Perforation (break) eardrum. The drummeal was burst - causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of pathology. All about perforations eardrum

One of the most important feelings in a person is considered to be rumored. Our ear has enough complicated structurewhich provides its full functioning. However, in some cases this system fails. Such a situation may occur if perforation happened drumpatch ear, let us try to figure out how the ear treatment can be carried out with such trouble, what are the signs of this pathological stateAnd also answer the question, the drops are better to use for therapy perforation of the eardrum.

How is the perforation of the eardrum, signs are indicated for it?

The rupture of the eardrum is quite painful phenomenon. Such a trouble is accompanied by a sharp and acute patient in the ear. At the same time, different sections of a transparent or purulent type can be allocated from the ear, they are usually explained by the development of average otitis.

In the event that the perforation was triggered by injuries, for example, the ingress of a foreign body or noise injury, there is no appearance large number Blood selection.

Among other things, if the perforation has become a consequence of medium otitis, then the breakthrough of the fluid through the eardrum leads to a sudden decrease in pain. Many patients with such a diagnosis also complain about the appearance of noise in the ears, as well as to reduce hearing acuteness.

How is the perforation of the eardrum, the treatment of the ear?

In most cases, the perforated eardrum easily heals itself by itself, without any complications after about a couple of weeks after the break. At the same time, the patient should adhere to peace and to limit all sorts of treatments in the area of \u200b\u200bhearing aisle.

Drug treatment

In the event that the specialist discovers that the disease does not want to cure in itself, it is necessary to spend the opposite and pick up adequate treatment. With small doctor perforations, stimulating regenerative processes of the drug usually use and apply a special patch to the eardrum.

In the event that when inspected, the doctor discovered accumulated blood clots or dirt, they are eliminated using ordinary wool. Next, the walls of the auditory pass are lubricated with alcohol and laid in the ear Turund, rolled out of dry wool.

To eliminate small gaps can be applied different means For migration, for example, silver nitrate, chromic acid, etc. Such compositions are designed to process the edges of the injury.

To prevent and eliminate the distribution of infection inside the middle ear, the doctor may assign a patient. antibiotic drugs. When detecting acute octita Exercise appropriate comprehensive treatment.

Operational treatment

If the doctor detects a large volume of break or punch perforation, and the method conservative therapy does not give the expected effect, surgical correction. The patient makes general anesthesia and restore the integrity of the membrane. For such an operation, the doctor uses a small piece of skin from the site over the ear and applies it to stitch the hole in the eardrum. After both sides of the stitched piece inves special absorbing materials that will help to keep the flap until full enrollment. The recovery duration is approximately three or four weeks.

After operational intervention The patient can feel pain and some discomfort for some time. In addition, it is strongly recommended not to blow the nores and not to perform sharp retracting movements through the nose.

Drops at perforation of the eardrum

Dosage treatment of perforation of the eardrum might imply the use of a variety of drops. Usually, such therapy is selected if the patient detected the otitis of the middle ear. Medicines of this type are in their composition antibiotics and help to quickly cope with the disease and speed up recovery.

The drug is often becoming a ciprometed cure 0.3%. This medication has in its composition Ciprofloxacin. It should be applied three times on the day, instilcing five droplets in the outer hearing pass. Before use, the medicine is to warm up to a comfortable temperature (about the body temperature). Therapy should continue for two days after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. Experts advise you to throw off the head after instilcing the funds for about two minutes. It will also be well placed in the outdoor auditory passage of a cotton tongue.

Also, at perforation of the eardrum, the drug uniflox is often used, which has in its composition such an antibiotic as ophloxacin. Typically, such a tool is advised to bury ten droplets with an interval at twelve hours. The duration of treatment on average equals ten days.

In addition, the doctor may advise the use of drops, which is based on Norfloxacin antibiotic. This medicine is worth using two or three droplets at a time four or six times a day. The duration of therapy is selected individually.

It should be borne in mind that most of the described drugs cannot be applied during pregnancy and breastfeedingas well as in pediatric practice. They can provoke allergic reactions, different side effects And have other contraindications.

