Free spa treatment: who is entitled to it and how to get it. Sanatorium-resort treatment: who is eligible for free, how to get it Application for a voucher to a sanatorium

Pensioners are entitled to free trips to the sanatorium at the expense of state budget as assistance to this group of citizens.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

If desired, they can instead provide a monthly increase in pension in the amount of 500 rubles, but isn’t health more expensive?

Let's look at who is entitled to such benefits and how they can be obtained.

Initial information

To begin with, before moving on to the process of obtaining free vouchers, you should find out how this issue is regulated at the legislative level and where to apply for a voucher.

Main concepts

Many citizens, due to their legal illiteracy, do not know the intricacies of our legislation when they go out, especially that they have the right to sanatorium- spa treatment at the expense of the state.

You can use this right no more than once a year.

In addition, the state provides not only the voucher itself, but also pays for travel expenses if the sanatorium is located at a great distance from the pensioner’s residence, and he cannot get there himself for health reasons.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, retirement for men is 60 years old, and for women - 55 years old. But you can retire earlier than this age, having achieved special work experience.

Oddly enough, to receive pension benefits, the date of retirement is not important; the most important thing is to contact the Pension Fund Authorities in a timely manner to register pensioner status.

Where to go

Where can a pensioner buy a ticket to a sanatorium?

It turns out that the place of application will depend on the category to which the pensioner belongs and on which organization is engaged in financing.

If funding comes from federal budget state, then the pensioner should contact the Social Insurance Fund.

If the Ministry of Defense is involved in financing, then you need to contact the law enforcement agency of your region.

Pensioners who belong to the categories of persons specified in the Federal Law “On State Social Assistance” must apply to the social insurance fund.

If a pensioner belonging to this list who have benefits, require further treatment after being on inpatient treatment, then financing is carried out in full or in part from the regional budget.

Of course, the list of diseases for which the amount of payment is determined depends on the legislation in force in a given region


For persons belonging to the category of military pensioner, the payment for sanatorium-resort treatment will be financed by the law enforcement agency located in the region where the pensioner lives.

The legislative framework

How are benefits for pensioners regulated? Firstly, Federal law about the provision of benefits.

This list has been developed in accordance with legal requirements. The list of sanatoriums includes more than 800 institutions throughout Russian Federation.

A large number are located in the Caucasus - Mineral water, V Krasnodar region– Sochi, Anapa, as well as in the Stavropol Territory


For military pensioners, vouchers are provided to sanatorium-resort institutions located in the Moscow region, Arkhangelsk region, Volga region, North Caucasus region, Petrozavodsk and many others.

What determines the period of preferential stay?

Treatment at the sanatorium lasts 18 days. If a disabled person with consequences of a spinal cord or brain injury, or a childhood disability, is undergoing treatment, then treatment can last from 21 to 24 days.

Possible reasons for refusal

The reason for refusal to receive a voucher may be a lack of funding, a lack of vouchers for all those on the waiting list, or sending an application to a location other than your place of registration.

In case of refusal due to lack of funding for a category of citizens, which includes disabled people of all groups and combat veterans, this action will be classified as illegal and will be subject to judicial appeal.

Refusals due to a lack of vouchers are usually motivated by the fact that the citizen applied too late.

This is also illegal, since a citizen’s right to receive a voucher is enshrined in law, and the state’s failure to fulfill its obligations is not a reason to deprive him of this right.

But if a pensioner is refused because the application was not submitted at the place of registration, then such a refusal will be legal.

Sometimes the wait for a ticket can be very long for a long time and some citizens are wondering, “Is it possible to get compensation instead of a voucher?”

Sanatorium-resort recovery has always been considered one of the best ways restore your body after illness and prevent exacerbation of chronic ailments. During the existence of the USSR, treatment vouchers were more financially accessible. Now, buying them can hit the wallet hard, so those who want to improve their health are wondering: how to get to a sanatorium under the compulsory medical insurance program and whether it is possible to relax there for a free of charge?

