Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev biography. Nikita Khrushchev - biography, photo, personal life of a statesman

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev still remains one of the most significant personalities in the political history of the world. His decisions were controversial and controversial. He was a reformer and a tyrant, the one who first dared to abolish the cult of Stalin, however, at the same time being the initiator of brutal anti-religious reprisals and the introduction death penalty for parasitism and currency fraud.

Secret prophecy

To answer the question “Who is Khrushchev”, we are transported to the very origins. Let's return to the village of Kalinovka, Kursk province, where in 1894. Nikita Sergeevich was born into a family of poor peasants. Little is known about his childhood, because Khrushchev himself forbade “rummaging” in his biography and said that his life began with joining the party. Nikita Sergeevich had a sister, Irina.

As a child, a mysterious incident happened to Nikita: he got lost in the forest, and when he went out into a clearing, he met an old woman there. She then told the very little boy that he would live long life and will become a great man. Whether these are real memories or fantasies, one can only guess.

Young and promising

Nikita Sergeevich recalled in his own memoirs that the family lived very poorly. Potatoes, salt and water - that’s all the Khrushchev family ate X. They had a hard time making ends meet and in search of work they moved to the Donbass city of Yuzovka. Nikita Sergeevich then firmly decides that he will change his life. By that time, the future head of state becomes a first-class mechanic, gets married, gets an apartment, and earns 45–50 rubles. per month. Big money for a young worker. But this was not enough for Nikita; he is thinking of becoming an engineer and even immigrating to the USA. However, the Great October Revolution changes all his plans.

Revolution - a time of opportunity

In 1918 he is drafted into the Red Army. The civil war leads to the fact that the working working class becomes the head of power. The mines have collapsed and enormous efforts are required to restore them. In 1920 The civil war takes Nikita Sergeevich's wife Frosya away from him. Khrushchev takes an active part in the repair of mines, throws himself into work and in 1922 marries Nina Kukharchuk for the second time.

Able-bodied and active Nikita notices the Regional Committee and makes him a party member. In 1925 Nikita Sergeevich even goes to the capital, to the party congress, where the dawn of the NEP is just taking place. All this makes an indelible impression on a simple village guy. He comes to the hall before everyone else to take a place in the front rows, actively, enthusiastically, applauding Stalin. Since then, the career of the young politician has been going up. He enters the Donbass Industrial Institute at the working faculty, and at the same time leads an active political career.

At one of the political congresses he meets his guides to the world senior officials- Lazar Kaganovich. In 1929 on his promotion Khrushchev enters the Moscow Academy of Industry and becomes secretary of the party committee. All his life, Khrushchev dreams of getting an education, “becoming a man,” but interest in a political career takes over. Nikita Sergeevich, guided by the interests of Stalin, seeks out opposition-minded students, the so-called right-wingers. Such dedication does not go unnoticed. Dreams of studying fade into the background, Khrushchev becomes second secretary of the Moscow City Committee. In 1934 he takes the place of the head of the Moscow party organization, which was previously occupied by the same Lazar Kaganovich.

Shirt guy

Nikita Sergeevich admired Stalin at that time, he spoke of him as an attentive, penetrating person. And most importantly, he was unconditionally devoted to the leader. It was precisely these people that Stalin needed to cleanse the party apparatus. Khrushchev later called that time a “massacre.” Everyone could come under suspicion: both ordinary workers and senior party officials.

The entire world of the Red Army was arrested and shot. N.S. Khrushchev becomes especially close to Stalin. Every day, documents from the “traitors” with whom he sat at the same table yesterday land on his desk. Nikita Sergeevich not only did not question the decision of the leader of the people, he was surprised and angry that he himself could not recognize the enemies among his entourage.

Stalin instructed Nikita, as he called it, find and destroy more than 35 thousand. enemies. And Khrushchev completed this task, he did it, he destroyed thousands of people whose guilt was not proven; people who were not enemies, but their activities or ideas simply did not suit Stalin. The leader was so pleased with the work of his ward that he sent him to Ukraine, making him the head of the political party of the Ukrainian SSR.

Achievements during the war

Nikita Sergeevich resisted. He said that he could not cope, however, Stalin’s decisions were not discussed. When Khrushchev arrived in Ukraine, it was as if he had broken out of Stalin's hypnosis. He increasingly began to wonder whether it was worth shedding so much blood for the sake of a bright communist future. During the years of his reign of the Ukrainian SSR, the Great Patriotic War occurred. And everyone unites against the external enemy - Nazi Germany. Nikita Sergeevich does not sit idle. He takes an active part. The assessment of Khrushchev's activities can be either positive or negative. However, during the war he deservedly receives the rank of “lieutenant general.”

