What is a nasal cyst? Cyst in the sinus: what to do with it? Clinical picture of the disease

Under influence various factors sometimes pathological formations called cysts form in tissues or organs. They all differ in types, locations and sizes; some cause symptoms, while others do not manifest themselves; Some “bubbles” go away on their own, while others have to be eliminated. Why do such formations “love” the sinuses so much and is it dangerous – a cyst in the nasal cavity?

Description of the pathology and causes of formation

A cyst in the sinuses looks like a small bubble filled with clear or cloudy contents. Sometimes air accumulates inside. Elastic walls limit the cavity on both sides. The formation is benign, often not manifesting itself in any way. Sometimes a person can live peacefully even for decades without knowing about the pathology.

Sinus cyst

The essence of cyst formation is simple. The mucous membranes of the sinuses are filled with special glands that produce secretions. It is necessary to moisturize tissues and maintain a protective barrier against pathogens. Each gland is equipped with its own personal duct through which mucus comes out. When a person gets hooked respiratory virus or catches a cold, which inevitably leads to a runny nose, the ducts can become clogged, and then the secretion loses the ability to flow out and accumulates in the sinus. At the same time, the work of the glands does not stop, and mucus continues to accumulate. The result is overstretching of the walls and the formation of a cystic vesicle.

The causes of sinus cysts (photo in the site gallery) can be:

Localization of the pathology can be in the paired sinuses (maximum, ethmoid or frontal) and in the sphenoid bone.

Symptoms of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses

Depending on where the cyst is “located,” signs of pathology may manifest themselves differently, but there are general symptoms, allowing to suspect a neoplasm:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • constant or recurring congestion;
  • regular headaches and dizziness;
  • unpleasant sensations in the forehead, bridge of the nose, upper jaw;
  • scanty discharge from one or both nostrils;
  • frequent relapses of chronic ailments of the nasal cavity (rhinitis, sinusitis).

A characteristic sign of a cyst in the sinus is sharp pain when there are changes in atmospheric pressure, for example, during air travel or diving to depth.

Diagnostic difficulties

A common situation: a person comes to the hospital about a toothache or ordinary rhinitis, he is sent to radiographic examination, and the picture shows a slightly different picture than expected. About 10% of cystic formations are discovered this way - by chance.

X-ray examination of the sinuses

If there are specific complaints, radiography also remains the main diagnostic tool. As additional and clarifying measures, doctors can resort to computed tomography, and in the case of the odontogenic nature of the disease (that is, associated with teeth), orthopantomography is performed - panoramic shot upper jaw.

Where is the threat?

It would seem like just some small bubble with liquid somewhere inside. Why is a cyst in the sinuses dangerous and is it worth paying attention to it at all if it doesn’t bother you? Definitely worth it. After all, a peacefully living “ball” today, tomorrow can begin to grow, and if it greatly increases and breaks through, the bacteria-infected fluid can easily enter other organs, where it will gladly cause additional inflammation.

Symptoms of a cyst maxillary sinus nose

If a cyst is detected but does not bother you, it is recommended to monitor the formation using x-rays. The most important thing is to catch the moment when the bubble begins to increase.In advanced cases, the cyst can completely fill the sinus.

If the headache has become constant, purulent discharge regularly appears from the nose, the temperature rises, and other signs of inflammation are present, you need a doctor quickly and urgently.

With such symptoms, the consequences of untreated cysts in the sinus can result in otitis media, meningitis and other equally serious diseases of neighboring organs.

How to fight?

Key point: Treatment is not limited to eliminating the symptoms of sinus cysts.You always need to find the true culprit that triggered the formation of the bubble. Therefore, therapy includes complex methods: searching and eliminating the cause, removing the cyst, relieving symptoms, restorative measures and prevention.

If the trigger mechanism is frequent colds and respiratory ailments - increase the body’s immunity by hardening and timely vaccination against influenza. At allergic manifestations pick up antihistamines, in case of injuries - eliminate the consequences. Each “culprit” has its own method.

Surgical issue

Removal of a cyst in the nasal sinus is possible in three ways:

  1. Classic resection.
  2. Laser exposure
  3. Endoscopic surgery.

The most common method is the classical one. This is a standard abdominal intervention, most often performed using the Caldwell-Luc approach. An effective and thoroughly studied option for cyst removal. Undesirable actions include: high level traumatization of healthy tissues, long-term postoperative period, pronounced swelling and possible violation nasal breathing.

