Games for children in summer camp. Outdoor games in a summer health camp

Who will deliver the package faster?

2-3 routes are outlined on the area. A movement diagram for each of them is drawn up, areas of movement are indicated on it according to azimuth, landmarks indicated by flags, branches, notches on trees. To do this, the route is drawn on paper, divided into sections, the azimuth of each link is determined, and its length is measured in steps. At the starting point, each detachment is given a package and tasked with delivering it to “headquarters” as quickly as possible. On command, the groups begin to move in parallel at a distance of 200–300 meters. The group that reaches the final destination first and hands the package to the intermediary wins.

Note. The game can be played both for several squads and for groups of one squad.


The driver is selected. The game consists of the following: at a signal, all players run away different sides, and the driver rushes after one of them. His task: to insult someone, but this is not so easy to do, because he does not have the right to insult a player who is squatting (you cannot squat for more than 15 seconds), as well as a player who is frozen in a motionless position. The only thing the driver can do with a “frozen” player is to make him move or laugh. In this case, you are not allowed to touch the “frozen” one with your hands, but you can tickle it with a blade of grass or something similar. Salted or “thawed” becomes a driver.

Dead zone

Tie the ends of a long rope. All children take hold of this rope with both hands and form a circle, inside which another circle, three times smaller, is drawn on the floor or on the ground. This is a "dead zone". At the signal, everyone begins to pull the rope towards themselves, trying to force the other players to join the small circle. Anyone who steps there is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is only one player left.

The area is limited, two or three players join hands - they form a network. Their task is to catch fish, the fish’s task is not to get caught in the net. If a fish is caught, it joins the net. The network should not be broken. The game continues until two or three fish remain, which become a net in the next game.


Place a board 1–1.5 meters long across the log (like a swing). Place a jar lid on one end and attach it. Place a tennis ball in it. The player steps sharply on one end, causing the ball to fly into the air. Points are awarded to those who manage to catch their ball.

Wolves in the ditch

A corridor (ditch) up to one meter wide is drawn on the site. The moat can be drawn with a zigzag. There are drivers in the ditch - “wolves” (2–3), the rest - “hares” - jump over the ditch and try not to be greasy. If the “hare” is touched or he steps in the ditch, then the “hare” drops out or becomes a “wolf”. “Wolves” can kill “hares” only when they are in the ditch.

Cossack robbers

Children are divided into two teams: a team of Cossacks and a team of robbers. The robbers need to hide themselves in a designated territory within a certain time and hide the treasure: some kind of toy, object, candy. After this, the Cossacks scatter around the yard in search of all the robbers and the treasure.

To confuse and confuse the Cossacks, robbers are allowed to draw arrows on fences, asphalt and walls. After a successful search, the teams change places.

With a ball from a circle

Two teams of ten people play. For the game, a circle with a diameter of 20–25 meters is drawn. A second circle is drawn inside it with a diameter half the size of the first.

Before the game, one team (by lot) is placed in a smaller circle, and the other moves away 10–12 meters into a pre-drawn square. Here one of the players hides a small rubber ball in his pocket or shirt. After this, the players of the second team are located in big circle. They keep their hands behind their backs, in their pockets or in their bosoms. Everyone tries to show that they have the ball. The player who has the ball hidden, after waiting for the right moment, throws the ball at one of the players of the first team. Whoever the ball hits leaves the circle. If the thrower misses, he is eliminated from the game. The loser from the first team can remain in the circle if he manages to pick up the ball and throw it at one of the players of the other team before they run into the square. When all players on one team are knocked out, the game starts again. This time the winning team hides the ball.

Three hundred

This game is played with a single goal soccer ball. Two teams play, the number of players in each is no more than four people. One team stands at the goal, and the players of the other team shoot at the goal from the 11-meter mark. While one of the players is shooting, the rest of the players of this team stand near the goal and, if the ball from one of the players standing in the goal bounces into the field, they finish it off. Several team players can come out after the ball bounces into the field and try to take it away.

When all players have shot, the teams switch places. For hitting the goal, points are awarded as follows:

– if the ball flies into the goal at a height below the waist and none of the players touches it, the kickers are given 50 points; – the same height, but someone touched the ball – 25 points; - if the ball flies at a height below the waist and none of the players touches it - 75 points, and if it hits - 50 points; – if the ball bounces off one of the players standing in the goal and the kicking team still scores it, then 15 points are awarded.

The game is to get 300 points as quickly as possible. If a team has scored over 300 points, then the extra points are calculated from 300.

If there are real football goal, then you can play up to 500 points, but the following conditions are added:

– for hitting the post – 50 points; – to the cross – 150 points; – to the crossbar – 100 points.

Ball on a leash

Dig a pole into the ground so that it is 3 meters high. Make a mark on the pole at a height of 2 meters. On the ground, draw a circle with a radius of 2 meters around the pole. Then divide it in half with a 5 meter line. The ball can be a tennis ball or any other soft ball, wrapped in a net with a 2.5 meter rope tied to it. The other end of the rope is tied to the top of the pole. The game uses a tennis racket. You can also hit the ball with your hands. The players' task is to twist the rope around the pole above the 2-meter mark. Two players each stand on their own side, the boundaries of which are determined by a line of 5 meters. Both hit the ball, trying to twist the rope in different directions. You can't join a circle.


Players are divided into three equal teams, each of them has its own color of headbands. The territory on which the game will take place is determined. The leader names who is chasing whom, for example: red after green, green after blue, blue after red (it should form a ring), and sets the initial directions in which the teams scatter. Then the host counts to 20–30, and the game begins. Players of one team try to catch up and make fun of the players of the team they are assigned to chase, and run away from the players of the third team, as they catch them. If the “predator” insults his victim, then the victim gives up his bandage and is eliminated from the game. The players give the collected headbands to the leader if they run past him. Using the collected headbands, the leader counts the number of “living” players in each team.

1st option: the team that catches all its “victims” faster wins. 2nd option: the team that remains “alive” wins - this happens when this team has no enemies left (at the same time, the game’s tactics are wait-and-see: you cannot immediately “kill all your victims”, since they are chasing enemies).

Circular rounder

Players of one team, standing on both sides of the court, throw the ball at players of the other team running in the middle. You need to throw the ball at your feet, and jump over the ball with your feet apart. Salenny leaves the game. Then the teams change places.

Football bowling

From a distance of 8–12 meters, the players kick a soccer ball at the installed 10 pins or plastic bottles. The score is kept as in regular bowling.

Any playground or gym is suitable for this game. On one side, draw a line of 15 meters, which will mark the “home” of the team, and parallel to it, 7 meters away, another line. Then at a distance of 25–30 meters - the farthest line.

The players are divided into 2 teams. One of them is in the “field”, the other is hitting the ball. The first player throws the ball himself and hits it with his hand or fist. After hitting the ball, he must run to the far line and return “home”, trying to do this so that the opposing team does not hit him with the ball. If he fails to throw the ball over the 7 meter line, he is given a second try. If he fails to do this a second time, he passes the ball to a player on his team.

Members of the team located in the “field” do not have a specific position and can move freely around the court behind the 7-meter line. They must hit the running player of the other team with the ball, but they are not allowed to take more than one step with the ball, nor are they allowed to hold it for more than 3 seconds. They can pass the ball to each other so that someone can throw from a closer distance at a running opponent, who cannot run further than the area limited by the ends of the lines

Decide in advance the number of attempts the team should make. The team with the largest number of players running wins.

2 teams play on a football field. The field is divided into two parts. Each team has a flag, initially it stands on the site of the goal in its zone. Players try to run into “enemy” territory, grab the flag and take it to their territory. But in “enemy” territory they can be harassed by players of the other team, while the harassed player stands still and waits for players from his team to help him out (touch him). If a player was running with a flag and was caught, he sticks the flag into the ground in the place where he was caught. Players do not have the right to touch their flag or come closer than 2 steps to it. The flag may have permanent security, but no more than 1-2 people. The team that first brings the enemy flag into its territory wins.

