Boston Terrier. Boston Terrier: owner reviews. General description and requirements of the standard

Brief characteristics of the dog

  • Other possible names: Boston Bull, Boston Terrier, Boxwood, Boston Bull Terrier, American Gentlemen
  • Height adult: 23-38 cm.
  • Weight: 7-11 kg.
  • Characteristic color: black and white, tiger and white.
  • Wool length: short, smooth.
  • Lifespan: on average 12-14 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: affectionate, playful, companions, intelligent, friendly, loyal, do not require special care.
  • Difficulties of the breed: can be stubborn.
  • Average price: A pedigree Boston Terrier costs between $800 and $1,600.

History of the origin of the breed

Boston Terrier – American breed with English roots. It got its name from the city of Boston, Massachusetts, which is also called the capital of New England. The breed was bred by accident, but the result exceeded all expectations.

In 1870, a simple Bostonian, Robert Hooper, passing by the port, bought from a sailor a small brindle and white dog, Judge, who turned out to be a cross between an English terrier and a bulldog.

The pet quickly settled into his new home and even made friends with the neighbor’s little white dog, Jeepy, who weighed only 9 kg.

From this friendship came puppies of the same color, which were very similar to Judge. From this litter, Robert kept one puppy for himself, and the rest were quickly taken away by friends and neighbors. Seeing the demand for such dogs, Hooper decided to actively engage in their breeding, which later occurred by crossing pets with each other (inbreeding).

He first presented his dogs at an exhibition in 1878 as round-headed bull terriers, which greatly outraged the owners of standard bull terriers.

In 1889 In Boston, there were already about thirty big admirers of such dogs who decided to organize the Club of Round-Headed Bulls. They also made a description of the dogs, which became the first standard for the breed called the American Bull Terrier. This name had to be changed, since they did not quite look like boules. This is how the name Boston Terrier appeared, and in 1891 the club was renamed.

The American Kennel Club was reluctant to accept the breed into its ranks, doubting the sustainability of the standard. But in 1893, they managed to convince the AKC members, and the breed was included in the Stud Book. From that moment on, the exhibition career of Boston Terriers took off sharply, and in 1901 the first Boston was brought to England.

In Europe, this breed has not become very widespread, since it is not much different from its competitor the French bulldog, although it is considered recognized by the FCI. But in its homeland, the Boston Terrier has been symbol and pride of the state of Massachusetts.

Purpose of the breed

The most important purpose and goal of the Boston Terrier is to be a faithful companion and favorite for all residents of the house. Due to their small size and light weight, such pets can always be taken with you, especially since they really like to ride in a car, watching what is happening from the window.

At home, they will happily sit next to you, trying not to lose sight of you. They will also become an affectionate, playful and patient friend not only to you, but also to your baby.
Boston Terrier is considered decorative breed, which can often be found at exhibitions. These dogs also appear in films and even take part in circus performances.

Description of the character of the Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers very good-natured and loving. As soon as you lean towards them, you will immediately be licked and caressed. They are chatty and playful. These dogs can even tolerate some roughness during play, and according to some reports, they even like it.

Therefore, this is one of the small dog breeds that can be easily adopted if there are small children in the house. From joint games both dog and child will receive only positive emotions. Bostonians also get along well with other animals that will share their shelter. But they can begin to conflict when meeting same-sex dogs of the same size.

In Boston Terriers soft and balanced character, for which they were nicknamed "American gentlemen." They don't have mood swings. They are always happily ready to run and frolic, but they sense the situation well and do not get under their feet.

Bostonians in general very smart but since “terrier” is in the name, you need to be prepared for some stubbornness. They are also very trusting and inquisitive. They will happily allow themselves to be stroked and patted even by a stranger. Don't leave a Bostonian alone since he can easily leave with a stranger.

These small dogs are suitable for any family where they can be given love, affection and care. They will feel good both in a private house and in an apartment. Moreover, short hair will not cause special troubles, and brushing and other grooming methods always bring great pleasure to the Boston Terrier. With their compact size and appearance they will fit into any interior.

