjoined twins was performed in 1689 by the German surgeon Koenig. But the twins Eng and Chang, born on May 11, 1811 in Siam (now Thailand), became truly famous in the world and gave their name to this natural phenomenon.

Miraculously, thanks to the fortitude of their mother, having avoided death in infancy when the King of Siam ordered the death of children bearing the “seal of the devil,” the brothers brought fame not only to themselves, but also to their country. Joined at the waist, Eng and Chang traveled the world and showed themselves to the public, which also brought them a lot of money.

Newspapers wrote about them, they were received by European royal courts, and in 1839, having completed their tour, they finally settled in the United States and took up farming. Things went well and soon both brothers married the Jans sisters, who, we note, were not Siamese. In total, the two couples produced twenty-one children. All the children turned out to be normal, except for Chang's two sons, who were born deaf and dumb.

There was a moment in their lives when the brothers visited the surgeon with a request to separate them. But the doctor refused, suggesting it would be better to cut off their heads right away. True, he advised them to immediately go on the operating table if one of the twins suddenly died, in order to save the life of the other. But in 1874, when Chang died suddenly in his sleep, there was no doctor nearby, and Eng outlived his brother by only three hours.

Where does trouble come from?

Today, scientists cannot answer the question of why conjoined twins are born in one case out of 10 million newborns.

Although they have a good idea of ​​how this happens. Typically, the egg, if the lives of two identical twins (those who then look the same) begin to develop in it, splits into two within two weeks after conception.

But if splitting does not occur on the 13th day, then it remains fused. Depending on whether earlier or later the egg decides not to split, the most different kinds fruit compounds.

Sometimes it happens that one of the twins develops only partially, and people are born with three or four arms or legs growing from different parts bodies. Perhaps the most unique variety of Siamese twins was the French nobleman Lazare John Baptista Colloredo, who lived in 1617. A brother grew from his belly, facing Lazar.

The reasons for such incorrect divisions of the egg are not completely clear, but among the first doctors name: genetic failure, exposure environment, various toxic factors, side effects medications and even psychological aspects.

Can expectant mother find out in advance whether Siamese twins are developing in her womb? It would seem that at modern methods research - this is not difficult. But in practice everything turns out to be more complicated. Recently in Israel, where the level of development of medicine is beyond doubt, a scandal erupted. At Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer, an Orthodox Jewish couple gave birth to girls joined at the belly.

But the essence of the scandal was not the birth of conjoined twins, but the fact that the woman went through everything necessary tests, including ultrasound examinations, both two required by the rules, and several additional ones, in the period from 18 to 26 weeks of pregnancy. All the doctors unanimously stated that the pregnancy was going well, the twins were absolutely healthy.

On the other hand, if doctors manage to determine in time (usually with the help of ultrasound examination) that a woman is carrying Siamese twins, then modern medical technology sometimes they are allowed to be separated in the womb. True, this usually leads to the death of one of the brothers or sisters.

“It is not always possible to determine before birth whether a mother is carrying Siamese twins or just twins,” says the head of the gynecology department of the Endocrinology Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Elena Andreeva. “The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on exactly how the twins are fused (if in the abdominal area, then it is more difficult to see the pathology) ", on the quality of the equipment on which the study is carried out and, of course, on the qualifications of the doctor. In addition, when and at what stage of pregnancy the study was carried out also plays a role. The optimal period for identifying such a deviation is from the 20th to the 30th week of pregnancy."

Why do Siamese have such a strange color - with dark markings?

This is a genetic feature of the breed; the color of the coat will depend on body temperature. Kittens are born without marks (points), which appear only after a few weeks. The darkest fur will be in the coldest points of the body: ears, nose, tail, limbs.

A Siamese living in a warm environment will have a lighter color. The shade stabilizes by 1-2 years; the coat darkens with age.

Is it true that Siamese are evil?

Character will depend on upbringing. If a pet grows up in an atmosphere of love and tranquility, it will not become evil.

However, Siamese are distinguished by their vindictiveness and do not forgive humiliation, so they can show aggression towards the offender.