Radical surgery on the maxillary sinus according to Caldwell-Luc

Laser treatment is no less effective, however, since the equipment requires maximum access to the affected area, trauma to healthy mucous membranes is as high as with the classical approach.

Endoscopic surgery to remove a sinus cyst is now considered the gold standard. It is also successfully used for maxillary sinusitis and the treatment of other sinusitis. Significant disadvantages of the method – high price equipment and, accordingly, procedures in private clinics, and a lack of specialists trained to work with high-precision equipment. Significant advantages:

Elimination of symptoms and recovery

To relieve the patient of headaches, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Nimesil or Ketorol) are used; if necessary, antihistamine therapy, vasoconstrictor medications, and a course of vitamins can be added. If the contents of the cyst are purulent and complications occur, they are used. antibacterial agents. Recovery period must be supervised by an ENT physician and radiography.


Measures that can prevent the formation of a sinus cyst or paranasal “vesicles” include:

Regarding methods traditional medicine in the case of cystic formations, then it is ineffective in this case. Moreover, it is unsafe, since plant components can increase allergenicity and, in combination with medications, give unpredictable results.

Cysts in the nasal cavity are a common and well-studied phenomenon. Therefore, there is no need to split hairs; it is better to immediately contact specialists for help.

If a cyst is found in the nose, then all medical prescriptions must be followed. Some patients receive no treatment at all. All that is required is observation. Each patient needs an individual approach. A cyst is not a tumor and it does not represent great danger for human health.

A cyst is benign neoplasm, which is most often localized in paranasal sinuses ah nose. There are only 7 of them (3 paired and 1 unpaired). The paranasal sinuses are small cavities that communicate with the nasal passages. They are located in the skull area. The most common lesion is the maxillary sinuses. Otherwise they are called maxillary.

Most often, a cyst in the sinus is discovered accidentally during a tomography or radiography. In the absence of treatment and prolonged growth, infection may penetrate and a purulent inflammatory process may develop. In most patients, maxillary sinus cysts do not cause discomfort and there are no symptoms. People of any age face this problem.

Main etiological factors

The reasons for the formation of a maxillary sinus cyst are different. The following risk factors are identified:

  • frequent colds;
  • outbreaks chronic infection(sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis, rhinitis);
  • nasal deformity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dental diseases;
  • malocclusion;
  • presence of polyps.

Not only the sinuses, but also the mucous membrane of the passages can be affected. Common cause This pathology is allergic or vasomotor rhinitis. Right cyst maxillary sinus or left may appear against the background of sinusitis or polyposis. Normally, a person constantly secretes secretions in the nasal cavity. It is produced by special glands.

With frequent inflammatory diseases, the mucous membrane hypertrophies or swells, which leads to obstruction of the excretory ducts. Such glands become clogged, and secretions begin to accumulate. Gradually, the cyst itself forms with a capsule. Depending on the main etiological factor There are retention cysts (caused by a violation of the outflow of secretions) and odontogenic cysts.

How does the presence of a cyst manifest itself?

Most often a cyst of the maxillary sinus is diagnosed. In the presence of this pathology, the following symptoms are observed:

  • nasal congestion;
  • headache, mainly in the forehead;
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • frequent sinusitis;
  • feeling of heaviness in the nose and cheeks.

The larger the cyst in the maxillary sinus, the more severe the symptoms. With small formations there is no threat to health. Complaints appear when the cyst reaches a large size (more than 2 cm). Most patients complain of pain to the right or left of the nasal septum. Such individuals experience periodic yellow discharge mixed with pus.

A cyst of the left maxillary sinus or right can lead to slight displacement eyeball to the side. Some people experience swelling of the skin. When examining the pharyngeal mucosa, purulent mucous deposits are determined. As the tumor increases in size, the face becomes asymmetrical. The cyst itself is a round-shaped cavity with a shell and liquid inside.

It fits tightly to the wall of the sinus. In some people, a cyst in the nasal sinus manifests itself as a feeling foreign object, malaise, pressing pain In eyes. If an infection occurs, it may become inflamed. With a large cyst, the maxillary sinus may be completely blocked. Such formations must be removed. Less commonly, other nasal sinuses (frontal, sphenoid) are involved in the process.

Sometimes odontogenic cysts are detected. They differ in that they form at the bottom of the sinus. These formations are associated with dental diseases. They occur acutely, like neuralgia. The main symptoms are facial swelling, lacrimation, pain and tenderness on palpation of the cheeks.

