The operating principle of an outsourcing company. Pros and cons of outsourcing. Alternative employment opportunities

Many enterprises, in order to save money during the economic crisis, are forced to reduce staff, so they have to transfer some functions to incoming specialists. In this regard, companies are opening everywhere that provide businessmen with such a service. We will try to tell you what an outsourcing company is in simple words in this article.

What is outsourcing?

Let's take a closer look, what is personnel outsourcing? The word "outsourcing" is translated from in English, as an “external source”. The process itself consists of transferring the performance of some minor functions to third-party performers. In order to save money, one company can transfer a number of functions to another. Most often, services are single in nature or provided sporadically over a certain period of time.

The outsourcing company provides clients with professional support, ensuring uninterrupted operation of infrastructure facilities or individual systems on the basis of a cooperation agreement. That is, personnel outsourcing is a long-term business relationship between the contractor and the customer, secured by contractual agreements. Any services provided by external contractors should not be classified in this area. Outsourcing is the transfer of non-core activities, which, in fact, the company can perform on its own, to third-party specialists long time. That is, the customer uses the services structural unit, which remains legally independent from its organization.

The popularity of outsourcing services is growing rapidly, but the market is not yet oversaturated, so novice entrepreneurs who decide to try their hand at this area can easily find their niche here. Oddly enough, the greatest demand for such services is observed during a crisis. Exactly this best time in order to build a successful outsourcing business.

Types of outsourcing

The following functions are usually outsourced:
  1. Accounting. This is the best option. The most common options for cooperation are record keeping, reporting, creation of primary documents;
  2. IT outsourcing. The services offered in this area relate to equipment maintenance or software. This could be repairing printers, computers, or developing special computer programs. IN Lately IT outsourcing has become widespread. If you can't decide, take a look at this promising direction activities;
  3. Legal support. This service is most often used by small and medium-sized enterprises, which find it expensive to have their own lawyer on staff. Outsourcing can also include business registration, liquidation of enterprises or their reorganization;
  4. Financial consultations. During a crisis, many businessmen cannot manage their capital and make a profit. Therefore, they turn to experienced financiers for help. For a reasonable fee, professionals will tell you how to choose the most profitable investment projects and minimize the risks of loss Money;
  5. If you know, you can safely open an outsourcing company and advise aspiring entrepreneurs on these issues. The services of such specialists are often used by private individuals who cannot decide. Such consultations bring good additional profit to outsourcing companies;
  6. Selection and personnel management in small business. This service is most relevant for large enterprises where there is a high staff turnover. Traditional methods of recruiting and assessing personnel are too time-consuming and cost-intensive, so many businessmen turn to recruiting agencies that use new personnel search techniques for help. The outsourcing company’s specialists will calculate the tax burden, select employees, and also provide useful tips, how to manage personnel to achieve high productivity. It should be noted that recruitment agencies are not responsible for the quality of work of employees.
  7. Basic methods of personnel search:

  • Placing recruitment advertisements in the media;
  • Advertisements on the Internet;
  • Cooperation with government centers employment;
  • Searching for personnel at job fairs;
  • Attracting specialists through employment centers at universities;
  • Announcements in public transport;
  • Targeted training in training centers;
  • Advertising on external media (light displays, billboards, etc.).

Firms that order staff leasing services have the opportunity to significantly reduce staffing costs own employees. In some areas, budding entrepreneurs can work alone, but sometimes they need help. In this case, it is more profitable to enter into a contract for the rental of working personnel with an outsourcing company than to hire employees and pay them monthly wages.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Let's look at the main advantages of outsourcing:

  • Since a businessman outsources some of the secondary functions, he gets the opportunity to concentrate on solving the main problems in the enterprise’s activities. In addition, resources that were used to perform these functions are freed. They can be redistributed and used for business development;
  • Most often, outsourcing services are much cheaper than maintaining qualified specialists on staff. Thanks to this, organizations can reduce costs without compromising the quality of services or goods;
  • Access to new technologies;
  • Possibility of occasional use of specialist services;
  • Transfer of responsibility for performing certain functions.


  • For large organizations, outsourcing certain functions is most often impractical, since in some cases this leads to the leakage of secret information, as well as a decrease in efficiency in solving important issues. Loss of confidentiality can significantly reduce the competitiveness of a business and lead to bankruptcy;
  • Psychological factor. Many entrepreneurs refuse to trust third-party specialists with internal information;
  • Excessive enthusiasm for outsourcing can lead to complete dependence on external contractors.

Company registration

Before opening an outsourcing company and completing all the documents, you need to carefully analyze the market. Nowadays, accounting, legal support, marketing and IT are most often outsourced. When analyzing the market, pay attention Special attention level of competition. If there are several large leasing companies operating in your region, it is better to abandon this idea and choose another line of business.

So, you have drawn up a business plan for an outsourcing company and are ready to get to work. The first thing you need to do is officially register your business. It is better to register an outsourcing company as an LLC. Of course, in this case you will not be able to receive any benefits when paying taxes, but this organizational and legal form allows you to enter into agreements with other organizations. In addition, you need to open a bank account, as well as register with an insurance and pension fund. Your own outsourcing company is the simplest and most affordable option for aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking for...


Experienced businessmen use modern methods recruiting personnel to work in an outsourcing company. This is very important point, which needs special attention.

Typically, employees are required to meet the following requirements:

  • Relevant education;
  • Competence;
  • Experience;
  • Communication skills;
  • Responsibility.

In your work you need to use the most effective methods personnel selection, since the reputation of your company and, accordingly, its profitability largely depends on this. For full-fledged work at the start, you will need about 10 qualified employees.

Before opening a recruitment agency, you need to study the basic tools for selecting employees. If you do not have experience in this area, hire an experienced specialist to help you understand this difficult matter.

The responsibilities of the recruiting manager include:

  • Labor market research;
  • Operational search for specialists;
  • Development of new methods of personnel selection;
  • Creation effective system labor motivation;
  • Professional adaptation of new specialists;
  • Personnel training;
  • Advisory services;
  • Preparation of reports.

Financial investments

An outsourcing company as a business is a profitable and quite promising business that does not require significant financial investments. To start, you will need 300–350 thousand rubles. This money will be spent on renting premises, paperwork, purchasing office equipment, advertising and employee salaries. If you do not have such start-up capital, you can ask around or find investors who will finance your enterprise.

Initial investment:

  • Office rent – ​​about 70 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment – ​​about 100 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables – 20 thousand rubles;
  • Salary – 100 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising – 20 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that 220 thousand rubles are monthly expenses. You can't expect instant profits in this business. To get a good income, you first need to develop a client base. When customers are convinced of the high quality of your services, profits will begin to grow. According to experts, the profitability of this business is 35–40%. Average monthly income small company, which provides outsourcing of working personnel, amounts to 300–700 thousand rubles. If you can attract regular customers, the business will generate a decent, stable income.


The importance of leasing personnel services in our country is greatly underestimated. But the situation is gradually improving, so entrepreneurs who want to start activities in this area can easily adapt to the market. In a few years, the level of competition will increase significantly. If you are attracted to this line of activity, hurry to take your place in this promising and quite profitable field of activity.

For domestic businessmen, outsourcing is a new concept, but despite this, many enterprises actively use this service. Transferring non-core activities to third-party specialists is much more expensive, but the work is performed at a high quality level. Such a business can generate good and stable income. In the previous publication we told you. You will learn how to open an outsourcing company in this article.

What is outsourcing?

Many people ask the question: What is an outsourcing company in simple words? Everyone knows that it is impossible to become a professional in all industries, so each organization has its own narrow area of ​​activity. In order to pay more attention to the development of the enterprise, many entrepreneurs shift additional, important functions to other companies that specialize in a certain field of activity. This useful mutual assistance is called outsourcing.

Previously, this service was used to calculate salaries for management at some enterprises. This made it possible to avoid publicity of information. Today, businessmen who are trying to optimize their expenses are happy to use the services of leasing staff. Third-party specialists handle tax filings, visit banks, and even have access to some confidential information.