Who is best suited for Siamese cats?
Active, sociable people who can devote enough time and attention to their pet.
How do Siamese treat children?

Siamese cat finds easily mutual language with active children and willingly participates in games. However, you need to explain to the child that you cannot squeeze or touch her tail. Siamese are not suitable for the role of a living toy; if handled carelessly, they can use their claws and teeth.

A child can be taught to care for a pet: feed it, change the water. This will improve relationships.

Who is better to choose: a cat or a female cat?

Siamese cats have a more attractive appearance because they are larger. They are easier to care for.

Kitties are calmer, more affectionate, sensitive, and very attached to their owner.

Are Siamese cats fluffy?
According to the standard, Siamese must have short hair. Representatives of the Balinese breed (a type of Siamese) are semi-longhaired. They differ from Siamese in having long hair without undercoat, balanced, somewhat melancholic character.
A two-month-old Siamese kitten’s tail seems to be broken in 2 places and is growing in the shape of the letter “g”, what should I do?
This phenomenon occurs quite often among Siamese. Previously, this was considered a sign of purebred, but in fact it is a defect in the exterior. This does not affect health, but such animals are not allowed for breeding.
Do Siamese have short tails?
No, according to the standard, purebred animals must have a whip-shaped, very long tail. Cats with a Siamese (point) color, but with a short tail, belong to the “Thai (Mekong) Bobtail” breed.
How much will a purebred kitten cost?

This depends on several factors: the presence of a pedigree, parents imported from abroad or winners of exhibitions, and the reputation of the nursery.

Pet-class kittens (for home), on average, cost 10-15 thousand rubles, breeding class (pedigree) - from 600 dollars, show class (exhibition) - from 800 dollars. and higher.


  1. They have an elegant, attractive appearance.
  2. Loving, devoted, sociable.
  3. Smart and quick-witted, easy to train.
  4. You can quickly train him to walk on a harness.
  5. They adapt perfectly to the lifestyle of their household.
  6. Very energetic and active, they can be an excellent playmate for children.
  7. Clean, do not require special care.
  8. Born hunters.
  9. Have good health, can live quite a long time - up to 15-20 years. The Guinness Book of Records records a case where a Siamese lived for 38 years.


  1. They require a special approach to education; if treated incorrectly, they can become aggressive.
  2. Willful, stubborn.
  3. They are very vulnerable, remember insults for a long time, and can take revenge without forgiving punishment without guilt.
  4. They are prone to destructive behavior (they often become the culprits of severe disorder in the house).
  5. They do not tolerate loneliness well and need to pay a lot of attention.
  6. If a cat doesn’t like something, it howls long and shrilly.
  7. A loud voice becomes a problem when in heat.
  8. It is necessary to keep warm, as Siamese have no undercoat.

Photo of a Siamese cat

Varieties of colors

About 20 varieties of colors are known, the most common are:

  • Seal point: the color of the coat on the body is cream, darkens to light brown, the markings are black-brown.
  • Chocolate point: background – “ Ivory", points - "coffee with milk".
  • Blue point: body - snow-white. On the back it turns into blue of the same tone as on the markings, but lighter. The markings are solid blue.
  • Tabby point: points with stripes. The coat on the body is pale, the shade corresponds to the standard of a certain color.
  • Lilac point: background – “whipped egg white”. Points are light gray with a pink tint.
  • Red point: background is white, points are a bright golden-red hue. Paws are golden-red, apricot. There may be stripes on the head, paws, and tail.
  • Torty point: background - like other varieties with corresponding color markings. The mask is black-brown, chocolate, blue, purple with spots. The spots on the points are distributed randomly.

Character, behavioral characteristics

The character of Siamese cats can hardly be called simple. They have a hot, truly oriental temperament, freedom-loving, independent. Due to their natural sensitivity, they are very vulnerable. Insults, especially vain ones, are remembered for a long time and can take revenge.

Siamese are distinguished by their willfulness; it will be impossible to force a cat to do anything against its will. They are persistent and stubborn. If a pet wants something, it will definitely get it. Animals of this breed always have their own opinion, which they defend with the help of sharp claws, teeth and a loud voice. If a cat doesn’t like something, it can howl for a long time and piercingly, expressing its indignation.

Disadvantages are more than compensated for by devotion, intelligence, and sociability. Abroad, the character of the Siamese is called “dog-like.” Animals become very attached to their owner, choosing one of the family members. They show tenderness in relationships and can be very affectionate. They always feel the mood of the owner and are able to empathize. They need constant care and confirmation that they are loved. From lack of attention they become lethargic, apathetic, and can become depressed. Deaths have been recorded mental disorder in Siamese cats that have lost their owner.

The mind plays a special role in behavior. Siamese are organized, collected, and independent. They have a well-developed intellect, understand individual words and constantly “talk” themselves: accompany actions, voice requests. They are very trainable and quickly learn to walk on a harness (leash). Moreover, they love long walks and are travelers by nature (so you need to make sure that the cat doesn’t jump out through open window or door). The pet can be taught various tricks if he doesn’t mind, and the exercises will be perceived as a sign of the owner’s attention.

Siamese do not favor strangers, they are indifferent, and when trying to establish tactile contact they can become aggressive. They behave unpredictably with other animals, as they are quite jealous, but they feel great in the company of their relatives. Siamese are distinguished by their mobility, they are energetic and restless, and can run around the house for hours.

Siamese cats have short hair without undercoat, so they need to be kept warm. There should be no drafts in the house. If the room is cool, insulate the resting place. Siamese are very clean animals and take care of themselves on their own. It is enough to control the condition appearance, only occasionally interfering with the process.


Combing with a fine-toothed comb (not sharp) - once a week. You can just pet your Siamese with wet hands, then wash off the stuck hairs. To add shine, use a piece of suede. Clean the fur on the ears occasionally with a velvet cloth.

Swimming is only possible when heavily soiled or before an exhibition. Frequent contact with detergents can cause baldness. For the procedure use special shampoo. The water should be warm (temperature not lower than 38-40 o C). After bathing, the cat should be warm.

Dental care

Inspection and cleaning with special toothpaste - once a week. Provide teeth-cleaning treats regularly. If you find tartar, contact your veterinarian.

Nail care

Siamese willingly use a scratching post and maintain the required length of their claws themselves. If necessary, use a nail clipper and file. Trim claws carefully to avoid damage blood vessels, nerve roots.

Ear care

Inspection and cleaning – once a week. Use a cotton swab moistened Vaseline oil. Reason to contact a veterinarian: discharge, crusts, unpleasant odor.

Eye care

Inspection, washing - once a week. Use a strong infusion of tea (warm boiled water, chamomile infusion) and a cotton swab. Remove secretions and their traces on the fur, otherwise it may darken. Reason for contacting a veterinarian: permanent copious discharge from the eyes.

cat litter

Cleaning - daily. Thorough washing – 1 rub. at 2 weeks Do not use detergents that have a strong odor.


The washing up hot water– immediately after eating. Bowls for dry food and water should be washed daily. Remove food left on the floor and wash the feeding area. Siamese are very clean unpleasant odors they don't like.

Feeding Siamese cats

Ready-made feed

High-quality industrial mixtures (“Premium”, “SuperPremium”, “Medium”), dry, wet, in the form of “snacks”. The following brands are suitable: Innova Evo, Grandorf, Iams, Orijen, Hills, Acana, etc. (sold in specialized stores). Select food taking into account:

  • age,
  • Lifestyle,
  • physiological state.

It is better not to change the brand throughout your life. In 1 dose, give only dry or only wet food. The animal must have Free access to the water.

Natural food


The diet of a Siamese cat kitten includes:

  • boiled meat (chicken, beef);
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish without bones, boiled (1-2 rubles per week);
  • baby food (meat, meat and vegetable purees);
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • egg yolk (up to 2 times a week).

You need vegetables (grated or finely chopped) and greens. Pre-mix them with boiled meat and fish (in a ratio of 1:2) until a porridge-like mass is obtained. Can be added to food bone meal(source of calcium), give special additives. Recommendations are given for 10-12 week old kittens (usually at this age they are weaned from their mother).

Adult animals

Siamese have fickle tastes; food preferences can cause confusion. Animals can feast on fruits, mushrooms, nuts... However, the basis of the diet should be:

  1. Raw meat and offal. Remove films and bones. To prevent helminth infection, pre-freeze the meat for 24 hours. It can be cut into pieces, then frozen, and removed from the freezer before feeding.
  2. Low-fat, boiled sea fish (tuna fillet, saffron cod, cod, flounder, etc.). river fish It cannot be given, it contains thiaminase, an enzyme that destroys B vitamins. In addition, feeding the product significantly increases the risk of infection with helminths.
  3. Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, etc.). Replenish the need for calcium.
  4. Egg yolks, beef liver(no more than 2 times in 1 week). Contains vitamin A.
  5. Porridge, vegetables, herbs (mixed with fish, meat) - the so-called “ballast”. Improves peristalsis and helps empty the intestines. Suitable cereals include oatmeal, rice, corn, and barley. Porridge is cooked in water.
  6. Vitamin and mineral supplements (after consultation with a veterinarian).

Please note that excess meat in the diet causes the coat to darken. Prohibited:

  • whole milk;
  • chicken and fish bones;
  • fatty meat (pork, duck);
  • legumes;
  • spices;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • sweet.

Try to feed your pet at the same time, reducing the frequency of feeding from 6 (for the age of 3 months) to 2 times a day (starting at the age of 9 months). Food must have room temperature. Remove leftover food within half an hour after feeding.

Health, tendency to disease

Genetic diseases:

  1. Amyloidosis of the liver, kidneys. The reason is a disorder of protein metabolism, which leads to chronic failure organs. Main symptoms: the animal quickly loses weight, the affected organs are enlarged. There is no treatment or prevention.
  2. Dilated cardiomyopathy. Characterized by expansion of the internal chambers of the heart. Leads to heart failure. Manifested by disturbances in the rhythm of breathing (becomes accelerated), lethargy, poor appetite, vomiting. Treatment is medication; if the drugs are chosen correctly, sick animals can live for several years.
  3. Glaucoma. Associated with increased pressure inside the eyes. It manifests itself as redness of blood vessels, clouding of the cornea, and soreness in the eyes. The eyeballs may increase in size. Consequences: retinal atrophy, blindness. Treatment: use of antiglaucoma drops.
  4. Congenital strabismus. Characterized by impaired three-dimensional vision due to developmental defects eyeball. It is important to find out if there are any serious reasons(encephalitis, meningitis, inflammation of the middle ear, eyeball muscles). If they are absent, strabismus is not eliminated, as this will worsen the pet’s adaptability to the characteristics of the body.
  5. Hyperthyroidism – dysfunction thyroid gland. Manifested by weight loss increased appetite. Other symptoms: increased thirst, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing. Hyperthyroidism is dangerous for the development of complications (for example, cardiovascular pathologies). Treatment: taking antithyroid drugs, surgical removal thyroid glands

Choosing a kitten, keeping, raising

Purebred kittens are bought at an exhibition, in a nursery, or a pet store. On the market, according to advertisements, cats are sometimes sold that are similar in color to Siamese. It should be borne in mind that the characteristic coloring is not yet a sign of the breed. Before purchasing, it is advisable to examine the baby’s parents, paying attention to appearance and behavior.

If you need a Siamese to participate in exhibitions, choose a show-class kitten that meets the breed standards. They are not cheap. Prices for breeding class animals will be lower. The category includes individuals for breeding that have slight deviations from the standards.

Pet class kittens are relatively inexpensive. Due to disqualifying defects, they cannot take part in exhibitions or breeding. Pay attention to appearance:

The recommended temperature is 25-28 °C, drafts and dampness are excluded. During the cold season, place a heater near the kitten's resting place. The bedding should be warm. You can put a heating pad by wrapping it in a towel. Comfortable temperature regime important for maintaining the color of Siamese cats.

Prepare a tray with filler, bowls for food, and water. Place bowls away from the toilet. Siamese will not eat where they relieve themselves. The tray should be in a secluded place. Change the litter in a timely manner; if the toilet is dirty, the cat will “do the job” in another place.

Place small objects and supplies out of reach household chemicals, wires. To prevent your kitten from spoiling indoor flowers, grow catnip and grass, they are sold in pet stores. Do not let your older pet go outside alone if you live in an apartment. Siamese do well in confined spaces, provided they sufficient quantity attention.

Give regularly anthelmintics(1 ruble every 3 months). Vaccination schedule:

  1. At the age of 12 weeks - a vaccine against rhinotracheitis, rabies, panleukopenia, calcivirosis. Revaccination - after 3-4 weeks, then 1 r. per year, during the same period.
  2. At the age of 1-6 months. – vaccination against microsporia, trichophytosis. Revaccination - after 2 weeks, once a year.

Features of education

At first, do not leave the kitten alone long time, so he quickly adapts to the house and owner. Give your pet enough time. Please note that at the age of 2-5 months. in animals, areas of the brain responsible for mental development, incl. for social behavior.

How to behave towards a Siamese: respectful, be patient, persistent, feel the animal’s mood. The only method of influencing the psyche is affection; physical punishment is excluded.

The kitten will quickly get used to its name and the routine in the house. He should act friendly and calm. To prevent the kitten from showing aggression during grooming procedures, accustom it to touch from the first days of life in the house. Take the baby in your arms, stroke the fur, talk affectionately. The process may take several weeks.

Accustoming your pet to a scratching post and litter tray is not difficult. Siamese are quite trainable; they can be taught:

  • walk on a harness (leash);
  • give paw;
  • follow the commands “sit”, “lie down”, etc.;
  • bring items;
  • jump over a barrier, etc.

The kitten should have toys: ping-pong balls, spools of thread, an ordinary sock stuffed with rags and rolled into a ball.

Siamese are prone to destructive behavior, which is difficult to influence. Just don't leave clothes or any other objects within the animal's reach. One of possible reasons aggression - lack of attention, you need to regularly communicate and play with your pet. The optimal solution to the problem is keeping 2 cats.

Breed standard according to the World Cat Federation system

  • medium size, flexible, stretched
  • long neck
  • width chest, shoulders do not exceed the width of the hips
  • limbs slender, long
  • paws oval, graceful
  • wedge-shaped
  • forehead is flat
  • straight, long nose
  • narrow muzzle
  • are a continuation of the wedge of the head
  • very big
  • wide at the base
  • pointed tips
  • almond-shaped
  • placed a little askew
  • Siamese cats' eyes should have an intense blue color
  • thin, very long
  • narrower towards the base (whip-shaped)
  • shiny, silky
  • very short, fits tightly
  • no undercoat
  • any colors are allowed
  • there are points (marks) on the face (mask), ears, paws, tail
  • the mask does not close with the ear points, does not fit top part heads
  • monochromatic markings
  • bulging or deep-set eyes
  • tendency to squint
  • any eye color except blue
  • white toes, white spots
  • there are colored spots on the stomach
  • kink, “hook” on the tail

Historical reference

The breed’s homeland is Thailand (the old name is “Siam”), where cats are called “moon diamonds.” Animals were considered sacred, and only very rich people were owners. It was forbidden to take these cats out of the country, so the world knew nothing about them until the end of the 19th century. The animals first came to England in the 70s of the 19th century, when the King of Siam presented a couple of animals to the British ambassador.

The breed quickly became very popular; Queen Victoria herself was a fan of the Siamese. Siamese appeared at exhibitions in 1872. The first standard was drawn up in 1892, kinks in the tail, squint, and the head had a round shape were allowed. In 1902, the standard was changed; the previous characteristics of the breed became defects. Stricter standards were adopted after World War II and have remained in place to this day. In the USA and Europe, Siamese became widely known in the 60s. 20th century.

Animals appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century; Siamese cats were given to Nicholas II by the King of Siam. In the 60s, Sergei Obraztsov brought a couple of Siamese from a tour, but they were representatives of an outdated breed type (with a round head shape). In the 80s animals were brought to the USSR modern look, the breed was most popular among members of the intelligentsia. Thanks to successful breeding work, the population of Siamese cats in Russia is currently quite large.