Video review of the breed

What are the little playful good-natured Boston Terriers like, as well as tips on keeping them, watch the video.

How to choose a puppy

You can buy a Boston Terrier puppy at the age of 1.5-2 months, by which time they have time to get stronger, become completely independent and ready to meet new owners. These dogs are very attached to their place of residence, and the older the puppy, the harder it will be for him to move to a new home.

A healthy Boston Terrier puppy is a well-fed baby with shiny fur, who stands confidently on strong, even legs and looks at you with interest with clean, clear and large eyes.

This breed is very inquisitive and active, and puppies should behave the same. Bostonians do not like loud sounds, but are not afraid of them. You can check how timid the puppy is by clapping your hands. The baby may twitch in surprise, but not run away. If the puppy does not frolic with everyone, but sits quietly on the sidelines, then perhaps something is bothering him.
Ask the owners if the puppies have been vaccinated and if they have been given anti-worm medications.

Dog names

Choosing a nickname for a pet is quite a crucial moment. As with a person, the name is to some extent involved in the formation of the dog’s character and further behavior. Affectionate nicknames will make the dog more docile and calm, and sonorous and sharp names will help the pet become confident in its strength.
But first of all, the nickname should suit both of you: it should be easy to remember for the dog and easy to pronounce for you.

  • To Boston Boy names such as Archie, Barten, Denti, Zhorik, Clif, Lorik, Maris, Neman, Olsi and so on may be suitable.
  • girl you can call Bona, Vista, Gabby, Jela, Zhuiga, Idgie, Capsie, Noydi, Sattie and similar names.

Caring for a Boston Terrier is very simple. To make your dog's fur less bothersome during seasonal shedding, you can brush your dog periodically. special brush. You need to bathe your pet when it gets dirty, but not often. It is also recommended to wipe the muzzle every day with a clean, damp cloth and make sure that the eyes and eyes are always clean.

From the moment the puppy appears in the house, teach him to relieve himself or do it in a certain place, first and then in the tray.

Short haired dogs They do not tolerate dampness and cold well. For walks in such weather, you need to buy a jumpsuit and reduce the time you spend outside.

Possible health problems

Boston Terriers sometimes have diseases such as:

Bostonians may experience breathing problems due to heat or stress. In addition, they snore quite loudly and for a long time, and also sniffle, whistle and even grunt. These sounds appear from the peculiar structure of the nasopharynx.

A common occurrence for Boston Terriers is bloating or accumulation of gas, which he then releases intensely and loudly.

Can become a serious problem for a dog infectious diseases, they will help to avoid them as much as possible or alleviate the course of the disease. They can cause a lot of harm to your pet, and special medications can help combat them; they can be recommended to you at a veterinary pharmacy.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

You can feed your Boston Terrier both dry and natural food. Puppies are first fed four to five times a day in small portions, and by nine months they are gradually transferred to two feedings a day.

IN natural feeding everything should be cut into small pieces because The structure of the head makes it difficult for Bostonians to bite into. It should be well balanced and non-greasy.

When feeding dry food, you can pour the entire daily amount into a bowl at once. But there should be such food high quality and suitable for the dog according to her needs and age. Dry food can be alternated with canned or natural food.

For any type of feeding, your pet should always have a bowl with clean water.


Boston Terriers smart and quite smart. Such dogs can be easily used not only for commands, but also for various tricks. This should be done as early as possible to instill obedience. Bostonians may have a little problem with this, since they have the blood of stubborn terriers.

The entire learning process must take place in game form and not be too drawn out. This is more interesting for the dog and easier for you. Training should be done daily, periodically changing the situation. Boston Terriers enjoy going over obstacles and participating in various competitions.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you are dreaming about an affectionate, devoted and cheerful friend, then the Boston Terrier is your dog. They are friendly and playful. They don't have mood swings, and with their cheerful disposition, Bostonians will never let you get bored. No matter how active they are, they will not get under your feet, but you should always be in their field of vision.

