Paresthesia of the head. Why does paresthesia occur and how to get rid of it? Paresthesia after dental procedures

Paresthesia - loss of sensitivity, which develops due to damage to nerves located in the spinal cord or brain. The exact localization of the disease depends on the location of the altered fibers. provoke this state Maybe great amount states.

Photo 1. Everyone who has encountered the symptom of paresthesia long time sat in an awkward position. Source: Flickr (Hastings Massage Therapy)

Reasons for the development of paresthesia

Typically this condition occurs due to prolonged compression, prolonged time in an uncomfortable position, overexertion and stress.

Besides, reason paresthesia may become vitamin deficiency, infectious nerve damage, tumor formations and others pathological conditions.

A neurologist diagnoses and treats the problem.


Hand paresthesia is the most common problem that causes patients to visit a neurologist. More often this condition haunts older people. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the slowdown recovery processes in nerve cells.


Your legs may feel numb in the feet, calves, or thighs. The appearance of such a condition indicates poor blood circulation. Paresthesia can also be caused by vitamin deficiency. Most dangerous reasons such diseases can be called brain tumors, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or diabetes.


Paresthesia of the tongue - extremely rare occurrence, which occurs due to deterioration of conductivity nerve cells or due to mechanical damage. It can also be caused by pernicious anemia, head injury, laryngeal carcinoma, stroke or diabetes.

Doctors note that this condition occurs due to the use of medications, with hormonal imbalances, allergic reactions.


Osteochondrosis can provoke paresthesia of the lips cervical spine . It is in this part that there are nerve endings that are responsible for the sensitivity of the face. This phenomenon can be recognized by sharp deterioration sight, hearing, unpleasant sound with any movement of the head. Inflammation is also called the cause of lip paresthesia. facial nerve. It causes facial asymmetry and weakness of facial wrinkles.

Diseases accompanied by paresthesia

The main reason for the development of paresthesia is disruption of brain activity, peripheral nerves . These organs are responsible for the functioning nervous system. The following diseases can provoke paresthesia:

  • Tumors near the site of the lesion.
  • Injuries to the head or limbs.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Damage spinal cord.
  • Nervous system lesions.
  • Diabetes.
  • Stroke, multiple sclerosis, migraine.
  • Problems with the spine.
  • Inflammation of the posterior muscles of the body.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Poisoning by alcohol or toxins.
  • Shingles.

Note! Doctors believe that most often paresthesia occurs due to cardiovascular diseases.

Symptoms and signs of paresthesia

Symptoms of paresthesia depend on the location of the lesion. Usually recognize this disease succeeds in the following ways:

  • Feeling cold in lower limbs .
  • Numbness of the skin.
  • Feeling of crawling sensations.
  • Tingling fingers and toes.
  • Appearance allergic reactions on the skin.
  • Reduced sensitivity.

Note! When the first signs of paresthesia appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. On initial stages it is much easier to get rid of this disease.

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of paresthesia

In the vast majority of cases, paresthesia can be quickly eliminated with the help of drug treatment. However, in some cases, this condition indicates serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body. In this case, therapy requires long-term and integrated approach. Very Homeopathy shows good results in the treatment of paresthesia. This is a treatment method based on the principle of similarity: a person takes a small dose of a substance that, in large quantities, can cause similar symptoms of the disease.

Most often, the following homeopathic preparations are used to treat paresthesia:

  • Aconitum(Aconitum) – relieves numbness of the forearm and left fingers caused by diseases of cardio-vascular system.
  • Alumina(Alumina) – fights numbness in the legs when sitting for long periods of time in an uncomfortable position.
  • Causticum(Causticum) – relieves difficulties in finger mobility when grasping.
  • Lycopodium, Lycopodium - relieves numbness of the limbs caused by cardiovascular diseases.
  • Natrium muriaticum(Natrium muriaticum) – copes with tingling and goose bumps, returns normal sensitivity to the limbs.
  • Magnesia sulphurica(Magnesia sulphurica) – relieves goosebumps on the fingertips and numbness of the limbs after waking up.
  • Magnesia phosphorica(Magnesia phosphorica) – relieves stiffness of fingertips.

Photo 2. Homeopathy is the treatment of like with like.

is a condition in which a person experiences abnormal sensations along the peripheral nerve pathways. The patient feels tingling or numbness. In this condition pain No. This condition develops both suddenly and gradually. Paresthesia may last a certain amount of time or be permanent.

Paresthesia is a symptom of a number of neurological diseases . In addition, this condition sometimes manifests itself both as a consequence of various systemic diseases, and as an effect after taking certain medications.

