Vaccination for a dog at two years old. Vaccinations for puppies up to one year old. Scheme of correct vaccination of a puppy against the most dangerous diseases. Types of vaccines and diseases

Dogs are active and cheerful animals that spend a lot of time outside, where they can lie on the ground and socialize with their street counterparts. All these are provoking factors for the occurrence infectious diseases in dogs.

Infections are dangerous for an animal at any age, but they are especially destructive for puppies, whose immunity is not yet strong. Therefore, it is very important to carry out until the moment when they begin to walk outside and continue to vaccinate dogs regularly in accordance with the vaccination calendar.

When and what vaccinations should dogs get?

A newborn puppy has immunity received from its mother, but it only lasts for a short period. At about 8-10 weeks of age, the innate immunity begins to weaken, and the puppy can become infected with a serious infection, which can be fatal for his little body.

  • at 3 weeks from bordetellosis and parainfluenza (from infections called “kennel cough”);
  • at 4 weeks from canine distemper and parvo viral enteritis.

When carrying out these vaccinations, care should be taken to ensure that vaccines approved for early vaccination are used, for example, Nobivac Puppy DP.

Please note that you cannot take your puppy outside until he has had a full range of vaccinations.

After a year, the animal is revaccinated every year according to schedule with a DHP-L vaccine and an annual rabies vaccination is required. If the dog has reached the age of 10 years, then the veterinarian must conduct a thorough examination of the animal, take tests and, based on their results, make a conclusion about the advisability of vaccination.

Preparation for vaccination and its consequences

Before vaccination, you need to follow certain rules so that it goes without complications and troubles:

After vaccination, especially in puppies, the state of health may change: the temperature may rise, weakness, depression, drowsiness or thickening at the injection site may appear. This condition is normal for dogs and usually goes away within a few days. If your pet is not cheerful after 3-4 days, then you need to contact a veterinarian to rule out complications after vaccination.

Another post-vaccination complication may be an allergic reaction: itching, urticaria, hair loss, etc. This can be treated with antihistamines or goes away on its own.

Every dog ​​owner knows that by taking a little puppy into the house, he does not just acquire a reliable and cheerful friend. A pet becomes a full member of the family who needs care and good care. This is why the health of the dog becomes the main issue in keeping the animal.

Even if the baby is healthy, there is no guarantee that he will not become infected from a sick animal on the street, and many pathogens can be transmitted to humans. Vaccinations will help protect your four-legged pet and, of course, yourself. Today we’ll talk about the age at which they are given to a dog.

The need for vaccinations

Some diseases are very dangerous for dogs, and a timely vaccine is the only way to protect the animal from them. These diseases include rabies, distemper, viral hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and so on. Vaccinations are not done randomly, but according to the vaccination schedule, about which the veterinarian notifies the owner.

Newborn puppies are not vaccinated until 1.5-2 months. They have antibodies in their blood that they receive from their mother's milk. They reliably protect babies from all illnesses. By 1.5 months, natural protection weakens significantly, so by this time the puppy should be vaccinated for the first time.

If vaccination is carried out earlier, maternal immunity will weaken, and the acquired response will not have time to form. Thus, the puppy’s body will be defenseless against the threat of infection.

The basic rules of vaccination include:

  1. Vaccinations are given only healthy dog. If there is any, even slight, deterioration in health, vaccination is postponed until complete recovery.
  2. When mating is planned, vaccination is done no later than 90 days before it. Introduction of the vaccine at a later date may provoke the birth of sick offspring.
  3. 14 days before vaccination, the pet must be treated for fleas and dewormed.
  4. The puppy’s body may react negatively to vaccination (primary), so the baby needs to be given an injection before the procedure antihistamine. Dogs suffering from allergies are given Suprastin or Tavegil tablets before vaccinations.
  5. Some dogs may experience anaphylactic shock, and then without urgent help A veterinarian is indispensable. After the vaccine is administered, you need to stay in the clinic for some time (about half an hour).
  6. The vaccination provides immunity on the 14th day, so the dog should not be allowed outside during these two weeks.
  7. Information about vaccinations is entered into the veterinary passport - the main document of the dog, which is necessary when traveling abroad, to participate in exhibitions, etc.

If you decide to adopt a puppy from the street, be sure to show it to the veterinarian and check to see if it has already received some vaccinations.

Primary vaccination and revaccination

The first vaccination for a baby is the most important. However, it is also the most difficult to tolerate. After vaccination, the puppy must be quarantined. Walking is out of the question; moreover, the pet must be provided with complete isolation - strangers and other pets should not approach it.

All this time, the owner must monitor the pet’s health and, if it worsens, immediately inform the veterinarian.

After 14 days the dog is given re-vaccination the same vaccine, aimed at strengthening immunity to the disease. This procedure is called “booster vaccination.” It is tolerated by the dog much more easily than the primary vaccination, so if the condition is satisfactory, you can walk the animal after three days.

Do adult dogs need vaccinations?

The answer to this question is clear: yes, they are needed. Organism adult dog no less than the body of a small puppy needs protection from viruses and infections.

Adult animals are vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule - every 12 months. Rabies vaccinations are given once a year and are often included in comprehensive vaccinations. The remaining vaccinations are done once every 2-3 years, provided that the dog has no contraindications and is absolutely healthy.

Vaccinations for elderly animals over 8 years old are carried out according to health indications. For example, if your dog has recently had surgery, vaccinations may negatively impact the healing process. The pet owner can refuse vaccination except for rabies vaccination - it is mandatory.

Types of vaccines for dogs

All vaccines for building immunity against the disease have a long-term effect, but before using it, you must make sure that it has not expired. Expired vaccines are completely useless.

There are two types of vaccines:

  1. Monovalent. Promote the formation of immunity against one disease. As a rule, they are difficult for dogs to tolerate.
  2. Polyvalent. They consist of antigens designed to fight several diseases. Indicated for adults to strengthen existing immunity. They are much easier to tolerate than the first type of vaccination.

Below is the vaccination schedule for puppies in the first year of life, but it may vary depending on some factors: the epidemiological situation in the area of ​​residence, forced early relocation, illness of the dog, etc.

The method of administering the vaccine against rabies, distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza is subcutaneously, intramuscularly; for leptospirosis, trichophytosis, microsporia - intramuscularly. Revaccination is carried out at 12 months, then annually.

If you have a little dog in your home, then you will be interested to know what vaccinations are given to puppies up to one year old. Now we will describe in detail how and when vaccination should be carried out.

Why vaccinate dogs?

Scientists have long proven that if a person or animal gets sick with some disease, then re-infection for the body will pass quite unnoticed. This phenomenon is due to the formation of immunity to a particular irritant.

Immunity can be primary or acquired. In order for a dog to develop a second type of immunity, vaccinations are necessary. They promote the production of antibodies in the animal’s body, which can subsequently destroy viruses and infections. The duration of acquired immunity can vary - from fifteen days to two or more years.

If you get vaccinated in a timely manner, you can be sure that the puppy will not get the disease it is designed to fight.

When should puppies up to one year old be vaccinated? How to choose the right vaccine? Which injection should I give first? So, first things first.

Let's start with the fact that a puppy who is naturally fed receives its first immunity along with milk. Once he is weaned, he will need extra protection. First vaccination little puppy needs to be done in two months. Before this, you should not take him out for walks, allow him to communicate with his relatives, and also expose him to the risk of contracting infectious and colds.

Vaccination rules

When should an animal be vaccinated? Usually puppies receive their first vaccinations at 2 months. Previously, experts did not advise carrying out such manipulations.

Before vaccination, it is important to meet the following conditions:

Varieties of vaccine and disease

When talking about what vaccinations are given to puppies up to one year old, one cannot help but dwell on the diseases they are designed to fight. So let's list them.

  • Rabies. This disease is very dangerous, it can even be transmitted from a sick animal to a person, so a puppy must be vaccinated against rabies. In addition, dogs have a hard time with this disease and, if left untreated, in most cases, unfortunately, they die. And it is easily tolerated by the animal’s body, so don’t be lazy once a year to help your pet’s body develop immunity to this dangerous disease.
  • - this is what leads to the complete animal.
  • Plague is infectious disease. It very often leads to the death of the dog. Animals tolerate the distemper vaccine easily; only some dogs become lethargic and lose their appetite. But this discomfort goes away after a couple of days.
  • Leptospirosis is another dangerous disease that often leads to Vaccination is done for preventive purposes.

Now there are many types of vaccinations, which can be divided into two groups:

  • monovaccines (against one disease);
  • complex vaccinations (against several diseases).

