Neapolitan Mastiff (photo): a formidable guard with a kind soul. Mastino Neapolitan is a clumsy dog, but so brave and reliable Mastino Neapolitan content

A dog of gigantic size, with a calm and balanced character, is an ideal guard, just like the Neapolitan Mastiff. An ancient breed, whose roots are lost in the mists of time, it belongs to the typical Molossians, whose size and courage were extolled by the chroniclers of Ancient Rome. After the decline of the great empire, the gladiator dog breed was mixed with local Italian breeds, and by the mid-twentieth century, enthusiasts found only eight dogs matching the description of a mastiff in Sicily. The breed was revived by cynologist P. Skonzane, who received in his kennel a male of magnificent appearance, from which the modern standard was written.

Breed standard

Mastino's special gait

The general appearance of the dog should give the impression of enormous, monolithic strength. The Neapolitan Mastiff is a heavy, raw dog with a specific skin: the skin hangs in folds from the head and belly, forming a kind of protection in battle. Skin folds played the role of a means of intimidating the enemy and protective armor; they protected muscles and blood vessels from damage in battle with wild animals. Modern Mastino Neapolitan has a noble, imposing appearance, self-confident, calm and vigilant. In no case should he give the impression of an overly loose dog that moves with difficulty. A weightlifter, but not a fat man - this is the image of a representative of this breed.

  • The dog's body is somewhat stretched, exceeding by ten percent the height of the dog at the withers. The neck is strong, muscular, the back is straight, the croup is wide. The forelimbs are straight, strong, with strong pasterns and a rounded, balled paw. The claws are strong and curved.
  • Hind limbs with wide hip, powerful muscles and a fairly long hock. The angles are well defined, providing a strong drive when trotting. The characteristic gait is the trot, sweeping and fast. While moving at a walk, the dog is walking a special, unique gait, reminiscent of both a bear and a lion.
  • The Mastino's head is large, with a wide skull, and a voluminous, almost square muzzle. The jaws are wide, strong, scissor bite, full set of teeth. Deep-set eyes should have a color darker than the base color. The look is attentive and calm.
  • The coat is hard, short, shiny. Colors: grey, red, black, lead, brown, brindle and small white markings on the chest, paws and belly may be present.

Photo gallery shows the Neapolitan Mastiff in various situations.

Character Mastino Neapolitan

Vigilant Security Guard

A striking feature of the character of any representative of the breed is the dog’s endless devotion to one owner. The dog is so dependent on the person that he literally does not leave his adored owner and stays nearby. At the same time, the dog does not show intrusiveness, but tactfully lies nearby. This character trait is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the mastiff, since if it is necessary to leave the owner or change owners, the dog is very upset by separation, having difficulty adapting to new conditions.

  • Stability is what the mastiff loves. The huge animal is affectionate and patient with children, loyal to other pets, and does not start fights on the street. But this only applies to a well-trained, socialized dog that is confident in its abilities.
  • You cannot deliberately make a growing mastino angry and teach him to show aggression. This is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous, since the large size and innate protective instinct of the dog, coupled with developed anger, can be the cause of tragedy.
  • Mastino is wary of strangers, without showing obvious aggression. The dog watches the guest constantly until he is convinced of his good intentions. After this, the dog shows complete indifference to the stranger, continuing to serve as guard.

When attacking, dogs of this breed rarely bark. They emit a dull growl that precedes an attack.

Mastinos have an excellent memory, they are very observant, capable of lying next to the owner for hours, noting any change in his mood. Pets of this breed are comfortable and calm; they are excellent guards and watchmen.

When to the owner? Should you hit your baby or ignore the bites?

The unique coat and impressive size of the Komondor dog breed are snow-white dogs.

Peculiarities of raising a Neapolitan Mastiff

Mastino loves to walk around his territory

The military past left its mark on the character of the gladiator dog. A calm, somewhat phlegmatic animal, looking philosophically at the world from its place, instantly turns into a belligerent dog at the slightest threat to its owner. Dogs of this breed are dangerous if they are artificially angered, and not every owner can cope with an adult Mastino intending to attack an enemy.

Mastino Neapolitan is not suitable for beginners! To raise and raise a wonderful dog, you need experience and knowledge. A cute, goofy puppy with a wrinkle very quickly turns into an awkward, impetuous and huge dog.

In skillful hands, a mastiff is an ideal pet, which has endless friendliness towards children, loves games and is always near its owner. These are simple-minded, loyal and very intelligent dogs that are highly trainable, clean and intelligent in communication.

Neapolitan Mastiff training should take place in early age, since by six months the puppy reaches a weight of fifty kilograms, and such a dog is difficult to control. Early socialization of the puppy and training in the basic commands of an obedience course are mandatory. The owner must be prepared that during puberty, an always calm and obedient dog turns into an uncontrollable and disobedient monster. This will not happen if you regularly visit a training ground, where the idea of ​​the need for obedience is constantly instilled in the teenager.