These dogs are very attached to their owners and they are very sad and bored in their absence. They are suitable for absolutely any family. And if the owners have Small child, then they will quickly find mutual language, and all you can do is watch their fun games with a smile. By the way, cats can also take part in such fun and even become best friends with a Boston Terrier.

Bostonians not picky about food, and caring for them will not take much time and effort. They do not require physical exertion and do not need to be walked for hours. Boston Terriers have enough intelligence and memory to quickly learn the necessary commands and even some tricks. But upbringing can be a little complicated by their stubbornness and willfulness.

These little dogs will become your faithful companions both on a walk, and when visiting or shopping, and they generally enjoy driving a car.

Small four-legged friend with a heart filled with love - Boston Terrier. This short, sturdy dog ​​is suitable for apartment living and is easy to care for.

Height at withers: 38-43 cm

  • less than 6.8 kg;
  • from 6.8 kg to 9 kg;
  • from 9 kg to 11 kg.

Color: brindle; black (with white spots); seal (looks indistinguishable from black, but when exposed to bright light it begins to shimmer red). Mandatory white markings: eye marks, lining around the muzzle, chest.

  • The coat is smooth and short.
  • Square body, graceful tail, short back and deep chest.
  • The muzzle is short and square.
  • The eyes are large, round, dark in color.
  • The ears are cropped (but this may interfere with a show career) or remain natural - erect.
  • The paws are small, the nails are short; straight limbs are located parallel, muscles are developed.

Differences between a Boston Terrier and a French Bulldog

differ significantly.
Boston looks like a miniature boxer - straight paws, tucked belly, minimal wrinkles on the muzzle, elegant neck, wide chest,

French bulldogs have slight curvature of the limbs, a roundish (barrel-shaped) chest, and almond-shaped eyes.

Boston Terrier breed standards are limited possible colors, the French have more varied colors.

Bostons do not show aggression, they are less irritable than french bulldogs, but can stand up for themselves and for the owner.

History of the breed

Boston Terriers appeared in the 19th century in Massachusetts (Boston). In 1865, Robert Hupper purchased a male bull and terrier, which after some time covered the neighbor's dog. The puppies turned out surprisingly similar to their father. This offspring became the starting point in breeding a new breed.

In 1878 they already participated in exhibitions. The peak of popularity occurred in the 20s of the twentieth century, when these sturdy ones became fashionable among rich ladies. In 1981, the first breed club was created, and already in 1983 the breed was recognized as independent.

Dog handlers began to conduct active work to improve the breed, Bostons were crossed with a boxer, with an Old English white terrier, a French terrier, and even with. As a result, the dogs became more elegant and acquired a unique set of psychological characteristics.

The breed standard was first adopted in 1891, and the final one in 1998.

Temperament and character

family dog, who loves her owners infinitely. They prefer to be with their owner everywhere, making the breed suitable for people who travel. Dogs are cheerful and active.

They can be characterized as follows:

  • mentally balanced;
  • active;
  • playful;
  • devotees;
  • non-aggressive;
  • sociable.

Boston Terrier and man

It is amazing sociable dogs, therefore suitable for single people and large families. He gets along well with pets and children.

When purchasing a Boston, you can be sure that true happiness will live in your home. This excellent companions, completely deprived unmotivated aggression , easy to care for and unpretentious.

Small size, inherent in the breed intelligence and character, easy learning - all this together makes keeping a dog problem-free both in a private house and in an apartment.

Choosing a nickname for a dog

Nicknames for bitches: Astra, Becky, Vira, Vicky, Bonita, Daisy, Eva.
Nicknames for males: Argon, Bean, Alvin, Adil, Edward, Darius (Dar), Stinger.

Suitable for keeping even in a small apartment. But, categorically can't stand living on the street, because it is not adapted to frost and bad weather.

This agile dog, ready to walk for a long time. Minimum walking time for an adult dog 60-90 minutes, while activity in the form of games and training is desirable. You need to walk at least 2 times a day, the puppy is taken outside more often.