Causes of paresthesia

Paresthesia occurs as a result of damage or irritation of areas and systems that are responsible in the human body for the transmission of sensitive stimuli: parietal lobe of the brain , spinal cord , thalamus or peripheral nerves .

Paresthesia can occur in some conditions. When brain tumors paresthesia may occur due to damage to areas of the parietal lobe cortex that are responsible for sensitivity. IN in this case paresthesia manifests itself against the background apraxia , agnosia , agraphia , hemianopia . There is also loss of sensation in the proprioceptive nerves.

Paresthesia is also one of the symptoms of a number of cardiovascular diseases. For arterial occlusion acute form paresthesia occurs suddenly, while the patient feels cold in one or both legs, and paresis appears. Paresthesia occurs in patients , Raynaud's disease , at thoracic leak syndrome . With the latter disease, paresthesia manifests itself suddenly, when moving the affected arm to the side or raising it.

Paresthesia also occurs in some musculoskeletal diseases. Thus, patients often have paresthesia of the shoulders, neck, and arms. In more rare cases, when damage occurs lumbar region spine, paresthesia of the legs and feet occurs. In patients suffering hernia vertebrate or lumbar disc, acute or gradual paresthesia occurs along the pathways of nerve endings that have been damaged.

Manifestations of paresthesia occur when metabolic disorders in organism. At hypocalcemia asymmetric paresthesia of the fingers of the extremities occurs; similar symptoms, coupled with weakness of the arms and legs, are observed with a deficiency in the body vitamin B .

Some mental illness also provoke paresthesia. So, this phenomenon typical for hyperventilation syndrome .

Paresthesia may also indicate heavy metal poisoning. If paresthesia, tingling and coldness occur in the area of ​​the animal bite, suspicions of a prodromal stage should be checked . Paresthesia sometimes appears in pregnant women as one of the manifestations.

Diagnosis of paresthesia

To determine the causes of this condition, it is necessary to determine what disease provoked paresthesia. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to study the patient’s medical history. The specialist conducts a neurological examination of the patient. Subsequent diagnostics include different methods: blood analysis , x-ray , computed tomography , electromyography . Due to loss of sensitivity during paresthesia, the patient mandatory must learn about all precautions. Subsequent treatment is aimed at treating the disease that caused paresthesia in general.

Paresthesia is specific type disturbances of sensitivity, which is accompanied by subjective sensations of tingling, burning, and crawling. Normally, such sensations can be observed for a very short time, provided that the part of the body is in a compressed state. Pathological paresthesias can occur both with vitamin deficiencies and with mechanical, tumor or infectious lesions of the nerves. A neurologist diagnoses and treats such diseases.

What it is

Paresthesia occurs in response to damage or irritation of a nerve root, nerve ending, area of ​​the spinal cord, or brain. In this case, the symptom will be determined precisely in the area from which the impulse either travels along the damaged fiber or is processed by the affected central area.

It is paresthesia, and not a decrease in temperature or other sensitivity, that will occur if several isolated electrical impulses occur simultaneously in the sensitive nerve fiber (which carries information from the skin or mucous membranes to the brain).

Such potentials will be layered on top of each other, extinguishing or potentiating each other. As a result, the area of ​​the skin or mucous membranes “does not know” how to react, which is manifested by goosebumps or a burning sensation.


Paresthesia can be caused by a variety of pathological conditions, the list of which will differ depending on the location of the symptom.


Pathological sensations in this area arise due to:

  • irritation of the tongue with sharp dental edges;
  • rubbing with dentures;
  • changes in bite due to the absence of several or all teeth;
  • pathological abrasion of the dentition;
  • galvanization phenomena if there are dentures made of different metals.

In this case, paresthesia will occur if, simultaneously with the above factors, there are one or more internal causes:

  • diseases of the nervous system: arachnoiditis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers;
  • endocrine pathologies: mainly menopause;
  • vitamin deficiency B12;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • diseases of the ENT organs: sinusitis, rhinitis.

The symptom can develop with the following pathologies:

  1. Medical intervention in the spinal cord area: lumbar puncture, operations on spinal nerves, spine or spinal cord. In this case, paresthesia will be accompanied by pain in one or two legs, impaired sensitivity in them, and weakness in the leg muscles.
  2. Spinal cord injury at the lumbar level. Symptoms for this pathology may be identical to those during surgical interventions.
  3. Impaired arterial circulation of the lower extremities, which developed, among other things, due to diabetes mellitus. The disease is accompanied by paresthesia and pain at night, muscle cramps, pale skin and decreased height. hairline on the skin.
  4. Tumors of the spinal cord at or below the lumbar level cause symptoms similar to those caused by a spinal injury.
  5. Raynaud's disease, which will also manifest itself as chilliness and numbness in the fingertips.
  6. Multiple sclerosis . With this pathology there are multiple lesions lesions in the brain, and the “set” of these lesions is individual for everyone. It is this combination of lesions that will manifest itself with various symptoms.
  7. Polyneuropathy: alcoholic, intoxication, diabetic. It is characterized by decreased sensitivity and motor activity from the tips of the fingers to a certain level on the leg.
  8. Rabies: Paresthesia will occur in the leg where the animal bit. In the future, sound, water and photophobia will develop.