Preferable, of course, is comprehensive vaccination. This way you can protect your dog from many diseases at once, using only one injection.

Vaccination schedule for puppies up to one year of age

When should vaccination be done? Puppies receive their first vaccinations at 2 months. Afterwards you can’t bathe him, take him outside, or overfeed him. Often, after the first vaccination, animals develop a fever, diarrhea and weakness. The owner must do everything to alleviate the dog's condition.

When is the puppy's second vaccination given? A month after the first one. Remember, when vaccinating a puppy again, you should use the same drug as the first time. After the second vaccination, puppies usually feel well. But still, within two weeks after vaccination, you should not take the dog out for a walk; it must be protected from drafts, as well as from communication with relatives.

At six months, when the puppy has already had permanent teeth, a comprehensive vaccination against rabies is given. Note that if the change of baby teeth has not finished before this period, then it is better to wait.

At one year the dog is vaccinated complex preparation. The procedure is repeated annually.

This is the scheme used to vaccinate Shepherd, Labrador and other breed puppies.

How to properly vaccinate a dog? First, the specialist examines the animal and checks its temperature. If everything is fine with him, then an injection is given in the thigh or in the scruff of the neck. Be sure to make an entry in the veterinary passport.

Consequences of puppy vaccination

Each puppy's body is different. After vaccination there are different adverse reactions: lethargy, passivity, lack of appetite, fever. You shouldn't force a lethargic puppy to eat, but... drinking water should always be there.

Symptoms usually go away within three days. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that the dog was sick on the day of vaccination, and the vaccine worsened its condition.

If after vaccination the puppy’s condition bothers you (drowsiness, cyanosis) skin etc.), check availability allergic reaction. If it is, you will need special medications. It is better to return to the clinic so that the doctors can help the animal.

Vaccination price

How much do puppy vaccinations cost? Now let's look at this issue. Please note that the cost depends on various factors:

  • from the place where vaccination is carried out (at home or in the clinic);
  • from a vaccine (imported or domestic).

Now we will give the average prices for vaccinating dogs in Moscow. In the regions, as a rule, the cost of the service is slightly lower (twenty or thirty percent).

Vaccination at home with the polyvalent vaccine “Biokan” or “Multakan” will cost one thousand rubles. If it is imported “Eurikan”, “Nobivak”, “Duramun”, “Vangard”, then the cost will be about 1,400 rubles.

If you get vaccinated in a clinic, you will need to pay another five hundred rubles more. To obtain a passport you need to pay about one hundred and fifty rubles.

A little conclusion

Now you know in what order vaccinations should be given to puppies up to one year old. We also talked about how much such vaccines cost. We hope that the information is useful to you. Health to your pet!

In many countries, Dog vaccination is considered a necessary condition their content. Exhibitions, moving, taking pets abroad - all this requires the animals to have vaccinations and a properly issued veterinary passport.

This passport must contain information about the breeder, the owner of the dog, the names of the animals, and its breed. Be sure to indicate age and color. The veterinarian must include in the passport the series number of the administered vaccine, its name, dose and date of vaccination, and put the organization’s stamp and his seal. Only if you have a correctly issued passport, an export permit will be issued. pet. However, such permission will not be issued if less than one month or more than one year has passed since the dog was vaccinated. The export permit has a validity period of three days.

Of course, the main function of this procedure is to prevent infectious diseases. Such as, etc. Vaccination of pets is very important event, which under no circumstances should be ignored. Veterinarians often have to deal with cases where it was necessary. If vaccinations had been done in a timely manner, there would not have been such a sad outcome.

Dog vaccination rules

For the most effective result, pet owners need to follow a number of simple

  • So, the most The first rule of dog vaccination- This is vaccination of exclusively healthy pets. It is for this reason that vaccinations are done after a thorough examination of the animal. As a rule, depending on the type and manufacturer of the vaccine, the doctor draws up an individual schedule preventive vaccinations. For example, dogs are vaccinated against parainfluenza and distemper, hepatitis and viral enteritis, rabies and leptospirosis. The dog’s place of residence is not decisive for vaccination. This is due to the high resistance of viruses to different conditions. Even a pet that does not appear on the street can easily become infected with any infection brought by the owner on outerwear or shoes.
  • The second rule of dog vaccination- This special training animal, which includes mandatory deworming and treatment of fur from fleas and ticks. Limit all possible contacts of the pet with strangers and other animals. This preparation is carried out a couple of weeks before vaccination.
  • The third rule of dog vaccination- carrying it out two or three months before the intended mating. Otherwise, there is a high possibility of obtaining inferior offspring.

Puppy vaccination schedule

The vaccination schedule for puppies involves the first vaccination when the animal is 8 - 9 weeks old. Repeated revaccination is carried out at the age of 12 weeks. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure before this period, since it interferes with the development of the baby’s immunity. high content in his blood there are antibodies that he received with his mother's colostrum initial days own life.

The level of antibodies in puppies' blood gradually decreases and they may become susceptible to infections when they are 6 to 12 weeks old. Since the pathogens that are included in vaccines are not as aggressive as natural forms, an immune reaction to the vaccine in a puppy can only form at a lower level of antibodies, that is, in a more late dates: 8 – 12 weeks.

Persistent immune defense infections develop only 1-2 weeks after vaccination. It is important to remember that during this period of time the puppy’s body is weakened and is even more susceptible to natural infection. For vaccines that need to be repeated, during primary vaccination, final immunity to infections will develop after 14 days have passed from the date of REVACCINATION, that is, two weeks after the repeated administration of the vaccine.

In the future, to maintain immunity, vaccination is carried out once a year.

It is carried out starting from 12 weeks of age, the vaccination is done once, and then an annual revaccination is carried out.

All dog owners should know that in the life of a puppy there is a so-called immune gap - this is the period of time when the mother’s immunity, transmitted with colostrum, no longer protects, and the vaccine has not yet formed. At this time, you should especially carefully protect the puppy from possible infection. Puppies should not be allowed to come into contact with suspected sources of infection; in addition, it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not have overwork, hypothermia, or stressful situations.

Particular attention should be paid to the full, balanced diet containing vitamins and minerals. After vaccination, for at least 10 days, do not allow the puppy to physical exercise, avoid hypothermia or overheating, avoid long and tiring trips and do not have contact with other dogs.

After the animal has been vaccinated, it needs to be observed for a couple of days. If any complications arise, you should contact your veterinarian.

Dog vaccination price

How much does dog vaccination cost? The cost of the procedure depends on a number of factors. Firstly, do you want your animal to be vaccinated at home or in a veterinary hospital and secondly, what vaccine do you prefer - domestic or imported?

We will give the average prices for dog vaccination in Moscow. Usually in the regions the cost of this service is 20-30% lower

If dogs are vaccinated in veterinary clinic, then the cost of the procedure is usually 500-600 rubles cheaper.

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When taking a dog into the home, it is important for the owner to know what vaccinations the animal is given and at what age. After all, the health and longevity of a dog directly depends on the owner. You should not neglect vaccination - it is easier to vaccinate your beloved pet once a year than to treat it later for all kinds of infections.

What is a vaccination and why is it done?

A vaccine is not a medicine; it contains weakened or killed pathogens of various infectious diseases. When they enter the dog’s body, they provoke a special immune reaction, during which antibodies to infectious agents are produced.

Dogs get sick no less often than people, and some diseases are not only fatal for a pet, but can be very dangerous for humans, for example, rabies. Vaccination against it in our country is a mandatory condition for keeping a pet. Infections can lie in wait for a dog anywhere:

  • while walking;
  • in contact with other animals;
  • when communicating with pets.

Even the owner himself can bring an infectious agent from the street on his own shoes, since many viruses are highly resistant to exposure external environment. Some owners think that the vaccine can make their dog sick. This is fundamentally wrong. The vaccine itself will not cause the disease; it can be caused by an incorrectly administered vaccination at the wrong time. Therefore, it will always tell you which vaccinations should be done and when. veterinarian.

There is no need to vaccinate the animal on your own, outside the clinic - when prescribing the vaccine, the doctor takes into account the dog’s condition, its age and physiological characteristics.

This is also important because if you plan to take your pet into competitions, or simply take it out of the country, then you will need a veterinary dog ​​passport international standard. It displays all the vaccinations given, indicating the date, as well as the stamp and signature of the veterinary clinic doctor.

What diseases and what vaccines are they vaccinated against?

When bringing a dog for vaccination, the owner, first of all, will be interested to know what vaccinations they are given and whether they have side effects. Most veterinarians prefer proven series of vaccines from abroad:

They are highly effective and have minimal risk side effects. The vaccine is usually administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in the withers or thigh area. Sometimes a swelling or compaction may form at the injection site, which goes away after a couple of days without requiring special treatment. Vaccines are polyvalent (against several diseases) and monovalent (against one disease) and are designated by different with Latin letters. Puppy vaccines are designated Puppy.

Dogs are vaccinated against the following infections:

  • hepatitis (H);
  • canine plague (D);
  • parvovirus enteritis (P);
  • leptospirosis ((Lepto);
  • parainfluenza (Pi);

Some clinics use polyvalent vaccines Russian production– Biovac; Multikan; Dipentovac; Polivac TM. As well as complex foreign drugs - Hexadog (USA-France); Duramun (USA); Vanguard (Belgium); Primodog (France).

When to vaccinate

What vaccinations a dog needs depends on its age. Puppies usually begin to be vaccinated at 8-9 weeks of age. It makes no sense to do this earlier - the baby receives the immunity it needs at first along with maternal colostrum. In this case, the vaccine antigens will simply be blocked by antibodies received from the mother dog. Exceptions are made in some situations:

  • in case of sale of a puppy before two months of age;
  • moving;
  • in extremely unfavorable conditions for viral infection.

Then babies are vaccinated at the age of 4 weeks. What vaccine to vaccinate and what vaccinations to give the dog in these cases is decided by the veterinarian. Sometimes four-week-old puppies are vaccinated if there is no information about whether the puppy's mother has been vaccinated. The vaccination schedule for dogs according to the standard schedule is given in the table below:

Dog age Vaccination appointment Most commonly used vaccines
4 weeks Against the plague; hepatitis A.
  • Nobivac Puppy DH
8-9 weeks From parvovirus enteritis; carnivore plague; parainfluenza; leptospirosis; hepatitis A.
  • Eurikan DHPPi + L
  • Nobivac DHPPi + L
  • Duramun Max 5/4 L
12 – strengthening immunity All the same + rabies vaccine.
  • Eurikan DHPPi + L (R)
  • Nobivac DHPPi + L (R)
  • Duramun Max 5/4 L
1 year – revaccination Vaccinate against the listed diseases with a complex vaccine.
  • Eurikan DHPPi + L
  • Nobivac DHPPi +
  • Duramun Max 5/4 L

Next, revaccination is carried out a year later, based on the date of the last vaccination. Adult dogs that have not previously been vaccinated are immediately given a complex vaccine, which they usually tolerate well. For dogs dwarf breeds Rabies vaccination is recommended to be done separately from the complex vaccine with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

How often to vaccinate a dog is also a question of interest to the owner. The effect of the vaccine lasts 12 months, then immunity begins to weaken. Therefore, the dog must be revaccinated annually throughout its life.

Conditions for preparing for vaccination

Before you vaccinate your dog, it needs to be prepared for it. The main condition for successful vaccination is the absolute health of the pet. Therefore, a medical examination is required before vaccination. If the animal is unwell or weakened due to childbirth, surgery, or injury, then the vaccination dates will be postponed. It is equally important to observe the following points before vaccination:

Pregnant bitches are vaccinated with caution, as there is an opinion that live strains of viruses can penetrate the placenta and negatively affect the embryos. But vaccines with killed pathogens have been tested and can be used if necessary emergency. Estrus is not a contraindication to vaccination, since it is a physiological process.

After vaccination

Also how to vaccinate a dog, following necessary preparation, post-vaccination control is important. The fact is that a dog will not develop strong immunity immediately, but after 2 weeks, so during this period it will not yet be protected. A two-week quarantine is maintained, during which you cannot:

  • bathe the dog;
  • allow contact with other pets that go outside.

During the first week, you can measure your dog’s temperature. If it increases by 0.5 degrees from the normal norm, you must inform your veterinarian. If there is such a possibility, then it is better not to walk the dog during quarantine, or to take it out for a short period without letting it off the leash. Separately about Ciprovet drops for dogs.

Today, many clinics provide services at home, so it is not necessary to take the dog to the veterinary hospital - the doctor will examine the pet and make necessary vaccination. The only thing you need to follow in this case is documentation of vaccination.
