What prayers to read for bad dreams. How to make a bad dream not come true, but a good one come true. Powerful prayers and amulets of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dreams reflect the real state of a person's life. In good health, people's dreams are pure and beautiful. In adversity, one often sees chilling, ominous nightmares. The reason lies in the structure of the psyche, a feature of which is the transfer to sleep of all events experienced during the day.

Scary dreams debilitate a layman in the following situations:

  • during all kinds of ailments;
  • in depression and nervous breakdowns;
  • during periods of stress;
  • in family troubles;
  • upon loss of work;
  • when using alcohol or drugs.

A bad dream can also occur due to bad conditions: hard bed, cold or very hot room, stale air, noisy background.

Since a long time orthodox prayer from bad sleep serves as a salvation for sensitive Christians. It is quite natural to ask for help from the Lord, who created the universe and humanity out of great love for them.

Morning prayer after nightmares

Nightmares that occur at night leave an indelible imprint of bitterness and sadness in the soul of an Orthodox Christian. This state leads to despondency and gradual frustration in worldly affairs. But besides this, some dreams are prophetic and sent down by the Almighty to man as a personal prophecy and predict the possible future. What to do if bad dream have you already dreamed about it?

Do not despair, because the way out of this situation is very simple. In order for it not to come true bad dream, the prayer is read three times in the morning. We must sincerely repent before the Lord and ask for forgiveness and protection from the bottom of our hearts.

Text of the Holy Spirit Prayer

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

The prayer to the glory of the Holy Spirit is the stichera of Pentecost and is not read from Easter until these days. Instead, it is recommended to use prayers to the Holy Trinity or the Lord.

Text of the prayer to the Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Text of the Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it your name yes he will come Your kingdom, Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Evening prayers for bad dreams

It is known that people tormented by nightmares often lose sleep altogether. A good prevention against bad dreams and insomnia would be evening prayers for the coming sleep.

They will calm the nervous system, give bright thoughts and light dreams. By praying to the Almighty every night, a believer gains good habit for the health of soul and body. Thanks to prayer of protection from bad dreams, nightmares disappear over time and come back good rest, and, as a consequence of this, vitality and performance increase. The believer finds great deliverance and happiness, and also successfully realizes himself in society and achieves previously planned goals.

Text of the evening troparion

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; Perplexed by any answer, we offer this prayer to You as the Master of sin: have mercy on us.

Glory:Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You; Do not be angry with us, do not remember our iniquities, but look upon us now as if you are gracious, and deliver us from our enemies; For Thou art our God, and we are Thy people; all works are done by Thy hand, and we call upon Thy name.

And now:Open the doors of mercy to us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, so that we may not perish, but may we be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

Each of us has probably had bad dreams at least a few unpleasant times in our lives. Sometimes we don't pay attention to them, sometimes they upset us.

From time to time they make us seriously worry and get nervous, especially if we dream about something concerning our loved ones. Let's try to figure out together why we have bad dreams.


As a rule, disturbing, unpleasant, bad dreams occur at night for several reasons.

1. It could be general fatigue or extreme fatigue. In this case, the overloaded brain simply tries to get rid of the accumulated negativity and expresses it through nightmares.

If this is your case, then don’t bother special attention on the content of dreams. It’s better to think about how to rest and what to do to get your body out of dangerous condition stress.

2. Also, bad dreams are often experienced by nervous and anxious people. When you are very worried about everything that happens in your everyday normal life and take any troubles to heart, then it is quite possible that you will soon look forward to the night with anxiety. This is a serious problem that certainly requires a solution.

3. Sometimes disturbing dreams are symptoms of nervous disorders. When bad dreams occur constantly, without any apparent reason, it is better to think about contacting a doctor or psychologist.

Diagnosis, when carried out in a timely manner, will help not only get rid of the nightmares that haunt you at night, but also select therapy.

4. A bad dream may well occur by accident, or under the influence of a horror movie you watched. In this case, the nightmare occurs only once and does not bring much alarm.