Defeat frontal sinus characterized by scanty symptoms. Possible decrease in visual acuity, pain in the frontal lobe, crunching on palpation. In children and young people, a sphenoid sinus cyst is often found. In this case, headaches in the back of the head, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting may occur.

Risk of complications

A small maxillary sinus cyst is not dangerous to humans. Over the years, the tumor grows, squeezing the tissue. This pathology may lead to the following consequences:

  • inflammation;
  • suppuration;
  • fistula formation;
  • bone deformities facial section skulls;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • decreased vision;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • double vision;
  • damage to bone structures;
  • tissue necrosis.

If the maxillary sinus cyst completely blocks the air cavity, then the symptoms become permanent. Impaired breathing can lead to hypoxia. With this pathology, the nerves (oculomotor and optic) can be compressed.

Examination and treatment tactics

Treatment should begin after medical consultation and examinations. The following studies are being carried out:

  • rhinoscopy (examination of the nasal mucosa);
  • pharyngoscopy;
  • X-ray examination of the sinuses;
  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • puncture (biopsy).

X-ray can detect only large cysts of the left maxillary sinus and other areas. They look like spherical shadows with smooth edges and clear boundaries. The most informative research method is tomography. In the absence of complaints and a small tumor, removal of the maxillary sinus cyst may not be performed.

Requires constant monitoring and periodic instrumental study. Appointed medications(glucocorticoids for local use, vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, proteolytic enzymes). Instead of surgery, Nasonex, Nazivin, Tizin, Zodak, Lidazu spray are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

If an odontogenic cyst is detected, then treatment of diseased teeth is required. If necessary, they are removed or the channels are cleaned. A diagnostic and therapeutic puncture (sinus puncture) is often performed.

If there is difficulty breathing and other complaints, radical treatment is required.

Most often performed endoscopic removal maxillary sinus cysts.

The procedure lasts about 15 minutes and is painless. Removal is carried out using a thin endoscope, which is inserted into the nasal passages. If there is a large cyst in the nose, it is dangerous to leave it unattended. TO modern methods surgical treatment applies laser therapy. Removing the cyst is not always possible. The following contraindications are identified:

  • presence of epilepsy;
  • blood diseases in which clotting is impaired;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy.

The prognosis for cysts is most often favorable. After the operation, the pain disappears and breathing is restored. Prevention is timely treatment dental diseases, regular cleaning, avoiding hypothermia and viral diseases, timely treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, removal of polyps and normalization of the bite.

Cysts are pathological growths that form in body tissues under the influence of certain factors. These formations differ in structure, size, and location. Some cysts are accompanied severe symptoms, others do not show themselves at all.

In most cases, the bubble growths disappear on their own, but sometimes they have to be removed. Why do cysts often form in the sinuses? What danger do they pose to the body?

What is a cyst in the nose? How is it formed?

A cyst in the sinus is a small bubble filled with a liquid substance. Sometimes, instead of liquid, there is air in the bubble. The shell of the vesicular growth is elastic and elastic. The cyst is a benign formation; in most cases it is not accompanied by any symptoms. Many people carry a cyst in their sinus all their lives without even realizing their pathological condition.

The build-up process is simple. In the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses there are glands that produce secretions. This secretion keeps the tissues hydrated and is an obstacle to infection entering the body.

The mucous secretion leaves the glands through the ducts. When the body catches a cold or is attacked by a virus, a runny nose inevitably occurs and the ducts become clogged. As a result, the release of secretions stops, mucus accumulates in the sinus tissues. The mucous walls of the sinus are stretched under the pressure of mucus, and a cystic bladder is formed.

Causes of cysts

Most often, cysts in the nasal sinuses are formed under the influence of the following factors:

  • frequent acute respiratory diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • maxillary inflammatory processes;
  • chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx;
  • sinus damage;
  • polyps;
  • irregular structure of the nasal cavity.

Cysts are located both in the paired frontal, maxillary, ethmoid sinuses, and in the single sphenoid sinus.

True and false cysts

Medical specialists distinguish true and false cystic formations. A true sinus growth is a fluid-filled bubble formed from swollen mucous membrane. The cause of its occurrence is blockage of the gland ducts that produce moisturizing and protective secretions. Most often, blockage occurs under the influence of inflammatory reactions, making the mucous membranes of the sinuses more dense.

A small cyst that is not accompanied by inflammation usually does not cause any discomfort at all. Causes rapid growth cystic formation have not yet been precisely established. Many people have a small cyst in their sinus, but they don't even know it.. Sometimes the growth becomes inflamed, begins to grow, and the liquid contents are replaced by a purulent mass. When an overgrown cyst bursts, pus pours into the sinus, resulting in sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other diseases.

Whether a cystic formation is dangerous or safe, only a medical specialist can say after diagnostic examination.

False growths appear mainly in the maxillary sinuses. The cause of their occurrence is an inflammatory process in the maxillary gums or teeth. The shell of such cysts is formed not from the mucous membranes of the sinus, but from the maxillary tissues. Most often, growths form over teeth worn away by caries. Infection from a carious tooth can penetrate into the cystic bladder, causing inflammatory reaction and the formation of pus.

Symptoms of cyst formation in the sinus

Symptoms depend on where exactly the growth is located. Pathology in different people may not manifest themselves in the same way, but there are general signs diseases that always occur:

  • discomfort in the forehead, bridge of the nose, upper jaw;
  • dizziness, persistent migraine;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • slight discharge from the nostrils;
  • constant or frequent nasal congestion;
  • frequent exacerbations of chronic rhinitis or sinusitis.

A sure symptom of the development of a cyst in the nasal sinus is sharp pain in the nose, manifested by sudden change atmospheric pressure. This pain is usually observed in climbers and divers.

Complications of the disease

The consequences of developing a growth in the nasal sinus can be the most unpleasant. The following complications often occur in sick people:

  • hypoxia due to constant nasal congestion;
  • severe migraine;
  • problems with concentration;
  • lethargy, low performance;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • sleep apnea - stopping breathing during sleep.

Diagnosis of the disease

Most often, radiography is used to detect a cyst. On an x-ray, you can clearly see the growth in the sinus and determine its size and configuration. If the doctor sees that the cyst does not pose a danger to the patient, then he may not prescribe treatment. If the cystic formation is accompanied by pronounced unpleasant symptoms, then therapy is required. In this situation, the doctor sends the patient for the following additional examinations.

  1. Magnetic resonance or computed tomography. This procedure allows you to consider benign education in great detail.
  2. Endoscopy. Typically, the maxillary sinuses are examined using this method. If the cyst is small, it can be removed during the procedure. You can also perform a biopsy through endoscopy - take a piece of cystic bladder tissue for analysis.
  3. Gaimography. A type of x-ray in which a contrast agent. As a result, the image of the cyst appears clearly on the x-ray.
  4. Biopsy. Removing a small piece of tissue from the growth for analysis. The procedure allows you to find out whether a cystic bladder is true or false, as well as determine the composition of the fluid filling the pathogenic formation.

Treatment of cysts in the sinus

Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, the doctor selects best option therapy or prescribes surgical removal of a sinus cyst. Surgery is the main method of getting rid of cystic formation. Doctors do not advise against surgical intervention. If you do not get rid of an inflamed and rapidly growing cyst in time, it can burst, provoke a purulent process in the sinus, and cause rotting of the jaw and nasal bones.

Only a cyst that does not grow, is not accompanied by any symptoms, and does not cause discomfort can not be treated. Below are the main methods for removing growth.

Surgical removal of sinus cysts is not permitted for pregnant women or people suffering from autoimmune pathologies, immunodeficiency syndrome, heart failure, bleeding disorders. You cannot go for surgery immediately after an exacerbation of chronic diseases suffered respiratory infections, menstruation.

You need to wait a little. During the rehabilitation period after surgery, you should follow medical recommendations, take medications prescribed by the doctor, and monitor the hygiene of the nasal cavity.

Treatment of cysts with traditional medicine

Folk remedies are quite effective in helping to cope with cysts, but treatment should be carried out under strict supervision medical specialist. It is forbidden to use traditional medicine recipes if the formation of a growth is caused by allergic reaction. Medicinal plants can be allergens and cause a worsening of the sick person’s condition. Below are the most effective and proven remedies against sinus cysts.

  1. A mixture of glycerin and mumiyo. Both components are soluble in water. The resulting solution should be instilled into the nose twice a day. Three drops are dripped into each nostril.
  2. Dry milk juice. The rhizome of the plant is taken and the juice is squeezed out of it. The healing liquid must be dissolved in water so that the ratio of juice to water is 1 to 4. Two drops of the medicine should be instilled into the nose every day for a week.
  3. Golden mustache juice. Leaves are taken medicinal plant, juice is extracted from them. The medicine is instilled in three drops into each nostril twice a day.
  4. Aromatherapy. To ease nasal breathing, it is useful to breathe eucalyptus oil.