If the drumpatch perforation is suspected, you need to apply for a timely to doctoral help.

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Human eardrum performs protective and sound visible functions. The perforation of the eardrum is called a condition at which a tip of a thin membrane occurs between the outer and middle departments of the organ. This pathology often accompanies acute purulent otitis (inflammation of the average ear). This state leads to a temporary decrease in hearing acuteness.


With complete or partial perforation of the eardrum, the symptoms are determined by the degree of damage. For this pathology, the following features are characterized:

  1. Strong pain in the ears (a constant sign). When injured pain in the ear is acute, sharp and decreases after a while. With inflammatory diseases of the middle ear this symptom due to an increase in pressure in the cavity of the organ.
  2. Noise in ears with one or both sides. Feels sick man in the form of a stall, hum, hissing or whistle.
  3. Dizziness. It is a sign of damage to the vestibular apparatus. It is often observed in the membrane of the membrane on the background of the average otitis because the accumulated pus can rush into the cavity inner ear.
  4. Nausea. It is observed during damage to the sound-by-penetrating device. Often combined with vomiting.
  5. Mucous purulent discharge.
  6. Increase body temperature. It is observed when the edge of the membrane appeared on the background of purulent otitis.
  7. Hearing (reduction of hearing). Most often is one-sided.
  8. Weakness.
  9. General malaise.

When perforation often lays the ear. With independently symptoms of damage to the drum membrane, you should consult a doctor.


In order to determine the damage of the drum partition in adults and children, you will need:

  • collection of the history of life and anamnesis of the disease;
  • otoscopy (external examination of the membrane and outdoor ear);
  • microstoscopy (inspection using a magnifying device);
  • palpation;
  • general blood analysis;
  • study of the body's ability to conduct sound;
  • cT scan;
  • bacteriological examination of the secret;
  • radiography.

For determining possible causes Perforations assess the condition of mucous nose, oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. To this end, they are held: rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy. The simplest method of the survey is the inspection of the hearing body. During perforations, it is determined: a slit defect or rounded shape hole in the membrane, purulent masses, tissue swelling and redness. IN heavy cases There are signs of damage to the internal muscles of the drum cavity.

The reasons

Traumatic perforation of the eardrum is caused by a sharp drop or an increase in atmospheric pressure (during take-offs, parachute jumps, water immersion), mechanical effects (cleaning with sharp objects), hit foreign objects (parts of toys), as well as insects, careless removal of cork with gray, sharp condensed air and strong sound.

Other reasons for this pathology are:

Most often, with this pathology, the ears are caused by Middle Otitis. In the development of the disease, microbes (cocci, sinny sticks, moraxellas, fungi) take part. Before damage to the eardrum, when otitis, the microbes begin to actively multiply, leading to the formation of a pus or a serous fluid that accumulates. It presses on the membrane, against the background of what the membrane is going on and its gap.

The predisposing factors are: supercooling, falling into the ear of water, decrease immunity, ARVI, flu, scarletin, measles, diphtheria and others infectious diseases. Less frequent this pathology It occurs when the vestibular apparatus is damaged.

Treatment methods

With perforation of the eardrum, the treatment of the child and the adult is most often carried out at home after the preliminary medical consultation. In the development of complications, hospitalization is required. With this pathology, help:

In case of damage to the outer auditory passage and the drum membrane with bleeding, tamponade may be required or the imposition of bandages. Method for the treatment of perforation of the eardrum on the background purulent inflammation Middle Ear is a thorough toilet. An important task of treatment is the evacuation of the accumulated pus. On the video of the doctor's opinion:


The following operations can be carried out:

  1. Mirningoplasty. The closure of the defect (holes) of the flap of tissues taken from the bezing of the temporal bone. First time after surgery you need to wear a bandage.
  2. Osicoplasty. Replacing damaged fragments of hearing bones of the middle ear with prostheses.
  3. Drainage.

In the absence of complications full recovery Observed during the week.


In the treatment of this pathology apply:

  1. Local antibiotics I. antimicrobial means In the form of droplets (otof, dancel, uniflox, dioxidine, candibiotic, anaurer, norfloxacin, norms, cipromed, sofradex).
  2. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers (Otipax, Odirelax).
  3. Healing means (solkossyril).
  4. Systemic antibiotics for intake (protected penicillins, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides). Aminoglycosides are not prescribed due to the isotoxic effect.
  5. Washer-resistant drugs (Tizin Ksilo, Galazoline, Naphtizin, Sanorin, Rosotop).
  6. Mulcolics (floimuchil, acetylcisteine, Vix Active Expected). Locked viscous secret And improve its excretion.
  7. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory means) (otinum, diclofenak retard).

The doctor must explain to the patient how to correctly bother, why it is impossible to use medications cold. Before injection of medicines in the ear they need to warm up, so as not to cause the cooling of the tissues and relapse. Ear drops for perforations of the eardrum are prescribed, taking into account the age of the patient and the tolerance of the components. During the discharge from the outer auditory, antiseptics can be used.

Folk remedies

At home can be used:

  • extract (tincture) of propolis;
  • peroxide perforated (hydrogen peroxide);
  • rubber branch;
  • plantain juice and pine needles;
  • tincture of leaves grable.

If the dry perforation of the eardrum is revealed, then the treatment is alone folk remedies Not enough. They are not able to replace operation and antimicrobial means.


In case of damage to the membrane and sharp acute pain, contraindicated:

  • warming up (baths, saunas, hot compresses, laying);
  • independent removal of pus, blood clots and foreign objects;
  • washer with cold water.

The patients can not fly on airplanes, jump with parachute and dive deep into the water. It is recommended to abandon listening to music in headphones.

Recovery period

Each doctor should know how long the eardrum will heal. In case of damage to the insignificant part of the tensioned membrane, healing occurs within 7-10 days. With full damage, the recovery period is extended. If not picking in ear objects, it is possible to heal without any consequences.


With this pathology are possible the following complications (effects):

  • the spread of pus on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe inner ear with the development of the labyrinthitis;
  • progressive reduction of hearing;
  • defeating auditory bones.

Complications are developing if purulent otitis leads to perforation. In this case, the occurrence of meningitis (inflammation of the brain shells) and the lesions of the presenter process are possible.


To prevent the increase in pressure on the eardrum and its rupture is necessary:

  • do not listen to loud music;
  • treat existing diseases (ARVI, flu, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis);
  • do not overcohe
  • to treat Otitis in a timely manner;
  • exclude in the ear of small objects, since injuries can cause perforation;
  • exclude in the cavity of the ear of children of foreign objects into the cavity;
  • refuse to clean the ears of matches and other solid objects.

With a persistent perforation for the prevention of complications, it is necessary to contact the doctor in a timely manner. This video will also be useful:

Codes MKB-10

The perforation code of the drum membrane on the ICD-10 - H72. In the list of international diseases, the classifier allocates edge and central forms Damage.

Ears - important organ Human feelings. Its the slightest failure leads to many problems, ranging from difficulties to communicate with other people, ending with the development of chronic diseases. Such malfunctions often occur when drumming drumpackers.

The earpope is at the junction of the inner and external ear, because it is often damaging mechanically. Gap that in medical language sounds like perforation, may occur not only as a result of development pathological process, but also with irregular hearing organs, as well as at various injuries.

The specialist primarily justifies the course of treatment with the degree of breakpoint breakpoint, takes into account provoking factors and how additional medicia treatment can be assigned in the case of chronic diseases Hearing organs.


The drug is widespread. In treating ear diseases Use 0.3% solution. The main active component is. Three times daily It is recommended to bury such drops in the ear with a membrane. Dosage is selected individually and usually does not exceed 5 drops for each procedure.

The drug is pre-kept for some time when room temperature And after driving using a pipette, directing the substance strictly on the walls of the auditory passage.

