How to make sure you dream what you want. How to see the dream you want to see: dream programming, necessary procedures, preparation, control and management of dreams Programming the subconscious in a dream

- Limitless possibilities of the subconscious;
- How the subconscious works;
- How to change your lifestyle - what affects the subconscious during sleep;
- The parable of the good and evil wolf;
- Sleep exercises that will help change your lifestyle by influencing the subconscious.

Limitless possibilities of the subconscious

Studying the subconscious is always an amazing journey into the fantastic and inexplicable world of the unconscious processes of the universe. And now you have to plunge into this amazing, but very difficult to comprehend galaxy of invisible images, in which lie riddles, changes in a person’s lifestyle and answers to any questions that your imagination can come up with. But, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to fully absorb and ideally comprehend everything that will be written here.

Surprisingly, the functionality of the human subconscious is so intangible, unproven and inexplicable that it is difficult to even imagine where its limits could end - most of all, that they do not exist at all. It sounds fantastic, but just imagine that each of us, ideally, should now be able to directly read information from energy field Earth, which allows you to solve and even accurately imagine any riddles or events that have ever occurred on our planet, without learning to fully understand all sorts of sciences and even see exactly everything to which certain current actions can lead us in the future . And it is completely incomprehensible why today the overwhelming majority of people almost completely lose the ability to interact with all these subconscious processes, because by all indications, absolutely each of us from childhood should be able to work with them without any obstacles or “intermediaries.” ". But, unfortunately, today everything is happening the other way around, and this relationship only occasionally manifests itself in the form of indirect, vague and unfounded clues (intuition and the like), and even then, only in the most emotional moments of life. And yet, although we are not aware of much and are not able to completely control it, we can make all these processes work for us. Even in a dream, the subconscious can change our lifestyle and each of us has the right to take advantage of this.

About working with the subconscious

Friends, I understand that perhaps for many of you everything written here will seem fantastic, especially if you are hearing about it for the first time, but in fact this is not fiction, but real reality. When I began to absorb information of this kind, I also could not fully understand and comprehend everything. I just had to trust the authority of those sources from whom I was lucky enough to learn about all this. You can also search for multiple documentaries proving and exploring these processes, or read books by popular authors such as Valery Sinelnikov, Joseph Murphy, John Kehoe, or the same Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and many others.

Subconscious is a limitless repository of information and our beliefs. By rummaging through it we can find any event that has ever happened to us; and it doesn’t matter whether it was significant for us or not, whether we paid attention to it or perceived it unconsciously. And even when something happens to a person during sleep, the subconscious is still not asleep and this information will definitely be saved on his “Server” :). Each person is a kind of endless information repository that not only stores everything that has ever happened to him, but also interacts with the collective or general information unconscious field of the whole world.

Any discovery or work of art is still the same work of the subconscious, which found the necessary information from existing information or launched new process finding answers to the necessary questions. If we directly address the unconscious, then any question and any intention will not remain completely unresolved, even the most sophisticated ideas will certainly find a response in the universe, but the question is different - will we be able to perceive them after that, realize, hear, understand, because the process mutual exchange is almost completely blocked by the negative side of our consciousness. And yet, quite often, the answers still make their way to people. If we read about the most famous inventors, we learn for ourselves that each of their grandiose discoveries came to them as an insight, as an accident or during sleep. All the ideas came to them completely unexpectedly and mostly at the moment when they were no longer thinking about the task at hand. But before that, they had to devote a lot of their energy to thinking and searching for answers, which is how they launched subconscious processes. But notice, during their research and reflection, the answers to difficult questions didn't show up. They came at a completely different time and completely out of nowhere. An unfounded idea simply appeared in their thoughts, which later turned out to be exactly the desired answer, over which they racked their brains to no avail. This process was very well manifested in the way Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein worked on their inventions. They knew the main secrets of this process and used it effectively, as they themselves confirmed. The same applies to works of art - muse, inspiration, and so on and so forth.

