Medical diseases and their meanings. Abscess

    We will try to give readers basic information and concepts about what health and illness are, what are the causes of a wide variety of diseases, and how they can be prevented by eliminating these causes. “Your health is in your hands” - this is true. Know not to get sick and not be dependent on doctors, medications, pharmacies.


An abscess is an abscess filled with pus in any part of the body. An abscess occurs due to the penetration into the body (through a wound, skin injury) of microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.), which cause purulent inflammation in tissues. Typically, an abscess develops as a complication of acute surgical diseases. If the abscess is located on the surface, its symptoms are redness and swelling of the skin, pain that becomes stronger with pressure, increased temperature in the affected area and sometimes in the whole body. If the inflammatory purulent process occurs in deep tissues, laboratory tests and x-rays are usually required for a correct diagnosis.


Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. The adenoids become inflamed due to frequent colds, as a consequence of various infectious diseases. Adenoiditis most often occurs in children aged 3-10 years. A child with adenoiditis has a constantly stuffy nose, which causes the habit of breathing through the mouth and keeping it slightly open all the time. Adenoiditis often accompanied by headaches, nasopharyngeal diseases, ear diseases, which can lead to hearing loss. This disease is especially common in children who are often sick (more than 4 times a year). In adults, untreated in time adenoiditis lead to the development of chronic diseases - sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Anemia symptoms and treatment

Treatment of anemia consists of a change in condition caused by a lack of hemoglobin (a protein responsible for transporting oxygen) and, as a rule, erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood. Anemia has many causes: blood loss (with heavy menstruation, hemorrhoidal and other bleeding), diseases of various organs, poor diet, pregnancy and breastfeeding, increased sensitivity to certain medications, etc. The main “culprit” for the development of anemia is usually a lack of the body of such substances as iron, folic acid, vitamin B12.

Bronchial asthma treatment

Asthma is classified according to severity as mild, moderate and severe. Treatment bronchial asthma determined by a doctor based on a set of clinical and functional signs, including the frequency, severity and duration of attacks of expiratory dyspnea, as well as the patient’s condition during periods free from attacks.

Gastritis symptoms and treatment

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous (inner) lining of the stomach wall. When inflammation spreads to the duodenum, gastroduodenitis is formed. The causes of gastritis and gastroduodenitis are varied:


Hypertension - increased blood pressure not associated with other diseases internal organs. At the beginning of the disease, the pressure rises from time to time; when it becomes chronic, it becomes constantly elevated.

Secondary hypertension- a disorder in which an increase in pressure occurs due to diseases of the kidneys, heart, endocrine glands and other organs. Often the cause of the development of hypertension is neuropsychic stress, and hereditary factors also play a certain role.


Headache is not an independent disease, but possible symptom a whole variety of diseases; It is sometimes extremely difficult to accurately determine the “culprit” of a headache. Here are just a few of a number of possible reasons: an increase or decrease in blood pressure, impaired cerebral circulation (for migraines), the presence of toxic metabolic products in the blood. In order to identify and eliminate the cause of headaches, a competent medical diagnosis is needed: as a rule, it is not the symptom that needs to be treated - i.e. headache, - but the main disease that caused it.

Intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is a collective concept that does not mean an independent type of disease. Dysbacteriosis means an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, while the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, while harmful pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria increase.


Pain during pulpitis appears without external irritants, the patient can accurately determine its source (i.e., indicate which tooth hurts), pressing on the tooth or tapping on it significantly increases the pain. In case of pulpitis, the help of a dentist is required immediately to avoid severe complications, such as the development of abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis. Tooth trauma, breaking off part of the crown, which exposes the pulp rich in nerve endings, can also be the cause of toothache, sharp, acute and extremely intense.

Heartburn causes

Heartburn is an acid reflex in which a certain amount of gastric juice is ejected from the stomach into the esophagus, from where it reaches the oral cavity. The internal mucous membranes of the esophagus and oral cavity are not protected from the corrosive effects of acidic gastric juice, so heartburn is expressed in a strong burning sensation that a person feels in the epigastric region, behind the sternum and in the mouth.


Another involuntary and uncontrollable physiological reaction in humans is. Let's try to figure out what it is, whether it is beneficial or harmful to health, whether it is necessary get rid of hiccups, and how this can be done.

Sciatica symptoms and treatment

Sciatica-neuritis sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body, running from the lower spinal cord through the pelvic area to the legs! Peripheral nerve damage is caused by cold, infection, or injury. Has the following symptoms - burning, tingling, goosebumps, numbness, pain when pressing along the nerve, shooting pains in the gluteal region, back of the thigh and lower leg. With this disease, hypotonia of the gluteal and calf muscles and a decrease in the Achilles tendon reflex develop.