Don't miss

The players form a circle. The driver goes to the middle. The guys throw the ball among themselves in a circle, choosing the right moment to stain the driver. The driver must dodge all the time so that he cannot be insulted. If the player hits the driver, then he goes to the center of the circle, and the driver takes his place. If the player misses, he gets down on one knee and in this position continues to catch and throw the ball at the driver. In case of a second miss, he gets down on two knees and continues the game in this position. If, while throwing the ball at the driver, the player misses for the third time, he is out of the game. If he gets hit, he gets down on one knee again and continues the game. In case of a second hit, he has the right to continue the game while standing. The game lasts 20–30 minutes. The winner is the player who lasts longer than others.


Preparation. For the game to be successful, you need preliminary preparation. The organizers of the game should come up with about 20 suspicious actions that they will have to perform, for example: write down the car number in a notebook, illuminate the house number with a flashlight, or road sign, stop a passerby and ask for directions, signal with a flashlight to someone, hide a coin in a hollow tree, check your watch with the city clock, etc. These can be any other atypical actions. It is also necessary to clearly agree on the time for the teams to return from the game to the starting place.

Progress of the game. Before the start of the game, each team is given a sheet describing a “suspicious person” who must be followed and all suspicious actions reported. In addition, coordinates are given where this person can be found and where he was last seen. Each team needs to locate this individual, follow her in a manner that does not arouse suspicion, and record any suspicious activity. Each organizer, playing the role of a suspicious type, waits a certain time so that the team has the opportunity to “detect” him, and begins to carry out his suspicious actions. All teams and “suspicious individuals” return to the detachment place at a pre-agreed time.

Points are calculated as follows: 1 point for each suspicious activity observed; 1 extra point for valuable additions, explanations for suspicious actions; minus 1 point for each case of obvious observation of a person, thereby arousing suspicion.

Walk quickly

The driver stands on one side of the site, and all the other children stand on the other side, in their “house”, marked with a line. The driver turns his back to the children and says, covering his face with his hands:

Walk quickly, don't yawn, One, two, three,

Stop! While these words are being heard, all the players leave the “house” and walk towards the driver, trying to get closer to him, but at a walk, not a run. After the command “Stop!” everyone stops, and the driver turns to face them. If the driver notices someone in motion, he sends him back to the “house”. The game continues and is repeated until one of the players manages to get closer to the driver. After this, all the players run to the “house”, and the driver tries to make someone look bad. If he succeeds, he becomes a player, and the player becomes a driver. The game is repeated several times and those guys who have never been caught are noted.

Note. You need to start moving from “home” only according to the words “walk quickly.” The offenders return “home” and start all over again.

Specific place

Place a note under a large rock somewhere in the school grounds. In the note, write: “You found this place. Bring me the note."

Then write down landmarks that may help you find the location (power lines, road, spring, well, broken tree, road sign, etc.).

The task of each team is to be the first to find this place. The direction of the search may not be known, so they will have to cover a fairly large area to find the proposed landmarks. Having discovered the first landmark, they continue the search. The main thing is to think through the tasks carefully, and the first guideline should be the most difficult.

The game is played in a familiar area of ​​wooded area of ​​about 1 square kilometer. Two drivers are selected. Each of them receives an object (“treasure”), which he must hide within 10–15 minutes at a distance of no more than 300 meters from the squad’s location. Moreover, the guys know the type of “treasure” - a box, a bag, a plate, etc. And then they go on a search. Whoever finds the “treasure” is considered the winner. The drivers change, the game can continue.

Note. “Treasure” can be hidden not only on the ground, but also in trees and bushes. You can’t bury a “treasure,” but you can disguise it.

Deer hunting

A “deer” is selected from among the players and runs away into the forest.

Along the way, he scatters noticeable, pre-agreed objects: pieces of paper, ropes, pebbles, etc. Moreover, while running away, the “deer” tries in every possible way to confuse its tracks. After 10 minutes, “dogs” rush in the tracks of the “deer.” Their task is to find the hidden “deer” and hit it with a cone or a snowball. "Dogs" can only use three shots. If they miss, they are eliminated from the game. The duration of the game is agreed upon in advance.

Steal the banner

The players are divided into two teams of equal strength. Each team has its own banner, which is hidden in a pre-agreed area. The playing area is divided in such a way that both banners are at the same distance from the border. The teams' task is to carry the enemy's banner into their territory. If a player is spotted on enemy territory, then he remains in that place until a player from his team helps him out (spots him). The game stops on command.

Interesting, educational, useful educational games for children's recreation. These games will provide invaluable assistance to counselors and all teachers working with children in a children's camp.

Ball - lotto

Purpose of the game: Team unity, formation of corporate culture, opportunity to express creativity participants.

Game description: The squad is divided into creative groups. Each creative Group Each participant chooses five colored inflatable balloons. Inside the balloons are notes with tasks to prepare concert performances in different genres: circus, pantomime, parodies, ballet, opera, etc. Groups prepare during the day (or 40-50 minutes), then an intra-squad concert is held.

Twelve "evil" listeners (based on the game show)

Purpose of the game: Liberation, the opportunity to demonstrate intellectual abilities, the development in children of the ability to form and express their own position.

Inventory: 12 music tracks.

Game description: The game consists of alternately discussing musical works and choosing the “coolest” and the most “sucky” song based on voting results.

This game is a kind of show. A lot depends on the presenter, so you should prepare carefully. The songs are selected in advance and arranged in order. There should be no more than 10-12 of them, and these are both absolute hits and obviously unpopular songs. The whole room can discuss the song, but only “evil listeners” vote. Don't forget to mark the most "evil" one.


Goals of the game: Liberation, introduction to a state of success, interaction.

Inventory: A chamomile with a task written on each petal.

Game description: The detachment is divided into 2-3 parts (possibly into several mini-groups of 5-6 people), each of which is given a name, a commander, and possibly a motto. The counselor writes tasks on chamomile petals (they should be simple, designed to be fun, take into account the age of the children, and preferably unexpected). Next, the sheets of paper are laid out like a daisy on the table with the tasks facing down.

Task list

Younger age:

1. Depict (the audience can guess): an iron, an alarm clock, a kettle, a telephone, a coffee grinder.

2. Depict the gait of a person: someone who has had a good lunch, whose shoes are tight, who has unsuccessfully kicked a brick, with acute attack radiculitis, left alone in the forest at night.

3. Use facial expressions and sounds to depict: an alarmed cat, a sad penguin, an enthusiastic rabbit, a gloomy eagle, an angry pig.

4. The melody of the song “Sunny Circle”: yelp, meow, hum, quack, cackle (crow).

6. Jump like: sparrow, kangaroo, frog, grasshopper, hippopotamus.

7. Draw an animal or plant that never existed and give it a name.

8. Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” like: African aborigines, Indian yogis, Caucasian highlanders, reindeer herders of Chukotka, Apache Indians, English gentlemen.

9. Perform the song “There was a birch tree in the field” as: choir Russian army, choir of labor veterans, choir kindergarten, Cossack Kuban choir, choir of theological seminary.

10. Depict the proverb in pantomime: “Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf”, “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either”, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “A kind word is good for a cat.”

11. Come up with new uses for objects: an empty tin can, a holey sock, a burst balloon, a burnt out light bulb, an empty pen refill.

12. Depict a dance: with a mop, with a chair, with a suitcase, with a kettle, with a pillow.

13. Compose a story from cut-out newspaper headlines.

14. Dance: little kittens, puppies, foals, piglets, monkeys.

15. Come up with a dance composition: “I got a bad grade again,” “They bought me a soccer ball,” “I broke my mother’s favorite vase,” “I’ll have guests coming today,” “I lost the key to the apartment.”

16. Noise orchestra. You are a vocal and instrumental ensemble. You must perform any popular song, but you will accompany yourself on the material at hand, that is, on what you find in the room: a mop, pots, etc. Preparation time: 5 minutes.

17. Depict with sounds and movements: an orchestra of Russian folk instruments, a symphony orchestra, a rock band, a military brass band, a jazz orchestra.

18. “Conduct” an orchestra performing: a waltz, a symphony, a military march, a modern dance tune, a Russian folk song.

19. Without changing the meaning, but in other words, say the phrase: a fly landed on the jam, there is a glass on the table, the clock strikes 12 times, a sparrow flew into the window, a detachment walked along the shore.

20. Make up a story from movie or video titles.

21. Add two more lines:

a) The dog was walking along the piano,

He says something like this...

b) Did you hear? At the farmer's market

The miracle bird was sold...

c) An elephant is crying at the zoo -

He saw a mouse...

d) People are surprised -

Why is Fedot angry?

e) The king issued the following decree:

“To all boyars at the same hour...”

22. Come up with poems with rhymes: cat, spoon, window, a little; glass, banana, pocket, deception; running, century, snow, man; mug, girlfriend, frog, ditty; horse, accordion, fire, palm.

23. Come up with a new ending to the fairy tale: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba the Hen”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.

24. Write a story about: a dog who lived in a refrigerator; a crow who loved to ride a bicycle; a pike who played the guitar; a birch tree that wanted to learn to swim; a cockchafer who was very afraid of heights.

25. Come up with new names for lessons: mathematics, music, history, labor, physical education, etc.

26. Bring a chair: without touching the floor with your feet, without using your hands, as if it were a basin of water, as if you were Charlie Chaplin, as if you were walking through a minefield.

Older age:

1. Draw sculptures of “Victims of Sports”: a weightlifter who did not manage to jump away from the barbell in time; goalie catching the puck with his teeth; a parachutist who forgot what to pull; a gymnast who did not come out of a triple pirouette in time; a skier who did not escape from an avalanche.

2. Write a letter to Vanka Zhukov from: after-school group, music school, children's hospital, sports section, hiking trip.

3. Compose a ditty beginning with the words: “If only we...”

4. Create costumes: work costumes for Baba Yaga, dress-up costumes for Ivan the Fool, home costumes for Zmey Gorynych, sports costumes for Koshchei the Immortal, winter costumes for Vodyanoy.

5. In front of you are paintings. Describe how events unfolded three minutes later. Paintings: “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, “Deuce Again”, “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son”, “Hunters at a Rest”, “Three Bogatyrs”.

6. Name five types of goods in the store: “Everything for poor students”, “Everything for truants”, “Everything for slobs”, “Everything for repeaters”, “Everything for malicious non-wearers of replaceable shoes”.

8. Come up with text and an image for a poster at school: on the wardrobe, above the director’s office, on the doors of the school canteen, near the carpentry workshop, at the entrance to the school attic.

9. Create a hairstyle: “Attack with the left flank”, “Uncompressed strip”, “Explosion at the pasta factory”, “ Bakhchisarai fountain", "Avalanche".

10. Depict the plot of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” in relation to historical times: the primitive communal system, the slave era, the middle feudal ages, early capitalism.

11. Draw a monument on the theme: “In a dispute, truth is born”, “All ages are submissive to love”, “I would gnaw out bureaucracy like a wolf”, “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”, “A well-fed man is not a friend to the hungry.”

12. Demonstrate the manufacture, use and name of a medicine for: liars, lazy people, crybabies, snitches, brawlers.

13. Depict the fairy tale “Kolobok” in the genre: comedy, tragedy, opera, ballet, horror film.

14. Complete the story:

a) “The woodpecker stuck his head out of the hollow...

A destroyer was entering the bay.”

b) “The rain washed away all traces...

There was a jackhammer on the bed.”

c) “The fire has long gone out...

The balcony was painted green.”

d) “The cactus has dropped its thorns...

The lunar eclipse was beginning."

e) “The iceberg rose above the sea...

The flies hid in the cracks.”

15. Stage situations: a thief in someone else’s apartment, a composer composing music, a controller in public transport, director at the rehearsal of his play, surgeon in the operating room.

16. Come up with a headdress for: Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Rabbit, Eeyore.

17. Include a new character in the fairy tale: “Little Red Riding Hood” - a traffic light, “Puss in Boots” - a drill, “Cinderella” - a bulldozer, “Bluebeard” - a radio, “Tom Thumb” - a fire truck.

18. Bouquet for a celebrity: to an athlete: “Blow!” Another blow!”, to the astronaut: “5 minutes! The flight is normal!”, to the people’s deputy: “The 4th microphone is on,” to the artist: “Applause! Applause!”, to the teacher: “The lesson is over.”

19. Monument and speech at its opening: “The first collector of waste materials in Russia” - Plyushkin, “The first activist of OSVOD” - grandfather Mazai, the first representative of the Red Cross Society in Africa” - Dr. Aibolit, “The first organizer of sports competitions” - Balda, “ To the leader of the weaving industry" - to the Frog Princess.

20. Decipher the name of the squad:

- rhombus, circle, zigzag;

- king pin, bagel, syrup;

- mind you, oh, hurray;

- fool, trick, lump;

- log, ridge, log.

21. Retell the fairy tale “Kolobok” using vocabulary: military, medical, legal, pedagogical, political, prison.

22. Gymnastics complex for: traffic controller traffic, guards of private security, conductors of folk orchestras, conductors of long-distance trains, tower crane operators.

23. Speech: canteen workers, first aid station workers, laundry workers, director.

24. Sign a postcard of a famous person on the occasion of: the 170th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica, the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Saratov pasta factory, the 191st anniversary of the founding of Uryupinsk, the Day of Morals and Law, the 294th anniversary of the Decree of Peter I on the use of the nasal handkerchief.

25. Names and rules of the game, where the following are used simultaneously:

- puck, racket and scuba gear;

- basketball, shot, barbell;

- boxing gloves, bicycle, hockey stick;

- motorcycle, tennis ball, skis;

— high jump pole, soccer ball, track and field hurdle.

26. Label (draw):

- goose feathers blanched in oil;

- acorns in tomato sauce;

— radish pate with nutmeg;

— tobacco bulls in garlic sauce;

- cockchafer wings in their own juice.

27. Invent a way:

- prevent nasal freezing winter time,

- removing nail polish,

- preventing sneezing,

- determining body temperature without a thermometer,

— opening a can of canned food.

Children's play is not only excellent remedy entertainment for the child, but also a very important method of teaching and developing the child. In play, children learn something new, learn new skills, and acquire new skills. Outdoor games are designed to physically develop children. It’s these kinds of games that we’ll talk about now.

About the choice

When choosing mobile ones, you should approach this wisely. So, several very important factors must be taken into account.

  1. Age of players. Yes, children younger age you need to select games of less complexity, older ones - more. However, it is worth remembering that any elements of the game, even if they do not correspond to the age of the participants, are often perceived without problems or complaints (i.e., seventh graders, just like kids, will clap their hands with pleasure, but they certainly will not imitate bees accompanied by cute children's songs).
  2. Room. So, when choosing a game, it is very important to decide where all this will take place. Some games are only suitable for playing indoors, some - outdoors.
  3. Inventory. When preparing interesting outdoor games for children, it is important to take into account that some of them may require special equipment - skittles, balls, hoops, etc. You will need to stock up on these things in advance.


Having selected fun outdoor games for children, the camp counselor must be able to competently explain the rules so that it is clear to all participants. So, an adult can stand facing the children (therefore, it is best to place the children in a semicircle). The explanation itself should be clear, concise, understandable to everyone (for this you do not need to use specific words or terms, it must be told in a language accessible to children). If the rules are very complex, before starting the game you can conduct a short rehearsal, which will clearly show and explain to the children all the nuances. Another very important point: choice of driver for entertainment. The main player should be cheerful, active, and “infect” those around him with the game. Therefore, it is good if the driver is active cheerful child. However, it often happens that during the game the drivers change. In this case, in order not to offend anyone, it is best to resort to a little counting rhyme. Example:

One two three four five,
We're going for a walk with you.
One two Three
You will be the driver in the game!

Whoever the counting finger lands on at the very end should be the one leading at the moment.

Game "Treasure Hunt"

So, we choose the most exciting outdoor games for children. At the camp you can organize a game called “Treasure Hunt”. All children will definitely like this, regardless of age. Inventory that will be needed: pointers (signs), you can also stock up on a small shovel (if the treasure is buried). So, if you want to entertain younger children with this game, there should be no more than 10 signs, but if the participants are older or high school, there can be many more signs. The essence of the event is that players, divided into teams, need to find a previously hidden treasure (this could be a toy, candy, etc.). And to do this, you will need to follow the signs and, perhaps, even complete small tasks in order to find the next sign. The winning team receives a hidden treasure as a prize.

Game "Hide and Seek"

What other outdoor games are there for children? You can also play hide and seek at the camp, why not? So, this game is best played outdoors. It will take one child to look for everyone. To do this, he closes his eyes and slowly recites the following little count: “I count to five, but I can’t count to ten. One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look. Ready or not, here I come!" While the counting is being said, the other children must find a secluded place where the driver will not find them. If the main player finds someone, he must be the first to run to the place where the counting rhyme was said and knock on him. And so on until the last player. Whoever is found last wins.

Game "Keeping Eye"

We look further at fun outdoor games for children. So, you can offer the children a game called “Keen Eye”. However, this requires an area where children can hide. For example, behind the trees. In this case, the driver stands in the center of the clearing, other children hide behind the trunks. The essence of the entertainment is that you need to get as close as possible to the driver. To do this, you can move unnoticed, running from tree to tree. If the driver notices the player, he calls him by name. If the name is named correctly, the player joins the driver and helps him keep an eye on the other children, but if not, the participant simply will not respond. The person who is closest to the driver at the end of the game will win.

Game "Find the cubes" (for kids)

What other movable ones are there? So, the little ones can be entertained with a game called “Find the Cubes.” First, the counselor must hide about a dozen cubes on the site. Players can be divided into two teams, and each participant can play for himself. The point: each child must find as many cubes as possible. Who had them? maximum amount- he is the winner.

Game "Fishing"

We look further at summer outdoor games for children. So, at the camp you can also play “Fishing”. To do this, you first need to draw a circle with a diameter of five meters on the asphalt, which will represent the sea. Two people are chosen as fishermen, who must hold hands at all times. At the command of the counselor, the fishermen run into the drawn water (drawn circle) and catch the fish (other children) - one after another. To do this, the hands of the participants must close around the caught fish. In this case, she goes over to the side of the fishermen, and the net is constantly growing. The goal of the game is to be the last fish left.

Game "Crocodile"

There are also active educational games for children. One of them is the well-known “Crocodile”. So, for this you need a leader who will constantly change. The counselor whispers a word in his ear, which he must show as clearly as possible. At the same time, you can’t say anything, you can only show it: with your whole body. Whoever guesses the word shown first becomes the leader. And so on. You can play this game endlessly, because... she doesn't get boring. It is suitable for children of middle and high school age.

Game "Wolf and Hares"

Next we choose outdoor games for children. You can also play “The Wolf and the Hares” at the camp. To do this, you need to draw a forest along the edge of the site where hares can hide. The wolf is a kind of leader. He stands in the center of the site and, at the command of the counselor, begins to catch all the hares that run from one forest to another, located on the opposite side of the site. If the wolf touches the hare, he stops in the same place and becomes the wolf's assistant. To do this, he simply spreads his arms and blocks the path of other runaway hares. When most of the hares are already helpers, the counselor announces that they all came to visit the wolf on the occasion of his birthday. Then the wolf is surrounded by children holding hands, singing songs to him, and the birthday boy dances.

Game "The Sea Is Troubled"

There are also active song games for children. However, some of them consist entirely of small quatrains, and some only partially. An example would be the well-known game “The Sea is Troubled.” So, a presenter is selected who will recite the following text: “The sea is worried - once! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! The sea figure is in place - freeze!” At this time, the children were dancing when it sounded the last word counting rhymes, they should freeze in the form of sea figures. The presenter must guess all the figures. Whose remains unsolved becomes the new leader.

Game "Owl"

The maximum number of people who can participate in this game is a large number of children. You will also need to choose a driver - an owl. When the counselor says “It’s day outside!”, all the children, who pretend to be birds or spider worms, jump, dance, and have fun. At this time the owl is sleeping. When the counselor says, “The night has come, the owl is going hunting!”, all the children freeze. The owl must find those who move or giggle. She takes these children outside the game, to her so-called nest.

Sport games

There are also outdoor games for 2 children. An example would be various entertainments that may require sports equipment. So, it could be badminton, where players must hit a shuttlecock with rackets. You can also kick the ball, trying to score it into the opponent's goal. As an option, the game “Hot Potato” for two: a couple of guys will simply throw the ball around until one of the players drops it.

Game "Fashion Designer"

For this game you will need several pairs of participants (boy-girl). So, each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The essence of the game: from this inventory, invent and make best suit to your partner. First, the boys create designer dresses on the girls, then the girls create fashionable tailcoats on the boys. The winner is the couple whose creativity surpasses the rest.

Game "Witch"

You can also offer the children a game called “Witch”. However, there is nothing terrible here. To play the game you will need a couple of participants who must run on a broom past the set obstacles without catching any. The winner is the one who does not knock down any obstacles with a broom or knocks down the least number of them. You can make small towns out of sand or cubes as barriers.

Game "Chauffeur"

To do this you will need the following equipment: glasses of water, trucks. Several participants are selected for the game. A rope must be tied to each machine, which will be wound around a stick. A glass of water is placed in the truck trailer. The goal of the game is to pull the machine towards you as quickly as possible by winding the rope, without spilling the water. The winner is the participant whose car not only gets there the fastest, but also who has the maximum amount of water left in his glass.

Game "Dancing"

Children, however, like most adults, love music very much. Why not play a game based on musical accompaniment? An excellent musical outdoor game for children is “Dancing”. To do this, participants are divided into pairs, preferably a boy and a girl. You need to put a newspaper under the feet of each of them. When the music starts, the couple dances on the newspaper without going beyond it. After the music stops, you need to fold the newspaper in half. Then everything, again, is done according to the above-described scenario. The winner will be the couple who can dance on the smallest piece of newspaper without going beyond its boundaries. In this case, it is easy to set very different rules: you can be allowed to take your partners in your arms, you can not allow it, etc.

Robot game

This the game will do for two participants. One of them will be a robot, the other a tester. First, the tester in the room (class) must hide an item that the robot must find. In this case, the tester uses the following words to command the robot: “forward”, “backward”, “right”, “left”, etc. The game ends when the robot finds the hidden thing.


You can also pick up various movable ones. One of them is “Boxing”. So, for this you will need two people who will be boxers, as well as two inflatable balls, which are given to each player. The essence of the game: you need to engage in battle not with your hands, but with balls. The winner is the player who keeps his ball in three rounds: does not burst it, does not let it go out of his hands. Another fun and quite good competition for children: the team needs to transfer apples from a full basket to an empty one. Whichever team has the most apples wins. The prize for the winners is the same apples.

Summer camp games

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Summer camp games


Before the game starts, everyone sitting in a circle reminds everyone of their name. Everyone is trying to remember each other. Then everyone begins to clap their hands together, twice on their hands, twice on their knees, in rhythm. The clapping should not stop. The first player must name two names - his own and anyone sitting in the circle - by clapping his hands. The one who hears his name skips one or two intervals (by prior agreement) and also calls his name and another after two clapping hands. Since there may be several people in the circle with the same name, arrange for the players to look at the person whose name is being called. The main thing is not to disrupt the general rhythm of clapping and not to stop. Then you can make the game more difficult by eliminating intervals. For example, one-two, Sveta-Lena, one-two, Lena-Misha, one-two, Misha-Olya, etc.

If one of the participants made a mistake and did not have time to join in time, his name is replaced with a nickname. Usually the first one gets the nickname "brake" or "teapot". Thus, now this person needs to be called not by his name, but by his nickname.

Squad traditions

Guys of any age really like it if their squad is different from others. Some distinctive signs, attributes, their own chants, their own, unique way of walking - the guys come up with all this with pleasure, you just need to help them get started. It would be nice to come up with an interesting name for the squad on the first day. Based on the famous line “whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” The squad's name should be beautiful and speak for itself. Based on the name, you can arrange a detachment place.

There are many forms of working with a squad. One of them is alternating creative assignments (ACAs). With its help, you can diversify your daily life, organize a squad and quickly make friends with children.

At the beginning of the shift, the squad is divided into permanent groups. This can be done by drawing lots or by playing. For example, using sociometry or the “leader” game. You have five leaders. You announce that you will now be divided into five ship crews. The captains stand in a row and take turns recruiting their team. First boatswains, then pilots, radio operators, cooks, sailors. The last ones are the cabin boys. (Variations: tree (root, trunk, leaves, flower)). It is better if not one person recruits the group, but the first - the second, the second - the third, etc. In this case, you will take into account the children’s desire to be together, and the groups will most likely turn out to be equal. After dividing into groups, it is better to conduct a small CTD (creative activity) with them or simply give them a small task. And only then announce that the group will work in this composition for the entire shift. Let the guys choose the name of the group, based on the name of the detachment, and the commander, who will ensure that no one in the group is offended, that everyone is included in the work. The commander is also responsible for carrying out the assignment.

Assignments should be constant throughout the shift, but if one of them does not work, it should be replaced. Instructions change in a circle every other day or every day, at your discretion.

We offer you the following instructions for private emergency situations

Group “Hosts”. This group monitors the cleanliness in and around the building throughout the day, brings drinking water, pours soup at lunch, receives guests, if any.

Group “Comfort”. During the period of its work, the “Comfort” group must make some contribution to the design of the detachment’s place, make it a little more comfortable, homely, more beautiful.

Group “Surprise”. Already based on the name, it is clear that the squad should not guess what this group is up to. During the day, or at the evening “light”, the guys of this group must surprise the squad with some pleasant surprise. A small creative performance, or gifts for everyone - whatever. Maybe it’s someone’s birthday - the “Surprise” group should take care of the congratulations.

Group “Master”. This group should replenish the squad’s stock of souvenirs with which you reward the guys during squad activities. Let it be 3-4 crafts, but they must be well done.

Group “Chronicle”. To ensure a long lasting memory of the shift, you can keep a chronicle of the detachment. The group that is carrying out this assignment today must describe yesterday and colorfully design the page of the chronicle.

Group “ChP”. It is impossible to predict all orders. This group carries out any assignment that arises during the day. Prepares firewood for the evening fire or draws a welcome poster for parent's day- the counselor must come up with this.

ChTP is a system of work. If you take this form, do not forget to allocate an hour and a half every day to work in groups and at each morning planning meeting remind the groups what assignment they are doing today. At the evening “light” the work of each group is necessarily discussed. The work should not go unnoticed. If you decide to introduce competition in the squad, then the work on the CTP can be assessed. But it’s worth competing if you can ultimately offer the guys something, and somehow reward them at the end of the shift. It’s better if the guys work not for points, but out of interest.

Children at camp. Age characteristics.

The camp, as we have already said, is a completely different world - a world where average age The residents are much less than 18 and the largest age difference hardly reaches 10 years, but each age has its own characteristics that you need to know and take into account in your work. There are also games that are aimed at specific ages. This is completely justified on the one hand, but on the other hand it is worth keeping in mind that even the most adult game Can be adapted for little ones. And children's games for the little ones go off with a bang for adults without any changes.

Young children (4-8 years old)

Children are just like us, just a little different.

In this phrase we expressed the main, in our opinion, idea of ​​this section. Not quite clear? Then let's try to explain. A child, no matter how old he is, is a person. If you accept this statement, then understanding the rest is much easier. Accept children as they are. You don’t need to treat them like adults; at best, a small child simply won’t understand you. But it’s probably not worth considering them as aliens from another planet either.

Children have a great need to learn and discover. A child (especially a small one) strives to perceive ideas that are new to him, he is pleased to respond to them, and he just needs to present these ideas in a form that is understandable to him. Try to use language, ideas and imagery that will be understood small child. Games, fairy tales, stories - this is what you need.

It is very important to be sincere when working and communicating with children. The child instantly feels falsehood and pretense. And of course, you need to love children, otherwise why work in the camp at all. You will torture yourself, and you will torture your children.

And now our specific advice and wishes.

You probably already know that young children are hyperactive; in addition, they are also extremely changeable. A 6-8 year old child cannot do one thing for a long time; he needs to switch. Therefore, try to alternate between calm and active games. If you have a big event planned for three hours, it is important that it is filled with as many different toys as possible.

Young children are very susceptible and find it difficult, unlike, say, teenagers, to resist the opinion of an adult. That is why the worst option is to force a child to do something (do you like it when you are forced?.. so and so!). We are closer to another method, which is called non-directive. It can be presented in three stages:




There is no need to be intimidated by the terms, because in fact everything is simple. Acceptance means that it is important for the counselor to understand the child’s internal state. Find out: how does he feel? what's his mood? does he want to play, and if so, what? etc. Adjustment only means that the event should be carried out taking into account the needs of the child at the moment. Let us explain the term management with an example. Suppose you have a bloody nose and need to prepare for a squad evening, and energy flows out of the children like a fountain. In this case, it is reasonable to start by playing some kind of game that makes it possible to release excess of this energy, for example, Hippodrome. And then smoothly move on to the main event. Those. try to do something not OVER the children, but TOGETHER with them.

Children love all kinds of secrets, and one way to attract their attention is to say something like: “Guys, I’ll tell you a secret, but no one else should know it.”

Children enjoy games that alternate between silence and noise. Games where you can scream and scream usually go off with a bang.

Of the entire range of games that a counselor can know, educational games are of particular value. For young children, these are various games and competitions where they can use all their senses, for example, the “Let’s Crunch” game, when the child is blindfolded and allowed to guess by sound what the other participants are eating right now: an apple, chips or cabbage.

The game will be more fun if it has a melody and repeating lyrics. In general, play more often any games that combine movement, melody and rhythm.

It’s very good if the squad has some kind of mascot, it can be any fictional creature, or some kind of toy, preferably a soft one. With its help, a counselor can solve many problems: from how to put a child to sleep, to how to distract him from missing his parents.

There are a lot of games that you can play with young children. We have listed only a few of the most characteristic ones, in our opinion. These games are good because you can play them with participants of different ages. In general, almost any game can be adapted to be played with children of any age, you just need to have a little desire and a drop of imagination. In some games, materials are a necessary factor, but sometimes, on the contrary, having some object at hand, you can come up with many new games. If you have, for example, balloons on hand, then you will always find something to keep little children occupied.

Games for little ones



Time: 5 minutes.

Number of participants: 10 or more.

Venue: any.

Participants either stand or sit in a circle.

Presenter: “Show me your hands and your knees. Does everyone have two knees? Then go ahead! We will now take part in horse racing at the hippodrome. Repeat after me".

Participants repeat the movements after the leader. "The horses went to the start (clap-clap-clap discordantly on the knees). They stopped at the start. They hesitated (we quietly clap). To the start, attention, march! The race has begun (we quickly clap on the knees). Barriers (we raise our hands as if we were hovering over barrier). Stone road (we hit our chests with our fists). Through the swamp (we pull our cheeks). Sand (three palms against palm).

Finish line (very fast). Hooray!"


Target: unloading, release of energy, “shout.”

Time: 5-8 min.

Number of participants: from 10 or more.

Location: any.

Everyone sits on chairs (stands in a circle). Chairs are placed around the room at a large distance from each other so that you can run around (if everyone is standing in a circle, you can squat). Everyone gets the role of “kolobok” and some other role (grandfather, woman, fox, wolf, bear, path) so that each participant has at least two roles. The presenter begins the fairy tale: “Once upon a time there lived grandfather and grandmother (those who are “grandfather” and “woman” must run around their chairs) in a small house. And once the grandfather (runs around) asked the grandmother (runs around) to bake a bun (everyone runs around their chairs)... etc., the story goes with a gradual increase in the use of the word “kolobok” (“And the fox said to the bun”: “ Kolobok, Kolobok, ruddy little Kolobok, I will eat you, Kolobok..." and at some point the guys will no longer have time to run - the game ends by itself.

(You can tell the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok” for variety)

All for sausage!

Target: unloading, release of energy, “shout” (it’s good to spend it while waiting to enter the dining room).

Time: 5-15 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 20.

Location: any (better outside, on the grass).

The players are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other. Everyone gets numbers. (For example, each team has 5 people, which means there are two first numbers, two second, etc.). The teams take five steps apart. The counselor places some object in the middle (this is a “sausage”).

As soon as team members hear their number, they must rush forward and grab the sausage.

"On the sausage... second!" The team that is faster gets a point.


Target: development of attention and reaction speed.

Time: 8-10 min.

Number of participants: from 10 or more.

Location: any.

Everyone stands (or sits) in a circle. The presenter shows two identical objects. They need to be passed around quickly. The one who has two of them at once is eliminated.

If there are more than 20 participants, you can introduce three fleas.

Role-playing game: “Theater”


Time: 8-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Location: any.

At the beginning of the game, roles are assigned. We name and distribute the roles (curtain, king, queen, maid of honor, maid of honor's dog, etc.) The presenter says: “Now we are staging a play. In order for a performance to turn out well, it must be rehearsed. The curtain goes up (whack-whack, the “curtain” runs across the stage in both directions). No not like this! Again!"

“Well, it's okay now. The king has gone.”

“No, not like that. All over again.” And so on. Thus, the presenter portrays himself as a very picky director who forces everyone to do everything again. You can repeat it by changing the genre.

Role-playing game: “Home”

Target: development of attention and speed of reaction, unloading.

Time: 8-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Location: any.

Host: “Let's build a house! The house has a roof, right? Who wants to be the roof? Who wants to be the walls (2 people)?

There is a window in the house, isn't there? Who wants to be a window? And he sits by the window all the time fluffy cat...Who will be the cat?

A large cactus stands alone on the window... Who will be the cactus?

The cat sits and sees that it has suddenly started to rain. Who is our rain?

A cat came out onto the porch... Who's on our porch? ...take a closer look. She saw a frog. Who's the frog? Then the wind appeared and drove away the rain, etc.” (the fairy tale must have a good ending).

There should be enough roles for everyone or almost everyone.

The game creates a cheerful, but not very excited mood, and is also an indicator of the situation in the group - people most often choose a role that is in tune with their inner state (hence, the roles should be of different types so that everyone finds the right one for themselves).

9-11 years

This age is characterized by internal balance, cheerfulness, and a desire for active activity. At this age, children easily come into contact with peers and adults.

They are very receptive to all sorts of rituals, they are fascinated Team work. But they definitely need success and encouragement; if they fail, they lose interest in activities.

For this age, role-playing games and competitions will be the most suitable.

12-15 years

Around the age of 12-13, a child becomes a teenager, and this means a lot for himself and for the people around him. As a result of all the physiological and emotional changes, the teenager’s attention turns to himself. He becomes more sensitive and shy. He gets upset over the slightest defect, exaggerating its significance (a girl with freckles may think that they disfigure her). A small feature of the structure of his body or the functioning of his body immediately convinces the boy that he is not like everyone else, that he is worse than others. A teenager changes so quickly that it is difficult for him to figure out what he is. His movements become angular because he cannot yet control his new body as easily as before; similarly, at first it is difficult for him to manage his new feelings. The teenager is easily offended by comments. At some moments he feels like an adult, wise from life experience and wants others to treat him accordingly. But the next minute he feels like a child and feels the need for protection and maternal affection.

On kind word and an offer to help, the teenager will often respond with ostentatious rudeness and coldness, but for a long time they will remember how he was praised as the most responsible in the squad and it was he who was told that he could become good athlete in future.

Boys and especially girls fall in love with different people, most often literary and film characters, and not necessarily of the opposite sex. For example, a boy may admire his teacher, a girl may fall madly in love with her teacher or a literary heroine. This is because for many years, girls and boys stuck to the company of members of their own sex, and considered members of the opposite sex to be theirs. natural enemies. This barrier is being overcome slowly. When a teenager first dares to entertain tender thoughts about a person of the opposite sex, it usually turns out to be a movie star. After a while, boys and girls hanging out together begin to dream about each other, but even then it will be a long time before the shyest ones find the courage to express their affection to their faces.

You can help kids express their affection openly through play. A great way is to hold a grand show “Love at first sight” at the end of the shift.

Another feature of this age is the formation of one’s own point of view. A person at that age has his own opinion about everything. He strives to determine his place in the team, and is very worried about what others think of him.

It is common for teenagers to form informal groups.

Dating games


Target: development of attention, familiarity.

Time: 10-15 min.

Number of participants: from 10 to 40.

Location: any, but participants must sit together in a circle.

The counselor explains the rules: “Friends, now we will try to get to know everyone together. To do this, you need to be very attentive. The rules of our game are as follows: the first person says his name. His neighbor says the name of the first and his. The neighbor of the neighbor says the name of the first, the second and his . And so on".

1 person Peter;

2 people Petya, Vasya;

3 people Petya, Vasya, Lena;

4 people Petya, Vasya, Lena, Olya...

It is advisable that the counselor be the last and correctly name all the children’s names without errors (winning the favor of the group).

Variants of this game:

1. say your name and make some movement;

2. name + word with which you are associated;

3. name + word, object that you like starting with the same letter.


Target: development of communication skills, acquaintance.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 24 to 30.

Venue: in a spacious room.

Materials: sheets of paper with a picture of a large clock for each group member, pens, 14 conversation topics prepared in advance.

The presenter gives each participant a watch. A few minutes are given for everyone to make appointments for each other at a certain time and write down the name of their friend next to the certain time. You can't date the same person twice.

All show hours with filled divisions.

The counselor announces: “It’s one o’clock in the afternoon and at one o’clock in the afternoon we talk about what kind of music we like. You have 3 minutes.” The guys find a person with whom they have an appointment for an hour and chat with him about music.

“And now it’s 2 o’clock. And we’re talking about how we were getting ready for camp yesterday and what our relatives told us goodbye,” etc.

Tell me about your neighbor

Target: acquaintance.

Time: 60 min (depending on the number of participants).

Number of participants: from 10 to 30.

Age: from 12 years old.

Location: in a spacious room.

The guys are sitting in a circle. The counselor invites them to look carefully at their neighbor on the right and try to guess what he is like in life (or what he was like at 5 years old, what he will be like when he is 30 years old). Then everyone tells.

Educational games

Games for concentration

The age is not limited, the number of participants is not limited, the duration is usually no more than five minutes. Such games are good to play at the beginning of such an activity, when you need to attract the attention of children.


All participants sit in a circle. The task is to clap everyone's hands in turn as quickly as possible so that it happens very, very quickly.


All participants sit in a circle. The leader sets the rhythm by clapping his hands. The guys must repeat this rhythm in a circle, provided that everyone claps only once.


Host: "Let's listen to the silence... Count the sounds in this room. How many? What?" The guys name the sounds they heard. It's better to start with what you've heard the least.

"Count the sounds outside the room, on the street..."


The presenter shows with his hands different number fingers at a good pace. Everyone calls in chorus.

Games for attentiveness and observation

How many?

Host: “Count how many objects starting with the letter “p” (“r”, “l”, etc.) are in this room.” We call them one by one. Items should not be repeated. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Look for him

Playing with words. Participants are invited a short word. They must remember and write down in a certain time as many words as possible that contain this word. For example: poppy - hammock, cuff, relish, macaque.

Then a competition is held, everyone takes turns reading out. Can be done by command.

“Oh yes I am”(or “Kva-kva”, “Karamba” and anything else)

Presenter: “We will now take turns calling the numbers in order, but instead of numbers that are divisible by 3 (5, 7, 4) and contain three in their spelling, we will say “Karamba” (for example: 1, 2, Karamba, 4, Karamba, 7, 8, Karamba, 10, 11, Karamba, Karamba, 14,...). The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game."

You can complicate the task - take two numbers and say one word with one number, and another with the other, if they come together, then both words (for example: (numbers 3 and 5): 1, 2, Karamba, 4, Kva, Karamba , 7, 8, Karamba, Kva, 11, Karamba, Karamba, 14, Karamba-Kva [the number 15 is divided by 3 and 5],...)

Do you remember there?

Target: development of mindfulness.

Time: from 20 minutes (until you get bored).

Number of participants: from 4 to 10.

Age: from 8 years.

Location: board or floor game.

Materials: About 40 cardboard cards with the same design on every two of them (that is, 20 pairs of designs). You can make it from old magazines with your children.

Everyone sits in a circle and places the cards face up first in the center. For one minute, everyone looks carefully and tries to remember the location of the cards. Then the cards are turned over. The guys take turns walking. You can turn over any two cards in one move. If they have the same pattern, the player takes them for himself and plays again. If not, he turns them over again.

The one who has the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Target: development of mindfulness.

Time: OK. 20 minutes.

Number of participants: from 5 to 40.

Age: from 12 years old.

Location: any (participants sit in a circle).

Important! "disposable" game.

Several volunteers who have never played this game leave the room for one minute. Everyone else agrees that they will answer about their right neighbor (MPS = my right neighbor). Upon returning, the driver is told: “Now we have all made a wish for a person from our group. You need to guess who it is and decipher his code name MPS.”

Games to develop creative thinking


Target: development of imagination, theatrical abilities.

Time: 40 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: in room.

Important! The number of participants is limited, since the performance of skits takes a lot of time.

Host: “You have a dialogue:

What's happened?

Are you crazy?

What exactly is the matter?


Come up with and show a situation in which these words can be spoken."

After everything, you can compare them - how different and similar they are.

Unity games


Target: group cohesion.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 10 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: any.

Everyone stands opposite each other, and each one takes his neighbor's hand by the thumb. Your neighbor's thumb will be the joystick. The first in the chain extends his hand forward over the table. A small object (coin, earring, etc.) is placed on the table. Everyone closes their eyes except last participant teams. He controls the “joystick”, transmitting the command to the first through the other participants. The goal of the first one is to place his finger exactly on the object on the table.

The game can be played in the form of a competition. If you decide to make this game a competition, be sure to appoint independent judges so that no one cheats.


Target: creating and maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the team.

Time: from one evening to several days (the game runs in parallel with other camp events).

Number of participants: from 15 people.

Age: from 10 years.

Materials: mailbox and several sheets of colored cardboard.

Each participant in the game receives a number (this is his address). You need to make a business card with your name and number and be sure to wear it. Everyone can write different funny notes to everyone and put them in a box. Distribution of mail occurs either publicly, or with the help of special postmen (pre-selected) it is delivered directly into the hands of the addressee. The counselors should “warm up” the game by writing various funny and kind notes as much as possible more children.


Target: unity of the group, preserving the memory of the camp.

Time: whole shift.

Number of participants: squad.

Age: any.

Materials: paper, paints, markers.

This event can be called a camp tradition rather than a game. During the shift, the guys write together in the chronicle new page. They write down what happened, who distinguished themselves, and make illustrations. The main thing is not to forget to set aside time for her at least once every two days. Unfortunately, the chronicle is created in only one copy and therefore, in order to avoid offense, the counselor takes it for himself.


Target: group unity, creating a warm atmosphere.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 10 to 30.

Age: any.

Materials: ball.

Participants must throw the ball to each other and say: “Hello! You look nice today"; “ Good morning! I’m glad to see you so happy!”...

Games to identify the leader



Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: any.

Materials: rope about 6 meters long. Tie its ends so that a ring is formed (the length of the rope depends on the number of participants).

Participants stand in a circle and grab the rope, which is located inside the circle, with both hands.

Exercise: “Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle.”

First, there is a pause and complete inaction of the guys, then one of the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, calculate and then build a triangle according to serial numbers, and then directs the actions.

The practice of this game shows that leaders usually take on these functions.

You can continue the game, complicating the task, and invite the children to build a square, star, hexagon, rhombus.


Target: group unity, identifying a leader.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 20.

Age: from 13 years old.

Location: spacious room.

Presenter: “You have 4 types of movements: arms up, sit down, come to the center, spread out along the walls. Your task is to get the maximum number of people to do the same thing.”

Careful observation of the group allows you to find out who drops out, who is the leader, who obeys.

Calm games


Target: concentration.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: any.

We sit in a circle. Everyone chooses an object and begins to mentally describe it. The counselor accidentally calls someone, and he begins to voice his story out loud, from the place where he was mentally when he was called. You can ask the same person twice so that people don’t stop thinking.

Big games

We call big games in which the whole camp can participate or, according to at least, several squads. Here are the actual camp games (don't get me wrong). We would also like to remind you that any television game can be adapted to the conditions of the camp, and it goes well, since many of the children already know its rules, and have long wanted to participate. We mean such games as "Two Pianos" (in the camp a black and white piano will replace two blankets, and you can sing without accompaniment), "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When?" (only the questions need to be simpler - special collections of simple questions have now been published for fans of this game and children), “Love at First Sight”, “The Seventh Sense”, “Finest Hour”, “Leonid Yarmolnik’s Gold Rush”, etc. and so on. The main thing is to highlight the main idea of ​​a particular game and not get hung up on technical difficulties.

Search for treasure

Target: strengthening physical health children, development of intelligence, ability to work together.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 40.

Age: from 7 years.

Location: the entire camp area.

Materials: several sheets of paper, one prize.

Preparing the game: The counselor writes notes that covertly (in verse, allegorically, encrypted) describe places in the camp. Each new note sends participants to the next one. Then the counselor must hide these notes in certain places in the camp. Now you can start the game.

Each team receives the first message and sets off on a signal. Each team runs along its own route, but there is only one note with the “treasure”. You must go through all the stages. At the end the most quick command finds the final note with the inscription “Treasure” and goes to the counselor for the prize. Optimal number of teams: 3-4.

Tour of the camp, the building and its surroundings.

Target: introduce children to their territory so that they know the location of all objects that are important to them.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 40.

Age: from 7 years old.

Location: the entire camp area.

A tour of the camp is held at the very beginning of the shift. It will be much more interesting for the children if the counselors organize this walk into a fun theatrical performance full of secrets and interesting meetings. The legend needs to be thought out in advance (some New Year's version would work well). Children are divided into groups according to the number of instructors. All other adults can be made into goblins, ghosts, Santa Clauses, etc.


Target: keep children occupied and entertained, teach them to work as a team independently (without an instructor).

Time: 3 hours.

Number of participants: several units.

Age: from 12 years old.

Location: the entire camp area.

Materials: a lot of paper, whatman paper, markers, paints, tape, glue, brushes, pens, pencils, old newspapers, etc.

People: The chief secretary of the headquarters, “interesting people” (there should be at least 3 people, if there are few adults, you can involve older guys in this), at least one free instructor who goes through the groups from time to time and monitors the state of affairs.

The game is aimed at all children of the camp at once. Each unit is asked to create a newspaper.

Beginning of the game: everyone gathers in the common room. They are divided into groups (if there are no clearly defined patrols or detachments). By lot, they receive the topic of their future newspaper.

Rules of the game: Chief Secretary of the headquarters: “Now you will have exactly 2 hours at your disposal to create your newspaper. Your task is to make sure that your newspaper is the very best. In 10 minutes, this room will become the information headquarters for the game. Here you can find out about where and when will meetings with interesting people be held, with whom you can interview.For work, you will now need to take all the materials for preparing the newspaper, settle down at your workplace, select journalists, proofreaders, scribes, editor, etc. Not forget that in order for the newspaper to be read, you also need to carry out an advertising campaign. So, now we ask the groups to inform the chief secretary of the headquarters of the topics of your newspapers and go. The time has come!

For the first hour or hour and a half of the game, they must send journalists to different parts of the camp to meet with different interesting people ( interesting people portrayed by counselors and other adults). Information about meetings appears at headquarters and should change literally every 10-15 minutes.

The second hour of the game is devoted purely to designing and writing the text of the newspaper. During the game, children conduct an advertising campaign, reconnaissance forays into other editorial offices, etc.

The end date of the game must be set clearly and clearly. By this moment, all newspapers should be hanging in the common room. If the guys don't make it in time, they are not allowed to hang up the newspaper (usually this doesn't happen).

Break. Everyone reads the rivals' newspapers.

An independent commission awards prizes in several categories.


Target: creating a friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Time: from one evening to 3 days.

Number of participants: from 10 to 60 people.

Age: from 8 years.

Location: the entire camp area.

Beginning of the game: everyone writes their first and last name on a piece of paper, rolls it into a tube and puts it in their hat. Instructors must also participate in the game in order to spur the children’s imagination. They can play in their own circle or with children together.

After the hat is full, the notes in it are mixed, and everyone takes out a note from it. The person whose name is written on the note becomes a Giant for pulling it out. And for him he becomes a good Dwarf.

During the game, the gnome must give his giant good surprises, but so that he cannot guess who he is.

The game takes place in parallel with other events, but you need to remember about it and tell the whole camp about the funniest tricks of the Dwarves (well, for example, they put things in order in the Giant’s room, hung a dress on the chandelier, gave a bouquet of flowers through third parties, etc.)

At the end of the game, a ball is held at which each Dwarf gives his Giant a gift personally. This ball smoothly turns into a disco.


Target: relax actively, repeat acquired knowledge.

Time: 3 hours.

Number of participants: several units.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: Big hall.

People: leading. The presenter should have a list of questions (with reserve), rules, location of squads in the hall, location of chairs, prizes, games and chips. A scorekeeper who monitors the progress of the game very carefully and does not allow injustice. He must have a scoreboard with the current score, and he must also write down the situation for himself after each round. Musical breaks must be thought out. Accordingly, there is a musical technician. A support group wouldn't hurt. All other counselors must sit with their squads and lead them.

Before the game starts:

All units are located in a circle in strictly defined places. Circles are drawn in the center according to the number of units. Each group is given pieces of paper and pens. The guys choose a scribe, he writes the name of his squad on each piece of paper in advance. Each circle has a number. Everyone got ready. Begin!

Start and progress of the game:

The facilitator asks questions (most often these are questions about what was discussed in the previous days of the camp). The guys must write the answer quickly and legibly, and the fastest from the squad runs to the first circle. If the place in the first circle is taken, he stands in the second and raises his hand. If the second one is busy, go to the third one, etc. Assistants take the answers and help the accountant summarize. Questions can range from 10 to...

The game usually takes place in the late afternoon, but not very late. In order for this game to go well, you need a lively leader who reacts to the situation, good musical breaks, lively leaders in the squads and a fair summing up. Yes, the most important thing is a lot of prizes! Almost everyone!

Station game.

A special place among big games The game takes place by station. It is distinguished by its versatility. Its appearance can be completely changed by changing the theme and form of presentation. But for this game to be successful, you need to determine the main points of its implementation: Goal. Subject. Place. Materials. Methods of implementation. Time.


1. entertain,

2. teach

3. create a mood,

4. make you think,

5. calm down.


Find out for yourself.


The location should be consistent with the theme and purpose.


The main thing and, perhaps, the only thing: the materials must be thought out in advance and should be there.

Methods of implementation.

The counselor himself does not participate in the game, he only organizes the children.

There must be a plan for the movement of groups over time. This plan must be followed, otherwise the movement of everyone will be disrupted.

One or two counselors should specifically ensure that no one gets lost, so that each group knows where to go.

If the stations are far from each other, you need to think about what to do along the way.

There are two options for playing the game at stations: counselors go to squads, squads go to squad places to visit other squads.

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Today, children's camps are very popular among children and their parents. Each children's health camp has its own recreation program, which implies the correct daily routine, physical activity, healthy diet, amateur performances, competitions and of course fun camp activitiesgames.

First, first!

All interested children stand in a circle and receive numbers clockwise: first, second, third, etc. Then everyone together begins to clap their hands rhythmically, twice on their hands, twice on their knees. The clapping should not stop. The first player must say his number twice when he claps his knees, and twice the other person's number when he claps his hands. The one who hears his number also calls out his number and the number of the other participant with two claps on the knees. The main thing in the game is not to disrupt the general rhythm of clapping and not to stop. Whoever gets lost goes to the end and gets the last number. All numbers change accordingly, so you need to be careful.


Two players enter into a game agreement - from then on they keep an eye on each other. Every time one of the players sits down, he must say “Sitting!” If a player sits down and does not say “I’m sitting,” then the opponent, no matter where he is, sticks out his thumb and shouts the word “I’m sitting” so that the opponent hears and starts counting. Another player must run up and “press” his finger so that the counting stops. This happens several times, the count is added up until it reaches one hundred. Whoever counts his opponent to one hundred first wins.

A military secret

During the shift, two people must answer each other’s questions “military secret” before saying the answer. If a player forgets, a score is kept. Before the game, the participants agree how long they will play. Basically, up to five “mistakes” are played.


The squad is divided into small teams of 3-5 people. The counselors hand out prepared pieces of paper with tasks to everyone in advance and set deadlines for their completion, for example, “before dinner,” etc. The team must complete the instructions written on the piece of paper and return to the “headquarters” (to the counselors). The team that returns first and completes all tasks correctly is considered the winner. At the end of the competition, all teams must return, regardless of the tasks completed. Tasks can be of the following nature: find out from the leader of such and such a detachment, Marya Ivanovna, what her favorite dish is, count the number of windows in the canteen building, etc.

Strong chains

Children are divided into two equal teams. Members of each team line up holding hands. The first team asks: “Whose soul do you want?” The second team calls the name of a player from the first team: “Vasya!” Vasya's goal is to break the chain of the other team. He takes off and runs at the opponents, if he manages to break the chain, then he takes one of the players to his team with him, and if not, then he remains with the opponents. Then the second team asks: “Whose soul do you want?” and so on. At the end of the game, one chain should be formed.

Hello, I'm a locomotive!

The players stand in a circle, one of them is chosen as a locomotive. Then the locomotive runs in and around the circle, eventually running up to one of the players, and, stopping, says: “Hello, I’m a locomotive!” The player, to whom the locomotive “drove up,” repeats his words, with the same intonation, then calls himself (by name), and he himself becomes the locomotive, and the old locomotive his carriage. Then they run by train, and this continues until all the players introduce themselves and become one train.

Let's go North

The players stand in a circle, one player is designated as the leader. The leader declares that he is going to the North, and that he will take with him only those who take with them the “right” item. Next, each of the players in turn must say what exactly he will take with him to the North. The presenter answers whether he takes this person with him or not. The game lasts until everyone guesses on what basis they are taken or not taken on a trip. And the sign is very simple - the leader takes those whose first letter of the name coincides with the first letter of the name of the object he names. However, the sign may be different, for example, you can take only those who add “please” to their phrase or say hello, it all depends on the imagination of the presenter.

What will you do with the item?

Children sit in a circle and the driver names any word or object. The next player in turn must say what he will do with this item, then the other participant also says how he will use this item, but repetition is not allowed. When the turn returns to the leader, he calls a new word. The participant who hesitates or cannot give an answer leaves the game. Example of a game: the driver says the word brush, then the first player says “I will clean my shoes with a brush,” the second player continues, “I will wipe the dust with this brush,” etc.

Guess faster!

Participants are given 10 pieces of paper, on each of which they must write a name. famous person. It could be like real people, as well as heroes of films and cartoons, for example, “Cheburashka”, “Sofia Rotaru”, “Yuri Gagarin” and others. The leaves are rolled up and thrown into a hat or box prepared for collecting notes. When each participant has written all 10 personalities, all the papers are shuffled.

Players are divided into pairs. It is most convenient if the partners sit opposite each other. The task of the gaming pairs is to guess as many personalities written on pieces of paper as possible during the game.

The hat with notes always goes in a circle and goes one by one to the players from different couples. The participant who received the hat makes sure that his partner is prepared to listen carefully. It takes 30 seconds and during this time the player must pull out the notes one by one, unfold them and explain to his partner what kind of name is written in the note without saying this name. The partner must quickly figure out who is in the note and say his name as soon as possible. Then the next note is pulled out and explained to the partner in the same way.

The more personalities a couple can guess in 30 seconds, the better. If the identity cannot be guessed, the note is dropped back into the mass for the next player. Moving around the circle, the hat with notes goes to one participant in the pair, then to the other. Those pieces of paper whose names are guessed are put in one place, and at the end of the game, when all the notes have been sorted out, the pairs count the number of pieces of paper. Whoever has the most wins!

Prepared by Anna Suslova