In view of all this, I am increasingly inclined to the conclusion that the world already has almost any of the possible options manifestations of events and answers to all kinds of human questions or desires. By at least, we can assume that it is 95% accurate - after all, only now humanity is coming to understand that many others lived before our civilization, some of which were many times more developed than ours, and they simply could not help but ask those questions, the answers to which we are searching today and will continue to search in the future. And, nevertheless, it is unlikely that the subconscious vessel will ever be filled to 100% - the universe is something infinite and intangible, and a person’s thought is even more infinite and cannot be limited by anything other than conscious beliefs in the limitations of itself individual. From all this, only one conclusion follows - in space there already exist infinite billions of possible options for the development of events in our world. future life, we are mentally already where we would like to be and where we would not like to be, as well as in many other situations. But the question remains: where exactly do we want to go, what questions do we want to get answers to, and what subconscious images will we fill our unconscious with? It is this set of images that will be reflected in reality. We just direct our subconscious along one path or another. Everything we want to create or come up with has already been invented, we just need to take it, find it or direct it. That is, direct your subconscious, through our thoughts, onto the path we need, where from the infinite space of options it will find exactly what we are thinking about so intensely. This process is described very well by Vadim Zeland in the book “Reality Transurfing”.

How to change your lifestyle - subconscious during sleep

If we want change your lifestyle, we need to radically change our thoughts that shape our beliefs. Beliefs are what guide our subconscious. If we are sure that we are sick and every day we are getting worse, our subconscious will begin to block the healing functions of the body and suppress the immune system. If, on the contrary, we are sure that every moment we are getting better and better, then day and night our body will recover and heal. No matter what we are sick with, in any case we will be absolutely healthy if we are completely convinced of this.

The subconscious is always working, regardless of whether we are asleep or awake. It constantly does its programmed work. During sleep, the activity of the subconscious mind increases significantly. This happens due to the fact that at this time our consciousness is asleep and does not interfere with the work. The constant imposition of conscious ever-changing beliefs, anxieties, fears, limitations, desires and identifications ceases. And our subconscious begins to work without interference only with the most basic functions of restoring the body, as well as with the most powerful and effective ones. this moment beliefs that occupied all our thoughts while awake, and which the subconscious will try to display/attract into real life or provide you with hints to implement them yourself. These beliefs will be mostly positive and constructive, unless you become too immersed in negative experiences during your conscious waking hours. But, unfortunately, this is exactly what happens to the majority of people alive today. And it’s still nice to know that the subconscious will try to work only with positive and favorable beliefs until the end. After all, our external and internal world, the universe itself and in general everything around us is always abundance, prosperity, healing, multiplication. From one grain grows tens, hundreds and thousands of others just like it. Millions of thoughts, desires and ideas flow from one dream. One cell multiplies into an infinity of others just like it. But there is one main “but”: try with all your might not to allow very strong and long-lasting negative beliefs to lurk inside you (fear, anxiety, anger, hatred, horror, resentment, jealousy, and so on), because such a moment may come. when the subconscious begins to perceive only them. And then only everything bad will increase in size, because of which you actually began to suffer.
To add to the above, there is one very good parable that goes something like this:

Parable of the Wolf You Feed

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.
- There is a constant struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of those two wolves.

Not far from them, two large animals fought in a fight, one was white, and the second was black.
“One wolf represents evil,” said the old Indian, “envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies, doubt.” The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty, confidence.
The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:
- Which wolf wins in the end?
The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:
- And the wolf you feed always wins.

Exercises for programming the subconscious in a dream

Bedtime is the most best time so that you can influence your subconscious, because it is at this time that your consciousness, which is an obstacle to instilling new beliefs, is fast asleep. So if you want change lifestyle, you need to change your beliefs, and the easiest way to do this is during sleep. There are several ways in which we can use our sleep constructively:
  • - Repeating affirmations in a conscious state as you prepare for sleep. Continue repeating the affirmations until you fall asleep. As you fall asleep, your subconscious mind will begin to process your affirmations more efficiently. Every day your affirmations will sink deeper and deeper into your subconscious, slowly but surely working on your beliefs. After a few months, as your subconscious becomes addicted to your affirmations, it will begin to lead you in seemingly disjointed steps toward fulfilling your affirmations. And all this will happen without the participation of your consciousness or intentional actions on your part.
  • - Visualization before bed. Visualization is the most in a known way achieving your goals and . When you go to bed, simply close your eyes and relax your body. Start visualizing your desires and goals. If you visualize in daytime, you need to go in and out of trance. At night, you do not need to leave this state. Your subconscious mind accepts your visualized images like affirmations, and also, after about a few months, begins to act. If you fall asleep too quickly during visualization, try visualizing while sitting in a chair. After about 20 minutes of the visualization process, go to your bed in the same sleepy state and continue to sleep. So, your subconscious mind will take note of the visualized images.
  • - Using audio recordings (you can find out more about this and special audio materials in the article ""): one of the best ways influence on the subconscious is listening to audio recordings during sleep. Record your affirmations on audio media and turn on the player before going to bed. As stated above, during sleep, your consciousness turns off. Thus, during the entire period of your sleep, the subconscious will be under the influence of your affirmations, gradually changing your beliefs. Soon after this, you will begin to notice changes.