Also this means Used to impregnate cotton swab, which must be laid in patient EarBy changing fresh up to 4 times a day. Such treatment is already through 48 hours Removes painful symptoms.


To facilitate pain, doctors often write out ear drops Uniflox. The tool is based on an antibiotic called offloxacin and is characterized by high efficiency. Treatment lasts about 10 days Taking into account the fact that the drug is instilled in a patient's ear 10 drops every twelve hours.


The doctor is often prescribed drugs based on Norfloxacin antibiotic, for example, medication . The course of treatment is selected individually, but daily bury up to 6 times a day for 2-3 drops of the drug.

Ear drops used in perforation of the eardrum

Each of these drugs has a lot of contraindications, take into account and understand the possibility of the manifestation of which only an experienced specialist can.

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • allergies;
  • people having individual intolerance to antibiotics.

The use of ear droplets at a breakpoint breakfast is shown only to those who have no contraindications to this kind drugs.

With the slightest suspicions on the injury of the eardrum, you need to immediately contact. Determine what ear drops can be used when perforations of the eardrum specifically, in your case, only a doctor can.

The specialist will need time for in-depth study of your problem. It is necessary to take into account the state of the observation, the causes of pathology. Estimate general state Patient observed symptoms. Only after that the doctor will be able to write down the desired drug.

In some cases, you may need a test for the portability of a particular active component selected tools to exclude possible side effects.

ABOUT perforation of the eardrumthey say when it has a hole or gap. The eardrum is a thin skin in the form of a funnel, which shares the hearing pass from the middle ear. The role of the eardrum is to transmit air vibration - sound - on the hammer. Her oscillations are transmitted to this auditory bone, and further on the system of hearing bones - anvil and a sprinkle - on interior Ear. In the event of a breakpoint break or the presence of the holes in it, its oscillations can be impaired, which leads, in turn, to a hearing impairment.

In addition, the presence of a hole in this membrane contributes to infection in the cavity of the middle ear, which is fraught with its inflammation - middle otitis.

What provokes / reasons for perforation of the eardrum:

Causes that lead to perforation (or eardrum injury) various. These may be inflammatory processes in the ear, as well as ear injuries, including noise injury.

Causes of abnormal membrane:
1. Inflammatory process in middle ear. When inflammation in the middle ear - otitis - accumulates the separated one. This separated may also be purulent. Due to the rather small volume of the middle ear cavity and due to the disturbance of the outflow of this separated on Eustachius pipe (as it is also closed in this disease), the liquid that accumulates in the middle ear cavity presses on the eardrum. In addition, the membrane is also exposed to purulent melting. As a result, they felt and burst. This is manifested by the department of a pus from the ear. IN this case the membrane is no longer wearing barrier function between external environment and middle ear.
2. Barryrama, or acoustic injury (Lat. Baro - Pressure). As mentioned above, when accumulating fluid with inner Drumpoint, it can break. However, pressure from her outside It can also lead to a rupture. This happens, for example, with a sharp applied to the ear of the open palm, sometimes the breakpoint rupture may occur in flight while lifting or reducing the aircraft when pressure changes. Not in vain, at the same time, they advise to open the mouth or suck the candy for leveling pressure on the drumpoint, since the air through Eustachiye (auditory) pipes falls into the middle ear at each sip.
3. Noise injury. A sudden sharp noise (for example, an explosion) can also lead to a break or perforation of the eardrum. Besides sharp decline Rumor can be marked by expressed noise in the ears (Tinnitus). Over time, the noise in the ears passes and the hearing is partially restored.
4. Foreign bodies . Sometimes when cleaning an auditory passage, for example, cotton stick Or other objects, the eardrum can be injured. In addition, it contributes to the enhancing infection in the middle ear.

Risk Risk Factors Drumpeck
To risk factors capable of leading to perforation or breakpoint rupture include:
- accumulation of fluid in the middle ear.
- independent cleaning of ear from sulfur solid objects (chopsticks, cotton, etc.).
- Excessive breaks in the ear in view of the stuff in the ears.