For a walk in bad or frosty weather, put on your pet warm clothes. In the cold season, it is advisable to reduce the walking time.

Dogs can be fed:

  • natural food - the diet should include meat, offal, vegetables, cereals;
  • premium dry food.

An adult dog is fed morning and evening, a puppy 4-6 times. The largest meal is in the evening.

You need to regularly examine your teeth, coat, eyes, and ears. You should not wash it often (only when necessary - for example, after walking through mud), and brush the coat with a stiff-bristled brush. It is necessary to trim the nails if they do not grind down naturally.

Education and training

The dog lends itself well to training - at home and professionally. First, you need to teach the puppy the rules of behavior in the house, and after six months you can attend classes conducted by an instructor and undergo a “basic training course” (BTC) under his guidance. A trained dog will not cause inconvenience to the owner and others.

Training needs to be done in a playful way. To keep your dog from getting bored, you can practice agility, take your pet to swim in ponds, or go into the forest.

Health and life expectancy

Boston Terriers live up to 11-15 years.

Representatives of the breed are endowed good health, but the following diseases occur rarely:

  • respiratory;
  • a brain tumor;
  • endocrine (Cushing's syndrome);
  • mastocytoma;
  • cataract;
  • congenital deafness;
  • intestinal disorders.

For Bostonians, giving birth by cesarean section is a common practice. The reasons for this difference are excessive large heads in puppies.

A characteristic feature of their appearance is a harmonious combination of the main color and white markings.

Boston Terriers are strong, square dogs. They should not look puny or rude. The bones and muscles should be developed in proportion to their weight and physique. When assessing these terriers for compliance with the standard Special attention attention should be paid to proportionality, expressiveness, basic color and white markings. Well-defined short compact body combined with a square head and jaws, color with bright white markings. This is exactly what this elegant and charming “American gentleman” should be. Distinctive characteristic The Boston Terrier breed is a harmonious combination of base color and white markings.


He firmly believes that all your actions are aimed solely at his well-being

The Boston Terrier is exceptionally intelligent and energetic; he has rightfully earned a reputation as an excellent companion. This strong, determined active dog He has, among other things, excellent manners. All his movements are light and graceful. Distinctive feature The nature of these small animals is boundless trust in the owner. He firmly believes that all your actions are taken solely for his benefit. This makes Boston Terriers easy to train. In addition, this same quality, combined with playfulness and extreme sociality, makes Boston Terriers excellent companions.

Boston Terriers are sometimes called "American Gentlemen". The dog received such a non-standard nickname for its refined manners and sharp mind. A small drawback of the breed is independence and stubbornness. But if you are raising a puppy with early childhood, then the negative traits inherited by the animal from its ancestors will appear very rarely.

The formation of the breed began in the city of Boston (USA, Massachusetts). The dog, considered the progenitor of the Boston Terrier, was acquired in 1865 by a city resident from one of the English sailors. The male was a classic bull terrier: large, stocky, with a rounded head and a straight bite. The dog's name was Judge.

The first litter was obtained from a random mating of a male with neighbor's dog. It was a white bitch with strong body. The puppies inherited the shape of their head from their father, but everything else was passed on to them by their mother. They turned out to be the same type and looked like a cross between a bulldog and.

To consolidate the resulting exterior, a brother and sister from this litter were mated - Wells Ef and Tobins Keith. In the following matings, both Jadzha himself and the puppies obtained from Ef and Kate were used. Everyone born dogs highlighted by a powerful physique and a massive skull.

The new breed “started” in 1878, taking part in a major dog show. The Boston Terrier was officially recognized by the AKC as an independent breed only in May 1893..

Descendants of Judge took part in further selection work, but later the introduction of fresh blood was required. Boston Terriers were eventually crossed with Old English White Terriers. This had a significant impact on appearance dog, ennobling the features and completely removing the primitive, rough appearance of the ancestors.

The breed was officially recognized in 1893.

It is worth noting that modern Boston Terriers are elegant companion dogs that do not in any way resemble Bull Terriers.