With his active participation, the victory at Stalingrad and the liberation of Kyiv take place. Stalin orders Khrushchev to return to politics, explaining that for him the war is over. And in 1945 the war ends for everything Soviet Union.

After the war

Khrushchev began to restore Ukraine with his former youthful zeal. It seemed that life begins with clean slate. The war changed people, they became freer. However, in 1946 a new misfortune came - an unusually lean year. All reserves from the Ukrainian treasury were redirected to Moscow. And how N.S. Khrushchev did not ask Stalin to return at least something to Ukraine - he was unshakable. Ukraine was in for a terrible famine. Desperate, Khrushchev tries to circumvent Stalin's decisions. The leader is furious. He removes Khrushchev from the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian SSR, after which Khrushchev is seriously ill for a long time.

Later, Stalin shows unusual mercy and not only does not punish Khrushchev, but again makes him the main political figure of Ukraine.

After some time, the leader returns Nikita to his place in Moscow. In the second half of the 40s. Khrushchev becomes the closest person to Stalin. Nobody around him takes Nikita Sergeevich seriously, but in vain...

Khrushchev's rise to power

In 1953 Stalin dies, leaving the country on the brink cold war from the USA. M.G. becomes the first secretary of the Central Committee. Malenkov, however, it is clear that this post is temporary. Beria and Khrushchev laid claim to the role of head of state. However, the steps taken by the all-powerful at that time L.P. Beria, frightened members of the Presidium of the Central Committee. And they decided to choose a safer and more predictable leader. Beria was taken out of the Kremlin and declared an enemy of the people and a spy. And Khrushchev, having secured the support of the party bureaucracy, became the main person in the Soviet Union.

The main merit of N.S. Khrushchev

In 1956 At the 20th Party Congress, Nikita Sergeevich gave a two-hour speech about the abolition of Stalin’s personality cult. This speech was filled with shocking facts and promises. He spoke about the erroneous lists of those convicted in the 30s; about Lenin’s will, where he asked to remove Stalin from the post of General Secretary and about the losses in the Great Patriotic War, in which Stalin played a central role. It was a speech that destroyed all previous achievements. A wave of indignation swept across the country

Mistakes of foreign and domestic policy

Perhaps it is this historical phrase that Nikita Sergeevich will be remembered by other generations. But during his reign, many innovative decisions were made. All the merits of Khrushchev united under the name “Khrushchev Thaw”:

  1. Debunking Stalin's personality cult.
  2. Softening censorship, conducting many International festivals, exchange of experience between students.
  3. Rehabilitation of victims Stalin's repressions.
  4. Bringing the village to a new stage of development - village residents received passports, the general standard of living improved.
  5. Many reforms regarding pensions, working hours, social security, solving the housing problem.

However, some economic views of Khrushchev were not only disadvantages, but frankly disastrous:

  1. Excessive enthusiasm for the confrontation with the United States.
  2. Wrong military reform, as a result of which a large number of the military were left without a livelihood.
  3. Khrushchev's attempts to reduce the influence of the church on the state through harsh anti-religious campaigns
  4. Construction of the Berlin Wall.
  5. Planting corn in unfavorable areas, which plunged the country into an economic crisis.
  6. The abolition of the cult of personality is taking place formally, since now in every office, instead of a portrait of Stalin, there hangs a portrait of Khrushchev

Historical failure of power

All reforms of N.S. Khrushchev's plans were inconsistent and not completed. He changed his policy many times without adhering to a single course. N. Khrushchev’s ambitions guided his decisions, so, along with the abolition of the cult of Stalin, many effective and high-quality Stalinist reforms were canceled. The country was approaching its biggest crisis in years.

Politics N.S. Khrushchev aroused indignation among ordinary people, and at the top ranks. Therefore, in 1964, a plan was carried out to remove Nikita Sergeevich from office, the so-called conspiracy against Khrushchev. The main agitator for the removal of N. Khrushchev was Brezhnev. After his 30-minute speech about the shortcomings of the board, by unanimous decision of the Presidium, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev resigned from his post as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

Although Nikita Sergeevich was formally a member of the party, the time of his participation in political life the country was over. Last years he spent his life at the dacha. Recording his memories on a dictaphone, he knew in advance that no one would ever publish them.

Once at the school where the grandson of the former head of state studied, they asked what the former head of state was doing, the boy replied: “Grandfather is crying.”