Symptoms of perforation of the eardrum:

The rupture of the eardrum, especially at the very beginning, can be quite painful. The manifestations of perforation of the eardrum include:
- sharp acute pain in the ear.
- Transparent or purulent discharge from the ear with a membrane of a membrane due to the middle otitis.
- Bloody issues From the ear at the traumatic character of perforation - a foreign body, direct injury or noise injury.
- A sudden decrease in pain in the breakthrough of fluid through the eardrum with an average of otitis.
- Reduced hearing.
- Noise in ears.

Complications of perforation of the eardrum
Usually, the rupture or perforation of the eardrum does not represent a serious threat to the patient's health and usually heals independently for several weeks.

But complications can still be:
- Loss of hearing. Usually this complication is temporary, and it passes through the gray healing of the spindle breakpoint. Naturally, the greater the gap, the longer hesitates and the decline in hearing lasts longer. In addition, the location of the gap or perforation is also affected by the degree of decline in hearing. With severe brain injury, which is accompanied by damage to the structures of the middle or inner ear, the loss of hearing can be pronounced and constant.
- Middle Ear Recurious Infection (chronic middle Otitis). Extensive membrane of the membrane or its gap can be accompanied by recurrent infertion of the middle ear cavity, resulting in evolving chronic inflammation. It can contribute to a constant loss of hearing.

Diagnosis of perforation of the eardrum:

For diagnosis of punching punching is carried out otoscopy.. For this, the doctor introduces a metal or plastic funnel into the ear. Next, the patient's ear sink is delayed up and the stop. This technique allows you to level the course of an auditory passage, as a result, the eardrum becomes visible at its end. In the auditory passage is sent light. During perforation, a hole in the eardrum is noted. With her rupture, hearing bones of the middle ear can even be visible. In addition, depending on the cause of the gap or perforation in the loss of the auditory passage, there may be blood or pus. If there is a pus, the doctor takes a small amount of its loop to analyze and identify the pathogen and determining the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Treatment of perforation of the eardrum:

In most cases, the punching of the membrane heals independently without complications within a few weeks. In the event that the membrane does not occur, treatment is necessary.
1. Patchwork eardrum. With a small break or perforation, the doctor can close its so-called paper patch. Before that, the edges of the rupture are processed by the drug to stimulate growth, after which a paper patch is applied to the place of break. Such procedures may be required three - four for the complete closure of the break.
2. Surgery . In the case of a larger volume of breakdown or punching and with the ineffectiveness of the above described method, surgical intervention may be required. Operation on the restoration of the integrity of the eardrum is called tympanoflasty or miningoplasty. Operation is performed under general anesthesia. Surgeon spends a small incision of the skin over the ear. Slim skin flap is taken out of it. It is used to stitch the hole in the eardrum. In the auditory passage, the surgeon introduces a special microscope and then the entire operation is carried out with it through a hearing pass. The drum membrane lifts and the flap is put on the hole in it. On both sides of the refill, special absorbable materials are stacked, which help to hold the flap in the required position until it completely will not heal. After a few weeks, this material is completely absorbed. In the auditory passage, a tampon is installed, moistened with an antibiotic for a period of three to four weeks until it happens to the full snapshot of the flap to the eardrum.

At first, after the operation, some pains and discomfort may be marked. In addition, it is recommended not to blow the rooking and do not make sharp retracting movements through the nose. This is due to the fact that back wall The nasopharynx has holes of auditory (Eustachiyevaya) pipes that connect the nasophary cavity with the drum cavity. The role of these pipes - in the leveling of pressure in it. With sharp movements of air in the nasopharynx, the pressure in the drum cavity can increase, which leads to the movement of the eardrum, and this, in turn, is fraught with the displacement of the flap and the impaired of its adheated.

Operational closure of the membrane of the membrane leads to:
- Prevention of getting into the middle ear of water during the reception of the soul, bath or swimming, and, consequently, to prevent the development of infections in it.
- Improve hearing.
- eliminate the noise in the ears.
- Prevention of occurrence in the ear of a special cyst - choleateatom, which leads to the chronization of infection in the middle ear.