Purpose of the breed

Initially, Boston Terriers, despite their aggressive appearance, were used as friendly companions. The breed retains this purpose to this day.

Description of the Boston Terrier breed

Boston Terriers are good-natured, not at all aggressive, but at the same time they show good protective qualities as domestic dogs.

The selection work carried out was aimed at breeding a “family” dog intended for keeping in an apartment. Boston Terriers cannot live outside because they have no undercoat.

The dog is extremely active and needs long walks every day. It is worth noting that Boston Terriers are very smart and cheerful.

Appearance, Boston Terrier breed standards and photographs

The Boston Terrier, in order to be allowed to compete, must fully comply with the accepted standard FCI breeds No. 140, approved on April 12, 1998.

Boston Terrier in the photo

Boston Terriers are conventionally divided into three groups (depending on the weight of the dog):
  • light – no more than 6.8 kg;
  • average – 6.8…9 kg;
  • heavy – 9…11.35 kg.

Height at withers – 38…43 cm.

The breed standard is described as follows:

Important! A high-set or curled tail is considered a defect and can spoil the final grades. But docking automatically disqualifies the dog: it cannot participate in breeding and exhibitions.

Personality of the Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers fully justify their purpose. These are extremely friendly and loving companion dogs. They are great for older people and great with children.

Animals are highly trainable and easy to train. But you need to remember that Boston Terriers can be stubborn by nature, and therefore it is necessary to raise pets from puppyhood.

The Boston Terrier is easy to train, but you need to start training your pet from an early age.

Dogs are very sensitive and take criticism very painfully.

Representatives of the breed are not aggressive, but they will protect their family to the last. Because they are infinitely devoted to their owner and his environment.

All yours free time The dog prefers to spend time with its owner. The place of stay and the duration of the visit do not matter for the Boston Terrier. But at the same time, he will not refuse to play with other dogs. The breed of the “friend” also does not matter.

The dog is quite independent and can be left at home unattended. But it is not recommended to do this too often - the pet begins to get very bored.

So, the character of the Boston Terrier is peaceful. Dogs are distinguished by a balanced psyche; they are not subject to attacks of rage, aggression and inappropriate behavior. Bostons are very smart and understand perfectly well when and where they have committed an offense.

It is best to work with a Boston Terrier in a specially designated area.

Although the Boston Terrier is initially a non-conflict and obedient dog, it must be trained in any case.

Puppies are highly trainable, but practicing commands can take quite a long time. Boston Terriers are incredibly active during puppyhood, and for this reason, the dog owner will need to be patient.

It is best to conduct classes with a puppy at the training site. This is explained by the fact that there are more stimuli here and the animal will learn to listen and hear the owner. In addition, the baby will be able to see a living example of how adult animals work.

Boston Terriers are emotional dogs and require frequent praise. The learning process should be associated with joy. If you yell at an angry puppy, then this and subsequent activities can turn into a burden for him: he will only be able to carry out commands somehow.

Features of keeping and caring for Boston Terriers

  • daily walks;
  • spending time together, including active games;
  • bathing;
  • coat care;
  • proper feeding.

You need to bathe your dog when necessary or if it is very dirty. During bathing, part of the protective fat layer is washed off from the coat, so frequent baths are contraindicated for Boston Terriers.

After eating and returning from a walk, the dog’s face must be wiped damp cloth. This will help remove dirt and food particles remaining in the folds of skin near the mouth. In addition, Bostons love to drool and need to be wiped off as well.

It is recommended that this breed's nails be cut a couple of times a month.

The animal's eyes should be examined regularly. Periodically, when souring appears, they need to be washed. Strong tea or chamomile decoction is suitable for this purpose.

Dogs shed at a medium intensity. During this period, it is necessary to periodically comb the coat with a special brush.

Advice! To maintain hair in healthy condition, the dog needs to be brushed once or twice a week.

Since Boston Terriers do not have undercoat, it is necessary to dress your pet warmly during winter walks. It is recommended to purchase overalls or at least a sweater. IN summer time You need to make sure that the dog does not overheat.