How to cure a runny nose

A runny nose (rhinitis) is an inflammation of the nasal cavity, accompanied by a disorder of its functions - breathing, smell, tear production, etc. In other words, this is a common runny nose, it is one of the most common colds and requires serious treatment. This article describes how to effectively cure a runny nose caused by various reasons. As a rule, rhinitis is caused by viruses and bacteria, but the onset of a runny nose is a sudden severe irritation nasal mucosa - for example, dust or chemicals, as well as hypothermia - general or individual parts of the body, most often the legs.


Flatulence is bloating associated with increased gas formation in the intestines, less commonly, swallowing air and intestinal dyskinesia. The amount of gases and, accordingly, the tendency to flatulence in healthy people depends on the nature of nutrition, age, lifestyle and other factors. Under normal conditions, gases usually accumulate in the stomach, in the right and left bends of the colon. These gases are formed due to swallowed air, their release during digestion in the stomach and intestines, and also when neutralizing gastric juice with soda (taken for heartburn). Gases are eliminated through the rectum, some are absorbed into the blood and then released through the lungs.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is a disease associated with metabolic disorders in the body, in which, as a result of metabolic disorders, kidney stones are formed and urinary tract. Recently, due to changes in diet, sedentary lifestyle, exposure to various adverse environmental factors Urolithiasis is becoming more common.


Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body, its deposition in subcutaneous tissue, omentum, other tissues and organs. Obesity is often cited as one of the major problems faced by many people in our society. Both men and women of any age face it. It should be noted that with extra pounds comes problems such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, varicose veins, joint arthrosis, vascular atherosclerosis: intervertebral hernia and even oncological diseases.


Burn disease (hyperthermia) is pathological damage to body tissues as a result of local exposure to temperatures above 55-60 ° C, aggressive chemical substances, electric current or ionizing radiation.


Otitis is an ENT disease, which is an inflammatory process in the ear. Acute purulent otitis media begins with an infection entering the middle ear. The course of purulent otitis is divided into three phases:

Inflammation of the middle ear begins, discharge from the ear canal appears;
- perforation of the eardrum appears, the discharge becomes purulent;
-the degree of inflammation decreases, the amount of pus gradually decreases, and the discharge disappears completely, and the edges of the hole are in eardrum gradually connecting.


Pyelonephritis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the kidneys, in which inflammation affects both the kidney tissue (parenchyma) and the pelvis. Pyelonephritis can be caused by many reasons. The most common pathogens are Escherichia, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Possible co-infection.


Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs. It is usually caused by pneumococci. There are 34 species of them in nature. Symptoms of the disease are fever, weakness, painful breathing, delirium, and sometimes vomiting. With lobar pneumonia, a lobe or the whole lung is affected, involving the pleura; with focal - a small area of ​​the lungs, with chronic, inflammatory changes are observed mainly in the interstitial tissue of the lungs and damage to the blood and lymphatic vessels. Protracted forms are considered pneumonia, in which recovery occurs 2-4 months from the onset of the disease. Recurrent pneumonia has a wave-like course with exacerbations and lasts 1-2 years.


Gout is a disorder of uric acid metabolism in the body with the deposition of uric acid salts in joint tissues, cartilage and bones, causing their destruction. With a long course of the disease, complete destruction of cartilage and bones may occur. Mostly men (85-90%) of hypersthenic build aged 30-50 years are affected. It was previously believed that the cause of this disease lay in the abuse of fatty foods. But in reality, it can attack anyone, regardless of economic status. The disease is accompanied by painful swelling and inflammation of the joints, especially the big toe.


Prostatitis - infectious inflammation prostate gland, accompanied by frequent painful urination. The prostate is a glandular organ that surrounds the neck of the bladder in men! It may become infected or increase in size with age. IN initial stage prostatic hypertrophy in the elderly and old age patients complain of increased frequency and some difficulty in urination, especially at night. You have to push for a while, the flow is sluggish and interrupted. As the disease progresses, the symptoms intensify, and at times urinary retention and bladder distension occur. When it is overstretched, urine is involuntarily released drop by drop.


The common cold is caused by a filterable virus followed by secondary invaders—toxic microorganisms that infect the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Colds are a number of diseases, including infectious ones, associated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract; these may also include rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago. Among the causes of colds are fluctuations in temperature and humidity and associated hypothermia of the entire body or its individual parts; low body resistance.


Psoriasis usually called lichen planus. However, unlike infectious lichen, psoriasis is not a contagious disease, but a chronic one. Currently, doctors believe that psoriasis is systemic disease, since it is accompanied not only by damage to the skin, but also to joints, dysfunction of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems. Usually, with psoriasis, small pink-red nodules, or papules, with white-silver scales appear on the skin, which can be easily scraped off. At the same time, the itching is terribly tormenting, the papules themselves are clearly visible.