The symptom develops due to:

  1. Osteochondrosis, trauma, tumor or spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine, instability of one of the cervical vertebrae. In this case, there will be pain in the muscles of the arms, a decrease in their strength, and a violation of deep and superficial sensitivity. In addition, with a widespread process, headache, neck crunch, dizziness, visual or hearing impairment may also develop.
  2. Overstrain or inflammation of the neck muscles. In this case, there will also be pain in the neck at a certain position, and the body temperature may rise.
  3. Circulatory disorders in the vessels that provide trophism to the brain - acute and chronic. In some cases, paresthesia in the hands may be the first sign of stroke, followed by loss of consciousness and the development of some kind of neurological deficit (paralysis, hearing impairment, understanding or speech reproduction).
  4. Damage to individual nerves due to chronic alcohol intake, diabetes, infectious and allergic causes. In this case, paresthesia is accompanied by impaired sensitivity and movement from the fingertips and above.
  5. Multiple sclerosis, if one of the lesions is in the sensitive area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Additional symptoms can be very varied.
  6. Decrease in blood calcium levels. This condition is characterized by specific muscle cramps in the hands and face.


Paresthesia develops when:

  1. Hypovitaminosis B. In this case, there will be not only paresthesia in the lips, but also in other parts of the body, muscle cramps, and increased hair loss.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Paresthesia is accompanied by headaches, lumbago in the neck, discomfort in the neck, back and shoulders, and numbness of the tongue.
  3. Neuritis of the facial nerve. In this case, there will also be a violation of salivation, facial asymmetry, and the inability to puff out the cheeks.
  4. Decreased blood glucose levels. This is also manifested by sweating, confusion, hunger, cold clammy sweat, and fatigue.
  5. Hypertensive crisis. A sharp increase in pressure to high levels is also manifested by headache, vomiting, and sometimes impaired consciousness, paralysis, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
  6. Multiple sclerosis.
  7. Migraine . Usually, in addition to paresthesia, a person is bothered by severe headache in one half of the head.
  8. Inflammation of the gums. Violations general condition no, there is only pain and discomfort in one of the areas of the oral cavity.
  9. Bell's palsy. In this case, numbness of the lips is the first sign of the disease; later paralysis numbs all facial muscles.
  10. Herpes zoster. In this case, an area of ​​redness on the skin is visible, on which specific blisters subsequently appear.

Numbness and tingling may occur with:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • pinching of one of the nerves innervating the fingers, including with carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • lack of vitamins B;
  • lack of calcium or magnesium;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • polyneuropathies of various origins.

Paresthesia of the entire head

Develop due to:

  1. Bell's palsy, followed by paralysis of the facial muscles.
  2. Neuralgia trigeminal nerve, which also manifests itself as pain in areas of the face;
  3. Neuralgia of the facial nerve is accompanied by numbness and weakness of the face, lips, and tongue.
  4. Before a migraine attack, as an aura.
  5. Transient ischemic attack, which can manifest itself as a stroke, but the symptoms go away on their own within an hour.

Cause paresthesia as by-effect can:

  • "Methaqualone"
  • "Isoniazid";
  • "Protionamide";
  • "Cycloserine";
  • antiepileptic drugs;
  • drugs to lower blood pressure.
Features of temporary paresthesia after dental treatment

Paresthesia can occur when a tooth is removed (especially a wisdom tooth), or filling material gets into the tooth canal. In this case, numbness develops in the chin, tongue, cheeks, and lips. Symptoms disappear after a few days (less often) or 2-3 months (more often).

This condition is treated with injections of Dibazol and Galantamine and B vitamins. If complaints persist, surgical treatment is used.

  1. Taking medications: "Trental", " A nicotinic acid", "Piracetam", "Actovegin", B vitamins;
  2. Physiotherapeutic techniques: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, mud therapy, diadynamic currents.

Listen to your body and don’t put off visiting your doctor until the last minute!

Paresthesia is a type of skin sensitivity disorder. Such conditions are characterized by spontaneous sensations of pins and needles, tingling, numbness or burning.