Prevention of eardrum perforation:

Harvest Perforation Drumpoint
- Timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. If you are noted signs of inflammation of the middle ear: permanent blunt pain, noise in ears and worsening hearing - you should contact the doctor and do not engage in self-medication.

Delay timely treatment It can lead to a cluster of fluid in the middle ear and punching of the membrane.
- Protection of ears while flying by plane. If you have sharpened or notes allergic reaction It is advisable to refrain from flights. In addition, during the flight, it is recommended to wear protective headphones or chew a chewing chewing or sucking candy.
- Try not to use sharp items to clean the ears of sulfur, as they can easily damage the eardrum.
- Avoid excessive noise.

What doctors should contact if you have a drumpipe perforation:

Does something bothers you? Do you want to learn more detailed information about the perforation of the eardrum, its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the course of the disease and observance of the diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment to the doctor - Clinic Euro.lab always at your service! Top doctors Look at you, learn exterior signs and will help determine the disease in symptoms, they will advise you and will be required help And make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor. Clinic Euro.lab Opened for you around the clock.

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Phone of our clinic in Kiev: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select you a convenient day and an hour of visiting to the doctor. Our coordinates and travel scheme are indicated. Look more detailed about all clinic services on it.

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You? It is necessary to carefully approach your health as a whole. People are not paying enough attention. symptoms of disease And do not realize that these diseases may be vital. There are many diseases that at the beginning do not show themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, they are already treated too late. Each disease has its own specific signs characteristic external manifestations - so called symptoms of Disease. The definition of symptoms is the first step in the diagnosis of diseases in general. For this you just need several times a year take a survey from a doctornot only prevent terrible diseasebut also support healthy Spirit In the body and the body as a whole.

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Other diseases from the ear disease group and a predominant process:

Abscess brain
Abscess cerebellum
Adhesive middle Otitis
Adhesive middle Otitis
Angina Ludwig.
Angina during Corey
Angina with Scarlatin
Angina of the paternal almonds
Nose development anomalies
Anomalies of the development of the incomplete sinuses
Atresia of the nose cavity
Meniery's disease
Inflammatory diseases of the middle ear
Congenital Preauricular Fistula (Easy Swiss)
Congenital pharyngeal anomalies
Hematoma and Abscess Nasal Partition
Hypervitamin K.
Hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue
Gundy Angina
Difteria Glotka
Nose cavity diphteria
Malignant Outdoor Ear Tumors
Malignant Middle Ear Tumors
Ulceration of the nasal partition
Nose foreign bodies
Foreign bodies of ear
Curvature of the nasal partition
Cysts of the incomplete sinus
Latent middle otitis in children
Outdoor Otit
Outdoor Otit
Nevnoma of the sentence-snelled nerve
Neurosensory touginess
Nose bleed
Burns and nose frostbite
Tumors of the nose and the incomplete sinuses
Orbital complications of the diseases of the nose and the incomplete sinuses
Osteomyelitis of the upper jaw
Acute hymoritis
Acute purulent middle otitis
Acute primary tonsillitis
Acute rhinitis
Acute sinusitis
Acute middle otitis in children
Acute middle serous otitis
Acute sphenoiditis
Acute pharyngitis
Acute Frontitis
Acute etmoiditis
Because of the brain abscess
Because of Meningitis
Because of Sepsis
Paris of facial nerve
Perichondrite outdoor ear
Blooming the nasal cavity with flu
Nose cavity damage with cough
Damage to zeal
Blooming of the nasal cavity under cerebrospinaline meningitis

The eardrum plays an important role in the right and full functioning. humorcraft man. Even a minor damage to this part of the ear can significantly reduce not only the quality of hearingness, but also provoke the development of inflammation, leading to Otitis with possible complications.

Timely treatment upon receipt of any type of refill damage, will allow safely transferred injury and keep hearing health.