Radiculitis is a disease caused by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves, mainly due to osteochondrosis intervertebral discs. Characterized by pain, tension in the back muscles, movement disorders, etc. Radiculitis can be caused by infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, rheumatism, typhus), injuries to the roots themselves, and also result from metabolic disorders, bone changes in the spine, cartilage damage located between the vertebrae. Most often, radiculitis is observed in the lumbosacral region (sciatica), less often in the cervical and thoracic spine. Radiculitis is distinguished between acute and chronic. Radiculitis is often accompanied severe pain, which intensifies when the roots are stretched, when, for example, the leg is straightened at the knee joint, when coughing.


Rheumatism is a general infectious-allergic disease affecting connective tissue, mainly the cardiovascular system and joints. The course of the disease can be chronic with periodic exacerbations (“attacks”) and remissions.

Symptoms are varied and depend on the area of ​​inflammatory damage. With rheumatic arthritis - increased temperature, swelling of the joints with severe pain. Rheumatism of the brain can manifest itself as chorea - rapid involuntary uncoordinated movements, twitching of the limbs, etc. With rheumatic carditis (inflammatory damage to the heart) - malaise, fever, rapid heartbeat, heart pain, shortness of breath, etc. Rheumatic carditis often leads to the formation of heart defects.

Rheumatoid arthritis - symptoms and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is autoimmune disease, which occurs during spontaneous switching on immune system, which begins to attack the body’s own tissues as if they were foreign. Mild forms of rheumatoid arthritis are characterized by discomfort in the joints; in serious cases, painful joint deformities and damage to internal organs are possible.

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Grace and beauty cannot be separated from health.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The Medical Directory of Diseases that you see in front of you is an electronic encyclopedia containing the most complete updated information about various human diseases.

The Medical Directory of Diseases includes a detailed description of more than 4,000 nosological units. It reflects both the most “popular”, common diseases, and those about which systematic information is not presented in almost any online publication.

The structure of the medical reference book is built in such a way that you can find the disease of interest in the alphabetical rubricator, the corresponding section, or through the search bar. A description of each disease contains short definition, classification, information about the causes and mechanisms of development, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and prognosis. Such a clear unification of articles, according to the authors of the online publication, will allow the reader of a medical reference book of diseases to receive the most comprehensive information, on the one hand, and not “get lost in the wilds of medical labyrinths”, on the other.

Today, the content of the medical directory of diseases consists of 30 independent sections, two of which (“Aesthetic problems” and “Cosmetic problems”) are related to the field of Beauty, and the rest represent Medicine itself. This close symbiosis of aesthetics and health gave the name to the entire site - “Beauty and Medicine”.

On the pages of the medical directory of diseases you can get comprehensive information about women's, nervous, children's, skin, venereal, infectious, urological, systemic, endocrine, cardiovascular, ophthalmic, dental, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and ENT diseases. Each section of the medical directory of diseases corresponds to a specific clinical area (for example, Women's diseases - Gynecology, Children's diseases - Pediatrics, Dental diseases - Dentistry, Aesthetic problems - Plastic surgery, Cosmetic problems - Cosmetology, etc.), which allows the user to move from the description diseases to information about diagnostic and treatment procedures.

Articles posted in the medical directory of diseases are written by practitioners medical specialists and are thoroughly pre-checked before publication. All reviews are written in accessible popular science language that does not distort reliable information, but also does not allow one to descend to the level of populism. The Medical Directory of Diseases is added and updated daily, so you can be sure that you are receiving the most reliable and up-to-date information from the world of medicine.

The universality of the medical directory of diseases lies in the fact that it will be useful to a wide range of Internet users who are faced with a particular health problem. A medical reference book of diseases is a doctor who is always at your fingertips! At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that the information presented here is for informational purposes only, does not replace an in-person consultation with a specialist doctor and cannot be used for self-diagnosis and independent treatment.

“Praemonitus praemunitus” - “Forewarned is forearmed,” the ancients said. Today this winged Latin saying could not be more relevant: everyone needs to take care of themselves and their health. Health is the only lasting fashion and the greatest luxury, which is incommensurable with any earthly blessings. To be healthy means to be successful, to experience the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, and to live a long and active life.

Health and beauty are inseparable; Moreover, beauty is a reflection healthy condition body. After all, in order to have perfect skin, slim figure, luxurious hair, first of all, you need to take care of your physical and mental health.

We hope that the medical reference book of diseases will become for you a reliable and understandable guide to the vast world of medicine.

Health to you and your loved ones!
Best regards, K team