Causes of pathology

Occurs when peripheral nerves and blood vessels, as well as nerves in the spinal cord or brain, are compressed, pinched or damaged. These conditions are often a sign of metabolic disorders, intoxication, circulatory disorders and others. pathological processes.

Such manifestations cannot be ignored, because similar symptoms indicate the occurrence of failures in various organs and body systems.

The main causes of paresthesia include:

  • development of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus, in which a whole complex of vascular complications develops;
  • joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis);
  • deformative and degenerative pathologies of the spine, leading to compression of the nerve roots;
  • tumor neoplasms, compressing blood vessels, located nearby;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • fungal infections (with shingles it is one of the first symptoms, immediately after the dermatoma);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • deficiency of calcium and B vitamins.

Paresthesia of the hands and face can be a warning sign of an impending migraine attack. In patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome, this phenomenon occurs before sudden muscle weakness.

At multiple sclerosis numbness and tingling sensation is one of the early signs formation of the disease. On late stages As this pathology develops, unpleasant discomfort on the skin becomes chronic.

Increasing paresthesia of the hands may be a sign of peripheral neuropathy.

In addition, such conditions can occur as a result of the development of atherosclerosis, Buerger's disease or Raynaud's disease.

May occur with hyperventilation syndrome or toxicological intoxication. The occurrence of paresthesia after an animal bite requires the exclusion of the prodromal stage of rabies.

May become a manifestation of toxicosis during pregnancy.

Stages of development

The syndrome has several stages of development:

  1. Mild tingling or numbness occurs in small areas skin body and limbs.
  2. The area of ​​manifestation of the disease gradually increases.
  3. Feelings of burning, coldness, and goosebumps appear.
  4. Sensitivity in the affected area is gradually lost.

Characteristic symptoms

Signs of the development of paresthesia are:

  • tingling;
  • crawling sensations;
  • numbness;
  • burning;
  • loss of sensitivity.

These manifestations may be accompanied additional symptoms: itching, pain, swelling and appearance vascular network. Sometimes at the site of the lesion there is pallor of the skin, thinning of the hairline and a decrease in body temperature.

The pathological process can affect not only the hands, palms and fingers or feet. Numbness and tingling may occur on the lips and tongue, areas of the scalp and face, neck and torso. Sometimes, simultaneously with such disorders, the appearance of trophic ulcers is noted.

For ischemic disorders cerebral circulation the sensation of numbness and pins and needles occurs suddenly, often affecting only one limb. The attack lasts approximately 10 minutes and is accompanied by paresis or paralysis.

During development cardiovascular pathologies paresthesia appears unexpectedly, and the patient feels cold in the lower extremities. This symptom may be accompanied by partial paralysis.

In thoracic syndrome, it appears when the affected limb is abducted to the side or raised.

With arthritis, numbness in the collar area and arms is more common. With lesions of the lumbar spine, it often appears on the legs and feet. For hernias intervertebral discs There is a sensation of pins and needles and numbness along the pathways of damaged nerve endings.

Diagnostic methods

First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis. This reveals possible reasons occurrence of paresthesia:

  • timing of manifestation of pathology;
  • type and specificity of work activity;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • use of certain medications.

During the examination, the presence of diabetes mellitus in the patient and the likelihood of toxicological poisoning are confirmed or excluded. If necessary, the patient can be referred to specialized specialists or for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

The localization of paresthesia associated with impaired transmission of nerve impulses along nerve fibers is determined using electroneuromyography.

Depending on the degree of development of such disorders and concomitant pathologies, the following additional research methods may be prescribed:

  • MRI of the brain and spinal cord;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • radiography of the spine, etc.

Such studies make it possible to identify the exact cause of the pathological process and begin the necessary treatment.

Treatment measures

After identifying the pathology that caused the appearance of paresthesia, appropriate therapy is prescribed. the main objective treatment - eliminate the irritating factor, normalize blood supply and functioning of the nervous system.

The therapeutic effect depends on the cause of the pathological process:

  • if a neoplasm is detected, it is prescribed surgical removal tumors;
  • if disorders of the spinal cord or brain are detected, they are carried out therapeutic effects aimed at restoring their performance;
  • if diabetes mellitus is detected - prescribed medications, normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • for metabolic disorders - used medications with appropriate action;
  • in cases of vitamin deficiency, an appropriate diet and intake of a vitamin complex are recommended;
  • If fungal infections are detected, antimycotic therapy is prescribed.

In treatment neurological diseases positive effect provide physiotherapy that helps restore normal transmission of nerve impulses.


