Establishing menstruation in adolescents. The first menstruation in girls (menarche): when they start, early signs of growing up, pathological symptoms

Puberty is a special period in the life of every girl. When menstruation begins, the girl should be mentally prepared. Modern children have access to almost any information, so many of them know about their periods long before they occur. However, parents must find out whether the child correctly perceives this information and what thoughts, feelings it calls out to him.

As a rule, at the onset of the first critical days, a girl may experience a feeling of fear or anxiety, because such a process is happening to her for the first time. With hormonal changes, the child needs the support and attention of loved ones more than ever.

When is it normal for a girl to start menstruating for the first time?

In the last century, girls started their period for the first time closer to 18 years old. Now the situation has changed - menstruation can begin in a child at the age of 12-16. Although the most optimal age when a girl begins her period, it is considered 12-13 years old.

According to doctors, early puberty is not a deviation - it is only an individual feature of development. It should be noted that sexual development is greatly influenced by hormonal background.

What determines how soon the first menstruation will come? This process is influenced by the following factors:

  • Past diseases: meningitis, chronic form tonsillitis, encephalitis, frequent viral diseases... It so happens that a girl who was often sick or suffered serious illnesses, may lag behind in puberty from their peers.
  • Level physical development... Height, weight and physical form girls have a big impact on puberty - in stronger and taller girls critical days usually occur much earlier.
  • Lifestyle: sports activities, quality of food. For the full development of a growing body, useful and nutrients are needed - their lack can provoke a delay not only in physical and mental development but also sexual.
  • State nervous system... Frequent stressful situations can both bring and delay menstruation.
  • Hereditary predisposition to early maturation... If someone from the female half of the genus had menstruation in early age most likely, a daughter's (granddaughter's) period begins at about the same age.
  • Region of residence. According to statistics, natives of the south and east start menstruating earlier than women of the western and northern peoples.

V medical practice there are cases when girls' first menstruation occurs at the age of 9-10 years, and sometimes even earlier. This is possible with hormonal disruptions and increased physical and emotional stress.

A delay in sexual development can be suspected if a girl does not have a period by the age of 17. The cause may be malfunctioning of the ovaries, emotional stress, disruption of the thyroid gland, debilitating sports training, insufficient amount of food consumed (deliberate starvation, malnutrition).

Harbingers and signs of the first menstruation

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How do you know when your period starts for the first time? Usually, the signs of the very first menstruation are noticed by mothers, because they are the ones who constantly monitor the health of their beloved children. If the girl's period is already beginning, and the conversation has not yet been held, during this period the main thing is not to delay the moral preparation of the child for a new life stage... In about 1–2 years, a girl in armpits and hairs begin to appear on the pubis, the figure is rounded, the chest is drawn. During this period, some people develop acne on the skin of the face, neck and back.

Some time before the first menstruation begins, the baby may be disturbed by atypical discharge. If they are not different pungent odor and do not cause discomfort, this is normal. Otherwise, you need to seek the advice of a doctor.

How do you determine that your period is about to go? The most characteristic signs:

  • The mammary glands increase in size. Can be observed painful sensations and tingling sensations in the chest are possible transparent selection from the nipples.
  • Pain in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back. The intensity of the pain in the abdomen for each girl is individual, for some it causes slight discomfort, and there are cases when pain relief is needed.
  • Acne on the face. The rash usually clears up as you get older, but it can also bother mature women.
  • Disruption of bowel function. The onset of menstruation is accompanied by the separation of the endometrium, as a result of which the uterus swells, therefore, begins to press on the intestinal walls, therefore, intestinal disruptions and more frequent urge to emptying are possible.

The listed symptoms are most pronounced a week before the onset of critical days. There are also subjective signs that menstruation will soon begin: increased appetite, depression, noticeable swelling of the legs, face and chest. For several days before the onset of menstruation, you can observe the signs of premenstrual syndrome in the child, which are characteristic of adult girls and women:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased irritability and aggression;
  • apathy;
  • unreasonable headaches;
  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen.

Features of the first menstruation

Normal menstrual cycle formed girl (woman) lasts from 28 to 32 days with a discharge duration of 3-7 days. In adolescents, hormonal changes can affect the regularity of the cycle. In general, this is a normal process.

When the very first critical days are over, how long to wait for the cycle to become regular? Regularity is established, as a rule, within two years after the onset of menstruation. V adolescence number bleeding when menstruation should be moderate or small. Intense bleeding is a reason to see a doctor immediately.

The first critical days can cause general weakness, dizziness and increased fatigue... The pain in the lower abdomen, which often bothers girls with the first menstruation, should disappear three days after their onset. If the pain is too severe, you can try to relieve it with medication.

How long does it last?

The normal duration of your period is from 3 days to a week. The volume of blood discharge in girls is usually larger at the beginning and gradually decreases until it stops. If the discharge is abundant and lasts more than a week, the girl should be shown to a specialist. Until the regularity of the cycle is established, the break between periods in adolescents can be from 21 to 34 days. The regularity of the cycle is influenced not only by emotional condition but also a change in climate, physical activity.

When does the cycle return to normal?

Menarche in girls is no different from menstruation in adult women, so the normal duration ranges from 3 to 7 days. Duration longer than this period is abnormal - in such cases, a visit to the gynecologist will be required.

The phases of the cycle are formed and established during the first two years. During this period, some disruptions are possible, which will pass over time.

How to prepare a girl?

The growing up period is quite difficult and unpredictable, so it is important that parents treat their children responsibly during this special time. When the first signs of an impending menarche appear, it is necessary to have a warm, friendly conversation with the child. A prepared girl will find it much easier to deal with the onset of her period.

What do you need to talk to your daughter about in anticipation of the first critical days? First of all, you need to tell your daughter what personal hygiene products are used for menstruation, how to use them and where to get them. The girl should learn that she will face this process every month, so she will need to keep a special calendar to track the regularity and calculate the frequency of the cycle. It is important to tell you how to behave during critical days, because excessive physical activity is dangerous during such a period.

The girl needs to be explained that her body is already ready for the birth of a new life. Parents must give Special attention protection against unwanted pregnancy and ways to prevent infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. You need to talk kindly and calmly so that the child does not hesitate to ask questions that may arise in the future.

What should parents pay attention to?

What should the parents do if the child has a period with deviations? Menarche for each girl runs individually. Some do not feel any special changes in their condition, while for some it happens very painfully. Parents should carefully monitor their daughter's condition and know when a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The most common reasons to see a doctor:

  • too much early start the first critical days (up to 11 years) or later than 16 years;
  • profuse discharge bright scarlet or with a yellowish tinge - may indicate a possible pathology;
  • brown and gray discharge are not normal;
  • a long break after the first menstruation (more than 3 months) may indicate disturbances in the body or is caused by too intense physical exertion;
  • regularity has not been established one and a half years after menarche;
  • severe abdominal pain that persists throughout your period;
  • deviations from the norm of the duration of menstruation (less than 3 days or more than 8).

Sometimes, to solve the problem, it is not enough to visit a gynecologist - it may be required full examination child. It is not worth delaying a visit to a specialist, because it is much easier to solve problems identified in time.

Girls begin their period between about 12 and 14 years of age. However, sometimes it is normal and earlier or later menarche (first menstruation). Typically, girls begin their periods at about the same age as their mothers. And in the last 10-20 years, there has been an earlier puberty of girls. This is most likely due to good nutrition and lifestyle. The girl is not starving, which means she has normal concentration the main female hormone- estrogen, which regulates puberty and further affects the reproductive system.

Always the first menstruation in girls occurs after the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. From about 9 years old, girls begin to grow rapidly (they often overtake boys in height). They develop hair under the armpits, dark hair on the legs and pubic hair, and sometimes on the chin and above the lips. Following (no more than 2-3 years later) menstruation begins. Before this crucial moment, the girl may have acne on her face, small transparent discharge from the nipples. By this time, mothers have to explain to their daughters what kind of changes are taking place in their bodies, what menstruation is like in girls, what is their cyclical nature and, of course, about hygiene on critical days.

Despite the fact that there are now mini-tampons that can be used by virgins, preference should be given to good sanitary pads... Mothers should worry in advance that their daughters do not have a lack of data. hygiene products, since even with scanty menstruation change the gaskets at least 2 times a day.

But what if the period in girls 11, 12 years old is often delayed? We are accustomed to the fact that menstruation should come regularly, and even small deviations from the norm indicate some kind of malfunction in the body. But it's different for teenage girls. 2-3 years after menarche, the cycle will be established, that is, menstruation can begin a little earlier and a little later, in one month to be abundant, and in another scanty, and also painful. You should not get used to pain, you can talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking antispasmodics on critical days. Lean menstruation is also not scary. But abundant ones can be dangerous if they are really very abundant ... It is dangerous if the gaskets have to be changed more often than once every 2-3 hours. You should also see your doctor for delays longer than 3 months (often caused by strict weight loss diets), prolonged periods (longer than 7 days), and if the intervals between monthly bleeding are less than 21 days.

Menstruation in girls 15 years and older is already more regular. By this time, puberty is slowly ending. By the age of 18-20, girls have a formed figure female type, regular menstrual cycle and can conceive and bear a child without difficulties and complications.

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Of course, you are most likely not a teenager anymore. But perhaps you have teenage children or teenage grandchildren, and there are girls among them. And these girls, most of them, will have to face a completely normal physiological phenomenon in their lives - the formation of menstrual cycles, which will be accepted by most parents and most doctors as a pathology problem. Analysis of communication with parents and doctors, especially in the CIS countries, showed a very unpleasant picture: more than 97-98% of doctors and parents have a very false idea of ​​normal menstrual cycles in girls. Many women, now mothers, also went through many years of taking hormonal contraceptives from an early adolescence, which not only did not help, but also aggravated their problems, and for many, pregnancy and childbirth were not easy.

For some reason, it so happened that the topic of the sexual development of children was completely left aside not only in the training of medical personnel, but also in the entire community. Take a look at the content of health forums and websites. Conception of a child, pregnancy, the first 3-5 years of a child's life - these are the main topics that are discussed on the forums. And then there is a space. When you analyze the problems faced by women who want to conceive a child, the train negative consequences stretches far into the past - during their adolescence, when we all, without exception, go through a very important stage puberty, on which our future as parents will depend. However, due to fears and ignorance of many issues of this development, we cripple ourselves and deprive ourselves of the opportunity to become parents in the future, and allow the body to cripple illiterate specialists who have a false idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe sexual development of a child or have no such idea at all.
Modern scientific information on the topic of sexual development for the Russian-speaking population is practically absent, and what is offered on the pages of magazines, websites, forums, various publications is a repetition of the same old dogmas of medicine, backward, untrue information.

Human sexual development has several stages, but we will talk about adolescence. This is a period of a new burst of metabolic processes in the body of children, which ends with puberty and the ability of a person to reproduce offspring. This period begins with an increase in the level of male sex hormones, both in girls and boys, therefore it is called adrenarche, at about 6-8 years old. Most of these hormones are produced by the adrenal cortex.
Why does a girl's body need male sex hormones? You need to know and understand that male sex hormones are the precursors of female sex hormones. In other words, a woman's body is a “manufacturing plant” of male sex hormones, some of which are processed into female sex hormones. Most doctors do not know about this, so they consider male sex hormones to be the number one enemy for women. But without the masculine there will never be a feminine - a law of nature, not invented by us and acting outside of our consciousness and desire. (Read more on this topic in the article on male sex hormones).
After the adrenarche period, the Telarche comes. Telarche is an engorgement of the mammary glands, which is a sign of the beginning of a new stage of puberty. Menarche (first menstruation) usually begins 2-3 years after the onset of thelarche.
Over the past 150 years, the age of girls who start menstruating has become significantly younger. Average age the appearance of menarche depends on race, food, place of residence (city, countryside), hereditary factors, body weight, and other factors. About 30 years ago, the average age was about 14.5 years in many countries, however, these figures have now dropped to 12.4 years. About 10% of girls start menstruating at age 11, and 90% of adolescents start menstruating at 13.75. By the age of 15, 98% of girls are menstruating.
The age window at which a woman can conceive and bear children, which is called reproductive age, has expanded significantly over the past 200 years. Another 100-150 years ago, most women had menopause at the age of 40. Modern women menstruate up to 50-55 years. This is due to the fact that the life expectancy of people has increased significantly and in many countries is 70-80 years. Therefore, the age of the onset of menstrual cycles has also become younger.

Teenage girls, their parents and, unfortunately, some doctors do not know how irregular menstrual cycles in adolescence is a manifestation of pathology or norm. Most often, the results of hormonal examinations differ from the indicators of the norms for an adult woman, however, doctors do not take into account the age of the girls, and prescribe a long hormonal treatment, which not only does not improve the situation, but often aggravates it.
If there is no trust-based contact between adolescent girls and their parents, many adolescent problems, including those related to function reproductive system remain out of the discussion. Girls hide about whether missed monthly cycle, how often the linings change, what is the duration of the menstrual cycle. Often Additional information about sexual development, adolescent girls receive from their peers, not parents and doctors. And this information is highly questionable.
Over the past two decades, there has been a lot of research on the topic of menstrual cycles and their irregularities in adolescent girls. According to the WHO, 38% of girls had their menstrual cycle from menarche to the second menstrual period for more than 40 days, for 10% for more than 60 days, and for 20% for 20 days. The duration of the first menstruation is from 2 to 7 days, but often it takes up to 2 weeks.
It was considered erroneous that if girls do not have egg maturation (ovulation), then this is a pathology that must be treated as soon as possible. If menstruation begins at age 12, it has been proven that such adolescents will have anovulatory cycles throughout the year or more. Anovulation (lack of maturation of the egg) is normal for a teenage girl. In adolescent girls, cysts are more often observed on ultrasound, mainly functional cysts that do not require treatment and surgical intervention In most cases.

What doctors and parents don't know? What's on the establishment of regular ovulatory cycles takes from 8 to 12 years. The process of maturation of the mechanism of regulation of menstrual cycles, or rather, the process of establishing the full function of the reproductive system, which is responsible for reproduction of offspring, has several stages and lasts several years. The last stage is the maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary center for the regulation of sexual development and the work of the reproductive system, and it is this link in the regulation of the menstrual cycle in adolescent girls that is immature for a long period of time, which, from the point of view of human physiology, is the norm for this age and does not require intervention for adjusting this process. Formation process last stage the mechanism of regulation of the menstrual cycle ends at about 21-22 years, but in some women it can be delayed.
Translated into English the word "teenager" sounds like a teen or teenager. The root of this word has a connection with numbers: thirteen (13), fourteen (14), and so on up to nineteen (19). The age from 12 to 20 is considered adolescence abroad. In many countries, 21 is the age of full majority. And therein lies an important meaning: adolescents are people who go through the stage of maturation, including the stage of sexual development, which ends by the age of 21-22. This category of the population has completely different indicators of the norms of the functioning of their body on different levels, in the same way as in pregnant women or in older people. But in most cases, doctors compare the results of examinations of adolescents with the norms of mature age group of people.

What parents and doctors still don't know? Most adolescent menstrual cycles last between 21 and 45 days. In an adult woman, the menstrual cycle is considered normal, lasting 14-40 days (on average, 21-35 days). The first three years after the onset of menstruation, the cycles last more than 28-35 days, but with age they become shorter, more regular, and are often accompanied by full maturation of the egg. The following cycle fluctuations in adolescents are considered the norm:
The first year after menarche is 23-90 days;
Fourth year - 24-50 days;
The seventh year is 27-38 days.
The individual menstrual cycle is therefore restored no earlier than 19-20 years. The duration of her period is 3-7 days, and the girl usually changes 3-6 pads a day.
However, there are a number of conditions that need attention. These include:
Lack of menstruation for 6 months or more;
Availability endocrine diseases(diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, etc.);
Hereditary predisposition to polycystic ovary syndrome;
Excessive exercise
Anorexia, bulimia;
Chronic stress
Taking medications, drugs;
Tumors of the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands;
Diseases of the blood.
Most often, stress (emotional and physical) and poor diet (low and high weight) affect the duration of the menstrual cycle. Often girls complain that during examination sessions or after them menstruation is late or absent for several weeks. This is a consequence of worries and overwork, therefore, does not require the intervention of a doctor in the vast majority of cases.

What simple truth should you understand and teach your children to understand? All of us, without exception, have been reproduced into this world for the purpose of further reproduction of our own kind. Living nature has no other goals, except for one: in any way to continue the process of Life through the reproduction of living individuals. Man is no exception. Therefore, all processes in human body aimed at preparing the body for its reproduction. However, if external or internal factors, which can disrupt the function of the whole organism and lead to its death, then the program of self-preservation of a living organism is automatically switched on. This program is embedded in the genes, every representative of living nature has it, and is manifested through reflexes, instincts, behavior and the body's response to changes in metabolic processes.
Now think carefully: if the body is under stress, is it possible to reproduce it? Of course not. After all, this is a serious additional load, and since the body is in a state of emergency, then why does it need additional loads? Therefore, first of all, it turns off-blocked reproductive function living organism to increase its chance of survival. That is why plants and animals cannot reproduce in unfavorable conditions. This is the law of Self-Preservation and Self-Survival. We humans live by the same laws, although because of our stupid pride we often reject and do not recognize these laws. Like, we are taller and therefore smarter ...

Returning to adolescent girls: if the adolescent's body is under the influence of some stressful factors (including family scandals), the process of puberty can also be disrupted and even turn off and slow down for an indefinite period of time. This also applies to unhealthy nutrition, especially strict diets with quick loss weight. Do you know that the work of the reproductive system in many young girls, chasing a skinny skeletal figure in the wake of the loud fashion of tuberculosis-dry models, is irrevocably drowned out and such women remain not only sterile, but are in a state of early menopause (menopause) for life? It is impossible to restore the work of the ovaries in such "experimenters" in most cases, and doctors are completely powerless here. Because the blockage of this work occurs at such a level of body function, where to get even with the modern level of knowledge and modern methods treatment is still impossible - the entrance is prohibited by Nature itself. It turns out that women themselves become enemies of their own. own body, enemies of their femininity and enemies of motherhood.

Adipose tissue plays a very important role in human life. With regard to sexual development and the regulation of menstrual cycles, it is necessary, first of all, because it is involved in the assimilation and exchange of sex hormones - both male and female. With its lack, the process of assimilation of female sex hormones is disrupted. But how can the regulation of menstrual cycles occur without these hormones? No way. For menstruation to begin, the girl's body must have at least 20-21% of adipose tissue from the total body weight. To keep the cycles regular, female body needs 22-24% of adipose tissue. Therefore, an organism in the form of "skin and bones" from the point of view of the female nature is considered a pathological variant, and in such an organism all reproductive processes are minimized or completely drowned out. Perhaps for a teenage girl, this negativism of nature is not so important compared to appearance, which she tries to create with her mockery of the body. But the task of parents is to warn such mindless children about serious consequences fasting, dieting and vigorous exercise.
Often, parents themselves see their children as future Olympic champions and create too harsh conditions for difficult physical activity, without thinking that not everyone is destined to be champions, but the chance of becoming a reproductive disability in such children and adolescents in the future is very high. Typically, girls, like women athletes, have higher levels of male sex hormones, so they are more likely to experience menstrual disorders.
Overweight and obesity, which are often accompanied by inactivity, can also disrupt the regularity of menstrual cycles, since adipose tissue accumulates male sex hormones, and the exchange of sex hormones is disrupted.

When should the girl be examined and how often? Since sexual development begins at the age of 8 in most children, many doctors suggest that girls be examined by a gynecologist (external genitals, mammary glands) from this age once a year. Others recommend starting checkups at age 12-13. It is very important to explain to adolescents and parents the phasing of puberty and the features of this maturation. For example, not all girls' breasts develop symmetrically. When her period begins, the girl is asked to keep a calendar to keep track of the length of her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all plan for monitoring and counseling adolescent girls. On the recommendation of many doctors, menstrual cycles lasting 42-180 days can be considered pathology in adolescents, secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for 180 days or more. Girls who are suspected of having menstrual irregularities are offered to undergo an examination - physical examination, hormonal background, ultrasound, measurement of body mass index.

Treatment for menstrual irregularities in adolescent girls depends on the underlying cause. If a girl goes in for sports intensively, does not get enough sleep, preparing for classes and exams, it is important to create the most favorable conditions for the child for good rest... Many girls try to diet, imitating their idols. Such adolescents will be helped by consulting a child psychologist, psychotherapist, with the involvement of a nutritionist, nutritionist. Ovarian tumors during adolescence are not always benign, so removing them can solve your menstrual problems. Treatment diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, adrenal hyperplasia, prolactinomas with a number of medications significantly improve the regularity of cycles. Appointment of COCs (combined oral contraceptives) and others hormonal drugs must be seriously justified. The use of COCs to regulate menstrual cycles without appropriate examination, without determining the causes of this irregularity, is often medical error, and therefore not recommended until 19-20 years. If a teenager started sex life, in such cases, COCs can be one of the methods of contraception, but the appointment of COCs should be carried out individually in the absence of contraindications.
Most often, doctors prescribe without any reason hormonal contraceptives... They do not know, as do many parents, that hormonal contraceptives do not regulate menstrual cycles. What are they doing? The main function of contraceptives is to prevent pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives create regular artificial withdrawal bleeding. In other words, the cycles while taking COCs are not natural cycles that occur under the influence of the ovaries, but just artificially created cycles of controlled bleeding. The ovaries during the period of taking COCs do not work at full strength, since their function is drowned out.
There is a very misconception among women and doctors that when taking COCs, the ovaries supposedly rest. Imagine a situation: a woman decided to rest and called a maid from some agency about which she knows almost nothing. A young strong servant, without unnecessary explanation, locks the mistress of the house somewhere in the closet or basement of the woman's own house, and at the same time begins to play the role of a housewife, mother and even wife. She is completely indifferent to a woman who does not understand what is happening in her house. When the contract is completed, the woman is free. Shocked? Most women will be shocked. This is how hormonal contraceptives work, supposedly creating "rest" for the ovaries. After their abolition in many women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed even more, because the main cause of the irregularity of the cycle is not determined before the appointment of COCs. Modern medicine suffers from the fact that finding out the cause of a disease or a violation of a process is not encouraged, and the appointment of some drugs to everyone in a row without unnecessary analysis of the situation has become a prerogative.
Prescribing COCs to adolescent girls can not only disrupt the delicate architectonics of relationships and processes of sexual development and maturation, but also harm, creating a breakdown at those levels of these relationships where it will be impossible or later to provide assistance in the future.

And one more extremely important point, which is never mentioned anywhere and by anyone, including doctors: female reproductive cells are given to a woman from the moment of her conception, are gradually lost, sometimes at an accelerated, sometimes at a slower rate, in the course of a woman's life and are never restored. Therefore, take care of your ovaries like the apple of your eye. And teach your daughters to take care of them too. More detailed information on this topic is in the article "Secrets of Conception and Early Pregnancy."

Thus, the health of adolescents largely depends on the participation of parents in the life of children and an understanding of what is happening in the body of children, what is the norm, and what requires urgent medical intervention. Try to build a bridge of understanding and trust between yourself and children from the moment of their conception and the moment of their birth, without going on about fears and rumors, without cluttering the child's body with countless tests and medicines... By acting hasty, you can cripple the child's life and prevent him from becoming a father or mother in the future. Therefore, always think. And teach your children to think.

Teenage girls, menstrual cycle, hormones

Are you impatient to become a girl? Are you a little worried and wondering how to know when your period starts for the first time?

Yes, it is really very important and significant event in your life. The fact that you think about it a lot, worry or even fear it is completely normal. But here it is very important to understand that you are not alone and absolutely all girls go through this! And, as you can see, they feel normal at the same time! You become a girl, it's great! So let's listen to our body, put an end to all fears and meet growing up with a wide, happy smile. But first, of course, we will find the answers to all your questions. So let's go.

How old are girls' periods?

For some girls, the first menstruation begins as early as 8-9 years old, while others have to wait until 15-16. The average age of the onset of menstruation is 11-13 years. Therefore, you should not look at your girlfriends and be upset if their periods have already begun, and you have not yet. This is not the case when the sooner the better. Your body knows best when it's time. The best way to understand that your period is about to begin is to pay attention to other

There is no correct age for menstruating. Each girl has them in their own time. On average, the first menstruation begins in girls at the age of 11-13.

If my mom started her period at the age of 15, does this mean that I also need to wait for her period at that age?

Probably yes. Research shows that genetic factors strongly influence the age at which menstruation begins. Therefore, it is obligatory. Let her tell how it was the first time she had and why you shouldn't be afraid of it. Maybe she even has some funny stories on this topic - laugh together. Mom can also tell you about useful tricks and give you a pad, just in case, so that you can carry it in your purse and be ready for small surprises at any time.