Content Features

A Mastino puppy is twice the size of a Shepherd puppy

Potential owners of a Neapolitan Mastiff should be prepared for certain difficulties in keeping and raising a pet. This is explained large sizes and the anatomical features of the Mastino, late maturation, as well as the character traits inherent in most Molossians.

  • During growth, up to approximately one year, the puppy is contraindicated in large physical activities. This is due to weakness ligamentous apparatus, which can manifest itself in puppyhood. Weak ligaments are strengthened as the puppy moves at a calm pace along a dirt road.
  • During the growth period, lumps or bunions may form on the elbows of an adolescent Mastino. Most often this is due to the body’s protective reaction, as it protects growing joints. There is no need to treat such bursitis, if they are not inflammatory in nature; after a few weeks the bumps will resolve on their own.

The mastiff's elbows can be protected with special soft pads or you can ensure that the pet always sleeps on soft bedding.

  • Shedding period is the time when the dog becomes spotted. This is due to the fact that the new coat has a darker shade than the old one, which gives the dog an unsightly appearance. It is not recommended to bathe Neapolitan mastiffs, as this washes off the natural protective film on the coat, and diaper rash may appear in numerous folds and begin. If the animal does get wet, then you need to thoroughly dry the skin in the folds.
  • Dogs of this breed eat a lot, especially during the growth period, when the pet requires high-protein food with vitamins, chondoprotectors and calcium. This must be taken into account when buying a puppy, since raising a Molosser is a financially expensive undertaking.
  • An adult Mastino needs to exercise a lot and needs daily walks. Even with a large yard or garden, dogs of this breed do not want to walk on their own.

Dogs of this breed can hardly endure the summer heat, so in the heat the dog should be in the shade, always having access to a cup of fresh water. Overheating is deadly for Mastino.

Difficulties in keeping and raising, problems in breeding dogs, and in feeding puppies make this breed not particularly popular. This is what makes Mastino Neapolitan, the price of which reaches one hundred thousand rubles, inaccessible to amateurs. But this means that a puppy can be bought either by people who are in love with this breed and are ready for difficulties, or by kennel owners who want to acquire new blood. There are practically no advertisements for the sale of Mastino without documents, just as there are few reports about the placement of dysfunctional dogs, spoiled by the upbringing of inexperienced owners, into good hands.

The video story, which tells about the Mastino Neapolitan breed, closely acquaints viewers with the history, character traits and maintenance of these dogs. Some myths associated with the breed are debunked.

The Neapolitan Mastiff (Dogo Italiano) is an Italian breed of dog that has long been used for guard and hunting purposes. This surprisingly calm dog with a strong character and nerves of steel will become a reliable companion, devoted friend and home guard for you and your family members.

Neapolitan Mastiff - photo, description and breed standard

Standard of modern Mastino Neapolitan was developed in 1946 based on eight mastiffs that participated in international exhibition.

  • Weight: female 50-60 kg, male - 6-70 kg;
  • Height: female 60-68 cm, male 65-75 cm.

Color: brindle, brown, black and gray, with small spots of white allowed.

Additional Mastino breed characteristics:

  • Characteristic folds form a peculiar pattern on the head and muzzle of the animal.
  • The dog has well-developed muscles, powerful bones and impressive dimensions.
  • The dog has a fairly massive head with a thick neck and a wide skull.
  • Outwardly, the dog looks rough and brutal.
  • With proper development, the animal has thick, high-set, hanging ears, which must be cropped.

History of the Mastino Neapolitan breed

The history of the appearance of the mastiff begins more than two thousand years ago in the south of the Apennine Peninsula. The ancestors of the dog are considered to be Molossian Great Danes - ancient fighting dogs that were used to corral wild animals. Among the ancient Roman nobility of those times, keeping Molossians was a very fashionable entertainment, and ordinary people often used dogs of this breed as guards for their homes.

Today the Neapolitan Mastiff used as a property protector, a bodyguard, as well as a police service dog.

Character of the Neapolitan Mastino

The Neapolitan Mastiff is ideal for keeping in an apartment, provided it has long daily walks (2 times a day) and a sufficiently large living space. It cannot be said that a dog of this breed needs constant outdoor games and active pastime; rather, on the contrary, a Mastino will lie with great pleasure on the sofa or his favorite lounger. Therefore, mastiffs are often called philosophers and contemplators.

The dog gets along well with children, is quite sociable and always maintains smooth relationships with all household members. However, out of all family members, he prefers to choose only one owner, to whom he will be endlessly loyal and obedient.

A long separation from the owner has an adverse effect on the dog’s mood - he begins to feel very sad and may even become depressed.