Disease prevention

To prevent the formation of a cyst in the nasal sinus, you must follow these rules:

  • do not delay treatment of acute respiratory infections;
  • get vaccinated against the flu;
  • lead healthy image life;
  • periodically visit the dentist, eliminate carious holes in a timely manner;
  • stop smoking;
  • take antihistamines if allergic rhinitis occurs;
  • avoid damage to the nose, blows to the face;
  • undergo preventive examinations annually.

Attention, TODAY only!

Frequent diseases of the ENT organs cause the formation of cysts. Its symptoms are headaches and nasal congestion, which can easily be confused with another runny nose. Many patients do not know that this can lead to consequences more serious than ARVI, which goes away in a week.

Formations can be retentional, lymphangiectatic, appearing in different departments sinuses of the upper jaw, and odontogenic, localized in the alveolar bay. Maxillary cysts sometimes fill the entire sinus and require surgical removal. Such a tumor in a child is a rare occurrence. It appears in a teenager when chronic rhinitis or allergies and is treated with methods similar to those for the adult population. Photos on the Internet will help you understand what a large maxillary cyst looks like on x-rays and during endoscopy.

Maxillary sinus cyst - symptoms

The presence of a maxillary tumor may not bother a person. It does not manifest itself and is often detected by CT, X-ray or MRI when diagnosing another disease. Size does not affect the intensity of symptoms. A large neoplasm on the upper wall may not bother the patient, but a small one at the excretory anastomosis may lead to the appearance of severe pain teeth and head.

Patients notice signs of the presence of maxillary formations when they reach significant volumes or when acute inflammation(associated with exacerbation of sinusitis or other disease). The time it takes to fill depends on the intensity and frequency of the inflammatory process and the individual structural features of human organs.

Nasal congestion

During illness, the patient may feel discomfort in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. Congestion is constant symptom: with a unilateral process, the right or left nostril, with bilateral damage, a person cannot draw in air through the nose at all. This indicates a strong growth of the formation and its filling of the entire sinus space.

Mucous contents are discharged from the nose. The incidence of ENT diseases is significantly increasing. They are much more difficult for humans to tolerate and last longer than before the formation of a tumor.


In 50% of patients, the cyst manifests itself as nasal congestion and headaches. Pain syndrome extends to the ocular and temporal region.

In patients who engage in water sports, the symptom may worsen when diving to depths. Headache It can be constant or periodic; changes in the condition often occur in response to stress or climate change; a person may suffer from dizziness.

Other symptoms

The neoplasm sometimes causes symptoms that a person without medical education difficult to associate with diseases of the olfactory organs. Depending on the location, size of the cyst and the structure of the maxillary sinus, the patient may complain of discomfort:

  • discomfort in the upper jaw;
  • the appearance of mucus or draining pus in the throat;
  • cheeks and eyes hurt;
  • the temperature rises.

Causes of maxillary cyst formation

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The mechanism of cyst appearance on the right and left side is associated with inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. The glands of the mucous membrane of the sinuses constantly produce mucus. The glands have exit ducts on the surface, and when inflammation occurs frequently, they become clogged. Since mucus continues to be produced, but cannot come out, this provokes the accumulation of secretions, stretching of the walls of the gland and the appearance of a neoplasm. The cause of a cyst may be:

  • chronic rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • inflammation of a tooth in the upper jaw;
  • prolapse of the hard palate;
  • congenital facial asymmetry;
  • injuries;
  • individual structural features of the outlet of the maxillary sinus.


It is almost impossible to find out about the presence of pathology on your own. The appearance of left or right cyst means the patient is suffering chronic disease teeth or respiratory tract(we recommend reading: ). The neoplasm does not show any special signs, so its presence is easily confused with other diseases. The diagnosis is established after an image, the direction of which is given by a dentist or otolaryngologist.


X-rays help identify fairly large tumors. In the picture they look like round protrusions on one of the walls of the nasal sinuses with smooth contours. In medicine, X-rays with contrast are used, which allows one to identify a tumor. different sizes at both sides. With an odontogenic cyst of the upper jaw in the alveolar bay, the doctor chooses a different projection to create an image.


The best diagnostic method is computed tomography. The method allows the specialist to determine the exact location of the tumor, the thickness of the membrane and internal structure areas where it is located. Often the diagnostic method is carried out in advanced cases. He testifies to surgical treatment and helps the doctor decide on the method of intervention.