Causes of damage to the eardrum

Any damage to the eardrum can lead to its destruction, rupture or minor damage, which, one way or another, to reflect on the state of the affected hearing. There is an innumerable number of reasons that can lead to different kinds. Here are just some of them:

Each type of injury requires first aid and primary processing wounds. So after the provision of all necessary eventswho affected necessarily goes to the doctor. Self-treatment may entail complications already in the first days after injury.


Some injuries are insignificant and the affected person does not always consider properly to visit the doctor. There are cases when small damage to the eardrum passed almost without a trace. However, in other cases, damage is characterized by such symptoms:

  • sharp and acute pain in the ears;
  • sharp;
  • feeling sensations inside the auditory pass;
  • ear mortgage;
  • selection;
  • the appearance of a small amount of blood.

The intensity of the symptoms is completely depends on the degree of complexity of injury. So, the victim can manifest itself to the only couple of symptoms that will not be particularly disturbed.

In some cases, damage to the eardrum can be as serious that people from pain.


The traumatologist is predominantly diagnosing the injuries of the eardrum. Already later, ENT is connected to this process and makes the necessary appointments.

Diagnostics includes several stages. Each of them is important. If you lose sight of some of the details, the treatment can be labeled incorrectly. This, in turn, will delay the treatment and complicates the recovery process.

Collect Anamneza

The collection of information from the patient allows you to establish a place, time and circumstances in which the rupture of the eardrum occurred. Information from the patient significantly simplifies the appointment and providing all the necessary assistance.

From the patient, a detailed presentation of all the details in which injury occurred. At the same time, symptoms, sensations and well-being at the time of stay in the doctor's office are described.

Outdoor inspection and palpation

After collecting anamnesis, the doctor embarks on examination. It estimates the degree of damage to the auricle and the presence of discharge from the auditory pass. The degree of hearing loss is also checked.

When palpation, the presence of hematomas and bruises are found if damage to the eardrum occurred due to mechanical injury.


Allows you to more carefully examine the aurist for breaks, injuries and selections. With the help of an otoscope, the doctor identifies the nature of the injuries. So, with minor damages, the otoscopy is able to identify damage to the vessels of the eardrum.

With more serious injuries There is a gap and the appearance of the perforation opening inside. The otoscopy helps to reveal the hematoma in the drum cavity and hyperemia of the mucous membrane.

Figure shows how the damaged drumpot

Laboratory diagnostics

In some cases, during the breakpoint breakpoint, the passage of the total and study of the exudate for the presence of bacteria is appointed. Such measures allow us to identify the presence of the inflammatory process and prevent him in time.

Obtaining the results of the analysis helps to accurately determine the variation of the pathogen and assign the necessary course to eliminate it.

CT scan

In some cases, ENT can send a patient to computer tomography. This procedure is rarely necessary. It is appointed with extensive injuries of the cranial department. It allows you to detail and identify damage temporal bones middle and inner ear.

- Modern and universal diagnostic method. It allows you to quickly and effectively identify damage inside and affordably demonstrate the results obtained on the computer monitor.


Treatment with a breakdown or injury of the eardrum is assigned purely individually, in most cases it can be held at home. With standard circumstances, it represents a number of activities, when performing a drumpatch successfully restored and no longer disturb the victim.

However, the patient is often necessary to assign the therapy, which will include the reception of medicines and physiotherapy.

First aid

The first assistance in damage to the eardrum can be provided not only by a number of people at the time of the incident, but also the victim himself, provided that damage does not threaten his life.

Help suggests a wound processing, if there is damage and sterile dressing on the ear sink. This will allow you to stop the possibility of penetrating the infection inside the auditory passage. In the presence of pain sensations While the jaw movement, you should contact the doctor on the same day.

Antibiotic therapy

After visiting the hospital victims and after a number of necessary events, determining the degree of damage, the victim receives appointments. Most often, they imply the appointment of the course of antibiotics and the treatment of damaged ear with antiseptic substances.