Despite their frightening appearance, they are quite good-natured creatures with an easy-going character. They are friendly, non-aggressive and balanced. The Neapolitan Mastiff retains the character of a child until old age and remains gentle, those who love affection, games and attention to your person. Families with small children (under 12 years old), as well as other pets, are not recommended to have a dog of this breed. Neapolitano has a very jealous temperament and often expresses his jealousy through aggression.

The Neapolitan, as a rule, feels exclusively attached to family members and does not tolerate interference from others in these relationships. This is a simple-minded, reserved, intelligent and observant dog, who has an excellent memory and tries in every possible way to guess your wishes and earn the approval of the owner.

Never use physical force against a Neopolitan Mastiff! To express your dissatisfaction with the dog’s behavior, simply raise your voice. IN as a last resort You can lightly hit your pet on the back with a rolled-up newspaper. Mastino will immediately understand that he did the wrong thing and will try to resolve the conflict.

By their nature, representatives of this breed are more reminiscent of a person, so when communicating with them you get the feeling that next to you is not an animal, but a good, long-known friend.

Unfortunately, the Mastino's lifespan is much shorter than that of smaller breeds and is 8-9 years old(sometimes a little more).

At first, walking with a puppy may cause you some problems: the baby will constantly pull on the leash. To wean him from this habit you will need a little patience and a special constrictive collar, which can later be replaced with a regular one.

Never put a Mastino on a chain. This can offend his pride and embitter him, moreover, such a restriction of freedom will deprive him of the opportunity to freely walk, which he greatly needs.

Psychology of the Neapolitan Mastiff

Like any other dog, the Neapolitan has its pros and cons, the main ones being the following:

Mastino nutrition

Due to the fact that the Neapolitan Mastiff is a fairly large dog, it requires high-quality, complete, but moderate nutrition. Wherein The diet of puppies and adults is significantly different.

In the first year of life, a young Neapolitan should be supplemented with vitamins (especially B) and minerals necessary to strengthen the nervous and protective systems of the body, as well as for the proper development of joints.

In addition, the development of a dog largely depends on the amount of protein it consumes, which should make up 50% of the animal’s total diet.

Toddlers up three months should be fed at least 4 times a day, gradually as the Neapolitan grows, moving to two meals a day.

It is better to feed adult mastinos with professional food, which already contains all the nutrients necessary for the animal.

Mastiff Can be fed with natural food, however, only a professional can choose the appropriate diet. Make sure your pet always has plenty of water to drink.


Like other Molosser dogs large breeds, Neapolitan mastiffs are prone to a number of diseases characteristic of them, including hereditary ones. You should pay attention to the health of the puppy already when purchasing it - be sure to ask the breeder for all the documentation for the parents, including, of course, certificates confirming the passage of all tests.

Upon reaching the age of two months, the baby must be vaccinated against leptospirosis, hepatitis and glanders, which must be repeated in the future and, if necessary, supplemented with other vaccines, in particular against parvovirosis and rabies.

One of the most common ailments in the Neopolitan Mastiff is considered elbow or hip dysplasia. The disease may appear as a result of non-compliance with the conditions of detention or as a congenital genetic defects. In order to raise a strong and healthy pet, future owners should familiarize themselves with all the information on this topic.

Cardiopulmonary filariasis, which is most common in regions with a humid climate, is a particularly dangerous disease for dogs of this breed. The main carriers of the disease are mosquitoes. Often, signs of infection appear with some delay and are expressed in a significant reduction in the pet’s activity.

There are also diseases that are unique to mastiffs and are associated with their structural features. So, due to the folded flat muzzle of a dog, it is often suffer from various skin infections, retinal atrophy and entropion of the eyelids. To prevent dermatological diseases, skin folds on the body and face of the animal should be regularly treated with a special lotion.

In hot weather, be especially attentive to your pet. Never leave him indoors in direct sunlight - this can be fatal to the mastiff.

It is forbidden to bathe a baby Neopolitano until he reaches one year of age. And an adult should be washed only when it gets dirty. Washing leads to the removal of the fatty layer of the coat and thereby the animal loses protection from insect bites.

When purchasing a puppy, you should ask about its parents and make sure that they do not have serious defects or health problems.

It's better to take a pet at the age of two months, to When will he be able to cope without his mother?

Training and education of Mastino dogs

Neapolitan Mastiffs are calm, balanced and highly intelligent animals, so training them will not cause any problems. They remember everything easily and simply educational material and are happy to demonstrate the acquired knowledge to the owner.

Lack of proper training can lead to the dog being uncontrollable, which is very unsafe given its size.

In order to avoid excessive suspicion in the future, the mastiff must undergo socialization at an early age and communicate not only with your family, but with strangers. There are usually no problems with this; the main thing is to monitor the behavior of people unfamiliar to the dog and prevent them from making excessive gestures. The mastiff is alarmed by the appearance of a stranger on the threshold of “his apartment”, however, having made sure that the guest is completely harmless, the dog calms down and stops paying attention to him.