To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor performs a puncture - a puncture of the sinus cyst. When receiving a specific liquid orange color, the presence of the disease is confirmed. The method does not give accurate results, since in this way it is possible to detect an exceptionally large tumor located in the path of the needle.


An endoscope is inserted into the cavity through the outlet anastomosis. It allows you to identify and study the tumor in detail, and find out the location of the tumor. If necessary, a biopsy is performed in parallel or treatment is prescribed. This method allows you to determine the presence of polyps of the maxillary sinus and other pathological processes.

Treatment options

Often, a neoplasm in the sinuses does not require emergency measures. In each case, methods for eliminating the disease are prescribed individually. The doctor chooses procedures depending on the patient’s complaints, concomitant diseases and the severity of the problem. If there is a small cyst, experts advise monitoring its development and eliminating pathologies that could lead to its occurrence. If there is a tooth cyst in the sinus, there is good chances that it will disappear on its own after complete treatment of oral diseases.


Patients are offered to undergo treatment without surgery. Conservative method aimed at reducing the rate of cyst growth. It is prescribed when a small formation is detected. Most experts are confident in the insufficient effectiveness of such treatment and its negative consequences. Attempts to get rid of tumors at home can lead to new sources of tumor formation and create a favorable atmosphere for the development of bacteria.

In case of exacerbation of inflammation, even if the formation has reached a size sufficient for surgery, surgical intervention prohibited. To suppress the infection process, the patient undergoes a course of therapy consisting of drugs:

  • saline solution for washing Physiomer, Aquamaris;
  • a drug for the outflow of fluid from sinuses Sinuforte;
  • cortecosteroids Beconase, Nasonex;
  • vasoconstrictor sprays Tizin, Nazol, Otrivin;
  • local antibiotics Isofra or Bioparox;
  • antibiotics general action Amoxicillin, Lincomycin.


The choice of type of surgery depends on the size and location of the tumor. Indications for surgical intervention appear if the cyst worsens the patient’s quality of life. Previously, the Caldwell-Luc method was considered the standard for removing maxillary sinus cysts, but due to the use general anesthesia, the formation of coarse scar tissue and consequences in the form of sinusitis and rhinitis, it is rarely performed. Today patients are prescribed:

  1. Denker's maxillary sinusotomy. Access to the formation is through the front wall. The advantage of the intervention is the ability to remove the tumor in hard to reach place. The only way to perform the operation on back wall maxillary sinus.
  2. Endoscopic removal. The process lasts 20-60 minutes, the doctor does not make any incisions. The method does not imply the presence of complications, damage to the maxillary sinus or the occurrence of inflammation.
  3. Puncturing. It is carried out through the nose by piercing the sinus with a needle. It is a temporary measure, ensures suction of the contents of the cyst, leaving its walls. The symptoms go away, but when the tumor fills, the patient again worries.

Prognosis for recovery

A cyst of the right maxillary sinus is a benign neoplasm, which is a membrane with liquid contents. It is harmless, although it causes sinusitis, and with timely detection and removal, as well as prevention, the possibility of relapse is minimal.

If the disease is asymptomatic, it may remain unchanged for several years, gradually decrease and disappear completely. When a large maxillary formation appears, the risk of complications is small. The only way to effectively get rid of a tumor if it bothers you and causes a constant runny nose, sinusitis, or rhinitis is surgery. A gentle method is endoscopic removal of the cyst.

Why is a cyst dangerous?

A cyst is a tumor that sometimes causes disruption of body functions. How dangerous can it be? untimely treatment? The formation, which increases in volume, destroys the bone, which subsequently leads to inflammation. The jaw wall becomes thinner and decreases in volume. Odontogenic cyst is not the cause discomfort and is not detected by palpation, so sometimes it reaches enormous sizes. When she appears on lower jaw there is a risk of fracture during chewing.

A common phenomenon is a retention cyst, which can be identified by histological examination. It is located in the lower wall of the maxillary sinus. It takes 2 months before the first symptoms appear, during which serotonin or histamine accumulates in the body, disrupting the structure of the capillaries. As a result of this process, the mucous membrane swells.

A small cyst can remain in a person all his life asymptomatically, but as its size increases, the disease threatens health:

  • pressure on intracranial organs increases;
  • body temperature increases;
  • the inflammatory process spreads to neighboring tissues;
  • in advanced cases, the bone dies.

In the worst case, the tumor may burst. The released purulent contents enter the body, not only creating discomfort, but also causing tissue infection with subsequent necrosis.