How and what to feed a Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier's diet should consist of 40% meat.

Dogs of this breed have a small stomach, so they feed an adult dog no more than twice a day. The morning portion should be slightly larger than what he receives in the evening.

There are several important points in the process of organizing feeding:

  • offer the animal food immediately after a walk, or physical activity, for example, games are not allowed;
  • the food the dog receives should contain a lot of protein;
  • Overfeeding and underfeeding are harmful for an animal.
  • For the first two months of life, the puppy should eat fractionally: he should receive food at least six times. As they get older, the number of feedings should decrease.
  • By the age of nine months, the number of feedings should correspond to the diet of an adult Boston Terrier, i.e. The animal will eat only in the morning and evening.

Your dog's diet should contain the following food groups:

  • fish. Both sea and river varieties can be used;
  • meat. The product should not make up 40% of the total diet. The animal should receive both raw (70%) and boiled (30%) meat;
  • skim cheese. Must be present in the puppy’s diet throughout the entire period of active growth;
  • vegetables and herbs (25%). They must be thoroughly ground and added to the main dish. You can also give your animal vegetables stewed in cream;
  • eggs. You can give it every other day in any form - boiled, raw or scrambled eggs. Puppies are allowed to offer an egg yolk once a week.

Your puppy's diet should include everything listed products. But meat should be given only boiled.

The Boston Terrier is allowed to offer an apple as a snack between feedings.. It is also beneficial for the animal’s teeth and improves the digestive process.

Giving dogs tubular bones forbidden.

The following categories of products are completely prohibited:

  • any sweets - sugar, sweets, chocolate, etc.;
  • tubular bones;
  • salty and spicy dishes;
  • seasonings;
  • fatty food.

If you plan to feed your pet dry food, it is recommended to consult a specialist. He will help you choose nutrition and determine the norm.

There is a series of foods designed specifically for feeding Boston Terriers. This:

  • BRIT (BRIT) PREMIUM JUNIOR S. Designed for feeding puppies and young dogs;
  • BRIT PREMIUM LAMB & RICE. Hypoallergenic food for adult dogs.

If you feed the animal with dry food, then it is necessary to provide it with constant access to clean water.

Boston Terrier Health and Lifespan

Nature has awarded the dog with excellent physical qualities. But the breed also has individual problems. These are eye and ENT diseases.

Dogs' eyes are slightly bulging, and therefore suffer especially severely. Ingress of dirt, debris particles, and various injuries cause frequent inflammation.

Puppies may develop juvenile cataracts during the period of active growth. The pathology is expressed in an “absent” gaze and a clouded lens. The dog needs to be taken to the vet immediately.

And they suffer from various ENT diseases. In particular, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis and other pathologies accompanied by inflammation of the nasal and ear sinuses.

On average, dogs live about 15 years.

Approximately 5% of all puppies born initially suffer from hearing loss and even complete absence hearing

At good care a dog can live up to 15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Boston Terrier

The advantages of the breed include the following points:

  • calm character;
  • long life;
  • minimum hassle in care and maintenance;
  • friendliness.

The "disadvantages" are:

  • impossibility of street maintenance;
  • minimum security qualities;
  • poor adaptation to heat and cold;
  • increased emotionality.

The main difference between the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog is its color.

Externally, dogs are quite different from each other. The Boston Terrier is somewhat reminiscent of a boxer. In a dog:

  • straight paws;
  • toned stomach;
  • there are practically no folds on the muzzle;
  • wide chest.

The differences between the French Bulldog are:

  • crooked paws;
  • barrel chest;
  • almond-shaped eyes.

The next difference is the color of the coat. The Boston Terrier breed standard allows only three possible colors:

  • fur seal (aka brown) with white spots;
  • brindle (variegated) with white spots;
  • black with white spots.

For French Bulldogs, a wider range is allowed.

Boston Terriers are less aggressive than French Bulldogs. But if necessary, they will be able to protect both the owner and themselves.