5. Bad dreams of a random nature are also possible. You shouldn't pay attention to them at all. And even if it seems to you that the nightmare has come true, don’t be too upset.

So, the main causes of nightmares:

  • Extreme fatigue.
  • General anxiety.
  • Prolonged stress.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Impressions experienced during the day.
  • Accident.

What to do if you have a nightmare

But still, what to do if you had a bad dream? First of all, you need to calm down and try to convince yourself that nothing terrible happened, absolutely.

This can be quite difficult to do if you dreamed of something bad concerning your dear, close people or, especially, your child. Prayer often helps calm your nerves and stop worrying.

If you had a scary dream and woke up immediately after it, try to calm down. To do this, you can drink warm milk or sweet tea. If you are susceptible anxiety states, or in case the nightmare is too scary, you can take a sedative.

If you have a bad dream, many people begin to worry that it will come true. Some dreams actually come true, but then the nightmare is an impression of events occurring in reality.

Bad dreams in children

Every child at one time or another experiences nightmares for the very first time. scary dreams. This alarming phenomenon does not always indicate any problems. There is no need to worry too much about this.

Bad dreams in a child around three years of age may even be beneficial. They help the baby cope with the abundance of emotions and impressions received during the day. If you had a bad dream, that's normal. It is unlikely that you will ever be able to say that it has come true.

But it happens that bad dreams in a child can serve as an indicator serious problems. Such dreams may be a reflection of conflicts within the family or with peers, general anxiety and impressionability. Parents should pay attention to this.

If your child has nightmares every night for a long time, you should contact a child psychologist for competent advice.

You can calm a child frightened by a bad dream in a variety of ways. in simple ways. It could be a funny song, a favorite fairy tale, or a prayer. If you are teaching your baby to pray, then prayer will help best. For example:

Periodic nightmares small child may stop if before bedtime you make sure that nothing in the room scares the baby, that he is not in nervous state. It helps to leave a dim light in the room at night, such as a night light.

Most often, a child does not remember bad dreams. Therefore, when bedtime comes, there is no need to remind the child about the possibility of having a bad dream. Otherwise, the baby may begin to worry, and then he will most likely see him. There are practically no cases for a child’s bad nightmare to come true.

Pregnancy and bad dreams

Many expectant mothers have bad dreams during pregnancy. This happens especially often if pregnancy is not going well. In this case, bad dreams are most likely caused by the woman’s experiences. She worries about the child all day, and cannot stop worrying in her sleep.

Pregnant women should avoid stress and hassle in every possible way. If expectant mother constantly afraid that the nightmare will come true, this can serve new reason bad dreams.

Sometimes bad dreams occur during pregnancy without any real reason at all. It’s just that anxiety finds just such a way out. But it's better not to ignore them. Try to convince your subconscious that this is just a nightmare and nothing more.

It’s a dream, so be it. You never know what someone dreams about. Try a variety of techniques to calm your nerves before bed. Night is coming, let's get started. This can be meditation or prayer, whichever is closer to you. Prayer greatly helps a believer. It gives a feeling of security.

During pregnancy, taking sedatives is not recommended. Many of them are prohibited for pregnant women. Therefore, try not to pay attention to bad dreams. In general, there are not so many cases of a nightmare coming true. So choose: meditation or prayer.

And more positive emotions. Watch good films, read positive books. Walk more, spend time on fresh air, it's better to walk every day.

In order to unpleasant dream did not come true, you need to understand how a terrible dream differs from a prophetic dream. An ordinary nightmare is poorly remembered, and generally devoid of logic. And here prophetic dream usually well remembered and presented in the form of a complete plot. According to legend, in order to prevent a nightmare from coming true, you need to tell someone about it during the day.

During pregnancy, having seen a nightmare, you can wake up without getting out of bed and say: “What I saw in a dream, I will not see in reality.” Remember that pregnant women are impressionable, and daily prayer and the company of loved ones can help you at such a time.

The approaching night should not frighten you. Set yourself up for pleasant thoughts about your future child. Dream what you will teach him when he grows up, what he will become. Believe that everything will definitely be fine.


what prayer should you read if you had a bad dream (for example, about teeth falling out)


Vasya Vasiliskina

I don’t know what prayer, but in such cases I say (where the night goes, there comes the dream) or (Samson Samson take my sleep). It may be funny, but that’s what my grandmother taught me.


If you are a believer, you should know that believing in dreams is superstition, and superstition is a sin.


I heard that you need to say to yourself: “where there is night, there comes sleep,” even before you get out of bed... But this is not a prayer, of course.

Nastasya Avey

dreams about teeth falling out indicate that something is bothering you, maybe there is a malfunction somewhere in the body.
Religion has absolutely nothing to do with it. Just try not to get nervous before bed and ventilate the room well.


I also always say “Where night goes, sleep follows” and also “Our Father”, of course


you need to go to the window and say 3 times: as the night passed, so the dream will pass Amen and cross yourself.

Azim Abasov

I agree with Marisabel.
Well, finally, if you are simply afraid of something, I will explain that prayer is, first of all, communication with God.
When you go to the doctor you have a problem. You explain what's going on and ASK for help.
So ask God not to let your heart and mind believe in such things... like your teeth will fall out or something like that. Ask for protection and Him so that such problems do not concern you.
Good luck!


some kind of bullshit, did everyone have nightmares today? ? Me too. And in general to many. But I don’t read any prayers, I just don’t pay attention.


When you have a bad dream, you must say to the flowing water: “Where this water flows, let my bad dream go there.” In the role of flowing water, tap water is quite suitable. It always helped me. Hoping it will help you too. And sweet dreams to you!!!

Ilya Lenkina

“Our Father”, and when you wash your face, spread your sleep in water. It is believed that you give everything bad to the water.


As I understand you. You yourself also dreamed of something, then you walked around for several days not being yourself. Many have already recommended everything. I also heard that it’s good to tell dreams to water and in general it’s better to tell many people before lunch, then dreams don’t come true!


To prevent a bad dream from coming true, read the prayer in the morning: Grant me, Lord, for this Lord's day great defense– Life-Giving Cross. I will gird myself with the cross and preserve myself with the cross, I will wash myself with spring holy water, I will dry myself with the towel of the cross, I will be swaddled with the shroud of the Lord. May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face lovers of God, and marked with the sign of the cross. Amen. Amen. Amen. And cross yourself three times.

From Thursday to Friday (today) I had a very bad dream. I’m afraid that it will come true... What can be done to prevent the dream from coming true?



Firstly, dreams from Thursday to Friday do not always come true as they dream.
Indeed, in most cases, death in a dream is a sign of health in life.
So don't worry.
It is quite difficult to prevent a dream from coming true. Personally, in the morning (or any other morning) tell it to some water when you wash your face, and ask to wash it off along with the flowing water.
You can also pray as much as you can for the health of your friends and loved ones at night.


They say. If you have a bad dream, then you don’t need to talk about it at 12 noon...


Death loved one dreams of his long and fruitful life!! ! So, don't lose heart!!!


It just needs to be “revised”, reprogrammed, and the situation you don’t like changed into the one you want. This is not difficult to do if you have a sufficient amount of energy and enter a state called by magicians a “dream” (this is not a dream in the usual sense of the word.)
But in the future it is advisable to do this immediately after “waking up”.


After a bad dream, I must say - Saint Samson take your dream, wherever the night goes, there goes the dream. 3 times.


There is nothing wrong with what they said. This is just how you excite people. When you go to bed, call your angel and ask him to show you proper sleep. Perhaps death in a dream does not mean death in reality. Or it could mean a bad state of affairs, failure in your personal life.


I had a bad dream... How to get rid of a nasty feeling????))))))))




If time has already passed, you can try this method - buy millet, take seven handfuls and go outside. Look where the birds are and throw handfuls of millet at them. Sprinkling a handful, say, “I call the birds of happiness, I give seven handfuls of millet. Every millet is my sorrow, the birds of happiness are all troubled millet, they will peck the bad ones, the troubles will go away. Amen.” Go home silently and without looking back, don’t say hello to anyone along the way and don't talk. When you come home, place a church candle near the icons and read the “Our Father” 9 times.

There is a lecture against possible trouble -

Mother Theotokos got up early,
I read a prayer for my son Christ:
"Be you, my beloved son,
Under the gaze of the Most High Creator, Your Father God,
Everywhere saved, protected,
Defended against any trouble until a certain time.”
The angels heard the prayer,
All her words were conveyed to the Lord God.
So I, God’s servant (name), would know this mercy,
To avoid trouble in your home.
Lord, bless, Holy Trinity, help!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Over time, society has changed its point of view on what dreams are and how to interpret them. It should be taken seriously and is it possible to tell bad dreams so that the dream does not come true. This process of rethinking led to the emergence of rules under the conventional name “how to behave so that the dream does not come true.” And they concern, among other things, the publication of dreams.

What psychologists say

Dreams worry people because... what happens in dreams is what happens in real life may not happen. The meaning and understanding of this phenomenon has changed as science has developed. Therefore, the topic should be considered with psychological aspect what to do to prevent a bad dream from coming true.

Dream as a reflection of reality

A nightmare dream can occur at the most various reasons both against the backdrop of difficult experiences, and because the person ate heavily at night. The psycho-emotional sphere is the domain of psychologists. From a psychological point of view, an effective way to forget about fear is to tell it.

Therefore, it is best to go to a psychoanalyst, who will listen carefully and explain why this could be a dream. A specialist will help you cope with your depressed mood after a nightmare.

Any system that is closed on itself is doomed to self-destruction, this also applies to the human psyche. For impressionable and suspicious people, their own bad dreams are an excellent breeding ground for the rapid growth of all sorts of fears. Therefore, negativity needs to be poured out to avoid accumulation. If you don't do this, then breakdown or severe depression becomes a matter of time. Self-hypnosis will lead to an increased likelihood of making a mistake - and then what you saw in a nightmare may come true.

From the point of view of psychologists, it is possible and necessary to tell bad dreams. The main condition is that you need to talk about such subtle matters only with someone who:

  • close enough;
  • I agree to listen.

“If only a good person was caught” is precisely about this situation.

Speaking out in front of those who do not want to listen does not mean getting rid of negativity, but increasing it.

A dream, like a hint from above

The attitude is worth a separate story Christian religion to human dreams. It is believed that a dream - good or bad - is the news that it sends high power believer. To warn, instruct, suggest, ward off reckless or bad actions. Therefore, a person’s task is to comprehend the dream, resorting, if necessary, to the help of an interpreter or confessor. A prayer for bad dreams is read before bed.

Cross or talisman

At the same time, Orthodoxy, to put it mildly, does not approve of fortune telling, conspiracies and all kinds of witchcraft and sorcery in any form. Because in this case a person entrusts his soul to otherworldly forces. According to the canons of Christianity, man cannot interfere in God’s providence, especially without resorting to the help of mysticism. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to decide where to turn for help - to religion or esotericism, so that the bad dream does not come true.

And it is completely unacceptable, from all points of view, to say prayers mixed with conspiracies and mix witchcraft with faith in God. By the way, it is not for nothing that at all times, before telling fortunes (no matter what), it was necessary to remove the cross.

Everything related to the Orthodox faith can never be used in esoteric rituals. This applies to:

  • prayers;
  • blessed and baptismal water;
  • crosses;
  • church candles;
  • icons, etc.

A spell against a bad dream and other readings designed to prevent such a dream from coming true can be combined with decoctions and dry herbs, and other natural substances, but they should never be accompanied by church paraphernalia. Orthodox faith considers such a mixture of genres a great sin.