Interesting Facts from the life of N.S. Khrushchev:

  1. Being a mechanic's assistant, he assembled a motorcycle with his own hands.
  2. He played the button accordion very well.
  3. He often used profanity in his speech.
  4. Had a special glass with a double bottom to create the appearance drinking man, often used tea instead of cognac.
  5. He didn't actually hit the table with his shoe, he just tried to straighten it.

Hello, dear friends!

Today we will focus on another problematic topic for applicants - “The USSR during the reign of N.S. Khrushchev." In general, the entire 20th century is a big problem for applicants: a lot of factual material, many names, processes and events. Therefore, dear friends, I began the first posts on this site with the principles that should be followed when preparing for the Unified State Exam in history. Because when studying and history, systematization of the material is extremely important, and only then memorization. Otherwise your head will be a mess.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that I will describe here only those points on which extremely serious attention should be focused, since I can describe in detail the years of Khrushchev’s rule only in my author’s complete video course on the history of Russia, which should be published at the very beginning of 2013.

So actually about the reign of Khrushchev. Let’s immediately define the chronological framework: 1953 — 1964 — years of his reign.

Processes and phenomena in domestic policy

The 20th Congress of the CPSU had an extremely important influence on the entire subsequent development of the USSR ( Communist Party Soviet Union). The congress took place on February 14-25, 1956 in Moscow.

1.1 The Congress determined plans for the upcoming 6th Five-Year Plan, in which it was planned to restore agriculture and place emphasis, among other things, on the production of consumer goods (light industry). Why was the emphasis placed on these sectors of the economy? Because due to the outbreak of the arms race between the USA and the USSR, the emphasis, starting with Stalin, was on heavy industry. As a result, a deficit (shortage) of consumer goods arose.

1.2 The Congress heard a report N. S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences” at a closed meeting. The consequence of this was the so-called de-Stalinization: rejection of the cult of personality. At the same time, all the miscalculations of the USSR leadership in the 30s and beyond were associated exclusively with the personality of Stalin. Whether this is good or bad, I don’t know, but it was during these years that many WWII myths were generated, which corrupt people’s minds to this day.

2. Development of agriculture and industry.

2.1 In agriculture during the reign of N.S. Khrushchev carried out two reforms. The first was due to the fact that during the reign of Khrushchev, MTS (Machine and Tractor Stations) 🙂 were transferred directly to collective farms (collective farms). However, the latter, naturally, could not always buy out the entire MTS machine park. The second reform is the creation of territorial councils of the national economy - economic councils.

The purpose of their creation was the decentralization of power, as well as the delegation of powers to the territories, which, of course, had a better understanding of the situation on the ground. A course was also adopted towards the disaggregation of collective farms and the creation of agricultural towns, personal subsidiary plots (vegetable gardens) were liquidated, which could not lead to positive results

It is also worth noting the boom in meat and corn after N.S.’s visit. Khrushchev in the USA in 1959. Also, do not forget about the events in Novocherkassk in 1962.

2.2 In industry, positive developments should be noted: the population now has televisions, telephones, refrigerators, and housing.

3. Khrushchev’s “Thaw”. The starting point was XX Congress of the CPSU. However, the “Thaw” was controversial: B. Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago” was banned and the author was driven to death.

Processes in foreign policy

1. Khrushchev’s reign marked the apogee of the Cold War: the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

2. During the years of Khrushchev's reign, events also occurred in Hungary in 1956, when the Hungarians rebelled against the Rakosi regime, known for executions. The uprising was directed not just against state security officials, but against the regime as a whole. The USSR was ready to suppress uprisings if it came to separating satellites from the socialist camp.

Well, dear friends, we briefly looked at the years of N.S.’s reign. Khrushchev. I wanted to post documentaries about Khrushchev, but, unfortunately, they are filled with ideologues. Therefore, it’s better to record a video lesson dedicated to this period in my author’s course. Of course, I don’t pretend to be free from ideologies, but according to at least, I’m adapting the material for applicants, that is, for you, my dears :)

In the following posts, I will firstly post a new video lesson in which I will explain the principles of solving tests for this period, and, secondly, I will explain how to specifically teach and systematize history material so that it is better remembered. So subscribe to updates so you don't miss anything!

Finally, some jokes on the topic

It is no secret that Nikita Sergeevich became the hero of numerous jokes. These jokes are different: funny and serious, simple and rather harsh. I am sure that humor is an extremely good thing for dealing with stress. Moreover, having laughed sincerely, you will remember the years of N.M.’s reign for a long time. Khrushchev, which will give you an advantage in the exam.