Why haven't I started my period yet?

Each person has their own The biological clock tuned in to their time. Even if it seems to you that your period will never start, do not be afraid - it will happen soon!

What are the signs of the first menstruation? How do you know that they will start soon?

To do this, you need to monitor the changes in your own body.

  • What if my period hits me at the most inopportune moment?

    Don't worry, chances are your period won't start too quickly. You will have time to notice a small spot on your panties and use the pad in time. But if you are very worried about this, you can start using thin panty liners (especially if you have already noticed all the signs of approaching your period).

    Always carry a pad in your purse to be ready

    What does the first period look like?

    I noticed a speck of red on my panties or Brown color? This is it! Put on your pad. Most likely, the first menstruation will not be too intense, but everything is quite individual here. You should know that the discharge during menstruation consists not only of blood, but also of the layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus and vaginal discharge. Therefore, their color can vary from red to brown. Also, do not forget that during your period you should pay special attention.

    My period started, and then disappeared again for almost six months, is this normal?

    Yes, you're all right! In some girls, the menstrual cycle is established immediately, while in others - after some time. Therefore, if the first year, your period will come irregularly, you should not worry. However, it is obligatory for your peace of mind. It's not scary at all, but very important for your health.

    How many days does your period last?

    For all girls, they last differently - some have 3 days, and some have 7 or 8. The average period is usually 4–5 days. In this case, the most abundant discharge occurs in the first couple of days.

    But what if my period doesn't start?

    Until the age of 16, you can relax and not worry (especially if you are thin). But if you are 16 years old and your period has not yet started, this may mean primary amenorrhea (that is, no menstruation). Such a girl must be examined by a doctor, according to the results of which she will be diagnosed and prescribed treatment.

    When do women stop menstruating?

    The menstrual cycle lasts until menopause occurs. This is the end of menstruation, after which a woman can no longer bear children. For most women, menopause occurs at about 50 years old, but it can be earlier, for example, at 35 or later - even at 60.

    Is it possible to make sure that I do not have my period?

    Well, I do not! Menstruation is the result normal work hormones, therefore safe medical methods stop it or reduce its volume no. Get used to it. Now you are a girl and this is a part of your life!

    Still have questions about your first period? Then read ours or ask your question in the comments. We will definitely answer!

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The teenage years are a difficult period for both the children themselves and their parents. Physical changes during puberty are often uncomfortable.

In girls, this occurs as soon as the first appears.

Common menstrual problems

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Before menstruation begins, women often experience symptoms such as mild bloating or breast tenderness. In addition, it is accompanied by a number of emotional symptoms that begin in the second half of the menstrual cycle and end after the beginning of the period.

PMS includes many physical and emotional symptoms such as:

  • Bloating
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased hunger
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety

PMS worsens 4 days before your period starts and disappears 2 to 3 days after your period starts.

Although the exact cause of PMS is unknown, it seems to be due to changes in hormone levels in the body. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the amount of progesterone in organism. Then, about 7 days before your period begins, both progesterone and estrogen levels begin to drop.

Some girls are more sensitive to hormonal changes, than others. Talk to your daughter's doctor if the symptoms she is experiencing interfere with her normal activities.


Girls often experience cramps in the lower abdomen during the first few days of their period. They are caused chemical prostaglandin. These involuntary contractions can range from mild to harsh and intense.

Ibuprofen will help to get rid of spasms, which is recommended to be taken within the first 2-3 days. If the spasms develop into severe seizures that prevent the girl from attending school or hanging out with friends, see a doctor.

Irregular cycle

In adolescents the cycle becomes regular up to 2 - 3 years after the first menstruation. During this time, the body adapts to the hormone influx characteristic of puberty. A typical adult woman's cycle is 28 days, although some may have 24 or 38.

Changes in hormone levels affect the length of your period. In one month it can last only a few days, and in the next - a whole week. In addition, one month of menstruation may be completely absent, and the intensity of bleeding may also change.

If after 3 years the cycle has not stabilized, see your doctor to find out the cause. It is worth contacting a doctor even if the cycle is less than 24 days or more than 38 days, as well as if there is no menstruation for 3 months.

Later menarche

Girls reach puberty in different time... Some ( medical term denoting the first menstrual bleeding) occurs at the age 9 or 10 years old. For others, at a later age. Therefore, if your daughter is a "late flower", it does not mean that something is wrong.