The stranger, in turn, should also ignore the dog and not pester him with compliments and affection.

Neapolitan Mastiff not a house dog. He needs space to walk and relax, so that he can bask in the sun while contemplating the world. When teaching your dog various commands, you should remember the difficult nature of the pet and make sure that no notes of anger creep into your voice. However, the tone should be firm and not resistant to refusal.

Ensure immediate execution of the command, otherwise the mastiff will think that he can disobey his owner with impunity. Don't get angry at your pet when he starts barking. He does this not out of idleness, but only to warn the owner about something or as part of the performance of his security duties.

The opinions of all family members regarding raising a Neapolitan Mastiff should be the same, that is, if one of you has imposed certain prohibitions, it is undesirable for the other to violate them.

Mastino Neapolitan is ferocious guard dog , scaring off strangers with just his menacing appearance. However, at the same time, he is an extremely loyal and devoted family friend, always ready to help. If you try to provide your pet with appropriate care and living conditions, in return you will receive a loving companion and an irreplaceable guard.

Mastino Neapolitano

The Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Napoletano, Italian Great Dane) is an Italian breed of dog. This calm dog with nerves of steel and a strong character will become a reliable guard at home, a beloved friend and companion for all family members.

Height: male 65-75 cm, female 60-68 cm;

Weight: male 60-70 kg, female 50-60 kg.

Color: gray, lead, black, brown and brindle, with small white spots allowed.

Additional characteristics:

  • Impressive size, powerful bones and well-developed muscles.
  • In appearance he is strong, rough and brutal.
  • It has a very massive head, a wide skull and a thick neck.
  • The muzzle and head are covered with a pattern formed by characteristic folds.
  • With proper development, the dog has high-set, thick and drooping ears, which must be cropped.

History of the Neapolitan Mastiff

The history of the appearance of the breed begins in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula more than 2 thousand years ago. Its ancestors are considered to be ancient fighting dogs - Molossian Great Danes, which were used for baiting wild animals. Molossians were a fashionable pastime for the nobility in Ancient Rome. The commoners held them as security guards their homes.

The standard for the modern mastiff was developed based on eight representatives of the breed shown in 1946 at an international exhibition. The Italian Mastino Society successfully adopted it in 1949.

Today this breed is used as service dog for police, bodyguard And property defender.

Character and temperament

Despite its intimidating appearance, it is balanced and friendly a dog with an easy-going character. Throughout his life he big child who requires attention, affection and entertainment. He has good relationships with all family members, but the mastino independently chooses one owner, to whom he remains loyal. If the chosen owner leaves the house even for a short time, the dog becomes sad, and sometimes this even causes him great suffering.

Mastino is good-natured towards visitors to the house, but at the same time he is ready at any moment to rush to the defense of the owner or his property values. By virtue of his origin, he is completely fearless and very patient with painful sensations.

In comfortable conditions, the dog will behave extremely calmly. She tends to spend her time contemplatively, which is why dog ​​breeders often call Mastino a philosopher. With proper care and respectful attitude towards her at home, this is sociable, kind, caring dog.

But at the same time, mastiffs are jealous and this feeling is expressed by aggression, moreover, they have a very good memory. That's why Families with small children should not have a Mastino.(up to 12 years), as well as those who already have other dogs. Jealousy and enormous size can lead to unpleasant and dangerous situations, both for the animals and the owner.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is not the easiest dog to care for.

In addition to the fact that this dog requires a large area for movement, it not very clean. Mastino has profuse salivation , and during feeding scatters food and water. The mastiff does this not out of harm, it’s just the structure of his muzzle. Therefore, you need to prepare a place with an easy-to-clean surface, which must be cleaned after each meal.

This breed is problematic to keep in a standard city apartment. She needs space, so it's better a large one will do house.

When caring for a Mastino, you need to constantly monitor the condition of its coat and skin folds. Nail trimming is also necessary. You should bathe your dog only when necessary or if it is very dirty.

Feeding the dog

Since this is a large dog, it requires complete, high-quality, but at the same time fairly moderate nutrition. However, feeding puppies and adult dogs has significant differences.

In the first year of life, it is vital for a young animal to add vitamins (especially group B) and minerals to the feed, which strengthen the immune and nervous system and contribute proper development of joints, which is very important for such large breeds.

For correct formation the puppy must consume sufficient amount of protein, which makes up at least half of the total daily diet. Until the age of three months, the puppy requires four meals a day. As it grows, it is reduced to twice a day.

Natural products are also acceptable, but for such large breeds only a veterinarian can choose the right diet. The dog constantly needs a lot of water to drink.

Education and training

Neapolitan Mastiffs are intelligent and calm dogs, so training is not particularly difficult. These giants quickly and easily remember everything they are taught.