For example, to ward off bad dreams, a Christian can consecrate a small icon, hang it in the bedroom and pray. But it is unacceptable to go to church to consecrate an amulet, amulet, dream catcher and other esoteric paraphernalia.

Who to pray to

If you already had a nightmare, a prayer against a bad dream will help so that it does not come true. It is pronounced to the Mother of God, Saint Cyprian, Saint Justina and others. If prayer alone does not help, it is recommended to go to church and light three candles: two at the icon Mother of God, about your health and your enemies, and the third about your health at the icon of “All Saints”.

Esotericism in the fight against bad dreams

A synonym for esotericism is mysticism, witchcraft, sorcery. Astrology also belongs to this area. Therefore, people called esotericists do the same thing as their colleagues called fortune-tellers and healers. It is believed that they have some secret knowledge that is inaccessible to the uninitiated, and with the help of their skills, esotericists can dispel evil spells, remove damage, and, among other things, ward off bad dreams.

Keep quiet or it will come true

Unlike psychology, esotericism believes that in order to prevent a bad dream from coming true, a conspiracy is best suited. Fortune tellers and sorcerers claim that such dreams cannot be told, because the thought expressed tends to materialize, and after voicing it can come true. In this case, it will come true.

According to esotericism, the soul of a sleeping person travels to other worlds and can meet evil spirit or another entity whose meeting does not bode well. To prevent this from happening, protection is needed. Amulet, amulet, talisman - it can be called differently, but the essence and purpose is the same: to drive away evil spirits from your dreams so that nothing bad could dream.

The best amulet is the one made by yourself or by someone close to you. They must be made from those natural materials that grow where a person lives.

Keep me, my talisman

Drive away bad dream Some precious and semi-precious stones can:

  • pomegranate;
  • amethyst;
  • Moonstone;
  • malachite;
  • rhinestone;
  • chrysolite.

They are placed at the head of the bed and washed with running water once a week. Pick up the right stone according to the zodiac sign.

It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday come true. Astrologers say that this is only partly true. The patroness of Friday is the goddess of love Venus, so only a dream filled with romantic or love meaning will come true. The nightmares I had that night do not come true.

The same applies to the nightmare that I had from Sunday to Monday. What I dreamed about at the border sunny day(Sunday) and lunar (Monday), in life foreshadows something diametrically opposite.

In dream books, there is a very common interpretation of dreams when bad things come with good things and vice versa. And for this reason, you should not indulge in despondency or worry if you dreamed of trouble. If your dream is too good, you need to be on guard.

Long before fortune telling began to be called esotericism, people fought bad dreams as best they could: they could speak, wash them off with water, etc. The nightmare was treated like garbage or dirt that was being cleaned out.

Beliefs associated with dreams have everyday background. So, it is believed that to say what you dreamed about before lunch means to invite trouble. In fact, in a primitive society, a person had so much to do from the moment he woke up that to be distracted by lengthy stories was to waste time.

By the way, only one man out of ten is inclined to tell nightmare and tell about what you dreamed. This is the prerogative of the weaker sex.

And the woman has to get up before dark, light the stove, put bread on to bake, feed the cattle, prepare food. There’s no time for dreams, otherwise you won’t have time to do everything. But after lunch you can relax.

There is another point of view, which says that in the afternoon the sun is at its zenith, and the bright rays act as a spell from evil forces. Fire or sun accompany a conspiracy against a nightmare.

Spells for the sun and water

Folk conspiracies, spells and others verbal means are necessarily combined with ritual actions and are divided into two groups. In the first, bad dreams are driven away by the sun's rays, in the second, they are washed away with water.

If you take a closer look at the sayings relating to dreams, the short meaning is – where there is night, there is sleep. Sentences are supplemented with auxiliary words, combined with washing, using decoctions, etc., but the essence remains the same. Therefore it is considered effective way, in which, after a terrible dream, say this phrase three times. It is better to open the window so that the nightmare flies away from the home.