That means Khrushchev is dying. Well, he goes to heaven. And there stand Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and on their foreheads is “TK”. Well, Khrushchev was also branded “TK” on his forehead. Well, Khrushchev asks God - “God, what is “TK?” then who?" - asks Khrushchev. “And you - God answers - Yap Corn!”

1) Khrushchev visited a pig farm. Pigs:

- Hru... hru... hru...
- Feed better so that they can fully pronounce it.

2) - What things did Khrushchev not manage to do?
— Build a bridge along the Moscow River, combine the toilet with the bathtub, the floor with the ceiling, make the restroom a walk-through, divide the Ministry of Transport into two: “There” and “Back.”

3) Khrushchev inspects an exhibition of paintings in the Manege:
- What is this stupid square and red dots around?
- This is a Soviet factory with workers rushing to work!
- What kind of sackcloth is this, smeared with green and yellow?
- This is a collective farm where corn ripens!
- What is this blue ugly thing?
— This is “Nude” by Falka.
— Naked Valka? Who would want to climb such a Valka? What kind of ass is this with ears?
- This... this... this is a mirror, Nikita Sergeevich!

4) Khrushchev visited a pig farm. The editors of Pravda are discussing the text of the caption under the photograph, which must be placed on the first page. The options “Comrade Khrushchev among pigs” and “Pigs around Comrade Khrushchev” are rejected. The final version of the signature: “Third from the left is Comrade Khrushchev.”

5) One wrote on the fence “Khrushchev is a fool.” He was given 11 years - one year for damage state property and 10 years for disclosing state secrets. By the time Khrushchev returned from England, the convict had already served a year and was released - what he divulged ceased to be a state secret.

6) After Khrushchev’s report at the 20th Congress, someone shouted to him from the audience:
- Why were you silent?
- Who is asking?
- Who is asking?
- Are you silent? So we were silent.

Best regards, Andrey Puchkov

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev is one of the most impulsive and controversial Soviet political leaders. He expanded the boundaries of freedom and earned a reputation as a fighter for democratization, condemning Stalin's terror, amnestying political prisoners, reducing repression and the influence of ideological censorship. Under him, a breakthrough into space was made and large-scale housing construction was launched, collective farmers got passports and an unprecedented openness to the world with the arrival of foreign tourists, artists, and students.

But the name of the third head of the USSR (after Lenin and Stalin) is also associated with the suppression of the uprising against the pro-Soviet regime in Hungary, the shooting of protest participants in former capital Donskoy troops in Novocherkassk, death sentences by courts for thieves of public property and black marketeers, failed corn epic, persecution Nobel laureate Boris Pasternak, obscene language in the Manege at an exhibition of avant-garde artists, the breakdown of relations with China, the peak of Cold War tension with the United States.

A politician who sought to build better life for the people, but did not have deep encyclopedic knowledge and high culture(the old Bolsheviks called him “an ignoramus and a buffoon”), made a significant contribution to undermining the authority of Marxist philosophy in the world. “The first freak of the Soviet Union,” - this is the nickname Khrushchev earned from the mouths of our contemporaries.


The future extraordinary party leader was born on April 15, 1894 in the village of Kalinovka, located 170 km from Kursk. He became the first-born in the peasant family of Sergei Nikanorovich (died 1938 from tuberculosis) and Ksenia Ivanovna (1872 - 1945) Khrushchev. Later they had a daughter, Irina.

They worked tirelessly, but lived poorly. Elementary education the boy received it at a parochial school. At the age of 9, when he learned to count to thirty, his father decided that he had had enough of learning (“You’ll never have more than 30 rubles anyway,” his father told him), and sent him to work as a farm laborer for a landowner.

In the 1900s, their family went to work in Yuzovka (now Donetsk, Ukraine). They lived in a barracks in a workers’ village, where (according to his recollections) “dirt, crime and stench” reigned, and they slept on two-tier bunks in rooms of 60-70 people. His father worked as a miner, his mother as a laundress, and Nikita as a steam boiler cleaner. The parents dreamed of saving money to buy a horse and return to the village, but they never succeeded.

According to the recollections of family friends, Ksenia Ivanovna considered her husband a doormat all her life and kept him under her thumb. She herself was a fighting woman, with character, while Sergei Nikanorovich was described as a kind man, but spineless.

Nikita Sergeevich once told his son-in-law that when he was little and grazing cows in a meadow, an unfamiliar old woman approached him and said: “Boy, a great future awaits you.” Little Nikita told this story to his mother, who from then on called him Tsar and boasted about him to her friends.

Labor activity

At the age of 14, the boy was hired as a mechanic's apprentice at the Bosse plant (now JSC Donetskgormash), where he became a member of the trade union and actively participated in strikes. At the age of 18, he began working as a mechanic at a coal mine in the village of Rutchenkovo. His mother insisted on this - she wanted her son to become one of the people, and not repeat the fate of his “worthless” father.

Khrushchev is jokingly called the first Soviet biker. Having once seen a photograph of a motorcycle in his boss’s office, he welded his own iron horse from scraps of bicycle pipes and assembled the motor himself. The resulting vehicle remained on the road for 20 years and made Nikita the life of the party among local youth. At the same time, he never drank or smoked - his mother saved him from addictions.

At the age of 24, as soon as the revolution died down, Khrushchev joined the Communist Party. At first Civil War the young communist fled from Ukraine, fearing reprisals as a “Muscovite,” moved to Kalinovka to live with his grandfather, and then was drafted into the Red Army. He was a detachment commander, a battalion political commissar in the battles for the city of Tsaritsyn, and an instructor in the political department of the 9th Kuban Army.

After the war, he returned to the Rudchenkovo ​​mine and from 1922 to 1925 he studied at the workers' faculty of the Don Technical School, where he was elected party secretary.

Career in the CPSU

An proactive and assertive fighter for Stalin’s cause in 1925, he headed the Petrovo-Maryinsky district committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (Bolsheviks) in the Donbass. In 1928, he received his first high appointment - deputy head of the organizational department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party - and moved to Kharkov, where the republican government bodies were located.

A year later, he became a student at the Industrial Academy in Moscow, enthusiastically took up the fight against the “right” there and soon became party secretary educational institution. In 1932, he was approved as the second secretary of the city committee. He became right hand the first person of the committee, a close associate of Stalin, Lazar Koganovich. In 1934, he was already the successor to his boss as head of the Moscow State Committee, and a year later - the regional committee, although he never received a diploma from the academy.

On behalf of Koganovich, the loyal Stalinist controlled the progress of metro construction. In 1935, in honor of the successful completion of the first stage of an important facility, he was awarded his first Order of Lenin. During the same period, he demonstrated considerable zeal in organizing Stalin’s “purges” and in implementing plans to accelerate the pace of industrialization. By 1937, the politician entered the circle of the most influential people in the USSR. He was a deputy of the Supreme Council, a member of the Presidium and the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

Arriving in 1938 in Ukraine, which had experienced a terrible famine, and changing to highest position repressed Stanislav Kosior, he began to form a new administrative apparatus of the republic to replace that destroyed by mass repressions. Punitive expulsions did not stop under him, but were carried out on a lesser scale.

The most striking moments from Khrushchev's speeches

During the Second World War, the politician was a member of the military councils of a number of fronts. In 1943, he earned the high rank of lieutenant general. A year later, on the 50th anniversary of his birth, he was awarded the second Order of Lenin. He led the brutal suppression of anti-Soviet partisan movement in the western regions of Ukraine, shooting more than 150 thousand and deporting about 200 thousand people out of 3.5 million inhabitants of this region. He was the Prime Minister of the Ukrainian SSR, then the newly elected party secretary of the republic. As a member of the Politburo, he often visited the capital and met with the leader of the state.

Since 1949, the Ukrainian leader was transferred to Moscow. The head of the USSR instructed him to restore order in the capital's party organization and entrusted him with the post of secretary of the CPSU (b), although he did not have much respect for him. For example, during feasts at the leader’s dacha, where they discussed critical issues state, Joseph Vissarionovich forced his bald, short and plump comrade-in-arms to dance the hopak, bursting into laughter.

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee

Nevertheless, after Stalin passed away in 1953, the politician, whom many perceived as a poorly educated simpleton, managed to beat the all-powerful head of the special services Lavrenty Beria, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Grigory Malenkov and all other contenders in the fight for the throne, becoming the new sole party leader.

During the years of being at the top of the political Olympus, Khrushchev did not build communism, as he promised, but he saved the country from many years of fear, rehabilitated more than 20 million people (though many of them posthumously), actively supported the development of science and technology, organizing the launch of the world's first nuclear power plant, located in Kaluga region, the first satellite and astronaut.

Among his successes in the agricultural sector are the lifting of the ban on collective farmers changing their place of residence, issuing them passports, cash wages, and the development of virgin lands. The positive results of his management also include the construction of free housing, the adoption of the “Peace Program,” cultural exchange with foreign countries, and a reduction of the army by a third.

However, he often acted inconsistently and too emotionally. For example, due to the ill-conceived military reform, many officers were left without housing and work, and the villagers, who under Stalin received 7 centners of grain as payment, began to receive money, but equivalent to only 3.7 centners. Collective farmers began to flee to the cities, and a shortage of bread arose. The country had to allocate 860 tons of gold to purchase grain from capitalist countries. Prices on the market increased by 13-17%, whereas under Stalin, prices traditionally decreased on April 1 of each year.

Nikita Khrushchev's speech at the UN (1960)

By 1964, the average annual growth rate of the economy had fallen from 11 to 5 percent. Due to the reduction in the number of collective farmers and low labor productivity, shortages in bread began, residents middle zone were forced to go to the capital for food. Wherein gratuitous help The USSR to developing countries reached 3.5 billion rubles: India, Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia.

The big disadvantage of his activities was the destruction of individual subsidiary farms(the number of livestock has been halved, personal plots decreased to 15-25 acres), “corn madness”, disappearance from stores white bread, strengthening of the Cold War, Caribbean crisis, cessation of payments on “Stalinist” bonds, increase retail prices, which provoked mass unrest, including the tragedy in Novocherkassk.

Khrushchev's policies led to the division of socialist countries into three blocs. Three “leaders” stood out: the USSR, Romania with Yugoslavia and China. Relations with the latter were spoiled after Khrushchev called Mao Zedong an “old galosh.”

Trying to create the image of a “peacemaker,” Khrushchev acted illogically: he brutally dispersed a rally in support of Stalin in Georgia, and no less brutally suppressed the uprising in Hungary in 1956. In 1957, he stopped payments on “Stalinist” bonds, which led to a 30% increase in prices for meat and dairy products. This led to popular unrest; in 1962, machine gun fire was opened on participants in a rally in Novocherkassk.

Another “invention” of Khrushchev is the famous five-story panel buildings. At one time, the Secretary General dispersed the USSR Academy of Architecture because they did not share Khrushchev’s opinion on the economic feasibility of building five-story buildings. In fact, with the money allocated for one “Khrushchev”, it was possible to build two 9-story buildings, saving on infrastructure - the costs of water supply and sewerage in 5-story buildings were higher.

Against the backdrop of many miscalculations, which led, instead of the promised abundance, to the threat of famine in the country, in 1964, the fighter against the cult of personality was removed from all positions at the October Plenum of the Central Committee. According to rumors, he said goodbye to his colleagues that the possibility of changing leadership without bloodshed was his main achievement. Khrushchev's successor was Leonid Brezhnev.

Personal life of Nikita Khrushchev

Khrushchev was married three times. His first chosen one was Efrosinya Pisareva, the sister of his fellow miner, whom he married before the revolution. In those years, Nikita Sergeevich, who received 40-50 rubles in gold per month, was provided with a government apartment and was exempt from military service as a highly qualified specialist, was known as an enviable groom.

She died of typhus in 1919 while her husband was fighting at the front, and left her 25-year-old husband with her 3-year-old daughter Yulia and 2-year-old son Lenya in her arms. In 1922, Khrushchev became involved with Maria, a woman with a child from a previous marriage, but their relationship lasted little more than a year.

Third wife political leader and Nina Kukharchuk (b. 1900), a teacher at the Yuzovsky party school, became his faithful life partner for 47 years, where they met and began living as a family in 1924. Nina Kukharchuk adequately represented the country on her husband’s trips abroad

They officially registered their marriage only after Nikita Sergeevich retired. In addition to two children from his first marriage, they raised three children together: daughters Radu and Elena and son Sergei.

The politician loved cinema, theater, folk and classical music. His favorite songs were Ukrainian songs performed by Ivan Kozlovsky, “I Amazing at the Sky” and “Black Eyebrows, Brown Eyes.”

Last years and death

After his resignation, the disgraced leader became a personal pensioner and lived in a dacha near Moscow, walking in the company of a shepherd named Arbat and the rook Kava (who fell out of the nest, fed by Khrushchev and became tame). The former general secretary communicated with security officers, talked with vacationers from a neighboring holiday home, and recorded his memories on a tape recorder (he was denied a stenographer to record his memoirs at the Central Committee).

Later he became interested in photography and gardening. In the evenings, I often listened to broadcasts from Western radio stations “Liberty”, “Voice of America”, and the BBC, then expressing my opinion on the events taking place. He treated Academician Sakharov with sympathy, was sincerely indignant about attempts to rehabilitate Stalin, and was immensely shocked by Svetlana Alliluyeva’s flight from the country. It happened that he fell into depression, talked about the meaninglessness of his life, but then again, with a constant smile, he joked, walked, and told stories.