It is worth noting that in Western countries, personnel outsourcing is a fairly popular service. Some companies outsource almost 80% of non-essential functions. In our country, the outsourcing business is at the stage of development, but despite this, 30–40% of entrepreneurs are already actively using this service.

Types of services

Before drawing up a business plan for an outsourcing company, you must first decide on the type of its activity.

Among the most common services, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Accountant services;
  2. Tax reporting;
  3. Advertising activity;
  4. Employee management;
  5. Office printing;
  6. Cleaning;
  7. Website creation and promotion.
  8. Experts recommend choosing niches that have not yet been filled, which include:

  • Development of corporate publications;
  • Sales department management;
  • Logistics services.

This list is unlimited by law. If an entrepreneur has found a highly specialized type of activity in his region that is in great demand, he can safely occupy this niche.

Registration of activities

Before opening a recruitment agency, you should legalize your business. If several co-founders will be involved in the business, an LLC should be opened. One owner can register an individual entrepreneur. This type of activity is not licensed, so you will not have to obtain any additional permits.

To build a business on staff rental you will need approximately 400 thousand rubles.

This amount includes the following expenses:

  1. Office rent – ​​70 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of furniture – 100 thousand rubles;
  3. Business registration 10 thousand rubles;
  4. Advertising – 20 thousand rubles;
  5. Computer equipment – ​​100 thousand rubles;
  6. Salary – 100 thousand rubles.

At the start, you will not make a solid profit. You must first establish yourself in the market and gain regular customers. If you use the right personnel selection methods and are able to establish yourself with the best side, after 2–3 years of operation, business profitability will reach 40%.


The success of your business largely depends on the choice of employees. Use advanced modern recruitment methods to select the best talent.

They are subject to the following requirements:

  • Competence;
  • Experience;
  • Communication skills;
  • Ability to communicate with clients.

Over time, as your business begins to flourish, you can hire a professional to handle employee selection. The responsibilities of the recruiting manager include interviewing the applicant, checking his professional qualities, and applying for a job.

At first, 5–10 people are enough for full-fledged work.

Basic methods of personnel selection

The main task that every new entrepreneur faces is finding employees. For this they use various methods selection and assessment of personnel. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Advertisements in business newspapers and magazines;
  2. State employment centers. This is one of the most common methods of personnel selection. The center offers employers several interesting programs. For example, a company can accept an employee for an internship, and after he is enrolled in permanent job, the employment center pays him a salary for a year.
  3. Recruitment agencies. Nowadays, the services of recruiting agencies are very popular. They charge 2-3 months of an employee's salary for their work. Some organizations work on a prepayment basis;
  4. Advertisements in print media. By analyzing data in the media, you can find not only semi-skilled workers, but also employees for management positions. It is not practical to use such recruitment techniques to find highly qualified specialists, since they usually do not read such publications;
  5. View resume. Specialists post their resumes on employment sites. If you decide to start leasing staff, you can use this information to select employees for your organization;
  6. Advertisements on the Internet. To find specialists to work in an outsourcing company, you can post vacancy announcements on specialized websites on the Internet. To prevent competitors from finding out about your plans, you don’t have to disclose the company name. For feedback just indicate the address Email. Such traditional methods personnel searches usually give good results;
  7. Sending commercial proposals to various organizations;
  8. Own internet site.
  9. An important source of advertising can be your first clients who rented workers from your company and were satisfied with the level of service provided. Positive reviews customers will help you create an impeccable reputation and, accordingly, increase the profitability of the enterprise.

    The main task facing budding entrepreneurs is to tell their potential clients about what benefits they can get by using their services.

    Features of personnel management

    Many businessmen outsource all accounting calculations and personnel document flow. This is quite labor-intensive work. Outsourcing organizations also offer motivational and appraisal projects, as well as human resource management for small businesses. Here they use a different approach to work, so this activity is considered a separate species business.

    Video on the topic Video on the topic

    Before choosing an outsourcing company, you should decide what you want to get from such cooperation. If you want to get rid of routine and save your time, but leave all strategic aspects within the company, you should choose HR document management outsourcing. Another goal is staff training, competent independent assessment, as well as a motivation system. In this case, you should contact outsourcing companies that conduct seminars, trainings and other events.

    Many business managers who do not know how to manage personnel spend too much time solving various organizational issues. If you entrust this matter to a professional, you can calmly deal with solving major problems and developing new business development strategies. Experienced entrepreneurs know what benefits can be obtained if they transfer secondary functions of the company to third-party specialists, and therefore actively use such a service.


    In any business, there is no absolute guarantee that it will be profitable and profitable. If you correctly analyze your actions and take a responsible approach to your work, outsourcing your workforce can bring in good income. Competition in this area is low, so you can safely enter this business.

Outsourcing (from the English outsourcing: (outer-source-using) use of an external source and/or resource) - transfer by an organization, on the basis of a contract, certain types or production functions entrepreneurial activity another company operating in the required area.

This is the definition of outsourcing as Wikipedia offers it to us. Nowadays you can find a lot of different definitions of the term “outsourcing” on the Internet.

In simple words, outsourcing is borrowing resources from outside. Outsourcing is now quite a common phenomenon and many companies and organizations actively use it.

The use of outsourcing is justified by the fact that every company needs all areas of its activities to be serviced with the highest possible quality. However, not every company can afford to keep highly specialized specialists on permanent staff, since their work is usually paid quite highly. Therefore, it is much more profitable to cooperate with various organizations, which will perform a certain range of tasks required by your company.

History of outsourcing

If we talk about Russia, the first outsourcing companies here were security companies. With their help, many organizations were able to carry out reliable protection your business, but do not spend a lot of money on maintaining security guards as permanent employees. Then marketing appeared in the “world” of Russian outsourcing and began to develop rapidly. This is due to the fact that there are not so many truly professional marketers, so it is more profitable to seek help from a specialized company than to find and employ a highly paid specialist.

When the Internet “boom” occurred in Russia at the end of the 1990s, outsourcing companies began to actively appear, providing hosting, as well as work on promoting and improving websites.

Already in 1997, more than 50% production organizations outsourced one or more of their business processes (according to the American Management Association).

Types of outsourcing

Outsourcing is conventionally divided into the following types:
1. Production (industrial) outsourcing. This type of outsourcing involves transferring certain production tasks to outside companies. For example, advertising companies outsource the printing of advertising booklets, that is, the outsourcer here is a printing house. A good example of the use of production outsourcing is demonstrated by IKEA, which has absolutely no production facilities in its arsenal, while remaining one of the most highly profitable organizations.

2. IT outsourcing. This is the delegation of responsibilities for performing those tasks related to programming, equipment maintenance, software development, hosting support and other things.

3. Business process outsourcing. This is a type of outsourcing that involves transferring to an outsourcer to perform a business process. Most often, responsibilities for advertising, marketing, logistics, and accounting are delegated. Only those business processes that are not core for the company are outsourced.

4. Outsourcing knowledge management. This is the youngest type of outsourcing, and so far it is found only in the USA. Knowledge management outsourcing is associated with those activities that involve deep Scan and specific processing of processes that significantly influence management decision making.

Benefits of outsourcing

1) by outsourcing certain non-core activities, the company can pay more attention to the core business functions that generate the most income;

2) outsourcing eliminates problems with finding and training personnel, since specialists are provided by the outsourcer itself; also excluded possible problems with the unexpected dismissal of employees, granting them sick leave, vacations, etc.;

3) increases the flexibility of the enterprise in case of a crisis situation in the market;

4) the company gets the opportunity to use high quality services or equipment;

5) the need to search for and purchase equipment or components is eliminated, since this is the concern of the outsourcer.

Disadvantages of outsourcing

It would be more correct to talk not about the shortcomings, but about the risks of outsourcing. The following situations may not occur, however, every company using outsourcing needs to consider possible risks.

1) being too “carried away” by outsourcing, a company can transfer too many areas of its activity to third parties, thereby depriving itself of many opportunities;

2) the company may face a lack of effective management;

3) there is a risk associated with taxes;

4) the risk of losing confidential internal information.

How global companies use outsourcing

About 60% of all companies that outsourced part of their activities initially did so for cost reasons. But many leading companies in the world have found significant benefits for themselves in outsourcing, and by their example they show how with its help you can achieve your main goals.

Many emerging markets often face a shortage of skilled and talented workers. Company Texas Instruments opened in India Research Center, which has become a real salvation for many developing companies, providing them with talented and competent employees.

American company Hasbro, a toy manufacturer, was able to overcome the “color crisis” that affected many toy manufacturers in 2007. Hasbro treats its contractors as strategic partners, despite the fact that many companies try to stay away from their partners and not let them “inside” their business.

Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca captured the Chinese market and became one of the largest in its field thanks to the investments it made in many areas - from production to sales. Collaboration with many universities and organizations also contributed to a significant increase.

Despite the possible risks, the world-famous company Procter & Gamble nevertheless transferred some areas of its activities to other countries. After this, the company's productivity showed a significant rise, increasing by 60%. More than 400 types of products were developed outside the company, which began to generate 10 billion more income for Procter & Gamble.

What types of outsourcing services are there? How to choose the right outsourcing company? What are the features of outsourcing online stores?

Good day to all visitors to the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Anna Medvedeva is with you. We will devote our article to the topic of outsourcing.

The benefits of outsourcing have already been appreciated by many entrepreneurs and business managers. We will try to fully explain this concept, and also help you understand the nuances of the process.

This information will be useful to anyone who seeks to reduce costs and optimize their business activities.

So, let's begin!

1. What is outsourcing and when might it be needed?

The term "outsourcing" is of English origin. Its literal translation is “use of external resources.”

This is the transfer of secondary functions of an organization to another company that specializes in this area. The presence of a business process and the duration of cooperation (1 year or more) distinguish it from other types of service provision.

What's the point? The management of each organization strives to ensure that all areas of its activities are at high level. But this is ideal.

In practice, this is quite difficult to achieve. After all, not every enterprise can afford to employ highly qualified employees from absolutely all departments - this is too expensive.

Typically, preference is given to specialists in the relevant field. The best are selected from them, they are given the opportunity to improve their skills, and their work is paid at the proper level.

Employees of other, non-core services can rarely count on this. HR specialists, computer specialists, lawyers and various other workers fall under this category. And I want to get good results from their activities.

This may also be the case when:

  • the company is too small to employ additional services, for example, a human resources department;
  • the cost of maintaining full-time employees is higher than the cost of paying outsourcers;
  • There are not so many internal resources to spend on finding and maintaining personnel to perform secondary functions.

Therefore, outsourcing cooperation is a very tempting alternative. you give certain work a company that specializes only in this area. Naturally, its employees are more highly qualified and perform their work more professionally.

2. What outsourcing can be like - an overview of the TOP 6 main types

The full scope of work for a particular profile is not necessarily transferred to outsourcing. You can conclude an agreement to perform only part of the functions, leaving the field for activity to your full-time specialists.


The company has one accountant on staff. He is engaged in the processing and systematization of primary documentation necessary for various reporting.

This is where the work of a full-time accountant ends. He transfers the documents to an outsourcing company, whose specialists prepare all the reports and submit them to the tax authority.

Let's now see which types of outsourcing services are most popular.

Type 1.

Ordinary full-time employee computer maintenance and local networks usually has a minimum set of professional skills and abilities. And when it comes to programming, things get really bad.

Therefore, the computer services sector is perhaps the first candidate for an outsourcing agreement. For information on how best to do this, read the article “”.

Type 2. Accounting outsourcing

Type 3. Outsourcing of labor protection

The concept of labor protection is very vague for many. If at large enterprises a separate service is organized for this, then at small enterprises they often do not even know about it. And the law requires compliance with rules and regulations.

Type 4. Legal outsourcing

Everyone has problems with the legal department. Not every organization can hire highly qualified specialists. This is generally unprofitable for small businesses. In addition, there are no lawyers who are professionals in absolutely all areas of jurisprudence.

If you outsource the work of lawyers, you can get comprehensively competent case management. About this in the article "".

Type 5. HR outsourcing

The work of the HR department, especially in small enterprises, is often given to other specialists - a secretary, an accountant, a lawyer. If an organization is actively expanding, it is very difficult to devote time and due attention to careful selection of personnel.

This situation is well known to many. It is also known at what level the work of personnel officers is carried out. Outsourcing to in this case- a way out of the situation, as described in the articles “” and “”.

Type 6. Sales outsourcing

The work of sales managers is a very shaky field. Everyone is always looking for them, since conscientious, hardworking and productive people are not so easy to get.

But it is possible to find such companies on the market of outsourcing companies. In addition, you can enter into an agreement with a specialized company for the outsourcing of online stores. This form of cooperation is described in the article "".

Foreign economic activities can also be outsourced. You can read the publication “” about this on our resource.

3. How to switch to outsourcing - step-by-step instructions for beginning businessmen

Where to start and in what direction to think? Let's create an approximate algorithm.

Step 1. We analyze the company’s activities

Although outsourcing has many advantages, it is not suitable for everyone. And the first thing you need to determine is whether you need it? And for this you need to thoroughly analyze the situation at the enterprise.

This means:

  • determine the goals and objectives of the transition to outsourcing;
  • calculate how much it costs to maintain a full-time service;
  • calculate how much outsourcing services will cost;
  • compare the indicators and draw conclusions.

The more thoroughly you analyze the company’s activities, the more accurately you can determine the need to switch to outsourcing.

Step 2. Select an outsourcing company

The success of the entire enterprise primarily depends on this. Make a list of requirements for the outsourcer. Then study the market and settle on a few companies that best suit your needs.

Regardless of the criteria you define, a serious outsourcing firm must have:

  • good reputation;
  • work experience;
  • reputable clients;
  • positive reviews;
  • licenses;
  • insurance.

Conduct negotiations, clarify the terms of cooperation and only then make your choice.

When choosing a company, it is better to contact specialists from whom you can get good advice. It is desirable that such a company works in different legal areas and has a solid reputation.

We recommend turning to the portal “”. Here you will receive an answer to any question in the field of jurisprudence or you can order a detailed consultation. A large number of lawyers collaborating with the service, gives you the opportunity to choose a specialist who suits you.

Do you want to save on wages, workplace equipment and other necessary costs associated with organizing the work of employees from 10 to 50%? So, personnel outsourcing is best option for you and your company. The essence of outsourcing is the transfer of some business tasks to third parties or private contractors. Delegating responsibilities and powers to an external source has its pros and cons, which you will learn about in our article. You will also receive important information on how to avoid the most common mistakes when choosing and collaborating with an outsourcing company.

The meaning of the word outsourcing (in English “outsourcing”, where “out” is external, “source” is source) is the delegation by a company of certain processes and functions to another company (outsourcer, outsourcing organization). In simple words, outsourcing is the transfer of part of the work to the employees of another company specializing in these services. This is an opportunity to save a significant amount of money, which is why this type of cooperation is popular in Russia and all over the world.

When collaborating on the basis of outsourcing, the parties enter into an agreement describing the list and cost of work. Most often, individual entrepreneurs and companies outsource accounting, technical services, personnel selection, development and management of advertising campaigns, and production of printed materials to other organizations.

In what cases is it necessary to switch to outsourcing?

The performance of certain functions is transferred to a third party in cases where the company does not have the right specialist for such work or hiring such an employee will cost the company too much. If there is a need for some functions that need to be performed one-time or occasionally, then it is easier and cheaper to transfer them to a third-party contractor - an LLC, individual entrepreneur or individual.

Types of outsourcing

One of the advantages of outsourcing is the ability to transfer any (non-core or core) processes to an external contractor. Depending on the delegated tasks, there are several types of outsourcing.

Manufacturing (industrial)

Performing auxiliary functions and processes to ensure the production of finished goods, materials and equipment - accounting, warehousing, equipment maintenance, logistics, transportation. You can also transfer the entire production process to a third party (for example, if the company itself does not have time to fulfill urgent orders or is located in another country).

Outsourcing of accounting and tax accounting

The most popular type of processes transferred to specialized companies. Outsourcing of accounting services is suitable individual entrepreneurs and companies with a small number of accounting documents and simplified taxation. It is much more profitable to turn to a third-party accountant than to hire a highly paid employee or buy special programs and equip workplace. An outsourcer can perform the entire scope of work of a full-time accountant or only some of his functions (drawing and submitting reports, maintaining tax accounting and etc.).

Legal services

Also a popular type of outsourcing work. Only large companies and organizations can afford to hire a full-time, highly qualified lawyer. Small companies and entrepreneurs most often turn to specialized companies to order legal support or carry out a certain process in the field of labor, tax, business law (drawing and checking employment and commercial contracts, deciding conflict situations with a contractor, buyer or supplier, etc.).

IT outsourcing

IT outsourcing includes various works related to setting up, maintaining and repairing equipment, as well as creating, implementing and maintaining information systems or software in enterprises different areas activities. You can transfer to an outsourcer the entire range of work or individual processes (hosting, programming, technical support, testing, etc.).

Recruitment and personnel management

Transferring such functions to an outsourcing company is relevant for large enterprises with a large staff of workers and engineering staff. Specialized firms carry out all processes related to the selection and hiring of personnel, preparation of the necessary personnel documentation, calculation of wages and mandatory deductions, bonuses, vacation pay, and many others.

Outsourcing of labor protection

At every enterprise operating on Russian market, regardless of the type of activity (production, trade, service sector), the safety of employees must be ensured. These tasks (training and safety instructions, implementation of measures to prevent accidents) should be carried out by a qualified specialist or an entire department in this area. Many companies transfer labor safety functions to outsourcers, reducing the costs of such mandatory work.

How to make money on the Internet for a beginner

Transport (logistics)

For companies that transport services are needed from time to time, outsourcing the fleet will be beneficial. It will be much easier and cheaper to contact a logistics organization that carries out work on selecting a vehicle, route and transporting goods, raw materials, materials. If a company needs to constantly deliver its products, it is more economical to hire a full-time driver with a car or purchase a vehicle for transporting goods.

Outsourcing of foreign trade activities

For enterprises that export or import products abroad one-time or occasionally, it is more profitable to contact a third-party customs declarant or a specialized company. If import-export transactions are carried out on a regular basis (supply of imported raw materials or components for use in production process, sale finished products abroad, etc.), it is cheaper to hire a specialist in foreign economic activity on your staff.

Printing outsourcing

Such companies provide all services related to the production of printed products - design development and printing of forms, scanning and image processing for advertising layouts, risographic (for monochrome images), digital or offset printing (for full-color pictures).

Outsourcing of marketing and advertising

Marketing is one of the important areas of work for any company, determining an effective strategy for developing and promoting products to the market. In most cases, it is more profitable for small and medium-sized companies to contact a marketing company or advertising agency to delegate the functions of creating and promoting a brand, developing a marketing strategy, and conducting advertising campaigns.

Call center services

M Many companies turn to specialized contact centers for cold calling, informing customers about a new product or service, and other processes related to calls to a large database of recipients.

The company can outsource to the contractor all processes that are not core - accounting, legal issues, IT services, logistics and others.

Pros and cons of outsourcing

The point of collaborating with third-party providers is to focus as much as possible on core business processes, without diverting labor and other resources to perform auxiliary tasks. Transferring functions to an outsourcer has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • saving money (on wages, insurance premiums and vacation pay, organizing workplaces);
  • performing work at a higher professional level.
  • the opportunity to concentrate resources on the company’s core processes, increasing its competitiveness and the quality of goods (works, services).

When the market situation and consumer preferences change, in most cases it will be much faster to find an appropriate contractor than to rebuild your own production facilities or introduce new technologies.


  • the risk of losing confidential information, which will lead to a decrease in the competitiveness of the company;
  • the possibility of receiving low quality services;
  • reduction in the efficiency of obtaining information for managing the organization;
  • imperfection of Russian legislation in matters of responsibility and obligations in the field of outsourcing.

Outsourcing too many functions can reduce the efficiency of some of the activities that have made the firm successful in the marketplace. Moreover, working with many outsourcers can lead to increased costs.

The cost of an outsourcing company’s services depends on the type, volume and complexity of the work performed, and the length of the contract. When compared in absolute numbers, the price of performing processes by an outsourcer is higher than by a full-time employee, but in reality there are significant savings. When concluding an agreement with a contractor, the customer chooses one of the types of payment: payment for results, payment by the hours specified in the contract, or payment for actual time worked.

Comparative table of costs for some services (outsourcer and in-house employee)

Services Minimum service price What determines the price of the service? Monthly salary of a full-time specialist
Accounting and tax accounting From 5,000 rub. Organizational and legal form of the enterprise (individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.), type of taxation, presence and number of employees, list of services 70,000 - 80,000 rubles
Legal services From 20,000 rub. — subscriber services,

from 5,000 rub. / per hour for individual services

List of services, time to complete work, availability of remuneration for results, need for a lawyer to visit 50,000 - 60,000 rubles
IT services From 4,500 rub. Number of units of equipment serviced, scale and complexity of the company’s IT infrastructure, frequency of software updates, list of services 80,000 - 110,000 rubles
transport and logistic From 350 rub. / hour Car make and class, vehicle rental with or without a driver, number of passengers, type of transportation (car rental for an event, transfer, etc.) Driver - 40,000 - 50,000, the price of the car depends on the brand of the vehicle
Foreign trade services From 35,000 rub. per batch of goods Transaction amount, frequency of operations, list of necessary procedures 50,000 - 70,000 rubles
Recruitment From 25,000 rub. (when selecting employees of the same type of profession),

7-12% of a specialist’s annual income,

from 120 rubles / hour

Qualifications and number of selected employees, list of services for personnel records management and audit. 40,000 - 50,000 rubles

Mistakes when switching to outsourcing

Even simple outsourcing can be associated with a number of errors that will lead to financial costs.

Incorrect savings estimate

The main motive for outsourcing work to a third-party contractor is to reduce costs, but often the price is quite high or the quality of work is too low. To avoid this mistake, you need to analyze the TOP outsourcing companies to choose the optimal price-quality ratio.

Before outsourcing business processes to third-party contractors, you need to carefully calculate the profitability of each of them. Delegate to outsourcers only those jobs that are unprofitable to do yourself.

Wrong choice of contractor

When selecting an outsourcing company, you should pay attention to its reputation, reviews from regular clients, time on the market, the level of qualifications of the specialists who will perform the work, guarantees and other nuances. It is not recommended to choose new companies with too low prices for services - because... The work of a highly qualified specialist cannot be cheap.

Incorrectly drawn up contract or lack of outsourcing contract

The contract between the parties must spell out all the nuances - the result of the work, the deadline and time for completion, the cost of the service, the responsibility of the parties for failure to fulfill their obligations. Read the contract carefully and under no circumstances start working under a verbal agreement!

Every year, leading business publications and analytical firms compile ratings of the largest (by revenue) companies providing outsourcing services. When compiling the rating, indicators such as reliability, fulfillment of obligations, and reputation in the global and Russian markets are also taken into account. Most ratings are compiled in a specific area (outsourcing of IT services, accounting and tax accounting, personnel selection, etc.).

Company reputation

The business reputation of the outsourcing company is assessed in the form of a rating published by various specialized associations and business publications. You can find out the position of an outsourcing company on online resources International Association outsourcing professionals IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals). Some sites regularly publish information about employees “on demand” - the online magazine “Forbes”, “Expert.ONLINE”, “Business Expert”, the website, etc. The company’s reputation is also transmitted by word of mouth (moreover, negative experience transmitted several times faster and more extensively than positive).

Availability of reliable partners

When selecting an outsourcing company, you need to pay attention to the presence of regular large clients (companies usually indicate this information on their websites).

Duration of existence of the organization

The longer a company operates in a specialized market, the higher the likelihood that you will get exactly what you are promised for your money. Only newly opened firms can incorrectly assess the labor market and the level of wages, have insufficient resources to complete the task.