It is better to start the morning after a bad sleep with a spell, accompanied by washing. Dew works well medicinal herbs, if they grow nearby. At the same time they say “where there is water, there comes trouble.”

Don't take nightmares as a serious omen. Most dreams reflect what has already been experienced. But you need to get rid of the negativity that accumulates from such dreams. Telling is only one way.

During sleep, human body takes a break from psychological and physical stress. But even when a person is resting, he the subconscious does not switch off completely, but works more slowly. It is precisely because the human subconscious works during sleep that a person has the opportunity to dream.

Good dreams allow you to wake up in a great mood, bad dreams upset you and make you think about what the dream means.

Why do you have bad dreams?

There are several reasons that become the primary sources of bad dreams:

  • overwork and severe fatigue of a person, which is observed on an ongoing basis;
  • the person is nervous and anxious in life;
  • the person has a nervous disorder;
  • watching horror films before bed or late at night;
  • the subconscious reproduces a bad picture purely by chance.

When a person is overtired, he the brain tries to get rid of excess negativity, information and does it that way. People with a weak nervous system take even minor problems very seriously, which leads to nightmares at night.

After watching a horror movie, a person may dream of a scary plot, but this will only happen once and will not happen again the next night.

If you have a nightmare every night and the person has health problems nervous system, then this signal cannot be ignored. You need to seek advice from a psychologist.

What to do to prevent the nightmare from coming true

Nightmares at night are a factor that does not allow a person to rest, symbolizes problems. Often, such dreams are prophetic and have specific meaning, which can be decrypted using .

If a person has nightmares, he can get rid of it in the following ways:

  1. Read prayers.
  2. Perform rituals.
  3. Use spells.
  4. Look for other methods to solve the problem.

You can try each of the methods to get rid of unpleasant dreams at night to find out which one works.

Prayers for bad dreams

For Orthodox man prayer is the act of communicating with God. Thus, people ask their Creator for protection, health, strength, and goodness. Every believer knows what is needed read prayers before bed and then he will be able to calmly, peacefully live the night.

If unpleasant dream nevertheless visited a person at night, then you can read special prayers or “Our Father”.

  • find the text of a prayer for a terrible vision in a dream;
  • every morning, after a nightmare, read a prayer;
  • When reading the words of the prayer, fully consciously think that this is just a dream, it doesn’t mean anything, you need to throw empty information out of your head.

Prayer will help a person to calm down mentally, slowly turn off all unnecessary thoughts, and fully realize the fact that we are under the tutelage of a Higher Power.


To prevent a bad dream from coming true in real life, many people perform special rituals to help prevent this situation.

There are several rituals that are used to prevent nightmares:

  • manufacture with my own hands nightmare trap;
  • put water near your bed;
  • put your hands on your head, close your eyes, imagine that there is a waterfall in front of your eyes and verbally send your bad dreams there.

Before magical ritual, you need to carefully read the algorithm for its implementation. One wrong action can cause a person much more problems than an ordinary unpleasant moment during a night's rest.


To prevent a person from having nightmares, he can read at night magic spell, which will relieve you from unpleasant dreams. Often, people chant water, then drink it and go to bed. You can perform the ritual with water according to the following principle:

  • pour a little boiling water into a glass glass (the glass should not be faceted);
  • put 3 grains of rock salt and 10 grains of sugar into the water;
  • say the spell seven times: “Salt salts, sugar sweetens, water leads, bad dreams avert”;
  • drink water from a glass and go to bed.

This is only one of the conspiracy options; in addition, you can use the following options:

“A good dream - rise again, and a bad dream - crack in half.”

“The night melts in the morning, so let my bad dream fly away.”

"Saint Samson, take away evil dream. I will live a long time, but I won’t be bad. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

What else can you do to prevent a bad vision from coming true?

To prevent a nightmare from coming true, it should not be interpreted. No one should know what exactly a person dreamed about.

Additionally, you can carry out magical rituals, perform rituals, read conspiracies. After a bad dream, you need to carry out special rituals, but you also can’t tell anyone about them. Can write down unpleasant feeling on a piece of paper and just burn it.

A person who has had an unpleasant dream may turn their bed linen inside out.

When you can ignore it

Not every bad dream needs attention. Before panicking, a person should find out the following facts:

  • on what day of the week did you have the nightmare, did the dream come from Thursday to Friday;
  • what events happened in a person’s life, was there any stress;
  • what is the person's health status?

Often bad dreams occur because a person is very nervous and worried about something. It is in this case that an unpleasant dream should be ignored.

What days of the week should you ignore nightmares?

Dreams that a person had on Monday may come true, but in reality everything will not be so emotional. From Thursday to Friday, a person has the opportunity to see prophetic dreams and these nightmares tend to come true.

On all other days of the week, you should not pay special attention to dreams, because most likely they will not come true in real life.

In what other cases should you not attach importance?

If you had a bad dream after a quarrel, emotional stress, or watching a scary movie, then you should not pay attention to it.

When trouble visited in a dream only once, then this is also not a reason for concern.

Random dreams will no longer be repeated, and if bad at night dreamed about nervous tension, then you just need to get rid of the original source of the problem.

How to get rid of unpleasant dreams

There are many ways to get rid of bad dreams.

The most popular and effective methods are:

  1. Normalization of your psycho-emotional state.
  2. Contact a psychoanalyst.
  3. Trying to tune yourself only to positive emotions.
  4. Avoid watching a horror movie at night.
  5. Don't take everything too personally.

These tips help you get rid of nightmares and stay positive. Bad dreams are not a sign that everything in life will be terrible. Just don't pay attention to the nightmares you shouldn't tell anyone about them and then this will not come true in reality. Often, bad dreams are a sign of overwork and stress. If you remove these factors, then there will be no bad dreams.

How often does it happen that we wake up in a cold sweat, not understanding what it was - an ordinary nightmare caused by frayed nerves and old phobias, or a bad and at the same time prophetic dream.

Or, on the contrary, we smile and do not want to open our eyes, so as not to frighten away the beautiful vision-dream. And I really want everything good that I dreamed to come true. And what scared me has sunk into oblivion.

Today we’ll talk about how to do this. Just remember that you must truly believe in any action, then it will be the way you want. And further. If the same negative dream comes to you several times, then you should not try to get rid of it; it is much more important to write it down and try to analyze it, so that you not only know where to expect trouble, but also how you can get rid of it in real life.

How to prevent a bad dream from coming true

If a dream frightens you, then immediately after waking up say: where the night goes, there goes the dream. Then stand up and repeat the same phrase in open window. Then, without talking to anyone, go into the bathroom and let cold water, wash it three times and hold your hands under running water, repeating these same words three times.

Then go out to the kitchen, pour a glass of water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it. At the same time say: Just as this salt has melted, so my dream will not come true. Then turn your back to the sink and throw this water over your left shoulder.

You can also, waking up, without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, say: resurrect the good, and crack the bad in half.

If you are a deeply religious person, then in order to prevent a bad dream from coming true, read the prayer in the morning: Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - the Life-giving Cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will preserve myself by the cross, I will wash myself with spring holy water, I will dry myself with the towel of the cross, I will be swaddled in the shroud of the Lord. May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross. Amen. Amen. Amen. And cross yourself three times.

Under no circumstances tell anyone the meaning of what scared you. You can do this only in one case - if the person you are going to trust is a dream interpreter and can explain to you what this dream means and how you can avoid its consequences. True, there is a completely opposite opinion on this matter - some believe that a bad dream must be told to three people, then the dream will supposedly lose its power. However, one should not discount the fact that fears and troubles, clothed in words, seem to be consolidated in real life, they gain the right to exist and begin, in some way, to “grow in flesh”, only to materialize later at the most inopportune moment. So it’s better not to experiment and keep your bad dreams under your own control, and not “give them to the real world.”