How to choose where to buy a Boston Terrier puppy and reviews from owners

Photo. Boston Terrier puppies

  • You need to buy a one and a half month old puppy. It is at this age that they are ready to move to a new home.
  • A strong body, straight paws, a small belly, shiny coat and clear eyes - this is the portrait of a healthy Boston Terrier.
  • Good puppies are curious and show a clearly friendly attitude: they run up to the guest, trying to play with him. They are not afraid of sudden sounds and movements.

Note! From buying puppies that prefer to sit quietly in the corner and hide when approached stranger, it's better to refuse. Correcting a pet's character is quite problematic.

It is highly undesirable to choose an older Boston Terrier. The dog will miss its previous owner for a long time.

Nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg:

  • “Tirina’s Planet” Moscow
  • "BON FO SHOW" St. Petersburg
  • “Golden Rossy” Moscow
  • "BOSTON STYLE" Moscow

The price for a puppy is set individually in each specific case. On average, buying an animal will cost $800...1000.

Boston Terrier photo |

basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly towards other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with its other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

Boston Terriers are companion dogs that are perfect as loyal friends for modern residents of big cities. These small dogs are good-natured towards people and animals, take up little space, and are easy to care for. Bred in the mid-19th century in the United States, Boston Terriers have long become popular outside this country; today they are loved and often purchased as four-legged pets in Russia. Although in European countries The breed is more popular than in our country. So, Boston Terriers (or Boston Terriers) are small dogs fairly strong and proportional build. The height at the withers of dogs of this breed is equal to the length of the body. Boston Terriers are divided by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale into 3 “weight” classes: dogs weighing less than 6.8 kg, dogs weighing from 6.8 kg to 9 kg, dogs weighing from 9 to 11 kg.

Externally, Boston Terriers are similar to their closest ancestors - English Terriers and Old English Bulldogs. Their body structure resembles terriers, and their muzzle, respectively, resembles bulldogs. The heroes of this article have a square skull, the forehead and cheekbones of the dogs are flat, and the brow ridges are pronounced. The transition from the forehead to a wide and short square muzzle is quite pronounced. The eyes are round, large, dark in color. The nose is wide and large, black in color. The ears are medium in size, set high, erect (can be cropped). The jaws of Bostonians are wide, forming an undershot or overbite. The neck is set quite high, proportional in length and width to the entire body. The chest is wide and deep. The dog's back is less than average length (the body looks rather short), the ribs are convex. The tail tapers to a tip, is short in length, and low set. The thighs are muscular. The limbs are short and strong (especially the hind limbs). Paws are small in size with small claws. The Boston Terrier's coat is short and fine, without a pronounced undercoat. Color may be black with white markings ( White color hair around the muzzle, a white blaze between the dog’s eyes, on the chest, on the limbs), brindle or black-brown (fur seal shade).

Photo of Boston Terrier:

Photos of Boston Terrier dogs |

Origin story

The early origin of the dogs that were the ancestors of today's Boston Terriers dates back to the 60s of the 19th century in the USA in the city of Boston, which gave the name to the breed. The breeders used the blood of dogs of the following breeds as a basis: Old English Bulldog, French Terrier, English Terrier (the English Terrier and Old English Bulldog are often distinguished). In 1891, the first Boston Terrier Club in the United States was established. Two years later, in 1983, Boston Terriers were recognized by the American Kennel Club as an independent breed. Until this time, Boston Terriers were often presented at exhibitions as American Bull Terriers, which was fundamentally incorrect, because these breeds are not similar either externally or internally. Although they also participated in the creation of the Boston Terrier breed, this did not affect their character. Today this breed is one of the 20 most popular in the United States.