In 1970, Khrushchev’s health deteriorated and he suffered his first heart attack. A year later he died in hospital from extensive heart attack myocardium. The former head of the USSR was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. The monument at his grave was sculpted by Ernst Neizvestny from white and black marble - as a symbol of the contradictory contribution of Nikita Khrushchev to the history of the country.

A few words about the book:

Being your own father's biographer is a difficult task. Especially when we are talking about such a complex, ambiguous, and sometimes contradictory personality as Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. The leader of the Soviet state for ten years, he was removed from power by his own comrades and remained in semi-isolation from the world until the end of his life. Having debunked Stalin's personality cult, he failed to prevent the creation of his own cult. A bold reformer in politics and economics, he did not achieve irreversibility of reforms, which after his resignation led to stagnation in the country. A supporter of general disarmament, he was one of the key figures Cuban missile crisis, which brought the planet to the brink of nuclear disaster...

When describing the life of such a person, it is difficult to maintain objectivity. Nevertheless, Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev succeeded. His book about his father provides not only “a portrait of a politician surrounded by his family,” but also a broad historical panorama of the period of Khrushchev’s reign and his resignation. The author managed to find unique documents and materials about little-known events of those years, and he uses them extensively in the book, building versions that largely contradict official sources.

short biography Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev:

Born in 1894 in the village. Kalinovka, Kursk province. in a peasant family.
In 1908, having moved with his family to the Uspensky mine ca. Yuzovka, Khrushchev became a mechanic's apprentice at a factory, then worked as a mechanic at a mine and, as a miner, was not taken to the front in 1914.

In 1917-19 before. Committee of the Poor in Kalinovka. Civil War participant, political worker in units of the 1st Cavalry Army
In 1918 he joined the RCP(b)

Since 1920 at economic work in Donbass and Kyiv.
In 1924-26, secretary of the Petrovsko-Maryinsky district committee of the CPSU (b).
In 1926-28 head. organizational department of the Stalinist district party committee.
Since 1928 deputy head organizational department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine.

In 1929 he was sent to study at the Industrial Academy in Moscow, which trained personnel for the party-industrial leadership.
In 1930 he was elected secretary of the Party Committee of the Industrial Academy.
From Jan. 1931 secretary of Baumansky, from July 1931 of the Krasnopresensky district committees of the CPSU (b) (Moscow).
From Jan. 1932 2nd Secretary, from Jan. 1934 1st Secretary of the Moscow City and Regional Committees of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
Since 1934 member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
In 1937 - 1966 he was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and in 1938 - 1946 and 1950 - 1958 a member of its Presidium.

In 1938 he was elected as a candidate, and the next year - a member of the Politburo.
In 1939 he was appointed first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. As a member of the military council of the Kyiv Special Military District, Khrushchev took part in preparations for the capture of the West. Ukraine and Western Belarus,
which was done almost without the use of weapons.

During the war of 1941 - 1945, Khrushchev was a member of the military councils of the South-West. directions, South-Western, Stalingrad, Southern, Voronezh and 1st Ukrainian fronts
In 1943 he was promoted to lieutenant general.

In 1944 - 1947 he served as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, then First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, having practically unlimited power in this republic.

In 1949 he was sent to Moscow as the first secretary of the Moscow regional and city party committees.
After the death of I.V. Stalin, Khrushchev was the secretary of the Central Committee, headed the commission for organizing the funeral of the dictator and was responsible for the tragic death of people in the stampede that occurred on the 1st day of farewell
with the deceased at the House of Unions.

In September 1953 he became the first secretary of the Central Committee, pushing G.M. from power. Malenkov, and removing L.P. Beria.
In 1956, at a closed meeting of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Khrushchev made a report “On the cult of personality and its consequences.”
The process of de-Stalinization in the USSR influenced other social countries. camps, causing anti-Stalin and anti-Soviet protests in Poland and Hungary, which in the first case ended in a compromise, and in the second - in bloody battles when Soviet troops entered Budapest.

In 1958, he combined the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers with the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and ended collegiality in leadership.
In 1957, he put forward the slogan “Catch up and overtake America in the production of meat and dairy products in two to three years,”
which had no real prerequisites for its implementation and ended in complete failure.
In 1956, the anti-worker law that prohibited “unauthorized” transfer to another job was repealed, wages in the public sector were increased, the retirement age was reduced for low-paid categories of citizens and old-age pensions were doubled.