Name of the drugApplication
AmoxicillinAdults and children over 10 years old is prescribed inside 0.5-1.0g three times a day.
Children aged from 5 to 10 years are prescribed 0.25s three times a day.
Children aged 2 to 5 years are prescribed 0.12 g three times a day.
Children under two years are prescribed at 20mg per kilogram of body weight, divided into three receptions.
LincomycinThe drug should be taken inside 0.5 g three times a day an hour before meals or two hours after meals.
SpiramycinAdults must be taken on one tablet (3 million me) inside, - time per day.
CiprofloxacinTake the drug is necessary on one tablet, 0.25-0.5 g. Inside, twice a day.
AzithromycinThe drug must be taken inward, once a day an hour before meal or two hours after meals.
Adults are prescribed 0.5 g on the first day of reception, the dose loan is reduced by 0.25 g from the second to the fifth day.
Children are prescribed an antibiotic taking into account body weight. If a child with a body weight is more than ten kilograms, it is prescribed 10 ml. On a kilogram of body weight on the first day of reception and 5 ml. On a kilogram of body weight in the next four days.
FuggestinAdults need to be bought 2-5 drops in an outer hearing pass three times a day.
Children antibiotic bury 1-2 drops three times a day.
TsipromedEar drops (0.3%) should be buried 5 drops in the outer hearing pass three times a day.
NorfloxacinThe antibiotic is buried in the outer hearing pass for 1-2 drops four times a day. If necessary, on the first day of reception, the drug bury 1-2 drops every two hours.

It is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process. In the presence of suppurations and abundant allocation Ear liquids, the doctor also prescribes drugs aimed at suppressing the development of microorganisms.

Vaconishing drugs

This type of drug is prescribed in the presence of medium otitis. They allow to reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane in the hole of the hearing tube.

Name of the drugMode of application
SanarinAdults should be buried 1-3 drops (0.1%) in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day, no more than a week.
Children 2-5 years old are buried 1-2 drops of the drug (0.05%) in the nasal passage. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day no more than a week.
GalazolineAdults should be buried 1-3 drops (0.1%) in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day, no more than a week.
Children 2-5 years old are buried 1-2 drops of the drug (0.05%) in the nasal passage. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day no more than a week.
SanarinAdults should be buried 1-3 drops (0.1%) in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day, no more than a week.
Children 2-5 years old are buried 1-2 drops of the drug (0.05%) in the nasal passage. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day no more than a week.
TizinAdults should be buried 1-3 drops (0.1%) in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day, no more than a week.
Children 2-5 years old are buried 1-2 drops of the drug (0.05%) in the nasal passage. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day no more than a week.

Reception of these tools helps the victim to minimize the process of friction and involuntary smoothing to a minimum for the period of treatment.

Mulitatic means

Assign for recovery hearing function man. It is also appropriate to their appointment when accumulating a large number of pus inside the passage. To facilitate his exit without particularly uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations, the doctor prescribes a course of reception of mercolytic agents.

Thus, muscolics reduce hypersection and mucous edema, which contributes to rapid waste of foreign liquid from the hearing pipe.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means

Perform simultaneously the role and means capable of removing acute inflammatory process. Such drugs are prescribed quite rarely and only with serious injuries of the eardrum.


The operation can be appointed by the attending physician in case of degradation or during the injury of the inner ear. The operation is shown at harsh deterioration Hearing, as well as during damage to the auditory bones.


Uncomplicated surgical procedure, allowing without much difficulty to restore the integrity of the eardrum if its independent recovery was not successful. The consequences after the operation take place in two weeks. Throughout this time, insignificant may disturb the victim easy sensations and discomfort.


Type of operation aimed at restoration of hearing. The doctor is carried out to reconstruct auditory bones, which makes it possible to bring the entire sound system to normal. The first days after the operation of the patient is carried out exclusively in bed.


This procedure is rather diagnostic, therapeutic week. Allows you to check the hearing sharpness. With the help of a special audiometer apparatus - the doctor examines the degree of decline in the patient's hearing. After the results obtained, which are displayed after the procedure on the audiogram, is thought out further treatment.

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