Boston Terrier personality

Boston Terriers are dogs with a balanced psyche, morally calm, devotedly loving not only the owner, but also all family members, including small children. We can say that Bostonians are full participants in all events in their owner’s house. They are inquisitive, energetic, love traveling, active walks, and behave well during which, without causing inconvenience to anyone. Sociable Boston Terriers are not annoying, although they love games and affection shown to them by people. Dogs of this breed are clean and, if properly trained, do not bring headaches to the owner in the form of damaged furniture, torn curtains, or puddles on the carpet. Also, these small pets are not “barking”, but they can voice if they sense any danger. They are not the best watchmen, if only because of their good-natured nature, but if necessary they can scare away an ill-wisher from their master’s goods. They treat other pets in the house well, and are often happy to be friends with both. In some cases, male Bostonians can compete with dogs of the same sex, but it rarely comes to real conflict.

Training and education

The small size of Boston Terriers allows them to be kept even in a small apartment. But not only because of their size, these dogs are kept indoors - they are very sensitive to cold and heat, temperature changes (which often happens in Russia). The dog’s place in the house can be arranged where there are no drafts, it is warm, moderately light, it is desirable that the animal can see the owner and family members from its bed. You can provide your Boston Terrier's place with toys; be sure to always have a bowl of clean water next to the bed. In the first months of life, the puppy can also be equipped with a toilet (a tray with filler for a dog toilet, and sometimes disposable diapers, sawdust, paper are used instead of filler - at the owner’s request).

Walking with a Boston Terrier is mandatory, since an animal sitting within four walls (especially alone) will eventually become depressed and apathetic, which will affect not only its character, but also its health. Leisurely walking around the perimeter of a yard or walking area is a boring and uninteresting activity for a Bostonian. These animals happily carry out the learned commands of the owner, run, go through obstacle courses, communicate with other tailed brothers, and actively spend time in nature. They need at least, in two walks daily for 1-1.5 hours. In cold and hot weather, the walking time can be shortened slightly. By the way, at sub-zero temperatures, Boston Terriers wear overalls and shoes, which can be purchased either in pet stores or sewn yourself.

There are no special features in the diet of Boston Terriers - natural food or ready-made high-quality food (for dogs of the appropriate size and age). An adult is fed twice a day - morning and evening. You should not treat your animal with treats from the table, especially sweet, fatty, spicy foods, and you should also not give your Boston Terrier bones. Dogs that eat natural food need to take vitamins at least 2 times a year, which should be recommended by a doctor in accordance with the weight, age, health status and diet of the Bostonian.

Caring for short-haired Boston Terriers is simple - brushing 1 or 2 times a week, washing with dog shampoo 2-3 times a year (or when dirty). Shedding in Boston Terriers is not pronounced, which is beneficial for owners whose furniture, floors and clothes will not be covered in the dog’s fur. The short muzzle should be wiped with a napkin after eating. Eyes (often the “mirrors of the soul” are weak point in dogs of this breed) should also be wiped daily with a cotton pad soaked in warm water(sometimes tea leaves are used instead of water). Be sure to dry your Boston Terrier's ears weekly (using water or special means to clean ear wax). The claws of the family pet are trimmed twice a month.

Health and illness

Boston terriers live for about 12-15 years (sometimes exceeding this limit), they are quite active and inquisitive until a very advanced age. The main problems these dogs have are:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, pylorospasm);
  • Visual impairment (cataracts, eye injuries);
  • From the musculoskeletal system (joint dislocations);
  • Skin diseases (demodex, atopy, allergic reactions);
  • Oncology (melanoma, mastocytoma);
  • Deafness (congenital).
Boston Terrier bitches most often require obstetric care in the form of caesarean section, as the puppies' heads are quite large for their petite mother. Few puppies are born in a litter - most often from 2 to 4.

Some interesting facts

  • Adorable Boston Terriers are not dogs with increased salivation(like many short-faced breeds), however, they often snore while sleeping.
  • In their homeland, Boston Terriers are famous as “American gentlemen” due to their color (meaning black and white), which seems to replicate the colors of a classic men's tuxedo. But it’s not just about color – these are very disciplined dogs that are loyal to everyone.
  • The cost of a pet class puppy can start from 30 thousand rubles (sometimes the price is lower), the breed class costs more – from 50-70 thousand, and the highest show class puppies can be sold for 100 thousand rubles or more.