How to get to a sanatorium under the compulsory medical insurance program and who has the right to it

Unfortunately, not every owner can get a ticket to a health resort under a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can get into a sanatorium for health improvement only for certain indications based on the conclusion medical commission. Get green light You can apply for a free trip to one of the Russian health resorts in 2020 under the following circumstances:

Among the ailments that are treated at the sanatorium-resort institution are the following:

  • heart and vascular diseases: myocardial infarction, violation cerebral circulation, angina pectoris, operations on the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases digestive system: delete gallbladder, operations for stomach ulcers and duodenum, diabetes;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal and central nervous system: orthopedic operations, defects and malformations spinal column, spinal surgery, joint plastic surgery, prosthetics;
  • diseases of pregnant women who are at risk.

Good to know! Many people mistakenly believe that the above is full list diseases, in the presence of which you can get a free ticket to preventive treatment in a sanatorium. However, it is not. Full list indications for sanatorium-resort treatment are given in Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 5, 2016 No. 281n. Here you can see such an exhaustive listing various diseases that they can be found in anyone, since this even includes insomnia, bronchitis and scoliosis.

The patient is admitted to the sanatorium for a course of health improvement if he has a referral in hand on form No. 057/u-04. The medical commission gives an opinion if the above indications are present and provided there are no contraindications.

What does the rehabilitation procedure in a sanatorium consist of?

After admission to a treatment facility, the patient undergoes an examination so that they can select a rehabilitation program for him. This is a complex of preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at restoring the body’s strength after an illness or alleviating the consequences congenital pathology. The rehabilitation procedure includes the following main activities:

  • reflexology, physiotherapy and a course of healing massages;
  • physical therapy classes;
  • dietary food;
  • psychotherapeutic sessions.

This list may change depending on conditions regional program Compulsory medical insurance and the capabilities of the institution that provides the insured with a course of medical rehabilitation. IN last days During the patient’s stay in the sanatorium under compulsory medical insurance, the effectiveness of the measures is analyzed and it is assessed whether the patient’s condition has improved.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium under the compulsory medical insurance program: step-by-step instructions

In order to receive a referral from the commission for health improvement in a sanatorium, preventive institution, a specific confirmed diagnosis is required. Therefore, you will have to go through several stages:

  1. Contact your attending physician at the clinic at your place of residence, taking your compulsory medical insurance policy with you, and describe your complaints to him. If the diagnosis has not been confirmed earlier, the doctor will conduct an examination, give a referral for tests, and, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations.
  2. When the insured is or has been in hospital treatment, he will need a discharge summary confirming the diagnosis. In this case, it is enough to simply provide it to your therapist, and there is usually no need to undergo additional examination.
  3. Based on the examination, the attending physician issues a referral for medical selection for rehabilitation in a sanatorium.
  4. Then you need to wait for the documents to be reviewed by a medical commission, which decides to issue a conclusion on the presence or absence of indications and contraindications for undergoing a course of treatment in a medical institution.
  5. Based on this conclusion, the patient turns to his general practitioner for a certificate to obtain a travel voucher. . Its validity period is 6 months.

When it comes to free treatment According to the compulsory medical insurance system, the insured cannot independently choose an institution. It all depends on what vouchers are available at the time the referral is issued. However

Documents for the commission

To successfully pass the medical commission, you need to be properly prepared, because the absence of any one document can be a reason for refusal. The following papers are provided for consideration:

  • compulsory medical insurance policy (copy);
  • civil passport or other identity card (copy);
  • referral from the attending physician;
  • epicrisis from the hospital or a conclusion from a therapist and other specialists indicating the diagnosis;
  • analysis for TORCH - infections and the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • fluorography;
  • examination by a urologist (gynecologist).

Based on the results of consideration of the above documents, experts give either a positive or negative conclusion. The duration of treatment varies between 14-24 days.

On a note! After receiving a referral for treatment, the insured must obtain from a therapist health resort card with indications for selecting a rehabilitation course for recovery. In a preventive institution, procedures completed and treatment results will be recorded here.

Main reasons for refusal of treatment

As mentioned earlier, to get a referral you need to see a GP. He will conduct a preliminary diagnosis and clarify in advance all the indications and contraindications for treatment at the sanatorium.

A refusal to issue a referral for free health improvement under the compulsory medical insurance program can be received in the following cases:

  • in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • if urgent surgical treatment is necessary;
  • inability to take care of yourself;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders and disorders;
  • presence of alcohol or drug addiction;
  • serious violations heart rate, hypertension stage 3;
  • severe form of bronchial asthma;
  • period of exacerbation of the disease or postoperative period;
  • anemia, poor circulation;
  • the presence of any pathology that does not allow for health procedures.