For many years, scientists have been trying to find an explanation of what sleep is and what its nature is. At the same time, despite many studies and experiments, not a single person can one hundred percent certainty to tell what the subjects seen in night dreams actually are.

There are two main theories. According to one of them, dreams are only part of the work of the human brain. Scientists believe that when a person rests, in this way the consciousness processes the experiences and events experienced during the day. But there are also adherents of another theory, confident that dreams are a path to another reality, Parallel Worlds. In any case, there are many people interested in how to have the dream you want to have.

general information

Most often, we do not control the plots of night visions. Moreover, few people remember what they saw during this period. Of course, it may happen that the dream remains in memory. Now there are many dream books that decipher the symbolism of the pictures seen in night dreams. But many are not interested in simply observing events.

They want to control them, try to control them prophetic dreams, in a word, use them as a real working tool to achieve your own goals. So, how do you see the dream you want to see? Now there are many techniques using which you can achieve the desired result. In any case, towards implementation lucid dream you need to be well prepared.


To program a special dream, you definitely need to organize yourself the right emotional attunement. Before going to bed, about a couple of hours before going to bed, a person should not feel anxious or worried. It is very important not to overload the body with physical and emotional stress.

Also, experts do not recommend eating heavy or unhealthy foods, and you should not drink drinks that have tonic properties. This is very important if you are wondering how to have the dream you want to have. To relieve tension, it is recommended to take a bath or do the activity that most calms you down and makes your state harmonious.

Algorithm of actions

The very first thing to do is to decide what exactly a person wants to see in the plot of his night dreams. Moreover, there is no need to imagine and think through every detail of the future vision. It’s easy enough to decide important point, which must be present in it. In other words, if you think “I want to see a loved one in a dream,” then you just need to imagine him and concentrate all your attention on him.

The same applies to problems that a person wants to solve with the help of a dream. It is very important at the time of this manipulation to turn off all technology and equipment that may distract from the process. And you should not use a computer, TV or other devices that transmit information. As soon as you lie down, you need to get comfortable and start concentrating on what you have in mind.

How to induce the dream you want to see

If a person wants to achieve an effect in which sleep will seem to be on order, one should not be overly tired before this. That is, you cannot lie down and immediately fall asleep; there must be time to formulate an idea. You need to lie down comfortably, relax and concentrate all your attention on the planned plot.

When you wake up, you should also not make sudden movements, urgently get out of bed and run somewhere to do your business. Relax, lie down for a while and try to remember all the details that you dreamed about. There are several techniques to help you figure out how to see the dream you want to see.

Exposure to sound

Human senses continue to perceive surrounding sounds, smells, etc. Therefore, to program certain pictures in night dreams, you can use sound. You can ask someone to play a ringtone while you sleep, or set a timer on your device. In the nineties of the last century, a study program was popular foreign language, developed by Davydova, based on the same principle.

But this method is quite dangerous and should not be used as entertainment. The thing is that programming of this type affects the deep layers of the psyche, and an incorrectly selected melody can negatively affect a person’s consciousness. There is even a risk of emotional destruction when using melodies that are negative in nature. Self-determination How a recording will affect consciousness is not always effective, so be careful.


One of the options for how to program the dream you want to see is to concentrate on a key object. It could be an object or a person. For example, you want to see wolves in a dream. To do this, it is worth reading a lot about these animals, looking at their images and thinking about the information received. Over time, this will definitely be reflected in the dream. Regular use this method not only allows you to project animals into dreams, but also allows you to develop new skills, habits and abilities through the plot.

Question to yourself

There is one interesting method, which will help make dreams more lucid. To implement it, you need to constantly ask yourself the question of whether you are dreaming and try to answer it immediately. At first it will sound only in the real world, but over time the subconscious will provoke it in a dream. This technique helps not only to realize that you are in an altered state, but also to project the desired plot.

Lucid dreaming

This technique is probably the best for designing own dreams. Main skill What is needed to master it is the ability to instantly distinguish the dream from the real world. Understanding this fact allows you to create what happens around you with the power of thought. In night dreams, almost anything is possible, so such training will allow you to become omnipotent in an altered state, move anywhere, see different people and much more.

Prophetic dreams: “I want to see the future in my dreams!”

To get an answer to your question or see what is coming, it is enough to use the techniques described above. But as plot programming, simply state the question that bothers you. To better fix information in the subconscious, it is better to make it material. This means that before going to bed you should write it on a piece of paper, for example: “I want to see my future husband in a dream.” Before you try to see the future, you should first practice reproducing simpler tasks in your dreams, for example, seeing a chair or your favorite dog.

Remembering a dream

Every person should understand that simply ordering a dream and seeing it is not enough. We may have several dreams during the night, but we remember only the most recent one, and not always. And if our goal is to see a special plot, then how will we know whether we succeeded or not if we do not learn to retain dreams in memory? Experts recommend trying to program yourself to wake up after completing the planned plot.

If this is successful, then you should not jump out of bed, you should lie quietly, trying to think through and remember all the details. But the surest option in in this case there will be a recording of the story. Place a piece of paper with a pen or a voice recorder near you. And as soon as you wake up, write down everything you can remember. Our brain is designed in such a way that it puts the plots of dreams into the background in the very first place.

9 simple ways dream programming

Always go to bed thinking about success! Today on the blog in the “” section, we will look at 9 simple ways and desires, with the help of thoughts, that can help you find success in any area of ​​your life, gain confidence, lose weight, be healthy, rich and happy. All this can be achieved by simply changing your thoughts before you fall asleep and you're done!

"Our dreams and our sleep are our second life" wrote Gerard de Nerval in his book, "Aurelia".

Considering that we spend a third of our lives sleeping, it is clear that the second life is a time of great ideas, decisions and creative insights. And I think everyone would like to use this time well. Today there are a lot of methods that teach “How to get enough sleep in three hours” and so on, and saving on sleep may be right. But perhaps not. In this article we will discover and learn simple ways .

By putting these methods into practice every day, you will learn how to maximum benefit use your sleep. You will learn how to program your sleep to achieve absolutely any goals and desires. Perhaps this makes you ironic and seems unlikely to you. But when you finish reading this article, you will understand that it is really easy and simple.

So, here are 9 proven simple methods that you can use when you go to sleep and dream.

1. Look at the fire.

This method has brought many brilliant ideas into the minds of people since the days when people still lived in caves and wore furs! When a person looks at the flickering fire in the fireplace, the person's mind, carefully examining the flame, is able to concentrate on any problem that you want to solve, or you simply want to have fresh ideas. Allow yourself to relax and have a calm train of thought, letting your thoughts explore everything you know about the area or problem. The flickering fire will be a lull for your brain, and in a sleepy state of reverie, it promotes creative work.

2 The power of sleep.

When you feel during the day that you are overtired. Give yourself a 10-20 minute nap. Thomas Edison used this technique to free up his brain and access his superconscious mind, which always stores a ton of ideas. He sat in a comfortable chair, clutching a handful of bearings in his hand, and starting to doze off, he thought about the project being created, and how it works. When he fell asleep, his hand would relax, and a handful of bearings would fall with a crash to the floor, waking him up.

By doing this, he cultivated within himself the ability to remain in a creative state. Since most creative alpha states are between the waking state and sleep. Many of his most brilliant ideas and discoveries came to him this way.

3 Keep a dream diary.

An unexplored dream is like a closed letter. You should keep a dream diary and immediately write down everything you remember when you wake up. At first, you may remember vague parts of the dream. But soon you will begin to remember more and more, and your dreams and dreams will become rich in colorful detail. This practice gives your subconscious a message: “I am listening!”, and it will begin to work with you, and give you valuable information and symbols and signs that can help you in your real life. Remember, the subconscious and conscious are your servants, and they are there to help you and are happy when you pay attention to them!

Paul McCartney the most famous song “Yesterday”, I dreamed about. He woke up and recorded it, and recorded it, and it went on to become one of the hits and helped build a fortune.

Mozart used this technique, and one day he woke up with an entire symphony playing in his head. A symphony which he successfully recorded. Kekula dreamed of the formula of benzene, Mendeleev dreamed of it periodic table.

You have heard many times about large quantities amazing discoveries made in dreams. But the amazing thing is that to do something like this in a dream, you have to be asleep. But this is far from true; if you want your dream to “work”, you need to work. And only then will you dream of a formula, a table, a new brilliant idea, or simply achieve what you want. Because nothing is impossible

4. During sleep, your subconscious must process and assimilate your prepared new program.

If you don’t have a ready-made new program for your life that you must memorize before going to bed, you need to write this program yourself. It doesn't matter at all what the text is, it can be anything. But you need words with which you describe yours, yours, you need a text that should become your “flesh and blood”. That is, you must have positive thoughts, Nice words in the affirmative form and in the present tense.

The prepared new program offered to sleep must be at least one typewritten page in size. And not just 2-3 phrases. In addition, you need to repeat this program, plus or minus thirty times, about an hour before bedtime. The text is too short, you will remember it too quickly, and then don’t expect any effect, it won’t happen. Your subconscious needs to be loaded with work, and then it will work fruitfully during sleep. And the more the merrier, and don't worry, it will handle it.

5. Ask a question to the subconscious.

Some may be counting sheep to fall asleep, some may be jumping over a wall, but ask yourself the pertinent question of how this relates to your problem or your area of ​​activity and creativity. Just . You should not count sheep, this is time and will not give you anything and will not help you achieve anything.

Just before you turn off the lights, write . Look at this question. Talk to your subconscious about this and they say that in the morning you will receive an answer. Repeat this question to yourself as you fall asleep over and over again. As soon as you begin to doze, give yourself the mindset that your subconscious will find the answer, or an idea will come to your mind while you are sleeping, and you will receive the answer in the morning. Do this 3 times.

“When people are overwhelmed with sleep and they are sleeping in their beds, God at that time opens the ear of man and gives instructions.”

Make sure you are up and running the next day. Do this every day and this habit will help you find a solution. Solutions may come to you throughout the day, or you will simply start paying attention to those things that will lead you to this idea. But the impulse and idea comes from the dream programming that you set for your subconscious.

6. Only good phrases and positive thoughts.

Replace phrases that “push away” from undesirable states using the particle “not” (“I’m not angry”, “I don’t smoke”) with phrases with positive content, similar in meaning and without using the particle “not” (“I’m calm and kind", "I'm leading healthy image life").

Our subconscious does not perceive the particle “not” at all. So always try to use , and statements.

This is especially important for programming sleep, since in a dream any set of words, speech, and expressions are “transformed” into a chain of images, that is, they become our dream. When you fall asleep, figurative thinking replaces verbal thinking, and the “not” particle actually ceases to be perceived. Words such as love, success, luck, happiness, youth, respectively, will create a chain of wonderful dreams. And here are phrases like

“I will not be lazy”, “I do not smoke”, “I am not afraid” will be displayed like this: “I will be lazy” “I smoke” and “I am afraid”. This is what you are actually telling yourself when you use negative phrases.

Think positive, speak positive. And most importantly, program your subconscious only in a positive way, especially before bed. Confidence, great mood, wellness, energy, strength, desire to win. Determination, love, and the desire to achieve the best in your life is something you should think about often. Become the person you dream of being, make yourself that person yourself. Sleep will help you make your dreams come true.

7. Self-hypnosis.

It's simple. Just talk to yourself as you lie in bed. Tell every muscle and part of your body to relax. “I relax my leg muscles. Every cell of my body is relaxed,” etc. And do it one by one with the whole body, feel each part of the body relaxed. Speak internally to yourself in a slow, soothing, measured voice. Describe relaxing scenes, your ideal oasis, your refuge from life's trials. Imagine that you are this oasis. When you are deeply relaxed, think about your problems or tasks, and declare that you are entrusting the solution to these problems to your wise mind, your Higher Self, your subconscious mind or God. Tell yourself that when you sleep, your inner mind will find the best solution for you. Of course, as we said earlier, prepare in advance instructions, a new program that you are a deeply creative person, that you are a genius and an ingenious solution or idea will now come to you, and that when you wake up in the morning, your mind will present it to you .

8. By actively programming sleep, “connect” movement and voice to work.

Memorizing a poem and programming a dream are practically the same thing. Many people know that if you repeat a poem several times in a row before going to bed, it will be very easy to remember this poem in the morning. Sleep programming works in exactly the same way; any scenario of your life, written down on paper and read several times before going to bed, will become a part of you. It will become your “flesh and blood”, since the information “memorized” by you in a dream is already assimilated at the cellular level. Sleep is necessary for normal operation our brain, and in sleep the brain lends itself perfectly to training. In a word, when you go to bed, create the states and qualities that you yourself desire. Model desires, intentions, character, feelings, motivation, integrating what you want into your neural networks at the cellular level. Program your cells and neurons, program yourself! For you, if you want it, everything is possible!

Walk, read aloud, memorize a new program for your life. This is the most efficient process memorization, which involves:

  • visual activity (you are looking at the text)
  • physical activity (you walk)
  • auditory and speech activity (you read aloud).

It is also worth considering that speech is accompanied by articulation, movement by gesticulation, and voice by intonation.

This means that in order to receive and subsequently process information, all possible “channels” of information are involved in the memorization process: motor visual, speech and auditory. For maximum results and the most effective, quick and guaranteed memorization of the information received, just remember how you learned poetry before. Declare, read out loud, move. Do everything possible to ensure that before you go to bed, you have memorized, word for word, all the “programming” material.

This tactical and small trick will help you avoid the resistance of the subconscious. After all, in this case you are not “persuading” yourself to be stronger, better and more purposeful. You don't motivate your actions and don't challenge yourself to change your thinking. You simply study a text that describes some ideal model of your life. So, you read the text every day, repeat it over and over again. And that's it, you don't need to do anything else. Your sleep will do the rest.

9. The last hour before bed is the best time for dream programming.

In the previous article we talked about the ability to be conscious. And we know that the best time to program dreams is an hour before bedtime. After you have memorized the text immediately before going to bed, and repeating it is very easy for you, smile, straighten your shoulders and calmly go to bed. Don't be distracted by talking, reading, or watching TV. Once you have completed your sleep programming, undress and go to bed.

If you are unable to sleep, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and repeat the “program” text that you just learned. Turn it around, you will repeat once, twice and you will be enveloped sweet Dreams. Now go to sleep. You did a good job, you learned and did the right thing sleep programming ,The rest will be done by sleep.

Sincerely yours, Natalie Butenko!

Sleep is an amazing state human body. It seems that at this moment the whole body is resting, but in fact, what is happening in the brain is a very complex process“sorting through” information, as a result of which dreams arise. Every person would like to control their subconscious - order only those dreams that bring positive emotions, help in understanding difficult situations and solving problems. It turns out that there is a special technique that is aimed at ensuring that every person in a dream sees only what he wants.

How dreams happen

Sleep is the residual part of the emotional state in which a person remains throughout the day. Dreams arise in an unconscious state - a person does not make any effort for this. In turn, sleep is the result of subconscious actions of our brain. During the day, when the brain is completely occupied with conscious, volitional work, the subconscious rests, showing no signs of existence. But at night it comes to the fore, and the result of such activity is sleep.

For many, dreams help cope with problems - at night, during rest, the subconscious suddenly receives a wonderful way out of difficult situation. Some note that it is often during the general relaxation of the body that the study of oneself, actions and actions occurs - this has a positive effect on the mental and emotional condition. In a dream, you can see your shortcomings from the outside, trace the chain of events that haunt you. It is noteworthy that some creative people It was in a dream that I dreamed about the images and subjects of paintings or even the periodic table chemical substances. It is worth assuming that all these examples were the results of working on one’s own subconscious.

How to program yourself to have the dreams you want

In order to program yourself for certain dreams, you need to focus as much as possible on the general image and details that you want to see. For this technique to be effective, do not overload your stomach with a large dinner, do not drink a lot of water at night, and under no circumstances engage in physical or mental labor. This can completely ruin the entire desired result - the subconscious will work on the basis of previous emotional events, and even with strong concentration you will not be able to push the fatigue of the body into the background.

  1. First of all, calm down. Sit in a comfortable position, relax and think about positive emotions. Before this, you can take a warm bath, do your favorite kind of needlework - everything that calms you down and gives you a sense of balance and self-control.
  2. Be clear about your desired outcome. Don't bother describing the plot: just immerse yourself in memories or an event that just happened. The subconscious works according to its own internal logic. Feel as if external forces are telling you to free your brain from unnecessary information. This setup will help prepare your brain more thoroughly for sleep.
  3. Concentrate on the desired subject several times. If you want to see a journey in a dream, feel the tide of the sea, a warm breeze, if you love a loved one - gentle hugs, sweet words, if you are tormented by some problem - do not think about possible solutions. Focus your mind only on the difficult situation.
  4. Write your wish on a piece of paper - it will happen good reason remember the “sleep program” more clearly. Don’t complicate your work by thinking about unnecessary details: for example, if you dream of seeing outdoor recreation, write down the words clean air, sun, water, birds, wooden house, and emotionally absorb all their energy.
  5. In order not to forget your dream after waking up, put a notepad and pen on the nightstand. Scientists have proven through various tests and experiments that every person dreams every day. Moreover, the number of “virtual plots” that arise in the subconscious can reach up to 5, but usually only the last one is remembered. The process of remembering dreams has not yet been sufficiently studied by scientists, so this factor also needs to be paid Special attention. Try, immediately after you wake up, to write down the plot of your dream. Otherwise, by the morning you will have forgotten the details and will not be able to find out the result of the subconscious’s work on your project.
  6. Try not to fall asleep immediately after placing your head on the pillow. The sleepy state is like a gap between sleep and reality. In this state, you should think again about pleasant things, carefully imagine the desired image. Gradually you will go into the world of dreams, where you will definitely see your “programmed” one.

If you have diligently approached the creation of the desired image of sleep, were completely relaxed and calm, then you will certainly be able to see the desired dream. While the subconscious is working on the storyline you propose, the brain will pick up situations that you never even thought about in reality. The solution to any problem will come from where you didn’t even expect. It is in a dream that you can feel support from the outside, and one that will definitely be effective.

Video: how to get into a lucid dream

In a dream you can receive predictions and answers to exciting questions– you just need to “order” the desired dream to your own subconscious.
Formation practice the dreams you need and the use of dreams to obtain answers to burning questions goes back to ancient times. She was famous in Ancient Egypt and in ancient Greece, it was widespread among the Celts and Romans. American Indians, as well as representatives of archaic traditional cultures Africa and Australia have perfected this art.

It makes sense to order prophetic dreams when everything conventional methods searches for answers and solutions were fruitless. However, if our mind does not know the answer, then perhaps our subconscious will find it. You just need to give him a command and see the ready answer in the form of a dream.

Ritual of preparation for a prophetic dream

In order to tune in to a prophetic dream and give correct installation to your subconscious, before going to bed, it makes sense to conduct a small impromptu ritual. Its meaning and task is to break the flow of your usual everyday routine and emphasize the unusualness and special solemnity of this moment.

You should not follow any clear rules and schemes; you can easily create a ritual to attract prophetic dreams yourself. Before you tune in to perceive a prophetic dream, clear your mind of everyday routine thoughts. Set a timer for 20 minutes, take a piece of paper and a pen and, without thinking, just write down everything that comes to your mind. At the same time, clearly realize that by doing this you are clearing your consciousness, “throwing out” all the mental noise on paper. After 20 minutes, burn the paper you have written on without reading what you have written. After this, relax, take a bath with aromatic oils and if it helps you, light your favorite incense.

Before you go to sleep, write down the question on a small piece of paper that you want the answer to, roll it into a scroll and tie it with thread, put it under your pillow. After this, completely relax and calmly fall asleep.

Prophetic dreams and reality

You should not hope that on the very first night you will be able to get an answer to the question that worries you in a dream, although such a possibility is not excluded. The ability to “order” prophetic dreams, like any other, needs training and development.

To write down what you saw in a dream, immediately after waking up, place a notepad and pen in your bed at the head of your bed. Get into the habit of keeping a dream diary and immediately recording the plot of your dream, even if you have not yet fully woken up.

Most likely, the answer to the question you asked your subconscious will come either literally (you will see in your dreams the actions that you should take) or symbolically, in the form of images, hints and allegories. You will need the ability to correctly decipher them and apply them in real life.

Do not ignore or neglect the advice you receive in your dreams. A frivolous attitude will completely destroy and negate the effectiveness of this method.