It is impossible to ignore the numbness and tingling that appears in any area of ​​the skin, since such symptoms indicate the development of disorders in various organs and systems of the body. The task of the patient and the doctor is to identify the real reason its occurrence.

Advanced pathologies can provoke the development of severe complications:

  • paralysis of limbs;
  • tissue atrophy;
  • numbness.

Paresthesia itself is not dangerous to human health. In most cases, if the culprit is identified in a timely manner, treatment has a positive prognosis.

To prevent such conditions, doctors recommend:

  • rational diet;
  • active lifestyle;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • timely elimination of any pathological processes in the body;
  • regular monitoring of blood pressure indicators;
  • rejection of bad habits.

But if it occurs regularly discomfort Don’t put off visiting your doctor.

Paresthesia is a sensation of numbness or tingling localized along the peripheral nerve pathways. In this case, the person does not feel pain. Paresthesia may be temporary or permanent. Temporary paresthesia usually does not pose a threat, but permanent paresthesia may indicate the presence of diseases.


  • A feeling of tingling, numbness, the most common is paresthesia of the limbs, face, neck, oral mucosa, and tongue.
  • Changes such as pale skin and a local decrease in temperature are not obligatory signs of paresthesia, but may indicate its presence.


Paresthesia of the upper limbs and fingers

Manifests itself in the form of numbness in the hands. May be a symptom of spinal problems such as osteochondrosis or vertebral instability.

Another reason is overstrain of the muscles of the cervical-collar region, which can occur as a result of excessive static loads on the spinal muscles. This violation affects people who are forced most Spend the day without moving, for example, sitting at your desk.

One of the most serious reasons paresthesia of the hands - impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and cervical spine, which can cause acute disorders cerebrovascular accident or even stroke.

Lower limbs

Leg numbness can occur in any area, be it thighs, calves or feet.

Morning and night paresthesias are common. Their appearance is due to the fact that blood circulation worsens in the lying position. As a result, cramps and a feeling of numbness appear in the legs.

Such a violation is not a cause for concern as long as you can get rid of it yourself. To do this, you can change the position of your leg to a more comfortable one and try to stretch it.

Numbness of the legs also occurs due to migraine attacks or deficiency of B vitamins. More dangerous causes of paresthesia of the legs are: osteochondrosis, lumbar disc herniation, tumors of the brain and spine, Raynaud's disease, diabetes mellitus (in more detail), multiple sclerosis. All these diseases are serious and require timely treatment.

Diabetes mellitus can be treated and you can find out how to do this with bay leaves.


Numbness of the face or its parts occurs when poor circulation associated with prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

Facial paresthesia can be a symptom of: vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraines, trigeminal neuritis, osteochondrosis, cerebrovascular accidents, herpes zoster.


Paresthesia of the tongue in humans is quite rare. It may be associated with mechanical damage that worsens the irritability of nerve fibers.

Observed in a number of serious illnesses, such as carcinoma of the upper larynx, pernicious anemia, diabetes mellitus, brain injury, stroke.

May occur with allergies, disorders hormonal levels or due to the use of certain drugs. It is important to remember that numbness of the tongue does not occur on its own; it is always a consequence of other disorders.

Trigeminal nerve

Another type of paresthesia. Develops with local mechanical damage or for head injuries, stroke, brain tumors, circulatory disorders, etc.


Treatment of paresthesia is carried out taking into account the factors that caused it, that is, it is not the paresthesia itself that is eliminated, but the disease of which it is a symptom. As symptomatic therapy a drug is prescribed such as:

  • Finlepsin. Indications for use include: neuralgia, neuropathy, psychosis, epilepsy.

The drug is contraindicated for hematopoietic disorders, cardiac conduction disorders, etc.. average price for the drug is 650 rubles.

Medicines that improve blood flow are also used.

Drugs such as:

  • Pentoxifylline (Trental),

These medications improve blood circulation and therefore help relieve numbness.

All of them are prescribed for diseases associated with poor blood circulation. The average price for drugs of this type is 500 rubles.

Antioxidant agents are also effective:

  • Actovegin,
  • Mexidol,
  • Merlition.

Used when various violations blood circulation The average price for these drugs is 1,700 rubles

A specialist in this field will tell you in a little more detail why blood circulation is so important during paresthesia:

Doctors insist that self-medication can be dangerous and advise promptly seeking help to establish a diagnosis. Paresthesia may be sign of lung and temporary circulatory disturbance, but can also be a symptom serious illnesses. It is necessary to be attentive to its manifestations and promptly seek help from a doctor. Timely diagnosis disease increases the chances of a complete cure.

A doctor, a specialist in this profile, will tell you in more detail about the connection between blood circulation and paresthesia in this video:
