Which of the top models smokes? Russian actresses who just can’t quit smoking

Smoking is one of the most common and harmful habits that harms a person’s health and well-being. Everyone knows about the dangers of tobacco addiction. Majority modern people they try to give up their deadly addiction, but such a step is not always successful. Smokers are returning to cigarettes.

Among those who are unable to quit smoking are celebrities. Many of them are actively involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle, but they themselves do not let go of a cigarette. Moreover, smoking celebrities are not at all shy about their addiction and demonstrate smoking when they see the paparazzi.

And among celebrities there are people suffering from nicotine addiction

Despite the vigorous and active propaganda of the harm of tobacco addiction and the growing universal respect for healthy image life, smoke great amount people. Many worldwide famous stars Hollywood, participating in numerous campaigns and advertising dedicated to the fight against smoking, suffer from their own addiction.

Smoking Hollywood stars

Cigarette addiction is deadly dangerous habit and Hollywood is very negative about smoking promotion. In old, historical films, we can still see actors excitedly smoking, but from modern cinema, smokers and the process of smoking have practically disappeared.

But this does not mean that in real life stars set a healthy example for others and fans. Paparazzi with enviable regularity catch this or that Hollywood star with a smoking cigarette. And this does not depend on the age and life experience of a person. So, who among the stars smokes, check out the tobacco popularity rating:

Smoking Hollywood divas

Gwyneth Paltrow. The famous actress of "Iron Man" and "Shakespeare in Love" has a lot of haters. Most negative people claim that the star is deceitful and duplicitous. After all, Paltrow actively advertises a healthy and non-smoking lifestyle, but she herself does not let go of a cigarette.

Gwyneth Paltrow

According to Gwyneth herself, she smokes infrequently and calmly admits that she has such a habit. As the star says, she allows herself to relax with a cigarette only on Saturdays.

Kate Winslet. The Titanic film star smokes actively and completely openly. Yes, with such passion that Kate was recently honored to be presented with a prize from the British coalition of fighters for the right to “smoke everywhere and always.” But Winslet claims that she has never indulged in anything other than cigarettes in her life.

Kate Winslet

Uma Thurman. The smoking beauty posed for the poster for the film “Pulp Fiction.” But this advertisement was not a sham at all. Uma actively smokes and, according to her, smoking has become the biggest problem in her life. The actress tried to quit cigarettes a couple of times, but she failed.

Uma Thurman

Kristin Stewart. The star of the famous “Twilight” does not just indulge in cigarettes, but is clearly dependent on them. Back in 2012, Christine shared in an interview about her unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking. But, alas, all attempts were unsuccessful and now Stewart smoking can often be found in the city of Angels.

Kristin Stewart

Keira Knightley. Even before the sensational roles in “Pirates” Caribbean Sea Knightley entered the Hollywood world as the star of the hit sports film Bend It Like Beckham. But in real life, Kira is far from being so athletic. She is filmed smoking with enviable regularity. It seems that she never lets go of the cigarette.

Keira Knightley

Mila Kunis. A couple of years ago, the Hollywood beauty loudly announced that she was giving up cigarettes. However, few people believed in such a promise, because Mila had been actively smoking for many years. The actress said that smoking was part of her cunning diet, which she followed while filming Black Swan.

Mila Kunis

But even after the release of the legendary film, Mila did not give up smoking. And after a loud statement about quitting cigarettes, the actress was so often caught doing something smoking that Mila had no choice but to admit her tobacco addiction.

Catherine Zeta-Jones. Being pregnant, literally just before giving birth, Katherine promised her husband and fans that she would give up smoking. This promise became especially relevant after her husband (Michael Douglas) was diagnosed with throat cancer due to smoking.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

The Hollywood diva kept her promise, although she simply switched to electronic cigarettes. But photographs flashed in the press of Catherine walking through the streets and a regular cigarette in hand.

Milla Jovovich. Beauty and main character“Resident Evil” herself admitted in an interview that she doesn’t remember well the moments of filming, since they took place for her in carbon monoxide from cigarettes and weed. Over time, Mila gave up marijuana completely, but cigarettes continue to go hand in hand with the legendary actress and this moment. According to Mila: “A cigarette is my only sin against a healthy life.”

Milla Jovovich

Kate Beckinsale. The heroine of the acclaimed film series “Another World” does not deny her tobacco addiction. The actress admitted that she has been smoking since she was 15 years old and only quit smoking once, and then for a short period. This was after the birth of their daughter Kate. According to Beckinsale, she is categorically against drinking, but she allows herself to smoke a lot and does not see anything wrong with it.

Kate Beckinsale

Jessica Alba. For a captivating beauty, looks have always been hers business card. But to maintain her excellent shape, Jessica chose far from the best and healthiest option. The film star is prone to excess weight and has been struggling with obesity all her life.

Jessica Alba

According to her, cigarettes perfectly suppress appetite and prevent overeating. Jessica started smoking heavily in 2011, when she gained too much weight after the birth of her daughter.

Hollywood men with cigarettes

Johnny Depp. A mystically attractive man with millions of fans admitted that he had been smoking since he was 12 years old. Johnny had a rather difficult childhood, and many habits became firmly established in the actor’s everyday life. He openly admits to his nicotine addiction, but does nothing to overcome it. On the contrary, his hand-rolled cigarettes have already become a real calling card of the actor.

Johnny Depp

Robert Pattison. Many women dream of the handsome Hollywood heartthrob. But few of them know that Robert has little in common with his characters. The romantic from "Twilight" Pattinson smokes a lot, drinks often, prefers fast food and does not care at all about his own appearance, preferring to be friends with cigarettes.

Robert Pattison

McCauley Culkin. In 2013, this once beloved, mischievous boy from Home Alone admitted in an interview that he smokes 50-60 cigarettes a day. After his parents' divorce, the then young actor fell into depression, which worsened after the tragic death of his sister Dakota.

McCauley Culkin

According to Herman Catlove, a spokesman for the Cancer Society in the United States, McCauley's risk of developing cancer is 100 times higher than that of a non-smoker. And outwardly McCauley already looks unhealthy and exhausted.

Sean Penn. The star of the film “Gangster Hunters” admitted that he was addicted to tobacco and made several attempts to give up cigarettes. But unfortunately, it didn’t last long, and Seann again and again appears before fans with a smoking cigarette.

Gerard Butler. A native of Scotland, a magnificent actor and the dream of many women is an active consumer of cigarette products. According to Gerard, the actor tried to quit smoking about 30 times and was hypnotized 20 times. But the hectic life of Hollywood and fun parties take their toll. The handsome man and hero of “Headhunters”, “The Naked Truth” Butler continues to smoke.

Gerard Butler

Brad Pitt. The legendary and famous Hollywood actor has been smoking since childhood. Brad tried to quit smoking at the request of his wife Angelina. He didn't smoke for some time. But against the background of the stress caused by breaking up with Jolie, the dream of millions of women again grabbed a cigarette and parted with it, according to at least, in the coming years, does not think.

Daniel Radcliffe. A couple of years ago, the paparazzi caught the “little wizard” Harry Potter in an embrace with marijuana – the actor was actively smoking weed. Daniel himself denied drug addiction. According to him, his only hobby is cigarettes, which he does not intend to part with.

Daniel Radcliffe

Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Iron Arnie” took a cigarette from his father-in-law for the first time. Since that time, the governor of California has become an avid lover of strong cigars. According to him, he makes almost all political decisions while smoking. And at the moment, the cigar has become an integral part of the Terminator and its calling card.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Which Russian stars smoke?

Russian film and pop stars also keep up with their overseas colleagues. Let's find out which celebrities smoke and who should not be imitated in this regard.

Alla Pugacheva. According to the prima donna, her struggle with tobacco addiction has lasted for more than 50 years. The star even underwent a powerful smoking code, but after the procedure she began to gain weight sharply and started smoking again. The pop singer actively opposes smoking and even created the song “Quit the Cigarette.”

Alla Pugacheva

Mikhail Boyarsky. The famous musketeer and favorite of women, Boyarsky declared that “I smoke, have smoked and will continue to smoke.” The actor is the co-chairman of a movement advocating for the rights of smokers. According to the film actor, his smoking history is more than long and amounts to about 60 years.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Lera Kudryavtseva. The beautiful TV presenter has been an active smoker for many years. The first time Lera picked up a cigarette was after breaking up with her first husband. And since then he has not been able to move towards a healthy life for more than 20 years. According to the TV presenter, cigarettes make her more attractive and sexier.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Nikolay Rastorguev. Even health problems did not help the famous musician and singer give up cigarettes. Despite all the strict warnings from doctors, Rastorguev declares that he does not intend to quit smoking and adheres to his own life position, saying that “I will live as I see fit, without changing anything or limiting myself.”

Nikolay Rastorguev

Dmitry Dibrov. The famous presenter is a smoker with many years of experience. But Dmitry tried to give up his addiction, with the help electronic cigarette. True, he did not like this hobby, and the columnist returned to his usual cigarettes.

Dmitry Dibrov

Irina Allegrova. The singer smokes always and everywhere. She actively smokes, not embarrassed by anyone - during interviews, at press conferences. Moreover, the luxurious woman smokes predominantly the strongest, masculine cigarettes. According to her, she managed to try all the famous brands tobacco products and I don’t intend to give up my hobby.

Irina Allegrova

Smoking stars that no longer exist

Stars are the same people, with their own problems and shortcomings. And diseases associated with smoking do not bypass them. Death doesn't know who is in front of it. Unfortunately, the list of stars who have died from their addiction is growing. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Ilya Oleynikov. According to doctors, the cause of death of the actor, who died at 64, was active smoking. Tobacco caused problems with the heart and lungs.
  2. Oleg Yankovsky. The legendary film actor died at the age of 65. He was a heavy smoker, preferring pipes and cigars.
  3. Andrey Mironov. He was 48 years old when he suffered a stroke during a performance. According to doctors, main reason The stroke was caused by smoking; the actor had been smoking since his youth.
  4. Alexander Abdulov. The legendary actor passed away very early, at only 55 years old. The cause of death was lung cancer, caused by many years of smoking.
  5. Anna Samokhina. The beauty passed away at the age of 47. As doctors determined, the cause of death was stomach cancer - the result of the actress’s destructive addiction to tobacco. And to this day, fans bring cigarettes to her grave - this amazing woman’s favorite hobby.

This sad list can be continued endlessly. Smoking caused the death of Pavel Luspekayev, Evgeny Evstigneev, Rolan Bykov, Grigory Gorin, Mikael Tariverdiev, Mikhail Kononov, Muslim Magomaev, Oleg Efremov, Nikolai Rybnikov.

I just want to ask, who will be next? Stars who smoke leave the sky too early. How many wonderful roles they could still play and please their fans. How many things were planned and ruthlessly taken away by cigarettes.

Remember that warnings about the dangers of smoking are not an invention of doctors, but a serious threat. Cigarettes bring death to everyone and the only way to avoid fatal diseases caused by nicotine is to quit smoking forever. Take care of yourself!

Stars are people too, stars smoke too. In droves, by the way. IN different time Probably all celebrities smoked, quit, started again and quit again - life is nervous, a cigarette saves. Filming, again, constant flights and paparazzi - in general, this pace will not only make you smoke.

Well, the fact that young talents smoke does not bother anyone.

Miley Cyrus not only smokes everything that can burn, but also does a lot of other things, diligently monitoring the public's reaction. The Olsen twins smoke to avoid eating, Hayden Panettiere, although she recently became a mother, indulges in neither tobacco nor nightclubs, Keira Knightley thinks smoking is sexy, Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t give a damn what people think of her, and Kirsten Dunst smokes... well, he just smokes because he can. And by the way, what Jennifer Lawrence smokes is another question.

Lindsay Lohan, Pink, Mila Kunis - who is surprised by these ladies with a cigarette in their teeth?

By the way, young and old, where do such prejudices come from?

Melanie Griffith, for example, smokes like a steam locomotive. And she's almost sixty! It would seem that it’s time to think about health. Katherine Heigl, Kristen Stewart, Billie Piper, Kate Winslet - they all have smokers age groups, there is no need to even doubt it. Yes, did you know that sexy Jessica Alba is a smoker with 20 years of experience? And that the gentle and lovely Nina Dobrev, a former athlete, never lets a cigarette out of her mouth in real life?

Why, we smoke with the whole family!

Everyone in the formerly happy Depp-Paradise family smokes: dad, aka Johnny, mom Vanessa, young daughter Lily-Rose, and newly acquired stepmother Amber Heard.

For example, do models smoke? And how!

In general, despite statements about a “healthy” body, sports, proper nutrition and so on. From Kate Moss, into whom the cigarette has almost grown into her, to one-day models: everyone smokes on the catwalk, both boys and girls, both famous and unknown, both young and “veterans”.

Mothers of families are also no good.

Jennifer Lopez doesn't just smoke on set. Katie Holmes - what an example for Suri, huh? Milla Jovovich, Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, Uma Thurman, Sarah Jessica Parker - all in the same place. And then the children are somehow different, they would look at themselves.

It’s clear with mothers. And what example do fathers of families set for their children?

Brad Pitt was never able to get rid of his addiction (Angelina, they say, quit forever), Paul Bettany and Ben Affleck, according to rumors, did not even try to quit, and father of many children Jude Law considers smoking part of his image.

Sean Penn, Keanu Reeves, Michael Fassbender, Chris Payne, Elijah Wood, Colin Farrell - people who are not burdened by family and backbiters, but started smoking ahead of time. Prepare for hardships and adversity.

By the way, Benedict Cumberbatch smokes.

Recognized young macho men also don’t mind smoking a little.

And not just after sex. After meals, during breaks from righteous labors, while walking, in the morning, in the evening, during the day...

A style icon, you might think.

Ears swell. I am begging you. Image is nothing, thirst is everything. Kate Bosworth, Alexa Chung, Sienna Miller, Emma Roberts. They smoke. A lot of.

Yes, I sing. And my cigarette, but of course.

They say singers need to take care of their voices. This is why Adele never gives up her cigarette, Lana del Rey makes courageous but fruitless attempts to quit, and Rihanna, when she gets drunk... Katy Perry also smokes, but is trying to somehow fight the habit.

Getting rid of bad habits can be quite difficult, and even money and expensive anti-smoking products do not help some Russian show business stars in this matter. The editors tell which stars smoke cigarettes.


The Russian actor and singer is not only a heavy smoker, but also a fighter for the rights of his “brothers” in Russia. Boyarsky, the leader of the movement against the infringement of cigarette lovers, participates in all kinds of congresses and public events.


The Russian pop diva has given up the bad habit, but can still rightfully join the list of smoking stars. The singer smoked for more than 52 years and tried many times to get rid of her addiction. Journalists believe that the celebrity was pushed to take such a step by her small children, because Alla Borisovna’s health was deplorable, and doctors feared for her life.

In contact with "

The TV presenter tried to overcome his addiction with the help of an electronic cigarette, but the device broke down and he switched back to tobacco. Despite the failure, Dibrov assures that this method really works, because thanks to it he gave up nicotine for a whole week.


The Russian TV presenter is also one of the smoking stars. She admits that she smokes more than a pack of cigarettes a day. The star cannot quit, and this habit greatly interferes with his work: after long concerts, his voice weakens, problems with ligaments and shortness of breath appear.

She may be able to get rid of her addiction during pregnancy. , Kudryavtseva is in, and soon for the second time.


The actress also struggled with nicotine addiction for a long time, but never defeated it. At the age of 47, the artist died of stomach cancer. Doctors believe that the disease was caused by an addiction. Close celebrities claim that she drank too much coffee and smoked non-stop, including last days life.


The Russian musician, leader of the group “” was also often photographed with a cigarette or pipe. Doctors warn Rastorguev that this habit will negatively affect his health, but the musician, on principle, does not agree to give up smoking. The performer states that he wants to feel a full-fledged person and does not intend to limit himself in any way.


Another famous one smoking woman- known for her scandalous films. The heroes of the director's films, as a rule, lead a riotous lifestyle, smoke weed and drink alcohol. Guy Germanika herself is addicted to nicotine; the star was even fined for smoking in a St. Petersburg hotel room.

Ural worker"

The Russian celebrity stylist also suffers from nicotine addiction. The celebrity is often caught on camera with a cigarette in his hands. However, fans note that this habit even suits him. Psychologists noticed that Lisovets holds a cigarette like a subtle creative person.

How could a cigarette defeat strong creative personalities? Why these famous people couldn't quit smoking?

Ilya Olenynikov, 64 years old

Most recently, on November 11, 2012, the famous actor, one of the creators of the “Town” program, Ilya Oleinikov, passed away at the age of 65. The actor died of pneumonia, and the real reason death, according to the attending doctors, was smoking. Ilya Oleynikov smoked a lot, as a result of which he had diseased lungs and heart problems. Shortly before his death, he underwent chemotherapy. Doctors informed him of the fatal diagnosis back in June and categorically forbade him to smoke. But the actor could not and, despite the prohibitions, smoked until the last day.

Oleg Yankovsky, 65 years old

People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize, etc., an extraordinary artist and heavy smoker Oleg Yankovsky died of pancreatic cancer on May 20, 2009. He was 65. He smoked mainly cigars and a pipe, which he became addicted to last years before death. To the correspondent’s question “cigars?”, he answered: “What is produced in our country under the guise of cigarettes, even imported ones, is painfully harmful to health. - Or maybe not smoke at all? - This is - sorry, it won’t work out yet. I can't quit. I like the process.
Andrey Mironov, 46 years old

Andrei Mironov was only 46 years old when a stroke struck him right on stage. Throughout his life, starting from the Shchukin School, Mironov never parted with a cigarette, especially when there was a lot of work. There were moments in his life when he tried, but then everything repeated itself. As you know, smoking has a harmful effect not only on the lungs, but also on the cardiovascular system.

Alexander Abdulov, 54 years old

Everyone’s favorite actor, People’s Artist of Russia Alexander Abdulov said before his death: “Four months of pain. I'm just tired…". And in one of latest interviews When Abdulov did not yet know about his diagnosis, when asked by a correspondent about his bad habit - smoking, the actor said: - I need to quit smoking, but I can’t. I can't help myself. The body repeats: give me, give me nicotine...” And even when he was already being treated in an Israeli clinic, Abdulov continued. At the age of 55, actor and director Alexander Abdulov died of lung cancer. Both Russian and Israeli doctors came to the consensus that the disease arose due to the actor’s addiction to tobacco. If it weren’t for the passion for cigarettes, how many wonderful roles could have been played, continued to delight my audience and raise my little daughter.

Anna Samokhina, 47 years old

One of the most beautiful and charming actresses, Anna Samokhina, passed away at the age of 47, in the prime of her creative powers and capabilities. The cause of death was the actress’s passion for tobacco, which resulted in stomach cancer and a sad outcome. According to the actress's relatives and friends, she could not live without coffee and cigarettes. Even after Samokhina’s death, on her grave at the Smolensk cemetery, you can see cigarettes left by the many devoted fans of this wonderful actress and beautiful woman.

Pavel Luspekayev, 42 years old

One of best films I consider the film “White Sun of the Desert” to be from the 20th century. And the most memorable and colorful figure in the film was undoubtedly the wonderful actor Pavel Luspekayev, who created a vivid and memorable image of customs officer Vereshchagin. And when people watched this film and admired the actor’s performance, no one could have imagined that during filming Luspekayev experienced terrible pain, had difficulty moving on his feet with partially amputated feet, and was often forced to rest on a folding chair that he carried with him on the set . He had a disease typical of smokers - critical ischemia lower limbs. The actor smoked a lot, and even when the disease began to bring him unbearable suffering, he still continued to smoke. After filming the film, very little time passed, the disease defeated the actor. : the actor died of gangrene caused by smoking and subsequent blockage of blood vessels in the legs. Unfortunately, “Lady Fortune” turned her back on everyone’s favorite actor.

Evgeny Evstigneev, 65 years old

At the age of 65, People's Artist of the USSR Evgeny Evstigneev, an avid artist, passed away. In the last years of his life he experienced serious heart problems. He was supposed to have surgery in London. After the examination, doctors announced possible adverse consequences of the operation, because 90% of the heart vessels are clogged. The operation took place, the result is known... The actor smoked a lot for a long time and undoubtedly this became the main cause of death of the famous actor. He hasn't passed away yet an old man, who got married shortly before his death.

Rolan Bykov, 68 years old

The idol of children and teenagers, People's Artist of the USSR Rolan Bykov died of lung cancer. All his life he fed his body huge doses of nicotine. At the same time he headed the International Foundation for the Development of Cinema and Television for Children and Youth, educated, taught and entertained children on TV, led a directors’ workshop, and acted a lot. He had big plans, but he already understood that he would not have time to do everything, and before his death he told his wife Elena Sanaeva about this: “You will have to finish what I did not have time to do.”

Grigory Gorin, 60 years old

The famous satirist writer, playwright (“That same Munchausen”, “Say a word for the poor hussar”, “Formula of love”, ...) always had a pipe in his mouth. Died of a heart attack.

Mikael Tariverdiev, 64 years old

A wonderful composer, genius Mikael Tariverdiev (his music for famous films: “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”), author of several ballets and operas, author of romances and instrumental music. All his life he never parted with a cigarette, and even when his blood pressure rose, he used a cigarette as a pill. Tariverdiev was strong man, was studying water skiing, was a candidate for windsurfing master, but even outwardly healthy body couldn't cope with . Tariverdiev died of heart failure and vascular blockage caused by many years of smoking.

Mikhail Kononov, 67 years old

Nestor Petrovich (Big Change), “Chief of Chukotka”, People’s Artist of Russia Mikhail Kononov died on July 16, 2007. The famous actor smoked a lot and his body could not withstand the attack of tobacco; he died of heart failure.

Muslim Magomaev, 66 years old

A brilliant opera and pop singer, there was practically no one more popular than him in the Soviet Union. Throughout his life he never parted with a cigarette. Died from heart circulatory disorders on October 25, 2008. In one of his interviews, before his death, he said: “If there was a second life, the only thing I would change is that I would not smoke.”

Oleg Efremov, 72 years old

The people's favorite, the greatest Russian actor and theater director Oleg Efremov was a heavy smoker. I tried several times, but could not cope with my bad habit. In the last months of his life, tobacco completely overwhelmed the actor; he could barely move, during rehearsals he sat with a device that ventilated his lungs, and at that time there was a cigarette in his hand, as always. As a result, death occurred from lung cancer.

Nikolay Rybnikov, 59 years old

One of the most popular actors, the idol of the sixties, Nikolai Rybnikov. smoked since early childhood. On the screen constantly with a lit cigarette in his teeth. When he turned fifty, doctors discovered that the actor had serious illness lungs and told him that one lung would probably have to be removed. After such a statement, the actor immediately began to monitor his health. Then he said: “Why didn’t I do this before?” Nicotine does not kill immediately, it gradually accumulates in the body and a moment comes when it is too late to do anything. The actor died of a heart attack.

Smoking celebrities, who are no longer with us(list continued)

- Dmitry Shostakovich, 68 years old.

Pianist, composer, public figure. He himself admitted that he smokes a lot, especially during creative process. Died of left lung cancer.

- Georgy Tovstonogov, 73 years old.

Famous director. He smoked constantly and a lot, and later began to use a cigarette holder, thinking that this would protect him from harmful tobacco substances. As a result, death from cancer.

- Anatoly Solonitsyn, 47 years old.

He was Tarkovsky’s favorite actor, played in the films Solaris, Stalker, Andrei Rublev. I smoked a lot, two a day. Death was due to lung cancer.

- Levon Kocharyan, 39 years old.

Vysotsky’s friend Levon Kocheryan, who died at the age of 40, directed the film “One Chance in a Thousand.” All the celebrities of that time gathered at his famous apartment on Bolshoy Karetny. I couldn't give up my bad habit. Died of skin cancer.

- Ilya Kormiltsev, 47 years old

Poet, songwriter of the Nautilus Pompilius group. Smoker, death from spinal cancer.

- Mikhail Kozakov, 76 years old.

Russian actor and director Mikhail Kozakov. Died of lung cancer in an Israeli hospice. His friend, actor Alexander Pashutin recalled: “I didn’t know about his illness, but I was always horrified by how much he smoked!”

- Joseph Brodsky, 55 years old.

Great Russian poet of the twentieth century. He said about his habit: “...Although, you can live. What’s crap/ – a demon is pushing me to smoke./ I don’t know who Goncharova is,/ but the cigarette is my Dantes./ (Winter, especially in the landscape)./ It will kill me. But I’ll smoke it. She/ from above, it is said, has been given to us/ - a substitute for happiness: habit,/ a bridle for obstinate inventions,/ an accessible star of nights,/ a plug for thoughtless minutes./ Ashes do not need a wall:/ put an ashtray for me!”

- Sergey Dovlatov, 49 years old.

Russian writer, close friend of Brodsky. Also a big fan of tobacco. Death occurred from heart failure.

People's Artist of the USSR, heavy smoker. He died of a tumor in his throat.

People's Artist of the Georgian SSR. Ostap Bender played brilliantly. Died of lung cancer.

- Lev Yashin, 60 years old.

Legendary Dynamo goalkeeper, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. I started smoking when I was still active athlete. As a “star” he was allowed. And having finished sports career became a heavy smoker. At the age of 55, his leg was amputated due to vascular disease of the lower extremities caused by smoking. But even after that he did not quit smoking. Died of lung cancer.

- Ivan Tregubov, 61 years old.

Famous hockey player. After leaving hockey, he also became a heavy smoker. Death was due to lung cancer.

- Eduard Streltsov, 53 years old.

Football star, "forward of all times." The Torpedo stadium in Moscow bears his name, in front of the entrance there is a monument to Streltsov. Cause of death: lung cancer due to smoking.

I don’t want to do that, but the question begs itself: Who will be the next victim of tobacco? How many more famous and great lovers will there be who have not realized the harm of their addiction.

This article is not just about which of the smoking celebrities passed away, this article is about the fact that this is not an invention of doctors, that cigarettes are the real cause of many fatal diseases, which can only be avoided in one way -.

When these people passed away, all means broadcast about it mass media, they talked about it on television, they made films about them. I understand that after death people don’t speak badly of people. But you can ask a question with a big question mark: WHY did no one in these news, notes and essays focus on the causes of death (not diagnosis), on smoking, because from well-known and public people many take an example, and disclosing such reasons would have a great effect, it would be a call - “PEOPLE DON’T SMOKE.”

Article "Smoking Celebrities"- This is a memorial plaque to victims of smoking.

Health and good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog “A World Without Nicotine”

08.02.2018 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 0

Which star quit smoking?

Celebrities who quit smoking are an example for many ordinary people. After all, famous people They are more susceptible to various temptations; they are accustomed to living in luxury and not needing anything. Don't forget that this simple people, under constant attention from the media. The fight against a bad habit is very difficult, but every person can cope with it.

Many famous people have given up smoking. After all, smoking is no longer fashionable in Hollywood. Such stellar personalities include:

She had a smoking history of more than 10 years. The woman smoked everywhere and was often seen holding a cigarette. In an interview with journalists, she stated that she did not see this as a serious problem. Everything changed when the actress was hospitalized with a suspected stroke (a vessel in the brain burst). Doctors warned the star that if she did not give up smoking and alcohol, everything would end in tragedy. From that moment on, the woman has a negative attitude towards the addiction.

Long time the actor smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. Harmful addiction did not stop Stallone from leading normal life, until he was invited to star in the movie "Rocky". While filming with increased physical exertion, the star developed shortness of breath, which prevented her from working normally. Now the famous man does not smoke, goes in for sports, which allows him to look great at such a mature age.

Elizabeth Hurley

Nothing helped the star quit smoking. Psychologists, hypnosis, books did not give the desired result. After this, Elizabeth came up with her own way to combat smoking. Whenever she wanted to smoke, she would take a baby's pacifier out of her purse and start sucking. So the star got rid of addiction and didn’t start recruiting excess weight.

Brad Pitt

The actor smoked periodically from early youth. While filming the historical film “Troy,” Pitt had a hard time. After all, for the role he had to do a lot of sports to be in perfect shape. Physical exercise and a cigarette are incompatible, so Brad quit smoking. The second time he had to give up the habit of smoking was after meeting Angelina Jolie. It is known that she is an ardent opponent of an unhealthy lifestyle. For the sake of his beloved and the health of his children, Pitt gave up his addiction.

Julia Roberts

The decision to have healthy children helped the actress cope with smoking.

Gisele Bundchen

The model smoked to avoid gaining weight and stay slim. The desire to maintain health long years prompted her to give up nicotine.

In 2007, the actress completed a body cleansing course and gave up the bad habit. The "Friends" star now stays slim by doing yoga. No amount of stress is worth your health, she believes.

Penelope Cruz

The Spanish actress gave up her harmful addiction for the sake of love for a man who did not want a smoking lady.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The famous actress used to smoke more than two packs of cigarettes a day. The star's pregnancy prompted her to give up her addiction.

Vince Vaughn

The actor was never interested in cigarettes, but the smoking roles in the films he played contributed to his addiction. Vince started smoking more than a pack a day. The man began to feel unwell, his eyes were constantly red and high pressure. However, the real reason for quitting smoking was the birth of a child.

Anthony Bourdain

In 2007, the famous 51-year-old chef became a father. This event turned Anthony’s ordinary life upside down; he gave up smoking for the sake of his daughter.

The best motivation for an actress is motherhood.

Ashton Kutcher

The actor is a heavy smoker; he smoked more than two packs of cigarettes per day. At that time, his wife Demi Moore was very worried about this. Kutcher gave up his bad habit on the first try using the Allen Carr method.

Matt Damon

With more than 20 years of smoking experience, you can fight the bad habit. The actor proved this.

Courteney Cox

The celebrity became addicted to cigarettes when she was 14 years old. For a long time she smoked a pack a day. After meeting her future husband, David Arquette, they decided to fight addiction together. They were helped by the “crazy Russian” hypnotist Efim Shubentsov, very famous person in Hollywood. Hypnosis stopped the actress, but she still has the desire to smoke.

Katherine Heigl

For a long time, the actress struggled with a bad habit. She eventually quit smoking using an e-cigarette.

Ashley Greene

The actress became very popular after her role as Alice in the Twilight saga. She gave up smoking to be a good role model for her young fans.

Christy Turlington

Supermodel for a long time smoked, then she got tired of cigarettes. She simply stopped smoking, after which the girl gained excess weight. Because of this, her contract with a famous modeling agency was terminated.

Uma Thurman

For a long time, the actress tried to quit smoking and she succeeded.

Jack Black

The comedian gave up his bad habit for the sake of his family. After the birth of his second son, he decided to be the right example for his children.

Ben Affleck

Before filming one of the films, the actor nervous soil smoked five packs of cigarettes. After the film was released, Ben admitted that he was tired of nicotine and simply stopped killing himself.

Michael Douglas

The actor quit smoking in 2011 due to illness. He was found cancerous tumor larynx, and doctors strongly recommended that he give up the habit that was killing him.

Kristen Stewart

The young girl quit smoking in 2012, and fellow Twilight star Nikki Reed followed suit.

Russian stars

In Russia too a large number of famous people who can be a good example for everyone. These individuals include:

Joseph Kobzon

The singer has over 15 years of smoking experience. According to him, his family and friends helped him quit the bad habit.

Vladimir Mashkov

For a long time it smoked like a locomotive. Hollywood helped him quit his addiction. There he starred in a film and on the set there was a strict ban on actors smoking. This event helped the Russian artist quit cigarettes forever.

Age helped the actor give up his bad habit. Only over time did Dmitry realize that smoking is very harmful to health.

Vasily Lanovoy

One incident helped the actor quit smoking forever. For a movie role, he went to a real hospital on surgery. At this time, the lungs of a smoking man were operated on. Lanovoy was shocked by the sight of this organ. “They were black and the smell was terrible, like war and death,” the artist later admitted. Since then he no longer smokes cigarettes.

The now famous TV presenter and singer smoked a lot in her youth. Olga was able to overcome herself and no longer suffers from nicotine addiction.

Valery Leontyev

The singer surprised the audience by quitting smoking, because he has a smoking history of more than 40 years. Leontyev was helped solely by willpower, and he did not use today’s fashionable techniques.

Maria Arbatova

The writer smoked two packs a day. Waking up one morning, she decided that she would no longer be a hostage to her habit. Maria kept her promise and still hasn’t smoked.

Oleg Gazmanov

I started smoking back in the USSR; it was fashionable then. Over time, he began to play sports, which helped him quit this habit.

Smoking celebrities

Unfortunately, not all famous people can boast of such success. Many stars smoke and have no plans to quit. This list includes names:

  • Cameron Diaz (claims to have quit in 2003, but still smokes);
  • Keira Knightley (constantly trying, but not yet succeeding);
  • Kirsten Dunst (openly admits to smoking occasionally);
  • Katy Perry (always and openly smoked);
  • Kate Winslet (smokes cigarettes and does not consider it a bad habit);
  • Adele (claims that smoking gives her voice a special sound);
  • Rihanna (tried to quit many times, but gave up);
  • Salma Hayek (claims that she does not smoke, but photos regularly appear online that say the opposite);
  • Mila Kunis (she quit during pregnancy, but then started again);
  • Lana Del Rey (says that alcoholism won, but smoking could not).

Bad habits need to be abandoned. The state of our country is trying to fight smoking. It is already prohibited to “smoke” in in public places, raised prices for cigarettes, sanitary and educational work is underway about dangerous consequences nicotine, print advertising booklets and scary pictures on cigarette packs. In addition, it is important to set a good example for your children. If we smoke, we cannot expect anything good from the next generation.