At the same time, in the absence of proper upbringing, you risk soon getting an uncontrollable animal, which is dangerous given its size.

Due to its character, a small mastiff should constantly be surrounded by people, both indoors and outdoors. This will somewhat reduce the natural suspicion of the Neapolitan.

Guests at home should know too rules of behavior with a dog, don't provoke her once again and not cause aggression. It is forbidden to actively gesticulate, force affection or play, and it is forbidden to shout or hit the animal. If the mastino does not feel danger, he simply stops noticing outside visitors.


The Neapolitan Mastiff requires at least two daily, long walks. At first, a young puppy pulls on the leash. Needed as soon as possible. Special constriction collars can help with this. Otherwise, it will be difficult to handle a dog that has grown to a large size while walking.

Health and life expectancy

The Neapolitan Mastiff has good health and most diseases occur due to improper care. Any disease manifests itself in decreased activity and a general lethargic state. In this case, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian, since the disease often develops into chronic form and torments the animal throughout its life.

First of all, if they were not made in a nursery.

TO specific diseases This breed includes:

  • Various forms of allergies, skin diseases;
  • Excess weight acquired due to improper feeding;
  • About to lie down, the mastiff falls heavily, and elbow joints hit the surface of the floor covering. Over time, the animal develops bursitis, as a result of which the joints begin to accumulate fluid, and large blisters appear on the elbows. Therefore, if you decide to have a Mastino, you should take care of soft floor covering.
  • Puppies often gain body weight very quickly, while the development of joints, ligaments and muscles is delayed. In this case, the animal suffers from muscle and joint pain, and this can also lead to the development of hip dysplasia.

With proper maintenance and care, Neapolitan live up to 11 years.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a serious dog. Therefore, in order to avoid all sorts of risks, you should purchase it only from a specialized nursery. In order not to end up with an uncontrollable predator, pedigree for this breed required.

While in the nursery, you can independently conduct the puppies psychological stability test. You need to carefully observe their reaction to sudden sounds and movements, as well as to strangers. Healthy puppy At first he will be curious, but after looking around and making sure that nothing threatens him, like any child, he will start playing with you. If he attacks or, on the contrary, runs away and hides, then you should not risk buying such a dog.

A healthy young mastiff is characterized by:

  • Excellent appetite;
  • High activity;
  • Have a restful sleep;
  • He must be moderately well-fed, have clean skin, fur, eyes and ears.

If any indicator has significant deviations from the norm, it is better to refuse the purchase. It is also necessary to find out what vaccinations were given to him, and it is best to leave the selected animal in the nursery until the end of quarantine. It is advisable to meet the parents of your future security guard.

In addition to the above, purchasing a puppy from a reliable nursery will ensure that you have a full set of necessary documents, including a puppy card and a veterinary passport. You will be able to contact the nursery specialists for advice in the future with all the problems and questions that arise.

Puppy price: 40,000 - 100,000 rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of Neapolitan mastiffs.


The Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Neapolitano, Italian Mastiff) is the oldest breed of dog, distinguished by its massive build, large size, large physical strength and endurance. The breed is believed to have originated from Tibetan mastiff, brought to Greece from India by Alexander the Great around 300 BC. The Greeks introduced dogs to the Romans, who used the animals for arena fighting. According to English experts, the mastiff was brought to Britain by the Phoenicians around 500 BC, then the breed spread throughout Europe. In any case, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a direct descendant of the Roman Molossians - a group of dog breeds with characteristic features, descended from ancient mastiff-like pickling dogs.

Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Neapolitano, Italian Mastiff) is the oldest breed of dog

While the Mastino died out in some parts of Europe, in Italy the breed continued to develop, despite wars and unfavorable climatic conditions. The Neapolitan Mastiff existed here for 2 thousand years, but was officially recognized only in 1946. The breed standard was established a little later - in 1949. One of the names for Mastino is Italian Dog.

Despite its large size and frightening appearance, the Mastino is actually an affectionate and friendly dog ​​towards its owner and his family. Defending the owner with bitterness, as a rule, causeless aggression does not show.

Distinctive features of the breed:

  • balanced nervous system;
  • high security qualities;
  • courage;
  • good trainability, obedience.

The Mastiff is extremely attached to its owner and can suffer even due to his temporary absence. In this regard, a change of owner can cause irreparable damage to the animal’s psyche.

Exterior features of the Neapolitan Mastiff:

  1. Height at withers for males - 65-75 cm, for females - 60-70 cm. Weight adult dog on average 74 kg, large males can reach 90 kg.
  2. The head is large, wide, powerful jaws. The nose is thick, its color is determined by the color of the dog. On the forehead and muzzle, the skin is gathered into folds, which form a kind of suspension on the neck.
  3. The eyes are deep-set, brown, their shade depends on the color of the coat.
  4. The ears are hanging, triangular in shape.
  5. The coat is short, hard, lying close to the body. Common colors are gray, black, fawn. Less common are brindle and brown coat colors. White spots on the chest and toes are allowed.
  6. The body is muscular and strong.
  7. The legs are straight, the paws are large and rounded.
  8. The tail is saber-shaped, thick at the base. It rises above the back when the animal moves.

Structure skin Mastino is due to the original purpose of these animals, fighting with other dogs and wild animals. In this case, the skin acted as a kind of armor, protecting the large vessels of the neck, damage to which could cost the mastiff his life.

Mastino Neapolitano (video)

Gallery: Neapolitan Mastiff (25 photos)

Pet health and education

Representatives of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed may exhibit the following health problems:

  1. Disease of the musculoskeletal system - dysplasia of the elbows and hips. Develops due to improper formation of joints. Confirmed by x-ray examination.
  2. Cherry eye syndrome is inflammation and redness of the third eyelid. The pathology can be hereditary or occur as a result of the penetration and development of infection.
  3. Cardiomyopathy is a disease in which changes occur in the heart muscle, which leads to weakness of the body, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, and weight.

Characteristic for the breed increased salivation, especially during physical activity, high temperature environment, in the process of eating food.

Puppies and young Mastinos are very active. Since the breed is predisposed to problems of the musculoskeletal system, the owner should, if possible, prevent the pet from undergoing heavy physical activity until it reaches physiological maturity. Excessively vigorous exercise can harm the animal's rapidly growing joints and bones. Mastino are extremely hardy animals, sometimes ignoring pain, so during walks and training, the owner needs to closely monitor the dog and if it shows signs of fatigue, give it a rest and take it home. They begin training the pet when it reaches 4 months of age, at first they devote 10-20 minutes to this, gradually increasing the time.

Adult mastiffs are predisposed to laziness, which can later lead to obesity. The average life expectancy of a representative of the breed is 10 years.

Caring for your pet's short coat involves regular brushing and removing hair that falls out during shedding. The owner needs to monitor the condition of the dog’s ears, eyes, and teeth, and cut the nails as they grow. It is necessary to regularly wipe the folds, especially on the face.

Currently, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a popular and widespread dog breed. Among these animals there were also unique representatives. Thus, in 2001, a mastiff named Hercules was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest dog in the world, his weight was 128 kg. Later, pictures of a Mastino dog appeared on the Internet, the size of which was slightly smaller than a horse. There are still disputes about the forgery of the photographs presented.

Experts do not recommend starting a mastiff breed for novice, inexperienced dog breeders, since the dog needs the right approach to training, shaping positive qualities inherent in such a dog. You should not buy a puppy for a family with a small child. Growing up, the Mastino can be quite clumsy and can accidentally knock over or step on the baby.

The Neapolitan Mastiff, also known as the Mastino Napoletano, is the oldest breed of dog. Initially, the Neapolitan Mastiff was especially popular in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula.

History of the origin of the breed

Mastiffs are descendants of an ancient fighting dog. Such dogs took part in battles, as well as in the arenas in Ancient Rome, baiting wild animals. The first ones bred were used, as a rule, as guard dogs, which were kept by commoners, so the breeding of this breed was most likely chaotic.

This is interesting! At Pietro Scanziani's 1946 show, eight dogs were presented that had a certain number of conformational characteristics desirable in breeding in order to establish type uniformity.

As a result of directed selection carried out by Scanziani, an exemplary male was obtained, whose exterior served as a standard for describing the very first breed standard. However, the breeding process in the absence of testing of physical or working qualities has become the reason for the peculiarities of judging the breed at exhibition shows.

This pattern caused the popularization of animals with “excessive conditioning” and a change in the appearance of the mastiff. The latest breed standard was adopted more than 15 years ago.

Description of the Neapolitan Mastiff

Dogs of the Mastino Napoletano breed have an impressive appearance, as well as powerful bones and fairly well-developed muscles.


In accordance with the FCI classification, mastiffs belong to the second group, section 2.1 and Mastiff type. The height of a male of this breed at the withers is 65-75 cm, and a female is within 60-68 cm, with a weight of 60-70 kg and 50-60 kg, respectively. Deviations in growth rates are allowed plus or minus 25 mm. Such a pet has a rather rough and strong, brutal constitution, as well as a somewhat elongated format.

This is interesting! According to its body type, the Neapolitan Mastino is a fairly heavy dog, which has a very characteristic, large, wide and large body.

The body structure of such a dog is unusually harmonious, despite its very impressive size. The dog looks aesthetically pleasing in profile. The skin should not fit tightly to the body, but when hanging down, very peculiar, characteristic folds are formed, covering the entire body. An abundance of deep folds is noted on the head and neck, where a noticeable dewlap is formed.

Coat type and color

The skin of Mastino Neapolitan is thick and quite abundantly expressed, free over the surface of the entire body.. The short, fairly coarse and relatively harsh coat is the same in length everywhere, and is also characterized by uniform smoothness and shine. The maximum length of the coat is 15 mm, without traces of fraying. As a rule, females of this breed have a softer coat.

Gray, black and lead-gray colors are preferred, but animals with brown, red and dark colors are also very much in demand. Small white markings are allowed on the fingertips and chest area. All colors can be classified as brindle, and the presence of hazel, dove and isabella tones is tolerable.

Breed standards

The group of Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossers, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs, the Molosser section and the Mastiff subsection was systematized by Pierre Megnin and belongs to the category of short-haired breeds with the following standards:

  • massive and short head with a wide skull in the area of ​​the zygomatic arches. The length is about 3/10 of the height, and the line of the forehead runs parallel to the muzzle. The skin is abundant, wrinkled and folded;
  • the nasal lobe is located as a continuation of the muzzle, not protruding beyond the vertically located outer line of the lips, voluminous, with large and noticeably open nostrils, black, grayish-brown or chestnut in color;
  • deep and very wide muzzle with sides parallel to each other and almost square in format;
  • fleshy and thick, fairly full lips hide powerful and strong, well-closing jaws, the lower of which has excellent development in width;
  • white and very well developed teeth with a regular and linear arrangement, with a regular scissor bite;
  • straight-set and wide-set eyes, round in shape, with a slight depression, dark in color;
  • ears are small in size and triangular in shape, set slightly higher than the zygomatic arches, flat and quite close to the cheekbones, often cropped;
  • The upper profile of the rather short neck is slightly convex. The shape of the neck resembles a truncated cone, of a muscular type, with loose skin forming a double, well-lagged dewlap on the lower edge;
  • the top line in the back area is straight, with wide withers, long, but not very protruding;
  • the back is wide, with a harmonious lumbar region and very well developed muscles in width;
  • volumetric rib cage has long and well curved ribs;
  • wide, strong and muscular croup area with an inclination relative to the horizon and prominently protruding croup above the lumbar region;
  • wide and spacious chest has well developed pectoral muscles and a hawk located at the same level with the shoulder-scapular joint;
  • wide and quite thick at the base, a strong tail slightly narrows towards the end, and reaches a length of a well-developed hock joint, but, as a rule, is docked at 2/3 of the total length;
  • the forelimbs, examined from the front and in profile, have a vertical arrangement and are distinguished by strong bones;
  • the rounded front feet are quite large, with well-arched toes, flat, rough and well-pigmented pads, strong and curved claws of a dark color;
  • The hind limbs are powerful and strong, proportional, with well-defined muscles on the legs, with very long metatarsals and rounded paws with dry, hard and noticeably pigmented pads, strong and curved dark-colored claws.

Special movements are a breed characteristic of the mastiff. A dog of this breed has slow, cat-like movements and a lion's gait, somewhat reminiscent of the gait of a bear. Such a pet very rarely gallops, and the usual movements are walking and trotting.

Dog character

Mastino Napoletano is the oldest Italian breed, possessing impressiveness and extraordinary beauty, which is the reason for its enormous success in all countries. A familiar, completely relaxed environment allows the mastiff to be calm and non-aggressive.

On its territory, such a pet will become an incorruptible guard, bravely protecting the household and the house, its owner and his property. Mastino rarely barks, preferring to act immediately. The breed is different high intelligence and excellent character, ease of communication, devotion and constancy, good learning abilities.


Mastiffs are not long-lived, but with proper care and compliance with basic maintenance rules, including regular preventive measures, some representatives of the breed are able to cross the ten-year mark.

The main condition for keeping a mastiff is to provide the pet with regular and sufficiently large physical activity. Therefore, such a dog requires regular and long walks. It is quite possible to keep representatives of such an ancient breed in apartment conditions, but quite problematic. Neapolitan Mastiffs require space and a significant area.

This is interesting! The best option conditions for maintaining such pet will become a country home where the mastiff will be a reliable and very devoted guard.

It should be noted that for Mastino Neapolitan it is important to have a specific owner. A dog with well-developed attention and observation skills prefers to earn the owner's approval by any means necessary. A distinctive breed feature of the mastiff is very strong suspicion, so this pet treats strangers with some caution.

Care and hygiene

Neapolitan Mastiffs are prone to overheating in very hot weather, and such a dog can get heatstroke even in the absence of direct contact with direct sunlight. Given its large dimensions, a pet simply does not have time to cool itself down on its own, so walks should be rescheduled to the early morning hours or late evening.

Mastiff coat care involves regular brushing and systematic combing. The shedding period for a pet of this breed lasts about a couple of weeks, during which brushing is carried out daily. Water procedures are appropriate only during the season, when the wool is heavily soiled, and also immediately before exhibitions. The rather delicate skin of such a dog does not have high-quality protection in the form of undercoat, so frequent bathing can cause dandruff in the pet, as well as itching and severe irritation.