In 1959, at the 21st Congress of the CPSU, the final victory of socialism and the transition to the construction of communism was announced.
In 1959, becoming the first owl. leader who traveled to the United States, but by installing Soviet missiles in Cuba almost provoked the outbreak of the third world war.

In 1960, Khrushchev at the UN knocked his shoe on the music stand during a speech by British Prime Minister Macmillan)
In 1962, it was announced that the price of meat would increase by 30 percent and that of butter by 25 percent. The boorish attitude of local authorities towards people, combined with a decrease in living standards, caused strikes and mass peaceful demonstrations of workers and students, against whom troops were used, shooting dozens of people in Novocherkachssk.

In October 1964, by the plenum of the Central Committee, after a conspiracy by party officials, Khrushchev was relieved of all duties “due to his advanced age and deteriorating health.”
Sent to a personal pension, Khrushchev lived in a dacha in the village. Petrovo-Dalny, near Moscow, died in 1971, buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

This year went down in history not only with the death of Generalissimo Stalin, but also with the end of the “bloody” era of Lavrentiy Beria.

The key figures in the conspiracy against the seemingly all-powerful Minister of Internal Affairs were Nikita Khrushchev and the leading marshals Nikolai Bulganin and Georgy Zhukov.

1954: spicy Crimea

One of Khrushchev’s most “strange” decisions was the transfer of Crimea, which was part of a completely legally into the RSFSR, as a gift from the Ukrainian SSR.

60 years later this political act played the role of a detonator of grandiose political events. Moreover, both in the Crimean autonomy and in Ukraine, which has already acquired its sovereignty.

1955: giving birth cannot be prohibited

On November 23, the Soviet leadership pleased the country's women. The taboo on voluntary termination of pregnancy - abortion - was abolished.

1956: bombshell

On February 25, the 20th Congress of the CPSU ended, which created a real sensation. More precisely, not even the congress itself, but a closed plenum of the Central Committee. On it, Khrushchev read the instantly famous “On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences,” which contained previously impossible criticism of Stalin and his policies.

It was after this plenum, even if its decisions were not published in open sources, that the liberation of millions of repressed people from camps and exile began. And later - rehabilitation. For many, unfortunately. This is also the year of the beginning of the development of virgin lands and the suppression Soviet tanks Hungarian

1957: Long live the Cold War!

For some, this year, in connection with the World Festival of Youth and Students taking place in Moscow, became the beginning of "". And for others, after the successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile, it was the start of the Cold War.

In October, again on Khrushchev’s initiative, Georgy Zhukov was forever “released” from his post and removed from the Presidium of the Central Committee.

The disgrace of “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov is the painful reaction of the head of the USSR to the data he received from the state security agencies about a possible military conspiracy.

1958: bombardier Streltsov

The USSR national team took part in the World Championship for the first time. But team player Eduard Streltsov did not go to Sweden; shortly before the start of the tournament, he was deprived of his freedom, on Khrushchev’s orders.

1959: Khrushchev’s visit to the “den of the enemy”

In September, Nikita Khrushchev became the first leader of the Soviet state to not only visit the United States, but also hold talks there with President Dwight Eisenhower.

1961: "Let's go!"

The world remembered the first year of the decade thanks to two extraordinary events. Khrushchev was also involved in both.
On April 22, the first man, Yuri Gagarin, went into space. And on August 13, the Berlin Wall was built, dividing Germany into two zones.

1962: Missiles for Cuba

The year of the Caribbean crisis. Cuban Revolution and military assistance this country from the side of the Soviet Union could have ended in the Third World War. After all, in October 1962, Soviet submarines had already aimed missiles with nuclear warheads at the United States and were just waiting for Nikita Khrushchev’s command.

Approximately the same command, by the way, that the soldiers of the North Caucasus Military District received when they shot at a demonstration of citizens in Novocherkassk...

The reason for the deployment of submarines, ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads and military units In Cuba, Khrushchev was outraged by the appearance of American missiles near the Soviet border - in Turkey.

1963: no longer friends

In just a few months, the Soviet leadership managed to quarrel with two recent allies at once. But if the conflict with Albania can be considered local, then the scandalous break in relations with the PRC, which had begun to gain its power, turned out to be serious and for a long time.

1964: The Last Hero

One of Nikita Khrushchev’s final acts as first secretary and chairman of the Council of Ministers with the status of “strange” was to award the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union to Algerian President Ahmed bin Bell.

Just a year later, the African president shared the fate of the recipient himself, losing his post and power.