If the insured person believes that the refusal is unlawful, it is necessary to call the insurance company and clarify the nuances of providing free sanatorium treatment according to compulsory medical insurance for its employees.

Program limitations you should be aware of

Claiming to pass free course recovery under the compulsory medical insurance program, the patient should know that some inconveniences await him.

Free treatment in a preventive institution has a number of features and limitations:

  • vouchers are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Thus, you can wait up to 4 months for your turn to arrive, and it’s good, if not longer, since the referral is only valid for six months;
  • the wards accommodate several vacationers - you will have to pay extra for a separate room out of your own pocket;
  • treatment is carried out only by specific disease, i.e. there is a certain course that does not provide any additional procedures;
  • stay in a sanatorium does not exceed 16 days, even if the patient is indicated for a longer recovery.

Considering that recovery occurs free of charge, you can turn a blind eye to some discomfort, because according to reviews, the result is worth it.


Accelerate the recovery of the body after a long and serious illness possible by being treated in a medical institution. A two-week therapeutic course allows you to cope with the consequences of the disease much faster and improve your overall health.

The good news is that if you have a compulsory health insurance policy, you can do this for free. To do this, you need to obtain a conclusion from a medical commission and first be examined for indications and contraindications. It is worth noting that not only seriously ill patients, but also insured persons with widespread illnesses, including children, have the right to undergo treatment.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments. Tell us how you managed to get into the sanatorium under compulsory medical insurance, what difficulties did you encounter?

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In some cases, labor veterans and other segments of the population are helped entirely by the state, and sometimes by the state, to purchase a voucher. partial support is provided. What can a pensioner count on?

Regulatory framework for providing free trips

Providing a social voucher for retired labor veterans to a sanatorium or other institution can be provided free of charge on the basis of a number of documents:

  • Chapter 2 Art. 16.

Is a labor veteran entitled to a free trip to a sanatorium? In addition to state legal documents, regional ones available in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, based on the capabilities of the region’s budget, will also help in resolving the issue.

It is also important to remember that subsidies are not provided on the basis of regional title documents, and some segments of the population are entitled to them only once a year.

Who can receive a subsidy to visit a health facility?

Based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation, not every citizen has the right to a free referral for spa treatment. Among such persons it can be received by:

  1. Disabled pensioners who were injured during the Second World War.
  2. Elderly people who have worked their entire lives as military personnel, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other services, as well as citizens who took part in military operations during the USSR.
  3. Military from the automobile troops taking part in military operations in Afghanistan.
  4. Persons with the status of “Resident of besieged Leningrad”.
  5. Elderly people with various groups disability.

One of the most important conditions receiving benefits at a discount is the absence of work for a pensioner.

List of health institutions

Referrals can only be obtained to specialized sanatoriums that:

  • entered into a cooperation agreement with the Social Insurance Fund;
  • located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

They may also be sent to a sanatorium, where the citizen needs to continue treatment begun in a hospital. If the person applying for the subsidy is a former employee of the department, then the benefit is issued only to a specialized health care institution.

Requirements for those wishing to receive a ticket

In order to understand how to get a permit for a labor veteran to go to a sanatorium, you must initially meet the following requirements:

  • age (must be at least 55 years for women and 60 years for men);
  • recommendations from the treating specialist and honey. examination;
  • lack of official work;
  • belonging to one of the categories of beneficiaries;
  • monetization was not used for this subsidy - no.

Speaking about diseases for which pensioners and labor veterans can be issued a voucher, the list is quite extensive, and the leading role is played by the recommendation of a specialist, confirmed by documents.

Stages of registration, required documents

In order to find out how to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a retired labor veteran, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. First, visit your doctor, who will give you a referral for a medical examination. After passing it, the pensioner must receive a specialist’s opinion that sanatorium treatment is recommended.
  2. After receiving a certificate in form No. 070/u-04, an elderly citizen must visit the USZN or a military commissariat, where he writes an application in the prescribed form and submits documents: a copy and original of a passport; a paper confirming that the citizen has the right to this benefit; SNILS; medical report a specialist, and sometimes a paper confirming a medical and social examination.
  3. After this, the person wishing to receive the benefit is placed in a queue, and as the queue progresses, the pensioner receives a document for a trip to the boarding house.


After the citizen submits the papers, within 3 weeks he receives an answer whether he will be given a subsidy or not. If the answer is positive, the sanatorium voucher for the labor veteran will be transferred according to the priority order or will be processed.

Due to the fact that Crimea now belongs to the Russian Federation, the queue for benefits has begun to move faster. This became possible thanks to the Crimean boarding houses that accept citizens on discounted vouchers.

It is also important to take into account that after a free voucher to a sanatorium is received, a labor veteran can re-submit new papers for a similar subsidy next year.

Nuances of preferential travel for various categories of citizens

The issuance of subsidies of this type for different segments of the population is regulated by law. This difference is one of the main ones when applying for a subsidy.


Retired military personnel have the right to a subsidized voucher to a sanatorium in accordance with Article 7, where it is stated that a military pensioner can once a year become the owner of a voucher, of the full cost of which 25% must be paid. If adult family members of a military pensioner received the benefit, they can pay 50% of the cost. If a widow applies for a subsidy, she pays from personal funds the same amount as her husband would pay as a military pensioner.

Veterans of Labor

Preferential vouchers to a sanatorium for labor veterans are received and paid for on similar terms to military pensioners.

Disabled people

To obtain a document for a trip to a health facility for disabled people, the main document is medical report. Disabled persons receive vouchers under the following conditions:

  • Groups 1 and 2 – full state. security;
  • Group 3 – make an additional payment from personal funds in the amount of 25% of the final price of the tour.

Other citizens

If a pensioner of another group decides to get a voucher, then the procedure for obtaining it is similar.

Like most megacities in the world, Moscow is an aging city. Three million of its residents, or one in four, are pensioners. And since life expectancy in the city is growing - in the last seven years alone it has increased from 73 to 77 years - there will soon be even more elderly people. This makes city authorities seriously think about helping them when the only source their income will be a pension. What is actually being done about this, besides increasing the size cash payments from the capital's budget? There was a conversation about this at the “Business Breakfast” in the newspaper’s editorial office with the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Vladimir Petrosyan.

Vladimir Petrosyan: To pensioners who long road not possible, the “Sanatorium at home” will come. Photo: Sergey Mikheev

Pay for the first or second

Vladimir Arshakovich! It's getting close to summer. And even for a Moscow pension - we know that its minimum amount has increased to 17,500 rubles since January 1, 2018, you won’t go far on vacation. Muscovites complain that it is difficult to get a free ticket. Many don’t even submit applications because they don’t believe that their turn will come in the foreseeable future...What can we tell them this year?

Vladimir Petrosyan: There really is a problem. Federal powers to provide sanatorium and resort treatment to Moscow were transferred in 2009. At that time, the social insurance fund purchased only 64 thousand vouchers for Muscovites. Over the past time, the capital's budget has doubled their purchase - up to 122 thousand last year. But this is not enough, since 426 thousand people are registered. This causes natural discontent among Muscovites. Therefore, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin made an unprecedented decision - to allocate an additional 3.5 billion rubles for these purposes. This allows the city to increase the purchase of vouchers by another 122 thousand. A total of 250 thousand will be purchased. That is, this year we will provide rest and treatment to more than half of those on the waiting list.

Moscow will pay

Will the city pay for the vouchers for veterans in full or partially?

Vladimir Petrosyan: Moscow bears 100% of the costs of sanatorium and resort treatment for all beneficiaries - both federal and regional. These include WWII veterans, combat veterans, disabled people, home front workers, labor veterans, rehabilitated persons, non-working pensioners, citizens affected by terrorist attacks, and honorary donors. Pays for the budget and round trip travel for all types of transport. What is more convenient to travel is up to Muscovites to decide for themselves.

You said that labor veterans have the right to a free trip, but there are also working people among them. But the social welfare departments say that vouchers are provided only to unemployed people, including labor veterans...

Vladimir Petrosyan: Yes, it is true - only non-working pensioners enjoy this right.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War have the right to a trip. But it’s unlikely they’re going anywhere anymore. After all, the youngest participants in that war are over 90... Those who cannot go, can get the cost of the trip in money?

Vladimir Petrosyan: We fully provide all the front-line soldiers, home front workers, and Leningrad siege survivors who are able to go with vouchers. For example, in 2017, 2.8 thousand people went to sanatoriums. For those who need treatment but cannot travel, the “Sanatorium at Home” comes to you. Doctors conduct examinations, prescribe and perform physical procedures. 5 thousand veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War became participants in this program. This year, the “Sanatorium at Home” program will include another 1,000 people. But compensation for non-use of a voucher is not provided for by law.

The purchase of tickets is already underway. Where will Muscovites go to relax?

Vladimir Petrosyan: We will buy the most - 91 thousand vouchers at Black Sea coast- to Crimea, Sochi, Anapa and Gelendzhik. Popular among Muscovites and middle lane Russia - we will purchase 59 thousand there, another 22 thousand - to the Caucasus Mineral Waters - in Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Nalchik, 28 thousand - in the Moscow region and others.

Many veterans are people with limited mobility. It is difficult for them to climb steep stairs; walking in a stroller in the park requires adapted paths. Are Russian sanatoriums ready for twice as many Muscovites with limited mobility to come to them?

Vladimir Petrosyan: No more than 10-15% of sanatoriums are 100% ready. Therefore, we work individually with each of them. We talk about what kind of medical base is where, whether the staff is trained, how accessible the environment is. Then we also personally discuss the details with the veterans, choosing who can do what. I think that from year to year there will be more adapted sanatoriums. The Russian government is now working to improve their base - the Prime Minister has given instructions.

Age. net

There is a lot of talk in the capital about the active longevity program. What is it?

Vladimir Petrosyan: There is no program as such yet, we are still working on it. 24.7% of our population are pensioners, almost 3 million people. Every year, experts warn, there will be more of them. But we don’t want Muscovites to spend their entire old age at home on their beds. This means we need to help Muscovites maintain an active lifestyle for as long as possible. Personally, I believe that from the age of 45 it is necessary to prepare a person for the fact that ten years later his life will radically change. And if necessary, change his profession in advance, and we must provide him with the conditions for retraining and retraining. This is on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is necessary to teach pensioners healthy image life, create conditions for them to play sports.

This issue was recently discussed at a meeting of the Moscow Public Chamber. In particular, it was said that today many people already perceive retirement primarily as a time of new opportunities. The children have grown up, your career has been made, you can already do what you didn’t have enough time for throughout your life. No wonder in " Silver University", where there are more than 30 master classes, seminars and trainings, many cultural, health programs 14,600 applications were received for 2,600 places. So, should there be more places where a person can develop his previously unclaimed talents and abilities?

Vladimir Petrosyan: Agree. For example, in social service centers, 3 thousand pensioners are trained in computer literacy every year, and even more people want to. What exactly needs to be done to ensure that life after 55-60 blossoms with new colors for people? More than 10 thousand interesting ideas and proposals came from Muscovites during a crowdsourcing project called “Active Longevity.”

And when will the “Active Longevity” program appear in Moscow?

Vladimir Petrosyan: There is no doubt: it will definitely appear this year.

Creotherapy and exercises help veterans improve their health in sanatoriums. gyms, salt cave and many other types of treatment. Photo: Victor Vasenin/Pavel Smertin/TASS


An application for a voucher can be submitted to any My Documents center. Submit a medical certificate form 070/у04, work book, Russian passport, document certifying the right to benefits, and pension certificate. If something is missing, it doesn’t matter - the MFC specialist will himself request the missing document on interdepartmental interaction.

Help "RG"

A sanatorium-resort voucher is provided to veterans in Moscow for 18 days at the rate of 1,198 rubles per day. Its cost is fully covered by the city budget, as well as the trip to the sanatorium and back by any type of transport - train, bus or plane. The Moscow government allocated 7 billion rubles for these purposes in 2018.

How to get a discounted voucher to a military sanatorium

You can find out about the availability of places in sanatoriums of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense by clicking on this link. The military profession is associated with great physical and psychological stress, and often with risks to life and health, therefore the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed a program social protection employees of the department, one of the main aspects of which is the coverage of sanatorium and resort services. Where, in addition to relaxation, you can improve your health and cure a number of diseases.

Important! In connection with the entry into force of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 654 “On amendments to the Procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” paragraph 3 (How to issue a voucher) of this article has lost its relevance. Since December 22, 2018, the distribution of vouchers is handled directly by the administration of the sanatoriums. It is to the selected sanatorium that you must send an application for a voucher. Discount vouchers are distributed according to the time the application is received. Since applications are submitted electronically, the time is indicated automatically, eliminating any possibility of out-of-turn distribution. Registration of applications for the next year begins at 00:00 on November 1 current year and continues until the limit of preferential vouchers is completely exhausted. Information about the availability of places in the sanatorium is provided at.

You can find out about changes in prices for vouchers to military sanatoriums.

Who is eligible to receive a discounted voucher to a military sanatorium?

The provision of preferential vouchers to military personnel and civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is regulated by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333, with amendments and additions dated March 9, 2016. The following are entitled to preferential sanatorium and resort services:

  • Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serving under a contract, military pensioners; members of their families; persons who are dependent on them.

Note: officers and warrant officers who have retired to the reserve receive the right to preferential sanatorium and resort services, provided that their period of service before retirement was at least 20 years.

July 4, 2018 V.V. Putin promised to quadruple the number of free trips for military children.

Important! Under family members in this case This includes only children (up to 18 years of age; up to 23 years of age, provided they are studying at a university on a stationary basis) and spouses of military personnel, as well as persons who are dependent on persons in the preferential category.

  • Widows (widowers), parents of retirement age and children of military personnel who died during their service.
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations (all benefits).
  • Military personnel who did not take part in hostilities, but were military service in the period from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945 for at least 6 months, as well as those awarded orders and medals for service during the specified period.
  • Persons working in war time at air defense facilities, construction of defense and military facilities, crew members of ships interned in June 1945 in foreign ports.
  • Family members of deceased or deceased WWII participants and equivalent categories of citizens.
  • Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
  • Civilian personnel military units, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense (only if established by an industry agreement between trade unions of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense).

Important! Military pensioners entitled to free sanatorium and resort services receive free trips only if they are not working anywhere at the time of submitting the application.

Important! The bank of applications for free and discounted vouchers for the next year is formed from November 1 of the previous year. Since 2016, a personalized system for recording incoming applications for vouchers has been in place, which makes the distribution procedure transparent. But this date may change, so you can subscribe to our news below and receive an email notification about the start of sales.

On the websites of sanatoriums information about the availability of available places is displayed. If you found suitable option after the specified period, you should contact the department for sanatorium provision of the Ministry with an application indicating the sanatorium and the date of arrival you are interested in, or directly to the sanatorium voucher sales department by phone indicated on the website.

If there are grounds for providing a discounted voucher to a sanatorium, follow these steps:

  • Check out the Russian military sanatoriums on the website. Select an institution that suits the profile of your disease and the expected date of arrival..
  • Go through an examination (commission) at the clinic at your place of residence or at medical institution, in which you are registered. After this, obtain a certificate from your local general practitioner in form No. 070/u-04.

Important! Certificate No. 070/у-04 is valid for 12 months. If more time has passed from the date of receipt of the document to the trip to the sanatorium, you should contact the medical institution for a certificate again.

  • Contact in person or via the Internet the regional department for sanatorium provision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the Main Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by mail (Znamenka St., 19, Moscow, 119160). Fill out an application in the established form, if desired, indicate your spouse, children or dependents with whom you are planning a vacation in a military sanatorium, and together with certificate No. 070/u-04, give it to the department employees (send by email).
  • The department must approve or reject the application within 30 working days, with a reason. After this, you should obtain a resolution to issue a voucher from this organization. If the application was submitted online, a notification will be sent to Email indicating the date of arrival and the discounted cost of the tour. The notice must be printed and presented to the resort upon arrival.
  • On the day specified in the notice (resolution), you must arrive at the sanatorium with the necessary documents.

Important! If respectfully reasons (described in order 333 clause 23) you cannot use discounted voucher within the time period specified in it, you should write a statement of the established form about its cancellation. At the same time, the right to sanatorium-resort services is retained. And you can return the funds.

What documents are required for check-in at a military sanatorium?

For all benefit categories:

  • Notification from the Department of Sanatorium Services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the provision of a voucher.
  • For civilians - a compulsory health insurance policy.


For military personnel:

  1. Military ID.
  2. Vacation ticket.
  3. If available, a passport.

For military pensioners

  • Passport.
  • Pension certificate with a note indicating the right to social guarantees.