The dog's eyes and ears need monitoring and regular cleaning, which is carried out a couple of times a week. As a rule, claws can wear down with sufficient walking. in a natural way. Otherwise, the overgrown nails are systematically shortened using a guillotine nail cutter designed for large dogs. Teeth should also be regularly examined for plaque and tartar. Special pastes and brushes are used for cleaning.

It should be noted that the Neapolitan Mastiff belongs to the category of non-dog-smelling, but extremely slobbery breeds, so regular wiping of the folds on the face is mandatory. Failure to comply with this rule and constantly getting wet wrinkles cause the spread of various skin infections. Among other things, such a pet is not able to control the process of salivation, as a result of which pieces of furniture and clothing of household members or guests often become unusable.

What to feed a mastiff

Even before purchasing a puppy of this breed, the dog breeder needs to purchase not only everything necessary accessories and prepare the place, but also decide on the method of feeding the pet. Between the ages of two and four months, a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy must be fed at least four times per day.

It is very important to remember that after the puppy’s baby teeth appear, it is very important to provide the pet with proper supplementary nutrition. It is quite possible to give your puppy special milk formulas, the composition of which is as close as possible to mother’s milk. If necessary, the composition is supplemented with a certain amount of homogenizer.

It is enough to feed an adult large dog only once, and it is best in the evening hours. The diet of such a dog must be very varied, and Special attention should be given to products that are sufficiently enriched with protein components. Additionally, you need to give it to your pet vitamin complexes, one hundred is especially important with the onset of spring.

Neapolitan Mastiffs have a very well developed gastrointestinal tract, therefore, disruptions in the digestive system occur very rarely. However, the nutrition of such a pet must be not only balanced, but also correct. It is very important to completely exclude from the diet chicken bones and rice, which is due to fairly rapid metabolic processes occurring in the mastino’s body.

Feeding your dog should be done at the same hours every day. Always in free access your pet should have a bowl filled with fresh water sufficient quantity. It is important to remember that it is optimal to feed Neapolitan Mastino with complete and high-quality dry diets, which are enriched with all necessary microelements.

Best for feeding large dog Innova Dog, Eagle Pask Nolistic Select® Lamb Meal & Rice and CANIDАE® All Life Stage foods are suitable. As a supplement you can use “Canvit Chondro-Maxi” or “Artrofit”.

Diseases and breed defects

As a rule, the Neapolitan Mastiff has fairly good health, and a significant part of the diseases is most often provoked improper care. Any illness is manifested in a pet of this breed by a decrease in general activity and apathy, as well as noticeable lethargy.

At the first signs of the disease, you must immediately contact a hospital and consult a veterinarian. Among other things, it is important to strictly adhere to the execution mode preventive vaccinations. Breed-specific diseases may include:

  • various forms of allergies;
  • skin diseases;
  • gaining excess weight.

With age, a mastiff may develop bursitis, which results in the accumulation of fluid in the joints and the appearance of large blisters in the elbow area. Quite often, in fast-growing puppies, the development of ligaments, joints and muscles is delayed, which is accompanied by muscle and joint pain, as well as the formation of hip dysplasia.

This is interesting! Adult Neapolitan Mastiffs have a predisposition to laziness, and it is this character trait that later very often becomes the main cause of obesity in a pet.

The presence of any deviations from breed standards are deficiencies, and their number and severity become the reason for rejection. Defects can be represented by an overshot, crooked or bent tail that rises high above the back area, as well as pronounced deviations in the height of the animal at the withers.

Disqualifying defects include deviations represented by underbite, convexity or concavity of the craniofacial axes, snub-nosed or hook-nosed muzzle, complete absence of pigmentation on the nasal lobe, as well as complete absence of pigmentation on the edges of the eyelids.

Among other things, dogs with light blue eyes and squint, with a complete absence of wrinkles or folds and lack of dewlap, as well as those with a tail that is too short and extensive white markings on the coat, are necessarily disqualified. Mastiff males must have two testicles with normal form, fully lowered into the scrotum area.

Education and training

Mastiffs are dogs with a difficult character, so the process of education and training is best left to qualified dog handlers. It is very difficult to independently achieve complete and unquestioning obedience from a pet of this breed. The main condition for targeting a Neapolitan Mastino for training is trust, as well as the creation of an atmosphere of friendliness, mutual understanding and equality.

This is interesting! It is advisable to train a pet of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed in “dog” areas specially designated for such purposes, but in the absence of other animals, at least at first.

Training a pet of this breed usually takes a very long time, and it takes approximately three or four months to master a couple of standard basic commands, so the mastiff owner needs to be patient. You need to start training with your dog for about 5-10 minutes, but gradually the time of such activities should be increased to half an hour.