Genetics play an important role in the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Very often, girls' first menstruation begins at the same age at which they began with their mother or grandmother. In addition, some ethnic groups go through puberty earlier than others. For example, African American girls have puberty earlier than Caucasian girls.

Or 3 years after the onset of puberty, which begins with breast development.

Serious menstrual problems

While most menstrual problems are not serious, a few conditions do require medical care... These include:

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)

Girls who have not menstruated by age 15 or 3 years after the first signs of puberty have primary amenorrhea. The cause may be genetic problems, hormone imbalances, or problems with the development of the reproductive organs.

Hormonal imbalances can lead to secondary amenorrhea, when a girl with a regular menstrual cycle suddenly stops menstruating.

Since pregnancy is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea, a pregnancy test is recommended. Besides hormonal imbalances and pregnancy, other factors that can cause both primary and secondary amenorrhea include:

  • Stress
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Anorexia
  • Stop taking birth control pills
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland

Intense training, especially in ballet, figure skating or gymnastics, combined with poor diet can also lead to amenorrhea.

Abnormal uterine bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding(AMK) occurs with heavy, prolonged and irregular menstruation.

Most cases of AMK are due to an imbalance between levels estrogen and progesterone in the body, which leads to thickening of the endometrium. A thick endometrium can lead to severe bleeding.

Girls have to change their pads or tampons every 1 to 3 hours, and menstruation can last more than 7 days. This can lead to the appearance of complexes and reluctance to appear in public places these days due to the lack of the ability to control bleeding.

Because many adolescents have mild hormone imbalances during puberty, girls often experience heavy periods. But in some cases, heavy menstrual bleeding can be caused by problems such as:

  • Fibroids ( benign tumors) or polyps in the uterus
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Swelling, irritation, or infection in the vagina or cervix
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)

There are two types of dysmenorrhea that can prevent a girl from attending school, studying, sleeping, and living a normal life:

  • Primary dysmenorrhea very common during adolescence. This condition can be caused by prostaglandins. A large number of prostaglandin can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, back pain, diarrhea, and severe cramps. Fortunately, these symptoms usually last no more than two days.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhea is pain caused by polyps or fibroids in the uterus, endometriosis, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs(VZTO) or adenomyosis. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In endometriosis, the endometrium, which is usually found only in the uterus, begins to grow outside of it - in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other parts of the pelvic cavity. This can cause abnormal bleeding, dysmenorrhea, pelvic and lower back pain.


To understand what treatment is needed, the doctor needs to make an examination. In addition, you may need a blood or urine test ultrasound examination or CT.

Polyps or fibroids can often be deleted, but endometriosis eliminated with medication or surgery.

If the reason is hormonal imbalance, the doctor may suggest hormone therapy birth control pills or other hormonal drugs.

When to see a doctor

While most menstrual problems are harmless, some symptoms may indicate more serious medical conditions.

It is worth contacting a doctor if a girl has:

  • Menstruation has not started by age 15 and the cycle did not become regular after 3 years of menstruation.
  • Menstruation has stopped or become irregular. Also tell your doctor if your menstrual cycle is less than 24 days or more than 38 days.
  • Profuse and prolonged menses. In some cases, significant blood loss can cause iron deficiency anemia... Besides, heavy bleeding may be a sign of a thickening of the walls of the uterus, problems with thyroid gland or infections.
  • Painful periods. It is normal for a girl to have spasms for a couple of days, but if the girl is unable to lead her usual life, and the spasms do not stop within 3 days, tell the doctor.

How to help your teenager feel better during menstruation

You can make a girl's life more comfortable during her period. Suggest to her:

  • Eating a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce salt intake(salt retains water) and caffeine(caffeine increases irritability and anxiety)
  • Eat more calcium foods that help cope with PMS
  • Try over-the-counter pain relievers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, which can help with cramps, headaches, and back pain
  • Take a walk or bike ride to relieve stress and pain
  • Take a warm bath or place a bottle of hot water to help you relax

The most important thing, talk to your child and explain that the most annoying or uncomfortable symptoms of menstruation are normal and may disappear over time. Become aware of the girl becoming moody or sad. After all, no one is perfect 24 hours a day.

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